The Record Newspaper 09 November 1995

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PERTH, WA: November 9, 1995


Number 2970

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What's Inside . . . While some talk about evangelisation and options for the poor, the prayer life of the Holy Spirit of Freedom community impels them onto the streets of Perth to bring the hopeless back to Jesus - Pages 8 and 9 Pro/hers keep up the lonely fight against abortion and euthanasia - Pages 3 and 7 Sister Shelley Barlow gives an expanded explanation of the validity of liturgical dance - Page 6

New Broome bishop Father Chris Saunders to replace Bishop Jobst By Peter Rosengren

The administrator of the Cathedral parish in Broome, Father Chris Saunders, is to be the new Bishop of Broome following the retirement of Bishop John Jobst earlier this year. The Vatican announced through the

Canberra office of the Apostolic pro-nuncio to Australia. Archbishop Franco Brambilla, last Friday evening, November 3. that Pope john Paul had nominated Fr Saunders as the next bishop of Western Australia's northern-most diocese. Bishop Jobst, the legendary 'flying' bishop, has been bishop of the far-flung diocese for the last 37 years. Fr Saunders will be consecrated bishop February 3 next year and has asked Bishop Jobst, who ordained him to the priesthood in 1976, to ordain him as bishop. "My response, certainly, is one of elation, of happiness that this trust has been placed in me. mixed with a certain amount of fear and hope." he told The Record this week. He said that while he felt unworthy of the position, he accepted it in trust and the knowledge that the grace of God came with it. "The great burden of ills the first thing that hits you," he said, "but as one of the bishops said to me 'it's the will of God and, as such, God gives you the grace to meet the challenge.'" When asked what his approach to the duties associated with his new role would be, he said it would be characterised by one of his favourite quotations from a contemporary of Cardinal Newman, which his father had written in the front of a prayerbook which he gave him when he entered the seminary: "God does not look down and choose the worthy. He looks

Bishop John Jobst: 35 years pioneering service in the Kimberley

down, he chooses and his choosing mak(. them worthy." Fr Saunders' appointment as the second Bishop of Broome was welcomed by his fellow Western Australian bishops early this week as they met in Perth. Bishop Jobst. said he was very pleased by Fr Saunders' appointment. "If we believe in the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the Church, he will be the right man to take over the governance of the diocese and I think he'll be a very good man at the helm," he said. Bishop Peter Quinn, bishop of Bunbun,. said he was confident Fr Saunders would more than ably lead the Church there. Bishop Justin Bianchini of Geraldton offered his congratulations to Bishop Saunders and said he knew bishop-elect Saunders would have the support of bishops as "I have had over my few years as a bishop, and I offer him my support personally too." Archbishop Barry Hickey said he was delighted with the appointment and said there were great advantages in appointing a priest of the Broome diocese to the position. "He knows the local situation very well and is able to carry on the great traditions that have been established by his predecessor and the other bishops before him. "The diocese of Broome is known around Australia as a pioneering missionary diocese . . . . I have great confidence that the good work will continue," he said. Fr Saunders said he believed his ministry as a bishop should be a collaborative one as the coming millennium would be a "a very poignant time for Catholicism and Christianity in the North." "If we're going to make our presence felt, and shape somehow the future of this northern part of Australia, it will require of us great dedication and prayer and working together. "So for people, priests, religious and bishops it's a time of great reflection now and a time to sit down and try and map out the future - but together," he said. Fr Saunders' parents, who live in St Ives in the diocese of Broken Bay, Sydney, were overjoyed at the news, he said. Fr Saunders was born on 15 January, 1950 in Brisbane. He was about 12 years old when he first thought about becoming a priest. After school Fr Saunders commenced studies for the priesthood with the Collin-than missionary fathers and spent three years studying philosophy. At the end of that period he took 12 months off to consider which direction he wished to take as a priest. Invited to dinner by the Columban vocations director one night, he met Bishop Jobst, who, he was told, was from Broome. "And I said 'where's Broome?"' Fr Saunders laughed. Already interested in Aboriginal issues and involved with some Aboriginal study groups he visited Bishop Jobst and a short while later offered himself as a candidate

Bishop-elect Saunders: the approach of the next century offers great opportunity for Catholicism and Christianity in the north of Western Australia

for the priesthood. He completed his theology studies at St Francis Xavier seminary in Adelaide and was ordained on the feast of St Augustine, 28 August 1976. Fr Saunders commenced work as a priest at La Grange and spent two years there and then moved to Lombadina mission from 1978 to 1982. When the Benedictines withdrew from Kalumburu he moved in and stayed there from 1982 to 1988. In 1989 he was appointed to Broome as Administrator until 1992 when he went to Canada and took a degree in Canon Law at St Paul's Pontifical University in Ottawa. He returned to Broome in August last year and took up his position as Administrator again. As the second bishop of the Broome diocese, Fr Saunders will be in charge of one of Australia's most unique dioceses. Combining one of the largest land areas of any diocese in Australia - 773,00o square kilometres - with a total population of 26,000 people, he will travel enormous distances in his job as he ministers to, and oversees, the welfare of the 7,000odd Catholics in his care. Combining enormous distances with sparse population - a significant part of which is Aboriginal, will present a variety of interesting challenges to the new bishop but it is one that he is already used to. holding a pilot's licence since 1981.

Continued on Page 2

No stopping Mum now Despite facing a knee operation in the near future, Bishop Saunders' mother, Mrs Joan Saunders, said nothing would stop her and her husband Joseph from travelling to her son's consecration as bishop. "We're very thrilled that he's been chosen and we're very happy for him. Its a great honour of course, and we're all delighted," she told The Record from the family home in St Ives, New South Wales. Mrs Saunders said that her son had wanted to be a priest from when he was 11 years of age. "He didn't say anything to me at the time," she said. "A visiting missionary priest came to the school and gave the boys a talk, telling the boys what his life was like. It must have impressed Chris very much indeed." After young Chris wrote a letter of interest to the Manly seminary, he and Joan were asked to attend an Open Day there. "And that was the beginning of it and from then on, it just went on from there. He was always interested in it," she said.

May angels lead Rabin to Abraham's side rphe assassination of Yitzhak blow by the recent events in The part of the world in which 1Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel. Rabin was assassinated is known Israel, has profoundly affected Perhaps they have not been by three major religions as a the whole world. Its significance completely dashed. This atrocity 'Holy Land'. Holy it is indeed, extends beyond the State of may strengthen the resolve of the being the Promised Land of the Israel, even beyond the Israeli- negotiating parties to continue Chosen People of God, the land Palestinian peace negotiations. the work so steadfastly pursued of the great patriarchs and What is undoubtedly a cause of by Yitzhak Rabin. prophets, and for us Christians, acute grief for Rabin's family and Nevertheless, his assassination the hallowed land on which our the nation of Israel is also a is another tragic confirmation Saviour walked, and taught, and source of intense frustration for that this century has been surely on which he was crucified to those who had hoped that good- the bloodiest in the world's histo- save sinful humanity. will would finally replace the ry. Millions of people have lost Visitors to this sacred land disgun. their lives in conflicts across the cover that its stark beauty reveals The resolution of the bitter con- face of the earth, two of which a history of sadness and tears. It flicts surrounding Israel and the have been called 'World Wars'. is almost as if the Revelation of claims of the Palestinians would We had hoped that the interna- God had to pass through fire have been a model for other con- tional response to brutal aggres- before it could be accepted by flicts in other parts of the world. sion and totalitarianism would the human race. It would have given some hope have led to peace, but around the Ills as though the acceptance of that even the most intractable sit- globe wars are raging again. God's message of peace and love uations might one day be solved When will humanity learn that was, and still is, humanity's hardthrough good will on each side. we are one family, called by God est challenge. It caused the death Those hopes have been dealt a to live as brothers and sisters? of so many of God's messengers.

Chance to lobby for clean video

Are you concerned at the avail- form committees to study them, forability of TV and video violence mulate responses and make their and pornography? Now is your submissions before the closing date of 30 November. chance to do something about it. Association secretary Beryl Van The National Viewers and Listeners Association, a lobby group Luyn, said the guidelines review campaigning against television and was an important opportunity for video violence and pornography, members of the public to have an has invited all concerned individu- Impact on changing the home envials to participate in the film and ronment of children in relation to video classification review currently films and videos. A copy of the guidelines are availbeing conducted by the Australian Office of Film and Literature able by contacting Ms Jacqueline Rodwell at the Office of Film and Classification. In its latest newsletter, the associa- Literature Classification, Level 1, tion has urged those who are con- 255 Elizabeth St, Sydney 2000 or by cerned at the escalating crime rate phoning (02) 581 7052. and its connection to harmful films Meanwhile, the association has and videos to respond to the adver- attacked the new WA State censortisements being run by the classifi- ship Bill, which it says allows for cation office calling for public com- possession of child pornography on ment on the office's new draft artistic grounds. guidelines. Mrs Van Luyn said that one area The draft guidelines, once formal- the association had hoped the ly enacted, will set the accessibility Attorney General would move and ratings for the viewing of films against was X-rated graphics sited in public cinemas and the availabil- on WA computer networks, but this ity of videos in home video outlets. had not happened. The association is suggesting that Further information can be gained Interested parties telephone for from the association on (09) 364 their copy of the draft guidelines, 7213.


Thu. 23 Nov.

Polish Mass/Talk, 7pm Mercy Chapel, Mercedes College, Vic. Sq. Italian Mass/Talk, 9.30am St Mary's Church, Leederville English Mass/Talk, 7.00pm St Mary's Church, Leederville

'Jesus I Trust In You



Jesus' insistence on a profound change of heart, on the need to observe the supreme commandment by loving God and one another, led to his own death. The Holy Father has asked the world to re-double its efforts to achieve peace. As remote as that possibility is, a return to God and to God's laws will make it achievable. For Yitzhak Rabin, we borrow words from our own liturgy: 'May angels lead you to Abraham's side. .. . and take you to the Holy City, the new and eternal Jerusalem'.


A final blessing for bishop

The retiring Bishop of Broome, John Jobst looks on as Aboriginal Elder, Mrs Betty Carrington, carries a Coolaman filled with the water for blessing the new facilities at Ngalangangpum School, Warmun, last Thursday just after he received the news that Fr Chris Saunders would take his place as the Bishop of Broome. The blessing turned out to be the final blessing of one of the many schools he has been responsible for opening in the Kimberley over the past 36 years.

New bishop of Broome announced Continued from Page 1 Fr Saunders said one of the greatest challenge facing the Church in northern parts of Australia was reconciliation between Aboriginal and European society. "In 1967 we had the referendum (which gave Aboriginals the right to vote) which placed Aboriginal people very much in the forefront of Australian political thought and then, recently, we've got the Eddie

Mabo decision which gave "I think that the Catholic recognition of pm-ownership Church in the North of (of land by) Aboriginal people - Australia is probably the sole but (it also recognised) the sig- institution in Australia that can nificant part that they are there- bridge Aboriginal and nonfore entitled to in this society of Aboriginal society and form ours, of which they are a some sort of umbrella reconcilminority," he said. iation and cooperation," Fr He said that he hoped the rec- Saunders said. onciliation that could be He added that he looks forachieved in a diocese like his ward to the time when he can own was something that ordain a local priest for Australian people as a whole Broome. This would be the could benefit from. answer to a lifetime's prayer.


Sr Gratia Kelly and Sr Magdalena Gluminska will be visiting Australia for the first time to give a series of talks on the urgent and powerful message of Divine Mercy, as revealed to Blessed Sr Faustina in the 1930s. Sr Gratia, originally from the USA joined the order in Poland in 1 981 at the age of 19. Sr Magdalena joined the order in 1977 a native of Poland. In 1981 she helped prepare the very first edition of The Diary of Sr Faustina- for publication. DON'T MISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR THESE SPECIAL SISTERS. Talks are preceded by Mass and conclude with Benediction and a chance to meet the sisters. For more details ph. Adam/lrena on 448 0002, John on 457 7771 or Jo-Anne on 444 2481 2 The Record, November 9, 1995

We hear it echoed in Jesus' own words: 'Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those who are sent to it'. (Matthew:

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Links of life form big chain ""People are killed against their will and the old, the sick and the disabled go in fear of their lives," he said. As heavy Saturday morning traffic rolled slowly past demonstrators lining the busy road displayed placards which read "No euthanasia, kill the pain not the patient." "Abortion kills children," and "Jesus heals and forgives." Bishop Healy, auxiliary bishop of Perth, attended the demonstration.ln the two hours of protest thousands of vehicles streamed past the several hundred protesters who lined the Southern side of the Causeway. Despite minor verbal abuse from some drivers, many more slowed down to toot their horns in agreement with protesters and Some of the several hundred Life encourage them in their efforts. Chain demonstrators who turned out Letter of protest - Page 7

Ever thought about becoming a link in a living chain? Nearly 500 people turned out last Saturday to line the Causeway and Riverside Drive in the centre of Perth to register a vote for life and to protest against euthanasia and abortion in the third annual Life Chain, sponsored by the Coalition for the Defence of Human Life. Coalition Secretary Richard Egan said "With the new push for euthanasia and the passing of the Medical Care of the Dying Bill at its second reading it is very timely for us to be demonstrating against any legislation that offers killing as the answer." He said that wherever euthanasia had been tried respect for human life had vanished.

to oppose abortion and euthanasia.

Citizenship at centre of 'Sanctuary' row By Peter Rosengren The provision of 'sanctuary' by Catholic Church personnel and associations to East Timorese asylum seekers whose applications for refugee status has been rejected by the Refugee Review Tribunal has been questioned by the Government following the announcement of the formation of a 'sanctuary' movement by Christian organisations. The movement was announced earlier this week by Sister Mary Crest), congregational leader of the Josephite Sisters in Australia and New Zealand, who said that the Josephite Sisters would hide East Timorese refugees in Australia whose applications had been rejected. However, a spokesperson for the Minister for Immigration, Senator Nick Bolkus, said that Senator Bolkus had made no response to the announcement

on the grounds that it was pre- Indonesian Government by mature to do so at this stage. refusing to label the asylum "Its a premature statement seekers as "refugees" and had because the (refugee) claims decided to term them as are being processed on an indi- Portuguese citizens vidual, case-by-case basis," she "So the government has got itself in a corner and now said said. But the Government ques- 'OK we'll call these Portuguese tioned the basis on which the citizens, therefore they can't Josephites and others involved apply for refugee status'" she actual "And the In the organisation would pro- said. Portuguese citizenship doesn't vide sanctuary. The government had submit- exist," she added. Sr O'Connor said that ted legal advice to the Refugee Review Thbunal that some of Portugal had no jurisdiction the 1300-odd Timorese asylum over the asylum seekers. "Three months ago in the seekers were entitled to claim Portuguese citizenship, depen- international High Court the ding on the dates associated Australian Government vehewith each case, as East Timor mently objected to the was a former Portuguese Portuguese and said that they had absolutely no jurisdiction colony. But this was challenged by over East Timor and had a Sister Catherine O'Connor, cheek to actually go to court speaking in Sydney on behalf over the Timor oil treaty," she of Sr Cresp, who told The said."But they've turned round Record Portuguese citizenship and said now, because its to do for East Timorese did not exist. with refugees, 'we don't want to She said that the Government upset Indonesia, we'll call them was attempting to placate the Portuguese now,— she said.

