The Record Newspaper 23 July 1987

Page 1

PERTH. WA: July 23, 1987

Number 2541

POST ADDRESS: 0 Box 50, NORTHBRIDGE, 6000 W.A. LOCATIO : 26 Joh St, orthbridge (east off Ftzgera d St). TELEPHO E: (09) 328 1388

Registered by Australia Post Publication No WAR 0202

"Tension and comp exity" exist in parish life today, says Father Geoff Aldous of Mirrabooka parish, when givi g his views on pastoral care. The Record spa e to Father Aldous for his views as to what pastoral care means to him. See page 7.


JIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIII 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111

g Cat olic-Jewis ,go will is to be fostered ·n the wake of Pope Jo n Paul's meeting with Australian Jewish leaders last ove ber and committees are to be established in Perth, Sy ney and Adelaide. ut it was the begin ing of a new relationship which saw ope Jo Pa I I warm y greeted by .Jewis com unity leaders at St arv's Ca hedral presbytery on the or mg of We nes ay, ovember 26, 1986. 1


E LY ,y ney

The leader of t e Jewis dele ation, Mr eslie Caplan, told the Holy Fat er: "Yous oke o us as 'our dearly Iovec brothers - older bro ers.' We unders and the ist ric nature of t e dialog , e w ich is now o ni g b wee e C rch a he ewish eo le an r st that your vi it will stim late that dia og e in s ralia." The Holy Father replied: " y meeting is that it will help to co soli te an extend the improved rela io s you a re ave with members of he Cat ollc co munity in



est whose entry into service d tes back to the day of Bishop O'Collins who was transferred in 1941 have n honour d with the opal award "Pro Eccle et Pontifice." Father Keith Spain, now retired at Bishop's Hou e, Geraldton, wa 35 wh n h w ordained at Propaganda Coll ge n Rome in 19 0. A short ti e at Gerald-


outback children. Father Michael of· f att who was ordain d in Ireland in 19 0

Clergy now sees laity as less 'threatening'


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t on Pn sts tell me 'I

at you are

Reun• n

ge I g

CHARLESTON (South Carolina): A former Episcopal (Ang ican) priest thinks "corporate reunion" with the Anglican Church "is no longer possible." Father James Parker, now director of Catholic Charities for the Diocese of Charleston, said he thinks Anglican-Catholic dialogue should continue. But Father Parker, the first former Episcopal priest ordained in the Catholic Church under a special 1980 US pastoral provision, said: "It was my personal opinion along with the opinions of many others who've done what I've done hat it · s no longer a viable goal to expect corporate reunion." "I love the Episcopal Church. It was hard to leave. here were moral questions which the bishops simply couldn't stand up and talk about," such as homosexuality, abortion, extramarital and premarital sex. Episcopa ians "believe Catholic faith," Father Parker said, and Episcopal bishops began to make doctrinal changes instead of administrative decisions. In 1978 he US Episcopal bisho s voted that divorced eo le could be married in the church, "which meant that Erzabeth Taylor could marry her seventh hus and canonica ly whi e the Du e of Windsor ost a good job becau e they oul n 't et him do that," he said. 'The Anglican churches bega to ma e it impossible for o le who believed Catholic faith to rema n Anglicans nd wor for corporate reunion because An licanism as no longer su p rtmg Catholic faith," he sard.

mp ove

Comp aint on rig ts

Improvements to the Saint John of God Hospital Bunbury will not improve or change the attitude of the Sisters of St John of God who have served there for 50 years. "They will not be changing no matter how many buil inas we construct, ' sai the chairman f the advisory board r Ernie 1anea at the icial tau ch the tw staae proje t entl '.

en s for y u


He aid that private room accommodation a edand

ual help they lo for i an inherent part of t e heal irig proc ," he id. is er \ italis said the better

It was the same spirit that had the t John f God i t r , ju t hortly after their I · hf unda-

