The Record Newspaper 01 December 1988

Page 1

PERTH, WA: December 1, 1988

ctivist sent to mental hos pita

umber 2612

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• Page 5


• Pages 8 and 9

Countdown to Youth Week



Gifts of God

• Page 13


_ lilurden Catholics are being asked to bear - see Page 3 ... • ..·,..·,·,� ..-. . .-.. ·�-"' • ' .. _ �' .�_��--, ::'.'l -·m�. �,��

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are arranging travel to


• including pre-congre s vi its to Japanese Catholic hrines and a seven day post-congress visit to China. Ongoing Asian or European e tensions available.

0 Information will b forwarded as further c ngre s d. tails come to hand





Tell the be t

Adver I e This pace would cos





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Remodel that old bathroom Add PRESTIGE and VALUE to your home

Forest opens

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Bicentennial grant of $1000 has helped launch St Anthony's school imul ted rain forest, opened last Sunday by r John Harman. Over $1000 orth of plants have been donated by local nurseries and parents ave donated reticulation for the 100 metre strip that contains a rockery and bridge. Each class has space to grow plants s part of their science courses and social studies courses make use of the area for their studies of environment. Above: St Anthony's principal Mr John Willett admiring the simulated rain forest with (left) K tie Colgan and on the bridge Rebecca Stokes Nicholas Jones and L uren Jacobsen.

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58 Edward St Perth 6000 328 6955 328 6558

To become a household

word to Record readers

ADVERTISE! This space costs $24

ow na ca o co e. ea


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The revolting parliamentary backbenchers deserve every bit of sympathy they can get. They have been put in the stocks, pelted with every rotten invective to hand by every passerby; and in the stoc s you can't f19ht back.

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Flags of all types

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PR GUE: A Cat lie activist w o religious rganised a petition rights sig ed by 600,0 0 Czec s has been cibly sent to a psyc iatric


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n the same day 5 000 demonstrator ommemorating the 70th anniv a ' of the foundation of the Cz ho lovak Republic were di p ed by p Ii e with water cannon and tear ga in \ en as Squar in the capital Pra ue.

Holland and venetian blinds, canvas and aluminium awnings, flyscreens, tarpaulins.


286 ALBANY HWY, VIC PARK 361 1620 361 1539

Some reports say that at least 122 dis idents were arrested before the event. man , of them prominent Catholi .

R.F. WILUS, WAOA, Optometrist

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OPTOMETRISTS 175 Scarborough Beach Road Phone 444 3543


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Jar in 1 ntribution - about nillion.

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Fr J.J. Corcor n ••. out

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Kath owatt, coordinator of the dult Education in the parish said it was an eventful year r t e group.

The year comm need 'th a Self Awaren cour e prese t ed by Si ter Elizabeth Divine. nd through th ir programme they have chieved trem ndou \ 1h and mmu it dull Education

wa born ah ut rs a o and o er

thi perio about 12 home group - they meet once a w · in a cha en home - ha. b en formed. One group of elderle , ladie give upp rt to young mothers. Th other group are invol -ed in de pening their understandin of ark' Go p 1. 'ThP. other thing that .. !: .!?' to touch on i individual growth," h said. La t ' r. a urs on

Self Awaren \ as uc fully held. As part of the Lenten Father prepar tion, ariu Dav on and Sr Bridg t Ka ser gav ix weekl t lectur son [e u in my life. nother Lenten prepation v a. the cou 2 O ummers for Lent prepared by th ar hdiocese for the bicentenni 1 eel br tion and done by the Hom Jroup . She id: "I in erely ref r to t Franci Xavi r

not as a pari h but a one family." She said: "We've ot a olid corps here now and with thi. _ ear' mi ion that' cominz on we ot omething to build on that. ' ext



oth r

tiviti of the groups in l d going to th b ach once a month having barb ue and pi ni and taking part in an open air Ma . In Jul ', a Life in th Spirit minar \ a conducted hv the Pra •er Group. ln;tead o havinz one of the group pr nt the eminar, it •a decided to u a hiah quality video pre ntati n \ ' i h had b n bou ht b th group, p opl

