The Record Newspaper 31 March 1988

Page 1

PERTH. WA: March 31, 1988

Registered by Australia Post Publication No WAR 0202

The staff of The Record wish the blessings of Easter on all readers. The Good News that He is risen is proclaimed on pages 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. � Ill

Number 2577


POST ADDRESS: PO Box 50, Northbridge, 6000 W.A. LOCATION: 26 John St, Northbridge (east off Fitzgerald St).

�----------------- I Paul aims encyclical letter at Orthodox churches

TELEPHO E: (09) 328 1388


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VATICA C TY: In a dramatic ecumenical gesture Pope John P has aimed an encvctical letter at the Orthodox churches in a gesture of good wi I on the occasion of the millennium of Christianity about to be celebrated in he Soviet Union. But the pope will also run the ris of unfavourable view from the Ukrainian Catholic Church, outlawed in Russia but voca in the countries to which it has migrated since the 1939-45 war.

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. .. Father Brian


Provincia 's comment

In res nse to a re u st from T e Rec rd for a Fat r

n November 1987, Father orrison as infor ed by the Archdiocese t at is ervices

inflammatory a u ti n b the Sunday Time that Fath r rri n h



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orrison controversy


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are celebrated etter with a Record adverti ement.



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mo y r ma tic eap '

IS Perth archdio e n donation to mi i n work took a dramati leap in 1987 vith ri in all ections but in principally b qu st . Helping ho st the 1986 total of 342,435 to 526 63 in 1987 were the followi g increa

-Table of donors--...

Education for blacks RIO, Brazil: The Brazilian Church's education campaign for 1988, the centenary year of the official abolition of slavery in Brazil, is devoted to black people. The president of the bishops' conference, Dom Luciano endes de Almeida SJ, said in launching the campaign, "This year's slogan •1 have heard this people's cry' is a summons to us to recognise that there still exist many divisions, inequalities and prejudices. God wants us to understand better the dignity of the human person ••• recognising particularly the value and contribution of Brazilians of black descent.

Father Bianchini.

"It was they who worked hardest and suffered most to form our Brazil."

ooonations received by the Perth archdiocese for mission work from the various parishes were as follows: PROPAGATIO OF FAITH C thedra S Catherine Laboure St Francis Xavier Applecro s rmadale ttadale Ba ca a Ba sendean Bays ater Beacon f 1eld Bedford Belmont/Redchff e Bencubbm Bentley Beverley Brent ood/W1lletton Bruce Roe Can Ila Carlisle Claremont Cloverdale Como/Kensington Cottesloe





Doubleview East Canning on East Fremantle East Victoria Par Embleton Flore at Fremantle Gingm/Chittenng G1rra heen Glendalough Goomalhng Gosnell Greenmount Guildford Hamer ley Hamilton Hill Highgate Hilton Joondanna alamunda algoorhe ambalda Kamnyup ellerberrin Kelmscott

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Father Brian O'Loughlin is the new parish priest of Em le on.



729 502 12.197 3.951 3.173 4,169 6.387 .915 2,866 8.941 2.945 945 2.413 1.01 7,389 1.864 367 2,996 2,896 5,022 5,039 5,400 6,717 9.118 1,051 3,063 2.468 892 7.023 6.27 295 2,825 1.750 23 5,346 3,066 608 8,106 464 5,046 1,971 4,097 3.427 7,760 585 2,330 1.334 3.020

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IOOra orley osman Par t la ley t Yo me/ ollamara

Osborne Par Palmyra Queens Par Redemptorist Church Riverton Bivervsle Rockingham Scarborough Shenton Par Southern Cross South Perth Spearwood Subiaco Toodyay Victoria Par Wanneroo W mbley Wembley Dns/C1ty Beach West Perth Willa gee Wilson Whitfords Wongan Hills Yor

3. 36 2,770 2,664 2. 85 3.170 1,371 2.537 5.859 2.16 375 1.362 1.618 . 18 .1 2 7,823 338 9,925 1,900 2,778 3,329 2.252 1 .509 146 .022 10. 70 3. 71 5,099 7.186 2.538 5.969 7. 61 2.172 ,271 4,578 1.719 552 4,259 2,394 6.202 186 3.119 3,569 3,846 5,323 1.710 1,502 1,034 3,735 376 620