"T ey vali at n pr heir mrnitment to the well-bein






7 3

Guest Editorial




The phenomenon of drug abuse is one of the greatest tragedies plaguing society today, a tragedy of ever-widening proportions that strikes both industrialised and developing countries with devastating effects on individuals, families and the whole social fabric. The fact that the abusers are predominantly young people poses a p rticular threat to the future stability of ocietv s we advance towards the nd of th Second Millennium. In m s ge to the Int rn tional Congress on Drug Abuse held recently in Vi nna, Pope John Paul II said that this human tr: g dy wa worsening as: • Illegal drugs were produced in everincre sing qu ntitie . • Illicit drug trafficking, which produced immense profits, continued unchecked. • The vastly wid spre d char: cter of drug use., /though concentrated mong young people, was also found at every Ii v I of ocietv, in rural nd urban n as, in both men nd worn n, in f. t in II r: s nd cu/tun s.

a prim ry one is family. .,

Th Holy F. th r l o of tr ditional w

. ri ic. of

mqmry into ban

Vatican bank official said Italian magi trate inve tigating the collapse of a large private bank ·n 1982 ar concentrating too much on a po sible Vatican role ln the candal and payin too littl attention to ' tho really re po d

ew RO

oves a

): he hi he t court has ali-




st dy we ening of life which, for


working ,n cell nt exam· d I contnbuuon

BATHROOMS ... BEAUTIFUL Remodel that old bathroom Add PRESTIGE and VALUE o our ome

MANILA, ( C) - The Philippine bishops' conference has called for "radical land reform," but said changes must be rea ist · c. In a pastoral letter read in aH churches the bishops said 70 per cent of the 55 million Fi ipinos live in poverty, calling the situation "a scandal of he first order. ' The bishops asked the "haves to share with the ha re-nots, t e landed with the landles . "

Co fere ce in ca I or Ian re

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r By J n

f n

nt rn ch NC



th r

th r









meteen year-old stud nt nur e Tara Hannon becam ern Australia's first Ro of Tra-

Today's priest in today's pastoral scene



s oral care D he ish

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Clothing, clean, wearable, - house-ho d ornaments, jewellery goods - nick-naeks c-


Deliver to 534 William Street, Highga1-e

"Tension and complexity" exist in

For Truck to call - Phone 328 4403 Country goods marked donation free on rail to Kewdale Ra,I Terminal

parish life today, says Father Geoff

Aldous of Mirrabooka parish, when

giving his views on pastoral care. The

record spoke to Father Aldous for his



views as to what pastora care means to

him in this, the first of a series by COLLEEN McGUI ESS-HOWARD of


three articles on pas ora care.

ach Road


Father Geoff Aldous says he finds a certain tension in parish life today.

P o

444 3543


A O A Optometrist

o drugs, no devices ... healthy & ejfective.

"On the one hand parish ife is far more complex than it used to be and consequently the priest is involved with so many things," he said.


"Being a pri st in the parish today means wor ing wit people as part of a team and e couraging people with he many gifts they can offer he church.

325 6644

'This organis tional asp ct can make great demands on the time an energy of a prie t today. "On the other and, feel it is. for myself, mos important to get out into the ietd a d eep in touch wi h p ople at he grass roots level. I love visiti g p p e in the parish and in ew are s go from oor to d r, ln order to meet ev ryone I can," he said.

"I feel this is he st ay to get to know p o le where they are at. Per on lly, I find tha I am energised, nd inspired encouraged by p ople who in their own little way, are d ing wonderful thi gs for God. "Often they may be on the f inges and not in th mainstream life of the church, but t y are neverthele s doing their bit. "My priestly mi istry is so fulfil in9 because it means working with people in a sp cial way," said.

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u rrl ·r 111 R

"A chance to share their very inti mat moment · n life, from birth to d ath, their joys nd sorrows, ho an fears. This can quite deman , g in terms of tim , but n v rthele s important.

"In our parish like our style of open presbytery where many People come who are wor ing together fo the commo good and people free to drop in at any time," Father Aldous said. "Although m tings can be the bain of our r es, I do enjoy meetings because it m ans coming together with p o le Who are orking tog th r for the Lord.

··, encourage

people o come together in groups or any sort of way, for s cial thin or having things Ii n i h 'urMas in the horn . enever Ca holies come together, th re th c urch is


alive. The final culmination of our togetherness is in the celebration of the Eucharist w share. "I like ein a parish priest beca u e it means strugglin to grow together with my ople as a vit I c II of h church. "It is a v ry exclti g time for the church od a d a v ry chatnging on as a pr" t," sa, .



In an age of TV communications, the world grows smaller. The afflicted people in Ethiopia

media awareness, examining television and movies, and their impact on people today.