The Vatican rules against the teaching of Vassula Ryden The Vatican has asked the bishops of the world to ensure the teachings of Greek Orthodox woman, Vassula Ryden, who claims to have heavenly revelations, are not disseminated under diocesan authority. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said last month Mrs Ryden's teachings, although good in parts, contained several doctrinal errors. "Among other things," the congregation said, "ambiguous language is used in speaking of the Persons of the Holy Trinity. to the point of confusing the specific names and functions of the Divine Persons. "These alleged revelations predict an imminent period when the Antichrist will prevail in the Church. In millenarian style, it is prophesied that God is going to make a final, glorious intervention which will initiate on earth. even before Christ's definitive

coming, an era of peace and universal prosperity. "Furthermore, the proximate arrival is foretold of a Church which would be a kind of panChristian community, contrary to Catholic doctrine." The congregation said the fact these errors no longer appeared in Mrs Ryden's later writings was a sign the alleged "heavenly messages" are merely the result of private meditations. It said that by habitually sharing in the sacraments of the Catholic Church, even though she is Greek Orthodox. Mrs Ryden is causing considerable surprise in various circles of the Catholic Church and irritating Greek-Orthodox authorities. The congregation said Mrs Ryden's writings and speeches were not supernatural and urged Catholics "to preserve the purity of the faith that the bard has entrusted to the Church."

Families have placed their trust with us for over 100 years. The tradition continues.

Schools expanding in all directions Western Australia's fourth Bishop, Matthew Gibney, was honoured at the blessing and opening of the new library at Matthew Gibney Catholic Primary School, High Wycombe on All Saints' Day. A framed portrait of Bishop Gibney from the archives of the Catholic Education Office was presented to the school by the director of Catholic Education in WA, Therese Temby, to be hung in the library. School librarian Tricia Rawlings, right, accepted the gift as Mrs Temby looks on. Bishop Gibney is especially remembered for the contribution he made to expanding Catholic education in Western Australia. The tradition of expansion continued recently with CEO chairman Bishop Robee. Healy,


recently blessed four new school projects in three days: pm-primary facilities at Yidarra School, Catholic Primary Bateman, the new library at Matthew Gibney, stage 5 and 6 extensions at Sacred Heart

Primary School, Thornlie and pre-primary classrooms at Aranmore Catholic Primary School, Leederville. At Ngalangangpum School at Warmun, Bishop Jobst blessed secondary facilities,

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The Record, November 9, 1995



Seize your big opportunity Catholic Youth Ministry ARCHDIOCESE OF PERTH


A heightened consciousness is not the only thing to come out of a convention - uplifting art can emerge too. Here is a glimpse of what people can produce when inspired by a past Convention spirit

You are supposed to learn more grounds. You will be inspired by into something like this. Iloved in the first seven years of your their dreams, encouraged by It, great music, great people, life. I've learnt more in the past their hopes and uplifted by their great time. seven days. vision. You will be entertained by "Well done! A real achievement "The whole Convention was great music and numerous action to the organisers! Would recomgreat, the best week of my life." packed events. Join us! Register mend the next one to everyone. These are some of the comments now, using the form and other "There was a wonderful atmosmade by young people who have information published elsewhere phere present the whole time attended previous Catholic youth on this page! andIleft a "changed person". conventions. And here is what other young "The band was brilliant. The peoThe convention is on again this people have said about past con- ple were extraordinary. January 14 for a week at Aquinas ventions: "Had a wonderful time and will College under the title Seize The I ts encouraging to know that so never forget it. Day and is an opportunity to many other young people out "Did it, done it. liked it. loved it. meet hundreds of other young there share the same wonderful "The convention was unlike anypeople from all over Western faith. thingIhave ever experienced. Australia. "Loved the murder game. Why "It was great, the kind of commuThe week will be packed with didn't anybody murder me? nity you wish you could live in thought provoking talks from I " never thought so many other forever. speakers with a variety of back- young people my age would be "Ican't wait for the next one.

VENUE AQUINAS COLLEGE For enquiries call

328 9622


2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Everything you wanted to know about being a Catholic but were afraid to ask How do you live a valued life and make good decisions, especially when life gets complicated? How can I make the connection with and experience God in my everyday life? Life is not black and white - strategies for making moral decisions How do I speak to God, what do I say? A look at prayer How do I manage my personal history and not let guilt and past mistakes paralyse me? Understanding our growing sexuality, life challenges and choices Christian Leadership - what's behind it - not how do I become one

The Record, November 9, 1995


Located just 10 minutes from the City Centre, Aquinas College is perched high above the Swan River and boasts superb facilities. Please note Live-in accommodation can only be provided for the first 320 registrations - so first come, first served. Transport During the Convention, delegates will be transported to external activities by bus.

Please Return to REPLY PAID 16, Catholic Youth Convention, P.O.Box 141, North Perth, WA 6006.



The Convention is open to people aged 16-25, those who will be 16 in 1996 or going into Year 11 in 1996. T-Shirts T-Shirts with the Convention logo are available now at the Catholic Youth ministry. The cost is $25 and should be added to your registration fee. Do not forget to include your size when ordering. How to register Please fill in the attached Registration Form, checking that you (or your guardian if you are under 18 years of age) have signed the medical disclaimer. Send to: Reply paid 16, Catholic Youth Convention, PO Box 141, North Perth WA 6006 Adults, parents and priests please note! A special event specific to your role with young people has been planned. Watch The Record for details.

Parent or adult help required To assist in keeping costs down, we require the help of parents or adult volunteers to help in the kitchen or Convention Office. If you can help by coming for a few hours or more it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact the Catholic Youth Ministry Office on

Telephone 328 9622

Surname Christian Names Address Post Code






Cost - Just $165 for the full seven nights and six days! A deposit of $40 should accompany your registration with the balance of $125 due by Friday January 5, 1996. Due to severe financial restrictions, The Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry is unable to register anyone who has not paid in full by this date. DO NOT SEND CASH BY MAIL! I have enclosed a cheque/money order for being for... ...Deposit only ...Part Payment..Full Payment I wish to order a T-Shirt ($25) and have included this in my registration fee (or will pay the balance by January 5, 1996). T-Shirt Size M L XL MY CRITICAL CONCERN COURSE CHOICES ARE (Please choose four) 1




St John's is heritage now The listing of St John's pro-Cathedral, next to St Mary's Cathedral in Victoria Square, Perth, on the Western Australian heritage Register by the Heritage Council of WA has cemented a piece of WA and Catholic Church history in place. Announced last week by the Council, the listing of Western Australia's first Catholic Church means that it is likely to stay untouched and that any alterations must be approved by the Council. Alison Maggs, Communications Manager for the Council, said that St John's had cultural and historical significance for a number of reasons and this was why it had been listed. "It's the first and the oldest Roman Catholic church in Western Australia, it's associated with the establishment of the Roman Catholic Church and the first religious orders in the State and also it's held in high regard by present-day Catholics," she said. She said that the listing meant that St John's would now be offered the full protection of the Heritage of Western Australia Act. "Basically what that means is that if any alterations or amendments were wanted on any building that's on the Register, then when the application is made to the local Council as part of that building process, it's referred to the Heritage Council for advice on whether

Di's mum converts to Catholicism

The Princess of Wales's mother, Frances Shand Kydd, has announced that she has converted to Roman Catholicism and hinted that she received the "total support" of her daughter. Mrs Shand Kydd, said that none of her family members was surprised by her decision and all of them were "really happy" for her. In an interview on Scottish Television, she said: "One of them said: 'Oh, Mum, tell the world you have my total support'." But she would not say to which of her four children she was referring. "I ain't going to tell you. I'm going to leave you with a wee doubt, because I do like a bit of mystery." Mrs Shand Kydd said she had decided to embrace Catholicism after attending services for six years at the Catholic cathedral in Oban, near her Argyll home. "I experienced the warm humanity of the Catholic Church," she said. "So the time came when I did not want to be a welcome guest - I wanted to be a member. It was like coming John's probishop's throne in St Stibi, with the archivist, Sr Frances Archdiocesan home." Cathedral. WA's first church is still in use for Mass and weddings after 150 years. • It also emerged that Mrs Shand Kydd is raisthe alterations or amendments are in according to the Roman Missal of 1962 ing money to build a Catholic House of Prayer sympathy with that building's heritage adds to the church's historical air. on the island of Iona, one of the cradles of British The first priest and (later) bishop in Christianity. value," she said. Although now more than 150 years old Western Australia, the controversial But pilgrims from the Church of Scotland and St John's still functions as a Church and Father John Brady, obtained a grant of Church of England - and even some Catholics is occasionally used for ceremonies land for a church in December 1843 and who also worship at Iona Abbey - have criticised 27th the plan as "divisive" and damaging to the building on such as weddings, while a traditional commenced Latin Mass celebrated each Sunday December, the Feast of St John. "unique" non-denominational ethos of the The Weekly Telegraph island.

Hot reed players score national music places

Clarinetists Jessica Pellicione and Karen de San Miguel - on their way to Sydney

40..4 * fi#.4411"11b

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Mons Downey: 61 years priesthood


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Vatican Rosary Beads blessed by Pope John Paul 11 People in former Communist countries are hungry for God. Over 100,000 people have requested Rosary Beads. They are unable to pay for them. Requests continue to come in great numbers. People who suffered so grievously under Communism ask us for Rosary Beads and religious literature to help them to pray and to know more about God. Will you please help them?

Your $10 donation provides:

Two Rosary Beads and two Rosary Booklets for people in former Communist countries requesting them. You will receive a Rosary Booklet and Vatican Rosary Beads blessed by Pope John Paul II. Aid to the Church in Need is practically the only Catholic organisation whose primary aim is to AID the persecuted Church. It is a Universal Public Association within the Catholic Church approved by the Holy See. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • National Director, Mr. P. Collignon, • • Aid to the Church in Need, (Est. 1947), • • P.O. Box 11, Eastwood, 2122. Phone & Fax: (02) 679 1929. a • to help supply Rosary Beads and I/we enclose cheque for $ • booklets to people affected by Communism. Please send me . . copy/ies • of the Rosary Booklet "We fly to Thy Patronage 0 Holy Mother of God" • and • Vatican Rosary Beads. • Mr/Mrs/Miss/Rev • Address •

( Please print clearly)


Two students from Queen of Apostles School, Riverton, have excelled themselves and underscored the school's reputation for bringing out the best in pupils by winning places in the National Children's Wind Orchestra. Jessica Pelliccione and Karen de San Miguel, both in Year 7, were successful in gaining a place in the Orchestra following auditions held in all State capitals in August. Both play a mean clarinet and both were delighted by the win. "At the audition in Churchlands we had to play two contrasting pieces and some sight reading," said Karen. "My pieces were Study in F and Stranger on the Shore. Jessica's pieces were Study in C and La Cinquantaine. After the audition we had to wait until October for the results," she said. Formed in 1994 the Orchestra will tour the United States in 1996 where it has been invited to perform at the prestigious National Band Association of America Conference in New Orleans. All those chosen to participate in the Orchestra will go to Sydney for the first two weeks in 1996 where they will receive top-class tuition by experienced musicians. They will also get the chance to work with some of the leading conductors in the country and will record at the ABC studios in Sydney for later transmission. Those who have elected to tour with the Orchestra will travel to the United States when it goes there in June.

• •


• •••••••■•••••■•••a•••••aaa•••••■•■ •

Monsignor Daniel Downey of the Bunbury diocese passed away on Tuesday 7 November after 61 years of priesthood. He was 88 years of age. Born in Northam in 1907 he was educated at Springwood in New South Wales and Propaganda College in Rome. Ordained in 1934 he was appointed as a curate to Nedlands in 1935 and then to Collie as curate until 1938. In 1938 he was made parish priest at Donnybrook and spent ten years in the parish until being appointed parish priest at the South West coal-mining town of Collie. He remained as parish priest of Collie from 1948 until 1956. In 1956 he moved to Narmgin as parish priest and spent the next 16 years pursuing his pastoral duties. Fr Downey was appointed a domestic prelate (Monsignor) in 1960. In 1973 he was appointed as parish priest of Busselton until his retirement in 1984.


