The Record Newspaper 19 January 1995

Page 1

PERTH, WA: January 19, 1995


Number 2928

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When I think of all the young men and women who should be the strength, the hope and even the conscience of society, but instead are caught in a web of uncertainty, or are desparately seeking happiness along paths that cannot lead to happiness, I pray even more...


At peace with God


YDNEY: The resting place of Mary MacKillop at which Pope John Paul knelt in prayer just hours before he declared her to be Blessed.

1 Save your generation • See Pages 2, 3, 10 and 11

Asian Catholic youth must be bearers of the Gospel of hope and holy living: Pope ANILA, Philippines (CNS) Asian mitment. "ready to change radically the "They have received the word of God," In his university speech. the pope M Catholic youth must be the bearers false values which have enslaved so many he told the delegates. encouraged Filipino young people to use of the Gospel message of hope and holy young people and adults." living to their peers. Pope John told the World Youth Day gathering. "Help to save your own generation from the futility, frustration and emptiness in which so many of your contemporaries find themselves," he said. "When I think of all the young men and women who should he the strength, the hope and even the conscience of society. but instead are caught in a web of uncertainty, or are desperately seeking happiness along paths that cannot lead to happiness. I pray even more that young Catholics will be true missionaries to their peers." The pope said the world needs young people capable of self-discipline and corn-

A true Christian lifestyle offers the only healthy and happy way of life, he told the delegates. He called on young people to join "the church's never-ending mission to proclaim the Gospel of salvation to the ends of the earth." At the St Thomas University meeting with the youth delegates. Pope John Paul walked very slowly to the altar, stopping frequently to bless the young people and point out teens dressed in traditional African or Arab garb. But the pope was in good humor, adding to his homily spontaneous remarks about the joy expressed by Filipinos.

"He who receives the Good News is joyous. He told the youths they are called in a special way to follow Christ. who wants each person to live their lives "with a sense of vocation." "He wants your lives to have a precise meaning and dignity," he said. "Most of you are called to marriage and family life; but some will receive a call to the priesthood or religious life." The pope individually greeted each of the nearly 300 young people at the Mass, listening to prayer requests and expressions of thanks from almost every one of them, and pulling to his chest several who were overcome with emotion at meeting him.

Just call me Karol, he says

ANILA, Philippines (CNS) "lust call me Karol" said a After an aide whispered in his ear, the pope said, -0h.I have M beaming Pope John Paul to the crowds of youth he had revealed a top secret." already entertained with his now familiar walking stick A playful Pope John Paul II. despite his halting steps, seemed to find new energy as well as new uses for his walking stick during a five-day stay in the Philippines. At the prayer vigil for World Youth Day, the pope waved it to the more than 1 million young people stretched far beyond his sight. He conducted a song with it, then began twirling it to the delight of the teens. When young people at the vigil started chanting "Lolek" his childhood Polish nickname, the pope told them, "Lolek was a child: John Paul II is an old man." The groans of the youths showed they did not agree, so the pope said. "just call me Karol," explaining his given name was what people called him once he became a young man. In another departure from his prepared text, the pope leaked what was to have been revealed the next day - that the 1997 world youth gathering would he in Paris.

At the vigil he told youth they must face "the challenge of having a purpose, a destiny and of striving for it." He urged them to reject the "false teachers" in science, culture and the media who try to convince them there is no definite truth and no sure path to happiness.

During his Sunday Mass homily, the pope asked young people to work to close the generation gap and help heal the "immense frustration and suffering" found in many families. "Build bridges of dialogue and communication with your parents." he said. "Be a healthy influence on society to help break down the barriers which have been raised between generations," the pope said. "Be a sign of hope for the church, for your countries and all humanity," he told them. "May your light spread out from Manila to the farthest corners of the world."

their education and talents for the good of the nation and the world. -A university, and especially a Catholic university, cannot but be sensitive to the widespread and growing demand in society for authentic values, for sure ethical guidelines and for a transcendent vision of life's meaning,- he said. True education, he said, cannot focus exclusively on gaining scientific and technological knowledge, but must include an education in values. "The cause of the human person will only be served if knowledge is linked to conscience, if men and women of science preserve the sense of the transcendence of the human person over the world, and of God over the human person," he said.

Time for prayer and meditation ILE the pope took the afternoon off, World Youth Day delegates fasted and collected money for the victims of the civil war in Rwanda. At six sites in Manila, they prayed and meditated on the Way of the Cross and watched a videotaped message from Pope John Paul. The pope told them the modern-day executioners of Jesus are all those "who do evil in the sight of God." "At times, it seems that evil is taking over, and that people are helpless to stop it," he said. "Young people ask what can be done in the face of so much suffering, so much injustice, so much violence and death." The answer, he said, is to be like Mary and the disciples, remaining with Jesus along the route of his persecution and at the foot of his cross.

The Papua New Guinean Church has come of age

Peter To Rot is now made Blessed by pope DOPE John Paul gave Papua New Guinea its first saint with the beatification of on Thesday of Peter To Rot, a lay catechist from Rakunai, near Rabaul. He was beatified as a martyr. Peter was killed by a lethal injection on the orders of the Japanese military towards the end of World War II. because he would not give up his catechetical duties which he saw as his duty to his people's spiritual needs. When foreign missionaries were interned by the Japanese, Peter baptized babies, buried the dead, and witnessed marriages. He went to Vunapope for consecrated hosts for his people and built a bush chapel, and later a dugout meeting place, because the Japanese placed restrictions on liturgical assemblies. Peter told his people, "they want

Special word to PNG folk


ORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea (CNS) Rec onciliation, especially on Bougainville. was to the fore in the pope's arrival message in Papau New Guinea. "To you. people of Bougainville,I send a special word of encouragement," the pope said. "If you have been treated unjustly, I invite you to remove bitterness from your hearts. If you bear arms unjustly,I urge you to put them down and seek reconciliation," he said. Bishop Luke Matlatarea of Bereina told journalists the fighting in Bougainville has been "scaled down" in the last six months. "The majority of Bougainvillans want peace," Bishop Matlatarea said. "They are tired of suffering." The pope expressed regret that he could not beatify To Rot on the island of New Britain, where he lived and taught the faith despite Japanese restrictions. Bishop Matlatarea said the pope's health was mentioned as a minor factor in the decision to beatify To Rot in Port Moresby, but the main reason was the massive damage the area suffered when the volcanoes Vulcan and Tavury erupted in September. The Rectord, Januery tg, 1995

to take our prayers away from us; but never fear, I shall see that my ministry continues." The Papua New Guinea Church will progress to his beatification with a national program of spiritual renewal, recognising "the great gift of Peter," while making people 'aware of their great vocation as laity'. Peter was 32 when he died, inheritor of the policy of the German Sacred Heart Missionaries who brought the faith to the region. The first Catholic bishop introduced a firm policy of basing missionary work on catechists. In 1898, the village chief of Rakunai approached the priest in charge of the mission station, saying the Methodist village wanted to become Catholic. The village chief was Angelo To Pula, Peter's father. After instruc-

tion, most of the villagers became Catholics and a mission station was set up with a catechist. The result was that Peter grew up in a Catholic home which was very caring and open to all. When Peter was 18, a resident priest who had been appointed to the village of Rakunai, suggested Peter consider the priesthood. Peter's reaction was, he thought it was too early for anyone of the present generation become a priest. But if they would consider him as a catechist then let him attend the training school at Taliligap. Peter went to Taliligap and had studied there for three years. Before completing his course, the catechist from Rakunai moved on and Peter was called home to take his place. He quickly became an exemplar for catechists and showed his father's concern for the needs of oth-

ers. He spoke out with eloquence and commonsense against superstitious practices and urged the villagers to live better lives. He married a girl from a neighbouring village and they led a very prayerful life together. His marriage was very happy although they lost two of their three children at birth. Australia has a saint in Mary MacKillop, who met the challenges of the Australia of her day. Papua New Guinea has Peter To Rot from its own people who absorbed his faith in a truly Christian family and embodied all that was best in the missionary catechist system. Papua New Guinea has produced from its own culture, a person of integrity of faith who was calmly ready to risk his life for what he knew was Christ's way.

