The Record Newspaper 11 June 1987

Page 1

PERTH, WA: June 11, 1987

Number 2535

Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Kwan Yr acts against the Catholic Press in the is state in a new crisis for the Church. Set stories pages 3 and 6. Meanwhile, Bishop William Brennan slates the Australian secular Press for ignoring advances in justice and peace organisation. See page 2.

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o. WAR 0202


First Marian � ans are si:2elt out

A special Advent carnpaiqn of prayer and reflection, a program for schools and a mu ti-cultural rally next year are the first projects so far for he Marian Year in he archdiocese of Perth. La unc · ng t e 14 month celebration du ing h · s Pentecos Mass in St Mary's Cathedral, Archbis o Foley said t e school program would show stude s hat · fo lowing C rist hey walked wit Mary w o e ieves. The rally next year would reflect the diversity of the Church by those who have come from rich traciti ons and are seeking to express them in a new church. Taking up Pope John Paul's description of he Marian Year as a preparation for he 2()(X)th anniversary of Christ's birth, Archbis op Fo ey said that year would be a mi estone "for us w o are see ing to renew our elves in faith ulness to C rist."

m ternal

co-opera ion was tom kethe mys er of hri incarnate in the world and future ath of the Church need this sam maternal love o accompany ·t.




hop Fo ey hie



ishop Hickey olds special ecumenical ass in Geraldton. Picture and story page 3. • Ordinati n of women s ·1 an issue di idi ecumenical movement. Se page . y


Archbishop Foley says roll-up indication of multi-cultural ----------society------------. The 3000 people who attended last iunday's dedication of the church of Our

Lady at Bullsbrook was a ign that ustralia v -as a multicultural so .iery rchhishop ·ole · said in his homily.

oting that p · pk had com • here from m: ny countries to form a y ung and vibrant nation he said that Pent � · ist vas an ideal feast o hich t< dedics t � th � building to ther ofJ


1 ther of th·

Church. Twent <pri muni m,

ts c nc zIebrat ed the


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From page 1




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Storm brew i is a d state

Si apore weath r is at present hot and hu · d with thunderstorms a d e bourne is a much cooler place for a

tion. This · s the on y clue to

Father Edgar O'Souza's h rried family visit to etboum fol resigg

nation as assistant editor of The Singapore's Cathol" ews. "I ha come to Austra ·

ustralia. In additi


because my tam , and my · nds here in t e Catho ic Press Associa-


"Th were ru was arrested so I came to t

Christians can world and can anything but the sign of C rist. Bishop Hickey said during Geraldton's Week of Pra er for Christian Unity. Pointing to moral issu s s ch as AIDS, h s id: "We hav to different and say different things, otherwise we have re no nothing to off r if different from he st nd r s of the world." Calling for th uni y of all thos who follow Christ, Bishop Hickey i w live in the ag of the "me" g neration, of becoming elfi h. "By going ou , by not turning in, by compassion for o h rs, by honesty, by worship, by service of p ople in lov we will grow to be full p rs ns m Christ." He said he hop those who felt they were so full of th Holy Spirit that they had no struggle for chastity or ag inst anger




were not deceiving thems Ives 'We are all on a path of conversion; for all it i a p th of struggle. We must pray to ther. Then the changes will come through the unity of thos who Ii eve in Christ." He said Church will never a p rfect s i ty and will always have a certain number of failings.




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Pentecost: Mary

Ord·nations are

Guest Editorial

The Catholic Weekly Sydney From this Sunday we are able to give a new dimension to what the word Catholic means in the Southern Hemisphere as we give honour to Mary, the Mother of God and the patroness of our country. The commencement of the Marian Year on Pentecost Sunday can be a turning-point for us just as it was for the disciples of Jesus as they gathered with Mary, and the mysterious force of the Holy Spirit descended upon them. Once again we gather, as today's disciples, with Mary and we open up our hearts to the Spirit. Pentecost 1987 calls us together to hear God's message in loving submission - that "surrender" that Mary exhibited in such an unprecedented and wonderful way. It also calls us to resp ct the different forms that the apostolate of others can take. Should there be dis greements, so be it. As Saint Paul and Saint Barn bas quarreled, then set bout different courses as brothers in faith, we should not create barriers but g t on with the job that God calls us to do. From ny tree of conflict, l t there b good fruit growing for our children nd their children tot ke. r, o m ny discour. g d peopl. in our soci ty. They need to be told how valu bt, they re, how God loves them. They also ne d to b told bout M ry, th t her story is not a legend, but living fact. They n d to he that ubmission to God's love is th first step tow rds n /ife. The discour. d n d also to b hown by th way that e ct nd p k that M ry i our queen. Our orthodoxy will b ineffective unl. s it is comp nied by ortho r. xi , the " cts" valving from our pecial devotion to our sinless Lady. As mother Mary wants h r children to set a good ex mpl. in soci ty. It i up to u to give h r gfi at pt. sent over th n xt 18 months. Let us st rt by loving others.