The TV viewer's understanding of the world and of his or her place in it is somewhat altered. This w'!fJk we continue our explqration of issues in

everywhere, allowing viewers to watch the unfolding dramas as they occur in real people's lives. This can have advantages


seem closer; a in Asia does not seem f• away.

Cindy Uebhart, NC's media reporter, notes that the TV Cllf1HH'1!S seem to be

and disadvantages. But the immediacy of so many images is part of television's uniqueness. Kathatine Bird. associate editor of the NC Religious Education Package, discusses current films and TV programs that introduce viewers to other cultures. The writer says she likes to hope that this

kind of programming not only will contribute to making the world seem smaller, but that it will help shape a world of greater unity and interdependence. Dolores Leckey. executive director of the US bishops' Laity Secretariat, writes from an educators point of view about the power of

The whole • • universe 1s shrinking rapidly...

considered incidental if truly educational television is to succeed. And Father John Castelot writes of the communications world in biblical days. Contrary to what some people may think. he said, people in biblical times had considerable reading material

television as an educational force· No doub� about it. television does mform people. But to <:'7an!Je ptap/e's behav,our m faS(ing ways - a key concern of the educator the viewer must be taken ;nto consideration in_ special "'("BYS, she thinks. Mrs Leckey suggests that the viewer cannot be

The mysterious world of India, the andent, rich cultutt or Jai-n, the faaclnatlna upofRus,ia-allatt brouaht within reach of the avenge penon for the price of a movie ticket or the twist of a TV switch. Two recent blockbuster mrdla events. the movlr "A Pa5sqr to IndJa • and thr 14-Wttlt TV Krlrs -rbrJ.,,..,I In rhe Crown". offrttd

Ben Kingsw,. in tM title role of tM award-winning film "'Glltldhl"'. portny«J one of tM grellt of pnce of this a,ntury. The film hlMI sparl<«J interest in anodw film. .•P� to India ", and• televisions SMttS, ·71,e .1-.1 in U.. crown". which. /ilce ··Gandhr, offered intnguing glim�s into life and Cl6fure in India little known to ,,,.,., Westerners. TIHfNision and offer gn,phic tMdence regulM basn that thtl world is shrinlcing and that its peopla are growing i11aNsi11gly intenMpe1Klent.



on •


By Katharine Bird Intriguing gllmpsrs Into Indian Ufr and culture along with lush news of a country Unlr known to many WCllte-roen.

Both the, movie, and thr TV serlrs aplottd thr nature of thr ttla· tlonshlp �n the, British, thr minority but ruling class, and thr people, of India, thr maJorlty but na1ed racr. Thr fictional accounts


Yirwen funhrr unxt· tllng cvldrncr that troublrd racial ttla· tlonshlp, bu.: a long history. The, movie and TV scrie,, perhap, bulld· Ing on the Interest

fueled by the award·

Somej,mc m mc, 196()5 our


dccKkd no< lO have U fixed

lbc.rc were few �ctions from our young cluldrcn. "™> were oiMOU>ll 1nJlu cnccd by thar parents and sion to our home!) GMn my u,umpoon a• the lime that tcl<vision contrib-

worid"I! ma lV stu<bo 1, the

early 70s. An cdual. onaJ 5Ution hired me 10 da gn an

adult-educanon pro ;ran·

tilled "Talk 8aclt 10 four Tclcvuion"" The program invoM, l an apc:nmcnt How coul l Id·

cvtslon be used, m a r IO�or lcs.s orgaruscd w.r • as a learning tooP Ob, ,,,usly

tc.ln'f.JJon oftm mfl· JftlCCS people But ecucauoo as I man 11 here brings t, ting

change in people's lchav

lour (ould tclnu1or serve 10 that land of educ ,t1onaJ process - and .i,d p< oplc ., mt: ongoing cxplor: uoo of W'c·s ma.rung)

I fell strongly for ,dult> to truly !cam 111 llus way.