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Proclaim Him risen! The blustering, and blistering, that has taken place in recent elections in Australia proves only that the world decays in spite of and because of its politicians and the people who elect them. This is because every election will be a false hope that heaven will be created on earth, that we can escape a headlong descent into the earth that will consume every ounce of what man ind has created as surely as the sun will one day devour its satellite earth. These are desperate truths for those who cling to life only because it will yield more, because the comfortable and wealthy will be able to live longer to become more comfortable and more wealthy until death mocks the pointless search. The Resurrection of Jesus mocks death because death too mocks a pointless worldly existence. Jesus chided a wortd that believed in hypocrisy, selfishness and greed and in His turn He was hated because He wanted to tal about the world of is Father. On the cross His




PRETORI C): he South Afri an government dropp d it edition and sub -er ion case against a Catholic n n a d 13 other people w o , -ere detaine without trial for 16 month.

Bishops 's am' DUBL


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urrection is not iust in the rising of Jesus ro the dead but in fact that today there are His follower who in 1988 will walk he streets and proclaim His risen presence. tis an uncomfortable truth for those who like their religio to be couched comfortably · he clouds where it does not have o rub shou ders with the raw details of life. The Re· urrection is an uncomfortab e truth for ose who like th · r religion to be d<aged in floss, ere hate, p in and hurt ca b blam d on ev ryon else, w r survival and every-man-for-himse becomes a hymn of ho ur, of brav do based on t e notion that God h lps tho who elp m Iv s. first r dox of e Resurr tio t y i that 't is Iikelv to be q ite unpopul r amo gst many of those who wan to e numbered in Jesu 'ranks. How many of Austr Ii 's or m re million Christians. declared o th recent census, will honour Je s risen from the ead, or ev n beli v that i is so? In e sc ools, childr n will have been ta ght to escape Jesus' call by running into a fantasy of chocola e eggs an r b 'ts. To te ch em that Jesus is their Ri n Friend is all ab' much, say eir unbelieving teachers. In he o-called adul orfd, Jesus' Death and e f w tro i ing


c r e

VATICA C TY: During the pope's visit to South America in May, he will visit four countries. Bolivia and Paraguay for the first time, and Peru and Uruguay for the second. His itinerary will by Uruguay from May 7 to 9, Bolivia from May 9 to 14, Peru ay 15 and Paraguay from ay 16 to 18




HARARE (Zim abvve) Pope John Paul II is e p ct d to ddr ss is u s of war, human ri ts nd refugees during his visit to southern Afric I ter this year, the region's bishops have said. The pope will visit Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and Mozambi ue. It will be hi fourth visit to Africa. Althou h the po will not visit South Africa durin th S ptember 10-19 trip, the bishops said they e p ct him to about its human rights i u long with tho e of oth r countri s. When the pop clos s a meeting of outh rn African bishops in Zimbabwe on th first day of th trip, he should have "something important" to say about war and violence in the region, and about "th role of bishops in bringing about justice and p ace," the bishops said in a statement March 17. Th pope is visiting only five southern African countries, but "he can be exp cted to address him If to the co cern o the oth r countrie while their bishops are present," the bishops said. Th po e is e pected to end his trip by deliver"ng a me sage of peac for the region in ozambique, a country torn by gu nlla violence for y ars, the statement said.





rch 31, 988


The Daughters of Charity


for their work for the development of the underprivileged

lndon's in value AKARTA {UCA ): President Suharto has directed that the nation family planning program ould o encourage ab rtion eca se it is con ary to our p ple s · · ou


Haryono informed Suharto a rtion is the mo t widel used contraceptive ethod in the word 'th betwee 45 m 'Ilion and 60 mil ion couples practising it.

ac ho

iliary Bishop Eugene arino, 52 has been nam d merica' fr t black archbishop, to head the Atlanta a hdio .e e with a Catholic population of 27,000.

Indon ia ra the \ orld in eff tiveness of birth control but .ould program have ranked fifth if abortion ·as included . Suharto told Ha ·ono that the gov rnment will n t approve abortion j t 'o get a higher ranking. "We hould n t ra hly allow abortion ju t because we want to t a in the higher mar evaluation,'' th p ident d lared.



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JERUSALEM: The Ministry of Education in Israel has ordered all state Jewish schools to discontinue the use of Bibles which contain the New Testament, and that ew Testament subjects not be taught during Jewish Bible clas es. Such Bibles in Hebrew translation are said to have been in use in kibbutz and other schools that received them free of charge from missionary or amsations. mister of Education and Culture Yitzhak a on said that wh ver wi h s to read the w Testament


may do so independently, and that students in the upper grad should learn about Islam, Christianity and Bu dhism; but not in the context of Bibi study, since this would create the impression that the religious books of Judaism and Christianity are equally valid in Jewish tradition. For the same reason the minister also thought it inappropriate that Jewish stud nts u e editions containing both e s bound togeth r. Th Ministry of Education ruling does not a ly to Christian sch Is integrated into the state structure.