n official ath lie

W SH (NC): Wom n can be included an he Catholic Church's Holy Thur day foot-washing ceremony, y a memo sent to the US bishop in arch by the Bishops' Committee on itur • The nclu ion of




Communicate or die Guest Editorial U iverse Lo do

COMMUN/CATIONS Sund y is mor occa ion for an important national coll ction. F, w thing in th Church's mi ion r mor signific nt th n communi ti n nd ma m di. Th y h Ip to build community nd Good New . Th Church h cate or di. In thi country we have never outgrown C rdin I Newman' d cr:iption of Catholi s "a p ople th t shun the light". We pr. fer to whi p r the Word r. th r th n procl im it from the hou etops. We hav t our fing rtip possibilities th t ould have astound d C tholic of an

tro g

tice Gibo public in 1984 cquitted m n of



The Daughters of Charity


Courtesy call

Christians have 'fatal' tendencies I G RE: Chri tian hav a fatal tendency' t "co er p the er which i our 'bitter r mind r . . . f the compr mi faiiur of our p r nal lif th anterbury, Dr c ngr gati n at ath dral a the n ultativ

for their vvork for the deve opment of the underprivileged


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SINGAPORE: The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Robert Runcie paid a courtesy call on Archbishop Gregory Yong, during his recent visit.


Accompanying Dr Runcie were: Canon Christopher H,11 (assistant for ecumenical affairs},

P e

Canon Rog r Symon (p rsonal assistant to the Archbishop of Canterbury) and Rev Kevin McDonald (Vatican representative from the Secretariat for Christian Unitv). Dr Runcie also called on President Wee Kim

Father was

Wee and Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew during his stay in Singapore.

e cy' renew their permits.

DOD Governm nt officl Is that restnctions are n because many churc pie. esoect lly m, 10 are involved in governm nt acuvm Church off1c1al the restr cnon h

imposed becau in ny parts of the country Church health and education rvices are better than tho sta , caus�rovided by t ing the government to con�ider th church rival in influence amon Slightly mor than 57 r cent of the 4.4 million popularion profess s Catholicism.








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y Colleen cGuiness-Howard

From page 3



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From page 3



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From page 2




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\ ith them on and o · ·r th ·m and upp ,�t

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their insights on the role of readers at Mass.

The family attended numerous parish and diocesan work


How parishes set about the task of training lay leaders for specific ministries and leadership positions is the focus of NC's Religious Education Package this week. Debbie Landregan writes of a man who says he was dragged screaming and kicking into youth ministry some years ago by his teenage daughter. Over the years he has discovered some interesting facts about the needs of ministers such as himself. Katharine Bird interviews Wilham Johnston, a religious education consultant. He talks about doing an in-service seminar in a parish for an adult education committee and tells her that building community rs one of his goals in training ministers. Dominican Father David O'Rourke tells how a married couple became counselors in a diocesan marriage preparation program.

The hook that pulled Peg and Tom Cleary into deeper par ish involvement at St Timothy', parish was a class they took - 20 year, ago. Since their child was enrolled in a Catholic school, it might have been easy for them to ignore the

ctass altogether

The fact is, their par-

ish offered a training course for volunteer catechctical teacher, and the couple "decided to take the course and see if we were really interested," Mr, Cleary

explained. Over the yearv. the

Clearyv ha, e maintained tic..� with the program as catcc.. ·h1,1�. \\ hilc hranch1ng out song leaders and readcrv at \.1a.,, ··�1o�t of the urne I became mvotved when the� didnt have JO)One e lve, l\1r, Clearv recalled The Saturday


Catechetical training I e d to greater involvement ••• ��r�i::�·f.� often is followed quickly by an awareness that one needs some preparation for it