they must be as fully �cd In the -rocess as

po161bic. So my lint stq, • U 10 hoot a



nujor commuruty orgarus, tions to tell what they thought would be most

helpful for adult vicw,ng

audiences. The second key stq, was to build wtm we called "view i"I! groups", for example. if the loptC of a was

nurnncn. we tncd to arnngc foe groups o{ ordi. rwy people to mcc:t With nutnuon experts Together they •'OUld Vl� our prognm and ta1lt about u But the cxpcnmcot •'1.5 onl} modcrateh 'o\l(.t:cs,Jul \l-11yl For one thing. the \11("9,.ing grouP5 9.Cf'C tern

lcamcd. question the mfor·

mauon. lend ongoing support to learners

11us is cducatiott'S hwmn It maru that one who learns ,s no< merely a pas.,,..: party Ir SU(!gcSlS that the learner - the viewer -


Ed u cat•Ion



Hate )'OU se • a TV pro.

gram in tlx last tu;o u'f!elos tbat wc-s SQ amus-

ing. or SQ informative, or


Televtston, after all, is part of 1/fe"s dauy fare for an awfully lot of people. And wltb tbe advent of tbe video cassette recorder, It

to botb quatlons Is ya.



The Record, July 23. 1987

IWCOiding it al - the shock and grief of

__,_ who a..-. ........

Ang .lican



plungae into the midst of I rioting mob out-

Iida Johinneaburg, South Africa, to lhield I police officer the mob hal lllized end llllnl to kil. In a ..,.

flmiliar to viav.- of

�,g ,__ an


cer bums

Ill 1hl background • • f-.llls __ on.-i..'..�an' g•r � '""'US u,. . of people denied baaic human righU �oo long. end the •mpa11ioned, cour· 'lllolll 1- of a men

stn:tch horizons lastmgly Sitting In the studio control

room watching ideas get tnnsformcd into lV programs. I adnurcd the tcchna· c1ans crcattng a new language through the �ra In the 1ntcrvcru�

pie tli.,g for.,, end to

1hl viclaQ.


years my adnurauon grew


� Plllfl Boclc t_.,,SIOrl � fortha C.tholic T�s N� ol � of C«hollc &shops 1,-,. drfs. on � of •,11-,s, ol thtl NIIOonal to be .. .,.,,..,,.,. Through thtl tech.,olog, of sat as and cM>la syst,ms, - "-' .rs 24 hours • dr( and ,n$Ult'tdv be .,,,,,,,_, on .....cs thousM,ds of mil# ·




t*""""' .,,,, a



These day,. telcn'lon cameras ccm to h< r-cn.where. capturin!( ·J hfc\ myriad expencnccs On an)· given ru¢11 of the week. )"OU <·an tum on the nev.. and l>e ,ran, poned hill• world a"-.' Or perhaps more pr< ci. ly, hill the world " transponcd to you How docs this glut of mfonnauon an d unagcs


narutt n?Jlable to a1J eu,. generally. the ,n,cnc-


II pulled from the


And the teh�v1,1on c.:amcra."i arc.· there too �, an IU1no,s parish ket"J" nervous vtg,I for it< pa.<

lor and fellow pan,hon

crs ahoanJ i1 h11,u. kc.-d TWA frt on a run"a} 1n


s11ua11on or whether should be pres· cnt as every drama unfolds - • f.uruly's per· '""""'moments of gnd or anxiety. for n>.mpk But there IS a recognition thi.s .L."JXCt of rel('\,, "'Ion mu.cs a polllr·erfuJ

&,rut. when a 16 hour con<:cn by the! houc r names. 10 pop mu It r:u,c mong for Afm an famine reud

u..n fC1V • an infant. ,,.,,..... apen: _.... m,· . racu._, ,u.

history or the my<ICn<-> of

cIn• dy

.....,_ ..,.,, ,1nt1 or chil" dren. llpOI- or frianc1a; the gl.N'llmerl of hope end ... _ .

which maka the lason..!t of




The lllkr..:i8io.1 CMner'II .. there, lilntfv

had time enough hJ son through arn ,1mhn':llcnt feel 1n(iC\ :.10out th" po"crful medium 1, tclo,iuon a \.la hie cdu1.1tlonal touP l'\o'C .an.,v,:c.:rcd qu 1100 for m)xlf 10 the: f0Uo9,1ng 9r':l\� 8} 1t'\Clf tclC'o'1 ion can inform and C\!Cn 1n,p1rc '\l'1tnc public: tclrn,1on.