'Yu strong na yu win tru' tribute DORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea (CNS) - As rains poured down on Port Moresby for the first time in months, Pope John Paul II beatified the first native son of Papua New Guinea to receive the church honor. In a procession led by spear-carrying Tolai warriors. the remains of Peter To Rot, a martyred lay catechist, were carried to a banana leaf thatch hut near the altar at Sir John Guise Stadium. To Rot's 49-year-old daughter, Rufina, walked in the procession immediately before the small casket carrying her father's remains. She wore a blue-trimmed white dress, but had her face painted whitein a traditional sign of mourning the dead. She told reporters the joy of her father's beatification was indescribable. The transfer of the remains from To Rot's original grave at Rakunai and plans to inter them after beatification in thecathedral at Rabaul had led to protests before the ceremony. Church officials were accused of being insensitive to localcultural prohibitions against disturbing the bodies of the deceasedand their graves. Pope John Paul ll entered the stadium under a yellow canopy in the back of a small white pickup truck, and not the bullet proofed popemobile used elsewhere. As he circled the stadium, the pope was greeted by dancers from three different ethnic groups and by the uniformedbrass band of the local police department. The pope described To Rot, who was killed by Japanese occupation forces in 1945, as "a devoted husband, a

loving fatherand a dedicated catechist known for his kindness, gentleness and compassion." When the 33-year-old To Rot was killed, he left behind a pregnant wife and two young children. "Martyrdom has always been a part of the pilgrimage of the people of God through history," Pope John Paul said in his homily. Especially in this century, he said, "faithful witnesses" have kept the faith despite persecution. "The wars, concentration camps and intolerance of our

own time have yielded a rich harvest of martyrs in many parts of the world." be said. "Peter To Rot studied hard and sought advice from

wise and holy 'big men,'" the pope said. When the Japanese imprisoned the priests on the island of New Britain. To Rot visited the sick, baptized children and witnessed marriages.

"When the authorities legalized and encouraged polygamy." the pope said, "Blessed Peter knew it to be against Christian principles and firmly denounced the practice." He was arrested, sent to a concentration camp and killed because "he defended the church's teaching on the unity of marriage and the need for mutual fidelity.", the pope said. A hymn honoring the newly beatified - "Pita To Rot," in the pidgin English said, "Yu strong na yu win tru" (you were strong and true). According to the biography published for his beatification, To Rot had a normal married life. "The difficulties and hardships which marriage brings set into his marriage sometimes," said the biography, written by Father Caspar G. To Vaninara. His wife, who died in 1993, said, "in the first few months that we lived together, we used to argue a lot. I was the cause because of my disobedience and laziness in doing certain things." Father To Vaninara also quoted her as saying, "Once only in our whole life, my husband gave me a solid beating because I refused to weave mats from coconut leaves for our kitchen." During his Mass homily, Pope John Paul offered special prayers for the people of New Britain, the island where To Rot lived and died. The island suffered major damage when two volcanoes erupted in September. "Your recent tragedy has made you like your martyr, different in the kind of suffering you have had to ndergo. but like him configured to the passion and death of the Lord," the pope said.

Chinese Catholics get the message "1 am well aware of the difficulties amid ANILA, Philippines (CNS) - Unity with the pope is an essential part of which you are called to bear witness to your M being Catholic, Pope John Paul II said in a mes- faith in Christ," he said. sage broadcast to China, where the communist government has banned contacts with the Vatican.

ANILA, Philippines (CNS) totalitarian regime." But the "instaM - Today's youths want their bility of life" now, she said, is also families to be more stable and their making things difficult for families

parents more responsible, said del- to survive normally. egates at the International Youth Russia today has so many broken Forum in Manila. families and single parents, Miss Spokeswoman Julie Constante lassemchik said, that she fears Russsaid delegates to the forum identi- ian children are growing up without fied "decaying morality, authoritar- guidance from parents and will not ian rule and hard times" as factors have proper values. largely responsible for today's famMaria de los Angeles Garriga ily crises. Gonzalez from Cuba, said the ecoConfronting those crises was one nomic problems that plague Cuba theme discussed in the forum at the are also tearing families apart. Catholic University of St. Thomas in "The family is in a crisis." she Manila. Separation is a part of life for said. from 240 young people Nearly families, she said, whether it Cuban 100 countries met as a lead-up to divorcing or young peocouples is the 10th World Youth Day celebraple forced out of home by pressures tion. to study and get ahead in life. To encourage frank discussions Familiesa are being separated among participants, forum sessions and workshops were closed to the because many Cubans seek greener press. However, forum organizers pastures in other lands, such as the selected delegates to be inter- United States. viewed at a daily press briefing. Even in Italy, the supposed basMaria Nickolola Georguiera said tion of Roman Catholicism. "secuthat in Bulgaria, communist rulers larization" is destroying the family. prohibited religion for 45 years. said Marco Zibardi. 27. who works People stayed away from the for the tourism industry in his counchurch because they feared arrest try. and jail, she said. "In Italy. the question of morality As a result, there was no church has become a political choice," he to guide the people on morality, she said, explaining that divorce and said. abortion became rampant because The situation is similar in post- the people voted in favor of these in communist Russia, said Marianna past referenda. lassemchik. who works in a historiZibardi said the church has the cal institute in Moscow. least-powerful voice on moral Referring to decades of commu- issues, a field supposedly under its nist rule, she said, "We cannot domain. "Italians can now do virtuexpect families to be strong under a ally anything they want." he said.

"Your witness will be all the more eloquent if it is expressed in words and deeds of love," he said, encouraging them not only to love "A Catholic who wishes to remain such and other Catholics, but to love all their fellow citito be recognized as such cannot reject the prin- zens. Love, he said, should consist of -understandciple of communion with the successor of Peter," he said to "all Chinese Catholics," via ing, respect, forbearance, forgiveness and recManila's church-run Radio Veritas broadcast onciliation within the Christian community; a love which involves service, self-sacrifice, to the mainland. fidelity, hard work, honesty and justice in sociThe message was targeted at underground ety as a whole." Catholics faithful to the pope as well as to But, he said, genuine love can never be sepmembers of the government-approved Chifrom the truth. arated nese Catholic Patriotic Association. And part of the truth of what Christ willed The message to China, broadcast in English for his church. Pope John Paul said, was that it with translations into Chinese dialects, reaf- would be united under the service and leaderfirmed the Vatican's longstanding insistence ship of the successor of the apostle Peter, the that if Catholics in China truly had freedom to PoPe. profess their faith, they would be able to mainThe pope explained that contrary to the tain contact with the Vatican and accept the communist government's assertion that papal Vatican's appointment of their bishops. authority amounts to foreign interference in It also acknowledged the faith and sacrifice Chinese internal affairs, unity with the pope of those Catholics who have suffered for their and, therefore, with the universal church is an essential part of the Catholic faith. loyalty to the universal church.

Personal conscience over profession of faith

ANILA: Two of five priests from the Chi- reporters the delegates "regard ourselves as nese Catholic Patriotic Association joined faithful to *Papa.' so when we see him we regard M hundreds of other priests concelebrating Mass him also as the highest leader of the Catholic with the pope last Sunday. Earlier the pope welcomed the news of participation by a delegation from the Patriotic Association, but insisted their attendance occur in an atmosphere of "charity and truth." Officials from the Archdiocese of Manila were left with responsibity for determining the priests' fidelity to the Vatican. requesting if necessary a profession of faith. A Vatican spokesman said such a profession of faith and obedience to the Church "is nothing unusual." The spokesman would make no further cement if the priests had indeed made a profession of faith. "We are trying to leave this on the proper level, the level of personal conscience." Shi Hongxi. a member of the patriotic association delegation to World Youth Day, told

Security cast aside as he meets children

Church." He said the government no longer persecutes Catholics or members of any other religion. "Those who do not want to be united with the church of the government." he said, are motivated by political, not religious reasons, Shi said. We believe we have the same faith, but only we have different political opinions over the matter." he said. Some priests of the patriotic association reportedly wept with emotion as they greeted Catholics from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao prior to a Mass on the Thursday. Reports said there were between 40 and 60 underground Catholics from mainland China attending World Youth Day events.

"I wanted to be sure Mum was happy with her funeral. So I asked her."

