The Record Newspaper 28 July 1988

Page 1

Sequel to • • missing young man • See story o Pages 10 and 11

POST ADDRESS: PO Box 50, Northbridge, 6000 W.A. LOCATION: 26 John St, Northbridge (east off Fitzgerald St).

TELEPHO E: (09) 328 1388

Archbishop Fa kner's news ance o women o ve a ortions

FAX (09) 328 7307


Str mming guitars give Masses a lively beat • See Page 6

• See Page 3


r's s and over destruction of h man em ryos




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e p ever-so-busy C



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Success story � 4



R.F. WIWS, WAOA, Optometrist



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(Est. 1888)



ankruptcy Statistics not only must suffer the st"gma of being called damned, damnab e and da ing lies if they do ot measure up to the answers we need; they are also a hazardous distraction when it comes to rational mora debate.


Lamb th.

twas clearly a siqna to West Australians to ummon up all their mora i dignation en a press headline annou ced boldly that "each VF birth costs taxpayers $31,000". The arg e t was punched ome with even more force with the revelation that each VF birth costs $57.952 compared with a $950 bill for a child conceived na ura ly. The figures were art of a flood infor a ion ei g extracted f om a $90. 200 page WA ea Depart ent report evea ed a host of debatab e iss es surro 1 ,240 co p es surveyed. edia a alyses wou d identify the VF rogram as ei g e rovince of the ealthy, as aving low success ates, as servi g a very · e range of I fe ile co ditio s wi any direct a d indirect ca ses.

nti tan


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Maximum vot·ng from now on

college composition

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embers of couese of cardinals

Percentage of membersh p

Europe Africa North America Latin America Asia Oceania TOTAL

81 18 17 24

The College of Ca dinals will have its maxim m 120 oting members after J y 26 when C dinal Corrado Ursi of Italy tu s 80.




<plus one "In oectore":

a Year oe int



total to 16 . n of th cardina has been named "in p tore", meaning nly th pope knov · \ .h h is.

uropeans continu to h Id the majority of th red hats. but th v no Ion er are the maj ;ity of v ting m mbers.

Arrange your funeral now and give you and your famijy peace of mind.


Remo el ha old Add PRE TIGE and VALUE to your home



get t e ea






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pea e

athways of the KNOW YOUR FAITH


pirit Compiled by NC News Service








Retreats are commonly accepted at the secondary and tertiary leYels today. Such was not the case 20 years ago. When I was a university student in the 1960s, we feared the use of the �

titles such as "Exercise in Christian Living", Recently l was spiritual director for an Exercise in Christian l.iving exactlv 20 vears after the first one l participated in as a student. Whal I

the 48 hours lo •r is to help young ad" get a sense of the bono•hal can lake develop then people or like uues mme together looray and lo personally e,ress faith.

\\'e thought ii had connotations or a silent weekend for ,.,,pecialli holv who persons wanted lo take ,tor k privately of their per·

that personal taking sl0< k still went on, but in a communal c;(•tling. Like man, retreats that have evolved since th Second \'atican Counr ii the Exerr.ise in Chrixtian Living weekend highlight, spiritual growth through th t' perience of Christian < nmmunitv, \ primary purpose of

Bui the wesand always ha had a o;ond goal, on» that al first gl.1 nr c seems c:onb.dic·


',QnJI virtues.