So did my C00\1<.:tton that a key 1nsrcdJcnt f0< genuinely educational tclcv1,1on 1, human lntcracuon the human factor Whal I the IDcalll ro du 1ntcracllon> What the places .,t,m: II can OC'(.,..r,



• lion of people on a lo"8Cf' term basis 1s needed to change behaviour and

tbal SQ angered you tbaJ you laler felt compelled to tallt about tt u.,tb appears tbat movres are friends or ro-u.""*ers' becoming more and Can you recall a movie more a part of tbe orrJi. tbal delivered a message nary bome's atmos with sucb force tbat you pbere. Television and movks lalerfoundyourse/ftallz Ing It over- at borM or In are absorl,ing expe,;en. tbe ndgbboumood, ca - in more""')"$ tban CbanCU are tbe answer

An �a � U1ml Mexico City. ind rac:ue wortters toil night and day to l9ad, the thot-,ds of people trapped under the rubble of

cnt teen Ufk.kN.indJng �o\1,, 1 o )'l."'a1' later I tu\�

rurury to mnforcc what�


Cameras everywhere

�ne-. f-rom pa.,u,r, I heard 1t helped f�cr nu.mcrQtb 1n1t1at1\. to pn>molc par

group lbcrc v."3.5 no oppor


Churches org,nncd p,rcnt· teen \.1C'\Jr1n(iC group.-, for tru,

porary Once the prowam W1\ O"'Cr, 50 waa the Vl("9,.1fll

•-iim-iiiiii e -----ii i ; .;i il together represe.uauves o(


W5C0',1Cr,cs aw.utcd me. Td· �15100 - even eduot1onaJ tclC'VlSlon - lS an action medium, and often 1t5 action takes the form or conllict Thls meant finding i5sue<iof pceenual con.flJct Lh:;u might cmplwlsc dJvcrgcnt vtcw· points between program guc,<s. Bat if the show's human interaction mvotvcd a bit ol argument. 50 I 9nS told' Of course, some progr.uns luv<: mhcrcnt conflJct One was a scncs of du.logucs m which parents and teenagers talked about rcspon,,, b1li[}', countcrculrura.l llfe>1}1cs. mc, dcmwds of lo..:


CYChrually � tclai·

home, it was somewhat surpri Ing 10 find my, :If

As I moved from behind tbe-scenes programnung to <>n·the·alr productJon more


1V b1u ( Football fever

uted htlk 10 lcami"I! In -be

bctor ,s hghted'





television broke and we


must actJ""Cly pan.iapatc in the educational process What happens If this human

from all oYrf the world effect' Can II m some way foster their growth as human beings> Their involvement w,th




More th"11 fll>t malung

ably m,-otvcd w,th. and

responsible for. each other:· Mcl..ulw1 s;ud Tcl""151on. by ,ts VCfl nature. Sllmulatcs the mtcllcct, engages the sense< arouscslhccmo·

pc-rhaps c,cn ,;pu-k5 lhc- conscicncc It ' I f can "" •« mg, 0 anger or compass1on, plcasurc uons.

or JU.5t e--eryday l.tfc Tckv,son can help lead people 10 ac11on on betulfof,usticc or Oms """ chancy A recent. dnnullc cumplc of th" I thcoutp<>unngofcon tr1bu11ons for f.1m1nc stn\.kcn Eth1op1a 2fier

n<·wed 0nph•< �oplc .." lli(:enc, of ,t.JJ"'.1ng l.h1ki

share "' the e,q,cncncc. of the people caught up LO u,um ph or trag...,.. ...... , -

• rcn th at ru gh ,., n--•-• the ,uv.-.,-e< la." )'Car ·T c I ('v1,1on d c-man d ·-·• p.tr11t1�t1on •uu 1nvo 1 o( the ""cmcnt in ....... .,. whole t>emg. Mcl..ulw1 u -� "TOI< ··1 1 ...., no< ''"". as • hadground

The biblical media

la1craNtt W15 the onpn ex

"·1c�·crs alllrare or the v.,urld,tcl('\-i\JOnin,'Oh.-CS \1�'C:rs at a ,er)' basic le--.:1 In the w.,y " shows

people. f>.ccs, 1eien,,1on --••--• a can scrv.: to c:,14!,u.:,u

One could eaai1v VIit the idea thlt the only books the Jews and

eerty Christians hed to fill their hves were th08tl of the Bible. The invention of printing was • long w.., off.

