The Record Newspaper 13 October 1988

Page 1

Boy with

mum at his beck and cal PERTH, WA: October 13, 1988

Number 2605

Registered by Australia Post Publication No. WAR 0202

POST ADDRESS: PO Box 50, Northbridge, 6000 W.A. LOCATION: 26 John St, Northbridge (east off Fitzgerald St).

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• Pages 10 and 11 Guess who was the first person to discover the body of the late Pope John Paul I? Turn to Page 5 for the answer.




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ea and light refreshments will be rved pecial during the d y. ' lcome is extended to Father Lyn h' many f 'ends to share a day of

app al more trongl , to the idealism o youth? All meetings v ill be in the pari h hall, Alne Street.

How can m rri ge be re tared to it' proper statu ? h t are the hopeful igns of renewal and rejuvenation in the Church? How can e tran arm d into a new l din a n \


Criddle, archdioce an acilitator, and her partner, izabeth c 'erna, who will lead the discussion . It is s re d that the grassro meetin are or interested, caring p ple, .eth r Catholi or no , wh ther church-going or not. \ ·arm \ elc is extend d to all who hav the \ .elfar of he C urch at h rt.

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Ben -






c a - 0.30a Fol o .ed y Pro e sion

Special F ea tu res: ew orcia Catholic College Choir College Chapels Open andorla E. .hibition of Religio s r onastic Art. Cr fts and Food uffs Afternoon Tea Available



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we 's, 00 oyof life.


(Est. 1888)


Grassroots discussio s that are about to unfold in Perth archdiocese will prove whether desert sands have killed off the vegetation or whether the dormant seeds are awaiting a whiff of moisture to spring into bloom. The preliminary foray into the not-so-distant past history indicates that St George's Terrace is not the on y part of West Australian heritage that has been pulped i to oblivion · n he name of tidy progress. The ecord has received not a few enq · ries from arishio ers bewildered at the death of materia about their past. Who were t e ever-so. dy people who clea ed out cupboards of precious records, memorabilia a d photograp s as being of no concern to later ge erations yet to come? A searc · to the past as a p atfor fro whic to step into the future as good Biblical roots. T e precious fragments of Old Testament writi g were he store ouse out of which he ew reas res of Christianity would oulded. Un ow a d uns g scribes w tireless y to e sure at we wo Id ave o r scriptures and ea y C rch writi gs as a o t of wisdo .




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e ga e

The law suit wa brou ht against the city and county b a local hapter of the Civil Liberti

a tora


The city and oun appealed to the upreme Court j ined by Cha d, a national J ih or ani ion.

n ultauring the tions tho e omen "respond d with great faith and t d lion that the love this hurch, · he said. Bishop Im h said that he h r or not the draft bv the appro

un was irs erso

Arrange your funeral now and give you and your famijy peace of mind.






Remodel t at old bat ro Add PRE TIGE and VALUE to your home




158 E ward 328 6955


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e1 Hirnala ran


for their work for the development of the underprivileq d



Clothing, clean, wearable - house-hold goods - nick-nacks - ornament , jewellery etc.

Deliver to

534 William Street, Highgate For tr ck to call - Pho e 328 4403






fe a



• downturn in its intake. The Commonwealth Government helped tov ards the boarding costs under the bo-

ordinator of the centre. t the last count the centre had 31 young Aborigines under its


"W at directio t e centre will take is ot own. T e Cat olic Ed cation Centre is c rrently doi g a feasibility s dy o the centre's future." ----'Brother ishart f.

"What direction the centre will take is not known. The Catholic Education Centre is currently doing a feasibility study on the centre's future." The results of the study are exp ted to be made nown in a year's time. Until then it is certainly a gu ing game for the staff who have s nt man • years at the centre. to or

Willaway, person.



obody is paid for services at this centre. The team of helpers are all volunteers.





Important for--------Christians to address issue Money is one of the forbidden subjects. Not only are individuals reluctant to speak about personal finances. But questions about everyday money morality are rarely raised.

A silence surrounds money. People may wonder: Is the use of money an important issue in a committed Christian life? Money is a recurring biblical theme. The Old Testament is filled with warnings against reliance on illgotten gains. or hoarding, or foolish dependence on money. Again and again we are told that the value of wealth is relative, that povery and riches both c:ome from God.

