The Record Newspaper 21 May 1987

Page 1

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efromAn e

5 8.

Following the success of the Good ews weekend held at the monastery in March, the Rede ptorist lay Co mu ity {R C) is about to conduct another on Christian Sexua ity. It is scheduled at the orth Perth mo astery for June 5-7, and w·11 be headed by Father Frank Smith, CSSR, and rs Sandra, arr. See story page 0.

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This o 's mi get limits on a ily al owances an nder 8 dole cu s are unfair if fairer tax relief is ot for hco ing says t e Australian Ca ho ic ocial Welfare Co ssion, T e com ssio e p s a ocial service pay e t mea este a o ly pai to t ose qenu. e nee Howev r, the m a of family lloI ike ocial ecunty p yme ts repr en s a fundam n al c an in pubI ic policy, says the t



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will the


A Crimi

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Co ncil

For more in orma ion elephon or nte for your copyo Simply no enough'.

ODD Please send a copy of 'Simply no enough _

ame Address





y 21.



rd o ob in.

h t

College crosse bles


From page 1



from altar server F os of Ardath wer proud as i t nts to Archbi ho Foley as he blessed crosses p aced ·n the four boarding ouse at Aquin College. Spread aero s o spacious Henry sid of college th

e ac



Wes. The




y 21, 1 87

After the thunder God's gentle

John Paul canonises Jewish The pope


Guest Editorial Father .Jirn O'BRIEN Parish Priest, Merredin

The sound of thu der has been pleasing to the ears of many country people lately. Water has been heard gurgling along gutters and through the down pipes of many a farm house. Under grey skies he rain has been falling steadily and gently. A snatc of a psalm co es to mind - The Lord cares for the esrth, he sprinkles ft with showers. Across th pa c s from o e horizon to th next. and stretching far yo d, God is loving th e rt . Or at is how th


COLOG E {NC): A Jewish woma who converted to Catholicism a d was ki le by the azis was praised by Pop Jo n Pau as a "great daug er of Israel", whose b s was not a break with "her .Jewis heritage". The pope bea ifed Edith S in - phi o opher nd C rmelite nun w o was orn and rais d as Jew - in n outdoors adium in Cologne b fore 75,CXX) peo le.

In o r iv

to p mi nin up: Upon my b ck, h drawn long furrows ... i k of ho And








Willis & Elliott OPTOMETRISTS

convert nun

War ti e • priest e ampe The pope in rm any

Italians protected the Jews

Phone 444 3543


RF WILLIS, WA O A. Optometrist

RO E (NC) - Any strong pa al co dem atio of Germa y's ss exter i ation policies duri g orld War II wo Id ave caused a assaere" of tens of th sa ds of Jews protected by t Italian gover ment accordi g to a US Jesuit historian. T e Vatican played a su sta ial role" duri g ortd War II in rev nting Je in Italian-controlled territcrl es fro eing se t to G r a co e tratio cam , J it 1Father Ro ert Gra m i . Cont page 10

BATHROO S ... BEAUTIFUL Remodel that old bathroom Add PRESTIGE and VA UE

to our ome


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ew call for

it er's 'savage ark ess' power

Worked wi

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·n fra ctsca

r trtl

Arc bishop blesses extensions to historic Mt Law ey

ns a • • a he f ure

· New adoption · initiatives· The

atholic hurch initi taking ne tiv in the ar ·a o , d ptions and o th hristi n f< rm tion of ho pit l taff: Archbish p Fol y announ ed at the op ming o t nnc' H pital e tten ic

The e abli ·I m nt f t At ne' hospital in I 7 � as du o a tr m ndous t a cepr admin.

aid at the rchbi hop

ho had no ini tration ./. p rience ithout ight ay rtifl.

ovces itial ro p



I rs he fruit of simple fai ful omen whos ch rt r ·s



A Catholic �e ! g � 9.!l�ary Sisters started C O 11 e g e f O r work O C kY ear y


was boosted by the announcement that a

Catholic seconda? college is planned to o�en in 1989 on a site near the local technical college.