C:Yen1ng \1a,, ,ccmed dull ,,uhouc mu,ic, for example, "' ,he ,ig,ncd on a., cantor "I can {:3rf) a tune and I can lead, so I t>ccame the leader of ,ong. • ,he \a.Id \\·1th a c.:hul:J....le. \\ lien Cleary·, pa..,tor fir,t approached h,m to become a reader at \-13.! �.

his response was le,, than enthusiastic, "I wax

deathly afraid." he said But he was willing to give tt a \hot and now he's glad he did. "�bat is needed 1'; a commitment," Cleary said The willingness to serv e i" another important quality for lay rrumstcrv and leaders. said Ed Graham. He joked that he went "kicking and screammg" into parish youth work "_\ly daughter dragged

me into it.' he mused. noting that hi'; youth work began when hi'; oldest child, no" 22, graduated from pnmary school and joined the Catholic Youth



In spue of Graham's JOklng. the family moved into their new parish because of It'; strong ) outh program. which the) wanted for their four children The decision to accept a parish leadership role

Cleary said The Clearys

have attended numerous par· ish and dioce-an educational workshops. Last year they were asked to 'mare their msights at a workshop on the role of readers at �1as.c,. "I'm beginning to know v, hat the rnirustry t'; about after 20 years m u," Cleary remarked Graham's story i� sirnilar Youth work led him to learn more abou; lay rrunistry and youth rmnivtry. He enrolled in the archdiocese's two-year

lat ministry program. For Ed Lawrence, 39. a theology teacher at a high school for girls, the education came first. followed m time b} parish involvement. At his pastor's suggestion, Lawrence moved mto the presbytery with an eye to becoming more acnv e in a parish setting as well as testing the call to a religious vocation. V(bat lay leaders first need is a reahsation of their baptismal call "to go out and preach the Gospel," Lawrence says "Loving God and loving your neighbor doesn't take a college degree " At the parish, Lawrence ha.'> served as a euchar+suc minister, works wtth the ushers and helps v.ith youth act 1, uies

• everal years ago I \Vas faced with an enormous prohlem, The diocesan family life office where I \vork \Vas asked hy the hishop and priests' senate to set up a marriage preparation program. "We \Vant solid preparation, addressed to the real needs of couples, a program that \Viii have a positive influence in the lives of the newly married." they said,

Laity calls readiness "Good friends, you know that your great mission as laity calls for I certain readiness and preparation ... In order to work in (the Lord's) hanest, it is necessary that you first become Jesus' intimates, like the disciples. You have

to accompany the Lord replarly in prayer ... You ou1ht

to lle<ome familiar with the whole of the Gospel and so drink al the foant.ain of faith." (Pope John Paul II addressin1 lay ministers in Antwerp, Bel1:ium1 1985). The trainin1 lay ministers in the Church receive these days is meant to enable them to sene others better. An interestin& ltyproduct of this training, however, is its effect on the lay ministers themselves. ln,ol,ement in a Church ministry - whether liturgical ministry or social ministry among the poor - has become

a chief means of ongoing relicious education amonc the laity. People want lo be ready - prepared - for the

responsibility they1,e accepted. This means that more and more lay ,olunteers are participating in seminars and classes that may be as brief as I Saturday afternoon or as lone as one or two e,enings a week over the course of many weeks. The word "training" tends to conj re 11p Mtions !Mt do not encompass all that is in,ol,ed '" the traininc for a p.arish or diocesan lay ministry, howe,er. Parish council members, for example, often go off on a weekend retreat tocether to prepare for their ministry: • ia a• atmosphere of warmth, they hope to grow into a true community and to understand on a more profound level what a Christian community can be. An appreciatMMI for what a romm11nity of Christ's followen be is one of the keys to ministry

8 The Record, June 11, 1987

That'� a tall order A� if it were not large enough, we \\ere told we might have a., man} a!> 2000 couple� to prepare each year. \\ 'here..: dtd ,, c...· find the pc...·oplc \\ ho {:Ould car(") oul ,uc.. h ,ln ord<.:r' I th1nh. it 1, oh,1ou, thJt ,,t.· turned to thl" n1.1.rricd <.oupl<.:, in the d1o(c,c, lx.'g1nn1ng \\.1th our tril:n<.b But hov.. doc, J t)y>1c.1l mJ.TTicd c.. ouplc. ,, ho.\t." l.hur<.h cxpc.:ncncl.' hJ., hecn \unda} \1a..,, .1.nd pJ.n,h \<.hool l."\ent,. moYc into ,u<.h J n11n1,tn' tt.:t me an,,\cr h) tt.·ll1ng Jhout J l:Ouplc fnc:nd, for man) ,car, \\horn I ,hJII call 1!111 and Carol


