The Record Newspaper 09 July 1987

Page 1

PERTH, WA: July 9, 1987

POST ADDRESS: PO Box 50, OR HBRIDGE, 6000 W.A LOCATIO : 26 John St, o hbr"dge (east off Fi zgerald St). Registered by Australia Post Publication No WAR 0202

TELEPHO E: (09) 328 1388

The deaf, and how they cope in a hearing word, give insights into a life of compromise, frustration and difficulty. But despite the odds - they lead successful and happy lives. See pages 6 and



lhe Marian Year too off spectacularly at Mary's

oun School recently

when Father Ray Clasby, Carmelite, individually enrolled 238 children in the Brown Scapular of Our Lady. The scapulars were he ovlnq work of Mrs Eddie Ward who takes up to 10

minu es to stic eac scapular from supplied desig work. ork. T o

She is no stranger o the years ago she

ade 120 scapulars for

the sc ool ands e has sent more than

1CXX) to missionary centres in the hilippi es and

ew Guinea.

DLEFT: Father Ray Clasby, Carmelite, presents the Brown Scapular




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ME BOUR E: re "dent of the Viet rian Cou cil does not wa Ca holies offer"ng services to AID victim and wants o bl ck ealth De artmen f nd going to a Cat olic AIDS as istan e b dy. Mr Adam Carr, p esident of VAC, want to back only organisations that affirm

i I I

homosexual's rights to

maintain relationships.

t eir

He said the VAC will attempt to set up a service hke other Teresa's sisters n e ��rk Which he clai ed imposed a boarding SChool discipline and di Played no respect for homosexuals .: A group of Catholic have set up th Australian AIDS Fund o prov hospice accommoda on for terminally ill IDS Patients. 0PPGse any

It was s t up by elbourne Journalist Brian H 111. Committee members include the director of St Vince t's B o thics Centre, icholas Tonti-Filippini, St Vincent's director of community medicine Dr Joe Santamaria and Jesuit Fath r Patick O'Sullivan


c AIDS ard that Brother Ale in ired no confidence in the gay community. Brother Ale s r own for hrs or m ng th treet krd of St K1lda

Mr Haill told The Ad ocate that th esta hshm nt of th Fl ospic s had "encountered a

th re are two face of D - the trapped sufferers and the o her face of ughne and u dislfish SS


ontinuin gin II

Rome job

There will be an ecumenical church tatem nt on the theme of the Bicentenary for ial Ju lice unday houah the n liial Re pon ian bilitie Cammi. withdr w from th dr fti o pro 8 rch aft


SYD EY: The Aus. tralian bishops will nd a arist Brother to the United States to tud the US bishops' m thod of handling o ial justice t tement . Br ther Mark ' onnor vill see if



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Social justice study



peciali t in Catho icTrauelfor



a y y ar

F r ha pee· I pilgrima or bookin you re uir w, hin Au tra�""�. . �. yo



ologhas warn d ecumenis s ainst logy to a dip om tic fun tion in sta lish good rel tions among Christian churches. In a new boo , Church, Ecumenism and Politics, C rdinal Joseph Ratzing r, ad of the Congr gation or th Doctrine of the Faith, a s h is "strongly gainst sup rficial and hasty reunification" of Christian churches without re olving th ological differenc .

From page 1 hshed by a firm of w ich C rr is bo rd


bishops' of procedure d pted to the d ational Justice

Vatican in denial o Kut VATICA r

famous Davis Cottage and the historic St Patrick's church in Sydney are to be preserved and enhanced if a 100 storey $1 billion development takes place in The Rocks area. Part of the site for

the proposed project is owned by the Catholic Church and the remainder by the 1 SW government. The development however will also provide better facilities for the Aquinas Academy, the school convent and presbytery on the site.


The Vatican denies it initiated moves for Pope John Paul to receive the ustrian Kurt president, Waldheim. A spokesman said the Austrian government repeated y requested th meeting that took Ia e o June 25.

It is generally accepted that it was in the Davis Cottage that Father Jeremiah O'Flynn left the Blessed Sacrament when he was deported from Australia in 1 ay, 1818.

