The Record Newspaper 22 January 1987

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• Guest Editorial

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To Yahweh, my cry!



I unfold all my troubles,

my spirit fails me but you, you know my path. I invoke you, Y. hweh, I affirm that you re my refuge, my heritage in the land of the living. Listen to my cries for help I can hardly be crushed forever. (Psalm 142)


The Daugh ers of Charity


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for the underpr




Cloth·ng, c goods - nick-

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emode hat o d bathroom





in o ion

Anum r of symbol help u

o pen trate and appreciate

his mystery of he inner netur of the Church.

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D hy

ar Christi n . In Chri t, G his is th m I''. Ind

• A Correspondence Course is offered to thos who cannot at�_t'ld in person.






dth love Church. commit our

in t rn to Chri t.


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o drugs, no de ice health & ejfecti e.


Compiled by

_SER,V/. · . C.E�, --�

'tv : .�....i._., 'i.• .

'There is a growing desire in our country

that the signs. symbols. gestures and other elements (of the liturgy) be more genuine so that their very authenticity may lead worshi� to a truer understanding and faith in what they are in doing liturgy . . . Signs and symbols as well as liturgical texts bear the church's tradition. therefore 'renewal requires the opening up of our symbols. especially the fundamental ones of bread and wine. water. oil. the laying on of hands. until we can experience all of them as authentic and appreciate their symbolic use ." (Bishop John Cummins of Oalcland. in an October 1984 sddress to the Congress of Presidents and Secretaries of National Liturgical Commissions at the Vatican) "Yes. people were told what the 'new' liturgy was all about when it came in some 20 yein ago. But do they remember that now? Did they understand it then? ... Might it not be time to go baclc to 'Secrosanctum Concilum' and 'Lumen Gentium' and study them again in the light of 20 yein· experience?" (From a 1985 addrvss of Cincinnstrs Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk, chairman of the US bishops liturgy committee)


The real charm is in the people ... By

Suzanne Elesser

It could be more routine than ritual, but I

have i-, having my morning coffee at a nearby coffee shop for

almost a year. I got into the habit when an

early morning appointment took me nearby each day. I've continued for many reasons, and not just because the coffee tastes a lot better than what I make at home.

It I a ample place wtth a handful cl fcrrmca topped table" tlut seem to tilt md ctungc d.Jrt'l..t1on wtscn }UU

Inn oo lhcm Jn the , 1t', :lif-CondJtaonet.1 but I IJ..1'c 11 best ...-hen the front door proppcd open and the froh a1r all 9,.,:d m The sh<>p"

dunn. -·

an, it not m how It I

althougll someone h2s toed 10 give II a homey toudl b,

har1plg caf cunams m the

front window The rc::aJ charm is m the people Bclund the counter Tony cheerfully greets hi, steady customer, by name and has

their orders l'C2dy. 11·s rut: tlut he h2s to ask how we W2llt our coffee or if 'WC Li.kc

butter on a muffin or not. And the eus<omcrs. lbeyrc a real mix oC folks such as It trikes me thar wll2l Jack. a bwycr, who spends Started as a routine has time qwctly with the mom· become a ntuaJ, a da.dy

ing newspaper bdorc C21dl· pattern with tesffllblanccs ang the train to work; to the rcltglous rimals tlut Charhe. a cigar-smoking arc part oC my hlc. octogenarian. who orders a From dJ.ffcrcnt 51tmt1ons full breakfast wHh and badqiround,, we come scrambled eggs "but no to the colfec shop and arc a butter on the toast, please," part of us life. We arc elderly 9,1uJc walung for the seruoe- and young, proo on.i and cruzen centre down the unemployed cducated and not blocl< 10 open.


coffee md gooc.1 n;iturcd and omc:umc for the hantttmft AnJ me? �mr cn<."OUt":l.g �t 9.C c...n gn


ning to our lives.

By ives who left the fascinating Dead Sea Scrolls. Father l.arJIC John ...-rucb �Caste/at The centnl bwldlng com· pin , often called the monastery. but th1, tam

uggcsu a re idence for

monks. Actually, the com muruty <hd not uve there and used the baJJucs for study, wnnng and celebration cl

During a Sunday Mass at the Georgetown UIWWS/ty Chapel in Washmgcon, a group ol dancers tnterpre< one ol the readmgs. •Rttual ts s,mply patterned behavto11," Father Lawrence E. Md writ� "and fl<lnans cannot ltve wrrhout ti. Such patterns free us from the necess,ty ol paying stnct attentJon ta eve,y move we make."

