The Record Newspaper 25 June 1987

Page 1

Inside • Singapore crisis continues.

• 250th Anniversary of St Vincent De Paul. See page

See page 3. • 'Errant'




instated after Church inquiry. See page 5. PERTH, WA: June 25, 1987

POST ADDRESS: PO Box 50, NORTHBRIDGE, 6000 W.A. LOCATIO : 26 John St, Northbridge (east off Fitzgerald St).

TELEPHONE: (09) 328 1388

Registered by Australia Post Publication No. WAR 0202


• New gynaecology treatment

• Perth priest for Rome celebrations of Lithuanian anniversary. See pages 6 & 7.

raises hopes for Perth parents. See page 11 .



BELOW: Archbishop Foley's visitation of Highgate parish last week included a visit to St Michae 's Nursing Home where he was able to have a chat in Italian to Giovanna Mattia i w ose daughter is a Daughter of the Holy Cross · n Padua where s e is a music teacher and composer. A so enjoying t e occasion is Franca Maiolo, one of the staff a St Michael's.

Wi he prospect of some of i s 26 parishes havinq pries s only in an oversee· g role, 8 nb ry diocese is o aunc a program to train ai y for parish eaders ip.

A commit ee to form t e program has met once and one of the members, Brother Terence O'Loughlin (Majellan), will survey the resources available in the diocese to rain the aity. There a re a ready two i s ances in he diocese where parishes will not have a residen priest and wil be sacramenta ly served from a neighbouri g pries . With t e depar ure of Father Stephen owe from Dardanup arish, founded i 1916, a Josephite sister has en appointed administrator oft e parish ----------------. w ose sacramental needs are suppI ied by Fa er Michae Brown OFM.


Brunswick parish established in 1959, was vacated by the recent transfer of Father Stephen Kelly to Pinjarra and Father Pat Rooney of Leschena u ltia will oversee at Brunswic parish probably with the help of an administrator.

for all floral arran ements p ciali in in





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Charities appeal is dish rsed




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mmanuel Centre, Pregnancy Help and atholi Care for Intellectually Handicapp d are the top b neficiarie of the c Catholi Cha itie pp l conducted in

Tu ,nal.lOII/

nd the


From page 1

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Mother Singapore Government in new moves on Catholic Press takes the cake Trouble

Mother Marcelle had to share her farewell cake with over 100 volunteer workers who assemb ed at the Home of the Little Sisters of the Poor for a ass and buffet supper this week. After six y ar n Western A stralia she will tep down from the itle of mother to pl in Si arc I t t

With the release of four of Singapore's 16 recent detainees and the announcement of a two year detention for the key person and a year for the rest, uncertainty still surrounds · the future of four priests who have resigned their positions. The four priests have quiet y gone overseas as information came to light that Archbishop Gregory Yong had suspended them from preaching and involvement in their former specialist works. They became a further centre of attention w en detainee Vincent Cheng, forme secretary of the iocesan justice an peace commission, named them du i g an 80 minute · eotaped ·n e e that rep ace a po lar serial on Si gapore



Uncertainty 0

so lay ia •




three, Cheng aid all four were agreeable 'to what he was doing but said he had not told them of his subversi e plan. Father E ar D' uza former a i tant editor of The Cath Ii h moved t bourne

p omi-

th zn d er me t tr it Tm 1







R neral D · e to


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"Sraid Catholics cop the blamel

If mi r ns a d mill'ons of Austra ians from their earr years sit nightly in front of te · · n screens o wh" h ma kil ers blast at, and are steel into obi· · by, tactical squads, how do we assess the shock and police orror that is supposed to surround the real- ife trag y of Sch b nd is victims or an ev n more recent gun fe d? Can yo ep sedefinethe lin that separates fact from fa tasy rem· r ns of otherwise nonna peop e must be unaffected because of the epi are spliced with commercials for cat food, washing powder a d cars re ne er hurtling through the outback for which they b ilt or · ntended. Rea life must, therefore, be ery different to e tele ision screen or the actors del"berate y a old portra ·ng what life. Only the war docu ta · wa t to happe s in eU death as it is. In rea life, hysterical fear ps thro peop a d r worrying re tives. Tens of thousands of Australian tourists who fan out across orthem Austra ia at thi time of the year nd e residents who boast their stre gth ·n the face of d nger d r if they shou d t m or bar th door. life a sudd




ode t b r en


No drugs, no devices ... healthy & effective.