Others contend that the Sacred Host was left, not in the Davis Cot age, but in the Kent Street house of James Demp ey. Irrespective of which of the e claims is c rre t, it remains that Church Hill has been a place of Catholic orship from the earlie t days of the Church in ustralia.





Histor c St Patnc 's Church




R neral D · ecto •


a in t.




CARDIFF: A convert to Catholicism was ordained in the village next to where he had Worked as a Congre ational lay minister for 30 years. Archbishop Ward ordained Fr leuan W n Jones at Our Lady of Lourd s Church, Mountain Ash, wher Fr J nes as received as a Catholic five y ars o. Before that he a d aeon in the Congregational Ch Penrhi

1 ();

legal immorality

ope ees

For those who rant, rave, fume and perform irrationally at advertisements on television without the stations taking an atom of notice, there may be a flickering light of consolation at the end of the tube. Not only has NSW Police Minister Paciullo declared motor vehicle companies irresponsible for portraying motor cars as speed machines, he has gone so far as to say that while such advertisements were not illegal, he regarded them as immoral. This is pretty strong stuff to be dished out to consumers who always suspected they were sitting targets for smooth talking adverts but never thought the government would be game to ta k about morals ... As anyone knows who has ever tried contacting a television or radio station, or newspaper, or ad ertising agent, or manufacturer to make the merest observation about an advertisement. hose same stations, publishers and agents are sanctimo iously horrified that anyone could ta e the lig est exception to what ey are pro oting. End of the call. Wh her governments will now pearhead other attacks on what is immoral in today's society will be intere ing o see. tn t e meantime a n w family ga could beco e the vog e, isti g of all h advertisements which, although not ill al, are im oral. Th n famil' s co Id indulge in hat ired old ligio s ga e of o yi g ir conscience . Wou dn't t adv amused!


Service na DOD





O I SHA, ( igeia): igeria's fir t Cistercian monasterr h s been op n d at ugb in the Onitsha dio e , a d a oth h upp-

mona ter Ba m



ca di a



A first for

Africa • g ves elp

hbi hop Heery, p, fir t had the of ma ing the f und tion 25 years


No drugs, no devices ... healthy & effective.




NEWCASTLE (England): Mounting debt may force Bishop Lindsay to take the nusual step of asking for bequests from Catholics in he area. The diocese went $25,000 mo e in he red last year b · gmg the otal deficit to $200,000. ich

of the parts Ill


Member of the u tralian ouncil or 'atural F mil) Planning Inc.

Wilis & Elio

SEOUL: Revelations by Catholic priests in Seoul, South Korea, about a government cover-up, forced the resignation of the prime minister and seven cabinet members. The Korean priests for the Rea isation of Justice revealed the death in police custody of student Park Chong-Chol. A statement, rea out in Seoul's yonydong Cathedral, said e university student was tortured to death while being questioned by police. It said the two policemen at present in prison were not r ponsible for the tudent's death, and named thr e ot er


l 75 Scarborough Beach Road

Phone 444 3543


R F WILLIS. WA O A, Optornetr st

wer i d n. After fir t denying the claims, the procutor and ollce admitted th other na ed wer also re pon ible for the student's death.


He aid th way of ta problem.


'atural.f'amil) Planning Centre 27 Victoria quare

One w ul

pari he


cover th. which the dio



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tor 1 n · an hi anar h p


o er

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61 2


Imagine a life without song, without music - no babies' cries

o bir SS g • • n er or d ...



o birds sing in the world. There is no beautiul, soul tirring music to calm their nerves, uplift their spirits or stir thei pa ions. 1 o new born he baby s er r brea Hence of the dar night.

of its kind Mr John Levitzke, ex cutive d1r ctor of th W tern Au tra ian Deaf Society in Brentham Street, L ederv aid t i

The ' hea no lilt of a friend' voi when it gr t them H llo!" a d above ll th r mi s out on th mo t inde ib hie j • in the i. rid to h r th jo , i


Father Paul Pitzen, OSM and Barba a Harris, Co-ordinator of the Emmanuel centre in as Perth have quite a job on their han s - literally and igu atively. They wor with the deaf and use and teach sign lang age lip-reading, an are both fu ly comm itted to doing their utmost to help e deaf and hear· g impaired p ple they have c nta t with. h world of d a has speial problems, m . which hearing people ompletely overed orant I ange of and in eem-


hm out the ift of 1





11 ord, Ju



- not even a word of greeting


p oblem aid

deaf couple, and their ommitment to the deaf and disabled goes beyond a 9 to 5 j b. forth deafand