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The search for full worship

Liturgical dance: a sign of the times? Liturgical dance: some love it, some hate it. Sister Shelley Barlow of the Congregation of Our Lady of the Missions is enthusiastic about liturgical dance and gives here an extended historical and theological explanation and defence of liturgical dance in Catholic tradition.

lert to the signs of our times, the A Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of Vatican II calls us to be fully and actively

involved in liturgy. (14, 2Z 48). Spirituality today recognises this wisdom, the importance of worshipping God with the whole person. We have begun to realise how much we have been influenced by Plato's concept of the person as composed of two separate parts, body and spirit. Descartes' theory of reason, that mind and intellect are superior to the body has also exercised a profound influence on Western thinking, and ultimately our worship. But we are appreciating more and more the truth of the Hebrew understanding that we form one body-soul person. This wholistic notion carries over into the New Testament where we proclaim that 'The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth' (John 1:14), that our bodies baptised into Jesus Christ, become the temple of God's Spirit dwelling in us (1 Cor 6:19), and that we are indeed God's 'work of art' (Eph 2:10). Here the seal is set on the dignity of our body-soul unity. It is in the context of incarnational and biblical theology that dance is once again presenting itself as an authentic form of worship in our Western Church. Since the sacraments and the liturgical ceremonial surrounding them find their roots in Scripture, we need to be ,aware of the role of dance in Scripture. The most ancient text of Scripture is Exodus 15:21, the jubilant refrain to, which

Dance continued to enhance liturgy throughout the Middle Ages and flourished during the Renaissance period. Renaissance artists captured some of its beauty and spirit - in Luca della Robbia's friezes, Sandro Botticelli's Coronation of Our Lady, and Fra Angelico's paintings. Some dances were designed for liturgy with the express purpose of stirring faith and devotion: the extant 'Los Seisos' of the Mozarabic rite commissioned by St Isidor of Seville in the 7th century, at the injunction of the Council of Toledo, to counteract the prevalent lack of true religious spirit; and dance in the Corpus Christ processions inaugurated in the 13th century to strengthen faith and devotion to the Eucharist. History repeats itself in our day. Echoing Vatican II's call to integrate faith and culture (The Church In The Modern World), Pope John Paul II (Instruction on Inculturation in the Roman Liturgy, 1994) asks us to pay attention to those aspects of culture which help help people enter more truly into the sacred mysteries celebrated. One aspect of Catholic youth culture is (Psalms 149-150). the urge towards liturgical drama and Moving into the New Testament we find dance. 'Chalk and talk' teaching methods that right across Catholic Tradition until of the past do not appeal to a generation the Protestant Reformation, numerous refbelonging to the multi-media world of erences to dance have been recorded: communication, and the interaction it dance in connection with the Liturgy of demands. the Word during the Rites of Christian Liturgy, like the Word it celebrates, Initiation, dance at the Easter ceremonies Invites that total involvement for which and at Pentecost, on Feast days, in comVatican II constantly pleads. memoration of the Martyrs, on the tombs Our youth, caught up in the strong of the Martyrs, in basilicas and churches, Christian identity that the liturgical in connection with pilgrimages, at ordinaassembly generates, are at home with ritution ceremonies, at appropriate times al that touches into their life experience within the Mass, processional dance from and allows it to find appropriate expresMass in the church and continued in the sions of petition and praise like sacred church-yard, within funeral liturgies in the dance. church and at grave-yards, dance preBut not only the youth. scribed for clergy, for deacons and laity, Many people want to celebrate our dance included in liturgical rubrics. Feast-days and special occasions with Unworthy dance is roundly condemned Romece, Italy liturgies that may include dance vibrant, but dance in praise of God is encouraged A Luca della Robbia freize in and finds its natural home within the thin-The positive words of the Fathers alive and beautiful, dance after the manemanate from their zeal to build up the ner of their ancestors in the Faith, imbued glf• with the same kind of wholistic, enthusiThe Church Fathers give positive direc- Body of Christ, the Church. tion for dance in the liturgy: Since liturgy lies at the very heart of the astic praise. The highly respected composer, Father Hippolytus of Rome, died 235AD, said in community's faith life, they want it to be Lucien Deiss, whose hymns continue to Homiliae in Pascha, 6, in his great Easter worthy, alive and participative. Hymn in praise of the risen Christ: '0 thou It is this same zeal that lies behind the inspire our liturgies, reflects on the beauleader of the mystic round dance . . . 0 evangelisation program of Pope Gregory ty and joy of dance as it enriched the Temple worship of God in the Old cosmic festal gathering!' the Great (590-604). St Ambrose, died 39Z said in his Sermon He recognised the prime value of incul- Testament: He asks "Why must the Faithful of the New on Repentance (2,6): "Do not allow the turation. limbs to remain motionless upon the So evangelising sought to assimilate and Covenant be less joyful? Why must the worship of Jesus Christ be ground or the slow feet to become numb. transform the festivals and dance of the ... for dance is an ally of faith and an hon- newly converted rather than abolish them. dull?" (L Deiss and G Weyman, Dance for the If unseemly dance is censured, dance to ouring of grace." Lord, 1975, p 12) And again in Letters, 58, David 'played God's glory is widely promoted. Notable is the reference to dance includbefore the Lord as his servant and pleased The Sacraments, central in Catholic him the more in so humbling himself ed in a 7th century Eucharistic Prayer Tradition, emphasise the material and before God and laying aside his royal dig- from a Gallican Sacramentary: physical, symbol, gesture and ceremony; "We beseech Thee, Almighty Father, nity . . . these actions of the body, though all elements embraced by liturgical dance. unseemly when viewed in themselves, Eternal God, It is here, in the strong sacramental combecome reverential under the aspect of Deliver us from every temptation munity that dance finds its true home. holy religion, so that those who censure Give us help in every conflict Sacraments and their attendant ceremonithem drag their own souls into the net of Grant that we may worship Thee with a al did not fare well with the 16th century censure. Thus Michal censured David her pure heart Protestant Reformation. husband for dancing: How the king of Let us dance before Thee with a clean The Reformers were highly critical of Israel honoured himself today making an conscience Catholic customs such as images, honourexhibition of himself before his servantsLet us serve Thee with all our strength. ing of saints and pilgrimages. The visual arts, including the practice of dance were heavily censured. In striving to correct abuses the Council of Trent ruled against dramatic forms and dance in worship. Though we have come a long way since Trent, its rules and regulations in respect to ritual still influence many. We are called to accept and respect differences in the ways we enhance liturgy at our Feasts and on special occasions. PURSLOWE Where people feel uncomfortable with FUNERAL liturgical dance, their freedom of choice HOMES not to attend a liturgy which includes it, or to close their eyes and simply listen to Our family serving your family, sinceI . the sacred song or music accompanying North Perth 444 4835, Midland 274 3866, the dance, is to be respected. Victoria Park 361 1185, Wanneroo 409 9119, But for those who do find dance an Northam (096) 22 1137. authentic expression of praise on special Mareena Purslowe and Associates. Subiaco, 3881623. days of celebration, cannot we rejoice with them and "Let them praise God's name with dancing"? (Psalm 150)

Miriam led a dance of praise at the marvel of God's saving power at the Red Sea. The same vibrant and spirited praise imbues Israel's dance in public worship throughout the entire Hebrew Scriptures. There is the thanksgiving dance of Judith (Judith 15), David's processional dance before the Ark (2 Samuel 6), and the dances at the great Feasts: at Passover when it took place around the altar; at Pentecost (the Feast of Weeks) when the dance included the symbolic swaying of the loaves as the priest offered them back to God; at the Feasts of Dedication and Tabernacles. The Feast of Tabernacles which forms the background of John 8, was considered the most important of the annual pilgrimage feasts. Its elaborate and rich liturgy included the processional dance of the women as they entered the Temple carrying palm branches and the sacred torch dance performed by the men. The liturgical setting of the psalms reveal dance forming an ,integral part of Temple worship, in ritual processions ,(Pss 47, 68, 118) and within the full Temple Assembly

maids . . . . David replied to Michal 'I was dancing for the Lord not for them. As the Lord lives who chose me . . . I will dance before the Lord . . . In your eyes I might be base, but by the servants you speak of, by them,I shall be held in honour!'" St John Cluysostom, died 407, said in his Homily on St Matthew. 'God has not given us feet to use in a shameful way. . . but in order to dance ring dances with the angels . . . of those in heaven and those upon earth a unison is made . . . one general assembly, one single service of thanksgiving, one single transport of joyous rejoicing, one joyous dance'. St Basil, died 40Z said in his Letters, 40: 'Could there be anything more blest than to imitate on earth the ring dance of the angels and at dawn to raise our voices in prayer and by hymns and songs glorify the rising creator?' St Jerome, died 420, in Comm in Zach (2,8) said: 'In the Church the joy of the Spirit finds expression in bodily gesture and her children shall say with David as they dance the solemn step: 'I will dance and play before the face of the Lord-.

"We thought that planning our funerals would be an uncomfortable business. But the Purslowe family made it very easy."

,anlo,, 12 1

6 The Record, November 9, 1995

L'ellers lo Coll/or When will we stand up for the unborn? here are 80,000 babies aborted in repeatedly condemned abortion as and importance if this issue, only 250 T Australia according to official fig- probably one of the most intrinsically people were present on Saturday, November 4. ures per year, most of which are funded evil acts of human kind.

from our taxes through Medicare. To this must be added the abortions conducted privately through the known clinics and the 'unintentional' - though objectively no less serious - abortions caused by artificial contraceptive devices. On a similar basis the official world figures go as high as 30 million per year, and it is anybody's guess as to how many more millions can be added if there was a means of measuring the illegally conducted abortions and those caused by contraception. The Church has consistently and

And to make things even worse, at We Catholics have a moral and religious duty to act as light, to show to the least half of those present were from world the extreme wickedness of such Christian denominations other than acts, to do what we can to change the Catholic. I think the attendance figures menworld, to defend life, specially that of the innocent, the disadvantaged and tioned above speak louder than words. the infirm. Those who did not attend should The annual rally for the defence of examine their consciences carefully human life organised in Perth, support- and consider the real causes for their ed and encouraged by our pastor, absence, remembering the strong Archbishop Barry Hickey, takes but one words spoken by our Lord Jesus in hour of the 8769.6 hours in a year. It is regards to the lukewarm. organised and publicised months in Adrian Bertino-Clarke advance. It is always in November. And yet, notwithstanding the gravity Guildford

The age of the quick fix

of the lay vocation and, if I understand Square has ceased giving "balanced inforhim correctly, he has been saying that it is mation about contraceptives" to students the job of the laity to do what the clergy, in years 10 and upwards as reported in the religious and the hierarchy cannot do The Record on March 23 this year? It has been incomprehensible to me for the past - to go out into the world and change it. I am not sure that many people see the ten years that the Natural Family Planning importance of what he has stressed. Centre has been giving contraceptive Sometimes I think people make the mis- Information to students despite the fact take of thinking that by climbing higher in that, according to the same March report, the sanctuary they are perfecting their It "has been set up under the auspices of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth?" Christian vocation. Studham V.J. I don't think they are. They may be well Intentioned but they - we - as laity are Mt Lawley called to stand in the world with our back Ann O'Donnell. director of Natural Family to the sanctuary, (all the while relying on Planning Services, Archdiocese of Perth. its significance and of that which happens replies: I too congratulate the Australian Catholic there), to engage in the lay world, the world of politics, argument, debate, con- Bishops for their pastoral letter God's Gift of Live and Love, but it certainly does not version of friend and foe. that the Natural Family Planning mean A friend of mine remarked recently that in Victoria Square will cease to Services see so many clergy it was strange to apparently rushing to the barricades to give 'balanced information on contracepprotest nuclear tests, logging or other tion'. We put this session into our schools propolitical issues of the day and yet to see so gram over twenty years ago (not ten as many laity rushing in the opposite direction seeking to become special ministers your correspondent states), simply to of the Eucharist, pastoral workers (what- inform students how the use of contracepever that means) and filling generally tion can change how their body functions, what one might term a "semi-clerical" and the potential risks to their health and role. This seems to me to be a great temp- future fertility. This session is part of the program that tation on the part of both distinct voca'respect for human life, 'an I ncludes tions. informed conscience', 'fertility awareness', But the lay vocation is not a lesser voca- 'natural family planning', and 'sexually tion. It is not a second-best kind of thing. transmitted diseases'. It is noble and it is honourable in the Our program has been updated over the deepest and most profound sense of these years as new proven scientific evidence words. And it is meant to do exactly what has come to hand. Archbishop Hickey has said - to go out No further correspondence will be Into the world and engage the world, not entered into on this subject by the Natural on its terms but ours. Family Planning Centre. If all Catholics in Australia united around a pro-life banner, for example, showed a little true grit and relied on our clergy, religious and hierarchy for spiritual susteA s early, worshipping, Christians on nance, I think abortion could be reversed I'Sundays my wife and I are able to overnight. view the excellent BBC-ABC "Songs of We are just about the last group of peo- Praise" program at 1lam. In it there is ple in this society who would dare to think often liturgical movement, expressive in such grandiose terms and to have a dancing, which is often interesting and good reason for doing so. No government edifying to watch. It seems that the Almighty is much used could withstand a force like this. This is the potential strength of the laity fulfiling to the raising of heart and mind, voice and their authentic and unique role which no body in His praise in many different ways. It may be a Welsh male voice choir bishop or cleric can do. . singing Handelian Alleluias. It may be a do not underproblem is that we Our stand why we are so desperately needed group of well-drilled school children out there in the world of action, fighting adding movement to hymn singing in a with every tool at our disposal - whether it Mass where there are admiring parents. It be in the workplace or at home or in the may be polyphonic Kyrie's, Gloria's and great arenas of our society Instead, we Agnus Dei's which so many so often sit are well intentioned but, in a general through at High Mass. lf, as in our modern liturgy congregation sense, misdirecting our efforts. hymn singing is to be encouraged I sugLeave the hierarchical Church to decide gest that elaborate choir singing is to be what lies within the orthodox fold and avoided lest the congregation develops a what is heterodox. I say it is time for us, habit of sitting back and leaving such the laity, to address our vocation. vocal praise to the choir. John Balsarini Remember too the average untrained Floreat voice cannot hit the same high notes as some tenors and sopranos can reach or to which basso-extraprofundos may sink

he quick fixers have again emerged T from the woodwork following the shocking Queensland child murders, pro-

moting capital punishment as the answer, while at the same time degrading "dogooders" who work consistently and tirelessly for a better society for all. When are we going to realise that until we address the causes of our ills and not the symptoms, nothing much will change. The heart of man is to blame and we find cover-up excuses to avoid facing this deep reality. Flimsy solutions are found such as condoms to offset sexual promiscuity abortion (with all its psychological repercussions) for inconvenient pregnancies and divorce presents an easy exit from supposed lifelong commitments, destroying family life in the process. There appears to be a reluctance to address the free-flow of pornographic material, while abuse of alcohol and drugs is at an all time high. Youth suicide tells a story of confusion and disillusionment with life's lack of love and stability. And now advocates of euthanasia parade with cosmetic compassion their concern for the terminally ill. Quick fixes may be convenient, but they are reflective of our immaturity and shortsightedness and will do nothing to improve society. Jim Cumming Bunbury

With backs to the altar atching the progress of the Letters W page in The Record has become an interesting past-time for many Record

readers. I, and many others I am sure, not only support the new prominence of the page but enjoy it too. However an impression I have increasingly formed is one that gives me some cause for concern. Archbishop Hickey's statements in two recent columns have crystallised this feeling for myself and, perhaps, for others. There is no doubt that there are strong and different views on a number of subjects regarding our common faith from a number of your readers. These invariably centre around issues such as ethics, liturgy and Church teaching (natural enough in a diocesan newspaper). They can make provocative and stimulating reading. The more essential the correspondents feel the matter to be, the more they try to demonstrate why their views are the correct ones. Sometimes one gets the impression that every man and his dog is suddenly an expert in moral theology or Church history - or whatever - and it almost feels as if we suddenly have a new hankering on our hands from many to become the new clergyHowever, I have noticed a consistent message which Archbishop Hickey has been reported as making in a number of your articles over the last few months. His remarks have centred on the importance

Protesters on the Causeway last Saturday 26): Rather than (a) a select visible group presenting prayerful dance or (b) a "congregation shuffling rather self-consciously round the Church", it might be better that a fully conscious congregation dance vigorously to give some life to our praise of God. Perhaps, even further, we could sing while we dance! It would show us to be alive and joy-filled in our worship rather than as seemingly passive and remote observers. Florence Downey Subiaco

Things old and new I too congratulate The Record on the new direction and comprehensive topical presentations (The Rec:ord. October 26).