ANILA (CNS) During the airborne press with about 83 percent of the population belongconference and his greetings upon arrival ing to the church. M in Manila, Pope John Paul returned again and examples of Christian life and holiness again to his appointment with young people from around the globe. And he threw security to the winds as he plunged into an airport crowd of welcoming children who mobbed him. "The thought of celebrating the 10th World Youth Day in Asia, has given me encouragement," he said at the airport. The young people would be reflecting on their mission at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the new millennium, he said. "The Good News of God's love and mercy - the word of truth, justice and peace which alone can inspire a life worthy of God's sons and daughters - must be proclaimed to the ends of the earth," the pope said. "The church and the world look to young people for new light, new love, a new commitment to meet the great needs of humanity," he said. Young people, the pope said, especially those in Asia, where less than 3 percent of the population is Catholic, must bear witness to the power of the Gospel on their continent. The pope said the Gospel has borne rich fruit in the Philippines, Asia's most Catholic country,

Many and of a positive influence on society, especially through strong families, can be found in the nation, he said. The nation must continue its tradition of church-state cooperation for the good of all peopin added. church and the political community work on (1iiierent levels and are mutually independent," he said, "but they serve the same human beings. "In that service there is ample room for dialogue, cooperation and mutual support," the pope said. Although there had been some concern expressed over the pope's security in the Philip pines. Pope John Paul did not let that get in the way of his spontaneous encounters with Filipino youth. Finishing the formal welcoming ceremony, the pope sidestepped the carpet leading to the popemobile and plunged into what had been an orderly formation of several hundred dancing children. The pope was mobbed. and Vatican security officers frantically tried to restore order - or at least, clear a path to the popemobile.

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The Record, January 19, 1995


Ballajura pilgrims meet


The second youngest pilgrim Emilie Warrener with Sr Bridie O'Sullivan.

Above: Melanie McNeil (right) who will be part of the children's guard of honour for His Holiness Pope John Paul II a t Perth airport with Ronda McNeil, Nancy Toomey, Sarah McNeil (7), Katie McNeil (9) and Ian McNeil.

2.19 Harry (second left) with twins Michael and Daniel van Veldhoven, Peter Lewis, Ross Scholz, Marl Downie, Joseph Tan, Anne Marie van Veldhoven, Sarah Jane van Veldhoven, Mamie Lynch and Eva Tan before their departure at Perth airport.


Leanne Duong (12 months) was the youngest pilgrim to make the journey to Adelaide and Sydney.



ThthOc community , R atialura W.A.



figmc rin etK9 : iilop Catholic community .


nallajtira pilgrims gather on' the Port Adelaide to commemorate Blessed Mary's arrival 4

The Record, January 19, 1995

Liter diet carried the Mackillop cms.. i711Mg11 Adelaide streets led Ins (.tinnington, Maria 1:m Bockuneer andIlihla Dalin- and (11arlotte

Blessed Mary...

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j 1's Ai The Ballajura pilgrims at Mass in the refurbished Kensington chapel built by Blessed Mary and whose carpet had been laid that very morning. Inset: Mary and Gerard Theseira inspect the upper floor dormitory window from which Blessed Mary could see the sanctuary.

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Archbishop Faulkner with the first pilgrims to carry the MacKillop cross on its Adelaide journey.

Rosaleen Ouinee, Sue Logan and Melanie McNeil at the door through which Blessed Mary walked after her excommunication

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CHIPPERS -N..e" The Record. January 19, 1995


Blessed Mary's friends

Jesuit Fr Paul Cleary explains Blessed Mary's Norwood days to the pilgrims.

414120 Fr Eric Bryant of Portland presents Ballajura's Sr Margaret O'Sullivan and Ross Scholz one of the last remaining bricks from the first church-school house built before 1862 and which will be laid In the new church in Ballajura.

Left: WA Garmalite John Powell (left) shows the pilgrims the register of the first 100 baptisms performed at Port Adelaide by Fr Tennison-Woods the spiritual mentor of Blessed Mary. Right: Pictured at the doorbell rung by Fr Horan on the fateful evening of Blessed Mary's excommunication are: Will and Monique De Smedt, Gay Ayensberg and Iolanda Arcorace.

In the original Penola school house of Blessed Mary pilgrims Amanda Adrianz (left) put Melanie McNeill, Domenic Mendonca, Vi Nguyen, Ngoc Nguyen and Baby Leanne, through their times table. 6

'Mt Record;January 19, 1995

Ballajura parishioner Hilda Dalby prays for her friends at the St Ignatius Norwood Church that was frequented by Blessed Mary.

trace her steps... •

Pilgrimage 95

Mary MacKiPop

Catholic Community Bailajura W.A.

, A t the restored grave of Blessed Mary's father Alexander are: Sr Bridle O'Sullivan, Neldina Clangiordano, Liam Cosgrave, Maria Van Bockxmeer, Barbara Miller, Bill Coverley, Jennifer Couret, Gay Ayensberg, Rosaleen Quinn, Sr Margaret O'Sullivan, Roma Barrett, Anthony Robert, Jo Bazzo and Kath Satie.

Pilgrims line up at the fountain on convent land donated by Blessed Mary for a community monument to Or John Benson who was kind to the sisters and the townsfolk.


Adelaide Josephite Sister Tarcisius greets Ballajura visitors Fr John Jegorow, Pat Lynn, Marlene Robins, Dot Jones, Angeline Gregory, Elizabeth Fernandez, Roma Barrett, Neldina Giangiordano and Angus Robert.



Left: Br John May (left), Jesuit winemaker at Sevenhill SA delighted the taste buds of Ballajura men with fine red wines. Pictured are Ken Satie, Peater Lewis, Ross Scholz, Lex Humphrey, Len Adrianz and Will De Smedt Right Pilgrims discovered that it is not all prayer and pennance at pilgrimages as they participate in a bush dance at Portland. ,The Reqord, Janctary 19, 1 6 ' 7


Neutralizing the formula for boredom, apathy By Father Eugene LaVerdiere, SSS

things come in clusters, grapes, OP for example, pine needles, lilacs and strawberries. Take faith, charity and hope. They too come in a cluster. People of faith who believe in God and Jesus are also people of charity, people who love deeply. And people of faith and charity are always full of hope. Even on the ordinary, human level, that is the way it is. You can see it in people who love one another, young or old. People who love one another also believe and put their trust in each other. They care for and help one another. And they look forward to the future. In Christian terms: • That belief and trust are called faith. • The loving care is called charity.


• The attitude toward the future is hope. The faith-charity-hope cluster spells lie, not only for people who have it but for everybody around. Not every cluster is that life-giving. Take its opposite: boredom or apathy. People who love one another are not bored. Nor are they apathetic. Everything is interesting for them, and exciting. Their reserve of energy also seems inexhaustible. The best example I have is my parents. Mum is 82, Dad is 86. I can truly say I have never seen them bored. It is no secret my parents love one another. On their 60th wedding anniversary, Dad looked at Mum and smiled. "I think we'll make it!" he said. My parents believe in one another, have complete trust in one another and look after one another. The things they used to do alone they now do together, like making up their bed, washing and wiping dishes or

In Christian terms, people with faith are raking the leaves in the autumn from a on a boredom track It is possible, of years not 50 than more planted maple tree Dad for faith to flag a little. course, ago. That is when things get out of focus. It My parents always seem to have somehappens to everybody thing to do. When we get all taken up with our work, It is really something to see Dad planning a new project, a bowl of laminated wood or even when it is called ministry, and forget why we are doing it, things get blurred. A a lampstand he turns on his lathe. The same is true of Mum, working on bit of boredom may set in. When that happens, all we have to do is Christmas angels or knitting mittens for the church bazaar. remember the person for whom we are As soon as one project is done, another is doing all that work. in the planning. • In human terms, we think of someone love. That is why we keep a few photos parwe my all where Sometimes I wonder no is it then, But from. around. ents' energy comes secret: • In Christian terms, we think of Christ • They love one another. and how he gave his life for us. • They care for one another. Christ may have been sorrowful in his • They always are looking ahead to passion, but he certainly was not bored. tomorrow, next week, next year. In Christian terms, people with charity never apathetic. That's because they are are Love like theirs is incompatible with the centre of their own lives. Instead of not boredom, like fire and water.