2000 words for sign

language whereas ours has at least 75,000 words. Words that we can play with, use with different tones to create different meanings, innuendoes, subtle word plays, romanticise, give vent to our feelings with and to create love and softness in another or conversely animosity are not possible for them. They can't affirm themselves or others along the way because passing a hearing person a compliment is limited if you can't communicate on the same level nor between each other with such sign and lip-reading re trictions. Even between themselves, their communication is fairly basic and confined to essential ar as.

The Daughters of Charity

diff iculties persist beyond school years. One instance is cited of deaf adults being unable to read well enough to fill out a police report. Reading comprehension is confused for them by idiomatic language, double meanings, shades of meaning and new current terms introduced into everyday speech. They take words literally. For example how could you explain as Father Paul said "Walk with God", or "a milestone in your life ', or ' Bill illed in congress". The latter to them would mean Bi 1, a man, was killed in congre s. And so new papers, apart from the p rts pag s, nl ' give headline information for many d af people. In their frustration and

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. or inconvenien Barbara fl state recentl

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That Lamborghini car it's only a poster My seven-year-old grandson presented me recently with a poster of a red, sleek, exciting Lamborghini, saying, "Gramma, I know you would love to have this car. Since I know you by JANE wouldn't buy it, I WOLFORD got this poster for HUGHES you." I responded, "Why do you think I wouldn't least one person has buy that car?"

Christopher answe red, "It's very expensive and you use your money to help poor people have food and clothes." Who needs a Lamanyway borghini when your heart can be sent racing by the knowledge that at

learned that personal action is needed to help the needy! For a longtime religious educator, this was good news. To remain truly a community of Jesus' dis11

ciples," the UK bishops said in their national pastoral letter on the economy, "we will have

to say 'no' to certain aspects in our culture, to

script, with the con-· stantly expanding list of material goods it identifies as "needs"?

I believe that families must look for ways to

pursue a certain sim-

certain trends and ways

of acting that are opposed to a life of faith, love and justice."

ls that just a fruitless bantering of lofty principle, as some have suggested? The bishops' pastoral letter does not presume to give all the

answers to economic




create an openness to

dialogue - a dialogue aimed at getting us in

touch with where we stand as persons and as

a Christian community on the justice issue;

aimed at becoming a true



Jesus' disciples. The parish community

cannot bully or push people into transformation. But it can provide models and opportunities for such a dialogue.


It is a dialogue in which we need to be

conscious of any red

herrings that distract attention from the broader moral and social questions: What role should we attribute to money in human life? To what extent should social and moral values come into play when we are deciding how to spend our money? Must the average family follow the common social

plicity of life and that they must learn to remember the poor. It may take courage and discipline to accomplish this. Remembering the poor is not possible without knowing some poor per-

sons. It is easier to dismiss them if we never

look them in the eyes, feel their hopelessness, eat with them, laugh and cry with them. This helps us see ourselves in the poor and to realise, ''There but for the grace of God go I." The parish which cares about the poor often "adopts" another less economically fortunate parish. Bringing people


Poverty beyond belief

together tram each par-

ish creates a sense of connection and respon-

sibility, and makes it harder to get that hurting human being out of our hearts and consciousness.

At Christmas, some 40

of us in our extended

Farther than the eye can see, the dull tin roofs of the slum stretch from the edge of the dusty road in Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti. Each tiny shack has a hard-packed dirt floor, perhaps a few rags to sleep on, a cooking area marked by burnt charcoal, a few hooks for clothes. The better huts have two rooms furnished with what passes for a bed and perhaps a chair.

family often gather to celebrate. At these celebrations, the adults don't exchange gifts and we give one gift to each of the grandchildren, who have already received other remembrances in their own

homes. The funds that would have formed a stack of bright boxes taller than the Christmas tree are used to bring hope and comfort to others who need to know the love and gift of Jesus. At other holidays too our family tries to share with those who have less. Some of the fami-


Children polish off a meal at a feeding centre in northwest Haiti, the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. The slums of Haiti are packed with thousands of men, women and children struggling with poverty and its effects.