Let us not forget though that The Record has always been a valued and worthwhile Catholic newspaper since its beginning in 1874 with editorial staff Fathers Matthew Gibney and John O'Reilly and editor J T Reilly. followed by many dedicated editors to the present day. Correspondent Tess Morawski enthuses over prominence given to the Letters to the Editor, which I agree makes lively and informative reading. It seems to me the paper has always proclaimed the good news with the full authority of the Church. The inclination to happily recommend the paper to others is praiseworthy, but why is this urge being felt only now, in the dosing years of the millennium? If we have not previously encouraged others to read The Record, then why not? There has always been excellent reading in this paper. What about all the good news of salvation in every encyclical from the present Pope, every one written up in The Record. If this was not considered excellent reading, interesting and thought provoking, then this is a sign (as Saint Paul warned Timothy) of the times when, far from being content with sound doctrine and teaching, people will be avid for the latest novelty. Perhaps if more had been happy to recommend the paper to others, then encyclicals such as the Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae) would have been more fully understood, and threats to the sacredness and dignity of human life through abortion, euthanasia, embryonic experiments , would not now be raising their evil heads in our society Thank heaven for the Catholic press which proclaims truth, for there is a trend in the Australian press and media to express some opinions, lacking any truth or substance, which are rarely answered in the light of the gospel. I refer to public opinion in recent times in our daily newspaper which accused Pope John Paul of being out of touch with the real world, taking no account of ongratulations to the Australian Paul Donnelly social costs of uncontrolled population, Catholic Bishops for their pastoral let- Claremont poverty misery, starvation, wars, genoter, God's Gift of Life and Love. cide, environmental pollution, while Congratulations, also, to The Record himself to the misery of unwantblinding (August 10) for printing the full text of the children. defective ed and letter. With regard to the argument for or against Does this now mean that The Natural dancing, and with reference to the letter of Bernadette Guy Family Planning Centre at 29 Victoria Janet Kovesi Watt (The Record, October Balcatta


Natural family planning

Dance with vigour

Me Award, Nasiniaber 9, 1995 7

Christianity in action in suburban Perth

House of Hope puts Jesus' hands and feet on the street Many pundits prophesy the demise of Christianity. But the Mystical Body of Christ his Church, is growing, not withering as Record journalist Colleen McGuiness-Howard found when she visited the The Holy Spirit of Freedom community in Perth's suburbs where a life of evangelical poverty and simplicity is giving street kids and others harassed by life hope in a society which has lost contact with its roots in God.

Holly Spirit members: Clifford Russie, (back lett)Plo Gauci, Patrick Arts,

Frank Feain, Peter Merrifield and, seated, Daphne Vellelonga, Clare Murray, Josse Russie and Elena Batticci, and Snoopy the dog.

reclaim their lives and souls for had the beautiful faces of fresh young boys. Hard to believe they God. They ask His protection for the live on the streets but then that's children who are scorned by a better alternative than home. The Hooker returned while we society, and to whom life has not were chatting on the verandah treated kindly. Sure, there are those from good and moved inside. families who were bent on About to go in, suddenly the "going off the rails" but there are house went dark and one of the others who have fallen by the community members barred wayside because they were too access until community member young to face the adversity com- Elena insisted The Hooker, ing from those who should have who'd just stripped and was been their protectors ., . . and stark naked, be forced into hastiwithout defence or succour, ly found jeans and a top. The light back on, and without home became intolerable. I moved into the main room comment we filed in to comand my eyes fixed on a lady in a mence community prayers in the scarlet silk close-fitting dress and main room. Being Tuesday and open night, a matching head scarf worn like the numbers had swollen in the a skull cap. Her speech was a little erratic kitchen/family room to include and she variously sat and moved street kids, The Hooker, co-memaround. At some point, having bers of the community, invited unsuccessfully tried to "scab a guests, and the core of the estabfag," she told the two 15-year-olds lishment - the faith-inspiring to come with her and she'd "get members who depend on God's Providence for their simple $50 when I get to the hotel." They went. . . she to "do some needs while they give their all to work to get the money!" and the help His most vulnerable chilboys to sniff glue away from the dren who live on the streets. Prayers were piously offered Up house. Returning without her and to God, asking for His intercesstraight from glue sniffing. they sion for the young ones who roam the byways and highways and who come to the House of Prayer for help for young friends who've overdosed or in need of food or shelter. The HSOFC members are highly respected, and frequently sought out or visited. For the people who so selflessly do this unique work though, it isn't easy. They live with uncertainty day and night as to who will come seeking their help, which may mean getting out of bed in the wee small hours to take someone to hospital, opening their home to strangers, going out on the streets four nights a week, suffering death threats, physical and verbal abuse, sharing their meagre food with the hungry young, and always reassuring them of their unconditional love, despite having everything stolen from them, and enduring trials forced upon them. But it's a vocation of love and Co-member Daphne Vellelonga praising the Lord with live-in members Pio Gauci on guitar and Patrick Arts the work they do is to be the

Derth's homeless young people - their future seems not too Igo to more than the school of bright. hard knocks - they attend the The community's house in school of self-destruction where Rivervale (there is another in alcohol, substance, physical, sex- Balga), is a neatly kept, unpretenual. and emotional abuse start tious, little house almost abutthem on an almost inevitable ting the Rivervale railway station slide downhill, leading to an with a white picket fence and early death. roses alongside the short path But, in their misery, Jesus stands leading on to the verandah. close by in the person of some What makes it stand out from young Perth Christians who give the other houses however is a tall these abandoned, unloved, fre- wooden cross with HSOFC, quently lawless young people a standing for Holy Spirit of look at Jesus and a chance to Freedom Community, written on believe in Him. the cross beam and House of The chance comes through the Hope carved in its upright. Holy Spirit of Freedom CommBut there is a battle for souls unity, founded by Frank Feain in going on inside the special, Melbourne in 1986, and brought immaculately clean little room to Perth by Frank on the birthday on the right. of Our Lady, September 8, 1990. It's the chapel where a red light The community of seven has indicates the Blessed Eucharist is had a great impact on many peo- kept. ple on the streets of Perth and on Despite the daily trauma, those privileged enough to see drama, and unpredictability the work of these Spirit-filled which the day and night bring on people. a variable basis in this House of Their inspired and selfless Hope with its doors open to diswork is for our lost young - our possessed of the world, this spekids who live on the city and sub- cial room exudes an aura of urban streets. I qualify 'lost' by, peace throughout the house. "but not if they find Jesus." Prayers are said here primarily Because otherwise - without Him for the inhabitants' proteges - to


The Record, November 9, 1995

heart, feet and hands of Christ. For that they pay the price of living almost without any personal possessions, and being available 24 hours a day for the constant stream of kids coming and going, asking and receiving. But there is an innate aura of peace, order, prayerfulness, love and respect pervading the house. To help kids through the withdrawal stage of coming off drugs, the HSOFC prays them through it, which according to the young people, greatly minimises the trauma and is "nothing like coming off without prayer." And their prayers are powerful. There is the case of a young woman who'd been in a coma for some time and the medical profession intended to cut off her life support system the next day. Friends of hers, admitting they felt a bit more comfortable with satan than God, nevertheless approached the HSOFC and asked for their prayers. They stormed heaven for hours in concerted prayer and the young woman was miraculously healed. The medical profession said they couldn't explain this amazing recovery - but no mention was made in the media of the part played by God's intervention through the prayers of these God-centred people. The HSOFC earns no money whatsoever and don't go asking for it either, but fortunately have been given enough when things have been critical, such as when unpaid rent and service bills amounted to $3,000. Good cause for a novena, thought founder Frank, and on the ninth evening someone rang and asked did they need any money. $3,000? No problem, he replied, and promptly came over and wrote a cheque, helping to bring God to His children, but thereby give these young people self-worth, self-esteem, something to aspire and climb to, some reason for living, and above all - hope that their lives can change for the better. For more more information on the community, ring Elena on 470-2251 or Marcelle Pemberton on 097-761-734.

'A life of abuse, drugs and stealing that cries out for compassion' s Northbridge flexes its Toluene (a petrol-based solA uscles ready for night vent), being taken home by action, competitive neon lights police to his mother and trying

vying for patronage reveal the also to make it work there "but emerging sub-culture of the she has terrible mood swings street kids, as they join the night and sometimes she'd take me life - the highlight of their day. and other times she wouldn't." It's a balmy night as we move And dad? Well he's in jail in in there, and suddenly from Sydney, "Mum's boyfriends are across an open area comes a off somewhere and my grandgroup of street kids waving and mother's gone a bit nutty, so I obviously delighted to see Elena can't stay there: Batticcio and Peter Dunbar from Another smoking, thin, 15the Holy Spirit of Freedom year- old tells of how his parents Commtmity. split up when he was four, he's They're friends. And accept- been stealing since he was ing an offer of a soft drink and seven, kicked out of home when some chips, they chat amicably, he was 12, and he's been in jail totally at ease. 25 times for a string of offences Elena and Peter express gen- each time such as armed robuine interest in their activities bery, burglary, assault, stealing, and how they are, and the boys, driving without a licence in one barely 14, have no hesita- stolen cars and reckless driving. fion in telling them the T-shirt And now his two aims are to worn by one was stolen from a try and give up his addiction to store, and recount their daily sniffing "because it stuffs you routine which seems to largely up. Gives you memory loss. consist of getting drunk, Makes you skinny, you don't eat, drugged, and a few thefts. you do stupid things. Now to Welcome to the street kid get off sniffing I smoke pot - my scene. It's a sad one with story dad's been smoking it for 30 after story unfolding with a sim- years." ilar trigger - the need to leave His other aim is to get his Year home at a very early age indeed, 10 achievement, "but I need because they were kicked out, somewhere to stay. Not in the their mother chose her new (government) hostels, there are partner in preference to her too many people running amok. own child, broken families, and I have to find somewhere quiet the biggest common factor of all with someone I can trust." - physical and sexual abuse. Typically they stay in empty With as many as 25,000 kids warehouses and squats and on the street in Australia today, there are many dangers for most come from abusive fami- them sleeping semi-doped on lies which have forced them the streets and in parks, cold, onto the streets. wet, hungry and often sick In fact, the majority of the girls But more than that, across the have been sexually abused from board there is a heartache and as young as three years old in pain for their robbed innocence, some instances. Along with the a yearning to be loved, a void to boys, the girls have also suffered be filled, the right to be able to other forms of physical abuse. live in a home with a loving One 15-year-old with a beauti- family. ful, angelic face, started running With the girls, if mother failed away when he'd barely turned to protect them while they were 11 because his parents constant- abused, there is that sense of ly used drugs and he couldn't betrayal because mother who stand to see his mother use should have been their protecdrugs any more with a new tor, failed them. baby. So the automatic trust of the The next few years meant young is replaced through bad sleeping on the streets, sniffing experience with distrust; and for

Young friends of the Holy Spirit of Freedom community dropping in for a chat, meal, and prayer night

love, warmth, and balm for the good job. I will never forget soul, they usually only have what they've done for me and people like the members of the It's thanks to these guys that I Holy Spirit of Freedom commu- am where I am now. They're wonderful!" nity. And another 21-year-old who As Elena and Peter explain, it's not that they actually want to went from unemployment, die when they attempt suicide through lack of communication (as some have done ,on many with her family and on to drugs occasions), but it's rather to blot until she then felt the Lord callout the pain; it's also the reason ing, made a retreat with Brother they sniff dangerous substances Andrew, suffered the painful - so for awhile, they can forget, drugs withdrawal for months and pretend the pain is not and has now joined the HSOFC with full commitment and there. But because of the Holy Spirit return to her Catholic backmembers, some have been res- ground. And now? I've never cued. Like a 17-year-old who been so happy in all my life!" Then there's the attractive 23was thrown out because she was pregnant at 11 and forced to year-old whose family "don't want to know my situation!" live on the streets. Discovered by the HSOFC six She has had eight different miscarriages with no surviving years ago on the streets in poor children. She lives with various condition, "I've been in contact people, always seeking a refuge, with them ever since, but it's doing the round of getting just now I've come to that kicked out, getting pregnant greater awareness of God. I am again, back on the streets. So a privileged one! I'm always the cycle continued until she welcome here (Rivervale), and met the HSOFC who. helped changed her life. She's now made a commitment to the Lord, refuses "to go back down to where I was," is reunited with her mother, involved wherever possible with the HSOFC whom she describes as "the best people you could know in the world." "They do all the things they can for the street kids, and it's very hard for them to cope with the strain, but they do a very

Live-in members in the House of Prayer chapel: Michael Merrifield, left, Marcelle Ingold, Peter Dunbar and Pio GaucL

know I'm always welcome." Living in her car for the last eight months, she's attempted suicide many times "but luckily or unluckily I was always found" and is now receiving occupational therapy "where it's a miracle for me to even have a daily shower!" Yet another success story is a 19-year-old on the streets from 14, and says "The best time in my life was when I met the Holy Spirit people and I've been in contact with them ever since. They've helped me get to know the Lord, and to regain my selfesteem." He's left the streets with their help, lives with his uncle, and is hoping to gain full employment. Stories abound and the tragedies are real, but it's nothing short of inspirational to know that there are God-guided people such as the Holy Spirit community who with their total unselfishness, have given their lives to help change others by

Holy Spirit of Freedom founder Frank Keain The Record, November 9, 1995


Video Reviews

Of talking pigs, horror movies The Record continues its occasional series reviewing recent video releases, particularly those aimed at the children's and adolescent market. The reviews and ratings come from the United States' bishops' Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadcasting. A more comprehensive list of ratings for videos is printed at the bottom of this page. Cut the page out and place it on the fridge for quick reference.

Autumn Sonata Swedish director Ingmar Bergman's bleak examination of a middle-aged woman (Liv Ullmann) and her relationship with her mother (Ingrid Bergman). Though the performances are prime, the movie proves long on talk and short on characterisation and dramatic action. Subtitles. The mother-daughter conflict may be too depressing for young adolescents. The US Catholic Conference classification is AIII - adults.