The same teaching runs through the lew Testament. There we are confronted by the rich young


Ananais and his wil Sapphira, are struct dead, apparently fo, their deceit in concealii money from the earlJ Christian communu, reflection and action he That account is found· has enabled himself and the 'ew Testament 1""* other Christians he worknown as the Acts oft� ships with in Washington. DC. to understand Apostles. the real place of money in their lives; their responsibility to use it as God wills; and its relationship to the overall quality of their Christian behaviour.

associated with money into a realisation of money as a gift and as a

By Dolores LECKEY Similarly, people may their wealth deny

By Gabe HUCK

doing so we feed the myth that we can starve off misfortune, including death. The issue, of course, is not money as such. By


because they are out of touch with the depths of their own feelings. to According \lcClannen, we often

Why, then, do we tend \lcClannen has counto distance ourselva selled and worked with from an examination d the very wealthy, the conscience regardinj very poor and those in between. money.

a particular job, concentrating on finances exclusively can distort one's perspective. A job that is not the most rewarding financiallv, could still be the most satisfying overall.

Our explanatio He finds that the more undoubtedly ha, to de money people have, the with the emotional sym JJIOre they tend to deny it. bolism of rnonev, \\\ It is not unusual. he SB}"· want to assuage U. to hear wealthy Chrisinsecurity of our humai tians say, "Don't refer to condition and are temp me as a millionaire!" led to use rnonev fort purpose.

means to live in the world with justice. How does such transformation happen?

For 15 years Do, McClannen has bee engaged in what he call a ministry of money. Through study, praye

itself, money is a neutral factor in our world.

Christians need to talk about money - just as they need to talk about the Scriptures or prayer. I am g.rateful to those who have served as guides for me and who have he! ped me to see some principles regard·


between following Jesus and clinging to his possessions, and by the poor widow who puts all she has in the temple treasury. We watch in disbelief as

find it difficult to actually name our feelings, particularly such negative

\lcClanaen likens this

ones as insecurity or fear. We know that we must protect ourselves. Thus, for our survival, many of us begin to store up earthly treasures. By

denial of wealth to the

denial of death: We verbally achkowledge that death is a reality all must face but our behaviour says otherwise.

- The issue is our attachment to money and the greed that leads us to disregard other persons. - The issue is our failure to bring our feelings about money and its use under honest scrutiny. It seems to me that an important task for all of us who are Christians today is to openly address the issue. To help people transform the false security, possessiveness, fear and guilt


2. Take seriously the biblical di.rectiveness to give generously to the poor and to good causes. 3. Consciously try to grow in the awareness that God is in both the ebb and flow of life. in small and big ways; and try to learn to give thanks in all these situations. Acknowledge the value of such principles is one thing. But living by them is another.

ing tbe use of money in tbe context of Christian life. These include: 1. When making a decision about something, do it without unduly mixing money into your consideration of the pros and cons. For example, in deciding whether to take

To live by them, we need the support of a community of believers who will stand with us as we grow toward a spirit of greater magnanimity.

financial times assistance. Another way to relate faith to money matters: Consciously try to become aware of the kinds of judgements made about other people on the basis of how much money one thinks they have. Consider how severely some people are judged for the ways they do or do not spend their money. And consider how often

financial status serves as a deciding factor for including or excluding other people from our lives. Many people consider their own money a private matter. Thus, it often is difficult for them to explore its implications together. The risk, however, is that faith will get left out of this very significant ingredient of everyday life.

Examples 01 aoolring taith to our earthly iches-----Two other couples had joined my wife and me for dinner at our house one night not long ago. The six of us get together about three times each year for a dinner, with each couple contributing to the menu.

I no longer recall how the before-dinner conversation got around to the topic of money. But since most people are not overladen with extra

cash, it's easy to imagine someone's skyrocketing electric bill or the high cost of children's shoes stimulated the discussion. Then, as we sat down, a friend - with a doctorate in economics remarked how rich we all were. What he meant, he said, was that we were sitting down to a fine meal and that, basically, we had

what we needed and enjoyed.

intimately connected with how one feels.

I found his remark comforting. I thought for a moment how wise he was. His remark pro· duced a good feeling. And my self-esteem rose just a bit.