Getting involved in your own life EFURN or die!" This blunt message is aped to the only hand-truck in the “R building where I work. I don't use the hand-

do to pull herself to the phone and dial for help. Her apathy - her lack of active involvement in her own life - led to temporary paralyzation truck often, but whenever I finish with it I and near death. But that phone call when she "choose life" by returning it to the mailroom. By awoke from her stupor was the first real Not a had motto: "Choose life." choice for life she ever had made. Until then, Leif My two sons. on the other hand, seem to she always had let others choose for her. Forlive by a different creed. I call it "passive irreKehrwald tunately. she continues to choose life and soon goes awry, anything Whenever sponsibility." will graduate from college. they come up with the perfect passive I used to know a young man who clearly response. was gifted as a musician and minister to young An example will illustrate. One day, at age 6 people. He had some truly or so. one son asked. "Dad. innovative ideas. when will the coin that fell But when given his chance down my throat come out?" direct a youth program. the to all he Notice how the placed demon of apathy reached tip action, and blame, on the coin and paralyzed him. He was - taking no responsibility for all talk and no follow-through. swallowing it. Was it fear of failure? Lack of This approach to life may confidence? Something held not he too damaging for a him back. Before long his child who has people to look fledgling youth program fizafter him and make choices in zled, and he was let go. his hest interests. These are extreme stories But it doesn't work that way of the consequences of "pasfor adults. People are more sive irresponsibility," yet for than willing to make choices anyone each day presents for us. but nearly always with temptations to just give up their interests at heart, not ours. and let someone else call the shots. In the face of pressure from others. should we be pasWhile an occasional lapse won't lead to such dire consesive? quences, the danger lies in slipping into the habit of a pasTake Sandra as an example. In her early 20s she lacked sive posture. direction in life. She found herself in a relationship with a Take note of your language patterns. How often do you person who knew he could manipulate her. He used her as use the passive voice when describing the events of your an accomplice for stealing to feed his drug addiction. life? Does stuff happen to you, or do you make things hapBefore long, she too was hooked and living a desperate pen? life. He made her choices for her. The Gospel presents a call to life and action, not apathy. Finally, she broke down and overdosed. Lucky for her, it If apathy implies a lack of passion, where is your passion didn't kill her, but the drugs left her unconscious for sevfor life? Where is your passion for faith? eral days on the floor of her filthy room. "I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the When she came to, her body had been lying so still for so curse. Choose life" (Deuteronomy 30:19). long that her muscles had atrophied. It was all she could

Food for thought r

HAVE passion for life can be a good iing, the new Catechism of the Catholic Church suggests. It might mean you are a person of great heart After all. the catechish says. the Lord called the hear' "thf • sou Tr .

from which the passions sprint'' INo. 176: %%nal Q0Itt ,ir human passirilv...' 1 hat .

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The Record .January 19. 1995

Naturally, the human passions can lead to negative or positive actions (No. 1768). It depends how well our passions get connected to our thinking-power. The passions g,overnecl tw reason," the cawchism extilains INn I 7( .

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the catechism, "are love and hatred, desire and fear, toy, sadness and anger" (No. 1772). It is vital that something important about the passions not be overlooked - namely. t hat ill the Christian life the Holy Spirit

accomplishes divine purposes hv "mobilizinQ the whole helm.; says the catechism. in (..hrist. human teeinws are able to reach their it ;summation in charity and divine beau tuft , - (No. 1765o

focusing on themselves, they focus on others: family, neighbours, Christ, people of goodwill. Without realizing it sometimes, our focus shifts and we start centering on ourselves. That is when we start suffering from apathy. It does not take long before we sense something is wrong. When that happens, it is time to consciously think of others. I take a walk. I watch people come into the church from the sidewalks of New York City where I live - nurses, students, old people, rich and poor, hungry people, blind people, people of every race, children all bundled up against the cold. Observing all those people I feel like reaching out to them. With that, any apathy that had crept in disappears. Christ certainly suffered in his passion. But he was not apathetic. How could he have been? He was suffering for others. People with faith and charity, who believe

and love, have their lives focused on God, Christ, the church and all God's people. That is why they are not bored and apathetic. Without faith and charity, we get all taken up with ourselves, and that is a perfect formula for boredom and apathy. We may put on a big show in public, but anybody can see through it. People who are bored are also boring. People who are apathetic are heavy to have around. People with hope never seem to be exhausted. Their spirit is tireless. Their body may get tired, but they are not drained out. Even in the midst of all kinds of troubles, they look beyond, sure that God is with them. In the agony of his passion. with insult piling on insult, Jesus was merciful to the end, and hopeful.

Dying passion, dry bones... By Father John J. Castelot

A PATHY (lack of feeling) is a numbness of spirit, a paralyzing loss of interest in life that I can deaden your concern, even for your own well-being. It is really a sin against the virtues of trust and hope. Apathy says, in effect. that God doesn't care what happens to the world or to oneself. "What's the use of even trying?" Carried to the extreme, it can lead to despair. The leaders of God's people often had to arouse them, to keep them from sinking into a lethal lethargy. The Hebrews had been beaten down by inhuman slave labour in Egypt. reduced to the level of draft animals. The people were emotionally drained, robbed of any driving passion for a better life. When Moses offered them a chance to escape, they grasped at it. They were still humanly alive enough for that. But when they got a taste of freedom, it frightened them. They had developed a slave mentality, which made decision making a scary responsibility. They often lashed out at Moses for depriving them of the security they had in Egypt. Apathy had killed their passion for liberty and if Moses hadn't urged them on they would never have become the great nation that God had called them to be. Moses had to keep alive their trust, their hope.

Ezekiel faced the same problem. After years of exile in Babylon. the people had lost all passion for a return to their homeland. As far as they could see, they were as good as dead. Of course, Ezekiel was in the same dismal situation. He, too, had to be awakened to trust in a faithful God. Then God favoured him with a startling vision in which he saw a vast valley floor littered with dead, dry bones. Asked if the bones could live again, he replied: "Only you know that. God responded: "Thus says the Lord God to these bones: See! I will bring spirit into you, that you may come to life.... 0 my people, I will open your graves and have you rise from them, and bring you back to the land of Israel" (Ezekiel 37:1-12).

The same apathy can overtake individuals. Consciousness of personal weakness and actual sinfulness can make a mockery of dreams of improvement. Paul faced this possibility quite honestly: "I for my part do not consider myself to have taken possession. just one thing: Forgetting what lies behind but straining forward to what lies ahead, I continue my pursuit toward the goal. the prize of God's upward calling. in Christ" (Philippians 3:13-14).

No room for apathy here, with God calling us on, sustaining us, and urging us forward!

Talking Point

IN boredom? Selected responses from HAT is the "cure" for

readers: • Getting out and doing something with someone or just being with someone. Anything outside yourself and your own concerns." - Anna Schwieterman. • People, music, nature. Focusing on my own attitude and what I bring to life. It's a relationship like any relationship. You have to work at it and cultivate it." - Mary Carpenter. • Faith. Knowing what my goal or destination is helps me to refocus my life. It helps me make decisions more clearly and know what I want out of life." - Carlos Vega. • After my husband died, I

became discontented with my life. When I didn't know where my life was going, I searched. I really got excited when I started going to my church and learned more about the Bible." -Rose Mason. • If I start praying I get further into what I need to do. It seems like God tells me what to do and gives me the desire or motivation to do it." - Mary Gordon. • To focus on a mission someone in need or something that needs to be done. If I pray about it and enter into it.I find that God gives me direction. It usually begins a long process (that is life-giving). Ted Lang.

The Record, January 19. 1995


Moments in Manila

Top priority..

Private meeting with Ramos The papal 20-minute private meetPresident Ramos, the Philippines' ing M first Protestant head of state did not touch the ANILA with

ANILA, Philippines (CNS) - As the third millen- speaking, bestowed meaning and harmony on the life of planning issue over which the president M nium approaches, evangelization remains the high- individuals and on the communities they composed. is in conflict with the country's est priority of the church, but "evangelization must never family

be imposed," the pope told Asia's bishops. And he warned the bishops about pressuring people into the Church. "Faith and reception into the communion of the church through baptism must always be entirely free," he told 150 bishop representatives of Asian hierarchies. Evangelization "involves love and respect for those evangelized. Catholics must carefully avoid any suspicion of coercion or devious persuasion." "If the church in Asia is to fulfill its providential destiny, evangelization as the joyful, patient and progressive preaching of the saving death and resurrection of Jesus (:hrist must be your absolute priority," he said. "Accusations of proselytism - which is far from the hurch's missionary spirit - and a one-sided understanding of religious pluralism and tolerance should not be allowed to stifle your mission to the peoples of Asia," he said. "Rapid technological progress and economic growth have revolutionized the face of Asia" since the bishops' f ederation began in 1970. The "transformation of the spiritual landscape" is "even wore striking than Asia's material progress. "Religious indifferentism and exaggerated individualism now threaten the traditional values which, generally

"The forces of secularization tend to undermine your rich religious and cultural heritage. This great continent is at a spiritual crossroads."