This week in focus Advent is the Church's season of expectation. So at the start of Advent, Pathways takes expectation as its theme. What are some of the expectations, large and small, that people have of each other, of themselves and of God? Liebhart Cynthia McCormack finds that

They exert their power in the relationships of parents and children, husbands and wives in fact, in all relationships, including the relationship to oneself. Advent is a season to develop an expectant spirit, writes Laura Meagher. She offers

some ways for parents and children to celebrate Advent that will lead them to the surpirses and mystery of Christmas. People have expectations of God. And these reveal expectations something about their

view of God and about themselves, writes Father Robert Kinast. Father John Castelo! discusses the expectations of the Israelites.

Often plagued by famine. they portrayed their expectations in terms of a wondrous banquet. Or they dreamed of a future

Season of expectations

in which all evil is overcome. Father Castelo! is a Scripture scholar, author and lecturer

Advent is a season of expectation. If you doubt that, just listen to children at this time of year. Their very spirit is expectant, though probably not always in the most elevated sense. They long for Christmas to come. at least its gifts. Even if children don't possess a refined theological understanding of it, they have a way of embodying the expectation that is natural to Advent. For children come by a spirit of expectauon readily It is a spirit of anticipation and excitement, of longing and sometimes impat ence. If children are small igns of dv ent s expecta.c:• spin however, they don t hold the copyright or • Expectations ,s b t mto the I,• race. It keeps us looking

I At exam time more than the usual number of students fill the prayers of the faithful with petitions for divine help on exams. Do the students expect God to fill them with knowlege they should have gained through study? A neighbour u the hvrnn numbers frnm Sunday's I s to play lotto. Dues sill' reallv r J)('(·t th1--st• numlx-r-, to come up he1: ... ruse the) wt-re used at wurvhip? ThP anvwer to tht...," qut�lion.., most li�t1h t!'t no. But people do have e pl'<:tation, of (;ocl. These rather trivial example-, hint at the rornrnon meaning of our e pee tatinn 'c.

\1o,t of u, expect Cod to supply what we are lac king. Flus expect ' on Sil} irnething uhout us and about God II shows \VC l"CCX)gn1 that we are not perfect or elf uffu1cnt It also ,ho\\ we rcah that our lives ran lie improved and Cod um help iis In do that. That •• l><'<latllln talcs difh-rent forms in different l irr urnstances. \\"hen I used to rr-lebrat hturgip, with , hildn-n, their pennons nltPn .t.,lt•d (:0.:1 to heal tlw,r pets \\ hen I, istt scrwu,h ill patient, their loved On, .... usua II v ask, "God mm 't let \h;m die, will he?"

\\'hen I taik to ex-felorupc n their relea from pnsron th , ofte sav I Just ask Cod for r ne more chance

a \\1SC und who spent the }Sh min" SC"n In o

perate Iamrhes and catr lu g m} self, in moments o panic king Pu,a Loni. don't I me he lat, I have come to , d per understanding cf Cl} de's wisdom,

I sure hope to

God wants to help us enjoy our Ii" and get through crises. But God doc n't "ant rrnply to Iii! our gap, and supply what we lack There', more to (:0.:1 than that,

Peopl 's ,. pert tiu artse fmm their ictual circumstances and l' pres, \\ hat is ;,or tant In them Presumablv thi, " important to (',ocl al" Our e pee: tattons of God reveal who \\'C thmk (.,(Kl j,;; -

the (HlP "ho

supplie-, \\ hat we lau. and \\ ho \\dnts to do so.

I used tn takr all thiv for granted unnl a summer when ( was a ,rn1inanan and used to ,·isit the retired. und often disabled, min rs.

t I lnP\\ "hat

Let (ril<I he our

lrnnuallv it " not "hat

we e poet of (�xi hut

what we don't expect that n•\l:ab how much more there 1., to (rlxt r the

vears feeling of with des-

Surelv no''"'"'" of the vear ili'ustrates thi, helter than ,\chent.