Bill and Carol 1n1u.1ll} \\Cre rclul.'· tant to �f\·e 1n the.: mamJ.gc prc.. -pJra t1on program • \\.c'rc: no cxpc.:rt, ·• the} told me. ''\\c·,e made 1t ",(> far �,omet1me't b} the �kin of our tc.:<.:th •• But the...; did ha,e t,vo qud.lit1e, that are centraJ to eflcc.. u,c: lay min1,try commitment to the: l.hurch .and expencnce. For them, the l:hurc.. h \\J., h) no mean_., an inl.1dental pan of lite.. · It \\a., a l:nll.ial part ot hov..- the 1dcnufic.. ·d them\ehc, Furt.h<.:m1orc, the} hJd the human cxrx:nenc...·c of m.1.m.1Kc, of a. (:.tthohc home .and rJ.!',tng J. tJm1h 'l.111 our ,taff rcJ.h\Cd th.n \\.l.' h.1d to prepare Bill and < Jrol and ()Ur other n1amagc prcp;uauon coupl<.:"" for their v,..·oO..

by FATHER DAI/ID O'ROURKE, OP \\ c know thJt \\ c can RO 111 there and JU'l he: ouN_.l,t.·, ' ( .. 1rol told uv But \\C: dont thmk that 1, enough Ill<:'<.: young couple- can't trvc our tuc .tn)TilOrl' th.m our own J.. .1d, cm l'hcir world i, going to be dittcrcnt." <... 1rol concluded we knew ,he \\.J..., nght. ",(> ,,hJt c.hrc<.llon ,hould \\l' tdkc" \\c hJd "tC."\cra.1 option, \\e c.. ·ould \t."nd IJ)min1,tc:r-i out ,,,th a pn�ran1 dc\<.np t1on 1n thcir hJnd,. v.t.• could train thcm catc:chi,t,. \\l' could pro,,de them \"\1th a n1uc...h redul.<.:d •·,c.:minJ.f) c.:ouN: 1n theolo�� �·c dc.:<.1ded to do none of th1, Jn,t(-Jd. along \\.Ith a thorough train· 1ng 1n the marriage.: preparJ.L1on program thq M>uld he u,mg. our tra.1n1ng program for lcJ.dcr, cnlphJ.,. i,cd commun1cat1on and relation,hip ,kill, The'>C could ,110" them to relate elfectivcly v, 1th the engaged couple, In the ';ix to eight hour training ,e\,1on, v..-c held throughout the tUoce�·. \\Cal'° \\orked hard to t.·qu1p our la} m1n1,tc:...., \\1th the mc.1n, to understand the eng,g<·d couple, thq \\"OUld he: ,er\lllj,t Tht.• ,c.·,,1nn, pro,,ded • the hc,t a,a1!.1hlc. 1ntormat1on ahout the eng,ged rnuplt them 'l.'l,e, - how tht.1 might \l(."\\ thl'1r faith and the l:hurc.. ·h. their fa.m1hc� and their O\: TI rclat1on,h1p,



Ef· :ectivttraining for lay 'nini� :ry

After a couple of years on the Job. the adult education coordinator at a parish formed a committee to help her plan and implement rehg10us educa ·

t1on act1v1t1es for adults For some

committee members. this was a first venture into the uncharted waters of parish ministry The coordinator, dec1d1ng that some 1n-serv1ce tra1n1ng was needed. invited W1ll1am Johnston, a religious education consultant to help her committee •. get on board" In the evening he spent at the parish. Johnston said his goal was to give the new ministers •. a handle on the role and place of adult educat10n ,n church hie and some idea of what ,s involved ,n getting started .• He also helped the committee plan ways to get a realistic feeling for what the parishioners themselves wanted and needed The people on the committee were •·real 1mpress1ve:· Johnston said 'not highly skilled but highly motivated." They were eager to develop the skills needed to function well as parish m1n1sters That evening session. conducted by an experienced. theologically trained resource person from the archdiocese. ,s Just one example of how parishes tra,n their own lay leaders for