writing matllriala were expensive and, any·

Omst1ans read lhcm

ought to intrude 111 e..:n

In an clc··tnc mfo-·· ' •.. _

11} groups can no longer be conwncd - ignored Too man} p,:oplc kn ov..

selves and their world.

bnngmg the """"'" and people to life. It gives

whcthcr the cameras


uon cnvtronmau, nunor

wey. rel1tively few people could r-i or write. The Gfttks and R°"""'

tclmsion ofta, W"Onder

of the same furuly •. The shock of rccogru· uon·· IS the w.iy the late .\brJwl 'licluhan des· cribcd this power ,n The MC'<hum 1s the Mes·

undcrstandutg of them

the hwtWl family' Tclrnsion possesses an ab1hty to deliver hve picture, of propk caught up in an unfolding dnma.

viewers rhc sense of bong lherr. Even those, who work Ill

bond, a hrightcncd sense, that we ue .U member.;


thar pocl.S and pl,v


but re.. Jn<� or

Ho•�r. recent ducoYt'r

1a focus ancntion on .v, amwngly nch and dr..:n< htcrafW'C •iuch tlounshcd from 1hc' sc ..."OOd ccnrw,, BC to mc, 5ttOOd ttnru,y A.0 Some of " came from

too much about each other ()ur ncv.: envuon-

mcnt compels cumrrut

men, and putic1pauon ••.••• �be co m c llT('\-"OC· w ...


Father John Castelot J""1Sh circles. some from l'Otm 11 amc dcntm to us from J""1Sh

author> L,icr ro.ted by Ouutwu. A me cnt edition of lhcoc l>ooks conuins U compoa The\ ,ncludc pwpon<d 10 be� m>dc 10 llfC,t flgum of anuqwry They � of the •·now II aui be told"' rn,c llOOS.

or fear It can >.ho g,,-e ncv.en

� ofp.ut1L1p.1uon the t:\cnt ta.lung placc \l c some ho.,

the 1n

They pttlcndcd 10 ma!

sccrc1s or the heavenly world and or the end of w present world Written a1 a hmc ex pcnc

l·uuon uuccunn- and MU ,cry. mc,y ollettd assurances of Goc:fs ulumatc vk:tory cwn �I 1llC}' •"Ctt the

prodU<IS or ilvcly lmagll1'

uons >loot of all. w WOlb

'\at1sficd lM populu ttunr

tor 1nfomutton about the un,ecn ..-orld and lhe


Pn>ple aJ.,-,;"' have httn 1n .a11.abl) lUrious about such llu11g'. mc,y 51..U an,

\l-'11ness the .as1on1sh1ng J>OP<l!Ulty or H,J lm<bn's •

The lat<' <,reat Plane1 Earth• In ""5 lxd. he lay> OU( the' ..-'hok future <."OW'X


sin Some authors WC>t1tcd OUl of the Adam and [-,,

sa:ory but cmbc:lhshcd n so• to emphasise E�·s gut.It This led 10 • gmcra1 clcptt· cut1on ol ..-omen as the

cause ex all hwmn db.. On the contnry. the author ol ·• Ezra·. a popular non b<bhcal """"' of the umc. shifted W blame 10 Adam Thcr< was u, the Bible's Gcncss. 01apcr 6. ano<htt c,q>bnat,on of the onp, ol 5111 in hwmruty Jt was mar

rdttm«: to mc, •·,ons ol

daughters ol men .• The biblkal author adopted on andffll story here. ""' lO teach all n, deW1s Utcrally, bu< 10 help people under

It.Ind the - ntrlnF mmc othumaniry from God.



.. Gandhi". also depict

· t:haracters on each

,ldr who att aware ol just how drmcanlng the Brhl<h-lndlan

rclatlonshlps ar<" to

both panics. Con ,incNI that this Is an , uc of jU5tlce. and

dcspit<" the- dan1er lnvolvc-d. the) cour

ageousl} take steps 10 lcssc-n the distance Mtwccn the races.

In ,he, Jrwel In the Crown". for lnstan«:. an Indian. Harl Kumar. strlkn up a.n unllkrly a.nd touchlng fTicndshlp ....tth a Brit· woman, Daphne

Manners. In one polg·

nant scene, be lamc-nt.5 to her that to the British in India he doesn't exiq Mcausthls skin 1s buck.