Our [ewish an

tors in

tait h expected God to

rare about thelr harvests, to help the pa, their bills, to get them safe! home, to enhghte their stud, of Scripture lo find the nght vpou even to send them a M rah.


The word "expectation" itself is complex. People expect sornethmg from themselves and from others. And what tht•) expect of God is pretty important to them,

Bi: no one e pec.ted God to be< ome human, to enter our condition of life. to '"' and hear and taste and smell and foe!

as we do. from inside our


If God were to do that, we had to he prepared for it. Our evpectatinv had to be cultivated, honed. matured. The same pl'Ol.c,, r.on-

tmuc, toda, \\'hen we foe! our limits pl'l'SSing in on us. \\'c tum to (',()(I \\°hen \\C �n�e our

There are expectations that people bring to their jobs, to their social life, to their homelife and parish life.

he quite accomplishment.


for them and their own talents. To have expectations of God can be a way of recognising God's reality and presence, God's commitment to acting toward generously people. llut it is also possible to impose expectations or to place demands on God in ways that do not allow God to be God - in ways the remake God in our O\\'TI image. Like all liturgical seasons of the year. Advent builds on realities and themes that are natural to us.

The expectations we have of others ran be a way of giving - allowing them to carry out tasks they are capable of and need to be doing, actions

People's expectations can form a web of the

If expectation is a theme of the Advent season, expectations are pervasive elements of our entire lives. Reflect on some of your expectations. How powerlul are they? What are their e�cts? What are some of your expectations of God? Whal does Father Robert Kinas! mean when he speaks of letting God be God? Do you benefit from the expectations you have of yourself? Do you have any unreasonable expectations of yourself? How do your expectations of others influence your personal relationslups? How have your expecta ions - of yourself, of others, of God - changed over the years?

Thus. this is a season of expectation. And expectatmn is a familiar reahtv to everv human bemg. it is natural for people to be expectant - to have expectations. Expectations are rea v signs of


\\'e ma, l'Xpccl too murh of our<.elvc, and otht·rs. or not ,•nough. To be pcrfec: tly halant1,d in our e pec·tallons would

hopes hemg threatened. we call to th" Lord. �\nd e\Cn llnu• \,·e do so. we dig little deeper


As vou thmk about and disc:u. s the theme of

whir.h foster their growth and contnbute to their fulfillment. But e pcdations also can be a wav of talin impoo,ing Our.eht� on others in \\3\'S that reflect a lacl of re,,pcct

reasonc1hle unreasonable.

Advent. as], what tt means to he an expectant person. \\'hat do , nu expect of others. of yourself or of God? HO\\ can God build upon our expectations?

and stretch a httle wider and open a little further our r.apacit� lo receive what we don't e peel.

By Father Robert Kl AST

The wrappe[ and unwrapped surprise When my chil were small, Chrisiis morning was a pre1h· ble ritual. The firsfle up woke everyone se and we hurried togeer to the Christmas te. Santa always left is offerings unwra , displayed promi!Mlr around the tree in I of the wrapped f:s from family id friends.

Thinking ... what to get for Christmas.

Marking Advent in church.

The first sight for ,er r,:p� \\.'a, a panoranof thin�, from the rd· ren\ "\\.i�h lists."

Trouble when you expect too much


The nine-year-old and her mother were engaged in one of their increasingly frequent confrontations. The youngster had grown somewhat rebelliou, in rec-ent months, slruAAling to free herself from the shadow of a gifted older sister and to assert her own personahty. She particularly didn•t want anyone criticising hl'r behaviour. ··vou just want me to be a swc�·t little girl.'' she said to her mother matter-of-factly. ..\\'ell. I'm !\OT a sweet little


girl:· So much for expcc.t.ition<i! As Judith Viorst observes in h1•r 1986 book "l\!'('('<.Sdry I.CMl'S." parents have expcdations of their children "at every step of the way and on almost even: conceivable Lssue' from •·the shape of their ears at birth•• to ••their voting choice in their first election:·

"As extensions of our· self," \ts Viorst suAAe,,ts. "we expect our children to make us look good to the outside world . . \s improvement, on ourself we exJK'Cl our

The Record, December 1, 1988

c.hildren not to po,ses.s any ol our less appealing qualities.. . As our second chance in life we expert our children gratefully to make use of the opportunities we offer them:· Somf' of thf'..,e expKtations ,...,II be realised. But many

will be thwarted.

