The Record Newspaper 19 May 1988

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9, 988


Focus. on freedom, honesty




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Plea to end ·. · · · 'violerice � :




111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n11111111111111111111111111 en Latin vup guages.jerome's work § For a translation of BC,alegendappeared renderGod'swordina "ere compared and the Bible to become a in the so-called Letter pagan language, �ut found identical, word P,,,ted Greek as the .. a, monumental. § By Father John of rtsteas, b) a th } consented - with for word, a sure sign of '",-.:rsal language, at Known as the Vulgate § legend in its own tlme Is a pretty good indJcaCASTELOT famous j ewtsb some exrraordtnary divine guidance. Western (the common edl- § in 1,st tion of its influence. scholar. precautlons. lbeysent The legend explains F.i'Ope, a Latin traru tion), it became the § Such a rranslation "'3S th need for a Greek ccording to this from Jerusalem 72 "h} the translation Is �on was made. It ,.'3S offi ial text of the § made by Jew in the version of their sacred story, King Ptolem) U men, six from each of known generally as Ill a good one. Latin Church. It § third century B remained so to our § books. �nether the Philadelphus, ruler of Israel's 12 tribes, to do the Septuagint, from the Latin word for 70. I •-as a translation of own day, when Pope It seems that Jews work "'3S an official Alexandria, was an the translation. who had lived in The basic legend Its unh rsally recog- •1anslation, based on Pius XII in 19-13 gave § nterprhe or the avid book collector. Alexandria, Egypt, for result of private initla- His libraries .. ere Iarer was embellished nlsed symbol Is VCX, � �ptuagint. Known th impetus to fresh § Latin ver- v e rnacu I ar t r ansla - several generations tive Is hard to say. The world famous, One further.�The 72 "ere t h e R oman nume rat •uhe Old la had lost familiarity translations of the day he realtsed there put into individual for 70. Slo, its nguage was tions from the original with their mother dlfferent books vary in was no copy of th languages. Of the 3SO Old Testa- �barOUS, § cells in a barracks on tongue and had accuracy and Style, sacred books of the the Island of Pharos, ment citations in the I the fourth century, Right no" the § adopted Greek, the suggesrtng several Jewish. iew Testament, 300 l'li<: Damasus com· number of transla- § given whtte parch· the translators. ment and golden ink. are from the language of He asked the Jew lh ptua- Ill ionedS<Jerom to tlons in an amazing § for help. �nen each finish d g)nt. It became the Old like a fresh transla- v:ariet} of languages Is § empir and of lb seem 10 be the authoritl Alexandria. facts of the case. But in Initially there was hlsw rk(in exactly 2 T lament of the tli, ofth Bibi from simply fantastic. ti· original Ian- Eventuall} they i It th cond century some reluctance to da) ) the translations Christian hurches. § Cont page 10 ,:;;...-m11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Ullllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111�

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•In ess

H a pp ' L 0 rd s way


By Katharine BIRD

athways of th

word was

Th ed,ton I n.1,nrted on a c onferencc of comm11terl Chr1 tiJn •

rnrn and ,,un1 n d,�h·

\I the m hm th " ho aro h.,pp) m I heir faith and urn m th< of faith h uld not op I th,, Rath r loo •

Fundam nla I the ll1hlc al the h rt of hrtstian hfo nd I Uh. The rnamt In that th Bibl th onlv un:e of autbont m Chnsts1ml\

Bui funclamenlal� I • th n and no\\, belong lo \ r10u reJ1g1ou" drnorn 1n.1hon or to nonp 1·hC\ h...!11,,.,, Iha! th 00 '"" or


\\e might I rn first from th rr lraordmary m� 1on.11') I to hnng the """' of th lh le lo olhe Second, \\u hould le m f rnm I he , nre.m

For tmlanrn, th Gene • ,talemenl, IR.t th ro be h hi" , morn than o h1 moment


Ways towards breakt rou h II happen · frequ nil . tudent l the distraught here I am a university campus chaplain calls to a k advi e. He or he ha joined one of the non· denominational Bibi stud groups on campu . oon the group members are uggest· ing that onl the know how to read the Blhle correctly.