Because something about that notion did not appeal to us, we t hose to call our \\.l'Plo.t>nd vpiritual �tlwring., by other

By Father Eugene l.aVERDIERE Sometimes when I see a movie showing crowds of Nazis or Facists walking, singing, waving flags and shouting slogans in uni· son, I shudder. There is somethine wrong there, something threatening. The people in sue h rnarrhe- walk lo the same heal as part of a mob. their perconahties

DISCUSSION POINTS Father Eugene l.aVerdiere discusses a type of large group that he says actually suppresses individuality. But the Church, he says, is not this son of group at all. • What sort of group suppresses individuality in Father LaVerdiere's view? • How is a parish community different from such a group? • Why does Father Robert Kinast say that the Church is really not like an automobile association in which one just pays dues and gets help in emergencies? What image of the Ch rch as a community does he suggest instead? • Community building and the desire to help participants discover their own individual calling are goals that complement each other. The attainment of one helps the accomplishment of the other, writes Father Herbert Weber. Why is this true?

realised this time was

and tndividualitv suppn--ed. E\l'f\ movement i, pa rt of a collective action. How different such rallies are from other great gath1•ring,. su h a, the Olvrnpir garn Thev too involve marching, singing. wavmg fl.1g..c., and shouting vlogans. But when I c.t'(' n10\H� and T\' pictures of them. l do not shudder. I applaud and rejoir.e, Here. then. arc two different kinds of events. Studying the difference




asked his father lo intercede for him with Jacob. Bui while negotiations were in progress, Jacob's sons heard the whole ugly story. Enraged. they determined lo avenge the family insult. Thev devised a plan to get the men of Shechern al their merrv, When ii succeeded. . Dinah's brothers Simeon and Levi "took their swords. advanced against the city

without any trouble and massacred all the males" (Genesis 34:25). Why kill all males, not just the guilty individual? The answer is the ancient Semitic mentality which made little or no distinction between the individual and the group. If the man, Shechem, violated the Israelite girl, Dinah, Shechern's < ity had violated Israel. Still, the Bible presumes

Actuallv, those two conct�rn.,: ma�nified in the lives of young adults, are experienced m some degree h, a II persons. The qui lion for people

them a, be helpful in trvi lo maintain u good nee ht·h, n c:rm muni and individual rnnce in the liturgy,

lighted People relate lo personallv one another t•\ rn they walk and vmg lo ther Communities re made up of pi•rson.,



The difference • nmplc. In one indiilua] pt:•rsonctlih is sup sed as though ii were a real to cnmmunitv. 1'hat results i� not a co unitv, but an eno1ou,, group. a mob. In I he ol her, P"" aaJi. Ii are not ,upp1sed. Personal qualitu are enc ouraged and igh.

By Father John CASTELOT

that each mdiv,dual has personal responsibility. Muth hiblical legislation was aimed al protecting individual rights. The Ten Commandments. for instance, aim at preventing injustice lo a person ,vith regard lo life, reputation. spouse and property. Bui ii was a quc,,hon of emphasis. In modern

Tertiarv students have a strong. drive toward achieving personal success as thry s.•I a c.oursc for life. Thev also have a tremendous desire lo belong to '>OmP group or organisation that enlivens them.

Thal L, a deep d e to help partu ipants dis· cover and then lo their own indi lual mal ralling, their cl lini

essons rom

When Jacob and his family were returning from Haran to Canaan, a nasty incident occurred. They camped at Shechem (about a mile from modem Nablus) and his daughter Dinah went to visit with the local women. A highly placed young man of the town, Shechem, fell for her. She resisted his advances and he look her by force. Determined lo have her as a wife, he


II is exciting lo note that in pursuing these two goals, the attainment of one helps the ar.cornplishmenl or the other.

culture thr stre,,., is on the dignity and fret.'tlom of the individual. In culture the <tress lay in the oppo.,ilr direction: on the group. the family. town, nation. For an lsrarlile, the worst concei,able punishment was lo he "cul off" from the pl'Ople (Exodus 30:33). To hc cul off was to lo."' one's

The ,c\\ Iestarnent pmvid1-� rnanv exampk .... of how personal and

ccmmu nitv

complement another



Consider the many times Jc-,,u, attended a meal in "'1n1rx1nr\: home.

