The Record Newspaper 17 September 1987

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�·��o�.1page 6

From page 5

Education Brief Images of a .,,,,.,.., ....,.. '"""""" Por raits - -----of J�sus --who different kind hr,e

you lo,..on me7"

(15 341 St Matthew's portrert • not oo milt. much more

"Al- 1lw1,s 1k iefi. 'ti4••1 eaters 11fferi11

.. Son of God ond Son of Men, but above all the reinterprets the Uw of

Jea,o didn"t go, I�

-- ........ ,1 dioapoo who - Pili lhought he - Some" pie thought he .... -


M.-lo<hit� M-hed togMt IMS·

our jldbf.cabof1'" IRoment 4251

1urence1 to h11 Jew11h Ch nnen readers. under·


ltandllbly - by .... lhe chi._ ., the church:• lhe on11u1< of gen- (S 17-47) To show that lhe comong of

The - rather llbstract. theok. :al .,._ of Chnot Yet Pout


- movinglv of hit e-, w1,en .,...,,., coJd •'fifth in lhe Son of God

wt,o the d....... "" Mfv I thought ht . ... P eter 1 •PPlrentty di ......... ........,.,.. .. be,i

deer at .. "You 111,

-r !Merk s 29J

who ,,,. ond ,,,,,_ fof me •• 1a...n.

220) St Mid<. aithor of lhe lint

eddreued the ,_. of hit own oommunlti Appereml'( ... I I I .bet I Gospel,


- --- -or., --to-lhe

...... of hit "°"'"II ""'·

_____ ,_ - .. "°""'





Set, euffnngdodoot-


.. ry to thetr Chntt1en



'""' lhe church - port of lhe dMno pion. lhowslhe-Chnst',lNlllG tfw COi I W i WJi I ,0 the dioaploo "Go. thetelore.

ond - dioapoo of al !he ..-..··12e19J . St w.e·, - of

i• Npec11lly 1nr-aeuve.

____. ,_ Jea,o • lhe low,g S.-.r. 1:he co.14 .. ....,,

-----� -- ·---to---··•od

_, -· ... ol 1 ""II

So.--hit- .. .,_,. - "Son of God"'

hon tor�

(1.1). Merit _,, on to on the wry conceint.r11

bolo,e •

"""'""· IUffwmg Son of Man Mlrit - .-.

.,.. - fig<,..-. .. e-, ,,,. __

.._.__by ... ,,., i.. own famly P 21,

ii took• long - ......


_,..,._to put ... ._


olong hum., - ..

,,,. lac1


myn,ry of a...

I Paul - the lntClto ....,_ Hohed.., ..

onc1..-no.._, .. ,

rw,cooflhe_ ... ,


oo one wt,o Is ._,... ond

(onver. --· truotm,on)ond finoly dv(,,g w,t!,1'-11-pio,dng ohriol< ""My God. my God • ....,


"""' .. the-otl

1o,...,_ .... _.., .,_. twldld OWf ID dll

Will rt be a scene from your childhood home? W:11 the scene depict someone enter:ng your l:fe for the f:rst trme and its changrng course? Will the scene recall an unforgettable moment rn your career or a frne statement you once made? And after people view this film, will rt be surpr:sing if they don't all agree on what was most

:mportant or most memorable about you? that w,th

v1 wer becom mvol-i w,th the char· acter . in the end, what most powerfully captur the tmagma t,on may d,ff r from person to person Je u ,s recalled through a r ma bl story Th,nk of that It ts told ,n the story church toward the end of Lent and oon aft rward

g, n for you·· nd t cup of the n w wvenanl ,n my blood wti!Ch w,11 be shed for

you ••

Judas betrays Jesus in the garden - Pet r dent he knows Jesus - Jesus I moci<ed and brought before Pilate S,mon from Cyrene I enhsted to help carry the cross for


- Jesus d,es on the cross. utter:ng the words, "Father, into your hands I commend ' myspm1" - The tomb of Jesus IS found empty after his burial "Why do you earch for the one among t dead?� the angel a - Along the road to Emmaus. two d,SCt• '" pies are met by a man Aft r washing the who begins to walk f tofthed at with them. Lat r, at the Last Supp r, table. the man '"tool,; Jesus shares with bread, pronounced the them h ·body to be bl ,ng then broke


