The Record Newspaper 26 March 1987

Page 1

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The p cialjunior section in Our Lady's A umption choot's new library was an attraction this w e for icha I Nicholas of Diane/la, Jocelyn Kuan and Leon Ben of Noranda, Natalie McNaught of Diane/la and Sarah McKenna of Noranda.

2-----11 1





ta e as opened. A whole ne generation has helped.'


He said the cost of the building, the equivalent of five cla sroom had been only 166 000. Several contractors had substantially lowered their prices for the job. hlrty people ho could not give their tlm h d sent donations ran Ing from 100 to 500. H pral ed th pri clpal to la t December, r John WII ett for bulldln

BA GKOK: Thailand's growing unemployment problem - du to the repl cem nt of manual labour wi h the new technology - is b ing tac I d by he country's C holic As ociation. hirty volunte rs hav et up schem h Ip un mploy d Catholics v I p n w If it ts a succe , non-C tholics will o g t help too






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advisory he Sy od re as a "kin of consensus" among t s on the issu s to be a re s . "Th of men was um r of something th t summaries." The wor ing um nt or th ynod may published early n xt ar, sai

00 NEW YOR : An Am rican bish has ithdrawn his official roval from a ex education manual followin pressure from the Vatican. Bishop Clark of Roch ster, w York h d given his imprimatur o th boo Parents Talk �ve:The Catholic Family Handboo About Sex in 1984, but the Congr gatio for the Doctrine of the Faith ha tated it i s riously defectiv on Church teaching on bot in nd out of marriage.

From page 1

The major" lnts of the confusion" includ : • A devaluation of th C urch's teaching on sexuality prior to Vatican II and no me tio at all of the encyclical Humane Vtae; • Implied acce tan of pr -marital ex; • Dissent from Church aching on contraception; • Theim lication th chi on omo Uality may ch he future; • Ambiguou chi on ma turbation; and pr sentaf o

of a




• • •

Holding your breath?

for mot

This paper last wee asked why the Vatican IVF statement had been treated by the media with all the seriousness of a five minute tropical storm. In fact, a handful of lightning bolt and a round or two of thunderclaps against the Church as the sum total of the coverage before the matter as blown into oblivion. There didn't seem to be a good ord in sight. Archbishop Foley, ho had received hi copy of the document only the day prior to the rele se and ho, therefore. as one of the fe Australians o had read the entire document, not unnatur lly felt he should ma e ome response on behalf of his Church to the flurry of criticism that could find nothing good to say of the principle being outlined. eedless to say, on the day of the Rome release, several media outlets ere pounding the telephone at the Catholic Church Office anting instant reactions etc. One prominent television channel had a ook at the topic and having read the full document, found it just too ard and never came bac . ith a heavy preparation schedule for a bishops' meeting and a 7am ta e-off for Canberra la t Tuesday, Archbi hop Fol pent many hour or ing over a statement th t as produc d in full on page 3 of The Record la t ee and a ummarised in he lead tory.


On edne d y night the tat ment as mailed to every m jor medium in Pert . Ju t to be clear on ere the t tement as circulat d, it a ent to The e t Au trali n, he Daily e s, Sunday Time • he tern ii. It as nt also to Channel 2, Channel 7. and Channel 9, to t tion 6WF, 6PR. SIX, 6 Y. 6 R, SP • 96F .

With Agca's mother: Pope John Paul meets in a private Vatican audience Muzeyen Agca, mother of Mehmet Ali Agca, the man who tried to assassinate the Pope in 1981. The Pop called the meeting with the Turkish woman "a moment very moving not only for her but also for me."