Tht"P. were rnrnrnunity events

idenll', Thi-''BS so ingrained a part of the Semitic psy� that Ezekiel had to 'If ' &real lengths to pers•1e people to take pc al responsibility for I Babylonian Exile. The JlOOple used to quol a proverb to exp�" their fate: "fa rs have eaten greenrapes, thus their c hiif n's teeth a re set on edl!' Ezekiel's exasperated I esponse was, m


Father Herbert WEBER of faith remains how lo S<'!'I. a personal relationship with God and also he of the part community. T\VO necessarv actions have lo take place: • One is a movement from a completelv private spirituality to a group < onM iousne-,s

personal growth of the individual. A�in the experience of lertial'} students is helpful In the hack of our universil} chapel is a "Petition Book". II is a loosp(eaf bindl'r that has bt•en there for years. Hundreds of students

• The other is a now from the collective faith of the commurntv to the

have slopped m al any

In each instance the rnrnrnunity \\ \ made up of all tho, who were present, C\ en when some ohjt'Cled lo the presenc:P of others. And Jesus alway, paid attenhon to c., .h person. He reached out espc'!:ially lo anyone \Vho \\.·Jc; struAAling or n·1ected. In Levi's home, for 1nstante.. Jesus \\.'as <.ensitive lo the lax colle<:lors \\ hen the Pharisees opJ)O"ed thrir pre.ence (. larl. 2:13-17). In the home of a

Phan, c, he shO\, cd great J"C.',,Jlf'( t to a \\On1an \\ horn others n�nled a, a ,innC'r hr alMJ sho,\.·Cl-1 OlOrf'rn for the Phari..'>ee "ho had invilpd him lo dinner (Luke 7:Jb-50). a comTht• liturgy munity ac lion and t•vcnt. Thal ne,,ds lo he affirmed bc'C:ausp of pooplr's lt•ndencv Iowa rd indivicluali�m. When the liturgy bt=nw, a collt'Clion of private religious e and no one pay, attention lo the others


l'ff!'('t: "Look! If I hear that once mort'.1'11 scream! OJ course, we are affected by the action, of our society, but that d""' not deslro\ our per,;;onal responsihilil\," Another example is found in the Psalms. For a long while, scholars held that all the Jl"Blms were liturgical prayers, official expre,sions of the communitv's religious \entimrnts. Bui further study ha,,

hour of the du or night to ,vrite their prdycr.-. 1n

convinced scholars that many Psalms originally ,vere private prayer.,, expressing the varied religious emotions of individuals. Thal these subsequently made thrir way into the nations's official prayer book means that the sentiments they expressed were those of the whole people as wPII. Even in prayrr the Israelite was lsracl and Israel was the Israelite.

Sense of belonging and warmt� necessary

Experts warn that church religious cults of various communities must provide kinds. members a sense of This sense of helon�ing belonging coupled with an important to people of atmosphere of warmth in th 20th cr.ntur Oflr.n which they feel that others th I feel root!, s thr really care about them. moVP from one region to Otherwise some members another Or they� I lost will se k th,s atmosphere in th, crov.d nnon m elsewhere, sometimes in ,,us. 1 melnpol scs .,,,th


The Record, July 28, 1988

millions of in hab,tanls \gain, more than a few people are onh loo r., ,vith an atmosphere I hat " mid and unc nng on the JOh, or thcv an• left cold h the goals and lafost} le.s soc tch app<':ars lo presrnhc for them.

Tht• C.hurc h doesn't sci meant lo r.,..1 the, re out to offer mcrnher\ a carecl about II i., a nsc of hclongmg out of communll} foundecl 1n a mere dcsper.alion. lhal i., �f)C( 1al \\ , 1n lo\:P \nil because ,me \\lll le:l\e the lo,c \\1thm thls commun1h s n t 1n !hr { hurrh tf ti d 't. The< hurc:h mh rentl1 abstrartton nr 1ust a mre ts a mm 1t a idea to thank ahem! II LS \\clc omlng c:ommun1tv a real hfc forcer II 1s n rth roting that m "h1ch people an,

the welcommi; almo,phrn• th,• Church offprs LS of much more than pa I ng mlem,t lo man\ people toda, \\hat spcn1I about thc Churrh as n com11 muml) LS the confirms thr p<'rsonal ,h mt, of m mbcrs.