A year after the Sisters of Mercy were founded in Dublin in 1831 they were vlsitlng the sick in t eir homes and persuading the vietims of Europe s cholera epidemic not to be afraid to seek medical help said S'st r Jo n Carroll, co gr g • nt · tional repr tive at t S Anne's ext n opening.

Before sh

1841 't wa

Bishop Healy made the announcement to 350 parishioners who had seen him bless the centre. The Rockingham secondary college depends on funding grants coming through in time and resolves a long investigation and analaysis whether the college would be established at Rockingham or Mandur_..a . j1h 11 . ..,. The college will be the fourt , after Bateman, Gosnells and Ocean Reef, to the launched under archdiocesan auspices a d a spokesman for the Catholic Education Office said that there as still every intention that a seconould dary college eventually be established also at a urah. Bishop Healy appealed o you people o co • sider e voe tion of

o drugs, no devices ... healthy & effective.



E Con

s 32

In groups of twos and threes they fanned out street by street, neigh-

essage for ethnics

borhood by neighborhood in summer 1986 knocking on the door; of 25,000 Hispanic


home, in the cities, slums and farm communities in the Archdi-


ocese of Los Angeles. The 451 - mostly lay Hispanics,


many youths - brought their people a message of concern from the

though baptised, have no tie to their local parish; some arc alie-

Catholic Church.

nated Catholics.

The home visits were

Lourdes Gonzalez-Rubio,

the opening round in a five-year pastoral plan initiated by Los Angeles Archbishop Roger Mahony to contact every Hispanic family in the

archdiocese. An estimated 2 million Hispanic Catholic, live 10 the archdiocese, many,

married 38 years and the mother of six children, trained home vtsuors in an

area that rncludes man) farm workers and

migrants She 1\ director of the evangehsanon program for the archdiocese's Santa Barbara region. In a secuon of I.O',

Angele, peopled b) the homeless and the hope· less she tell'i of ,,,,ung a

large poor family, "When we knocked on the door and said we came from the Catholic Church bringing a message from the archbishop, the man looked at

me with an open mouth " 'You mean he knows

about me?" he said "The archbishop doesn't know you personally but he cares about you," she replied. Though often hesitant or

susprcious at the bcgmrung, the rnajonry were "dehghted to be visrted." \1r, Gonzalez-Rubio c,.J.}"" "For most rt was the fif'lt

time anyone knocked on their door in the name of

ststers shanng in people's problems and JO)" Being

On occasion. the home vi\1tor\ unearth people's most wrenching worries She tells of a woman saymg, "I don't "Want ffi} husband to hear We have a

addressing the whole per

don't know what to do"

who worked for four yearv as an auto mechanic �he ic., among \0 home ,,,ito� who talked wnh 800 farnthe� in th,� problemridden vccuon Los

the Church

son going on drugs and


Horne visuorv are trained

to respond b) offering a

return vtvrt or providing the name of .i trained pari-Juoncr to contact �1r,. Gonzalez-Rubio con'i1del""I her efforts pan of the church'v evangehsa tion work "\\.e arc all called to he evangensts." to he pre-cnt .1..., brothers and




son "both material and

spiritual," she c;a>� "The Lord doesn't want us

oppressed or abused "

I spoke wtth Delfina (.uel Jar, 27, a single mother



tnemptoyment runs "'0 per cent to 80 per cent and for man} It 1, a "xurvival e xistence." \J.)"' the pastor, Father \\ tlhm JJ.n-.c..·n I l<lu,,ng ,, e pcnvrvc .inc.I

crowded, the crime rate ic., high. Men scrape together rent money b) selling popsiclcv or oranges on the freeway . . . ,... omen work in gar· rneru factones paid b) the number of pieces completed Asked wh) she became a home visitor, 1'1s Cuellar '"l'· "I like to help people, to share ffi) faith and the love that 1 undervrand jesus gave me For her, evangehvauon means "letting people know what the..; have in their Church It meanopening peoplc'v eie, and hearts to God in the world "

1\1J.n) Hi,pan1c.., in the p.1r1,h J.rca J.rc. · undocu

mcntcd liV1ng in ft of deportation. Ofien ,ey arc distru.;tfuJ of ·�·iry

People were encouraged to contact che pari�h Man)