errant' bishop

SEATTLE (US): Arc bishop nthausen of Seattle ho last year was instructed by the pope to for eit m uc of is authority because of h is controver ia riff\ 'S ha had his power res ore .

atur J.f amily Planning 27 Victoria quare

The Daughters of Charity


for heir work for the deve opment of l e underprivileged


Clothing, dean, wearable, - house-hold goods - nick-nacks - ornaments, jewe ery




Bi hop D nal to

Seatt e's Arch ls o

i hop. ov rfrom

r to

534 Wi liam Street, Highgate For Truck to call - Phone 328 4403 Coun goods ma ed dona ion free on ra, o ewda e Rail Te , al

B T R O S •.. BEAUT F L Remodel

Hu t a sen w o


at old bathroom

has bee re-i stated y Pope Jo n Paul

II after ear ago being instructed to forfeit uc of his authority because of controv r ia · ws (see story · ht). He said a h e disagreed with some of t e findinqs of he ree-man commi hich i estiga ed his con du th

ear 2 1

328 6955





FBl-�:akes a report �4.

The Fe of

ment it colle t d n Cathoi · bishop ··, Arch · } op

mond Huntha and D tr i Tho Bishop Gumbl ton. The r I a


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Lithuanians in Western Australia to join CathOIIC Char smat1c Renewal HEALING SERVICE and ass on each "· Fir t Thursda comm






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Pop rebuff 0

John Paul, by the Soviet from


eac The Bishop's Committee for Justice Development and P ac invites applications for a n wly created senior management position orkin closely ith the Bishops' Committee nd responsible to i

The osition offers an opportunity for a p rson of ability and confidence to provide leadership and advanced management skills in servicin the Committee and rerclslng a co-ordinatin rol wi h other relat d a enci s and oups. POSITIO

-. ..




. . 1 •·_.---·,·"'



• on


Bishop . B ennan Bishops' Committee for Justice, D velopment and Peac , PO Box 73 GG GGA S 2 0

During a thr e month visit to his n tive Ireland, Bishop Myles cKeon of Sunbury will c lebrating 40 ye rs of priesthood an 25 y ars s a bisho . Of the 22 pri sts or ained with him on June 22, l 5, in All allows Coll , Dublin th 17 still alive are e at an Au ust r unio at th college wh re h p rform pri stly ordinations hims If in 1972. Amon th fiv who cam to Aus ralia is Fath r rank Fitzgera Id of Nazareth House, Geraldton who has already on to Ir land for the

after w ict for eight years he w s dir ctor of missions, migration nd w fare. Followin hi epi co al ordination s auxiliary bisho in Sept mb r 962 h attend the first Council junior bish s amon in St P ter's Basilica. 9 e came th cond ishop of Sunbury, retiring in February 1982 cau of ill ea Ith.


In 1

Ori inally from W stport, County Mayo, Bishop McKeon's travls includ visits to his two sisters in Ireland, wo broth rs in England and many of is 37 nieces and nephews.




two years at the cathedral,

Arriving in Australia in February 1948 the hen Fath r McKeon wa assistant priest at Maylands for four y ars f low by

fr m nn

world in •eekend.




countrymen in world-wide celebration

Chaplain to go to Rome

When, after the Belmont Park Mass last year Pope Jahn Paul heard the Lithuanian word "Praise be Jesus Christ" he wheeled around to find Father Alphonse Savickas of Highgate begging him to go to the Lithuanian 1987 celebration. Pope Jahn Paul told Father Savickas that was not possible but urged the West Australian priest to be in Rome for this week's celebration.