A volunteer m another parish spoke

[ by:;E J

about the tra,rn'he received as a euchanstic min� m two dioceses In herf11st parish"was requ,red to take part ,n a 1ect<l�1on series held on several'"� during Lent and conduct�Y P,nsh staff members The second ph S1rong1y suggested, but d�t require, that euchansuc � attend a Saturday afternooo dll9 session conducted by a refC< � from outside the pans"riled With Mass and a supper


In both 51tuil>· the training sessions led '-" pa,.,si, Comm,s--""' Oti'ere,�•SIOninQ '"" •. - ... nstic ,,.a<Jay Mass ministers dun retraspect.�':fen In that the training seS5o" b, COmmun,ty comm1ss1011'n<J I llla\'fld a .,..,a1 part ,n helP'n<l e,i Wanted and 3 accepted as 1ansi.: m1n1ster Furthermore, 1""11 how to distribute C<JIT'111 becoming


part of a cxi,;\'Hay 'Uchanst,c ministers hell>" her anxiety sf\'!11 in her new the first 1,ine role.


Creating a sense of community 1s an important aspect of training lay ministers. Johnston explained The lay m,n,ster ,s not only called to serve others. but "to grow m faith," he said Becoming a welcome member of a close-knit community helps to create an atmosphere where such growth can occur Johnston was d11ector of religious education at another parish where he occasionally encountered lay persons who res,sted the thought of training sessions Sometimes their reluctance stemmed from a belief that they already possessed the necessary skills for their ministry, Johnston explained Other times 11 was simply a matter of busy people who had made a commitment to parish servlC9 but hesitated when asked to add hours of training to that commitment Johnston draws a parallel between training for ministry and on-the-Job tra1n1ng ,n other work situations Smee he believes parishioners "deserve the most effective ministry" possible, he ,nv,tes prospective ministers to ·g,ve the training a try and see if 11 helps." Generally 11 what 1s going on 1n a training program ,s good, people will like 11" and benefit from 11, he concluded

The Reconl. June 11, 1987


�[ � lJOOillW��Away from

t e crowds���

Holidays, and we're heading to the Sidmouth-Seaton coast in southeast Devon. The M6 and A30 seem throttled; on the '"HR" holidayrelief policemen are encouraging trafficJammed drivers to jump up and down to keep awake. Beyond Honiton we turn off into an unmarked country Ian , d rk with cook green bracken and overhanging trees, silence descends. ay, we d cide, is no or the beach. It is a day for e plori ng furth r inland. In 172




p ssed this way on his 'lterarium Curiosurn'. ot a lo h s changed since, off

Today, as we learned from the helpful Tourist Information Centre in Axrnmster, in addition to local National Trust properties, there are quite a number of "s ntl men's ats" open to the pubhc in this part of the west country Ford Abbey, n r Chard,


by S



The Irish To know the Irish _ is to love them. Their sense of humour is quick and spontane. ous with great wit and a ready laugh. Irish hospitality is as renowned as their Guinness and Murphy's stout, and the countryside is lush green. Their faith in God and in humanity is solid and unchanged despite their past oppressions. The Irish character




tenacious obstinancy when b liefs and freedom are threatened. They ar fighters and will fight to the death for what they believe in.


DOD int

Wilham Stu

" dminister", rote isiting talian in 1699, "contains nothing considerable, except he par ·sh church, w ich has a tower, in h,ch the ells are so ell uned, that the sound rs exceeding bsrmo ious nd gr e ble."


work hard and rate well in adopted so make excel-

community gears up for its Fleadh '87

nnual festival.

It's Irish re ow

out and find out how it all tegan - especially as their famous Fleadh (pronounced Flar} the lnshfestival- is s rtogo tor 1987. I spoke to three men who represent past and current presidents. Father Michael Ryan of Cottesloe was el cted first president of th lnsh club when in its infancy in 1951. From that initial start rn borrowed buildings, rt

by Colleen cGuiness-Howard

r: re'

Co ef/o r pres

g a


The migrants, young Irish m n and women, married into th Australand

DOD ey were not ered for socially hwas felt w n do something o help le get tog ther an veserve the culture

rary preomeon are sic and tired of telling you to loo for something rman ntl"

DOD l)OSS1bihty of

oor meeting pla said

r '

ory uly


, ••


"Our first consitunon was forged on the nvil of much clscu sion nd some d1ssens1onl 'We went throu h th hardships of birth and th crvstalisat,on of the club assuch, too much trrn • effort and rnass,v contribution from the f w, plus the 5UpPort of th r st ." ln,t,alty they m t t St Pars school m Welhn �on Street, across from oya1 Perth Hospital, then followed room in Hay Street and the Highgate hall.