By David Gibson

8 The Reoonf. Sepl9, 11ber 17, 1987

the br and n to distribute rt to them Wrth that t tr were opened nd th y recognised that the


n art t d

there had made an effort to go up in the Folks

mountains to see Hal· ley's Comet during 1986

My grandmother had descrobed the spectacular appearance of the comet when she was a young g.rl 75 years ago

Somehow. out of those

experiences. she con·

eluded that the universe was Just too bog for God, so God would have to be Just on th,s planet

h1nd1 I commend

tp,tt" (23 46]


Bv By mymry ew. Father Wont-, God.«!'* John "' God """' .. Caste/at .

of Chrill. lhe

:++1 I pom-ayt


rschef 1tw't • YICt9n ., hs


",I/hen I

arted askJng

� bed< 81 the epostle

to the Ephesians.-· we fond that the B,ble has

mudl bogger ,mages Since we'd been ta ng about the stars, the f,rst place I pc>onted out to my grandmother was the first chapter ol Ge,-. There God .s the creator ol all the UnM!fli8. the power boh,nd the galaxies and planets Ger.... p,ctures God calhng aft al that 1010 be&ng and



dents about ttws. ,t turoed out that • lot ol them !eel more 01 tne me way

God ,s a local pheno· menon pretty mudl limited to lnd,v,dua befMMtB en planet. the ._ ol Jesus is e mote hmtted relating Just 10 (:hr

not to members ol Olhef rel.gions or non·befteYerS


� ,t through the Word The earty O'lnsbans r• lised that the Word ol God. wtlidl represel" ted tile crea t""' and r, ng power behind lhe wtlOle un,vene. w in

Jesus The ,,_. tamous ............. ol lhlS ,reight .. found m lhe Gooi,el ot John 1 I 18

_ ,.- .. """,..

But we find the same

Ephesians (J ·8), where

flNSWII is llimself ..,,.,.

lf1l8g8 In the first chapte< of

Chnst 1s the cosmc. life� grving power al God Epliewns savs that Chrl$t"8f"t!t know a .. mystery, the - plan ol God set on motJon Wlth the aoatllOf'l Thos plan was � effecbYe when O\nst died on the

cross for a 1,1nful huma01ty h was to bring heeYen and earth._tner


When the 8,b'e speaks about heaven and earth. rt IS not Just thuWng al the great cmmic spaces and the sman earth hke the poctUre ,n the 111ronomv book I bought tor my 8-vear-old ne,ghbour h .. 11,or;ung abou1 the gap which separates our

troubled s,nlul wortc:t trom

God s and goodness perloct,on_ E-.«y tlff'le we pni;y tne Lord I Prayer. we God to b<idgo I I gap SO do ne goodness can con,e 1f'lto botng en ..,nt, We portJCI. pate ,n overcoming the gap by the new h now �"" betowd children ol God (Ephesia 2 I t �



,. •· II ,..., imarn. Ills ftllewtn SN s1• 1t,._. .t tHm.sel,n. Tt be• Jinn islobo•-nllltfer. c.;rons, lftor "� k/1e,e tNt ;,, Jesn tNy




iftJ '"' rrisltn fl IIJWff frltll ,.. UIJS ••.

iNtrly. Th risk is lo _..,. - NI ex,/1ia i• lk -Kl lk for ..,,.,...,, .t Wore


illsfe,4 ., ..-., .... tiSH ,.,._ riose lrrn

.i......,., ""''.., -.!' C-1 T1h ,.rt -r*



,.. s,dferia1 I• tiris .,.,. If Jl'tilf t•e Wlr/,, I ldlien4 -r* 97 ..,,.,..,, lrNr* 97 Ct9SS. Gr... J/J, II lff


ua recre,tH • tN _,.,

. ...,.. . . __ ..,,.,.. .. ,..,... ;..,,,., , •• ,


ues,, .,.irifNlty •iti•z ta th cress •f


carm, ,.. ..i,,,r,c -

iar of.,,,,.,..., Is rr,ule4

""" I ia Ills J 914 -telic - .. ..,,.,..,). II IN ..,......, &oys of




.,lfn life - is .,JbH lo

u.'" -sc,,, ....,es.Is TAie G,1,1/'1

For llis f-en, IN lnN ,.,, • ., � • ,.,._ l.ri H. is "' .. -ldiN, Nl>-fl 'pe4



�. ,.. '"''""" ,_.........., ,,,,u.. of Jesm •NIH lo -st.M4 - .... ,.. lM"', CHl4 ti,trttect4 Tilt