The po ible closing of churche i hardly a ne threat. Archbi hop Clancy delivered last y ar a tern warning, reported in The Record, to hi Sydney Ii t ners. A month ago e reported that the pari h of Pea hur t has t o year to prepare to lose its prie t. That Archbi hop Foley i concerned about vocation is not ne . On he front page of The Record July 17 Archbi hop Foley said he w s alarmed at people o aid the greatest need of the Church was for more priest . But he intended to address the matter and he and Bishop Healy have undertaken a formidable preaching campaign in all churches. Their activities appear on page 16 of this paper each eek. o, thi as not the reason for the media's udden pre-occupation for the decline in priests and the closing of churches. It turns out someone had heard that e ere training lay people to be ministers of communion! The sene cent priest ere on their last leg and needed thi final parting boo t to their morale, even though have had 800 acolytes for the pa t 11 years ... hich all goes to sho ho ell ome pari hes have communicated th me sage that the lai y ave a proper role to a ume in the liturgy - it a pelt out after the Second Vatican Council - a mere 22 year ago ... I




ca I

VATICAN CITY: Po e John Paul called for full employment in a speech marking the fifth anniversary of his e cyclical, Laborem Exercens. In the face of automation society must "consider in a new way the need to guarantee full employment," he po e to d a Vatican eeting of Christian labour groups.



he working world is undergog great changes due o the "rapid, profound and incessant transformations in the felds of science, technology and automation," the pope said. n th f ce of the chang s, wo ers must strive o "eliminate buses and ou rag s nd promote recogni ion" of their "inatienable ri hts," the P said.

e pecifically criticised Is of u d remployment mployment amo g youn



Scrap cane plea

A G& A OCATE �lomeift6!d, Contact Len Co ltants Gro e Plaza, Cot es oe Russell W. Manning, WAOA (Dip) Mark A. Kalnenas, 8. Optom ( SW) For appointment

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e Daughters of C arity

EEDYOUR HEP or the r work for t deve underpr ·1egec1




Clothing, clean, weara , - ouse-ho d goods - n·ck-nacks- ornaments, jev.,e ry etc. De to 534 W. . m Street, Hig For Truck to ca - Phone 328 4403 Coun ry goods ma do IOO r on rail o wda Rail Fermina



emodel that o d bathroom


courag cl er co labot n schoo sand to help ad ress se ms.


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C ristmas tree destroying Telecom's "You ought to see the damage Christmas tree roots do to underground cables," Dale Henshaw reminisces about a facet of his duties when he was service engineer of the PMG's central division in the early 1970s. The division extended from Northam to Kalgoorlie and north to Leonora. It embraced part of the newlyestablished (at that time) microwave link between Perth and the eastern states, then the world's longest. "The Christmas tree root system," he continues, "could cut underground cables in half. 'When a root came up against a cable, it would form a doughnutshaped nodule around t e cable and the inside rim of he odule ad a razorsharp cu' ing edge. throu thi g of

major n w I ments in WA in th mid 1970s. In 1975 his em toyer chan ed its name to Telm Australia as the r: ult of a recomm ation of th Vernon



had a hand in · in the communications g between Albany and ranee." In 1971 Dale was posted back to P rth as rvi engin r fOI' t PMG's central divi ion, the area of the fore mentioned dreaded Chri tmas tr roots and ca le-pecking parrots. It s the tim of a r ur nee of the life of th Eastern Goldf iel throu h th n·ckel and the se lee engi r played his role in opening up modern communications f places s h as Lein , Kamba da and Teutonic Bore. In 1973 Dale s transf err d to the departm nt' s planning d vlsio wh re he


sion's r mm to create throughout Telecom wh e comm rcial and engineering activities would be combined u r a di trict m n Dale was made the inaugural man rof the central country di trict ate in 1977.


"Incidentally," Dale says, "that was th last in which Telecom got money from the government. We now give it about $8(() million a r in profits." The Commission's recommendation that saw the formation of t


o drugs, no devices ... healthy & ejfective.