E 361 3164




8 5

384 5605 335 2602

Capuchin Franciscan friars

? ·< r u I ·r II


g 10


10 A IE


For over 25 years now P A.L. .S. has b n pon oring ay missionaries to work in Catholic Missions in Papua ew Guinea and the Sou h Pacific. T e · ions are in ne d of p rso nel with the followin s ills and e ne ce, to ive out their Christian commitm nt hrough service m other cultures. WE TEA SAMOA: Primary, High School and T chnical e chers, Carpenter /Build r. PAPUA EW GUINEA: D.C. urs s, igh School eache , Carpenters, Builders, Boat builders, Electricians, Farm Supervi or, echanic Supervisor, Printers, a d those ith e p rience and qualifcations in all trad s. Age 21 yrs and over for a commitm nt of 2-3 yrs For further information please complete the section below and return it to: P.A.L.

.S. CO-ORDI P.O. BOX54, CROYDO PAR OR P O E (02) 2 0


E: ............................................................................... ········




Names of 'active' • famil 1es

'Crew' determined to work to improve their lives Society told them that their jobs were done: It was time to sit back and take life easy. They disagreed. So this small group, including an insurance man, a businessman, a pipe fitter, a truck driver, a postal employee and a custodian, rechanneled their time, energy and talent to the service of their parish community. They formed the Wednesday Crew of the local cathedral. ow they are "employed" every Wednesday with general repairs and groundskeeping around the plant. parish

Some refuse to take it 'easy' force at another parish




He recruited member, by cornering prospects after Mass or at the store.

Their "pay" Though illness precomes in sharing vents Bidell from workthe good fellow- ing with the wednesdav Crew now, the other of co- members have retained ship workers and in his vision of service for knowing that they more than two year-, are making a val- DOD uable gift to their The day's activities church. begin early for memberv Tom Bidell, former co·

owner of a hardware store and a former par-

ish trustee, learned of a similar volunteer work

As in the case most weekday evenings, 70 people were to be served dinner one evening this spring in the dining room at a Catholic Charities centre in a poor area of a large city. Directing activities in the centre's tiny kitchen was a man I'll call Frank Maher, now 70 years old. On hand to help him make this lasagna dinner for the poor a reality was a couple and their three children from the parish that had contributed the food for the evening; and four teenagers from two area Catholic high schools. The elderly fulfill many responsibilities in parishes today. Though the elderly may be retired from their careers, many find new direc· lions, and even new life, by turning their talents to the senice of their parishes. The Wednesday Crew, a croup of men at St Peter C.lhedral spend one 411 a week working around the parish, doin& repairs and carin1 for the crounds. Their "pay" comes from their Iellowsh1p and the joy of koow1nc they are contributl"I to the p.arish.

and adapted the idea to fit the cathedral's needs.

That crew assembled late in the afternoon,

whereupon Maher, with sk i ll, confidence and patienc.e, quickly got them working. What was interesting was his attention to the teenagers, who had heen sent there to learn through experience a little of what it means to serve the poor. ',laher qmrkl� learned to rail earh youth hv name and to make

them aware of their

8 The Record, June 25, 1987

of the Wednesday Crew, often with 6.55am. Mass at the cathedral. The men eat lunch with the parish school children,

.. except when tacos are served." they said in unison. Then they work throughout



The work varies from

painting to repairing the cathedral's kneelers and windows to trimming shrubs When the Poor Cleres came to the dioce e the Wednesday Crew dropped other jobs to refinish 24 wooden stools for the

new Convent. vtanv \Ve<lnP�day!> are spent sprucing up tho parish presbyterv and convent. After their convent renovation was completed. the School Sis-

by DAVID GIBSON usefulne-,v end value.

His respect for them was apparent.