Crimson Tide

Slack thriller about a breakdown in the chain of command aboard a US submarine when its captain (Gene Hackman) and executive officer (Denzel Washington) battle over launching a pre-emptive nuclear strike on a Russian missile base seized by rebel forces. Director Tony Scott sets up the political situation realistically enough, then fritters away the suspense in military and technological jargon, underdeveloped characters and portentous verbal sparring between the two principals. Stylised violence, a bit of profanity and intermittent rough language. The US Catholic Conference classification is AIII - adults

Gordy Formula family movie in which the title's talking piglet sets off to rescue his family from the slaughterhouse, is helped along the way by the daughter (Kristy Young) of a country musician (Doug Stone) and eventually becomes a national celebrity before resuming his original quest. Directed by Mark Lewis, the busy cornpone narrative depends entirely upon the willingness to accept the fantasy of a cute talking animal, something youngsters may find more congenial than their elders. Some comic menace and threatening images of a sausage factory. The US Catholic Conference classification is Al — general patronage.

My Family-Mi Familia Mexican-American family saga set in Los Angeles from the 1920s to the 1980s follows the parents and their six children (including Jimmy Smits, Edward James Olmos and Esai Morales) as they endure separations, tragic deaths and brushes with the law, leaving one son embittered while others find solace in their religious faith. Director Gregory Nava's ambitious, sprawling movie leans towards melodramatic treatment but still emerges as a

vibrant account of a Latino family pursuing the American dream. Some violence, fleeting bedroom scenes, brief nudity and recurring rough language. All! - adults.

The Underneath Intriguing but uneven remake of the 1949 crime thriller "Criss Cross" in which a two-bit gambler (Peter Gallagher) tries to win back his ex-wife (Alison Elliott) from her shady new lover (William Fichtner) by concocting an armoured-car heist which backfires on the participants in unexpected ways. Director Steven Soderbergh goes for psychological depth over lurid melodrama, but this is undermined by confusing flashbacks and flashforwards that disrupt the narrative flow. Some violence, brief shadowy bedroom scene, fleeting nudity and occasional rough language. AM - adults

Dracula Antiquated but venerable horror classic from the Bram Stoker novel about the dread vampire Count Dracula (Bela Lugosi) who leaves his raansylvanian castle to take up residence in England, where a trail of bloodless corpses lead to his undoing by the determined Professor Van Helsing (Edward Van Sloan). Director Tod Browning establishes the vampire premise with macabre gusto, then bogs down in stilted English settings. But this early talkie still evokes goose bumps in the struggle to overcome evil. Restrained menace with off-screen vioAll - adults and adolescents lence.

Frankenstein Stylish horror classic from Mary Shelley's novel about the obsessed Dr. Frankenstein (Colin Clive), who robs graves to complete his composite creation (Boris Karloff) which is brought to life during an electrical storm, then breaks free to the consternation of the local village. The tampering-with-nature fable succeeds largely because of Karloff s sympathetic portrayal of the monster as tormented victim and director James Whale's treatment of the ghoulish proceedings as something more than mere horror fare. Stylised violence and recurring menace. All - adults and adolescents

Mark of the Vampire Things are not all they seem in this creaky horror variation about a Prague police inspector (Lionel Atwill) and a professor of the occult (Lionel Barrymore) investigating reports that vampires (notably Bela Lugosi and Carol Borland) are residing in a secluded castle. Director Tod Browning has a field day in building a properly scary mood out of the rural mid-European setting in which the story's tense situations occur, but the movie's twist ending may not please all horror fans. Much stylised menace. All - adults and adolescents

The Mummy Eerie fantasy classic in which the 3,700year-old mummy of an Egyptian high priest (Boris Karloff) comes to life in a London museum, then tries to make off with a Englishwoman (Zita Johann) resembling the princess he had once loved. Imaginatively directed by Karl Freund, the creepy premise proves effective even though only Karloffs piercing eyes are seen through the mummy's burial wrappings, with a lengthy flashback to the thwarted love story in ancient Karnak supplying the mummy's motivation for his desperate activities in the present. Stylised violence, menace and romantic complicaAll - adults and adolescents tions.

Village of the Damned 11-ashy remake of a good British thriller updates the setting to a rural American village where nine children born with alien powers conspire to take over the world, despite the efforts of a doctor (Christopher Reeve), a scientist (Kirstie Alley) and other distraught adults. Director John Carpenter fails to build any narrative interest in the situation or characters, relying instead on periodic outbursts of violence and special effects. Some menace and intermittent violence, including several suicides and a difficult childbirth scene. AIII - adults

Action in the North Atlantic The captain (Raymond Massey), first mate (Humphrey Bogart) and crew (including Alan Hale, Sam Levene and Dane Clark) of a torpedoed oil tanker sign on to another tanker in a convoy bound for Murmansk, heroically fighting off Uboats and air attacks along the way. Director Lloyd Bacon's lengthy tribute to the Merchant Marine may have stirred World War II audiences, but the action seems artificial now and the patriotic sentiments heavy-handed. Wartime violence. All - adults and adolescents

Against the Wind Absorbing World War II tale of a group of Allied agents (notably Simone Signoret, Jack Warner, Gordon Jackson and Paul Dupuis) trained by British intelligence, then sent to Belgium on a mission led by a Catholic priest (Robert Beatty) in the course of which several die and one proves to be a traitor. Charles Crichton directs the episodic narrative with emphasis on the diverse motivations of the agents and how each responds to the dangers encountered. Wartime violence, much menace and a captured agent who commits suicide. - adults

The Barbarian and the Geisha

Arriving in 1856 as the first American consul to Japan, Townsend Harris (a

bemused John Wayne) is officially ignored until his efforts to stem a cholera epidemic bring an invitation to the shogun's court, where he's marked for death by a patriotic nobleman. Directed by John Huston, the beautifully framed but largely static proceedings are a visual treat but lack character interest, especially the flimsy role of the geisha (Eiko Ando) as spy in the consul's household. Pedestrian clash of cultures in a picturesque setting. Al - general patronage


Elaborate costume drama about the personal and artistic relationship between an acclaimed 18th-century castrato singer (Stefano Dionisi) and his ambitious composer brother (Enrico Lo Verso), who had him castrated as a youth. It focuses on their pact of sharing women until the singer's sexual frustrations jeopardise their relationship. Director Gerard Corbiau's visually lush production works primarily on the level of a passionately acted musical soap opera whose two main characters view sexual conquests as their artistic due, although the narrative also explores the psychological harm on those castrated in the name of art. Subtitles. A suicide, several bedroom scenes with nudity and a cavalier attitude toward sexual matters. AIV - adults, with reservations


Sketchy dramatisation recounts the rise of the Black Panther movement in 1967 Oakland as seen through the eyes of a fictional recruit (Kadeem Hardison) who becomes a confidant of Panther leader Huey Newton (Marcus Chong), then a double agent for both police and Panthers until the FBI destabilises the movement by flooding the ghetto with cheap drugs. Scripted by Melvin Van Peebles and directed by his son, Mario, the result simplifies both the era's politics and the movement's ideology by spending most of its time depicting the racist brutality of the police and the Panther's turn to arms In self-defence. Graphic depictions of bloody confrontations between white policemen and African-Americans, drug trafficking and recurring rough language. AIV - adults, with reservations.

13 Rue Madeleine Taut World War II story starts in a US espionage school with a tough veteran (James Cagney) training a new group of agents (including Annabella, Richard Conte and Frank Latimore), one of whom proves to be a Nazi spy who jeopardises an important mission. Director Henry Hathaway treats the material in sober, semi-documentary fashion, though Cagney's exploits to protect his agents in France tax credibility. Wartime violence and moral question of suicide by captured agents. All! - adults.

Video Classifications The following is a list of recent video cassette releases of theatrical movies that the United States' Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadcasting has rated on the basis of moral suitability and supplied through the US Catholic News Service. USCC classifications are: Al general patronage; All adults and adolescents; All! adults; AIV adults, with reservations (this indicates films that, while not morally offensive in themselves, are not for casual viewing because they require some analysis and explanation in order to avoid false impressions and interpretations); 0 morally offensive. The Accompanist, AIII 10 The Record, November 9, 1995

Bad Boys, 0 The Basketball Diaries, AIV Batman Forever, Al!! Before Sunrise, AIII Billy Madison, AIII Born to Be Wild, All Boys on the Side, AN Casper, All Cinderella, Al Circle of Friends, AIII Clerks, 0 Crimson Tide, AIII The Cure, AII Disclosure, AIII Don Juan DeMarco, AIII Drop Squad, AIII Drop Zone, 0 Dumb and Dumber, AIII Eat Drink Man Woman, Al!! Exotica, 0 Far from Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog, Al

Farinelli, AIV French Kiss, AIII Friday, AIV Funny Bones, AIII A Goofy Movie, Al Gordy, Al Heavyweights, All Hideaway, AIII Highlander The Final Dimension, AIII Hoop Dreams, All The Hunted, 0 In the Army Now, Al!! In the Mouth of Madness, AIII Jefferson in Paris, AIII The Jerky Boys, Al!! Jury Duty, AIII Just Cause, AM Kiss of Death, AIV Legends of the Fall, AIII Little Odessa, AIV A Little Princess, AI

Little Women, Al Losing Isaiah, Al!! Mad Love, AIV The Madness of King George, Al!! Major Payne, AIII The Mangler, 0 Miami Rhapsody, All Mixed Nuts, Al!! Murder in the First, AIII My Family - Mi Familia, AIII The Next Karate Kid, All Nina Takes a Lover, AIV Once Were Warriors, Al!! Only You, Al! Outbreak, Al!! The Pagemaster, AI Panther, AIV The Pebble and the Penguin, Al The Perez Family, AR/ Picture Bride, Al!! The Professional, 0

Pulp Fiction, 0 A Pyromaniac's Love Story, Al!! Reality Bites, Al!! Rob Roy, Al!! Roommates, Al!! The Santa Clause, Al! The Shawshank Redemption, AN Sorrento Beach, AIII The Specialist, 0 Star Trek Generations, Al! Stuart Saves His Family, AIII The Swan Princess, Al Tall Tale: The Unbelievable Adventure, Al! Tommy Boy, AM Top Dog, AIII Trapped in Paradise, Al!! The Underneath, AIII Vanya on 42nd Street, Al! Village of the Damned, All! While You Were Sleeping, Al!!


oral void saps the family Canberra mother Rite Joseph was a representative of the Australian Family Association at the non-government organisations meeting on women held parallel to the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in China's capital, Beijing, two months ago. Here is a report she filed on the two conference& he gloves are off. International oppoT nents of the family as the basic unit of society came out in force at the recent UN

and abortion so as to protect them against the consequences of exercising their right to unrestrained sexual freedom. Repeatedly, the EU refused to accede to any wording that would place constraints on sexual rights for adolescent girls. There was a stubborn refusal to acknowledge that some behaviour patterns involve inherently greater risk than others. In an extended argument over the alternative wording in the statement: " . . . girls are more vulnerable than boys to the consequences of [unprotected] [premature and irresponsible] sexual relations", the European Union declared that ". . . talking about 'premature and irresponsible' is tantamount to making a value judgment on sexual relations which we don't think is relevant". I saw our Australian delegates nodding their heads wisely at this outra-

Fourth World Conference on women and very nearly succeeded in their drive to have the word "family" replaced with "families" to dissolve the true meaning of family into a multiplicity of "family forms" whereby any group of unrelated people may call itself a family. I was surprised and dismayed at the ferocity of the concerted attack on family, motherhood, and parental rights by a European Union-led coalition of countries that included Australia. The question must be asked: why such hostility towards these timeless universals? The answer is complex. It involves,I sus- geous European Union value judgment! Family, motherhood, marriage, and even pect, a confused re-engineering of a brave new world, a world loosed from its tradi- religious and spiritual values came under tional mooring to the timeless natural law fire, and were presented as the primary sources of abuse of women and girls or as and now adrift in a formless moral void. This extreme liberalism seems predicat- imposing intolerable restrictions on ed on breaking down all barriers to what women's empowerment and freedoms. I regret to have to report the Australian has become the supreme moral good; the delegation was firmly and consistently notion of unrestricted, infinite choice, the moral imperative to extend indefinitely the anti-family. Federal Health Minister Carmen Lawrange of choices available to all human rence persisted in her peculiar psychologbeings - men, women and children. ical hang-up: a chronic inability to use the To give an idea of the perversion of word "family" without linking it with choice provided by the Beijing Platform "work responsibilities". the conference decided on, there was a Family is no longer recognised as a sepdetermination to extend human rights to arate entity entitled to the protection of the include all so-called women's rights. state. Instead it has been dismantled by "Women's rights are human rights", the Australian government departments to declaration declared. become merely an onerous (and ideally And yet it was very clear the term detachable) responsibility, a burden on "women's rights" was not defined but cun- women's backs, vying with other responsiningly left open so as to include such dubi- bilities of equal or greater importance. In ous inventions as "reproductive rights", any case, it was dear that the Australian including abortion, and "sexual rights", delegation was not in Beijing to represent including, as South Africa pointed out any Australian women who still naively approvingly, a right of "sexual orientation" believe that full-time mothering is an hon- a right to freely exercise homosexual and ourable and worthwhile profession in its lesbian tendencies. own right There was, furthermore, a push towards Certainly the Australian delegation was extending such sexual rights to adoles- not there to endorse motherhood as an cents. acceptable role model for young girls. Through health and human rights edu- Australia made no attempt to contradict cation and services for the girl-child, new the European Union when it protested avenues were opened so that adolescents "We don't want women to be shown in might evade parental guidance, be stereotyped roles like mothers". instructed in the new morality (lesbianism It is important to scrutinise the present is normal and parents are judgmental), Australian Government's claim to being and be assured of access to contraception pro-family. One thing is undeniable: the

Australian Government's delegation to the Beijing Conference was not once heard to defend any genuinely pro-family position. The Beijing Platform of Action is primarily a blueprint for establishing radical feminist ideology as the official state ideology. It is not greatly reassuring that the Australian Government delegation was so very supportive of lesbian rights and the sexual orientation initiatives. Neither was the Australian government delegation's silence on the European Union's pornography-as-a-form-of-art and prostitution-asa-legitimate-lifestyle exactly reassuring. And where was the Australian government delegation's support for the family as the basic unit of society and a dozen other pro-family positions that were quashed or amended or hedged around with qualifying language?