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Jesuit Fether Walter Clszek, was arrested durln& World War II by the Soviets. Accused of beln& • "Vatican spy", he spent 23 years In prisons end labor camps In Siberia. He WH forced to work with other Catholic prisoners from dawn to derll· ness In subzero weather, seven days • week, wfth. out adequate food or rest. How did these Cethollc prisoners survive under such

BY FATHER MAllK UNK SJ horrendous condl· tlons? Fether Cl•· zek reveals the answer In his book, "He Leedeth Me". They drew stren&th from the Eucharist. The priest, who died In 1984ettheeseof 80, writes: "I have seen priests end prisoners deprive their bodies of needed sleep In order to set up before the rlslnc bell for • secret

Mess. We woukl be severly punished H we were discovered Hylnc Mass, end there were always Informers. But the Mess to us was elweys worth the denser and the sacrifice." Descrlbln& the conditions under which they celebrated Mess, Father Cls· zek nys: "We nkl Mess In drefty stor•&• shecks, or

huddled In mud end slush In the comer of • bulldln& site foundetlon ••• there were no altars,.. Yet In these primitive conditions, the Mess broupt us closer to God then enyone mlsht concelvebly lma&tne." The loyalty of these prisoners to the Mass leeds us to two lmpor1ent reasons why we Chrlstlens s•ther to celebrate the Eucherlst. First, the MHS Is. source of stren&th

to us on our pll&rlrn•&• throush this world. Without the Eucherlst to sustain us, few H eny of us would ever be eble to complete the pll&rlm•&•· When Jesus nkl et the Lest Supper, "Do this In memory of me," he wesn't Hkln& us to do him • favour. He w•• dolns us • favour. He wH mekln& It possible for us to survive our pll&rlrn•&• In this world, Just •• the MHs made It posslble for

the prisoners to survive. A second reHon for a•therlns to celebrete the Eucharist Is not for our own sake but for the nke of the entire humen femlly. It Is the wey we proclaim to them the sood news ebout Jesus Christ. It Is the wey we proclelm the most Important mesns• of history: "Christ hes died, Christ hes risen, Christ wlll come •&•In." This Is • mess•&•

thet the world needs to heer. It Is 8 mesnse the World wents to hHr. It Is the mesnse Jesus entrusted us to preach: "Go then to ell peoples every. where end make them my dlscl· pies ••• and teach them." The mesnse Christ entrusted to his Church cannot be spoken by • slncte person. It needs to be spoken by the whole Christian community In every netlon on ••r1h.

DJust as Jesus called the aposties, Christians called are together as a community; they assemble for the breaking of the bread. As noted in the popular hymn, 'Where charity and love prevail, there God is found. ever B r o u g h t by together Christ's love, by love are we thus bound."

Early on in my school career - probably second grade - I was told by my Lutheran BY MARGARET STEINFELS playmate that her family went to church to pray. As a recent first communicant, I knew Catholics went to church to receive Communion. Our ecumenical dialogue �es these prayers go on for a very long time. 0111"'1d.i)> there seems to he no end. W'hat sound, ended on that quasi-factual note. • ke • aught be the last "Lord, hear our prayer", is I have since learned that Lutherans 1lb�bj another and then another. receive Communion and the Catholics 4n rhen: pos.sibly be .., man) dire c:11 , Do they all pray. till at some level I function with the "1Jlli>lic prayers> theolozv I learned at 7. At non-eucharistic ,Ii' 1� long tune I found our lengthy laments . . "'' . ""'" But nov. I think I've changed my mind • liturgies or prayer service , I feel that with <ach one brings to our �da) gathering and sap . . nothing to eat and nothing to drink this IS : th� of a prayer is part of the conversation among .,: "1th God There are people and events that not a very interesting celebration. d On the other hand, the opposite is also true: Eating an drinking without conversation is equally dismal. The Eucharist is the heart of our Sunday celebration, the reason we assemble for Mass. But like all human gatherings. there must be a way .for us to talk to each other and to talk to God. W<e greet one another; we hear the word of God and we respond: we ,ing, we offer one another a sign of peace.