OSCOW: The official wee ly of the Byelorussian Union of Writers, litaratura i Mastastva, has reported a case of what it describes as crass bureaucratic stupidity. A group of young people in Vitebsk one of the new "informal hobby clubs' permitted under glasnost -decided to clean up and restore the (unused) historic church of the Transfiguration. No sooner had they got the church clean and ready for restoration than the city authorities decided to take over the building - for use as a cattleshed.


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priest relates Japanese Christian ways



Father Kevin Flinn is an Australian Columban Missionary working in Japan. During his .leave from that mission he spent two years attached to the Columban House at Rivervale WA. He is a regular writer in The Far East, from which this editorial is re-printed.


MY EASTER MASS: Without Easter the Mass has no meaning. The Mass is for those who volunteer to die to the natural desires hat lead away from God, and to live with the new spiritual life tha the Risen Jesus shares with us. There was a man. His name was Jesus, son of Joseph of Nazareth. He sp ke Aramaic and Hebrew. He died a criminal on a Cross. He had allowed himself to be dispossessed of e rything he had - his job, religion, race, family ties, local language. He had become a 0-thing m he sight of the world. He was bur d in another's rave. But then he arose from that grav , a trand see nt b mg, not Jew nor Gentile, not a male nor female. Gone w re e , rac , family ongms. God mad him Lord and Master of everything m eaven and on earth. H is he centre of universal unity. n, women, children, adul s, peoples black, white and oliveskinn of all nations, are all t e same to the Risen J us. All are his brothers and sisters. He is the centre of the universe. We are men and worn n who beh v in J sus Chris . We ere b pu d, symbolically sires dying o natural ith him, nd rising to liv a new lif with him. Th 'leap of faith' did not come become of evi nt

proofs since rt can only come in response to on who has loved us. We are men and women filled with h1 Spiri. We are th s1 n, the sacram nt to tho round us that H IS RISE and LIVES HERE


We ar pl d to let him act throu h us. We are to let him out from our heart to do his work

For our relatlonship with o hers we must be ev r ens, rve to 'let Jesus out' and to 'let him in' on II occasion of r n I contacts Th quality of our relationships can always be improved. On-going renewal, conv rsion, commrtm nt, should our daily aim. W n

d the


DOD We n d o learn all can about what J us did and s id while h re on arth.

A community of men of ancient origins who venture to be servants whose lives a d relationships are moulded by prayer and peace justice mercy and love.



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of n f ith.

up our and


The great thing about life is its element of surprise! The unexpected occurs and something wonderful can happen.

Errol Bugarin, 16 year old brother of legally blind swimming star Kingsley, has just returned from an e :p rience which is th st ufT fair t I ar m de of. onday, he ,

Willis & Elliott



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DOD min

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Cont page 13




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ove, w1 My wife hears me proclaim my undying love for her at least once a day. Her response is simple and direct: "Then take out the garbage." So much for


turn questioned and failed to respond to

God's love and God did

has communicated much the same thing.

were created. \Ve in


God loved and we

priest who has taken That's love.

even more. God became one of us, did


know a Catholic

over the full care of his toddler nephew.

Certainly no less an



I know an elderly man who goes for a long walk each day to pick up



I know a young uni-




spends more than half his study time helping

earth in the full light of

roadside. He brings them to the supermarket to get a few

others who have difficulty understanding, That's love too. We all know of exam-

all so that we might

donates to a fund for

Most who spend time

thousands of deeds of love




day and in the end gave

live. Christians remember and connect with that deed of immense love "in the breaking of the bread". And if we are willing to expresv vincerely an appropriate response to God's love, we go out and do likewise.

DOD Personal Cbr-ivtian life is deep love turned into action. Let m give some examples: I know a caring adult daughter who ha, travelled acr-o-,-, the country to sit next to her dying mother who probably doesn't even rccognizv her. Tbatvs love.




dollars which he then





an, energy in such lo g deeds receive litu attention from an)ne save those very· cl� to them. Nor do the expect anything

el \lly discuss all this?

It'simple. \Ve Jive in a soeety where love cosmenly is des-

criled only as an erreional feeling. 0

lat loving feeling"

is cm the quest of the yo1g and the memory oft, old.