The Australian Government delegation was firmly and consistently anti-familV Curious, that in a 150-page document on women and the girl child, there was not one mention of the destructive effects of divorce and marital infidelity for women and children, no mention of the devastating effects on children of the increasing role of women in filing for divorce and in initiating family breakdown What kind of government is it that sends a delegation to a UN Conference on Women that cannot bring itself to acknowledge that family breakdown is a major cause of female poverty? To the extent that the Australian delegation has endorsed every line of that platform, without reservations or interpretive statements, the Federal Labor Government cannot be said to be pm-family. What became evident in the extended and often bitter debates in Beijing was that there are fundamental incompatibilities between radical-feminist policies and pmfamily policies. Prime Minister Paul Keating has a clear choice: he can continue to hurtle further down the radical-feminist path of family destruction, or he can return to a genuine pro-family commitment of the kind he enunciated in his maiden parliamentary speech. In a paragraph admonishing the media to eschew negative and degrading images of women, Australia agreed furthermore that "programming that reinforces wom-en's traditional roles can be equally limiting [as] violent and degrading or pornographic media products"! Indeed, the only kind of motherhood the European Union and Australia enthusiastically endorsed at the conference was in

Despite the Beijing Declaration, having babies is the natural consequence of men and women's free choices to enjoy sexual relations.

the term "safe motherhood" which, as everybody knows, has largely become a UN euphemism for safe childlessness. The only serious consideration given to "safe motherhood" in a four-day debate on women's health was as a preamble to an aggressive campaign to have all remaining legal impediments to "safe" abortion removed. If saving mothers' lives was a genuine priority consideration at Beijing, then provision of basic health care should have been given a much greater focus. Too many of the mothers at risk in poorer countries are suffering from malnutrition, anaemia, and parasitic infestation, and all too often are cruelly handicapped by lack of hygiene, clean water, and basic health amenities such as measles vaccinations, antibiotics, and tetanus injections. Under these conditions, motherhood in developing countries is dangerous: yet an independent observer in Beijing would have noticed little concern for such a scandalous situation, but instead a preoccupation with empowering women with abortion rights and reducing population. The main focus of the debate on the women's health section was certainly not on saving mothers' lives. Especially disturbing was the strong initiative to introduce the notion of "forced pregnancy" as an abortion rights issue. What troubles me is that this is part of a trend towards presenting natural consequences of human behaviours as unfair, to dissociate those consequences from freely chosen actions. Thus HIV/AIDS is unfairly imposed by Nature on many homosexuals and is made to appear to have nothing to do with unwise behaviours. Similarly, the childbearing, nurturing role that Nature has assigned women is an unjust imposition that must be lifted by governments, health clinics, and pharmaceutical companies, lest women be "forced" to have babies. The idea that Nature forces women to have babies is ludicrous. Having babies is the natural consequence of men and women's free choices to enjoy sexual relations. And yet somehow in Beijing the feminists were able to gloss over the responsibility of all women to exercise their sexual rights with prudence and good sense. They glossed over the fact that wherever a woman's right to bodily integrity is conscientiously protected by tough enforcement of rape laws, then women, exercising the right to control their sexuality, are able to exercise their "right to control their own fertility". Women, no less than men, are endowed with intellect and free will. Alone of all the animals, human beings have the capacity to refrain from mindless copulation - universal rape laws attest to this. And yet so much of the feminist literature is now talking about the babies women are being "forced" to have through lack of contraceptive and fertility control choices. I saw in Beijing a shift to special rights and entitlements for female individuals, away from the emphasis on the core right and entitlement of the family to protection by society and the state, as provided for in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. That is the essential ground-shift that has occurred - the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action has largely destroyed the founding premises of the United Nations that the family, motherhood, and childhood are entitled to special protection and assistance. Fears of overpopulation were reiterated in Beijing with the' usual device of blaming poverty on the fertility of the poor. It was very definitely the case that in this context neither mothers nor children, nor even marriage and the family, were considered to have any longer "a significant public tmod component". The downgrading of parental rights and responsibilities in the Beijing Platform could prove a dangerous development for the future of the family. It is particularly significant in the opening it gives to bureaucracies to usurp from parents the primary right to judge which health or education or lifestyle choices are "in the best interests of the child". C



The Record, November 9, 1995


To Jesus through Maly. ... D ecently on a regular patrol of 1N-the college grounds, I spotted a lad busily painting posts. As I approached, a furtive glance from under tousled hair told me that he had not exactly volunteered for the job. I surmised that some misdemeanour, the nature of which would soon reach my ears, was the reason for his present task. I decided to be diplomatic. "Good piece of work there" intoned I by way of introduction. "It would be better if I had some music to listen to as I work" came the reply. Have you ever noticed that people when they are working love to have some music playing in the background? The students assure me that they study better with even their type of music on, though to me it sounds more like a contest between a jackhammer and a concrete mixer. Quiet background music helps us to reflect and to work. Now, long before radios and transistors, the early Christians used

Churches welcome army trials JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (CNS) - The South African Council of Churches has welcomed the expected arraignment of the country's former defence minister and other senior military officers in connection with a 1987 massacre in Kwazulu-Natal. 'There is (a) need for justice to he seen to reach to all levels of society and that none shall escape it simply because of senior position and high public office," the council said in an October 30 statement. The government announced October 29 that Magnus Malan, defence minister in the former apartheid government, and 10 retired top military officers would be arraigned on murder charges related to the killing of 13 people in Kwamakhutha in the province of Kwazulu-Natal. "The due process of law has to take place. It is good that in this case there has been transparency about the impending charges," the council said. "It is not only those who pull the triggers or wield the killing weapons that have to be known for what they did, but also those who gave the instructions on what was to happen and turned a blind eye to the barbarism," it said. The churches' council said the case shows how urgently South Africa needs to set up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which will probe crimes.

vocal repetitive prayer for the same reasons. A short, meaningful phrase would be quietly repeated over and over again. This back ground prayer music allowed the mind, once it has slipped into the rhythm and meaning of the mystery, to float free and meditate. They called these meaningful, prayer inspiring short phrases "mantras". Many of these mantras have survived the centuries. Such examples are "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts" and the great Jesus prayer of the Eastern Orthodox Christians "Jesus, Son of the Living God, have mercy upon me". One such mantra that has become time honoured, and one which perhaps we are in danger of losing, is the "Hail Mary". When honouring a famous person, the mind often turns to his or her mother, so it was very natural for the early Christians, after "the Jesus Prayer", to use the words of the angelic salutation to Mary as mantras: "Hail Mary Full of Grace": "Hail Mary, the Lord is

• • • a column of Marian devotion

with thee"; "Hail Mary, blessed conceived Christ, the Redeemer became a popular form of the among women". of our souls" were added to the response petition. Let us treasure the Hail Mary. It In time they would become scriptural quotations. united. The form of the prayer These abounded in the eastern rests on Scripture for its validity consists of two biblical refer- liturgies and only appeared in and draws its dignity from its ences and a petition in response the west in the Roman liturgy, for time honoured use by Christians to the mysteries referred to. the Feast of the Annunciation, in down through the ages, fulfiling An older title for the prayer was the 8th century. It is in the 11th the prophecy of her whom "The Angelic Salutation", an obvi- century that these scriptural ref- Gabriel greeted . . . "henceforth ous reference to the words of erences, now known as "The Hail all generations shall called me Gabriel (Luke 1:28): "Hail Mary Mary" were slowly adopted as a blessed". Let us use the Rosary as a full of grace, the Lord is with popular form of devotion. thee, blessed art thou among It was Pope Urban (1264) who mantra; as Scriptural background women". The words of Elizabeth inserted the word "Jesus" after music which will allow our (Luke 1:42) follow on as a corol- the scriptural quotations. The minds to float free, as we sink lary: "Blessed is the fruit of thy second part of the Hail Mary deeper and peacefully into the womb. . ." appeared only later. As in the great mysteries. Don't be taken in by the inane The first evidence we have of earlier liturgies of the East, it was these two texts of Luke, united as felt that the utterance of the two prattle you sometimes hear today a single formula being used as a gospel greetings called for a that the Rosary is a devotion prayer is in the 6th century in the response, a personal reaction to which is "out-of-date" and out of ancient liturgies of St James and the prayerful reflections on the line with modern spirituality. It is not. Used as a mantra, it St Mark, and in the ritual of mysteries announced by the Bishop Severus of Antioch, who scriptural passages. can greatly help us as a peaceful, died in 538. Various petitions were used, meaningful, scriptural prayer in Their probable earlier use is until St Bernadine of Sienna the mad rush and surge of modsuggested by inscribed clay preached his famous sermon in ern living. tablets which experts assign to a 1427 wherein, having used the Fr Frank Freeman, courtesy previous date. For the next four Hail Mary, he concluded with the of Catholic Life, paper of the words "So Holy Mary, Mother of centuries, various forms of petiDiocese of Sale, Victoria. tions such as "Because you have God, pray for us". These words

Bosnia peace prayers DAYTON, Ohio (CNS) - In Dayton, Rome and in the Balkans, Catholics and members of other faiths joined in prayer for the success of Bosnian peace talks at WrightPatterson Air Force Base near Dayton. From cardinals to schoolchildren, they prayed that negotiations among the Bosnian, Serb and Croatian presidents would bring peace and an end to the 43month war. Cardinal William Keeler of Baltimore, joining with Christian and Muslim leaders from the former Yugoslavia, urged U.S. Catholics to pray for the success of the peace talks, which opened on November 1. Cardinal Keeler, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, echoed a call by the New York-based Appeal of Conscience Foundation for people of all faiths to attend their respective churches, synagogues and mosques during the November 3-5 weekend to pray that the people who have suffered the agonies of war will be free to enjoy the peace that is rightfully theirs." The call came from Catholic Cardinals Franjo Kuharic of Zagreb, Croatia, and Vinko Puljic of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina; Patriarch Pavle of the Serbian Orthodox Church; Rais ul Ulema Mustafa Ceric, the top Muslim leader in Bosnia; and Rabbi Arthur Schneier, president of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation.

CNS Photo Stephanie James Ely

Gayle Reichert ties a white ribbon symbolizing peace on a pole outside Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio where Balkan peace talks are being held.

'Today, we salute President for a service, a symbolic welClinton for bringing together in come to Presidents Slobodan Dayton, Ohio, the three presi- Milosevic of Serbia, Franjo dents in search of a peaceful Tudjman of Croatia and Alija solution," they said on November Izetbegovic of Bosnia1. "On this day, we ask all men Herzegovina. The service was and women of good will to pray organised by Gary Robbins, a that these leaders be granted the member of the New Jerusalem wisdom to find the way to community of lay Catholics. peace." "It was touching. It was inspirThe statement was part of an ing," said Ursuline Sister Pat advertisement that ran on Brockman. "We gathered and November 1 in The Washington prayed for almost two hours. We Post and November 2 in The prayed for each of the three leadNew York Times. ers, that they would be enlightOn October 31, concerned citi- ened by the Spirit." At the service were a table and zens gathered at the main gate at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base three chairs, representing the set-

ting of the peace talks. Pope John Paul II, observing the Feast of All Saints, offered special prayers for victims of atrocities in Bosnia and other parts of the Balkans. Praying on November 1 in the grotto under St Peter's Basilica, where previous popes are buried, Pope John Paul said he wanted to join his prayers- with those of Catholics at other burial grounds throughout the world. Archbishop McCarrick of Newark, who recently returned from Bosnia, said conditions in Sarajevo, have improved somewhat, as evidenced by the availability of electricity.

Life's tough without lots of attention from the press (and a PR agent) By Agostino Bono ROME (CNS) - A controversial Italian doctor has said he plans to help an unnamed priest have a baby with his girlfriend through in vitro fertilisation. The statement by Dr. Severino Antinori who previously publicised how he helped a post-menopausal woman have a baby drew criticism from the medical profession and raised doubts among church officials that such a priest really exists. Antinori said he plans to perform the in vitro procedure in December with eggs and sperm from the couple. The priest suffers from a sperm duct blockage, preventing him from fathering a child through sexual intercourse, said Antinori. The doctor said he went public with the priest's case because it "reopens a deeply felt debate among Catholics" over a married priesthood. 12

The Record, November 9, 1995

The in vitro procedure involves fertilising egg and sperm in a laboratory dish, then implanting the fertilised egg in a woman's womb. It has been declared Immoral by the Catholic Church, which holds that procreation must take place through the sexual activity of a married couple. Antinori identified the priest as a 37year-old rural pastor in the Florence Archdiocese. Archdiocesan officials, as of November 2, had not commented on the case. One official, who asked not to be named, said the archdiocese cannot comment because it is not sure such a priest exists. Florence has 418 diocesan priests. Msgr. Enrico Chiavacci, theology professor at the Florence archdiocesan seminary, also questioned whether such a priest exists. If true, the priest would be going against the rules of the Church to which he

pledged fidelity, he said. The desire to Meledandri, head of the Rome branch to have a child is common, even among which Antinori belongs, said the situation priests, but ills a desire a priest must give should be investigated to determine if disup, said Msgr. Chiavacci. ciplinary action is needed. If Antinori is telling the truth, the priest Poggiolini said he could not understand must be mad, said Cardinal Ersilio why Antinori went public about a "special 81-year-old retired archbishop of situation" just because the patient was a Ravenna-Cervia, who often comments on priest. Curch matters in television and newspa"The first thing a doctor must do, above per interviews. all in especially delicate cases as this one, "It's something to make you shudder," he Is to keep quiet," he said. said. Antinori denied that he is seeking pubOfficials of the Order of Doctors, a licity and said he had not violated the national organisation of 300,000 members patient's privacy because he did not reveal that sets professional standards and ethi- the name. He said the priest and his girlcal guidelines, criticised Antinori for going friend told him they had been together for public. several years. They said Antinori may have violated the Italy has no law controlling use of in group's rules regarding the privacy of a vitro fertilisation and other medically patient and on using fertility techniques assisted fertility techniques. Several only for stable couples. bioethics bills which would set restricDr Danilo Poggiolini, national president tions have yet to be debated by parliaof the Order of Doctors, and Dr Benito ment.

International News

Man of Israel and of peace VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John Paul II expressed his deep sorrow at the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and urged that it not derail the Middle East peace process. "Iprofoundly hope this grave and painful event will not irreparably disturb the search for peace, but on the contrary may be an additional stimulus," the Pope said at a blessing at the Vatican on November 5.