And since, in an age of rapid inflation there are plenty of opportunities for bad feelings, the occasions when good feelings break through

I'm not sure why it produced that feeling. I'm tempted to say, simply that one's financial condition - and how one perceives it - is

Money fulfills various roles in people's lives. It also poses numerous challenges. - Money can be used to resolve problems and

are welcome,

lift hopes - paying for education, health care, insurance. But money can generate disagreements and break down relationships. - Money can produce anxiety. It can also excite people - even deceive them - with promises about goods it will buy and nappiness it will create. - Money can be shared, draw people together. But money -

and tinancial status can separate people. - Money can offer a sense of having some controloverourlivesand the planning of our futures. But fears about money can make one feel like a victim of society. - Money can be a means to greater independence. But money can preoccupy a person so much that it enslaves. Freedom ... independence ... planning for the

luture • . relatic ships resolving pll' lerns the owners! of goods· Money � touch all of that better or worse. Recently I asked a groJ of teenagers to iden' some elements of th' "real world". They " in a class exploring" of linking faith to e,-e> day life. At first the questl puzzled them. Then lir. by little they began I


Friends were mentioned first. That wasn't surprising. Friends are most important to teenagers. Mentioned second: money. All said that money play, a large role in their lives. Like many teenagers, few had much of it.





closely involved with everyday life, faith needs to be related to decisions

about money and to lifestyles that result from its use. Can faith influence thinking about freedom and independence? Can it reach into personal planning for the future? Can faith help clarify what kind of control people want to have over their lives? Those considerations are touched by money. But can they be touched by faith? One possible way of

relating laith to money matters: Pay attention to the feelings money produces in people. In every community, some people suffer from worries, fears of diminished self-esteem because of rea I or imagined problems over money. That can constitute a cry for compassion, understanding and practical help - including counselling and some-


In the late 1950s when I was studying socio!· ogy the technique ran· dom sampling to survey attitudes and experien· ces was just coming into its own.

One surprising lesson we learned early on was how willing most people are to talk to perfect stranger. about even the


intimate details of their lives. Family problems, work experiences, sexual relationships, fears and prejudices, hopes and joys all were discussed freely. Often it seemed as if folks had just been waitmg for an interested listener to come along. But we also learned

The Record, October 13, 1988

quickly that one subject was almost taboo: money. The very people who had talked at length about many personal concerns would become silent, even hostile, when asked about their income or other financial matters. Prof si nals who work with the issue of Chns-

tian stewardship say that Catholics differ little from the rest of society in their secrecy about money. Even members of a small prayer group who share deeply with one another on rnanv matter, often skirt around that touchy topic I once was asJ..,.,l to keep

a careful record for one month of my use of money and time. I found the experience revealed some of my deepest values - which shouldn't have surprised me since Jesus said as much: "Where vour treasure is. there will your heart be also." In moving toward more



money. many people are finding honest moneytalk a very necessary first step.

And the example of Christians who have candidly and courageouslv looked at the connections between their faith and their money can be helpful.

Severa I vea rs •RO a number of storie-, in St Anthonv Mevsenger magazine told about some individual, and families who had adopted new lifestyles. I identified most with a muple in Louisville, Ky. The couple and their three sons were typical in many respee ts. hut their

Chri.�1 faith had led them l a deliberate decis• lo keep behind the J ' · Thc) a home whe could walk to work the bus stop. The langcd from a large I lo a small car and a<Yde. Lowering their Use temperature cut



and costs in half. They bought less meat and ate more vegetables. often grown at home. Their furniture was used, their clothing simple. With rnv own farnilv I've tried io examine not onlv expenditures for shelter. fornl. transportation and clothing. hut other que lions about

our lifestyle as well: What kind of education, health care and recreation do we choose and why? What is our experience of giving and receiving? How do we balance freedom and SN.urity, and planning spontaneity 1

What are needs and what are luxuries for us right now? How do we make decisions about money. and what influences those decisions?

We also have shared our patterns of financial choices with a few

trusted friends. We have tried to be more objective about our needs and resources Repeatedly we ask our· selves what we need to

live with dignity and joy but without evtrava113nr.c. And we try to share our resource with others.

Found in heart, not in trenzv

Maybe Advent is just a word to you, a churchy word at that, bound up with the December days before Christmas.