Few people have conversion experiences as dramatic as that of St Paul, who had to be blinded and knocked from his horse before to responding God's call. For most individuals today, the call comes not in a blinding light,


The Record, March 31, 1988

the Catholic Church. •·1 alwavs believed in God, but 1 didn't put it into practice," Chervl, 32, says. ·1 knew he. was there, but that wav it. I didn't attend church of any sort for a long period of time because I was dissatisfied ,.ompletely with religions. I felt the) couldn't offer me anything."

We are people of feeling and that is

loved -

only a part of love and

each of us is the foundation of our love

important to keep in mind. But feelings are

they cannot be counted upon to remain constant companions of love.

What stands behind

true love is a deep

belief that each of us is loved. And then a b lief that, ultimately,

our own life is the re ult of Someone who






that love. The love of God for

for each other. Jesus

described true love as giving one's life for

friends. And he did just that.

To survive, this kind of love requires more

than feelings. And it is

this special love which we celebrate throughout the Easter season.

Proclaiming new life in the Crist Jesus Easter always is wonderful, but last Easter was reallv · special. A!, I walked in procession down the centre aisle of St Jean Baptiste Church for the noon Mass, everybody was smiling. The music: was joyous and uplifting, the scent of the flowers shouted "alleluia", sunshine illumined the stained glass. when I turned around to greet the congregation, I rnuld St" that all were dressed for n hmutiful dav, for, ,·IPhrating Jesus our risen Lord and for

Som thing special By Father

Eugene LaVerdiere proc lalmlng their O\\ n new hf,, in Chnst J us. So f r everything was wonderful, but normally wond,•rfut It had been likt• this the previous year and the vear l,('[ore that too. Then I noticed a vellow balloon moving across the halk of the churr h llohbmg up und down gentlv, 11 111,HI 1b, \\ , to a side aisle. can, down the aisle a short dist.1ncc and turned min ,1 pew Thu balloon wus nnat ing shoulder high between two adults. But it was quite plain that this was not their balloon. Snmenne little was holding onto th,• balloon by a ,tring, somrone too little to Sl'e. \\'as tt a littl<' girl?,\ little bov? I tried to irnagme tha smile on the little per· son\ face. Or was it determination? Perhaps the little one had hmn crying. The ha lloon might have been to dry· the tears. I could not tPII. ow here was a major

rli ction just as I set out celebrate \IJss on •

· Sundav,

Ya see, this i, a farrlv soJi�icated ,.hun.h, n.;i sn .. ush, but people rxJI t the liturgy to hf, eel ated well and there s tradition of good


\ t Jean's you just do not pec::t to see a vellow l>a••n at the noon !.L,s en I ter Sunday or any ,tlr Sunday. I ltd to cone untrate on the .ospel ,t,,r) of the re., 'eChon I knew it w mly my imagmation but the balloon seeetd to he gelling bigp' and bigger I ecided there was noting to do but talk a� the balloon. \\)on it came time for thePmily, I looked up at "v°"ne, responded to thijsmile with a smile and asked, "Haw vou ooued the wliow · balt>n?" Pe1•le looked puzzled. ,\s lointed to the pews bv j, side aisle toward the •ck of the church, �· slowl} started to turl As they caught si�h 1f the balloon. the} ,h�ed their delight wit \vide smiles and

Cherly looked lor a school and found but through ordinary circumstan· ces that lead to subtle, but pro· found changes in daily life. Cheryl Marshall went looking for a good school for her kindergarten-age son and in her search redisco· vered God through

p ed y NC N w S ,v r


the homeless. That's love.

By David Thomas


When she enrolled her son at St Ignatius of Loyola Primary School, Cheryl, who was raised in the Baptist Church. was urged to begin attending rhun:h - not ner sarily the Catholi< Churr.h. but anv r hun:h - on a regular basLs. •·1 wasn 't affiliated with any particular church so I derided to go to St

lgnanus and I liked it," Cheryl relatr . Her de� ision to attend \las., at St Ignatius led Cheryl and her son to begin studies in the parish's Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults program. Last car at the Easter Vigil, Cherv I, her son and 20 others joined the Catholic Chun hat St


Cheryl ''"

her life

ha changed drarnatical as the result of her art •· But she savs her Hf• is more stahlP l,BI se of the foundati<Ji1echurrh has given her md she has more co' lenc,. in herself. 41 el as though I have a ct er relationship with (.<I I'm more open with otW people than I had bet I'm more outgoing.