The home ,isits • an instance where "t�>Or evangcli'ie the ....

only a beginning. Father Jansen empha.""'' Man)

figures and outsider-


Father Jansen says, \10t

"someone From �le" but one or their o\\, ho explains God's wor,


Along with a nrerout the par"h's \\ide � of

,eo ices. including rug and alcohol-abuse nm\Cling and some lepaict, the home ,isnors Dttted information abou1ieo· pie:', vttuanun - ielr w or], and hou ng neir rchA1ou� and sacnrual need-,


The hon1e , i..,ll., \\Cre

home vi'illOr\ no\\ lead small commun1til'.\ made up for the mo">t pan

of people mttcd dunng

thesummereffort - meeting weekly at home for prayer and rcflccuon .ind to discuss ho"' religion relates to their hfc ''Religion b,n't independent of

life," he adds

Ms Cuellar meet\ \\ 1th nine adult, on Fr1cJar

nights At the end of a year's training. th<:� ,, ill be

Home Yisitars

1n,ited to heeome lca<lcl""I of other ,n1all pari,h

Angeles Yisit a panic mother and her


daughter as part of a

mated two million Hispanic Catholics in the

The '1gn ,aid. \\ clcorne h<l,'. it

.\t t r,u t" d) construct

-tood on the la" n next t he llrgt·,t ( atholic Church uhe ttl) Ille pastor and 111, pamhio:rs \H re united 10 a campau to

Im nc ulienatcd Cathohc to

to Chns nd

"come home


Who is an evangelist? And what does an evangelist do? For this week's package, Katharine Bird learns firsthand about a home vrsitatron program designed to reach every Hispanic home. The vrsus are part of a program of evanqelisation which involves the efforts of many lay Hispanics. Being an evangelist, she discovers, means being present to one's brothers and sisters in their Joys and problems. Norberune Father Alfred McBride tells about Father John Forhti's work m reaching out to alienated Catholics. He approaches alienated Catholics with love, affection and understanding

become 3l uve numbers f a

pan-h comrnumn Their trk " pan of a nat10nal eff� in l'.\ .t.ngt:lt\J.UOO

l ,uall}, Catholk, .._,,,ooate d n-

gdi"1ttttn '"th T\ preaa·rs lrom the Prottc,tJJlt coml nit}. In fact, hO\\t"\er Caf•li· o,m ha., a ,1rong 1ntete ia nangeh"1t11m

Pope Paul \"I once \\Tote a nor documtcnt on e,·angeh�Jn c.ilhng it an in\ltJltOn Hui} "ye," to Chmt ,tnd the (h,h. • d"(CS Htc 1dentif1ed three au 1 ttd

for n.ingdhauon. 3 Catholics. unchurched pe>le . fl'ld

,� ho are part ol no re�gt0

"The difficulties of our time

a uni,ersity chapel. Masses at Newman Centres an many um-

puses are well attended and the centres themselres are actire. Parishes hare youth programs and many dioceses hare youth ministries ta support the parishes. Personal spirituality is taken seriously; people pray and they talk

about it. 8

The Record, May 21, 1987

younc, Readiness to share and commit one's life without reckoninc

the cost is aroused. People have besun to ask. .. What can I do? What can we do?" (Pope John Paul II addressin& youn& people In Austria; September 1983)

Ruvan Reyes and AdoHo A&Uila, youn& men In their 20s, Nva with

three priests and seven other youn&

man plannln& for the priesthood In a modest home called Cua Combonl In Los Anseles.

Part of their preparation to serve as Combonl Missionaries Includes


ByFattAlfred McBride O.Praem. ffiU'il he per<.:etVl.:d .l..'i the bread of lme And the church. ,1., the h<>tli of Chn,t. n1u,t ht· lo,t: in the Food .1., \\Cll · Father forl111, \\ho made an audio l.J.,-.c:tt<: titled 'Lo,l' 1n the

"churdu:tl"' people - �

FOOd" about h" npt·

currently part1C1pa11ng

Catholics think, the best '"a) to .ipproJ<.h



Difficulties of our time

awaken the boldest dreams, the best powers of mind, heart and hand In many people, especially in the

Church is 'home' Student with for local 'rumblings' parish

weekly visits to squalid residential hotels.