Maybe it goes beyond that and summons the solemn lighting of a wreath, the lovely melody of O Come, 0 Come. Emmanuel. Imagine now that the Advent pages have somehow been lost from the books. that the musi ians and preachers have suffered collective amnesia. Instead of marking the first Sunday in Advent November 28, the ordinary Sundays just roll on. Is there a groundswell among the parishioners that Sunday demanding that their Advent begin? Does anyone notice? Before letting it slip quietly into history, you might resolve to go on a search - a pilgrimage, perhaps, for Advent itself. Take along only those few images you have: some burning candles, snatches of a few tunes, bits of stories about John tbe Baptist and perhaps a few phrases from Isaiah: maybe the wolf being the guest of the lamb, or the lame leaping and the feeble hands made strong. And certainly the image of an angel and Mary and the waiting for birth. So you walk through your town or city or countryside and you look and listen and sniff and taste. Search alone for Advent, or go with a friends, with your spouse or with your children. Tell them that if there is an Advent, it is not in the books alone; it must be there, somewhere. in our world. What do you see as November turns to December? What are people doing? And why? Are some people harder to find than others? Why? What are their voices like. not just their words? Look at their faces and into their eyes too. Pick up some newspapers. What stories are I hev telling about life for ordmarv people whose December happens to be in El Salvador or Gua-

temala. South Africa or Poland, or just the next nighbourhood beyond yours? Observe and observe. Consider the one doing the observing - you. Is there anything of Advent in you? Would anything from your Journey, reading or reflection lead you to write words (if you were a poet) like, "Jerusalem, take off your robe of mourning and misery; put on the splendour of glory from God forever?" Would anything bring you to compose (if you were a musician) the longing sound of O Come, 0 Come, Emmanuel? Advent, real Advent, is found fi.rsl in tbe human heart and the human situation. It is not wreaths and candles and Jesse trees. It is every "not yet" that the world knows: every fear for ouselves, our children, our time, each other. If is found in the anxiety before any birth and in tbe secret terror that we will destroy this yet lovely world. Advent is in the savouring of time. It is in the beauty of darkness. and the light of sun, moon, stars and human fires. That Advent is going to seem vaguely familiar, a mirror of some part of the self. How we wait through our weeks and years, how much "not yet" there is in each life, how afraid we are. It is all the stuff of Advent. In the frenzy of December we can put it under wraps. Don't. Put the busyness away first. Sit with the Scripture, with the Sunday reading and with Isaiah in the Old Testament, especially chapters 11, 25. 26, 29, 30, 34, 40 and 41. Read the first chapter of Luke over and over, especially the songs of Marh and Zechariah. Then invite family members into your walking, looking, reading. scripture, probing. Let other things go - promise yourself a Christmas· time beginning December 25. Find Advent yourself. Share it with the famih

The Record. October 13. 1988


ee your on in a wheelchair. nd I 1 I want to prot t m • n from the hurt.

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ork to try and upport the famil '·

R.F. WILUS, WAOA, Optometrist

" ub idi ed child hould b available for this disabled child in th h me," he b liev .



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Men who are inter t d in a life of r. ice and who eek to love the Go ;pel life in the pirit of sini franci of


conu 1tual

an fria

For furth r in ormat on con act


to the Editor

Film a appalling was e of t · me from Brian PEACHEY, Woodlands




Sir, Monday Octo r 3rd, was one of those rotten days, which everyone expenences on occasions. I had been invited by Channel 10 as their guest to view the film, 'The Last Temptation of Christ' which was previewed in the musty non-operating Hoyts Cinema 1 in City Arcad . A fellow guest of Ch nnel 1 O was Dr Peter Carn ey, the Anglican Archbishop of Perth.

day out of many word , was a one line phrase by me saying 'it was the most blasp emous thmg I h d ever seen' followed by Archbishop Carnley saying it 'wasn't blasphemous' and Father Ast1II saymg 'he would recommend people to go and see it'. Wearied after what se med a long and wasted day I wond red about my ability to und rstan reality. Surely this was d liberate, even diabo 1cally inspired, blasphemy? But clergymen disagreed On was an Anglican archbis op, the other a Jesuit pr est. Was there som thing wrong with me and my ability, m my mature y ars, to JU e or re h cl ncs, with th rr su nor training and in 19 t, right?