Several years ago when I was wrfti/ 1book about the way parishes can reach out to help others, I was ctia,ed by the publisher to avoid using the word "justice". It was a rl.flag word, he ssid. It would intimidate reeders. Since that tirm� word has found common usage in the church




man dines on a meal prorided by St A thanasius Church. It is true that not ere,yone can work

on a committee lo improre housin� or

can serve food in a soup kitchen. But those who are inrohed surely know that they are actin� as part of a concerned parish and not simply on their own.

Most rece,/y the US bish11 used it in the 'le of their natial pastoral /etr. "Economic .sfor r.i· t ice Catholic S11il Teaching ancle US Economy' Maybe ,ears no longer •e frightened ofre rd But will WO


still suuggflo make it a conte reality.

How does>-

Our communities have to notice that in the Gaspers the needy have • SfJecia/ Place in Jesus· m·. . mistry. Not surprisingly, therefore. the early Church was car&fut not to overloolc the Pllins of the needy.

nomic ju!'e happen? Hovll 01 56 these w out iffP I-tve d ri ••�he Practising of this actual pa Justice vocabulary" These are e takes place at many • fail levers. question 5 . Anyparishgathe . r,ngChurch r;orr,tCOmmittee worlr, socillr ties today. 9toups, liturgies - is an

1 ooo

There•"�: car•"' toward b 6 ,rP 01 instrument

8 The Record, July 9. 1987

the bishops call it.

Dpportunity for imp/e-

m;;::;:, 90�/

values. com,ng together

have to ex1Jmine themselves to see if others. especially the power-

less, are invited and welcomed to be part of

their activities. Once the words of justice start to enter peopte•s vocabularies, a

commitment has to

follow. was most impressed


The slum is packed with many thousands of men, women and children struggling with poverty and its effects. Malnutrition is widespread. Children with advanced

by KATHARINE BIRD malnutrition are identifiable: Their bellies are distended, their hair tinged red. Getting a bare minimum of food is a daily battle in Haiti where 50 per cent of the children die before reaching the age of 5. Unemployment runs around 70 per cent, the

economy is stagnant

and illiteracy in adults is about 80 per cent.

The new justice 'vocabulary' DOD that is more than words

by Father HERBERT WEBER justice. Parishes first have to become f1Jmili11r With the "words" of iustice. That is. they have to hear the Gospel proclaimed from the point of view of the "pftlferent,a/ option for the poo •• r as Pope John Paul II and


The slum has no electricity, no indoor plumbing. Its sanitary and garbage facility is a wide, open ditch with a path running alongside. If the path is crowded, and it usually is, an unwary person can get bumped into the stinking sewer.

at one parish when a lonely and somewhat helpless woman started attending Mass. She wor« old clothes and did not quite fit in with the middle�/ass economic standards of the regular churchgoers. But on her second or third visit another woman invited her to sit in the pew with her and started to seek her out. At our parish, we have a regulllr "tithe" of the Sunday collection. On one Sunday each month.

a 10th of the day·s collection is given to serve the poor. (I know of other parishes that do this every week.)


Sometimes the money goes to Catholic Relief Services. At other times we provide for the local food pantry. emergency housing for the ,,,,,,,._ less or a house for battered spouses and their children. Listing the regulllr tithe in the parish bulletin ts «

gftlat reminder that the parish is trying to go beyond words and is even willing to pay a certain cost for economic justice. As the entire parish stllrts to realise its mission to be an agent for the creation ofjustice. it can develop groups or tesens that specialise in particular forms of action.

The work of these groups. however, must be based on the actual needs of the community in which the parish


• St Charles parish joimld with neighbouring congregations to

other denominations

and started .,, employment cemr« to which those out of worlr could come for job leads and support.

• St Peter's parish initiated the process of obtaining• Joan to build low-<:ost housing for the elderly. • St Mary's church, located in the inner city, used university students to tutor some of the children in its school who needed eKtnt IIClldemic help. The university parish. which provided the tutors, encouraged the students to volunteer time for this service.

Haiti is considered the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Visiting Haiti was a

sobering, almost over-

whelming, experience.