Expect.ihons are part of the rquallon in thr relahon!,hip beh,. .·Ct'n parent,; and rh1ld ... ,;aid ·cil Parent. a

father of three daughter<.

The Irie k lS to ''c;('parate vour.rlf from ,our own exJN"( tat1ons and to we \.\-hat reall\ needs to be done for a

particular child .. A rhild

e�pectahon1o, of\"f•...

By Cynthia Leibhart

McCORMACK may not be hving up to my

exPf'{ talion\. but t't ,-.,h,it she is doing n('{'("..sarily ,vrong?"'

Of rou�. parents do not

have a monopoly expec tahons


Everyone h.i1, t·xpec-tat1om. Husband., and ,vi\'e!i have e'<pertahon, of onr another. Employee, ha\e r.xpoctahons of th1�1r emplo\.t'r'i and ,1c.e vt•f'Cia C1hTrn!oo have rxpr( tat1on, of tht·ir loaders. church member.,, of their min1,tt•rs. \\e f'Vf'n h.ive

Expec talion!-, c;hJpe and rolour our \'t!,IOn of thr. \'iOrld and our place in 1t, our rclahonsh1p.., \vtth oth .. ers. our 'iensr. of hO\\. 1h1ng,, in life c;hould go. our ideas about \vhat l!, nght .ind proper. l\ewl} m.irned rouple, dl.SCOver thlb qu1rkh The disagrecmrnt over \\.hcthcr dtnnrr ,hould 00 r.atrn at the table or in front of the telC\i\1on - or who cook., dtnnrr 1n the firc.t place -

nt·nc t"'i - or. as Parent put it. from "how \\.'C \\.'Cre

nurtured'' - our expectahOn!, can g1ve order and dim hon to our lives and

can moh\"alr uc, to put forth our �I rfTorts. But rxl)f'( ta hons too ng1dly

held or loo high , ield trouble. At the verv least, people

lS Bl llS heart 8 mn0H I O\"f'T

who harbour unrealishr'. expec-tat1ons will ah-.ay� ha"'e a na,u;jng .;:pnse of d1\.c;atLc;.fa( hon ,,. _;th thPmc;(")\"es or disappo1ntmrnt m their relationsh1J:K

Formed in large pert from our valu� and pa.c;t rxr--·

�tarnagc and family rounsellor \nn , rwland told of a pett!ntly unhapp\ voun� man who t.amP. to <;:Ct"> h<'r.

expectahon-s about hom,•ltfr. and husb.:lnd-\\-1fr. role,

,·\n dCX.omph ..,hL•l p1dnL,t, thP. mdn ,..uuld rome a\\a\ from a p.•rformance putting h1mS<•lf do\'..-n if h1• m1.. ._<ied anti note or onr inner hon. He t-ompat"f'd him\Clf to the gn-at pi,1no mastr"". and felt hke a failure \\ht•n he couldn't mt!cl..Sure up to to their ,tandclrd,;. "'Thr reality t, that to make a mic;.t,lk('I i.,i; human \\'r must lrarn to fo�\"l' our· '-('Ive.-. for not bC'1ng perfITT." \ts l'\\.'lanrl -,aid. lRthnR � of or re.tlign1ng unrnalic;.hr e p_'ftahon, l', not UBS\. hut it I nCf:CS."8f} if JX'Ople are lo find a '-t'nSC