On November 4, a fellow Jew gunned down Rabin, 73, as the Israeli leader was leaving a peace rally in Tel Aviv. Police immediately apprehended Yigal Arnir, a 25-year-old law student who said in court that he killed Rabin because his peace initiatives were creating a Palestinian state. "I acted alone, but maybe with God," Amir said. He said Jewish law sanctioned the killing of anyone who gave land away to the enemy. The Pope described Rabin, who shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994, as a servant of Israel. a talented statesman and a main protagonist of Middle East negotiations. His assassination has "stricken the hearts of many people of good will,,, the Pope said. "May the choice of the late Prime Minister Rabin in favour of peace, which he himself recalled just before he was shot to death, and his sacrifice bring the hopedfor fruits of reconciliation," he said. The Pope, who closed his remarks with

CNS - Reuters photo

Pope John Paul with Mr Rabin in 1993

the Hebrew word for peace, "Shalom," asked Israelis and all others who want peace in the region to "have the same courage and continue on the path" of dialogue. An interim government was being assembled by Shimon Peres, who had been Rabin's foreign minister and was expected to maintain the policies of his predecessor. In a telegram to Israeli President Ezer Weizman, the Pope conveyed condolences and said Israel could be assured of his prayers at this time of mourning. "I implore the Almighty to enlighten the

CNS - Reuters photo

Mr Rabin speaking at the peace rally moments before his assassination

minds and hearts of all men and women of good will in order that they may persevere in the quest for peace and mutual acceptance," he said. He called the killing "a deplorable act directed against an eminent statesman

and an act perilous for the cause of peace in the Middle East and in the whole world." The pope met with Rabin at the Vatican in 1994, and the two leaders said afterward they hoped the Vatican would eventually become more involved in the Middle East peace process. Rabin at that time reiterated Israel's invitation for a papal trip to Jerusalem. Rabin also told the pontiff at the end of their encounter: "I promise every effort to bring peace and prosperity to the Holy Land." Seven months later, Rabin, Peres and Palestine Liberation Organisation Yasser Arafat were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Arafat was among the many world leaders who mourned Rabin's death, calling the slain prime minister a courageous leader and a man of peace. Jerusalem Latin-rite Patriarch Michel Sabbah called the assassination a tragedy and said the first reaction was fear that it could damage the peace process. He noted it was the first time a major attack had been carried out by an Israeli extremist against an Israeli official. "We hope the first incident of this kind will not degenerate into further internal divisions, and that the Israeli society can keep its unity in order to lead the peace process to a good end." he told Vatican Radio. Christian leaders joined some 80 heads of state and dignitaries at Mount Herzl Military Cemetery on November 6 to mourn the assassination of Rabin.

Beneath a brusque manner and exterior, a gentle peacemaker In the Arab countries, there was authorities who would brief us a constant expression of concern later. This didn't satisfy me and I set SANTA CLARA. California. among religious and political making contact with a couabout of fate the about leaders (CNS) - It was during his first term as prime minister of Israel Archbishop Hilarion Capucci - a ple of friends I had in the Rabin in the government. I wanted to go and (1974-1977) that I met Yitzhak Catholic prelate stationed see Archbishop Capucci in his arrested been had He Land. Holy Rabin. He had a reputation as and find out for myself prison and smuggling gun of charges on rather brusque in manner and in condition was. The inihis what secret in violations currency conversation. But beneath it all from government response tial Palestine the with dealings was a certain gentleness which hopeful. Nobody wasn't sources Tried Organisation. Liberation he seldom cared to convey. and convicted, he was serving his was allowed to see the "Prisoner I discovered it as part of a dele- sentence in an Israeli jail. Capucci" except relatives and the gation of Catholic editors visiting The Arabs suggested that the apostolic delegate. the Middle East under the aus- archbishop was being tortured I urged my friends to try harder pices of the Catholic Near East and degraded by his jailers and and said I was only in town for Welfare Association. We visited said we ought to protest his suf- 24 hours. I said it was important Lebanon, weeks before the civil ferings. When we arrived in to Israel not to allow the Arab war laid waste to that beautiful Jerusalem, we editors discussed charges to go unanswered - precountry. Then on to Egypt, It for some time. However, the suming they were untrue. Jordan, Syria - before arriving in leader of our delegation proThat evening we attended a Israel. posed we leave it to church reception in a Jerusalem hotel. By Gerard Sherry

Bishops oppose guns on streets, condoms in schools WASHINGION (CNS) - Voters as well as candidates must share responsibility for making the 1996 election address the values of the American people, the US bishops say in a new political responsibility statement released statement, The November 5, exactly one year before the 1996 election, quotes from Pope John Paul II's encyclicals as well as from his remarks during his October US visit, when he called on Americans to use their freedom to serve truth and protect society's most vulnerable groups, including the unborn, the poor and immigrants. It also cites the US bishops' recent statements on crime, abortion, communications, peace, social and economic justice, health care, immigration and violence. The latest in a series of political responsibility statements dating back to 1976, it sets out broad

questions for the coming cam- politicians seem to be abandonpaign while pointedly remaining ing them." it says. "We defend nonaligned with either the 'children in the womb and on Democratic or Republican par- welfare. We oppose the violence of abortion and the vengeance of ties. The statement, issued in a 32- capital punishment We oppose page booklet format, asks how assault weapons on our streets the United States can best help and condoms in our schools. Our vulnerable children, combat agenda is sometimes counterracial prejudice, support families, cultural, but it reflects our consispursue justice and peace in a vio- tent concern for human life." The church's tradition of social lent world, address a growing "culture of violence" and get the concern as outlined in Pope Leo most from a market economy XIII's 1891 encyclical, "Rerum and public policy to create good Novarum," provides a basis for jobs, help immigrants and fight current perspectives that emphasise human dignity, human rights poverty. And it challenges both those and responsibilities, a call to famwho say religious beliefs have no ily and community, the dignity of place in politics and religious work, caring for the poor and solleaders who tell followers how to idarity with the human family, vote or pose religious tests for the statement says. The statement is available in candidates. "Too much of public life reflects English or Spanish. Bishops were our fears more than our hopes, sent early copies and asked to dividing us by age, race, religion choose whether the USCC and class," it says. should distribute packets directly "We stand with the unborn and to parishes or deliver them in the undocumented when many bulk to diocesan offices.

hosted by residential correspondents of major American newspapers. We exchanged views on the imprisoned prelate and were told that even these American journalists, representing prestigious newspapers, weren't allowed to visit him. It looked bleak for my chances. But the impossible happened. Just before the reception broke up, I was paged and went to the phone. It was the ministry of police. They informed me that the prime minister had approved my visit to the archbishop - "but he might not want to see you." I said I would take my chances and arranged a suitable time the next day. I went back to the reception a happy man but mentioned it to no one, until we got

back to our own hotel. The next morning we all turned up at Prime Minister Rabin's office for a group interview and I sat next to him. About an hour later. I asked to be excused. He said. "Oh, you must be the one who is going to visit the prisoner Capucci. All I ask is that you see for yourself and tell the truth." It was said in the same gravelly voice that Israelis heard at the fateful peace rally in Tel Aviv two decades later. The text of his speech contained a good measure of brusqueness for his critics but also an expression of tenderness for the peacemakers, both Arab and Jew.

Doctors seek Vatican change on priesthood for celiacs "Communion wafers made LONDON (CNS) - Two medical doctors have taken on the Vatican from wheat flour may provoke and asked it to change its ban on symptoms in celiac patients, gluten-free Communion hosts although many believe that their and accept for ordination to the content of gliadin. which is the priesthood men allergic to toxic part of gluten, is too small to cause intestinal damage," they gluten. The doctors said they were added. "Hopefully the Vatican will "deeply dismayed" at a June Vatican document that ruled out recognise our finding that sogluten-free hosts and discour- called 'gluten-free' wafers do, in aged the ordination of men aller- fact, contain some wheat starch and trace amounts of gliadin, gic to gluten. Both doctors are experts on thus facilitating the basis of an celiac disease, an allergic reac- acceptable 'theological' solution tion to gluten that can make peo- and relieving concern and risks for celiac patients" they said. ple seriously ill. "If this were so, there would be They are Dr. Michael Marsh of Hope Hospital and Dr. Kieran no logical reason to exclude men Moriarty of Bolton General with celiac disease from the Hospital. Their criticisms were priesthood." they said. the Vatican June In contained in a letter published in the November 3 Catholic Herald, Congregation for the Doctrine of London-based weekly newspa- the Faith, in a ruling sent to the world's bishops, maintained the per. "Many people with celiac dis- prohibition against use of hosts ease are asymptomatic, or virtu- that are totally free of gluten. But "low-gluten hosts are valid ally so, and are thus unrecognised. It would, therefore, be matter, provided that they conquite impossible to identify them tain the amount of gluten suffiand exclude all celiacs from the cient to obtain the confection of bread," it said. priesthood," they said. The Record, November 9, 1995


International News

In Brief Cardinal to stay on WASHINGTON (CNS) - Pope John Paul has told American cardinal James Hickey that he wants him to continue on in his job despite having received his resignation, submitted on October 11, the Cardinal's 75th birthday. The reply came via the papal pro-nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Agostino Cacciavillan. three weeks after Cardinal Hickey submitted his resignation in accordance with Vatican guidelines. It is understood Pope John Paul wants him to stay on in the job "until other provision is made."

Lebanon synod VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Fifty bishops from the Middle East and from Eastern-rite dioceses in North and South America will gather at the Vatican in late November to discuss how to rebuild Catholic communities and relaunch dialogue with other Christians and with Muslims in Lebanon. Pope John Paul II first suggested a Lebanese synod in 1991 as a way for the church to re-examine its role in Lebanese society after 16 years of civil war in that country.

Blind Catechism HARTFORD. Conn. (CNS) The Xavier Society for the Blind has produced three versions of the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" for the visually impaired. The New York-based society has produced 10 copies of the catechism in each of three formats: Braille, large print and audiotape.

Romania trouble BUCHAREST, ( CNS) Romania's bishops have set up a special commission on youth problems in the wake of student protests. Romanian students, who launched their strike after the October start of the college year, protested recent increases in tuition and exam fees as well as poor conditions.

UNICEF problems UNITED NATIONS (CNS) The Vatican mission to the United Nations is advising Catholics who support JNICEF to designate their gifts for specific programs that do not contradict Catholic moral teaching. The move comes following moves by the UN Children's Fund into family planning and pressures from some countries for other objectionable activities.

Communism OK MEXICO CITY (CNS) Cardinal Iniguez has been quoted as criticising the world economic order, saying that communism's original demand for social justice should be re-examined. "Communism, as an overall system of government and economics, was no good (but) it did have many good elements that should not be disregarded." he said. 14

Riot at China church Hindu mob kills Christian

HONG KONG (CNS) - About 30 people were injured and a bishop disappeared for two months after Catholics in southLA! HBORA-KHARWATOLL bishop Joseph Powathil of western China tried to prevent India (CNS) - A Christian was Changanacherry, president of the demolition of a 135-year-old beaten to death and his village Indian bishops' conference, church. was set on fire by Hindu mobs in expressed shock over the A Catholic source from Guiyang Raigarh Diocese in Madhya October 26 incident to state offitold UCA News, an Asian church Pradesh, central India. cials. They asked for immediate news agency based in Thailand, Some 15 Christian homes were intervention by the government that South Church in Guiyang, burned in the village of Lathbora- to guarantee "security to the capital city of Guizhou Kharwatoli, women were said to Christians and compensation." province, was torn down on July have been molested and a John Kerketta, 26, was mur21, allegedly with the approval of Christian shrine destroyed, UCA dered after it was alleged he was the diocese's government-recog- News, an Asia church news responsible for damaging an nised Bishop Anicetus Wang agency based in Thailand, abandoned temple of the Hindu Chongyi. reported. Syro-Malabar Arch- god Siva in the village. The source said that on the demolition day, a few dozen medical treatment still had not for an undisclosed cause, the Catholics had assembled to safe- fully recovered. source also said. guard the church building. The bishop reportedly then Kung ICao Po, Chinese-language A clash occurred as public went into hiding for two months weekly of the Hong Kong security officers tried to drive the to escape Catholics who had Diocese, said Bishop Wang was Catholics away, leaving about 30 been angered by the incident. forced to sign the agreement to Bishop Wang then returned to demolish the church under presinjured. As of October 25, a few who could not afford to pay for Guiyang and is now hospitalised sure from local government

authorities and the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association. The October 13 issue of Kung Kao Po reported that the bishop described his absence from Guiyang as "exile" and that he spent the time visiting Catholics in a mountainous area of Guizhou province. The source said the demolished structures - the church building and its surrounding houses covered a few thousand square meters and that work to construct commercial buildings on that site has already started. But without further compensation, the source said, the local church does not have sufficient funds to construct a new church building. The Catholic source told UCA News that with the church gone, the 3,000 or so parishioners have to go to North Church, the only church left in the city.

Accept Quebec vote: bishops Divorce OTTAWA (CNS) - Canada's bishops are urging calm, mutual respect and dialogue among those of differing views in the wake of a narrow victory for continued Canadian unity in the recent Quebec referendum. In Ottawa, the executive committee of the Canadian bishops' conference issued a three-page statement on November 2 calling on all Canadians "to have open hearts and open minds." The bishops wrote that "the decision made by the people of Quebec was neither easy nor painless." "As a result, the people of Quebec and Canada at this moment are highly charged with profound feelings and conflicting perspectives about their political and social structures," the statement said. By a margin of sixtenths of 1 percent, Quebeckers voted in favour of keeping their province in Canada. In Montreal, the executive committee of the Assembly of Bishops of Quebec issued their own four-page letter in which they called for "ways to overcome the various rifts that have become apparent." Following the October 30 results. Quebec Premier Jacques Parizeau blamed money and the ethnic vote for defeating the separatists. The next day - unrepentant for what many felt were racist remarks the premier announced his resignation effective December 22. Nevertheless he and Bloc Quebecois Lucien Leader Bouchard, who serves as Canada's opposition leader and is expected to replace Parizeau as Quebec premier, vowed to succeed in their quest for sovereignty. Quebec's bishops called on Quebeckers to accept the referendum results.

leaves 'orphans'



A Montreal resident, top, casts his ballot at a polling station in Montreal's Catholic basilica. CNS Photo

Pope urges a better Scripture appreciation VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Thirty years after the Second Vatican Council highlighted the importance of the Bible, the Church needs to ask itself whether sacred Scripture is fully appreciated in ecclesial and personal life, Pope John Paul II said. The Pope spoke on November 5 about the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation ("Del Verbum"), approved in November 1965. He said the landmark document still offers rich reflections on how God's word can become a part of people's daily lives. "From 'Del Verbum' came a great encouragement

The Record, November 9, 1995 t i ,

toward strengthening the word of God as the criterion of evangelization, of personal and ecclesial life, and of ecumenism," he said. "Thirty years later, we have to ask ourselves with courage: Has this fundamental advice of the council been fully accepted?" he said. The Pope said the council's document had correctly underlined the role of scriptural scholarship. This is a valid help in understanding scriptural texts, which bear an imprint of their human authors' personality as well as the signs and limits of the authors' eras, he said.