Cont page 10

people noticed the other smil around them. When at; were again facing me. waiting for what might be coming next, I said, "You saw that yellow balloon. Did vou SN• "ho wa holding the strtng?" People nodded m the ncgat&Vl' fhr.n I said, •· 'either C:dn 1 set' ,\·ho i, htinr.ath balloon. But I do kno\, ic.; there. St1meonc wn ,m,ilL A little girl' \ little b.,v? It does not matter Whal does ma:t r is what that little one holding the balloon Ls t<'llmg us. "That yello" b.1lloon ,s a Sign for all of u,. Its mes, •'!" is for all to hPar.

And that message is. 'I am somehod) ·." A vear later. I still can pi!'t�re that yello\\ bal· loon. And I still smile at the memon· of the parents bringing the little girl t)CS, it \\a,a little girl, four vears old and ver,· prett} for Easter! to meet "le. She certain Iv ,v�1s some·

body. small as she w·a,. Then and now that littlr. girl. Yisible onlv bv her vellO\, balloon, ,peak, to us of all the little pt,'OplP, the unnoticed, tlw forgot· ten, the silent, the shutins; all those who. for whatever n,a<;()n, think the) are nob.idy. Her

Cont page 10

After the Easter vigil a time to celebrate

Many communilies host receplions and small parties to welcome new Calholics who enter the church at the Easter Vigil Mass. The reception al SI Stephen's "is the culmination of a beautiful celebration, just as you have a party after a Mass," wedding Julius explained Gasawski, a permanent deacon who works with Ihe Rite of Chris· tian Initiation of Adults in this 585family, soulhern Illinois church. The Easter partv dos."' one phase of the RCIA and marks the Ix-ginning of another phase in the ne" Catholics' journev of faith. It is a happ) mix of homernming and hon vo�age ',(�ntirnPnts.

,\s parties go. St Ste· phen's reception " a

by Stan Konieczny. model of simplicity. Long tables io the parish centre are decorated with fresh nowers and homemade cakes shaped likP paschal lamb.s. Tra· ditional Easler breads and coffee arc served to all who stop by the parish centre alier the Easter Vigil. "The whole point of the reception is meeting the faith community," said Pam Lee, who was received into the church three years ago along "ith her husband, John, and their two children, Jeff and ' \!rs Lee is now one of the facilita· tors for the RCIA.

When the Lees were rereived into the church, they gave theirown party for relatives, friend, and the RCIA facilitators at a nearby Italian restaurant. Linda !'\ekola, who also \\.'aS rt'CPived in the church that evening. ho,ted a rernption after the Easler Vigil. "I wa, just ready to keep on relPhmting," \.!rs 1'ekola explained Mrs l.!-e echoes that S<'nllment. "We felt like we had reached a mile· stone. \ly husband and I went to many churches and alier we chose the Catholic Church. we knew that we were part of a faith community al last and we wanted to ;ehrate" After those private parties. it wa, decided "that we should have one

place to go so that the

entire community could

share in the celebration;· said Sister \Ian· Ellen Barkes, St Stephen's parish director of religious education. "1 remember that the weather was tcrrihle the first year that we had a reception alier the Easter Vigil. It was cold and rainy."

But the people still r.ame. In fart, Sister Backes said. the people of the parish "have heen very \\illing to acc.rpt the responsibility of being a welcoming community to these ne\\ members." "In part. the Easter Vigil reception grew out of a spirit ofhospitahtv that is seen as charartenstic of St Stephen's. "We are a warm parish." observed \,!rs Lee. Cont p 1 O

The Record, March 31, 1988


. .. From page 6 Jesus rocked the Jewish world by making one commandment of those two. He joined love of God with love of neighbour into one commandment. He had already told them to 'Love one another as I have loved you'. That was too high a standard for anyone. But the night he gave us the IV1ass he gave an even higher standard for our loving. 'As I love the Father and the Father loves me so you love one another.' That ideal will only be reached in heaven. The night Jesus gave us the Mass he told us we needed it, told us to 'Do it in memory of me', told us to 'Eat and drink' to receive Holy Communion but he did not say that doing tho e two thingsgoing to Mass and r ceivmg Holy Communion - would be th distinquishin mark of hrs drsciples!I o. th distinguishing m r of discipl ship he sym lis by using a tow I, a bowl of w t r nd drrty fe t. love nd rvic rn p rsonal r lationsh ps. the 'washing of one another's f t: rs the sign that J SUS IS alrv and w II in rs world. But Just try o do rt and you wrll oon run out of e m You'll soon r lrs that wrthout J sus can really do nothrng. So we rush b c to the