he club was very strong With all the rn1grants and young people and we had dances every Thursday night nariona1 • games of h Urhng Sh ' and formed the arnrock Rovers soccer I c Ub during th 'f ifti said Father Ryan.


ong and


e began by w y of a b:ise alliance to co sid r IXlSSessmg neihtar f u



21 Day Offe

DOD Th lrish Club opened for business on F ruary 17, 1978 and saw th ir first show on Easter Sun ay. D dication and ood manag ment by presrd nt , cornmrtte s and m m r paid off and the d bt of $85,000 was ehmmated. Today's p esi nt rs Ed O'Connor-Smith who


�Uring 1950-55 hurling on the lanade rn . every Sunday orn,ng·· - but aft r M ass he assured m I) " One Of · · the main O J Wa s no to form a clu a ta h acca 9_ etto, nd t y rnphshed ju t that.



for m • er,



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RECO D CIA IFIED ADVERTISEMENT 1n1mum 5 to fir t 28 word . Po t or deliver. No Phone

Papal message praised from Trevor BOARDMAN. Fremantle

Srr, Congratulations on an excellent summary (The Record June 4) of the Holy Father's encyclrcal, Redemptorrs Mater. It was wond rf ul ind d to see the strong emphasis laid upon th documents of Vatican II in relation to the encyclical. with particular reference of course to Lumen Genuum Ch 8 Hopefully, this will help to bring a final and merciful end to th tortured old chche that claimed - rn diametric contradistinction to factual reality - that · atican II downgra ed evonon to Mary", a blatant

and mischievous falsehood that became a major cause of today's wide and unnecessary split within the C thohc Church. let us hope and pray that during this Marian Year. a rediscovery of our heavenly Mother's love and intercession for the entire human race will (a) spur on true ecumenism, evangelism and catechesis. and (b) restore Catholics' scriptural, doctrinal. moral, theological and pfulosophical unityin-truth that has been so ruthlessly, insid ously and system ticallv und rrruned and shattered by rmsmtorrners (posing as "reformers") over the last twenty years

Christian & Jewish From Elliott LEVITT, Ocean Reef

Sir. On the question whether Blessed Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) was a Jew or a Catholic (The Record May 21) I would attempt to answer in the same manner as I id ntify myself (i.e. a Jewish convert to the Roman Catholic faith in 974) that am as Jewish as Saint Paul and as Christian as Saul of Tarsus! One d snot ceas to Jewish by following Jesus Chr st. in d scent from Krng David, who ulfilled the Jewish law.

Lit rgy

mischi f from J. DEVEUEREZ. Bassendean Sir, the enthusiasm to brrng the liturgy to h peepie h s

Better if less is said from Francis HRUBOS Glen Forrest · Sir, Raptiael Mahony (The RecordJune4)e posecJwell the misery and the schem. mg of the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace. He listed the need for work on the Australian scene but not a whisper was said about the overseas manipulations which di credited the CCJP such as was the case of rcaraqua, Ph1l1ppines and Vietnam where the Comrmssron was either duped by the communists or co-op rated with them. On the local scene he didn't rnenuo th support of the Commission for the Palm Sunday m rches. the attack on th USA d fence bases or A ZUS

Applauds deci ion

rman r iartvr's d

From page 11


tty nation.

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rs gom trength to stren will connnu thing, .. ew m m rs ar w 1come o ma e ap lication There r

uoted at the arti· nt oft Brotherson ral Servant 5


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SUN 14 • Catholic Singles, BBQ Tomato Lake Kewdale. BYO everything. Meet causeway carpark 11.00am. WED 17 • Education Night on icaragua 7.30pm. Youth Centre 30-32 Claverton St, North Perth. SAT 20 • Catholic Singles, Dine at Lombardos. Book with Brian

444 4083.