of per;on•I fulfillm•nl and well-bcinR-

One yt'-4tr, for c;;om forgotten reason, all Santa's \\ere gifts \\rapped \\h,·n the bcl\'S rounde<l the I orn r to the lamih room, the} ,topped and burst into tear,; \\11at thev c pc>c11,d to o,ce \\a!'in't th n\ S.1nta's gift, were "hidden." Our expe< talion, c:an blind u, to the JKi,,ihihti� hP_yond Jpiwaranct:�. Adults. too, form c:on· crete notions of what thev rr. J\Vaiting and then are disappointed when they don·t n.>c:og-

nise thi, realit, bcnl'.ath the• \\Tapping.,. ,\ '-rminartan \1Siting IMhlPhcm was shocked 111 what he expenenced at tho Chun:h of the . ativ,ty: a �rotto r.rov.dr.d with dust\ rehgious trappin�, and L,r.wli soldiers "ith f,tun., ,lun� over their shoulders. I almost lost m,· faith." he told mp, •·1t - ,tasn·t what 1 expected." Advent in,ote,, us to exJK,cl nothing particular so that we can be surprised by ever}1hing.

One wav to remove the wrappini, of traditional Christma, expt.'<'lations i.e. to pruc:tice an "expectant" reading or Scnpture suited to this hme of vcar, J reeding that is open to surpri.o;e and m\Stci;. )nu mi�ht t.-· these SUAAc.,,tions: t. Haw children compare the stories of the birth of Samuel (1 Samul'I 11 ,md of John thr Baptist (Luke 11 with the story of Jesus' birth. Ho" are all thn·e "special''? Hm, do the of the births of Samuel and John

What would it be like ii he were born in south Africa or India• How would )"'us respond to the needs of those around him? How should we respond'

By Laura MEAGHER foreshadm, the birth of Jesus? Ho\\ aod why i.s the birth or Jesus different• To make the comparic,on come alive. have older children write new, reports of these events and lav them out in the front-page style of .:t OC\\'Spaper.

2 Compare Hannah's song (I Samuel 2) and Mar} 's "\1agnificat ..

(Lule I) ,,ith Jesus' prorlamation of his mission (l,ike 4:18). 3. Hear with ne\\ ears We often fill children the longing of the with the "how·· and antiphon., which an> part •. who·· of Christmas of the Chun:h's Advent manger. (angels, liturgics and are basrd on shcphcrs. kin�,) without Scripture. Like this one: telling the •·why" (to set 4 at liberty those who are "O Emmanuel, king and oppressed). law-gi\'er. de,,ire of the Have children imagine nations. Sa,iour of all Jesus' birth and life in people. come and set us free:· contemporary settings.

Father Rus.,ell Holmes, a psychiatrist, finds the antiphons preinaut with image'}, e�pectant \\ilh d('Slre.


The Chnstmas mvstcrv is a cclrhration �f th earth,. the human. the vulnerable. A.,k children to consider why Je,,us was born lile one of them and not like some super hrro. Contradictions. Surprises. Expectations. Beneath the traditional wrapping,, of the season. Advent is full of them.

Material and spiritual greed

,._Oh, that you would rend

"' heavens and come lo,,,n!" (Isaiah 63:19)

Thi� ,,a.., lht• angu1!ooht·d cf"

Cone \earning for God\ �tenenllon 1n h1\ pt..•oplc\ ory.

The "ipwkcr vo1< t'<t tht'



lonjil:1nl(<, and

rilinR aftrr thf' return

"""e.ile, hr tool, beck at !nlun,..-, fillf'd \\.'ilh \\:ar, pPrc<,.s1on. r,ile

One would thinl. that the

� \\.Uultl he at the pcnnt ( d1'-Spa1r. Rut, ac;;tonL.., h· &Iv. th('\ nrvt•r �,·r up !)pe of evt-'nlual lihf:>rahon. A J)s.a.lm1st c;a1d "(:0.:i "our

n•lu�t· and our strength Thrn·forr ,..,r not" (Psalm 46:Z-31.