The pope's paper was read in his presence by Filipino Cardinal Sanchez, prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for the Clergy. Pope John Paul said he asked Cardinal Sanchez to read his talk, so as to expedite the delivery. When Cardinal Sanchez finished, the pope said, "What I wrote, I wrote, and it should be read." but added, "what I meditated on should also be revealed." He then spoke of the need in the near future for a synod of Asian bishops, just as the African bishops met in synod last year. Though he did not intend, he said, to be called "the pope of synods." he strongly favored holding synods "as a fruit of Vatican II." Pointing out that the first millennium had many synods, he said Vatican II was creating this new synod era of the church, and as he meditated on the third millennium. "I thought of the need to return to the synod experience."

bishops. But the pope made his support of the bishops' position clear during a meeting with members of the bishops' conference. When powerful interests promote policies which are against the moral law inscribed on the human heart, they offend the dignity of man, who is made in the image and likeness of God, and in doing so they undermine the foundations of society itself," the pope said. "Because the church treasures the divine gifts of human life and its inalienable dignity," he said. "she cannot but strenuously oppose all measures which are in any way directed at promoting abortion, sterilization and also contraception." Leaving Manila on Monmday, the pope called on Filipinos to continue the commitment to justice and a better life, which marked their mostly nonviolent transition to full democracy in 1986.

"Above all, no one should pull hack from the great demand of real and effective solidarity, a new solidarity between individuals, in families and throughout society," he said at the airport before flying to Papua New Guinea. "There has to be progress in sharing," he said. "There has to be a renewed sense of responsibility of everyone for everyone else: we are, each of us. our brother's keeper."

Everything okay, except his leg EN Rolm:

TO MANIIA, (CNS) "As you can see, I carry a walking stick and I carry it to club people - those who are disorderly and, maybe, even some journalists." the pope joked with journalists on the 13 hour flight from Rome to Manila. "I have been using this stick to support myself for eight. no almost nine months." he said. "Everything is going well. but the leg is still not strong enough. so I use this stick This is the reality, psycho-physical." he said with a laugh. "I have very much wanted to do this whole

trip." he said. During the inflight press conference, the pope acknowledged two other sensitive topics likely to be raised during the trip: the status of the Catholic Church in China and relations with Buddhists in Sri Lanka.

He told journalists World Youth Day would include an official delegation from the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association, which does not have ties with the Vatican. He also said the Manila-based, churchowned Radio Veritas would be broadcasting to China a message he has recorded for Catholics on the mainland. China, he said, "is a great nation, the largest in the world" and the church there "has remained faithful to the Holy See for so many years, despite clandestineness and persecution." He said the message, especially for those in the underground church, "will be one of the highlights" of the trip. Pope John Paul also said he was surprised t hat Buddhist leaders in Sri Lanka were offended by his remarks about their faith in his

book. "Crossing the Threshold of Hope." Throughout the press conference, Pope John Paul repeatedly let reporters know he had a couple of good excuses not to talk to them. He said Navarro-Valls "told me to come and just say, 'goodnight,' then go off to sleep." Liter, the pope said Navarro-Valls told him to answer just one more question because the pilot thought the plane was approaching an area of turbulence. As has been his custom, the pope answers the journalists' questions standing at the front of the plane's last section with 50 reporters, photographers and television-camera operators packe into the aisles and the first five rows. The final question was what the pope thought about being named Time magazine's Man of the Year for 1994. "That was last year," he said.

Vatican man tells of. an 'excess of success' 1Dy popular pope

ANILA, Philippines (CNS) - Pope dence to the Mass site. Instead of sitting in a reserved section my life." said Archbishop John Foley. who M John Paul H's popularity had its price Vatican and Philippine officials weighed immediately to the right of the altar plat- was providing the English-language telmion Sunday when not even his armored their options: popemobile could part the massed crowd gathered to for his Mass closing World Youth Day. I t's an excess of success." said papal spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls, when it appeared impossible to negotiate the three k ilometre distance from the nuncio's resi-

either a helicopter to fly the pope in over the crowd or a boat to bring him in behind the seaside altar at Luneta Park The pope arrived by helicopter an hour later than scheduled. Members of the papal entourage without specific tasks were left behind.

form, reporters were stranded on the out-

skirts of the crowd when the press bus met

an unmovable wall of people. Police estimated the crowd at 4 million people which if accurate, would be the largest crowd ever at an event presided over by Pope John Paul. "This is the biggest crowd I've ever seen in

sion commentary for the Mass. The archbishop. president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, kept viewers informed about the progress of the pope's two-mile journey from the apostolic nunciature to the Mass site. The Mass began an hour-and-a-half later than scheduled.

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Respect for another faith

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CHRISTIAN MEDITATION COMMUNITY (WA) Visit of Fr William Johnston SJ is a world renowned spiritual teacher, author Fr William and lecturer on East-West mysticism. He has written many books on contemplative spirituality including The Mysticism of the Cloud of Unknowing, Letters to Contemplatives and Being in Love. LECTURE: Friday 31 March 7.30pm Welcoming address by Most Rev. Barry James Hickey, Archbishop of Perth Admission by ticket ($10) (For every 10 tickets purchased, one additional ticket free) LIVE-OUT RETREAT: Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd April R egistration $40 One day only - $25 B YO Meals Coffee & Tea provided Both events at John XXIII College, John XXIII Ave. MT CLAREMONT Forms for ordering Friday night tickets and/or Retreat registrations are available from Christian Meditation Community, PO Box 323 TUART HILL WA 6060 or by phoning the enquiries numbers ENQUIRIES: Phone Sam or Vesta on 444 5810 AH 458 5633 Brian on 275 3449

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In Sri Lanka, an island-nation off southeastern India of about 18 million people, Buddhists comprise about 70 percent of the population, while Christians make up about 8 percent.


TATICAN CITY (CNS) - A decade men," said the conciliar document, V ago Pope John Paul II removed his "Nostra Aetate," on relations with nonshoes at the entrance to a Buddhist Christian religions. temple and sat silently for five minutes, But, the document continued, the facing the elderly Buddhist patriarch of church "proclaims and is in duty bound Thailand. to proclaim without fail, Christ who is The pope's respectful gestures during the way, the truth and the life. In him, in the 1984 visit were followed by words whom God reconciled all things to himof praise for the "ancient and venerable self, men find the fullness of their reliwisdom" found in Buddhism and its gious life." "special sensitivity to the renunciation So, just as Pope John Paul did in Thaiof violence." land in 1984, he will show his deep But more recent papal comments respect for Buddhists in Sri Lanka. about Buddhism raised storm clouds He has done the same with Muslims over Pope John Paul's visit this week to in North Africa, with voodoo practitionthe mostly Buddhist nation - Sri Lanka. ers in West Africa and with Hindus in Some Buddhist leaders have been India. But especially when addressing eyeing a chapter on Buddhism in the pope's book, "Crossing the Threshold Catholics who live in cultures permeated by the traditions of those other of Hope." The papal remarks and furor they faiths or in societies showing a growing caused illustrate the delicate line attraction to them, the pope is "duty walked by the church, and by Pope bound to proclaim without fail" the John Paul. in relations with other reli- teachings of the church. gions since the Second Vatican Council. And that's what the chapter on Bud"The Catholic Church rejects nothing dhism in "Crossing the Threshold of of what is true and holy in these reli- Hope" was about, said one Vatican offigions. She has a high regard for the cial involved in dialogue. manner of life and conduct, the pre"He was trying to answer something cepts and doctrines which, although of concern to Christians, not speaking differing in many ways from her own directly to Buddhists," the official said. teaching. nevertheless often reflect a "His preoccupation was this trend ray of that truth which enlightens all among some Christians who declare a

"I assure the followers of the Buddhist religion of my deep respect and my sincere esteem," he said. hope the visit to Sri Lanka and the other countries can strengthen dialogue and understanding between religions, favoring an increasingly intense collaboration toward peace and solidarity between peoples," he said.


mi tes

TATICAN CITY (CNS) - In an apparent effort V to defuse Catholic-Buddhist tensions on the eve of his visit to the Far East, Pope John Paul 11 expressed deep respect for Buddhism and said he hoped his trip would bring the two religions closer together. At a general audience just hours before he was scheduled to depart for the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Australia and Sri Lanka, the pope said he was looking forward to meeting representatives of other religions in Sri Lanka, including Buddhists, and he asked a blessing upon them.