The Record, January 22, 1987

\1: c m�-ouragro pansh group,, to come to Pr:IJ,

ng the ways we grve

I �t alone en,oy1njt the' Pcrlup-, nrw.J paucm, ue

lW\ �-alucs into busancs.\ We and v.ith Grete about kcc:p"'11 sdf-conlidcnt v.fulc job hunw,g.

µpate more fully in the ?Y Biid that ritual is

to free worshipers to

pcatc and 9,:atch1n� the to be found much c..laiw:r to people. �omct1mc I home thw people: ",otnccxcha.n� qwc...k hcllo-i and a uma think bat of local tnYia walh One of the most interesting features of the excavated ruins fncruh M°" oC the umc: then:" com"Crsauon oC subat Qumran south of Jericho in Israel is an ingenious system <Un« because the deh has ,,,-------. of collecting and distributing water throughout the installation. bttomc a mecung place fur Qumran is on the shore of the Dead Sea, where the people fnrnd>.

r,.., talked ...,th 25-yar-old Ruth about how sl>c can rnonq, to make a fUrn. With Gcraldmc about the thfficulty o( bnnging Olris-

� suggest that ritual c.,n

'ening uniformity on ;hip. But our writBrs this

commueai reeas "1.U qwtc "uiblc arc t\\."1.> pool> once U>Cd fur ntual ......iung., wed pronuncntly u, Qum· ran: rdg,ous hlc A cioser look at tho.,c ..,.astung., helps to understand the "'tt)'. ntual


prohauon On!), then did the ntual ...� by =on m a pool ta1a:

pbcc There arc stmuartnes between the ntual and the baptJ.>rns "' both John the Baptiser and the arty Quu. IWl>. but there ace impor tarlt chffc::t'alcO too Repentance was a �ct rcqwrctt>cnt and the ccran

ony cl

on mdudcd the talwlg oC a "°lcmn oalh

to mum to a stnct oose-

\.'2tlCC o( the law of MO&CS.

the heart "' the Qumr.,n cornrnururv's life.

All tlus took place In a pubbc convccanon oi the wbole :membh The pool, were out in the open m an area ...1uch formed a nal:Ur.ll ampluthcatrc. ""hat v.. drsnncuve at Qwnnn ...... that the bap-

t1snul rue mmlvro �

from repentance to cnay mto a • new COYCOanl ( the ronunurun itlelf) u, pn:pa·

rauon for coming divine

Judgement Thi recalls John ·� � 's . o( '1"'(><"'11 oC rcpcnuncc for the fur given of <ms "iuch al9o was fta>oorcd by COtl5idtta '1005 about the end oltune Tho some of the

ves that the ritual pattern orship provides a lewom within which ty Biid spontaneity c.,n • place. PBnKloxical as it ,sound, "it is pn,cisely the I pattern that enables in our worship


pomc of racmhbncc &a

9,1Jat arc 9C>fflt of the tont d.lll'crcncc: bccv."ttll Qumnn' nte and that d John the Baptl r and the


The nc� co\;cnant for Qumran ... • solemn rcnc· ...-a1 cl the old, quite unlllt the new covcnmt cl Mm wbo ,ought m tian1ty Member of the to the Qwnran ccmmumrs Qumran commuru()" ...-ett were examined fin< b)· the 5Ubjtt·1 10 all the rntri<ll<W leader Then. tf he ... ot the M�1<-"'' b,-,, ThC'\ beioogcd to an exclusiv<

for awrovai. hen after th<v h,d accepted the "J'l'licant he had lO undergo > )"Cit cl

1111 LawrenC6 Md


But both John the s.pu«r and Omwm,n th= id<

e-lance writer Suzanne

S$et has II story to te/1

It how ritual has assum6d

/ued place in her morning lie break. It is a ritual thllt IS II number of

rnblances to religious I, she writes. Ritual, she tests, just comes (Illy.

lrllline Bird, associate

,r of the NC Re,gious f;atiotJ Package,

tMWs a liturgist who

J her to examine the ,oses of ritual and the open the doon "' the klt1!· dom to all mdls,:rtmuwclf IJCteristics of religious that are effective. both gcntdc and J"' and

= to the



contact ._,,th tht' ma.s.._q;s

f Father John Castelot

...-ould ha>"C I a n,cmbcr tthatwe� oC Qwnran 'ICUrT}'"R for the jures tend naturaly to

our •-:,IOUS ..,.,:,. · rerun � .