Normally my nights are peaceful. After prayer there rs rest from the v cissrtu of the day, but this night was not the usual. Why should I thin and feel that this grotesque film was blasphemous and in ed conclude that ,t should be banned and the only clergy who were there, say it wasn't? There must be others w o should ha been there who uld ha agreed with me. My concern was hat I was to participate in a 9am d10 interv, w with the Anglican archbishop. One can only pra for circurngu1danc in th a nc s - not success Aft r all, t layman can succeed on th public m ia, ran d up against an archb shop? I cou d on y y

at I should say and that was that Christ rs God. This is the basis of our Christian faith and without the convicnon hat He i God Christianitv rs nothing and to reduce Him rs b asphemy. I said th t but I also said that we h in a pluralistic society and there rs a responsibility on all to respect th reltg1ous beliefs and practices of e er diverse element, but also hav an ually strong responsibility to d fend those beh fs and practices against vilificat on The Last Temptation of Christ vilified th beh s of Christians. For hat reason alone It shou d be bann Becaus rt rs criminal bl sph my rs an even gre Lau


t to

from Mrs Patricia HAWGAN, M n ur. h

n front of a



from Jessi McCORMACK, Ardross



. �� I, YOUTH FORUM 1\ti\it\ Dates for the 1989 vision weekend


332 1069 328 9878


I THE BU BURY D OCESE requires a





(30 Hours)

Closing date for applications is the 4th of 1988, and should include references to:

o ember,

Pari h Priest Catholic Presbytery Aberdeen Street, Albany 6330.

Have·you heard?


takes place on December 2 to 0.

Ring Cat ie on 328 8136.




Gore f nd Uni .') Roun s


1988 v




De 10, 7pm, unken rd Be a part of the a tion!


We are I oking for opl ho can pl y a mu i I in trum n or ould like to ing, dance, a t or help in an ay

to ma

hi th

t ver outh Ra I .

To fmd o t mor

A proJ


t of th




�. 88



Colleen McG · ness Howar


, 1988

y Colleen McGuiness-Howard

ingtime int e Swan Valley

Springtime was heralded into the Swan Va ley "th great style and a huge weloome.

The Gorn Gallery in Middle Swan was bu ting at the earns with peopl enjoying vari ties of wines fo d , activiti and entertainment and o cou e rt! d picting a serie of v nue where risitors to the valley

could enjoy Spring days with a little more fun and pizzazz. The Swan Valley is still largely undiscovered as a tourist "must" but perhaps its unspoiltness also gives it a fre hne , hich the overcommercialised has lost. For communion with nature, flora and auna, there are the wildlife par · with locally purchased meat

on barbecue or spit, a local gallery to view models and paintings, a whole variety of vineyards ( designed to cause a brain cell loss for years to come if you tried the Iotl) where the genteel art of sipping wine in tall stemmed glasses is so very compatible with tall stemmed ro es (grown in the valley) completing the cene. The valley is steeped in history

with lots of atmosphere, perhaps emanating from the rich soil which nurtures the vines; perhaps because of those who went before to create the produce of today. Whatever the cause, the valley is ours today to enjoy, indulge idle away the sunshine filled days and imply experience the sheer delizht of life in the wan Valley.


La Sa le College



: MARIAN CALENDAR SWANBOURNE: The lit1ie Sisters of Carmel, f!Very Wednesday, recite a Ro ry et 10am for the eeds of the archdioc . All welcome.

Archdiocesan .: Calendar October




PERTH: At St Mary's Cathedral, October devotions every Mond v, Tue day, Thu v d Fr ay at 5.30pm.

Se d items for 'Mari n Ca d r' in writi g to: 38 Gr t orth rn Hig way. M'd nd 6056.






monthly meeting of t e T Mar" n Mo nt will b Id at the Ut Sisters of Carmel, 2 Frazer Str Swanbour on Ti ay, Octo r 18 at 10.30am. 1

18 of St







Join an organised bushwalk in John Forrest National Park - different walks to choose from to suit your level of fitness! For the less energetic relax ·n the sun, have a wim or a game of tennis and watch activities provided for the younger children. Bring: Your kids Your grandparen Your friend A alad to hare Meat and drink Enquirie 274 6266




SEPT 29-0CT 8, 1989 P

nd s lf-addr s d en elope to obtain urth r informal on about an ustrah n v1s1 in 1989 by




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