It gave me a new perspective on poverty. In Haiti, the appalling poverty seen so close at hand is depressing at first. The redeeming grace of the visit, for me at least, was meeting

some people dedicated to the belief that the bleakest conditions can be improved, that hope always is possible. Let me mention two,

Dutch Salesian Father Lawrence Bohnen came

to Haiti as a missionary 27 years ago.

-----tEducation Brief 1-------------eon-page_ t


"I am sure you have discerned as I have the living, pain-filled faces behind the concise language of numbers and statistics. The face of each unemployed and underprivileged human being, with his grief and joy, h1� frustrations, his anguish and his hope for a better future, stares out from the sheets of stansncs. "It is man. the whole man, each man ,n his unique being created and redeemed by God, who looks at you with his 1nd1v1dual face

Behind all the statistics. 'Ecce homo'." (Pope John Paul II ,n Chile, April 1987) Q. Why do unemployed people need jobs?

A. To earn money, so that they can pay for a place to live and the other basic needs of their lives Right? Yes. But there is another fundamental reason why Jobs are needed. "because the dignity of human life depends on worlc," as a Catholic Chantres off1c,al, Father Edwin Conway, put u 1n recent testimony.

The way work ultimately rs connected to a person's God-given human dignity is frequently emphasised by Pope John Paul II during his pilgrimages throughout the world. To offer a person worlc, he said ,n Chile this year, "is to activate the essential mechanism of his human activity, by virtue of which the worker takes possession of his own destiny" and becomes integrated with the rest of society "A person without work is wounded ,n his human dignity," the pope added

The Record, July 9, 1987


From page 7

Even the Grim Reaper adverti ment on AIDS is lo t to deaf people. To them it i omeone bowling over people the me age of AID is lost becau e of their Iiteral tran lations ha ed largely on vi ual irnpre ion . In one instance Barbara cit d a graphic arti t wa up et b. a man at her work place who on tantly looked at h r work ov r her hould r. of fric-

And there are other a ea of handicap Father Paul and Barbara outlin d. "For special Mas es where the congregation i larg ly deaf, and in an effort to help p ople to understand the concept and richne of eucharistic prayer, the langu ge ha been chang d to facilitate understandin for a dea p rson," he aid. " hi is in draft form and the Au tral ian bi hop have ought approval but k p getting no ed b by the Congregation o red Liturgy in Rome.'

Each year in the East Kimb rley, a wonder. ful c lebration takes place in some isolated


Aboriginal commun. ity, This year the celebration was hosted by n i olated cornmu-; ity in the desert re ions of the southeastern corner of the imb rley and 500 bori ina pilgrims and ome of their no - boriginal fri nd made the rn y. nd why were the 500 travelling the Yaruman, known as in 's S a ?


Th '

re coming north, the the east and imberley as To nsville,

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From page 6

From page 9

ow 72, he is the founder of 140 minischools on the elementary level, four secondary schools and a vocational school. They provide a rudimentary education to 15,000 children in the slum . The schools' teachers, paid $300 annually, "went through my school system," Father Bohnen said. Parents pay 20 cents monthl to the chools, if they can. Ten per c nt of students starting school finish. "Only 10 per cent of graduates have a chance of finding a job " he added. 'But w "th no educati n there no


Students horrified from University Catholic Society Discussion Group, UWA We are horrified by the pseudo-Christian values underpinning Trevor Boardrnan's defence of capital punishment (The Record, July 2). Based on the Old Testament commandment 'Thou shalt not kill", he not only justifies the judgement of another person. he justifies the killing of more life because of the guilt of the accused. He mistakenly recognises capital sentence as the consequence of our respect for innocent (female) life. We behev the capital sentence should be abhorred because of our respect for the dignity of ALL life - each of us is the flesh and blood of Christ. There is no doubt from the ew Testam nt that Jesus taught that no sin was so severe that God stops loving, or forgiving or showing us compassion.

rand on i nor

It rs cl ar from Matthew's go pel that m this respect WE are called to be riect Just li e our H a nly Father - to love as God loves We must not forg t J su • teaching that the distin tnshinq hallmark of His follow rs was o be their lo for their enemies. not their readiness to cond mn o hers.