nearest bapwUy for ftcauon This note of frequently repeated bapUMn io p<rlup! the """" oigrullcant diJk<·

ence Olnwm l>apdsm,

""'' ot John the e.pu,cr

....,.. a •mglc, unrq,caubl<

;tnents in ways that

Pl ritual and natural

�- Thus it is not f'Slng, that in spite of the

f8tlCes between the /Ch's SBctaments and the

Is of same other religions, believes.

act. .WV striking sirmanties And. ot cour;c, Ill the "" {el, he Tc,umcnt baptism mari<cd incorpon.tKlfl into tht n,cn Olnsl and lOlCl the QuuUal1 <.."Offlmun1ty .._nilh tonncd tu, lxxh Stoll the Qwnran ntcs cast

�flht on the ... ook nouon ci

ntual R1nul, after ;ail 15 • dramatmttlon of reliKJOU' scnt1mc:nt Hu11W1 bdnl? -

hci""' -

flesh-and-blood dO not eltjl<'CS5 thett relig!OU' expcncncc on pure!) 'f""'· uat 1'11} They c prt"' thclmdvcs In � and hodilv "Jl" ....,u, 90fflC natunl ,mhol, <U(II :a:thatda11r It IS not ,urprislDg that the ,t:11« cxpc cssion of tT tuncnt and opcncncc Po"

SC4- c, omc ,im1taritiCS .,r,hcm,tt It Is found

"ith u

bdore their


\l c 1n\.·1tt'd

focu� more and more on the Lord to whom the

psalm rd, "' nu, expenmce taught c.:.ttC'chumcn and an} me a lot about the ,...iu otht'r 1ntere,tt"d part of ntu:il Rllu:il " impl, '1uoners to join u\ It patterned l>eh2'1our, and pl'O\"Cd to be rather pop-- hanuru (..nil()( lJ'\ ",th. ul:U" out 11 :',l<N of us follow There \\-;t; a lot of ,-:ir, a n�-arl) um.t)mg patt · 1Ct)" to the scn·icc, em whm "'e get up <>"Cr}· though "-cc used the same morning bru h teeth, lormat och wcdt. It ..,..., shower, 'ilm"C, dro.,,, cup • combuution of � of coif«. morrung paper, and recited prayer, etc. 1.1,t someone try to couplro v.ith ritual g fora, us out of our routw"CS like lighting C2J1· 1.111e and find out dJ and using tneenSC. JU t ho" dccpl) w" cho<;e the psalms imbcddro that pattern and readings to cotTCS has bccom<e. pond ..,.,th the prc,.,ous Such patterns free us Sunday's liturgy, but ..,..., from the nece tty of al"'""Y began with Psalm paymg 'ilnct attm11on to 141 ("My prayers rise ncry mo,-c, we make. ill. UlCCOSC, my hand> Anyone who has ever like an evening offer· lclmro to <Im a car ,.,;th a tick shift can mg"'). Our culture's scq>ti· understand the freedom asrn o( formal ntual was that com once the influmtial in those day of the dutch bccom Young people, c,;pcci21ly, almost automatic. w<erc loudly rejecting In the case o( religious v.hat th"} saw as "empty nnws, th dynam,c rinws" in th late ·60s sunilar Learning a nc,w and C2rly ' 0,hymn IS a good e:ample. 0f course, at the same When ""CC fiN begin. WC time, young people were have to con�mtrate on holding candelight pro- the notes. I wc embar· C('s,ions around the rass oursch; <mgmg off 'lute House and<� k")'. Once "-cc learn the prot songs and lbsh· melody, "'-cc arc free to ing the potce 5>mbol concentrate on the The contradiCbon "'-as words and understand rather obvtous. Still, "hat the song is saytng many of us were cautious Whm the words become about ritual There wa, familiar, ......, can probe: an emph.bis Ill liturgy on their deeper meaning ,.net) and spontanelt)", and then go on to focus It was Ill context on the Lord to whom or I began to notice of whom the word something ,-cry intcn:,;t· <peak. ing Afterafewmonthso( Thi ,s not an argummt u mg Psalm 141,1 ro agatnst new mu.'tc, of m, elf "'hY it wasn't cour,,c, <>= the tradl · or tional h}mns were once hccoming stale monotonous new. But II doe;� I rcaliscd I was no the ,...iu of familiann· Ill longer paytng much worslup ancntJon to the words or If then, IS too much the noto we were �- ,.net)' to our worship. I knew the mdod) "'-cc h2'"C to <pend all our and what the psalm said, time and energy "''Ollder so I w free to focus on mg what · con:ung next. us dccpcr mC21ling. As When the <tructurc familtar, then ..-c arc free mott tune pasocd, """" the meaning became to relax and Cl1JOY the second nature, so that I cxpcnrocc.