And Maher'< attenuon tot he needs oft he poor also was apparent that evening, as he led

thrm in grace and <aw to it that ear.h < hild had milk to drink, that

each hungry person

got enough to eat, that

each person wuv served with diRn1t, lust the gifts of the elder! within the

Christtan < nmrnumty

dimimsh? tahcrs gift of himself that evening

hard! seemed to be in

de< line

It is his gift to be high!\ visible m the Catholic Chariues centre. taking a leadership role It is h1\ �ift to n�r.ogn1M• th,• dignity of those he

\\'Ork._ \\11th and tho._e he ._rrv �. a task in ,-.:h1c.h man} ,ounRrr peoplr• might he found \\!ant in�.

Pnhaps few people know of his ministry hut those "'ho do arc touched b1 it. The eldcrh often are fun rd to endure misunderstanding and

ters of . 'otre Dame hosted a barbecue for the Wednesday Crew and their wives. Jokingly the workers told the sisters thev wanted to negotiate a new con-

tract So the sisters drew up a We,lnesday Crew "contract" in whtr.h the men agreed to wur k

hard for the hcautifir.ation of the parish while not complaining about

their "bosses",

The Wednesda1 Club

"is a social group too." said Joe Krarnkowski. "\Ve try to take our wives and sweethearts out once a month to a

nice restaurant and tell

some tales."

"These men are as

faithful as the sun coming up on Wednesday

morning," said Mons

James McCormick, the c a t h e d r a I

administrator. Mons McCormick

noted that the Wednes-

day Crew gives another gift to the parish that

cannot be assigned a monetary value. "These men show true ministry

Recently the leader of

to the church and give witness that work is noble, just like the carpenter Joseph did." he said.

a church orgarnsat1on asked

Like many priests my first instinct was to think of the families who were involved in doing things for the parish. I suspect that is exactly what he was looking for

counsellor an<l president of the board of the

But his question and my reaction, both fairly

Pregnancy Care Centre

She also has begun

work on her youth ministry certification.

ing of aging is its sprrby stereotvping itual dimension." soctetv, One reason is Are the elderly somethat the lat •r years of urne-, nearly .. invivilife tend lo be looked ble" in church comupon solely a, a period m unit i e�? of loss. But, wrttev Undoubtedly there are Kathleen Fischer in r-nmm u mt res where her book "Winter the elderly are seldom Grare Spirituality for wen apart from Sunthe Later Years" (Pauday 1d"'i or invited to list}, as is true at everv ber.orne part of the 'itJ�fl of hfc, "aging 1\ mainstream of parish both desr.r-nt and life. asr.ent, both los-, and gain." rh1, pcrioct in One doesn't usuallv lifr. encompasses real imagine the elder! av graces, parish-hoppers. But The fart that older peoone elderly wuple I pie Irequentl y arc know lrft their 0\\11 [udged again. t ,t,11111· large parish to join the ards set for youth " local cathedral parish another reason whv Their reason? Peoplr. their uniqumr-s- gt>t, vpoke to them tfwre overlooked \.Is after Mass: they felt F1S< her ,uAAests. ShP welcome and c.tre,c.('"' that older peoappreciated. pie are not all alike The fact is. the elderh \RJin, she writes, a reapose a challenge to <on 'for the arnbrguitv pans hes. 1t is the, halsurrnunding i-, lcnge to recogmse the the fa, t that wo haw unique period in lifu viewed ii from an the} have entered: to ex< luvrvelv biological realise that thev possess special graces, ." Rut the pcrvpecnvr wh ile exper ienr ing growing edge of disreal losses and needs cu .. !'tion on the mean-


the parish".

well. Celeste Corheba. mother of three and grandmother of 10, retired in 1964 after teaching in the cathedral's school for 17 years. Since then, ',frs Cocheba has become a

outreach to young mothers in need


the active families in

Some dynamic individuals base their rrunistries in the parish as

a non-demoninalional


names, as he put 11, "of

A retired senior citizen te,ches woodwork· i11 hrice • wffl at , Mont.essori Sdtool. M,,., of these Pfff1le ,re findi1t6 ••1s to be of service to their community •"4 their ,..,1s1t.

typical, mind





more recent teaching about family m1rnstry and family religion. This teaching looks at