SAT 27 • Cat olic Singles, Train trip to Collie. Depart Perth 8.15am. Book 444 4083 by May 27. Cost $20. • Christian Dance Workshop for primary aged children. 443 2817. SUN 28 • Day of Enquiry about Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition. 10.30am-5pm, 44 Fifth Ave Shoalwater Bay. All single women welcomed. 0/H Sister Emilie 328 9878 H Sister Angela 337 3184 UY • A TIOCH youth renewal week nd Gidqeqannup. Max 4 e ch group Send repli s by June 12 PO BOX 194 orth P rth 6006. • TYCS Pa y. Spots/S ripes P rty. 5 Laurel Close Riverton 8pm. BYO drinks/snacks. FRI 10 • C thohc Rural Youth Outreach Wee e d Bm o n. Ring Davi Edwards (09) 34 4192. SU 2 • CPY en Pin Bowli g. 328 8 36. A G ST FR17 • CHOICE Wee end, Gidgegannup. 328 9878. • TYCS Camp. 328 407 .

The role of a chaplain in the 'youth milieu' is far from clear judging from the comments of ma y chaplains in WA and the ot r states of ustralia. The subject of chaplains was discussed at t e ational meeting of university Catholic Societies Tertiary Cat lie Federa· tion of ustralia (TCF ), I atte ded in elbourne recently. t as agreed the cha· plai 's role as been unclear because t e groups and TCFA have bee ncl ar about their o n ro or vision. Practical steps ere t n to relieve the present

requirement from chaplains. At the same time cha· plains should e courage the group to commit itself to the visio of the national b dy. For many chaplai s tension exists between the perceived need of the gro p for direction from e chaplain and the cha· p ain's wish to remain in he background, to analyse a to be bjective. Chaplai s could ell initiate groups e.g. liturgy preparation or discussio gr ps a then a d over the reins to the students. s a secretary of the International ovement of Catho ic Students lex Var·

recent Tertiary Catholic Federation of Austrara Executive meeting in el· hour e which I attended. Commitment is seriously lacking to those areas that TCFA is concerned with namely, a Christian life, formation (ac uiring a se se f issio ), education (in extracurricular areas), outreac (giving drink to those w o thirst) and lastly prayer. T ere seems to be a wi esprea reluctance to ta e personal responsibility to go eyond hat as taught at Catholic Scho I in religion'. TCF sup orts hose who wish to c allenge their o n ignorance or passiv ly ac uired beliefs a d so find the value of Faith and Church. In so ol , TCF battles against disinterest rderp thy

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OC QBE A IOCH Flame 87 Weekend 328 9878. Annual renewal for all i volved or interest rn Antioch.

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n DAY: Sunday 28th June E: 10.30am-5pm E: 44 Fifth Ave, Shoalwater Bay CONTACT: FF CE R : Sister Emilie Cati l1ni 328 9878 R HOUR : I B ile 337 3184 n Downes 335 1576 will be celebrat d.

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by Neil Bradley and R · chard Siddons










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I Uly es on the Liffe;· by Jame Joyce. Edited by Richard Ellmann: Published byfaber and faber.

To The Ends Of The Earth by Michael Talbot. Published by Wm. Collins. $24.95 hb. To The End Of The Earth the fir t novel of an enthralling aga bout th founding and ri e of ustralia. In 1�g5


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App ecross Majellans celebrate their 15th Anniversary on Thursday June 18. All Ap ecross Ma· ellans, past and present are invited, to catch up with old friends and m ke new o . Father O'Reilly will y Mass at 8 pm at St. Benedicts, and Fr. P. Cunningham will give a homily. There will be supper afterw rds in the h . For further i'nfonnation p ease phone Margaret Coe on 364-1024 during the day or O nna Prendaga on 364-1202 ·n the evening.


In the Senior Common Room of St Thomas M<'re Col ege, on Thursday 25 June at 8 p.m. Archbishop Goody W1 I give a ta on Bishop Griver. The meeting is open to all for further "nformation telepho 381-1180.


The monthly meeting of the Marian Movement will be held at the L.ittle Sisters of Cannel 2 Frazer St Swanboume at 10.30 am on Tuesday June 16.

Missionary lnfonnation On Wednesday June 17 at the Cathedral Parish Centre, 450 Hay Street, Perth commenci g at 8.00pm, those interested in lay missionary wor1< can hear peo e involved in different aspects of lay mi ionary work speak of what they do, how you can help, what · required and where you need to app y. For further details, please phone:- Catholic issions Office, 23 Victoria Sq are, Perth, WA, 6000, Telephone: 3255264.


At Geraldton's cath al service for church unity, the fl g h Id by Ross He Ian {right) represented national unrty, th bowl of fruit in Ail n Forth's h nds th unity of th t. mily nd th P scahl Candle in Gordon Mclou hlin's h n s th unity of th church.


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