\\as lhtli \\.1�hful thinking? , ·o. 11 rf',trd ult1n1ately on the t,raPhtrs' rxprnenr.cof a <,.1\"1ng G0<l, a hbrralor. Thot rxfl('nt·nc c \\.·as ccntrn·d in thr Exodus ,-.:hen

God ""'ued them from

slavrf\· 1n ER�·pt. adopted them a!t ht, people al Sn'3i and R-JVC them their o,vn

land If God .,.,ed lh<'m m such

c;;pc< Id£ ular fashion. he must ha\'e Jil:rt"al plans for them.

Just what th•) exp,>ctcd

\\.a, not too dear, but the, r,prcs.,i;cd their hopl's in poctu 11n.igcn.

By Father John CASTELOT

Oftrn plaguNJ hv f.im1nr, the\ in1.ig1ned tht• future in tcrnu, of a Ju.,h banquet. \Vith death a C'onstant. 'IOul"caring reaht\. the\ dream,•d of a df'.athlt� eXJ�tenre. "'On this mountain thr

Lord of hosts v.ill pro,idr for all propll' a feosl or rir.h food and rhoitl! \.\-ine... He '"II destroi death

Testament hool of Rt·velalion. en\.1\1oning God'!, ultimate \'1c.lory O\l'r all e",1 and thr�tabh!,hmrnlofthe elcrnal hravenlv cit}. adapted thlS samr imagery.

"Behold. God's dwelling IS with thr human race ••• He

will \\.1J)C rvery tear from their ey� and thrre ,hall be no more death or mourn· ing" (Re\"elahon 21.3-4). The ultimate e'<pectahon of God's people "as oomplcte ,ictory over all e,.11

forewr The lAJrd God will

But th�} had immrchate e""<:prctalions loo.

face,,· 11,;a,ah z:;:6.81

In time of ,var thr\ en,.isioned an era of p.�c:r.;

\\lpe a\.\-a\ the INlrs from all

c,·ntun1:!:'t later. lhe :\('\\.


sha II heat


sword, inlo plo,... �haT"'e> and thrir �pear.;, into pruning hook.,·· (Isaiah 2:41. Often



\\.'as colouf'f'd by nationalis-

lit inlere-.l5. The;t dreamed of a restored Jerusalem, capital of the \\.-·orld. \\.ilh the wealth of the nations brought to 1t 1n solemn

proa-,.,ion (Isaiah 60:5-61. Thi�



encouraged h) the fact that the royal house or Oavtd came lo hr. ronsidf•red the c hcw·n instrument for the establi�hmrnt of God's reign Still. 1n ..,p,te of this ro�al tnumphalt�m. fsaiah

p1<lured the Ideal kmg oot

in lerms of m1ghl but of �pirilual endov.-ment�

"fhesp1nl oft he Lord shall

rest upon him a ,p,nt of W1Sdom and of und•·r-,tandin2. a �pint of roun"('J and of strength, a c.p1nt of kno\-.,1 4

edge and off... rofthe Lord· (Isaiah 11:ZI, Simph put. the f'pt'Cla· hons of lhe people \\ere

quite mlXcd. The\ lool.ed forward to the best of \\urlru.. material and ,:.,pintual The\ e,pected the reign

of God.

The Record, December 1, 1988




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a ' te ith oth

At the annual ass for the Catholic Police Guild at the aylands Police Academy, the Commissioner r Brian Bull and rs Bull are pictured (seating) as communion is distributed by the chaplain Dean John Orzanski (far left) assisted by father Greg

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Don tions are t x ded cti I


• •


• •

�rn1r1m rn �

to the Editor

So misleading ...

from Trevor BOARDMAN, Northbridge




Sir, I was more than a little surprised to read (The Record, ov 24) about Sunbury Catholic College students "dressed as witches . draculas or whatever was appropriate" at a Halloween party in the school hall. Presumably, Broth r Toohey - photograph d in vampire regalia - too time out to explain that "Halloween" ("Hallow Eve"). or

the E:ve of All-Hallows, rs the day before All Saints' Day Would not a prayer v1g1I "boring" though such things may be until we learn from appropriate spiritual exercises to - "taste and see that the Lord rs Good" have been somewhat more fitting to that evening than such overtly Satanic representations?