"Precisely because old age Is a time of life which needs to fulfill Itself In active and loving engagement, adequate prominence and help should be given to all the endeavors which help the elderly to emerge from an attitude of mistrust, solitude and resignation, and to become Instead dispensers of wisdom, witnesses of hope and workers of charity ••• The fact is that modem cultural patterns - In which an unbalanced emphasis often Is placed on economic productivity, efficiency, physical strength, beauty and personal comfort - can make the elderly seem burdensome, superfluous and useless, distancing them from family and social life." (Pope John Paul II In his 1982 World Communications Day message) What Is your Image of the elderly? To ask such a question Is similar to asking what people are like at midlife. In that case, however, Images Immediately come to mind of this or that person for whom midlife Is a time of decline or a time of new birth and renewed energy; for whom midlife does not seem greatly different from earlier adult years, for whom It Is a time of crisis or for whom It has become the occasion of fulfillment and genuine maturity. Obviously, people at midlife are diverse. They cannot be reduced to a simple formula or definition that explains them. So, perhaps a way to get at our question about the elderly Is to ask not what "image" of the elderly springs to mind for you, but what "Images." For, undoubtedly, the elderly cannot be reduced to a simple, single definition either. To stir these Images it might be asked: Who are the elderly people that you know? However, the risk In asking these questions Is that in many cases Pope John Paul II will be proved right: We'll learn how many of the elderly have been distanced from our family and social life; that they frequently exist on the margins of society; that many younger people don't know them. The US bishops expressed a concern about this in 1976, saying: "America today faces a great paradox. It Is an aging nation which worships the culture, values and appearance of youth. Instead of viewing old age as an achievement and a natural stage of life with Its own merits, wisdom and beauty, American society all too often Ignores, rejects and Isolates the elderly."

family m1rnstry in a different way


the Second Vatican Council, the church has emphasised that m1rnstry begins with the family itself. Twenty years ago Vatican II said - and Pope John Paul II has been at pains to emphasise and re-emphasise 1t - that the hfeof the fam1ly1s the family's principal pastoral act1v1ty What does that mean? Let me illustrate with three stones about people I know Friends of mine are successful 1n business They are usu,g the profits from their business to provide their chlldren with a good education, carefully choosing schools and programs and trying to give the children the guidance


and direction each one needs. Needless to say,

this doesn't leave much

spare time.

In another case, a young man - a very talented designer whose work 1s well known hves at home with his parents and sister The sister. separated from her husband, 1s caring for their two children She IS haV<ng a very hard time, for the move to her old home felt hum1hating, the separauon from her husband was very painful and she IS chromcally short of


DOD The young des<gner has shelved his own marriage 1ntent1ons for a while to help his sister He soft-pedals his own success lest comparisons come between them. He plans eventually to be out on his own but recognises that his sister ts more able to make use of his help at thlS ume than her parents' help Until she 1s on her feet aga,n he 1s going to take care of her 1n as quiet and unpretentious a way as possible. Finally, a couple I know evaluate all the<r Job poss1b1llt1es and Job offers in hght of the effect their work could have on their marriage and family life For them. marriage and the family come first Those stories provide some 1llustrat1ons of family hie But they also serve as 1llustrat1ons of

famlly ministry They are examples not only of family solidarity, but also of the family's religious role The m1n1stry involved 1n those stones 1s as real as my m1n1stry of vis1t111g the sick or preparing a homily Both Pope John Paul II and Vatican II talk of the "domestic church" or the 'church of the home" Thts 1s not simply a poetic way to talk about the religious quahty of family hie It 1s much more than that It means that the family 1s a genuine church community. Just as the pansh 1s a genuine church communrty The Cathohc family 1s a true sacramental community, partic1pat1ng ,n the larger parish community, Just as the parish 1s a true part of the larger church And the lrte of the family, 1n all the concrete things that make up daily hie, from the bedroom to the ut1hty room, 1s part of that sacramental lrte I suspect that many of us once acted as though the parish were the smallest authentic church community Anything smaller than the parish fell short, or so we thought. But Vatican II and Pope John Paul - obviously supporters of parish lrte - emphasise that the famlly itself 1s a true church community As a result, family ministry 1s on the move We are beginning to understand the way in which families are church commun1t1es and how their hie 1s also a min1Stry This should prove a support to family hie when that support 1s needed