Their worth, their f'.<xl�wn hr,rnt) and \'alU<'. an• ha tc lo th, mmm11ntl} s Lrr This b. 1c pnnaplc of thP ( hurch'sr:ommuml} hf, can IM• n tn the I urg, thr ( hurch's ",r,;h p hf II re thr mtr ton 15

m·, ,at one feel lo,t m

the d"d or umahwcl orl1dn_e asked lo g,w · up I f1V1du a 1·1 • ) m fa,1l�' a Rroup r.mot on,orne kind. [n.<111 lhe pall,•m of th ·!fy is In tmitc the sr11c,pat,on of I ,1


I •• els, h ,ng this im1lahon " the re, ognilion that ca, h pc•rs,m t t: tqur. ] \ g1 ftr.d , an d I h at those g,ft conch Ilic entire mmmuml\ of the hurrh � ct, person ts sren ns som ,m who ts hie lo hocom a I rer of Gods

life and lo share that lif,, with oth,•rs Ultimah•h, the liturgical life IJC(.omc a pattern for all of life freeing people lo mogm their uniqu,• dignilv and to a, hwh share their C,od 81' n g, Is e Ol'Y\\ h rt'


ii. I often read some as l enter lo pray. The prayers are always from the heart. Most are anonymous. The great majority are intercessions that a special friend, a roommate, or the \>Tiler gel through a difficulty. Occasionally there is a prayer for the parish or for some warlorn part of the world. As these prayers are wTitten and later read br others who come lo pra) - and remembt·red al the parish \ - lhr "personal" gels intorporaled into the "communul"'

pre,.ent, it lo� '>Omething of it, liturgical character Communihp:,., are compo,,ed of person., relating

lo one another hurnanlv and religious!,. In the liturgy. people: r:ac:h one "ilh a unique life story, come loge I her for a religious e,enl. The} join in a religious ritual. A good cornmumly liturgy is c.cnsitive to each and every person in the community. Experience teaches this

Communit� grO\\.'S from the needs and gifLs of 1Ls members. Individual prayers in the "Pehlion Book", lil.e personal fa,ours, can be incorporated into a sense of the whole that takes the concerns of others to heart.

Al the same time. the strength of the total communil\· allow, the indi,·idual-lo grow.

e\'ery\\.·here. but one incident from a liturgy al the ewm•n chapel of the l ni,er;itv of Ha\\aii in llonolulu <lands out for me.

On this particular Sunda}·. I presided al the chapel's principal liturgy. Al the outset, I followed the custom of inviting visitors to introduce themselves or be introduced b, <0meone who had aa:ompanied them.

Each visitor \\.'as pres-

Jim \\'as a uni\'ersity student \Vho \\.'as successful academically but deeply desired lo improve himself in interpersonal skills and selfacceplance. As he started lo meet v.ilh the church music group, he found others who saw him as one of themselves.

As the group started to jeU. \\ilh a spiritual and a o;oc:ial component. Jim was challenged lo develop his personal skills in guitar pla,ing. Before long. hr emergud as a significant group m<'mhcr and his lt•adership ,!..ills bt•r:ame appar-

ented then with a !CJ, a fine '-l."C.Ular \\Cltomc that LS easih· adaplP<I lo the hluf!() in Ha\\an. I nohctod that a rnung man of about 28 wa, standing al thr hack of the chapel behind <0me planters. o one tried lo force him into a p<'W, Everyone respe<.led his privac}, but n1an� smiled a \\clrm \velcome. Eventual!\ he look a place in the bark JIC". B, communion hme. h , \\'a.c., in the rentre of the

enl. Through the mmmunity's faith in him, Jim's own gifts began lo emerge. Sometimes people fear that their individuality ,viii gel lost in the attempt lo participate in community. In reality, the oppo,ite is true. Personal dewlopmenl is nurtured by belonging lo the communit� just as a communil) is <lrenghlened by personal faith contributions. Practising this gl\ e-andlake is a real exrrc.i,e of Christian li,'ing .