Hope trip will forge closer ties

double belonging - as Christians and Buddhists." It was not a stepping back from his recognition of the positive "religious, spiritual, moral and cultural values of Buddhism," he said. "Nobody can doubt the Holy Father's esteem for Buddha as a historical figure and for followers of Buddhism, which he expresses whenever he meets them." "We are all truly saddened that they have felt offended." said Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican secretary of state, in a letter to the archbishop of Colombo, Sri Lanka. The response was translated from Polish with the possibility that "complex theological concepts" were distorted in the translation, he said. Responding to a question about Christians attracted to Buddhism, the pope felt a need to explain to them that rather than seeking union with God. Buddhists strive for nirvana. "a state of perfect indifference with regard to the world." For that reason, he wrote, Buddhism could be considered an atheistic religion. Because of its emphasis on "detachment" from the world and from worldly concerns, the book said. Buddhism has

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Material submitted to The Record should preferably be typewritten or clearly and legibly handwritten, at least triple spaced with wide margins, in upper and lower case, and in style for the section for which it is intended.

"an almost exclusively negative soteriology," or doctrine of salvation. The word "negative" was not the pope's judgment of Buddhism, but his description of its approach to the world. At a 1984 Mass in Bangkok, the pope told Thai Catholics that the Buddhist tradition "provides a fertile terrain for the seed of God's word, proclaimed by Jesus Christ to take root and grow." in the practice of Buddhism can be discerned a noble tendency to strive to separate oneself from an 'earthly wisdom,' in order to discover and achieve an interior purification and liberation. This aim is pursued through prayer and meditation, coupled with the practice of moral virtue." he said. But it is through the person and message of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit that Christians come to fully know "the wisdom from above," which the New Testament speaks about, the pope said. -In this way we understand that wisdom is not primarily a human achievement: Wisdom comes from God, and it then reveals itself in a good

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Spirit, thou who makes me see everything and shows me the way to reach the ideal, you who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and who are in all insyances in my life with me. I, in a short dialogue, w ant to thank you for everything and confirm from you once more that I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in y our perpetual glory. Amen. Say this prayer for t hree consecutive days speaking your favour. On the thirdday your favour will be granted no matter how difficult it may be. Promise to publish this as soon as this prayer has been heard. CR 0 HOLY St Jude. apostle and martyr, great in virtue. and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need. t o you I have recourse f rom the depths of my heart and I humbly beg y ou to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. In return, I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. Say threeOur Fathers, Hail Glorias. Marys and Publication must be promised. Say for nine days . Thank you St Jude Nonetta.

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THANKS HOLY Spirit you who make PRAYER to the Blessed

me see everything and who shows me the way to reach my ideal. You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget all that is done to me, and who are in all the instances of my life with me, I want to thank you for everything and confirm once more than I never want to be separated from you, no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in y our perpetual glory. This prayer said on three consecutive days with only one request be granted. Promise publication. Thanks. Margaret.

UNFAILING prayer to St

Anthony. Blessed be God in

His Angels and in His Saints. 0 Holy St Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and

Charity for His creatures. made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore of you to obtain lor me ( request). The answer to my prayer may require a miracle. even So. you are the Saint of

Miracles. 0 gentle and loving St Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy.

whisper my petition into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and the gratitude

of my heart will ever be yours. Pater. Ave and Gloria. Favour

received. Thanks to St Anthony. St Jude. St Clare, St K atharine. Blessed Mary MacKillop, St Anne yen. Margaret Sinclair and Fr Kentenech. Margaret.

INN, 44 Spirit thou who makes Stirling Terrace, Tood- me see everything and shows yay 6566. Ideal for me the way to reach the ideal the divine gift school camps. retreat You who give me to forgive and forget the wrong for church groups, dor- that is done to me and who are mitory style accommo- in all instances in my life are dation for 60 plus, also with me. I want in this short prayer, to thank you for everyguest-house accommo- thing and confirm I never want dation for families and to be separated from you no t ravellers, fully catered, matter how great the material may be. I want to be set in 6 acres on the desires with you and my loved ones in A von River in historic your perpetual glory. Amen. T oodyay. Phone Sally Say this prayer for three consecutive days stating your 574 2995. favour. On the third day your


K ALBARRI, comfort-

prayer will be granted no mat-

Virgin never known to fail. 0 most beautiful flower of M t Carmel, fruitful vine, splendour of heaven. blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessities, 0 Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein that you are my mother. 0 Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of heaven and earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. 0 show me here you are mymother. 0 Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee(three times). Holy Mary I place this cause in your hands(three times). Thank you for your mercy t owards me and mine. Amen. This prayer must be Said for three days and after that the request will be granted and the prayer must be published. Thanks J and F.

S ACRED Heart of Jesus and St Jude thank you for favours granted. D.M.

O HOLY St Jude, apostle

and martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ. faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patron in time of need. To you I have cause from the depth of my heart and humbly beg you to whom God has given such great power to come to my a ssistance. Help me now in my present and urgent need and grant my earnest petition. In return I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. (Say 3 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias, St Jude pray for all who honour and invoke your aid.) Grateful thanks.

ter how difficult it may be. HOLY St Jude. apostle able self-contained Promise publication as soon as 0 and martyr, great in virtue, Holy St Jude; apostle accommodation by the your prayer has been and rich in miracles, near and martyr great in virtue sea, within walking dis- a nswered. Thankyou Holy kinsman of Jesus Christ, and rich in miracles, near tance of shops and Spirit Liz. faithful intercessor of all kinsman of Jesus Christ. followoing who invoke your special faithful intercessor of all entertainment. January P RAY the prayers daily. St Joseph. patronage in time of need. who invoke your special vacancies. $140 for Holy Spirit. Blessed Virgin. to you I have recourse from $210 for t wo: four; patron in time of need, to Heart. All these the depths of my heart and seven days. Sacred you I have recourse from f or prayers are printed weekly. I humbly beg you to whom the depth of my heart and I (09) 459 1849. Thanks saints and deities God has given such great humbly beg you to whom for prayers answwered. JP power to come to my God has given such great assistance. In return, I power to come to my T HANKSGIVING to the promise to make your a ssistance. In return I Sacred Heart of Jesus for name known and cause promise to make your f avours granted. to the you to be invoked. Say name known and cause of Perpetual S acred Heart, Blessed t hreeOur Fathers, Hail y ou to be invoked. You H elp Glorias. and receive my late Virgin Mary, St Jude. the Marys have already granted me thanksgiving be Publication must after discov- Little Flower. VJ. many requests for which I ering the promised. Say for nine healing of delithank you. Thanks also to cate situation WANT to thank the days . Thank you St Jude. my son is the Holy Spirit. Ivy. over. Continue to help his Sacred Heart St Jude, Our next health problem Lady. St Anthony for all MY GRATEFUL thanks to to St Clare and please. Many thanks, our favours granted. Hope you the Holy Spirit, and St the Sacred Heart for Lady of Perpetual Help. will continue to help us. Joseph for favours E.A. Rita prayers answered. RGL received.






Rekindling the faith To celebrate in Western Australia the Beatification of Mother Mary MacKillop Bring a picnic tea to a gala evening of entertainment celebrating the life of Mary MacKillop in dance, drama and song at the

._6Atoeit effooe Concert Supreme Court Gardens, Perth — Sunday, 12 February Entertainment from 6pm, Concert starts at sundown (approx 7:30pm). Starring Karen Knowles as Guest Featured Artist and Jenny McNae as Mary MacKillop.

FREE ADMISSION — a collection will be taken up by the Knights of the Southern Cross to help defray costs — FREE ADMISSION 12

The Record, January 19, 1995

t effor Solid S

EARING heat which greeted the New Year did nothing to diminish the L./energy and enthusiasm of delegates at the 1995 Catholic Youth Convention -Solid Ground". which wound up at Aquinas College on Saturday 7 January. In all, nearly one hundred and ninety youth and young adults made -Solid Ground" one of the best summer gatherings held so far in Perth. The program of community building, talks on the Sacraments, community and private prayer, short courses and workshops kept both delegates and organisers busy for the full six days of the convention, which took the form of an extended youth retreat. While -Solid Ground" was a youth and young adult convention, its success was guaranteed only through the generous efforts of many parents and adult volunteers, who worked behind the scenes throughout the event to ensure that delegates were well fed and watered, and the grounds of Aquinas College kept secure at night. Keynote speakers Amanda Platt and Bruce Downes found excellent support in two religious sisters who were attending a convention for the first time: Salesian Sister Pam Williamson from Sydney. and Sr Jacqueline Jones SjA from Northam. both of whom brought their tremendous experience to benefit the event. Karen Pye, coordinating her third convention, headed another group of volunteers who kept the wheels turning in the convention office to ensure that all material needs for the event were catered for. All in all. "Solid Ground" was the fruit of solid effort from many people. young and old. to bring benefit to our youth in their faith journeys.