Ritual in a part of prayer

A decade ago I was associate pastor at Mary, Help of Christians Parish. Following the directives of the Second Vatican Council and the revised liturgy of the Hours, we started a weekly celebration of Vespers or Evensong.

re,ested observer might ect that the ritual is 1ded to impose a

�e come, to <pend WM alone and 10 he with other<

we coeee to be noun.Jlcd by food and b) people A puhl1c..·"'-orlc. c� padj \\ c c.."OfflC' somrt� for out front and t.."O� m for tht"ak..�t"'�nttd tm1

at is the value of ritual IIIS in church worship? A

'This is Our Mass" by Tom Coyle. "As human beings. we need signs, symbols, music, processions and colours to help us to pray, for above a/1 else the churdl buiding is a house ofprayer in which we should be able to feel at home," writes liturgist Tom Coyle. Through such symbols and actions, he explains, "the church helps us to take our full part in her worship:" Coy/e's book is remarkably easy to read. It prrr vides historical baclrground on the Mass and rvsponds to questions about whllt is intended and what happens llt each point during the a,/ebration of the Mass. This paperback book prrr vides an explanation of the Mass for people of all ages. (TwentyThird Publications, Box 180, Mystic, Conn. 06355. $3.50)


::_:- ·-


Father Lawrence Mick This frttdom also fos. ters <p0ntane1!) The nt· tL1l pattern pnnid . a f-amework which ,.net) and spontane,ty can fnd a pl2cc. This is true for the wor hip itself. which allow for ,.net)· in son� rcadUlgs. prayers and an, ,-a,u. lions on ntual g=r .


"Becau e of its importance and becau e all other forms of cateche is are oriented in some way to it, the catechesi of adults mu t have high priorit) at all leYel of the Church. The ucces of program for children and youth depend to a ignificant extent upon the words, attitude , and action� of the adult communit}, e pecially parents, family and guardian\." 1tooml C1tccbtdcol DlrectOf)'

TURN ro YOUR OOHOUC For news, review , commentar And for educational feature in thl era of adult education

The Record, January 22, 1987


I of the Riverton pri


retired princiry school.

rch 2, i927.

Ever heard of Dulyalbin? No? either had Bernie Hae ett until he was posted there in 1948 as principal and sole teacher at its little school. For your enlig tenmen , it is {or was)

tion t

about 30 miles o thwest of Sou h rn Cross. YI





care r and brought in its trait a ban on hi participation in body-co act h foot II.


was something different again. arly half the 120 pupils were the offspring of Army men serving at the nearby ordinance d pot. The Army threw open to virtually all the townsP le the use of the d pot's amenities which included a swimming pool, big hall, bowling green, tennis courts n the officers', s rg ants' an men's m sses. The town, which has produced some of th t rift shots in the state (nota ly th Herb rts}, r ciprocat with 1t pl ntif ul f cili ies. B rn had o go only 25 mil s to ta u his ne




Poverty is eari g a new, young r face in Australia, born of its parent - unemploym tand pushing its way into the mi le class. Poverty is generally un rstood as ac of money or material; unem loyme t as a of work ... but Australians n ed to earn they mean far more. Together, unemployment and pov rty are stal ing Australia, but many pe e fail to recognise their faces. These grim war ings came in a message of hope a d of conf ce in the Church to ma e the Christlan re po e to the n of the peo le.


em oy e t

a DD

DOD 'This




� � 1Y1Y � 00 IB =============================================::::: ce

Human dignity from Margaret KER, Mt Lawley

a from


John LANE, Claremont


Pictur d t last Sunday's marriage pi paration cour


bov ich lie Lambert and Greg Howard, both of Wembley who re to b din St Joseph's Church, ubiaco on F, bruary 14. B lo : Petric Bianchini of Ou n Pal'. and uz nn Colli r of Wilson whos edding t es place at St Jo ph's Church, Ou ns Park on Fi bru ry 28.

L h



awareness Michael Warren



Ear c rh

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Record Kids Club


a •


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P. 'ctured at last Sunday's marriage preperetion course ere: Above ri h · Cerm lina Fiorentino of Hamilton H,11 nd Paul McOu en of S fety Bay who re to be m tried in Our l dy of Mount Carm I Church, Hilton on Janu ry 31. Above Ii ft: Richard Sheridan and Rita Mo eli on whose mama will cet ra ed in St r oft. S Church Cott I. on � bruary21.

Greyhounds - with The Record Tipster


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