hf of Jesus on earth is not a thing of th past. Jesus isahv and at work in each and every rson, in each event of our daily lives. The Mass reminds us, hallenges us, that J sus - the greatest volunteer this world has ev r en, wants us to volunt r for ervice with him. He liv s now on earth and a pea rs among people through us. CHRIST HAS DIED. CHRIST HAS RISE . CHRIST IS LIVI G HER OW. CHRIST D WILL CO E AGAI . LL LUIA.





. '•

An Easter story This is going to be an Easter story. I will describe at the end how Easter fits in. At this point, however, it Is a story about a house. Recently we all gathered to say goodbye to the house - my friends, Frank and Helen who are selling it. their now extended family including children, daughters-in-law and grandchildren, and the people who have come to their house over the years to celebrate. As one guest said, "We have had some grand parties here." When a family turns hospitality into a fine art and makes their ouse and their back yard the place to celebrate for an entire neighbourhood and for a large part of a parish, then that house is going to hold some lndetlble memories. any years ago it began with baptismal parties. Then, with Frank servln a a ports organ ser for th parish school acros the street there were victory partle . Children nd parents gathered to celebrate their victories. Someimes It was official victorle , ometlme not; but whatever the scores were, here omething



From page 9

A few year later the gradu tion be an. As the children moved from pr"mary to high chool to univer it it med that every year som one wa raduatin from something. So every ear there ere wall-toa 11 teenagers and young adult . It a heart ar Ing to ee how good these young ter ere to each other and how glad th y were to see each other. For me, though, the weddings with all their preparations brought the old hou e and its purpose into lt sharpe t focu . Month of preparation from mall gatherings working on details of the ceremony to famil dinners athering the hole clan made the old hou e a beehive of acti I . Then there re · mall, quiet dinner at erward hen, ith a proper lack of modesty, e comp Iimented each other on hat a great job e'd all done. hen there ere baby sho er I didn't attend because they ere segre a ed omen only. en came baptl m e p cially happ day. And then it ime to clo e that chapter of the h tory. The u family' children er II ral ed and out on th ir o n. The ne d for th family hou e a gon a a the en r y to keep It all


our own way we ere tak ng that part of our life and laying it down. nd tha 's hat mak thi an Ea ter story. For e ere eeing the nd of thl part ofllfe not as a defe t or a bi ter a ault but as a reality e could uster the race and faith to accept. There a In Ide each of us albeit in different ways, that fundamental Christian faith that looks to the roll of the year ith acceptance. We can look forward to the future and to ard the end of our year with peace and even ome humour because in ome often unclear way e really do believe In Christ re urrection. That the end is not the end Is woven all thorugh our lives as Christlar

• hing pecra

From page 9



Three words

all about pathways a goodbye of the ;spirit � to a house

goln . brand new, more ea ii maintained to nhou e a fe miles away seemed to fit the bill. But o leave the old house without a formal farewell without a good party to recall all the celebrations lthout thinkln ho Important a amity home i in he life of a family and their friend would have been unthinkable. o Frank and Helen lnvlt d us all for on last hurrah. The goodbyes eren't ea y. There were tear a well as toasts. Later that night a few of u , the party' remainder were talking In the livin room. I think we knew that for all of us a stage In our live had come to an end. "The e year ere fun," · omeone said, "but they're over." The year of energetic vitality Ith their ability


Cheryl From page 9

"He is Ri n." Three word with the most important me age for the whole human

race, yet the Japanese

are not attra ted by it. Ju t a aint Paul could n t int r st the

ome hu h peopl

compl in ab ut mod-



t- hri tian

with the most important message for human race-----------------------


se ic lty hrase

by Fa er KEVIN FU Nin Japa

ODD witn



The word " aster" · not common to th Japanese and the Japan word o-f too too to

Ukrainians dispute move

ECO DC FIE ADV RTISEMENTS P · nting quality wort< at the right pri e. John Fr akI y. Phon 361 4349.

Bectrical Contractor J.V.