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......... _.,.,, _..,,le ,,...,_, .. , ..... ., - c-«aten. It Is _.,.. sJeulle ._ slrNI' 111 ti ..... trhflNref11 Slit IINfol Is ._. fl h sM - le ............ le ,,.,,, ,., ...twt c ; ,.,,_ We _. te NT- 'bl n ,rll!/ le Iii,. • ,..,le.



The Record, March 26, 1987

OUr hearts; we need to say what they are.

What is commitment?

ch: a mother forget her infant, be without tenderness for the

al her womb? Even should she forget, I will never forget you." speak lie Prophet Isaiah And there is a place in the Mas, where we may . put those words on the lips of the Lord us (4t1s1 . that God's commitment to his an d I.isten to one ano th er. "-· v,1:r th e last vear ' . · • showing people is as . . importance has been forcefully brought home to me. m� able a of the mother-child Th e Prayers of th e F at.thful atour Su n d ay Massareoftcn rel%,. shi s the undying . commitment . P-:-and th<Y and providing i n sights i n to the meaning of the very extensive. People are not shy; they speak up Wllfj.. tomm,tment". By the very fact that God made the.m his pray. Peopie their n enter i n to a covenant wrth them, he committed himself work or Many, through ighhorhood contac: 10 !hi' t,miliwe know or frequently see the poor, the homeless. . . ·� •. having a hard time keeping their Ii "' together. So ·e nant was, in fact. the more usual way of expressing the pray for the poor and the vulnerable, for those v.M ha,'< es, ship between God and hrs people. But a covenant was a few resources material or spiritual. �strument, a contract. suggesting something impersonal. 1 l� Some of my fellow worshippers seem to know man. Dllllike. · k an d cymg "' · pcop 1 e wno � nc ed our Pl'tl}" rs We P"''·t k- b'b lrcal authors "c sought other ways of expressing the 1"'"� f th W -•--·' th .h .h and foroo,·crnroen e � h 1 . out more or em. e aiso pray tor e c urc � d P to bnng dearly us intimate interpersonal official, and for peace in. ·icaragua and orthcrn Irelan ilflri ltw ' (or •as a commitment of God to hrs people and of the people O 111Clf an d in pace, I most o f \1:) h ave h ear d of And we .... prav· God 1

our own communitv. . Ile book of . · Hosea rs a poignantly personal part of the Bible. Sometimes there are prayers of thanl:'l!)"ng and 1 u. , iehth 8.C ., the people of the northern ' apprecianon but usually 11; prayers for the hope 1c,and"''easd ng� ay, erg t tentury the hclplc , of Israel had hrt bottom ,n their commitment to God. But

By Father John Castelot while Hosea ceuld not condone the people's infidelity, he loved them. Hrs approach was to plead with them in the tenderest of terms In Chapter 11 Hosea portrays God boldly as a wronged father wrestling with conflicting emotions. Hrs children deserve the most severe punishment and he decides to bnng ,t upon them. But in the next breath he voices his reluctance. It ,s a most moving passage. In the opening lines God rem,nrsces about the exodus from Egypt and the desert so1ourn when Israel lived close to nature and close to hrm "when Israel was a child I loved him; out of Egypt I called my son. The more I called them. the farther they went from me . . Y1t 11 was I who taught Ephraim to walk, who took them in my arms. I drew them with human cords, wrth bonds of love; I fostered

them like one who raises an infant to hrs cheeks, yet though I stooped to feed my child, they did not know that I was their heale(' (11:1-4). An even bolder image for the divine-human relatronshrp grew out of Hosea's reflection on his unhappy marital experience. After bearing him three children, hrs wife deserted hrm and took employment as a prostitute at a shrine dedicated to the fertility gods. But so compelling was Hosea's commitment and love to her that he went and bought her back from her employers. and brought her back home. He saw all th,s as a dep1ct1on of the relatronsh,p between God and his people. In fact, Hosea portrayed God as a lovrng husband with these sublime hnes. "So I will woo her; I will lead her rnto the desert and speak to her heart . • I w,11 espouse you to me forever. I wrll espouse )'OU m right and in just1c1. in love and in mercy; I will espouse you in frdehty, and you shall know the Lord" The Record, March 26, 1987



ea e •

By David Gibson NC News Se ice

But Sarah, who Is 10 nd cau ht Ju t betwe n 13 nd 8, know th ••right" n w r when a k d whether he Ike to rn money. "You bet," h t n •