Slav shrine visits from Peter NASH, Lesmurdie

Sir, A letter by J. Sheridan on Medjugorje. (The Record. July 2) was full of many inaccuracies. Co-incidentally, these inaccuracies are similar to the false reports on Medjugorje, which appear in publications, which openly support the disobedient, rebel Archbis p Lefebvre and "tradinona list" causes, which often cnncise the pope and the findings of Vatican Council II. r Sheridan seems to echo their attacks on MedJugorJe. He has not caug t up with he facts. Mons gnor Zamc, bishop of Mostar, no longer presid s over any commission to pronounce on the MedJugoq a parmons.


Pictured at a recent marriage preparation course are Faye Yeatman of Balga and Murray Bell of Morley who will be married in Sacred Hean church Highgate on Septemb r5.


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cond Floor, 10 P1 r St., P rth 6 hcations clos on 17th July, 1 87.




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Last year, Cardinal Ratzin. ger m Rome transferred Judg ment on the M�· . =JU· goqe apparitions to th Confer� Yugoslav Episcopal

ence, wh_ich rs presided over by Cardinal Kuharic. The bishop of Mostar is now merely a member of this new commission of enquiry. The former commission of enquiry, presided over by the �,shop of Mostar, was criticised by Cardinal Ratzinger for "enduring negative bias". Mr Sheridan's quotations from that d sbanded com. rmssion are now completely irrelevant, negative and biased The archbishop of Split, Dr Franic (who privately beh ves in the events at MedJugorJe) and rs president of th Episcopal Conference's Doctrinal Commission h s issued a Statement tha� pilgrims may go to Medjugor je with completely secure consoe ces providing h Y er submissive to th murve Judgement of th competent ecclesiastical auth n y B m submissive to the d f mru Judg ment is all hat is r ulred,

rdmg to the norms o Urban VIII and confirmed b P ulVI

YOUTH FORUM Ant· och's busy schedule

About 160 peop e took part in two ntioch weekends last weekend. In the biggest wee· kend for 1987, nearly 100 took part in the Hamersley weeke d held at Sacred Heart College, Sorrento.

Br"an and Kay Love assisted a team of 30 young people who recruited over SO new artlclpants, Special emphasis




FR117 MON 21




SAT 25

FRI 31


SUN 16 SUN 23 SUN 30

SAT 10

• Young Christian Students Second Statewide camp held at Mandurah. Ring 227 7061. • CPYTen Pin Bowling. 328 8136. • • • •

Marriapolis. Ring 38 1852. Willetton Antioch weekend. Attadale Antioch weekend. Tertiary students fun camp Harvey. 457 0971 or 276 7324.

was put on young people accepting specific tasks of preparation. At Eagle's est, 65 people came together for an OCH RE EWAL weekend which focused on "God revea i g Himself to us". Sister

• • •

CTOBER • ANTIOCH Flame 87 Weeken 328 9878. Ann al renewal for all involved or interes ed in Antioch.

P rticipants came from 16 different parishes. Bernie and Bernadette Lawrence,

Don Hathaway and Father Jegorow all gave presentations with Andrew clean, Kathryn Loveland, Damon Angelatos, Cat y Wass, Geof Lawrence, Johanna Clear, Carolyn Wie· man, Adam Howard and Dominic Da Cruz.

n ·1· atio s at

Twen y five people at ende st Eagle's camp ite ast e en or the fir t 98 7 initiatio

Eag e's es

Cathi Bugg and Fra Tassone of Balutta A och If o to


part in the


wee e d sc e





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• Antioch Adults meeting. Cathedral Parish Centre 8pm. • Indonesia Antioch weekend vrsit by M zenod students cholas Allinarne an Keith John. • Que ns Park Yo th roup anniversary ass 6.30pm, follow d by formal dance Bee enham C1v1c C ntre. • PY C ristian Living Camp G1d egannup, 328 8136. UGUST Balcat a Youth Rock M ss 6pm. CHOICE Weekend, Gt gegannup. For oung si gles over 18. Ring 328 878 or 457 0924. TYC Ca p. 328 4071. C tholic Youth Council 1 pm Youth offices. Yout al Doorknock. You Rally Cath drat 5 m.