Goinc door to door, the seminar· ians creel the residents, tellln&

them about the cathedral nearby and Its services. In a hll(hly transient area, they try, bit by bit, to build a relationship with people. Occasion· ally they have the satisfaction of

seein& someone they have coun·

seled find a way to move to better quarters. It I n't easy. Some people shut them out rudelr, others, fearful of any authority fl&Ure, make the students yell throu&h closed doors. Occasionally It Is dansarous. They peak of teen cane members hov· Inc past them on a narrow, second

floor hallway racln& to a fl&ht.



fiti 1-Jther Jo h n <itO initiated a m1111· thCS. alienate d ca lk s.1id, "I had en ��•Id talkln°ro, to • 1ut ltalian woman . dMJrce. � h e '. 11I ""' due to (1I )C a,ked her

... criou,.

ODD -�he




'l)1vorcc conio ,·e oc�.1u:-c there'-'' ,e JO'' 1n the'£'\'.. 00 1e

talk Jlld no 10,tfk .. ,• Her la.� · I ()OU If ()IS caught me e to be the bread

rience "'1th Jlu.:nJtt·<l

them 1c., "\"\1th to,l· affection anc.l unc.ler standing.. \\ 1th th1.., 1n mind, he ,ta.rtcd htth:

groups of I 2 alienated Catholics. urging them

to get off their l ht·,t,

what bothered thtcm •bout Christ and the Church


Onc.e the} mo,t·<l lx"}'Ond the ,cnt1IJt1on

Phase he ,aid, the,

seemed more <lf'(..'n to recon�1denng .1. rt:tum

to the church J h,-tc not batted I 00 per cent but I ha>e hecn fortu

nate 1n ">cc1ng t.1.1rl

go,>tl re,ult,." he ,.ud Pupc Paul\1 taught that the tir..t Jud1cnce tor the c,angeh,auon regular. acti,e pari ,h1oncr He J.rgUCd that pra�t1\1ng ( atholic, ncec.l co reaffirm J.nd llccpcn their comn11t· mcnt to ( .hn\t anc.l the



being unthurthed But

the re.ii rc.t.'iOn 1n n1an) CJ...',C"t 1, th.1t no one h.1., l"\er 1n\1tcd thcn1 to J.

ODO c.loh:,ccnce. }Oung

adulthood. middle age

or thc ...cn1or }t..lf") .ire

stage, of ltfc


need, to he entered ,vnh J mature f.uth - .1

faith equJ.1 to that par· ucular hfe stage. Hut

(.Jthohc!'ot \\ho .ire rt> t.�mgch\C<l on J regu· lar h.a.\l\ hecomc, 1n tum, tht: tx:">t t."\.-a.ngeh\· er, of their hrother'\ and ,1,ter, \\:ho .ire .1l1cn.itcc.l or unchurl.hed '.'.umerou, re.1,on, .iecount for people





e,.tngeli\ed, On an mnual ha..\l\, the htur·

g,e, of Ad.-ent and Lent ,peak of moral thal Jcnge wd spirllual

rcnc\\.a.l The Chur�h·, ,ummon, \\.Or"thip <.atholtc.., to comn11t thcn1'ielvc, 1n a deeper more n1ature manner to Chri..i. Retreat, d.t� ot rt·ne"'al anc.l p.n,h m1, c.,1on"' help rc"C\angeh"'t'.