Sarah I n't ure why Ilk thl

p rt


How important is a priest to t e sick or dying? Jus as we expect our friends to a ways be t ere wher we need them, so do we lay people a ways expec a priest. Whether our need be for a listening ear or c sacrament giver in times of sic ness and death. And yet he is more than that, because the priest tc a believer, plays a role only e can play, in being Christ's representafve here on earth. In that capacity, he is absolutely essential to dispel any conscience doubts or dispense absolution should it be truly required. Our lay friends may give us a considered opinion, but they cannot give the true decision of the Catholic Church which we in certain cases, desperately need for our peace of mind in times of crisis.

r life, my conscience a d fears. ot only did he o that but h respo to my letter of than s and lat r how

• Do we care (and e ough) bout our sick church members? • What ca e and support off r them?


tend to the dying well and fast

I had t



ODO to ta e her, but to gi her confirmation and the nointing of the ick. lal on himbadlyto help my pi ritual

g t that occa ion wh n this man of God came immediat ly, without hesitation. He gave h r the thr sacram nts in th early

has our

always been among the greatest probl ms that have troubl d the human d Father Ryan ht

forg t. With thi in of hou ht, I approach d Bishop Rob rt H aly and F th r John Ryan, Roy I P rth Ho pital ch plain, o give an outline on various qu stio ich m to mind:



(The Vatican Pastoral Instruction on Social Communication)




w ites ol ersonalexper·ence



a nee


From page 6


"One farmer was particularly pleased," Dale comments. "Heh d established an internationally-accept break-through n a branch of wool prod ction but found that he was cut off from the word every time his local manual exchange closed down." After a per" od as actl manager of the Pe h central district, Oa e s appointed to his present position at he start of


'Toe state sales group," e says, "is the a i selling force or Tel and t e corporation sa section services th needs of maj busi customers. "Th re · s a o o a no adays of d regulation, but sig ificant el ments of our

he bl s op o represents he Church. 'This is a sig of the ole Church's care of the sic ith the ano'nting of the symbo ic oil," Bishop Healy said it u d be ira e for the family to be pr nt wh n th anoin ing of he sick was carried out and they also could participat in th celebration of the

et mal n ture he OU ht bout by ministratio s, o th t lo a d car of Christ and Church." sat Fath r Ryan.




connection re ewa for h may have estran

DOD priest to with them," Bishop H ly. "He need o understand what is ha the life of


"leeve me in the cold" from Phillip PENDAL MLC, Como

P I TI G quality work at the right price. John Freakley. Phone 361 4349.

anted to rent. L rge old/ new hou e by large famil genuine and referenc available. Home 446 6516, 23 946 .

Electrlc I Contractor J.V. O'E terre, 5 Vivian t, ivervale. 30 yr experience, expert, efficient, reliable. Ring 62 4646 after hour 385 9660.

L: For all


p rt ervice H ndyman g rdening, lawn , edging pruning, mall tree lopping job , paintorth ing clean gutter or outh river. a terc rd, Vi a or Ban card welcome 3 9 610 before