The do a lot of Bible. quoting, u ing on -liners that the a give "absolute proor• for th ir interpreta· lion. Furthermore, the hold that anything not literally found in th pa sage of Scripture ls not from God.

m cmpha

By Father Herbert WEBER

\1urh or what h1hhral funclam n lab m support bdon lo ho,.1c Chmllan ,alu ppn,cfal10n for th� Bibi a d n, lo h,,, a romm,ued life and a \\llhngn lo pencncr faith \\ II a, talk ahoul 11 Bui d pile th, menl I fer! fundamentalism p nl a " lt•m of reh�ious hrha\lour that d,miands \ closer loo ""'"'I fundamentalism i,

Scnplurc 110s.<a,

I he '"" of

pccific lhrm oul

of thr contr,t m Kh1ch llw Hibl prc...,111 thrm , not thought lo

chan 1hc1r 1nco11111g. From all this flm, n piritualit that ha, several prat worth, chara<leri,11 , hut also a few drawbed. I · uallv th lmng adherenrn lo Scripture mand I h1�h moral valu One \'Oung man I Id me that 11" through hi dialogue with h, fr1rnd, who , re [undam ntal I Chri that h " able to abstain fmm premarital sc I applaud I th man's newfound mm1<hon, Bui in hts I also d,sm red that his moralit w s bosed on a ng,d and somcttm .,.ff rishteou use of the B1hlo B, fundamental, m often ts

d,re the""'' of h1bh01I fundamcnla The) are mmm,ucd lo th B,tand stud, groups. and th , also hJ18 strong m� �lnn.u, :-.p1nl lroeh",d the p<I\\P.r of th, ro(lllmenl \\ hen a former par1sh1er, \\ho no longt"r "'" h1msdf , n lholi r.alled lo a me for fincial upport. He \\as lartmg a \ of m1..,_,1onar, , uri.. meant lo col'rt Cathol' fortunate!\· h, dt,,.,re lo I II h, , a nol matched b a " IJ!ll"'s lo attt!pl others or I ten 1ot·ir ton


Illa) d, ,rah�· lo L1m th ,k,Jn fundamrnlalLsm or to d rid ,ts ,pn- •on of Chn,1�1m1, But C)l�k pari,he, \\Oukl be further ahllb, loo ingal them I, Th " fa also ain pmrnle a call to moral I that set high ndanl, an c nc:c of the Church that ,s pdnal and o I,· .,,( of ,1i1 .. challe them h more r.nerg) p I on pan h pt1•ms that trul 10 r.h th hfr. of •embers, allcrnali n 1 d that n" re.nee I R, f'III roa<lmg 11 ma hi ral t , 1h acllo , """ ta en, t em nl, uuld he a fundamenl I bl1'1hrough into a >1hranl ianil).



m not th The tertian . u onl on ncounterl th hde of bihhcal f dam ,nlahsm. Others a� are e periencm 11 al r t!h thmr fnen<l or "'1lll 100 their o, n chun:he-.


The Record, May 19, 1988


und r,,tand, toda) ' pnni or 3000 \'ear ago \forrow.r, h1h/1cal fundamental·


rsonal ""Jll!""OCC c:an be mnf SC<! \\1lh an indi du I m that para! one own r 1th fmm th hared faith of the mmm ml of I"


poop e admit



She also urged the others lo look lo the Bible for guidance. asserting

The value of the Bible is not only stressed in today's Catholic Church, but people have shown their interest ,n it by participating in parish Scripture groups of many kinds Occasionally, with all the Scripture scholarship


It on thi, u of the B,hle s lu, , authorII\ nd th n e 1mn of everv other form of uthontv m th , hurch that fond ,m ntal] t chIT r m I vith the lifi and lrmhhon of the Cathol] Church

that she had become much happier since "turning my life over to the Lord". She explained that a couple of years earlier she had joined a Bible study group and now relied on the Bible lo her guide decisions.



The term "fund mentali t" hows up o [requently in this ag of tel vang Ii m that }OU would think ii had b n around forever. ol o. We owe the term to an editorial that appeared in th earl 19ZO in a Baptist paper called the \\atchman Examiner.