rhapeL The �· lure ol peace is a \\elromr. hard lo resist. Onr.e \1� !'t \\ as over, h� told me he had bt,en J\\'a\' fron1 c:hur,-h for many years. did not know wh, hr had tome and had hc,en frightened lo enter. "Bui thi, i.s wonderful." he said "Whal do I do now?"

Thal pansh had not [ci,,I sight of each of the indi,iduals that made up it<. commun1t,· of · \\orshippers.

Why tell my sins?

"Why tell my sins to a priest? Why can't I just aks God to forgive me directly?" is "Marriage hctween two people. Why does the Church interfrre ,vith rules and regulations?" In 20yearsasa priest I have heard question, like those often enough lo know that a lot of people are unmmfortahle with the role the Church plays in their spiritual destiny. For such people the Church is like an automobile association: a big organisation they Join indi,idualli: they pa,· their annual dur,, and displa, I h1•ir membership \long their 1ourne, through lif,•, people make use of its rec ommcnd,1hon.s Hnd gel emerg nc v help \\ hen

nrc sar\

A student told me that he feels v.Tiling a prayer in the parish book unites his needs \\ilh those of all the others who have \\Titten.

Bui the Chun:.h is not really like an automobile association. The Church is more like an orchestra where each person and each instrument contributes lo the total performance. Unlike an aulomobileassociation whose members usual!}' remain anonymous and never n1eet each other, an orchestra depends on the familiarity and blending of earh artist's instrument and its distinctive sound. The difference hclween thr Church and an automobile associahon and the Chu Th as an orc.hc,,lra " lht• diffprenc.e het\\t.>C'n an indi\ idu�,I \\.ho U'>c., an

organisation for per·

sonal ht• onh nnd an 1nd1\ ulual \\ ho finds personal hencfil In 101111ng with others.


Father Robert KINA ST For example, the person who asks "Why can't I just ask God lo forgive me directly" wants a private, almost secret with relationship God. Obviously, people can and do pray lo God privately, asking forgiveness. Bui realising that baptism incorporates a person into the community of Jesus' friends helps people lo realt<e that their <.hortr.omings ocrur in the r:ommun1ty'c; midst too. ·\s the lnlrudu, lion lo the Rilt• of Penanw "Bv the huMen and lm1ng m, "'" of God' de,ig..; people

sa, ·

are joined together in the bonds of supernatural solidarity, so murh so that the sin of one harms the others just as the holiness of one henefiLs the others." With this awarene,,.s, when people need lo ask forgiveness, they do so as members of God's community in the sacrament of reconciliallon by acknowledging failures to the community's representative (the priest). Often today this includes a ·public, communal �n;ce. We are forgi,en as pef'(;()ns \\'ithin a commun1ty, not privat rnd,viduals in an o�nisation \gain, peopll' "ho lhml the Church 'hlcrf, n,s" h ellmg rul v.Pddmg.s marr gc n a

contract private between two people.

And ii is - but ii is more. It is a ne\Y experience of God's love concentrated in this couple. ' The Church's rules and regulations seek lo describe how I he married couple and the faith community can nurture each other.