attraction endures

A Bill to control IVF procedures in Western Australia was approved by the State's Parliament in 1985, just two years before the Vatican announced its ruling on such practices. Thus no-one had the benefit of the Vatican paper - more formally known as Instruction on Respect For Human Life ... " - before the WA bill was passed. My tentative and limited view in 1985, conveyed to the Attorney-General, by letter of February 28 that year, which I circulated to others at the time, centred upon the question of whether a third party was involved. In my letter to the Attorney General I said, in part:"t have, upon study, no objection to those are s of the Bill which relate to fertilisation on a one-to-one basis- that is, for example, where a third person's sperm is not involved." "My abjection to the use, for example, of a third party's sperm is that it it not only an attack on the sanctity of marriage but it is laying the ground-work for much unhappiness and resentment between couples. For example, the situation of a wife fertilised by another male's sperm by artificial means may well cause greater unhappiness and resentm nt th n it is designed to overcom I believe th t: psycholi gically, the husband may eventually find it an intolerable position." he same can be said about donated ova Again it seems to me to be quite capable of producing many anxi ties, re entm nt and unha piness in h rs ahead. Th 1985 law al o m d what I thou ht s a significant concession ma fairly secular oc1ety-that a woman nvol d in IVF ad o hi

important recognition was somewhat watered down by accepting stable de facto marriag s as being permissable). As one of those legislators who, to use the Church's words, should ta e into account the principle of the Instruction, I should like to se eral other points because it is not only IVF technology which is discussed in the Instruction but related moral and social issues as well. The Vatican Instruction leaves not only me, but some of the country's most ab e and respected theologians, out in the co d. As I stated to the Attorney General in 1985 I can accept in good conscience IVF when resorted to by married ople. I say "good conscience" becau nowhere is it claimed that this Instruction is an infalli e statement. Ind ed, my dvi ts that there are five "levels" of statem nts by the Church in its efforts to express the will and word of God. This lnstructio ls part of the fifth or "lowest" category. oneth I

must take the tailed attempt


my wife rm c rytn . In the I ft to m to , th t infant. r r uired that I Siqnif ntly, th Church n r gi pn m. From h C urch's v ntage point that child n r existed. The Vatican instruction I otouch s,atpage27, on th role of contra tion. It r -it rates the Church view that this practice i wrong oocause:"Contr. c p ion d. Ii rate/yd pdve th conjugalact of its open ss to procre ti n." Yet the natural family planning m thod endorsed by the Church also d liberat ly d the conjugal act of the same r suit. My r a on for raising th v ral points is to emphasi apparent incon istenci s m the documents issued by t Church its If - and this at the very moment hat it e s to finitive in (and cond mnato of) a hu nd and wif being ·nvovled in IVF procedures. I am, in the midst of som cons· ralbe rsonal distress, at least encouraged by th me e to I i lators at Pa 35 of th In ru tion which notes that:-


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C L ARCH • Catholic Singles Mystery Bus Walk, meet Causeway carpa 10am.

Sun 29:


APRIL Wed 1:

• Youth Affairs Council of WA AG Scouts Lecturette, 581 Murray Street, 6.30 - 8. Guest Spea er Clive Brown, S Trade & Labour Council. • CPY Key Leaders wee end Gi gegannup 328 8136. • YCW irraboo a Starvatho Edwina 342 2540. • Catholic Si gles (20-35) D" mee Sherato Fo r 8.30pm. • YCW Initiation Camp, Gidg gannup 328 9 67. • aida Vale South Pe Antioch Wee e d. • Catholic Singles ovle ig t, Cinema City 7pm, 444 4083. A tioc You Lea rs Da All Groups eeti ass 5 m, ollo ea and meeting Coll e.

Fri 3:

Sat 4: Fri 0: 19

Sa 11:



Sat 25: Sun 26:

AY • Antioch Adu ts ee end, Gi annu 328 9878.

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report? 'ell, if cut out the didn real!


T, tr: hy did you nd your i ter h nd in the me e y on your trip to the

zoo? Girl: ame trip,


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Material submitted to The Record should preferably be typewritten or clearly and legibly handwritten, at least triple spaced with wide margins, in upper and lower case, and in style for the section for which it is intended.



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Greyhounds - wtth The Record Tipster I

Viet . P rt<, Kwi4 Thornlie; 8 E rrabooka: 12 K

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You've tried the Pubs, the clug� the Gigs, th<:: Raves - and Y}lie! still seeking more from

Through the Dynamic Ministry o1 Catholic Evangelist.








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