D'Esterre, 5 Vivian St, Riverv I . 30 yrs experi n e, expert, effi i nt, r liabl . Ring 362 4646, aft r hours

385 9660. ElECTRICAL: For all types

of electri al work phon

335 TITJ.




trainee commencement. Come to our 40th anniversary dinner on September 8 at Parm lia Hilton. We need your answer now. Pl ase ring Kathleen Coyne 328 3627, Pam Clendinning 387 2036, Luer Bohan 447 3129, Ethe Delmonico 274 3579.

URQUHART, Stan y &nest: Of your charity please pray for the happy repose

of the soul of Stan who wed March 30, 1987, lovi � husband of Mary

Moruca (May), beloved

father of Vaf


ROME ( C): Pope John Paul will be writing a second pastoral letter, for Ukrainians, after aster but the pope's current let· ter is drawing cniticism from some r amrans and support from other interested ob· servers.

M grandpop of Margaret, John, Annette, Gerald· e and R · and tam· · aed Heart of Jesus h ve mercy on him. Our Lady of Perpetual H pp ay for him,

toward the Rus. ian Orthodox Church and its ilenc r garding th cution of Sovi t p Chri tian . The pri st a ked to anonymou many of hi live in the Th o 1 ial called ·· ontroversial" the letter' tatem nt that • in a ial way of cours th. i th fea t of the Ru ian Orthodox Church. whi h

Is your house


The krainian Catholic Church wa upp bv oviet authoriti after v orld War II and i� m mb rs fo ibl · incorporated into the Ru ian rthodox Church. Although their hurch · nnot obtain official recognition by the Sm· et nion, ev ral million krainian Catholi continue to eland tin ly practice their faith.

tute for Oriental Studies, which peciali es in the Ea tern churche cknowlrainian edged Catholic may object to parts of he letter, b t aid he did not think such com· plaints would be ju tified. The Ru ian Orth d . Church in lud the majority of Chri tian in

Because of thi suppress ion Cardinal Lubachivsky, Rome· ha ed leader o krainian Catholic aid 'I don't thin "t po ible" that there ill be a joint u i n Orthodo • rainian Catholic celebration o the millennium. vi t uth riti

Tell readers of The Record in a classified advertisement.

G odw From page 1

ges re by


b -From page 2



From page 7 In it are housed the hunting trophi of the late ultan , and coll lion of court dre weapons, tate re alia and decorations including the renown d Ell nborou h entrepi The pala e i it d within th 53.2 ha I t na

the lot! thus finishing a hart but brilliant gambling career, but not before tasting a choolboy' delight in being allowed to stay out until the wee mall hours of th morning. But the fairy fanta y c ntinu with Errol p nding three ay in Sin apore, in paid a ommodation at a uxu r hotel b , Prince lb him, with a chauff ur as izned to dri e him around wherever he wanted to oo, and 500 ndins money thrown


Example of many 'things'

We turn on a radio and hear the music. Of course the music was there in the room all the time. In fact, it ould be there even if t e radio were not; t e radio si y allo s us to ear the music. So it is with many things in life.

From page 11

at do you 'turn on' in order to se the love aro nd you? any say t at seeing is believing. "let them show me their love, their care, their forgiveness. . . and then I'll t ne in. Christianity says to us: believing is seeing; believing is knowing; b lieving is experiencing. Believe in your Dad's love and you'll see it. Believe in your M m's care - a d yo 'II know it. B lieve ln God's pres nc - an you'll experience it. Believe in the for ivene s of Christ - and it ill fill yo. Believe. That's ho you t n in to the m st exciting r alities of life. any psychologist t d y seeking to enrich p ople's liv s and incre e their he Ith - have come to e s me concl ion. They affirmations to give p a belief system th t change their lives.


yo r love f r me' . Try it- tic ith it for fe months. Yi 'II how


Sister Emilie C ttalini.

• Proposed youth pilgrimag to Rome, i( • Dubrovnik, Medjugo · , Warz wa, i( Czestochowa, A cz, W do ic, i( Kra ow, Przem , Lv v, Ki v, Mos- � "l' cow, Leni gr d. H 1 in i. • i( Depart Oct. 9, R turn ov. 6. i( To be guided by Father John Jegorow. Information 09-328 9878.

,¥.,¥. .. ,¥.,¥.,¥..,¥.,¥.,¥.,¥..¥..¥,...¥,.�¥


== .,.

MAY 27-29

April 29, 1988 at 7pm t Jo eph's Church, ubiaco




and afterwards attend a buffet meal at Subiaco Parish Centre.