The Record, June 25, 1987


From page 7 Conv rsion to Christianity in tho e day m nt acceptanc into th Europ an famil · and the birth of an lion.

c lebr ted in Lithuani but the pop . h . invited all Lithuanian . , here po ible, to go t Rome wh re he , ill announ e the be. ti icat io n of rchbi hop or c , tulauis, in Jun thi


Sain s are an

From page 5

Fath r"; bout ke p breathing lit The 'I rinit • i th








op nl ·

From page 2

Wi1 h a final spl tter he b·g whi e Ali cafa ydrofoi ) slid gently a ong ide the pier at ocarno. Th day w s p rf ct B autlfut Lake M g 1ore, shared b tw n Italy and Switz rland, ref I cted the d p blue and white-fl eked sky; lat Septem r sunsh me glinted on mountains already snow-ca p d. We h d sail d from th ltttl ltali n resort of Pallanza


with m p, ly furni h gu1d boo . nd d tail of th

sid s, an anci nt mona t ry mingly glu d to a narrow tiny ledge, slands nch with su tr cal tr s

cloth of thos d


Unfortunately, many people take ferfull-term tility, health 1 babie , and children indeed for granted. generally, Becau e it's been o easy, they don't cherish wh t th -ve got well enou h, and do not appreciate the anguish, mi ery of being "a le er feeling woman" man • infer-

Anguish of a 'lesser

feeling :;:�h::�lenund:r� w O an'

Lynn and Kerry Smith yearned for a child for eight and half years. The earch for a cure for her seeming infertility, combined with premarried years of trying to find the answer to a possible potential sterility, made Lynn frustrated and angry in deali ng with a medical profession she considered somewhat disinterested, and unable or insensitive to help her find a cau e. Whatever the reason

tand their bitter di appoin ment




ft r .bl

s pictur of the Madonna was placed over th hr h It r and the church called Madonna d I Sasso (Mad nna of t Roe ) Over th y have n m ny tions. includrn a new facad and campanrl m 1890

r the colourful resort of Asco • famous for rts us c Festival in r, a d th vilislands of


aulted ceiling rs a orn d with paintings, fr sco , sculptur s. statues, a myriad of angels, a glitter of gold; and coun I s e votos - expressions and thanksgiving for favours and cure . any thousands of pilgr ms come h re ach year, and occasionally, e rally at a urn of ens, • the statue is t

boyant sculptur s, mt resting doorways, sh y courtyards There's plen y to do: tennis, golf, swimrn n • nd a variety of wal s discov rin -old villa • some reached by bridges arch d scarily o r d p ravines ... During the annual film fe trval the Piazza Grande becomes an n-air th atre; th re's a floral festival on Whitsunday; and the climate rs said to be such that Cam has and gnolias blo om in early arch. Lovely Lu ano i within reach and there are

to catch o r to Pallanza.





EA TO Ri hard John: Son of John Patri k and Dell Eaton and brother of Dami n and Ii fa will be baptised in St Th r 's Church, Dowerin on Jun 28. L.ove from littl cou·n , John and c.arly William and Elizabeth K ii.

CAN Y: Joseph n nd Gladys Lucy, departed th. · e Ju e 25, 1984 nd Sep ember 17, 1980 0 dear father and papa, mother and Mumma. Lovingly rem mbered by Brian, Janet David, Jani , P and Greg�. My perpe rtsh upon:

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, may your n m be praised and glorified throughout the world, now and forever. Grateful thanks for favours granted. W.D.B. Most cred H art of J u may your n m be praised nd glorified throughout the world now and forever. Th nks Our Lady, St Jo ph, Little Flower St Joseph and St Jude. M.W.