( hurch In the carli Church.

one of the n,o,t p<>\\-er· h.11 tom1, of l'\"angeh">-l uon the .1ttrac11, C· nc,, of a l<>,1ng l.o,1ng con1n1un1t� tx:h.t,1our and .1n aftce· t1onate ,h.inng ot the g<xxl nc,\, con,ututc .i p<)\\Crful method for attratttng other, to




not E,.ingch,.it1on meant to be a n1attcr of argumentation "\\1n an argument and lo"'<.' a \<lul." .u, old \d.)'1ng


that apphc, hertc

A. hon1ch h1t of .id,icc

from >t franu, de ',ale, ,1,0 apphe, ""'' to

c,.ingcllc.,cr\ •·•tone} catche� more tl1c� than \

Let me tell you about Danny After a fairly standard high school career he went to a university There he began attending Mass at the Newman Centre There were no great enhghtenments and no one event or moment that he could label a conversion There were. however, some rumblings within He had learned in his younger teens that hie ,s not all easy His father's mother, a widow. had come to hve with them when she was found to have cancer He hked her. and they took good care of her But for two years having someone dy,ng ,n the house wasn·t easy You don't havepanies. you prepare meal trays, someone has to be home and you don't take vacations Her death gave him a touch of seriousness He found 11 hard to take some of his old fun-at-all-costs ways seriously He spent more ume by himself But otherwise he was still the bright and up-beat young man so hked by his friends At the Newman Centre he was not a leader, but would help when asked The only thing he did beyond the usual was to attend the annual weekend retreat at a camp ,n the rnounta,ns So what happene<P A group of young men and women decided to reach out to alienated Catholics and the unchurched They approached him and he agreed to help work on campus over the course of the next year It would be an effort to 1nv1te others to see the faith community firsthand and to create opportun111es for them to express concerns freely without fear of being put down In the preparatory sessions Danny explored the Gospel's meaning for people today He learned that faith cannot be forced on anyone, but also that faith won·i be embraced 11 the happiness and love 11 creates are never seen or heard What makes someone Joke Danny JOtn an effort hke th1s7 Two things. 11 seems Ever since the Second Vatican Council we·ve been talking about the priesthood of all the baptised People hke Danny understand the idea. they experience the Church as a v11al community and they act on 11

Returning to Jerusalem \\ ht·n '-t P ml ".._, on akm at tht· end ol h" la..,t n11,..,1onJn trip ht· ,topp,:d oil at C .at· ,area ·1 hcrtc ht· ,ta) cu a In, d.11 at thtc homtc ol · Phtltp the t'\ angdi,t one ol thtc ,n en C,r�d, Jn'1,h ,peaking C hri,uan, ,tcktttd toa.,,1...,l tn th<.: Jtln11n1'tr-.tuon of the Jeru,alen1 c<>mn1un1t) (AU, l 1 8) 1 he)

"ere dea<.:on, 111 the sense of 'ser\ant . . . � �, . . tant, ,.


Yer, ,hortl} their m111istr,�hed out to 111clude mher func 1100, Phtltp" a good e-,.ampk Alttcr thtc nurt} rdom of �te phen .•mother of thtc se,en, "Philip \\ent down to the town ol ',anuna and thtcre proda,mtcd the \k,'>" ( Act, 8 5) Later htc mo,tcd ,outh m the dirtcct1on ol

On the road with Philip •1 F,ther JOHii CASTELOT

the opportun1t) ( Alt, !! �(>-\�) In hoth 1n,t.rntt:"' Ph1hp e,erc1\l"c.l the n11n1,tl'\ or an l."'1. · 11ic ,,ord 1, Jttualh ,cf} denoting one \\ho proclJ.1m, the good ne\\'IOf\\hJl <,od ha., done for, 1n Je,u, (,hn,t lkt.:JU'tC the tern, 1, •. o hroad, 1l 1, d1flicult to p,n 1t do,, n to a ..,pc.:�1fit "offilc·· in thc �on1 n1un1t} All ( hn,uan, \\ere, h) rc.1..,on ol their

b,pu,m. herald, ol the

gooc.J ne¥., It \\J...., '<)

lull of nutmg potcn

ro.ic.l through th<: 'icgc, the dc\Crt .irt·.1 1n the ,outh ofjuc.J.ah he cncounterec.J a court offi�1al of the quc.:cn ot

ual for J.11, that the.:� coulc.ln t keep to thl·n1 \Che, ll1c) ,harcc.l 1t \\Ith e,er}OOC.: thl'� met HO\\C\er if .111 < hn"-1an, ,vcre e,-angeh,t, ,n th1, <,en,c, it "teem, that \()fie \\ere c,pc<.1alh