Director of Youth Ministry Bruce Downes touches base with the convention band during a break in proceedings at "Solid Ground". The music for the event was coordinated by Sarah Ryan.

\ v.& "c7112• %,

the 1995 usicians for M Perkins...... Kyle and


Barry included (I-r)

,itholic Youth (_;ont.ention




...... while


LOST PROPERTY A substantial amount of clothing, footwear and small personal effects remains to be collected after "Solid Ground". Claims on lost property can be made at the Youth Office, 30 Claverton Street, North Perth, until Friday 24 February (during office hours only). Property remaining after this date will be donated to the Society of St Vincent de Paul.

Catholic Youth Formation Centre

Eagle's Nest

There are vacant dates remaining for 1995, including some weekends in the second half of the year. C atholic youth, school and other groups are welcome to apply for bookings on 574 7030.

vocalists th cluded Toni

rO'Halloran, Jo

Conway and



1995 Catholic Youth Convention

"Solid Ground"

THANK YOU !! The Organisers, staff and delegates at "Solid Ground" wish to thank most sincerely all those who contributed so much to the success of the convention. Among many others we mention in particular: The Christian Brothers (Aquinas College) Mr Brian Harley Operations Manager Stephanie Melia and Nola Moyses All the kitchen helpers and volunteers Sr Pam Williamson and Sr Jacqueline Jones The bus drivers and security volunteers The canteen crew and nursing staff and the following corporate services: Tower Production Services Aurum Caterers

Sounds H Peter Liddicoat

A list of free dates will be published on this page in the near future. The Record. January 19-: 1995


God bless Australia

by Coileen McGuiness-Howard

Come, sing Australian songs to me! ( by John O'Brien, pen name of Father Patrick Hartigan, PP for 27 years at Narrandera in southern NSW, from his first collection Around The Boree Log (Angus & Robertson).

Come, Little One, and sing to me A song our big wide land to bless, Around whose gentle parent-knee We've twined the flowers of kindliness.

What, no Australian song, my dear? And yet I've heard the cottage ring With notes the world would pause to hear, When at their work your sisters sing.

Yet every exile, wandering lone Our happy careless homes among, May live the best his heart has known Whene'er his country's songs are sung.

Your eyes are clear Australian blue, Your voice like soft bush breezes blown; Her sunshine steeps the heart of you, Your tresses are the wattle's own.

They sing the songs of all the earth, Of tender sky, and dimpling sea, But all their strains have not the worth Of one Australian song, for me.

You sing the songs of all the earth, Of alien flower and alien tree: But no one, in my grief or mirth, Will sing Australian songs to me.

What, no Australian song, my child No lay of love, no hymn of praise? And yet no mother ever smiled With our dear country's winsome ways:

I've heard the harp the breezes play Among the wilding wilga-trees; I've swept my world of care away When bush birds lift their melodies;

You sing of every land but 'nine, Where life is lilting ineath the sun, Still all its spirit seems ashine In you, my little laughing one.

You sing the songs of all the earth, Of bower and bloom and bird and bee; And has the land that gave you birth No haunting, native melody?

I've seen the paddocks all ablaze When spring in golden glory comes, The purple hills of summer days The autumn ochres through the gums;

Your eyes are clear Australian blue, Your face is towards the future set: The bounding, gladsome heart of you Is hers - and only hers, mu pet.

Your poets' eager pens awake The world-old themes of love and youth, The pulse of life, the joy, the ache, The pregnant line of earnest truth;

I've seen the bright folk riding in O'er blooms that deck the clovered plain, And 'neath the trees, when moonbeams spin Their silver-dappled counterpane.

Ah, Little One, what dreams would rise If, nestled here upon my knee, You'd flash those soft Australian eyes, And sing your country's songs to me!

They dress you these in native guise, And interweave with loving hand The freshness of your rain-washed skies, The colours of your sunlit land.

What, no Australian song, my pet? No patriot note on native horn, To bind the hearts in kindness met, And link the lea! Australian born?

Books galore! • AlS111111: -014




The Record, January 19, 1995

Caught hook browsing among the 50.000 to 60.000 books up for sale at bargain prices at the Catherine McAuley Family Centre, commencing on Australia Day, January 26 to 29 from 9 am to 4 pm daily, is Natalie Rogers. secretary at the Catherine McAuley Family Centre. Appropriately reading some literary Australiana, Natalie thought the best way to get on top of the problem of sorting so many books, was to climb on top of the pile! - but bitten by the readaphobia bug (seen lurking around literary buffs!) she succumbed and was last seen reading late into the night! The giant book sale, proceeds of which will fund many excellent McAuley endeavours for others, will embrace every conceivable type of written work from the classics and scholarly tomes to handyman and craft books. There will also be a silent auction of Old and Rare books allowing confidential bids during the Sale. Successful bidders will be notified at the end of the Auction. Address - 18 Barrett Street, Wembley (off Cambridge Street. near St John of God Hospital).

Beloved Australia EVERYTHING worthwhile, has a commitment attached; whether it be love of someone, or of Esomething.

In this respect, I'm speaking about our commitment to Australia, which for me, is the best country in the world. If you live in a country, take from it, and don't give back effort to build that country up, and also love, allegiance, loyalty, dedication and commitment, then you're worthless and that country doesn't need or want you, whether in this instance you are Australian or merely live here. In a selfish world of many Takers and few Givers, a number will always leach off someone and consider that others' efforts will give them a free ride through life. Australia with its unfortunately indulgent attitude, has attracted and inherited a fair percentage of freeloaders and maybe that's one reason why with much financial output and relatively smaller input, it's fallen from its former position of third best living standard in the world to way down the ladder. It's also because of the apathy of decent Australians who are letting the rot continue, blinded by an allusory sense of well being which is quite unfounded. Our illustrious pioneers had it right - they only got out what they put in. Today it's the reverse, where unfortunately too many unscrupulous types spend a lifetime working out how they can cheat the system - and do so very successfully. With no standards of any kind, they find acceptance by Social Security and the Government at large, which doesn't see any need to change their thinking by deprivation of easily gained funds, sourced by decent, hardworking taxpayers who do have standards, otherwise they'd be using the system also. Our appalling national debt shows there is something intrinsically wrong. And while the non-genuine, perpetually feasting off the handouts, cry out that there's no work, there is abundance of work in various parts of WA that can't attract workers because the dole is much too comfortable to live off - especially with all the lurks and purks. I met a healthy, robust Australian woman (20) - who's never worked and non-Australian man (57) - who deliberately hasn't worked for years, both very fit, who said they would continue to vote Federally for a certain party to ensure they never had to work, had no intention of ever doing so, and would thus continue to get paid to do nothing. (The male then continued to outline to me his other scheme to get even more from Social Security! and was undeterred at my expressed disgust, even suggesting I too would be better off on Social Security.) We've therefore got a top heaw Social Security system fed by few taxpayers, and in some instances a money lending system which with Social Security policy, has a definite bias against its own Australian people. We also have a toothless, directionless Immigration Department which seems either inept or unable to safeguard the interests of its own Australian people and its borders. All of the above, combined with a Catholic/Christian Australian population which in many instances tends to bury heads in the sand and tails in the benevolent Australian sunshine, allows not only a deterioration of Australian living standards through non-enforced committment by the Government of all people who are Australian or who live here, but also a terrific shift in Australia from a Christian to a non-Christian country. Partially this is through a Government ethnic migration policy and also because of the apathy of existing Christians. Late last year the Government released statistics on the growth of religions in Australia and stated Islam had risen by an incredible 98% in Australia while the other Christian religions' rise was miniscule in comparison.