••ft •1••1 ••4 4,,t•. ........ " Ws ,,.,,..,_ •••, t•••· 1011 ,._, U'flJ


�,,.,?Th ....... ,_ ssh ..,. IN• lint tit ., ..... fl .lH,n ! ,t ,,.., ,.sA::s. WNf ,.s lk _, r of ltis l<fe?


#el ,., ilisu,e(, - •• .,,



•• ..,,.,1

•• nn,•

..... .,_ .. __

Wiit • liva ... ? ,., .,. ,.11 ••• , •• tit


rKt'Ute4 ia llis fellffon'

..... ,,..,. - ·---

i•4i,i4••1 t,t,s •, •is


�s-.,ffo,-,nl. no.

lnlu4, fin - is •

lat, , ui, wlti -'•· JI is,�


rt/atJNdi,, rtst•AlitJ

....,. "" ,,..- ,....

- feH rellfJNslti,a ..._llis,-..of ten I WIJ fl Ida..




. ...,.. ,._. .....

II ,..,. -

f'""' I ...

•uut-4. Jesm' ,.....

,.....,. ,,....,,

......... ,,, .. ..., - ..... Tliar�-

r•J of lh,-z - fNCNlul•rid.., •sll. ,,. .,.., I.M'i!"'



linlh 2ffihttn


What rs the focal scene ,n t t tory? For ome, It I Ja us wa h1ng the f t of the d Some Identify with S,moo from Cyrene, enlisted to carry the cross Other find t very focal point of their fa,th ,n the death on the cross For stm o rs. d1scover1ng the empty tomb tS the ITl06t com· pelltng scene Each scene I part of one story But as you know, tt JS a story oft n remembered best for thtS or that unforgetta ble part That IS a r son why of us people somewhat d,ff rently at d1 rent pomts n h tory At one po, nt the image al the cruc1f 1ed Lord predomr· na


By Pheme "Perkins,

tiMwll)'.He,itslk-•• iaf el llis uffen•r .•. IH u.ot HI, Nlki•r !Nt

resttNS life ,,, llirrw�

How they �ortrayed Jesus thro gh the centuries

The unfolding story lmagrne, 1f you will, that your hfe 1s story be:ng made :nto a fea· ture length film. What scene from your story do you th:nk aud:ences will remember best?

IM•,•·!1161-2) But Je1u1 moves on Nreneiy� with complete IIYltinhitf- H.loot - ., uu sre .-,., ond 001111da,� '"F-moyour

• l98f1 NI YICtOr


A few weeks ago when I was VISlt,ng mv k,nfolk. my 90-year-old grand· mother asked me. "Dorn you th,nk God ,s really Just the God of th,s

DOD ... • •• of lhe religo.e

--- -!heto

--elllwone I

,.,.tut "" - ,.. .......



lhe fount,

nit (1 Comthti 11 23-25i Fo, P1U. Joi




lhe ond of lhe '*11U,v. af19r 70 .,..,.. 11ftecb0i1 on

of .,,. ........ of Joo publ,c ry l1w I enc,,


lhedMno�fof lhe poor. -- to,. --...-.H..-.

•it• , t11Jc,ll1 •••••

. ....... .......

- . ......

IJfe I

l•q111 film If -rinen of ,.. Iii• - t,te, ..

..... , ••


lid, the r.,h orthc lamb -depict Jes

Tlae earli I (1,�ur 1n lhe Laun \

r In the r


Bl D

,_, •·1--......•

i• 4iffere1t WIJI IIJI

K,tltoriM l,nl loton,e



lie< of ort.


the late • hie and

early Rena


lrt I



nee periods.

turned I the urrer1ng llobord


humen id. \I

1rt1 t placed the d Christ on the m thing ldom done

nted to rem,nd COO•



men were

The Record. Sept8ittbe< 17, 1987


Special -





























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