11111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111§



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Meantobile Mary stayed outside near the tomb, weeping. Tben, still weeping, she stooped to look inside, and saw two angels in white sitting where the body ofJesus bad been, one at the bead the other at the feet. Tbey said 'Woman, why are you weeping?' 'Tbey have taken my Lord away' she replied 'and I don't know where they have put him.' As she said this she turned round and saw Jesus standing there) though she did not recognise bim. Jesus said, 'lVoman, why are you weeping? \flho are you looking for?' upposing him to be the gardener. she aid ' ·r, if ou have taken him away, tell me where � � you ha e put him and I will go and remove him.'Je u said, ' ary!' 'be knew him then and said to him in � Hebrew 'Rabbunit' - which means aster. Jesus said "'1""' to her '.D not cling to me, because I have ot yet ascended to the Father. But go and find the brothers and tell them: I am ascending to my Father and ur Father to m , od and our God. o ary of a data u eni and told th di ciple tbat h had en the L rd and that be had said th se thin to her. - t} bn


ecord, March 31, 1988

Graham Maclean's costumes for Nanki-Poo and Yum- Yum, just two of the stunning designs that are likely to start a new fashion trend in WA.



full Cho-

Clanc sings!

durin the tim or tho who cann t go out at night) have b ome ver • p pul r. Jack wh e wife wa of can er to in a to

rai for nccr and leukaemia ar h. have

10 6

incej tion




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The diocesan Catechumenate Study Team is preparing recommendations and guidel;nes for the Archbishop to draw from the experience of those who are implementing the rite within. The Study Team is holding a meeting of persons from the various parishes who have paricipated in the rite, on Thursday, April 14, 1988. 7.30pm 10pm in room GS (teaching room), ground floor, Catholic Education Centre, 50 Ruislip Street, leederville. For further information please ring John Henne y (Team Recorder) at the Catholic Chancery Office on 09 325 4300.






ABC presents religious programs as follows: RADIO SUNDAY SUNDAY MORNING Radio National: 5.30-6.55am: Sacred and religious mu ic. ENCOUNTER National: 8-8.45am; Radio (Re ated following Wedne day 11.15 pm- idnight). Regional Staion : 9.15-10pm: Re "gion · life. INSIGHTS R dio atio al: 5. 0-6pm: B ief, religi n, pirituality and th logy. SACRED MUSIC Radio Natio al: 6-6.58p : FOR THE GOD WHO SINGS: ABC FM, 7.05Sam Su day. SUNDAY NIGHT I Statio : Metropo · n and R g· 10.10-11.58pm: A mix of co t rnnd itative, porary mu · c, tal nd a r t of FORU (10.1010.40pm). ON DAY TO FRIDAY SACRED READI G Radio tional: 7. 10- 7. 4 m; Selected Region I : 5.56-6 m: S cred r erature i cl d" g Bi CAROLINE JONES Radio atio al: 9.03- 0 m Wed sday; Radio I: 9-10pm Tu day & Thur day; A gional Stati n : 9-10pm T u ay onty: Con tion with Austral' n bout th ·r b i fs nd t hi g that give m ·ng to ife. FRIDAY FORUM - A ty r port on reli io in soci ty Radio National: 9-9.JOpm. (R ted following Sunday on M tro litan & R g· nal Station 10.10-10.40 m.)

The first ever liturgica retreat will be made availab e to the peopl of Western Australia in J y. A Dominican sister from USA will join Father Russell Hardiman of Waroo a to lead the retreat. Sister Luisa Dero en, OP. has a asters Degr in Liturgy from the Unive ity of otre Dame and for the past five years has been a fu I time director of worship. Father Hardiman said it was something of a novelty to have a retreat where the main focus is on the celebration of the liturgy. The liturgical retreat at Aquinas in the second week of the school holidays will permit full community ce bration of the Eucharist, as II as Morni g and Evening Prayer from th liturgy of Hours, together with reflection and input on liturgical topics. t is open o religious, pr' est celebrants, parish liturgy team members, acolytes, musician , d y pecia minist rs, d cons o r person. Cost $170 with $20 deposit. For further informati n c tact, Fath r Russell Hardiman, Catholic Pre bytery, 49 Hesse Street, Waroon , 6215. P (097) 33 225.


Griffith and Inez Rosario were teenage leaders at the recent idland Antioch



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34 C PE STREET, T T HILL 60 0 TELEPHO E: 444 6333






Greyhounds - mth · The Record Tipster

. Archdiocesan. Calendar



uncing, particip tion day , nd




·1 20


23 2


e R ord,

arc 31, 1988



33 Palmerston Str et


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