To equate "being evil" with "enjoyment" is misleading to put 1t mildvl

Prisa er writes ... I po, nt out that th WA r J Attorney G neral Bennson ref used to allow the ABC access to any prison rn WA It should also be noted that WA was th only state in he country to take this most disturbing position


I would as r Donn lly why 1 this st te so fraid o h ruth7


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ARCHDIOCESE PERTH Aplllcations are invited for the posmon of part-time (25 hours)

Ecclesiastical Assistant

for the Young Chrisnan Students ement in the Archdiocese of Perth The app icant must be committed to the mission of the Church shown by an involvement in Christian action in their daily life. ust have a kno edge of Jocist principles and experience and/ or understanding of the Re\lleW of Life method Have the ability to lead the ovemen in reflect, e dialogue ·n terms of it's fai h and spirituality and relate this to the present student rea 1ty ust be a mature person o can dra from persona expenence and direct others in their faith development. Applicants should app fo either a e month or two-year term. For critena and job descriptioo contact: PERTH YCS OFFlCE, PO Bo 194 orth Perth, 6006 - Te : (09) 227 7061


YCS f ·


CS OFFICE, PO Box 1 4, 6006 el: ( 9) 227 7061


Could I be a priest : Findou


iy Scott, Connie F. rr II, D

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An Invitation to all Prie t • • r1c Tra IP

At 30 Claverton o Perth, on Wednes ay December 7, at 3.30pm afternoon tea 4p start - 5.1 pm fi i Latest information of 1989 programs, camps, training sessions. How to start activities for young people what's hap ening in the diocese now. Meet our charming full-ti mers and workers

R .. V.P. Dec mber 2: 328 9878 A PROJECT OF TH




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olleen McGuiness- oward


Our history


C ea u es ancient

MARIAN CALENDAR HILTON: At Our lady of Mt C rm P rish, on Thursd v, December 8. for the f ast of Our lady of lmmacula Concepti n, Rosary at 8am is fo lowed by th Stati ns of the Cross t 8.30 m. ass at 9am will be followed by expositi n of th Blessed Sacrament with continuou rosaries concluding with Benediction a 5pm. Fo furth r information pho 337 1133.



To conclude the 30th an iversary of the St Gregory's Benedictine Ob ate Group, Perth and New orcia, a Christmas social function will be held at Presentation Convent 'Iona' on Sunday, December 11 at 2pm. Pease bring refreshments. Oblates will have the opportunity to honour Abbot Gregory Gomez, OSB who ce ebrates his diamond jubilee of ordination and Father David Barry, OSB who ce ebrates hi 'Iver jubilee. The afternoon will co elude with Ve pers and Ben di · n in he convent chap I. Enquiries to Adr· ne Byrne, 381 1180 and Tom Go op 384 4559.

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From December 1 the Diocesan Catechumenate Office will be ocated at: Room G11, Catholic Education Centre. 50 Ruislip Street, Leederville WA 6007. Phone: 381 5444 ext 309. Fax: 381 3201. The office will be manned dur·ng normal ori<ing hours 9am-5.30pm, Monday to Friday. After hours assistance, at the parish, is offered on Wednesday and hursday niqhts (preferred) or oth r nights by mutual rrange ent. Th office will be c sed over he Christmas /New Yi ar, ecember 24 to January 25. e are al o eased to dvise that cop· of the ocally produced "Gui elin s". designed as a com pan· on to he RCIA are availab e from his office, prlce $9 IP st.

BASSENDEAN: At St Jo ph's Church for the 1000th meeting ofth Legion of ary Prae idium a than sgiv·ng a wi I be c brated o Thursday, December 8 at 9 m. orning tea will follow in he Parish Hall.

Send items for •• arian Year Ca endar" in writing to: 38 Great orthern Hi hway, idland 'A


Archdiocesan · Calendar - ---

Iterations to ass timetable last published m e Record December 7 1987 must be recei ed in RITI G later t an hursday

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