Jeru-,J,Jcm the officJ.1 \\"a., nd1ng 1n h1.., car

that e,angeli,t.., .tre 11,ted a.Jong \"\ith "dfXl"'

A., he \\l'nl J.long thl'

Hhmp•• Headtcd home attn a pilgrimage to nage, reading the book of 1'.u.ih Ph1hp a.,ked

"'hcther he unc.l<.:l"l<><Kl \\hat he '\'. a, reading

and "'hen htc rephed tt ""' difficult Y.1thout \Omenntc to interpret tt for him. Ph1hp gr.1.spcd

gifted This " ,trnngl\ ,uggesied b) the fatt

tie<, prophets. pa.stors and tea�hers a, ha\lng

rccc1,cd a .:..pcc1.,,_1 gth. fn)m the nsen Lord• 1n

roles of service for the fatthful to hu,Jd up the bod} of Chn-t' ( �phtc sian, a I I)

The Record, May 21, 1987


Sexuality North Perth based youth grou s eek end ln June Following the suc-

cess of the Good News weekend held at the monastery in March, the Redemptorist Lay Community (RLC) is about



another on Christian Sexuality. It is sch duled at the or h Perth monastery for June 5- 7, and wil


headed by

Father Frank Smith CSSR,


Three 1 orth Perth b d Catholic youth movement catering to stud nt youth and worker ha de ided th y hav e mu h in common their Chri tian tho method and

"It is not a weekend simply about the biology of sex," said Father Frank. "It is about values and attitud s to sexuality. "We will look at things such as sex stereotyping, how sexuality is part of all our relationships, social aspects of se ualitv, the Church's teaching and will give participants a chance to reflect on their own p rsonal sexual identity." Sandra and Father Fran said th theme will


ri tian

change if r at lea t

Mrs San-

ra Marr.


nd will al o

• ar.




nic Butl r f TYCS or


riter at

Yo h Offic in

rth P rth.

Hall, near

From page 5

wing durin th 1llum1Th r 's plenty includi circus. and d ncmg, oing on ,n the famous Tow r. built m 8 nd raising to


and guesthous s. to a • whole ran of hot I up to four- tar lu ury.

And h re's no pro I m of etnn to ass - for Blac pool has no I ss than 11 Catholic


Th le -Drome will still b providing "fast ent rta in ment " during the Illuminations, and Leslie Crowt r wrll continue to mvit on and all to "Com on Down" at The Gr nd Th atre This built in 1890

at ways to unite activi


e fort to

azi m \\ ith a con-

.rn or th · p xir,

During the d · re ion which follow .d \X'orld


of TYCS s


in it.

' 'c

t t


ooo While walking prom you will I o visiting tram from as far afield as Bolton nd Edinburgh. Also taking part in the celebrations will be �lackpoo1 bu in 1930s livery an v hict from Sheffield and Hudd rsf1eld Perhaps now th ' at exc1t m nt. ut t Wal around Lytham St Ann s ould pl -

tr s designed by Decirnus Burton, th G rg1 n and rly Victon n rchitect o vrsit to Lancashire rs com I t without a vrsit to th ancr nt tancashir Shrin of Our Lady of the W II at rnyhalgh


h r an Is


on b

nd s cl ud po , I v the 55 at Junction 32 for Preston and turn orth on to the A6, th n turn rrnrn diat ly n ht mto Durton Lan , continuing al n to th T Jun -

Our Lady has be n ho oured th re since th arly 14th Century.

P1I nm

� �TITI � rn@================================================Prison paper praised


from Margaret KER, Mt Lawley Sir, I am somewhat puzzled by th logic of Peter B rtol {The Record, May 14) on the Catholic Social Justice Cornrnissron's docum nt, 'Prisons and Criminal Justice' Sur ly we are all guilty of nonerence to the Ten Commandments. but the basis of our faith rs that merciful God nt His Son to

P t r McG rr ghy of Pstmvr. nd B rb ra Coward of Nolf. m r. whose wedding t es place in S cred H c rt church Highgate on S ptem r 26.