Ask the politician

from Roger RYAN, North Doubleview Readers of The Record and their friends who are interested n protecting the good moral standards and values of our young people would do well to write to their local candidates aspiring for election to Federal Parliament on July 11, either through the Senate or House of Representatives, requesting them to reply in writing to the following quesuons:1. 'Will you do all m your power to alleviate the plight of the million or more Australian cmzens, ncludinq thousands of children, who are hvmg below the pov rty hne1" 2. "Will you be pr pared to introduce a bill to F ral Parham nt that will h ve the



TV, to realise the increase m violent sex crimes occurring in Australia in recent times, and the reported number of children who are considered to be poor. A clinical psychologist Professor Bill Marshall, who has worked in Canada for the past 16 years, assessing and treating sex offenders inside and outside prisons said his studies showed that more than a third of rapists collected pornography at a high rate. For child molesters the fig re was about 80 per cent. He goes on to say that a third of each group d liberately and routinely used pornography to psych themselves up to commit their crimes. Chnsuans are entrusted by God top o ect young people from e 11 influ nces that would pr v nt h m from y of hfe Irving a Christian Th Church n th laity

life for the nation. Prevention is better than cure, so let us act now and start writing to our local candidates. whose names appear regularly in our daily newspapers. Don't forget that politicians are the only authorised persons who can enact, repeal or alter existing laws. When voters receive rep. lies to their two questions they will be ab e to make a w II informed judgement. as to which candidate will further the best interests of family life in the State and Fed rally.

ome of � din the § u rral- � t the Bill � nd ,el· � not the


t oli to buy § d i . If like me § o it I urge §

D idra C rro/1 of Tu n m med tn St D ms church

ration cour.


or , Ju

, 987



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Stat earns rep fo top On the International team Lyn will work with a chaplain and three other students coming from Uganda, Switzerland and Chile. Her responsibllitv wJ/1 be to collate the activities of the movement in one region of the world, liaise with the Vatican and possibly undertake extension work in North America. prac ical demon traion of er s and ords used

their common rol as a Chu re e xpe• nee" to youth. est blis m nt of

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Medi a io rY Adut



While waiting for the ratification of her position by member countries of the IYCS, Lyn will continue her s udies in French and Spanish. Lyn's International experience bega las year while working for the Austra ian TYCS movement. She attend the Ten h World Council of he

Young Chris ian Studen at Louvain Be gium. On the In ernationa team Lyn will work with a chaplain and three other students coming rom Uganda, Switzerland and Chile. Her responsibility will be to collate t e activities of the movement in one regio of the ward, liaise with the Vatican and undertake possibly extension wor in orth America. Before wor i g for t e Perth TYCS ovement in 1984 Lyn commenced studies at C rtin Universt y a as since qualif ed as a elfare or er. Before leaving Perth, Lyn took lessons in French from t e present YCS full imer athalie Hanse .


Lyn's proudest admirer is her little brother GI nn, a seventh grader a St arv's Glendalough. e tells everyo e his big sister Ii es poor peop e and is orking for he Church. People as is she a nu I Glynn replies "not yet" and gets a dig in t e ribs from "Big Sister". Ot er oung ester Australians interstate i elude, Gem a ooltorto in Sydne Australia secretariat.


Adriane O

also former y

of Perth.


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Western Australia continues to supply top calibre people for both the Australian and International Secretariats of the Jocist youth movements. Lyn Dundon recently left for Paris to nominate for a position on the International secretariat of he Tertiary Young Christian Studen s' movement.



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4 92

PARTICIPA TI G GROUP Catholi Youth Polic & Citizen



Record Kids Club

hildren's Story Hour France H'tl the •ou11g· 'abrini child· est of 1


Houiet r; be altouied France to begin her own comm unit . religiou et en of the orphan git




the local orpbana e. She uorhed hard and made ,m111y changes. H11t i.. yetlr later the bishop clo: ed the orphan '


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Lother Cabrini and her

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Hidden Words































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Conserve flora not destroy

at books ..... music ..... art


Racke s expose

trangers by Rosie 11�0mas. Published by ll'm.

coune. $2t1.95 bb.