\'!ewer< lntn(IUCd bl Japan had their appc,· tlt� ..-betted b} the n· mlnlsrrlra ·· hoaun .. Richard starring Chamberlain. High Uabtlng thr m Ion· ary actlvltln of )csult rxploren. thr Krln providNI a glance, Into Japanne bl9tory. To Wntrrn Yirwers whOK knowlec!F of Jas-, may be llmhrd to ••madr-ln-Japan··

cars and other pro,

ducts, ··shoaun .• oprnNI a window to a rich and �ne cul turc that stretches back many crnrurle,. Such media cvcot can be considered

simply an rvrnlng"• cntcn.alnmcnt, to be enJoyrd for the moment and then for ,goctrn. At thr same, time. I llkr 10 think that thC") can serve another pur pose. Thry can oprn doon Into other coun Irie, and cultutts. Tbr mrdla can whrt our appetite, to lurn mott about the othe� who inruiblt our "oriel.

The Record, July 23, 1987


From page 1

Th Jewi h population ha almo t doubled ince World War IL Although prejudice i t again t Jew . it has never be n of the proportions experienced in Europe. he cond Vati an Council wa a turning point in Catholic-Jewi h elation . It committ d the

'I he night sky over pre-1 14 avensthorp wa afire with rnulti-hu id brilliance


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He died eight years ago. An .. hiding intere t fo Stella has een th Third Ord r of St F rancis in who w m m's bran h sh • wa a ·tive in formulating an early attempt at e .umenism.

ational Council of Women and had a promin nt role in many of th t body'

lend tough for three y ars and canno p .a - hishl , mough o th m.

DOD ' bout

hoi r there as a contralto. She ha been playing the organ for 58 year and ha. latel taken up t ud of , t anoth r

she "we had a om mud to get the varto th r m-













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ovena to th Holy pirit: Holy Spirit you who solv all my probl m light all roads so th t I can attain my goal. You gav me th divine gift to forgiv and forg t th wrong that i don to me. I want, in thi hort prayer, to th nk you for everything and confirm once more that I n v r want to be parated from you ever, no matter how great the m teri I d ire m y be. I want to be with you and in your my loved on perpetual glory, Amen. Thank you for favour granted. ThL pray r mu be said for thr d ys, ons cutively, t ting favour, aft r third da wi h will be granted, no matt r how diff It it may be, promi to p bli h pr r, n i I. .R.

Death Aboriginal deaths penalty Sir Helen MAHER, CSB

Sir with continuing deaths of Aborigines in prison , 45 since 1983 - over one a month - the time rs long overdue for Christians to come to an understanding of why we should be involved in such inhumanity. Let us think of why so many Aboriginal people die so mysteriously. As Christians we should remember that prisons contain people made in the image of God and that we are called by J sus to be d eply involved in the plight of our brothers and sisters. The CCJP Annu I Repon of 1986 states· "The Commission again committed itself to raising community awareness of issues With this in mind, 1t respon positively to a request for support in promoting a tour to raise awareness about th tragic number of deaths of Aboriginal people m police custody. The time is npe. W can su port in ev ry way by pray r. letter writing, money, the present campaign for a Federal Royal Commission mto Aboriginal d aths in goals Money r Len Colbung, 23 Barnett Way, can be sent to

Girrawneen. 6064.

Bro hers •

NEW DELHI: An average of one new house every month or the last three years - hat's ow fast the Brothers' Congrega ion of he Missionaries of C arity have b en growing. A few years after Mother Teresa established he or of her Sisters among the p orest of the p or in Calcutta s e saw the need for a group of men who would work in the same spirit. T at was 22 years ago. ow there are about 500 Broth rs from 28 countries stationed in Congregation's 75 house throu out th world. Betw en 1973 and 1975 fiv hous s w re t blish in V tnam and Cambodia, but w re ost wh n new governments too over there. The work of th Brothers in India includ s clinics for I rs, the care of horn I ss boy o th streets, small schools in the slum , care of h dying an handica d d stitutes, horn for ntal tients, youth club in th slum and th like. The wor is ne in a simpl way. Th Brothers go out on the streets an the slum to m et he r and suff ring, rather than run insti utions. But some horn sand h lters ar n s ry for the p opl they meet, and th y try to conduct in a simple and rsonal w y. th