Othe c oices eede

crate its founding m the Scriptures

from Graeme HARRIS, Perth

S,r. My deductions differ from Peter Bertola's (The Record, May 14) m many important aspects • Christians have come to recognise the full force of Jesus' mjuncuon to love our enemies. • When a cnrn occurs there should be compassion and hope to the vi rm nd mercy and for I n ss to th off n r: • Prison rs not consid red to be a d terre t to crime because of the mere sing diff ,culty of rehabihta mg offend rs. • Violence. rev ng nd II md of ughn ss in d ltng rth prisoners contrasts dv rs I w1 h th r h

Apathy denied from Michael DUFFY, Curtin Student Guild CouncH!or Sir, not all students are as apathetic as suggested

rn the Youth Chaplain's article (The Record May 7)

"Manipulating Curtin Campus". As a member of the Student Guild's Media Committee. at a recent meeting I voiced the disgust many Catholic students had expressed to me over the offensive photo published. The upshot was that an apology would be printed at Sister Margaret tiosen's request. but her other requests would not be met as this would mean "censorship" I asked whether. as well as poloqisinq, they would state they would at do such a thing again. but this was quashe as It would mean they wouldn't be able to "take a swrp at Christianity". and again would mean "censorship" I should point out that he editor. Graeme Senders has not hesitated to censor c rtarn contrlbunons to "Gro .. that have b n openly critical of him or the Guild The Guild presid nt. Geor ma Motion, whose r sponsibtntv u rs to check th n p p r before publication, f It u was a justiti d sanr on how. with t AIDS cnsis. the Catholic Church finally had to admit that p le ac ually had s I How v r. oth rs t th m he photo s typical of how he Gu1I

nt views

/. ton nd Di na And M rv's chu ch L

rvill. on May 23

t St

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Id o To apply or inquire please contact the on 291 6494. ,2


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CALENDAR MAY • CPY Southern Region Camp Gidgegannup 328 8136. SUN 24 • YCS Education Day, orth Perth 227 7061 . Day Sports • Univer sitv

FRI 22



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FRI 29


• CPY Eastern Region Camp Gidgegannup 328 8136. • YCS Southern Reqional Meeting 227 7061 . 31 • nformation Day on Priesthood S Charles Seminary, Guildford Fr Justi 279 13 0

JU E • YCS Assistants' eeting art Perth 227 7061. ED 10 • University Catholic Society Ball Wemb ey od e. Tickets S18. Formal. FR 2 • CHOICE Wee end Gidqeqanup 328 9878. Young singles, 8 and over. SU 28 • Day of Enquiry abou Sisters of S Josep of the Ap rition. 0.30am-5pm, 44 Fi Ave S oa ater Ba A I single ome 0/H S1 er Emilie ngela 337 3184.

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Record Kids Club


? Junior Quiz ? 1.

In which of these areas wouldyou find tigers living wild: a) Africa? b) Asia? c) South America? Sand, porbeagle mako, blue and basking are names given to different ipecies of certain fish. Which is it? A mammal ss a creature which · reared on its mother' milk. What is: a) The world' large t mammal? b) The only flying mammal? What are be tuio different pare, t. of amide? group of cattle · called a herd. F;·11 • the ti ial name for roup of the e er tur: : a) ----- of b � b ----- of lion ----- of po,p · a1 th a






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• art A look at books -- music-

\. Those magnificent men in their flying machines!


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E p nenc "A practical approach to the gospel m ssa of for 1v ness he Im , p ac , love unity and sh ring" and apply it to your daily life as a Christian ... T am: Fath r Fran O O a SSS. Sis r Shelly Barlow Sheila Bo ler and David Fon . Cost 5 (D pos: 20 at time of applicatlonl Phone Cath 383 20 2· Rita O 99· Fran 444 3631. Yoga orkshop at "Peace be still' Chitt ring. Saturday June 27 and unday Jun 28. Cost 32. Contact Cath 383 20 2; Fran 3631.


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