Annie , ·as happy. It , a: n t a breathtaking happiness, after ten year o marri gc, hut her life was full of l ive an<l atisfaction. he had , tartin, and their two child· ren. and he wa: content. Then on · morning ju t h · ore < hri trna: a terrori t bomb c: plo ded. It de . royed the d .partment tore here he wa . hopping Annie wa trapp -d under the ruhhl ·, with a complete tranger buried in th darkne b • ide h .r.

tranger , he told him ah iut h ·r life· th • big thin and the lit tic

Rob Bottom ( o n n •c.·rime ra k •I <>! influ-

LINKED IN PRAYER Rosemary Atkins Others re h and



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THE -PARISH -- -� -SCENE ___,;

by PETER MESSER The final of the mi ed pennant comp tition were played la t weekend in wet and windy condition . It wa difficult for the players ompeting in the finals to come to term with the

winning team and to all tho who participated int the mixed pennant competition. Matche w re played in an excellent pirit and the report indi ate that everyone enjoyed their tenni.


- '!!!!!


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Ladies ft Gents Hair Designers PERTH 238 Hay S! East Perth 325 2187 CITY ARCADE (Shop 2) 322 4842


As the Catholic Women's League of Western Austra ia ce ebrates 50 years of

fellowship this year, th Cathedral Branch are organising an ecumenical service of prayer for peace and unity in St. Mary's cathedral on Tuesday, July 7 at 10.45am. Present and fonner members and friend are invited also to share hospitality afterwards at the Cathedral Parish Centre, 450 Hay Street.


"Arius versu Ath nasius in current scho arship" will be discussed by Dr Kannengieser, a cholar in Patristic studies, from the University of otre Dame, Indiana, USA, in the Senior Common Room of St Thomas More Co lege, Crawley on Thursday, Ju y 9 at 8pm. This is a special meeting to take advantage of Dr Kann ngieser's presence ·n P rth and th ordm ry monthly meeti g wi I be he d on Thu y July 30. M For tu


The Focolare Movement is ho di g its annual Mariapolis, at Fairbridge Vi lage, Pinjarra, from Wednesday July 15 to Sunday July 19. It is open to everyone; who e fami ies, ·ngle people, dergy and religious, people of a I churches. There WI I be ta sand practical experiences on living th Gospel in d ·1y life, with an aim to promote u ity in the family, at work, in the pari h, with friends. Separate programs have been prepared for children a d a creche is available for babies. For more information contact the Focolare Centres: 40 Melro Crescent, Mt Lawley, phone 271 0658 or 79 Harbourne Street, Wembley, phone

381 1852.


Catholic Charismatic Prayer eeting and Eucharist every Thursday a 7 .30 pm Rede ptorist C urc orth Perth Healing Mass every first Th rsday each month or f rther · nforma · n hone 38 9228


St tio



J ly 2-6

The College commenced In 198 nd Ill have appro imately 570 tudent in Y ar 8-12 in 1988. ppllc tlon ar in lted

thsll &

Ill in olve

Greyhounds - with The Record Tipster

n application form and furth r lnformat on are a allable from:

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Tel phone 325 3655 pplications are invited for: 1. GIB Y SCHO RSHIPS, eli i le to boy of o scholastic ability enterin year 8 ln 1 88. cholar hips are tenable for 5 year . pplications close on Friday, 10 July, 1987 and an examination ill be held at h Coll on T ur day, 23 July, 1987.


0 0 OYS SCHO RSHIP, eli . e to boy ent in Y r 11 in 1

At 8pm on the fir t a urday of each m n h (Jun 6 h uly th, Au ust 1 t etc) there is fir cla Ch istian entertainment provided in he C tholic Education Centre, d pict d in the lett r ad at 50 Rui lip Str t L d rvill . The ntertainment includes drama ong, mu ic and th opportunity for fella hip fter ard . T ch accentuated ame venue

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