Nevertheless the facts remain and what other evidence do we need than the fact that our children are not allowed to be taught about Jesus - the reason for Christmas, at Christmas time? Nor are teachers allowed to impose 'Western Values!' such as don't steal, kill etc. upon school children. So who can justly claim we are still Christian? For this the sole blame can be levelled at the apathetic Christian Australian population who have not only allowed this to happen but continue to do so - until we as Catholics, Christians will have no rights left because we will have become the minority. There are always the Do Gooders in life who fight for often wierd and wonderful causes' - but who is fighting to keep our magnificent Australia truly Christian and free? Who is objecting forcefully to non-Christian imposed government policy on No Christian talk nor Western alues' when Australia was settled and founded upon the solid foundation of Christianity, hard work and commitment to God, country and family? But look at us today'. There is very little commitment to any of those three basic precepts. And perhaps that's why Australia is in such a mess, and will continue to go downhill, unless we stop this suicidal slide. Throwing up our hands in the air will achieve nothing. Praying is absolutely ESSENTIAL! - but more is needed as well. Working on the basis of God helps those who help themselves, we must put Christianity into action to save our magnificent Australia. How many good people (who do still pray), offer up a rosary, or decade of the rosary, or prayers daily, to our beloved patroness Mary Help of Christians? Are indeed our Catholic school children even told she is our patroness? Why aren't the Ten Commandments broadly displayed in our schools? Why aren't pictures of the Holy Family prominently displayed as role models for our children? Why isn't our Australian flag flown in our playgrounds and prayers preceding school said by every school child to God and His mother, our patroness, to keep Australia Christian and free? And why isn't allegiance to God, family and country enshrined in our educational policies for our children? Our children are wonderful gifts from God; they're not to blame for the erosion of our Christianity, and Australian standards which our forefathers fought so hard and sacrificed their lives's us. We as adults, our generation, have let them down badly. We have sat back idly (of course meanwhile massaging our consciences that everything is just fine!) and allowed Australian laws to be made and enforced which are anti-Christian and anti-Australian.

by Colleen McGuiness-Howard

We've allowed the happy settlement of Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Roumanian and Italian crime gangs to infect our society,and both ethnic and religious exclusive enclaves to be established which are completely detached from Australians or our way of life. Passively we've watched while moral standards have eaten their way through our Ten Commandments whereby nobody talks about mortal sin any more because "it doesn't exist and neither does hell, purgatory" - and who knows? maybe not even heaven! some would probably suggest. We owe our Christian forebears plenty for what they fought for, but even more importantly, our own children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. God gave us a glorious country, and our pioneers and fathers embellished that heritage by opening up the food basket of natural wealth it supplied. More than that, they brought from Ireland and the United kingdom - Christianity, the crown on any man's head. But we've devastated the land, polluted the waters and air in many ways, voluntarily discarded and permitted a gross watering down of Catholic/Christian principals and teachings to our children, have set fewer and fewer examples of moral behaviour by our own actions, shown them that even society leaders are as corruptible as the petty thieves in life, and realty - given them nothing of substance on which to base their adult lives and role models they too will become. However, we could change all that. We could draw our heads out of the sand, and take a look at what is REALLY happening in the REAL world around us, not the airy fairy one many choose to believe is reality. Our individual and combined efforts as Catholics/Chnsbans, could make Australia do a turnaround. We should vote astutely, lobby our politicans, express our disgust where relevant to them and all and sundry we come in contact with, stiffen our weak backbones, firm our resolve, and stand up and be counted - before it's all too late. Then maybe there'd be more respect in society, where today there is little and our children could then look up to us; which they hawn't been able to do for years because of our poor example, cowardice, and lack of commitment to anything that seemed a'a little bit too hard! or socially unacceptable" - (such as showing moral fibre!) They and our children can't be currently proud for what we've done and what we've left undone. But let us implore Our Lath' Help of Christians to keep our country free.

Let's try harder to follow our Christian faith - with gratitude, faith, commitment and love to our God who gave us truly blessed Australians so very, very much. If we work hard together and expect the same of every other person who comes to our shores, offering work instead of handouts, and insisting on the higher standards our parents had, while giving no leeway to society's bludgers and devil's advocates who are destroying both our country and Christian faith, then we can once more regain control of our own land. And then too, maybe God would be prouder of us than He could possibly be currently; seeing what we've done to destroy His gifts to us of our beautiful country, our children, and our faith. 'Beloved Mary, Help of Christians, may we ever he worthy of your patronage. May your Son have reason to smile on us once again. Forgive us for the times we've denied our Catholic faith and practice and please fortif) 41 Christians in our Australia, to fight fiercely in order to prevent the loss of our Christianity and guard our heritage which our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents fought so dearly to gain and keep for us. Please make tic worthy of you both, and your precious children you loaned us, with the expectation we would raise them as true followers of God.' by COLLEEN McGUINES: 10WARD • The Record. January 19. 995


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T HE Wilifflar-'gRaigAll P ARISH t4.4 BUSINESS MASS Al l Saints Chapel , A l lendale Square, Perth on Friday, January 27 at 7am, followed by a breakfast meeting at The Venice Cafe, Trinity Arcade. Breakfast S8. Fr Tim Quinlan SJ w i l l be the guest speaker. Enquiries phone 384 0809. At

BULLSBROOK PILGRIMAGE R osary, Homi ly and Benediction, Sunday, January 2 9 at 2pm at the Bullsbrook Church "Virgin Mary Mother of the Church" 36 Chittering Road. F or bus reservations ring 4 44 7565, 458 6302 for bus to a nd from Bul lsbrook via Marangaroo, Tuart Hill, Perth, Highgate and Midland. 339 4015 f or Fremantle bus SACRI A ssociation, Box 311 Tuart Hill WA 6060. CHINESE NEW YEAR Chinese New Year Mass celebrated by Archbishop Hickey on Feb 5 at 6.30pm at St Anne's C hurch, at 11 Hehir Street, Belmont. A dinner will be held after Mass and those attending are requested to bring a plate.

Archdiocesan Calendar JANUARY 24 Heads of Churches, Archbishop Hickey FEBRUARY 2 Consecration of A rchbishop Huggins, St George's Cathedral, Archbishop Hickey. 3 Mass St Charles S emi nary, Archbishop Hickey.



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ST JOHN OF GOD INSTITUTE OF COUNSELLING Do you want to improve your skills in doing pastoral work, teaching, nursing, staff management. handling problems with people or just getting to know yourself? If so, our course will try to help you. In a two-year course of one night a week, we cover Human Development Psychology and the current approaches to counselling. The ability to communicate is encouraged, knowledge of social problems is expanded, while a specialty of the course is Psychology and Counselling for everyday living, embracing principles of Mental Health, Memory Analysis, Stress and Relaxation. This is highly useful as a background to facing problem areas of life. The course aims to satisfy the demands of secular knowledge and Christian living while being open to people of differing backgrounds and faiths. A Correspondence Course is offered to those who cannot attend in person. Enrolment is a little later. Contact by post during the course is encouraged.

Course begins February 7, 1995. For further details apply to: The Director. St John of God Institute of Counselling, Holy Cross College. Ryde NSW 2112. Phones: (02) 809 2958. (02) 977 3662.

• State Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal presents



"(D13"2-r‘- S

FR. EMMEN TARDIF Tues, 7th Feb.

St. Mary's Cathedral 7.00pm — Praise & Worship 7.30pm — Eucharist. Celebrant A rchbishop Collection to cover costs.

Wed, 8th Feb

Supreme Court Gardens 7.00pm - Praise & Worship 7.30pm - Eucharist. Celebrant Fr. Bro‘Nrs

Collection to cover costs

• Bring a chair/rug and candle *

Fr. Tardif will Minister on each occasion Emilien Tardif is a priest of the Missionanes of the Sacred Heart and has ministered in many countries since he was wonderfully healed of acute tuberculosis in July 1973. He has travelled all over the world and is on his third visit to Australia.

Fr. Tarciif looks toJesus present in the Eucharist. as the soLirce and focus of healing. His ministry has borne amazing fruits as is evidenced by the many testimonies receivedfrom people who have experienced God's gmce of Healing.

Unique opportunity to spend time with Fr Tardif. hear his personal testimony and listen to his proclamation of Christ the Healer Wed. 8th Feb. at the BETHEL CENTRE 10.00am-2.00pm 236 Railway Pde. W. Leederville COST S10 Bring your own lunch Ring Lina on 388 1333 or Dennise on 246 2759

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