As ca non la \Y expresses it ( 10. 1063), the Church community is to furnish assistance to couples "so that the matrimonial state is maintained in a Christian spirit and makes progrec;;<"i tm,ard perfoclton". Chrishamh 15 not a pnvate wa, of hfP m on anonymou� org..,n· 1sahon. It " an intcnsclv personal Wil} of hfo in a , armg commun1t,

The Record, July 28. 1988





. Words on these two. pages �)I

Colleen McGuiness-Howard ·

me good

may ve omeone," he id. hrough all the grief and unan we red q u tion , the prayerful po itive piritual upp rt from rien , parishioners and opl throughout u tralia and over" , ha iven the famil


b at ace with uch an on-going my tery," she said. "What make you want to bring it to a con lusion though. is the hope that finding out fa t and reating public av ·aren about the e mi ing p ple, will mayb ve meone el from a irnilar fate. fortunate

situation. Reluctant to raise the ubject. It was difficult for them too." Mr and rs Jones had to tell well-meaning friends who'd state that their on \ rould be "OK", that they believ d he was dead. "You re given the strength to op with it, but it too · me years before I could say the fifth jo fol my te • (finding of child J u in the I lt Tempi ). cl to rs Jon

ce 1982 .


ea e



O Sits

anted O Sit at nt O Help anted O Teacher anted O Teacher ava la le O Building trades O For sal O anted to buy

O Aecom t d O Aecom a a1lab O anted to rent O Hou e to let O Flat to et O House for le O Hou ant d O Hohda accom.




. 5"

ADDITIO AL: 10 cents for e

��mr � 00 �

to the Editor


Support for Doris from R. MAHONY, Kelmscott



P • ting q ity work at the right price. John Freakley. Phone 361 4349.

Catholic widow, beef farmer, 55 yrs, honest. sincese trustworthy, energetic, good worker� values home life, like to meet Catholi gent! man widow r, non drinker non s o er, similar 'inter� e ts. Reply "C tholic w· do ' thi offi .

Electric Contr ctor J.V. D'Esterre, 5 Vivian S4 Rivervale. 30 yrs expen nee, expert effi ient, reliab . Ring 362 4646, after hours 385 9660. Unit E, 98 President St, Kewdale.

Sir. I must support Doris Martyr (Record, July 14) in her proclamation of the true Catholic doctrine, that the Blessed Eucharist is the living Body, Blood and Soul and Divinity of Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. The real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is a profound mystery, which

cannot be understood by adults any more than by children and conversely- is understood by children as fully as by adults. When I made my first Holy Communion, 70 years ago, I did not understand the mystery of "It". Today, I still believe that I receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Dlvinitv of Jesus, and "It" 1s still a mystery.

Peop· e inc. Joesus a: t



ACCOUNTANT/ ADMINISTRATOR Jesus People is an organisation providing care for homeless and disadvantaged youth in our city. We require an experienced account t with a fonnal qualification who wishes to respond to the challenge of assisting in our work.

Tile A countan Administrator maintain our financial records usmg the Sybiz system on our PC


perform adrninistra ·

office, inc uding supervision o a

staff. A desir and



functions in our head group of clerical

· ty to VJOrk within a



environment is as im ant as work efficiency. A strong Christian commitment is essenti .

An ppropriat salary the successful applican


tiated wi h


for th

RG Clothing. clean, w a a I - ouse-ho d goods - nick-nacks - orna nts, · well ry etc.




HO E: ----



Off o spread the Gospe

timer Gemma Wo Itorton in • elb urne and flv with eleven others to ngel .


The YC\V trainine veek will take pl e at the Catholic nive ity in attl in e rly uau t.




places remain for e pilgrimage for� outh and oung at heart i( Rome. Split, edjugorje. Belgrade. arza a . .t( Czestocho a. Aus icz, ado · c, a o 1• Pnem st. � o . iev. osco . Leningrad. M Helsin i, London. "1' Singapore Airlines dep rt Oct 9 - return -t( ov 8. -t(

................. •

nformaf on 328 9878


C II c



fo d or


Sun ay, A g st 21


328 9878

Give us a couple of hours of your time.

to the next w kend

12 4

p b ner. bring your grand ia. o ng people from the other

diM r n e" fte rd II invited to an Antioch meetin and a tomach a I f n t delight


.J rrod u com

276 7832 • J I 28.