23,19 7

from Trevor Boardman ' Fremant/e

Sir, the University Catholic Society's discussion group opposes (The Record, July 9,) the execution of sadistic premeditating, wilful mur� derers, even when guilt cannot reasonably be ques. tioned, on the grounds of its members' interesting phuo. sophical metaphysical belief hat e ry human being 'is the flesh and blood of Christ" It rs heartening to know that we need not worry at least ov r th growing shor. t g o pn sts, since It now s ems that e never required any Sacraments for Salvation m the first place. What w re o ma e of the Last Su r m the hght of John Ch 6 rs anyone's


Yo th apostolate u der • r view

The Chairman of the National Catholic Education Commi sion, Sir B na Callinan has an ounced the publi ti n of OU

of Youns Christian orkers, Young Christi n tu ents Tertiar Catholi Federation of


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hildren's Story Hour to kill u eds also hurt crop and peoome p ticid ple. caused cancer. ero ot usea end the pray ozone layer that prot t the u orld Jrom d adly ,, ra .







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Irish talent he Sea achaithe a es weaver g hers to ertaln • a d e g

The Seanachaithe night, one of the Fleadh '87 features at the Irish Club was put on by five storytellers who bore out the meaning of the word 'Seanachaithe' by telling stories which were scary, imaginative, tall and ludicrous. n the old days back in reland, the Seanachaithe, a great provider of ente a· nrnent, would visit homes or be passing through the vii ages, and his presence meant a night filled with inc, edib e stories, sometimes spiced and coloured with si ging and dancing.

DD Ramb '87 pron. . . . . . audi Pr



23, 1 87



NEW NORCIA: The nnual procession of Our Lady of Good Counsel t kes place on October 25 (not September ss the previous years). For further information phone (096) 54 8018. NORTH FREMANTLE: At St Anne's, Father Nikola Caibraia recites in Croatian every Saturday evening the 5.30pm Rosary, followed by Litany nd consecration to The Imm cu/ate Heart of Mary and by Mass. For further information phone 335 4485. BEACONSFIELD: At Christ The King, Father Fem ndes celebrates Mass d delivers the Marin Ye r Rosary every first Friday nd Saturday of the month in Portuguese. For further information phone 335 1636. PERTH: In St M ry's Cathedral, Father Raymond Clasby, Carmelite from Morley, is this ye r's preacher at the Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal commencing Monday, November 30. For further information phone 325 9557. SWANBOURNE: The Little Sisters of C rmel recite the Rosary every evening at 8.30pm except Wednesday. For further inform tion phone 384 8241.

Send items for 'Marian Year Calendar' in WR TING to: 38 Great orthem Highway. Midla d, WA 6056.


-- -- - -- - - -MEYER BRIGGS COURSE


A Meyer Briggs personal growth and development course will be given at Ho Hou of Prayer. Oard nup, July 31-August 2 comm ncing after ev ning I on Friday. The Meyer Briggs prog m · a high y commended a d I program for personal growth and development through deeper understanding of o e's perso ality and ·n be conducted by Si er Mary Berry, Director of the Maranatha Institute. The

The Old Aqu·nians Lad' ' Committee tog ther with the Aquin s Col ege Lad' • Auxi · ry are ho di a morning tea at th co e on Friday, August 21 t 10am. Subscription $7. We invite a I mothers, wives and friend to ioin u . Tickets avai ble from Nonie Brinda! 444 4672 and Anne Kelsali 450 3332.


On Thursday, July 30, a ta will be given by Dr Mich I Quinlan in the Senior Common Room, St Thomas ore Colleg • Crawley at 8pm. His subject will be "AIDS: a mo and a publ· heatth Issue". Open to a I interested. For furth r information ring 381 1180.



La Salle Co ege A Catholic Co-educational College


An examination to award Entrance Scholarships for boy and girls separately at Year 8 I vel for thre years, and Yea� 11 level for two years, ill be held at th College on Saturday August 1, two sittings - Samo 2pm. ' Application forms and further information are available at the College - 274 6266. Closing date for applications - Friday, July 31, 1987.

WORLDWIDE �RRIAGE ENCOUNTER on a arriage ' Guildford or

t Gui dford


tP m Col nd

pt U-13

Archdiocesan Calendar 28





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