The party was blasting along when the attractive, well-dressed woman joined the small group in the dining room. A businesswoman, she was articulate and intelligent in the discussing city's political situation. Then, during a lull in the conversation, she confessed

is following

thoy ha, for olhr.r,, ond th,• ""' the, ·nulnch w I m people mto their churths-.. \\huh usuall, a quite small nd mhmale � un, � are dP\1> lo the H,blc, but also lo R,bl folio\\ hip. Third, fundamentalist: re ml cd m rea,h"8 nd udm1g the Bib The Hibl is God' " rd for nil, n 1u,1 for f.,..


born By Father Eugene La VERDI ERE

taking place, people may feel intimidated about the Bible They wonder where the pomt of balance IS between approaching the Bible ,n an academic way and approaching it Without appreciaT,on for the culture and llmes m which it was wnUen. How do you thmk this tension can be resolved? Are there easy-to-use resources in your community for people who want to know more about the Bible and at the same tune to use rt m the,r prayer hfe 7 Katharine B1rd talks about the action taken to help people Ullhse the Bible better. What IS the program's approach? How does Father Eugene LaVerdiere explain the origin of the term "fundamentalism"?

that doing so had changed her life and could change theirs loo. The young woman's way of imiling others lo Bible sludi is mmmonly experienced today.

ODO Asked what church he allended. the ,oung \\'Oma.n added that she rndn'I go lo am· church; the Bible alone "asgu,de enough. Port of the appeal of biblical fundamenlallSls is the per<0nal mlerest they tab in people and their problems. Th l have a "spinl of "armlh and fnendli· n " and th v care for olh r membrrs of their group. and conRre11B· lions, e plain I ,\rchbih p John \\hcalon oling lh, I mani Cal ho hes haw "a n· don d their Cathohc f 1th fora R, I chun:h'," hcca ,d nth Cal he Churclt In help pan· lx_'{."1101 more

" re The Church "mu, da much more lo I r.h I� O\\U prop elh B,hl and lo make our pan, h 1,r of a , .. arm p t nng fom,I spml".

Archbishop Whealon said. Ei<:hl years ago a program known as Daystar was inaugurated. The program lrairu. people In be facililalors of small Scripture sludi groups in parishes. 115 aim is lo keep Catholic,, from bemg "Bible illiterates", sa,d Dr Eleanor Ra • director of the d;ocesan

office. --Our concern"�

that people rnd nol ha a good background m Scripture."


The Ila) lar program materials which contain "good. middleof-lhe-road" biblical scholarship lo educate peopl • \ts Ra added. Th mall groups of 25 meet monlhh ov •r a hm-\ r pt"riod. F h on has three II be mmponenl "11h pra) r u, mg a Scriptun.• rt ding from the da I SOIL 1ne wu hop ho m next and i on uch u to \"urk \\Ith adult th pnnCt· pl nf dull educ !HJn and the n of clul Th,• final part" a lecture lo pm, ,d, , 1n1,,nl on the B,h



Cont page 10


t'ourth, fundamrntaJ. � uct1, I, encoura peer m11li�tr\. For 111,1 nre, fundam nlal· L,15 u trained tnll Cont page 10

Knowing the Bible Chnst>ans are d1SCOV8r· ,ng the Bible ,n droves. WJIJ185S the expeneoce of a volunt r tutor wrth a aty lrteracy program who dlSOOvered that his student. a man in h,s 20s, wanted to learn to read not to improve tus J()boutlook but so that he could read the Bible WJIJ185S too the populanty of pansh adult education cla on Scnpture or the nse of Scnpture study groups on urnversrty campuses and ,n corporate office buold,ngs No doubt. Btbies are bev,g taken down off the shelves where they had been left to gather dust Vi those who turn to the B, do 90 for rent reasons and ., different ways Some people approach the S.bie as • kind of divinely doc1ated reape book spec,fying pre aseiy rM81Ured ,ngntdten forChnsban IMng

Cont page 10

The Record, May 19, 1988


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