rd Kids Club

hildren 's Story Hour




God, creator of a l life

Spri g's a'comin' - it's in t air!! So gees an old folk song. 's a great time of e year with ew ife rsti g fort everyere in atl of creation. T ere is a gra deur in the ie of life with its

a d are bei g evolved." n our times, scie ific man has ee in ursuit of he x la ation of the erigin of things. Creationist t eory · s challenged by evoluio ist theory. Evoluionist theory is c al· enged y creationist t eory. e fact is that either is

o purs e any heory but we m intain two nalterable e iefs: 1. God is the or gin of life

gre t is your a e in II t e earth." Scientific a fills libra ·

all reality, o r Creator - God? In o r eager· ess to explain ave e ost touc ith he in er reality o hings? God is incredibly ,lavish in is created gifts, f e elong to the ta e-i · for-granted" eneration, her is a s abba bout t at. im! y Fat er'


crea ion. Today, evo utio ist t eory is ofte ro osed ot as a eory b as a fact. t is lso pro osed in "G dless" way. Have yo g esse the au or of he

de r ... " egin ing? You e surprised to no (as I as) that it is C ar es Darwin - the father of he evolution theory. t Is uc a eautiful raise of he Creator God. Unscientific man i P Im Ei spontan ously xclaimed: "O Go , God, o

ow q lCI< c You sPot, tHe s ,c DlFFeRe ces


t ese two J)RqWl GS .

• A look at books -- music--

n searc of my brot er A or Fa er Brian Jo es, CSsR, whose book as sparked off much media interest He is instigator of issing Persons' eel< being held nationally, this weel<e d.


y O we k




her in,



i:EN IS by TO






A reunion and festival will be held on Su day, August 14. An invitation is extended to all ex-students, past teachers & friends of ew Norcia to attend Mass at 10am celebrated by Archbishop Foley and the opening of College extensions by the Hon John Dawkins. Lu ch available. Buses eave from Perth at 7.45am. Bus bookings ring: Kay Kelly (096) 54 8060.


8 Grad 1



The legion of Mary invites catho ics to bri g a non-Cat olic friend to a arian Year "Afternoon with ary" at the Ede Quin Centre, 36 w· dsor Street Ea erth, on Su day, Aug st 7 co e ci g at 2.30pm. Fath r C. Ross, OS will conduct the program. Afternoon tea w'II be served.


SUBIACO: Su iaco parish pi gri age to Bullsbrook takes place on Sunday August 7. ass will be celebrated at the shri eat 12.15pm fo owed by a picnic ·n the grounds of Peace Be Still. Chitteri g. ATIAOALE: The new Lady Chapel and Campani e in the Church of St Joseph P'gnatelli will be blessed and opened by Archbishop Fo ey at 7pm on Sunday, August 14 on the ·gil of the Assumption and the closing of the Marian Year. The Rosary will be said as a triduum on the ree previou nights at 7pm.

Send ·te s for arian Year Calendar i writi g to: 38 Great o hern ighway, idla d.



This Committee is seeking three new members: Term: 3 years (renewable). Invitation is made here for interested persons to nominate/be nominated for the Committee. From the names submitted to him Archbishop Foley will make appointment� to the Committee. Contact: The Secretary, Archdiocesan Ecumenical Affairs Committee St Thomas More College, Mounts Bay Road, Crawtey 6009

R s

f r



ce's Sc o

St Lawrence's, situated 8 m north of the city, is a single str am co-educational primary school of 243 students from years 1 to 7. The school as established in 19 O and is an · te ral art of the parish community. It is currently undert in an extensive redevelopment plan.

St Columba's school ts a sin le str am co- ducat, n I chool ith a total nrolm nt of 216 students m years to 7 he chool is an int r I part of the parish community nd is situated 5 rn from he city.

Archdiocesan Calendar J ly 31



7 10






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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.