Emilie Catta ini prepared the program w·th the assistance of adults and young people.

edlta ion for Young A Its

AY 6.15-7.30pm






328 9878

� I I IIII I llll ll I I I I l!I I I llll I I I I I I I I llllll Ill I I I I II II IIIII II IIII Ill 11111111111111111111�

P RTICIP Tl G GROUP • Catholic Youth • Police & Citize

he consume society rn which hve produ particular spirituality ccordmg to Father John K vanau h SJ, ho rece tly vlsited Perth. It affect us all. Lo of

Thirdly, I are bem tern cally d valued. 'D p r onatisation' b OCI t IS e mphf led by the e from the langu e of presid nt to the ordinary cmz n when d cribinq a polltica op nent, a convicted criminal or the unbo n - 'rn d dog', 'v rm, ', 'blo of protopl sm', Christians we now th truth rs that we are all the fies of Chr st, all have dignity. s

Th, rs because security in things and achievement. Howe r, 1f we are to be true to ourselves - m loving, trusting and believing in others, we nevltablv sen e our own vulnerability. Secondly. relationshlps suffer because of the pnm acy of the pursuit of alth, instant gratpower, 1f1ca ron or wor dly succe s n our lif style. Ourfra mentedintirn cvis due o th clutter n our lives. Th answer rs sim ly 'simplicitv' - the phys I 'po v' o llow u tame and

relatio ships as

ell as nfenonty For more inforrnat on on or the tat of Father Kavanaugh, contact the Catholic Social Ju ice Commission on 325 1212



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Sad ills of society

The Commonsense International Cookery Book by Jennifer Rose. Published by Angus and Robertson. $14.95. Unu ual, authentic and delicious recipes from 16 countrie of the world, set out in imple tep-by- tep tyle that ha made the Common en e Cookery Book rie op pular with beginner and experienced alike. R

auc ian Plum Sauce, pan-

i h Garlic Prawns Hungar-


for b, tb ro ugb Co/Jin


Founc Dote.

hcrry trudel, Indone-

method and di hes, and typical menu . Then come the recipe appeti ers, soup , main courses, vegetable salads and dessert . Some are classic , others intriguingly different. All include readily available ingredi�nts, are imple to prepare and are deliciou ! You can cook whole dinners from one tion or imply use the . book as a collection of unusual and mouth-watering recipe u of many of which, b their promi of maximum effect for minimum effort ( and often rmrumum � p nse too) will b com tand-by for family cookin and dinner parti . Th ook comprch nsiv general introdu tion includ

Father Jim

I Making our Peace by Michael Kelly, SJ. Publi bed by Collins Doue. 7.95.


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Oh food • goro s food!

romance ·it h Young man.






LIFE IN THE SPIRIT LAKE GRACE OCEAN STYLE Fifteen lake Grace pari hioners found brilliant mid winter sunshine when they took their cares to the edge of the Southern Ocean where the parish has a modem retreat facility at Hopetoun and where for three days Christia Brother Cas Manion helped them to enter the Life In The Spirit. to look closely at their Christian life and to grow closer to Christ each day.

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Brother Manion (left} is pictured with Chris Bailey, Sr Magel/a OLM, Eva Flannagan, Celia Clarke, Edith Congrene, Kath Proudlove, Sr Patricia OLM, Anne Blond Joan Abbott, Ann and Jo Hughes and (kneeling) Tim Flannagan.


The Principal invites app ications from qualified and xp rienced teach rs committed to Catholic educational ph_ilo�ophy and practice for the positi�� �f ststant Deputy Principal, The mejor a ea of spons1b1hty mg curricular planning and d v lopm nt includin : • th tim tablin of t ach rs and stud nts • pr paration for unit curriculum tim tabling (experi nee ith computing an vanta ) Th position may includ assistin h O p ty Principal in r as of astoral Car Policy. Th Coll comm nd d in 198 and ill have pproximat ly 570 students in Y a 8-12 in 1988. n pplication form and furth r information are available from:

The Principal Lum n Christi Coll T I phone: 398 50 5

pplications close on Fr"day, uly 24, 1987 ::1111111111111111111111111 llll 11 Ill I I I IIII I I I I I II I I IIII I I I Ill I I 111111111111111111111 llllllff,

For urt r info Ann 8 rd 527 527 6730.


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