ARMAGH, Northern Ireland (CNS) - Divorce turns children Into "the orphans of living parents," said Cardinal Cahal Daly of Armagh as Ireland prepared to vote in a referendum that would legalize divorce. Divorce makes children occasional visitors to "the new house where Daddy lives" or where the mother lives with her new male friend, he said. A pastoral letter on divorce by the cardinal was read at November 4-5 Masses in the Armagh Archdiocese, which includes part of Ireland. The cardinal is also president of the bishops' conference that includes Ireland and Northern Ireland. An Irish referendum that would end the constitutional ban on divorce is scheduled for November 24. The latest polls show majority support for removing the ban. Cardinal Daly said the effects of liberalized divorce in Northern Ireland should be an argument against introducing divorce elsewhere. In 1979, when the English and Welsh divorce law- was extended to Northern Ireland, there were 601 divorces, he said. The numbers jumped to 2,303 in 1994, he added. More than one-fourth of the marriages in Northern Ireland end in divorce, he said. Divorce does not mean people live "happy ever after," the cardinal said. The rate of breakdown and divorce among divorced people is as high as those of people in first marriages, he added. The cardinal re-emphasized Church teaching that a validly married Catholic who is divorced but whose spouse is still living cannot remarry in the Church, nor can the second union be blessed by a priest on behalf of the Church. "The Catholic Church has received a command from the Lord which it has no power to change." he said, regarding the indissolubility of marriage. Meanwhile, anti-divorce groups and a member of Parliament have accused President Mary Robinson of Ireland of exceeding her powers by virtually advocating a "yes" vote in the November referendum *seeking to end the constitutional ban on divorce.

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UPHOLSTERY: lounge sion of Mary your holy you for your mercy towards bring visible and speedy 0 most beautiful flower of suite repairs, recover Mother, I knock, I seek, I me and mine. This prayer help where help is almost Mount Carmel, true vine, dining and kitchen suiteo, ask that my prayer be must be published immedi- despaired of. Come to my splendour of heaven, etc. Phone L & K Upholstery g ranted. Mention your ately. MDG assistance in this great blessed mother of the Son 457 6996. need that I may receive the of God, Immaculate Virgin, request AN effective prayer to St c onsolation and help of assist me in my necessities. ELECTRICAL, contractor 0 JESUS who said, All that Anthony: St Anthony, heaven in all my necessi- 0 Star of the sea, help me, rewires fans, power points, you ask of the Father in my amongst the gentlest of all ties, tribulations, and suffer- and show me herein you lights, lic 004003. Phone Name He will grant you, saints, your love of God ings particularly (here make are my Mother. 0 holy Stephen Tierney 354 2263. through the intercession of and for your fellow men your request) and that I Mary Mother of God, Mary, Your holy Mother, I made you worthy, even may praise God with you Queen of Heaven and humbly and urgently ask here on earth, to possess and all the elect forever. I earth, I humbly beseech your Father in Your Name miraculouS powers. promise 0 Blessed St Jude you from the bottom of my that my prayer be granted. Miracles waited on your to be ever mindful of this heart to succour me in my Mention your request command, and that com- great favour to always hon- necessity. There are none mand you were ever ready our you as my special and that can withstand your 0 JESUS who said Heaven t o give at the asking of powerful patron and to power. 0 show me here 4..reraiva tit lite and earth shall pass away those in trouble or distress. gratefully encourage devo- you are my Mother. 0 Continuous Concrete Garden but My word shall not pass, Upheld by this thought, I tion to you. Amen. MDG. Mary conceived without edging in various colours UNFAILING prayer to St sin, pray for us who have through the intercession of beg of you to obtain for me For obligation free quote Anthony. Blessed be God recourse to thee (three Mary Your holy Mother, I this request (Mention your . 1)hone John on 331 2400/ f eel confident that my request). in His Angels and in His times) Holy Mary I place Saints. 0 Holy St Anthony this request into your prayer will be granted. The answer to my prayer Mention- your request. may require a miracle but gentlest of Saints, your love hands (three times). Thank for God and charity, for His you for your mercy towards MDG. you are the Saint of Enquiries/ St Anthony creatures made you worthy me and mine. Amen. This Miracles. MY grateful thanks to always both understanding when on earth to possess prayer must be said for Appointments powers. three days. Thank you with Jesus, Mary and Joseph and compassionate, offer m iraculous and also to Our Lady of my prayer to the Child Miracles waited on your love Colette. 335 7075 Jesus and my heartfelt word which you were ever Medjugorje. MDG. thanks will ever be yours. ready to speak for those in MAY the Sacred Heart of Peter Watt trouble or MDG. anxious. Jesus be praised, adored Encouraged by and glorified throughout PSYCHOLOGIST CARPET CLEANING Prayer to the Blessed thought I implore of youthis to the whole world now and obtain for me (request). forever. Sacred Heart of Counselling/ Virgin. 2 rooms for $35 beautiful flower of The answer to my prayer Jesus hear our prayer. St MOST 0 Therapy (Each additional room S15) Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, may require a miracle even Jude worker of miracles, with "Free deodorising" of Heaven, so, you are the Saint of pray for us St Jude helper Splendour 1 58 Canning Hwy Call AL on 332 6271 Blessed Mother of the Son Miracles. 0 gentle and lov- of the hopeless pray for us. East Fremantle of God, Immaculate Virgin ing St Anthony, whose Say this prayer 9 times a MITEY CLEAN assist me in this my neces- heart was ever full of day for 9 days. Grateful sity. 0 Star of the Sea help human sympathy, whisper thanks to our Lady and St me and show me herein my petition into the ears of Jude. C.H. you are my Mother, 0 Holy the Sweet Infant Jesus, Mary Mother of God, who loved to be folded in GRATEFUL thanks to our of Heaven and yours arms: and the grati- Blessed Mother Mary and Paths, Driveways, Patios, Verandahs Queen earth, I humbly beseech tude of my heart will ever the Novena to the Holy Now can be Fixed... you from the bottom of my be yours. Pater, Ave and Spirit, for a favour granted A t last there's a range of attractive colour heart to help me in this Gloria Thank you with love to me and my family. necessity, there are none Colette. sealers that rejuvenates old Concrete areas. that can withstand your THANK you Blessed colour Armercoat sealers are hard wearing power. 0 show me herein Sacred Heart of Jesus, fast, so that will stay looking great. Slip you are my Mother. Blessed Holy Spirit and resistant even in the wettest weather. 0 Mary conceived without Blessed Virgin Mary for A ffordable - wide colour range. Realistic sin, pray for us, who have very many favours granted. recourse to you. (3 times). I also offer grateful thanks terracotta, textured sandstone, doeskin, earth Sweet Mother I place this to Blessed St Jude, red, brown, green, black, etc. cause in your hands. (3 Blessed St Peregrine, For a obligation free quote on Application times). MDG. Blessed St Antony and Service or Do It Your Self - contact Peter at Blessed St Theresa for THANKS for prayers hearing and answering my Armercoat on 015 19 77 55 or afh 447 0314 prayers for help. CWE. answered, St Jude. PMB.

Shabby Concrete

Profession of Sr Miriam Rose OCD, Nedlands A rchbishop Hickey Unveiling Ceremony of the Holocaust Memorial, Stirling Gardens - Rev P Ahern Confirmation, Dianella 11 Monsignor McCrann Confirmation, Goomalling 12 Monsignor Keating Confirmation, Kalamunda - Rev G Carroll 14 Reception for Director of Development for the Zimbabwe Council of Churches, Mrs Prisca Munonyara - Archbishop Hickey, Bishop Healy Candidacy ceremony for admission to Redemptoris Mater Seminary - Archbishop Hickey Parish Archivists' Meeting at 15 Cathedral Archives A rchbishop Hickey 4th Anniversary AIDS Centre, Mass - Archbishop Hickey Launch of LifeLink Advent Appeal to Parishes, Morley A rchbishop Hickey St Mary's Cathedral A rchbishop Hickey 17-19 Visitation and Confirmation, Bayswater - Archbishop Hickey Visitation and Confirmation, Bentley- Bishop Healy Confirmation, Ballajura 18 Monsignor Keating Confirmation, South Lake 19 Monsignor Keating Procession and Mass for Vietnamese Martyrs, Leederville A rchbishop Hickey School Principal's Mass, CEO 23 Chapel - Archbishop Hickey 9


Sisters Kelly and Gluminska, who work at the International Shrine of Divine Mercy in Krakow, Poland will be visiting Perth later this month. There will be 3 talks in 3 languages offering a personal insight into the life of Blessed Faustina and the message of the divine mercy. Talks are preceded by Mass and conclude with Benediction and a chance to meet the Sisters. Wed 22 November Polish Mass/talk, Mercy Chapel, Vic Sq at 7 pm. Thurs 23 Nov: Italian Mass/talk at 9.30 am and English Mass/talk at 7 pm, both at St Mary's Ledderville. Further details please phone Adam 448-0002; John 457-7771; Jo-Anne 444-2481.


The Advent Prayer weekend will be on November 25/26, 1995 at `Penola', 27 Penguin Rd, Safety Bay. Cost $35.00 Sr. Wendy, P.O. Box 593, South Perth. WA 6151. Phone 474 3349 a/h 478 1038 Fax 368 2018.

HOLY HOUR FOR HOLY SOULS IN PURGATORY Holy hour will be held at St Mary's Church, 21 James St, Guildford on Sunday, 19 November at 2.30pm. All welcome. Tea and coffee will be served afterwards. Sponsored by the Devotees of Our Lady of Mt Cannel.

How can anyone know what you're thinking unless you . . .

ADVERTISE in THE RECORD This space would cost you $27

The Record, November 9, 1995


Visiting Speaker from Melbourne


Fr Richard Leonard SJ November 22nd and 23rd 1995 Fr Richard, 32 is a Jesuit priest, an author, a TV producer and an outstanding speaker


Topics: Wednesday night 7.30-9.30pm Human relationships: what gives meaning, what are the blocks and how the Christian community can help us to relate to each other.


On Sunday 26th November, the Feast of Christ the King will be celebrated with devotions and a procession at the Schoenstatt Shrine, Talus Drive, Armadale commencing at 3pm. Everyone welcome. For further information contact the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary on 399 2349.

Thursday night 7.30-9.30pm Includes issues on: the Church, morality, liturgy and spirituality. Cost: $10 per night (donations pensioners and unwaged)


Venue: John XXIII College Hall Registration: Contact Murray Graham 384 1122 or pay on entry.

On Sunday December 3rd there will be a Summer Craft Fair at Corpus C hristi College, Murdoch Drive, Bateman from 9am till 4pm. Great gifts for Christmas - jewellery, C ottage Craft, Art, Dried Flower A rrangements, Pottery, etc. Free admission. Open air garden setting, D evonshire Teas, lunches and drinks.

(Visit approved by Archbishop)

PSYCHOTHERAPY Christian framework Jungian tradition

Spiritual direction



Analytical Therapist - Phone 275 5966

Friars Joseph and Jude of Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate from USA will speak our traditional Franciscan spirituality and total consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on 12 November Sunday at 1.30pm in St. John's pro-Cathedral, Victoria Avenue, Perth. Enquires 448-0002.




On Sunday 19th November at 2.30pm the Benedictine Oblates will hold their Annual General Meeting at lona Presentation College, Mosman Park. Vespers and afternoon tea will f ollow the AGM. Enquires Tony Smurthwaite 337 8212.

ST THOMAS PRIMARY SCHOOL St Thomas Primary School. Claremont is a single stream primary school with an enrolment of 200 students. The school offers a comprehensive educational program with an emphasis on First Steps and includes music, drama, dancing, school band and Italian. The school is highly regarded, enthusiastically supported by the parent community and enjoys close links with the parish. Ideally, the successful applicant will be expected to take up the position at the beginning of 1996, or no later than the beginning of Term 2, 1996. Applicants will be practising Catholics who are experienced administrators committed to the objectives and ethos of Catholic education. They will be required to have the requisite pastoral and managerial skills together with academic and professional qualifications necessary to successfully undertake the role of Principal. Further information and official application forms are available from Sr Clare Rafferty, Consultant, School Personnel Team, Ph. (09) 388 4268. Official application forms should be addressed to The Director, Catholic Education Office of WA, PO Box 198, Leederville WA 6903 and he lodged by Monday, 20 November 1995.

NEWMAN SOCIETY Vatican ll Group Tuesday November 14 at 11am. Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests. Introductory Note: 'Priests' Page 526 in Abbott . Page 863 Flannery. Venue : Our Lady of the Missions Convent, 40 Mary St Highgate. (Use the Harold St entrance). Open to all interested. Contact no: 446 7340.





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The Focolare Movement will hold an afternoon program, open to everyone, on Sunday 12 November, from 1.30 - 5.00, at John XXIII College, Mt Claremont There will be information sessions on the spirituality of the Focolare, a spirituality of unity with God and with each other, and a presentation of christian personal experiences based on the life of the Gospel, as they are lived in many Word of life groups around the diocese. A special segment will be on Genfest '95 - the international youth f estival attended by a group of Perth young people in Rome earlier this year. A separate program for children has been prepared and a c reche is available for babies. Entrance is free; a donation to cover expenses will be appreciated. For more information please contact the Focolare Centres: 5 A St Columbas A ve, Wembley - 381 6170 or 2 Fraser Street, Swanbourne - 384 3554.


Workshop Day for Parish Liturgy C ommittee Members, Liturgy Planners and Those Interested in the Creative Arts. Saturday 18 November, 10.30am3pm, St Jerome's Parish Centre, 24 Troode Street, Munster. S5.00 donation, BYO lunch, tea and coffee provided. The information day will be divided into four sessions: preparation and planning, using fabric and paper, enlarging and design, being creative. For further information and registration please contact Fr Wayne Davis, phone (09) 418 1229.


The Secular Franciscans of WA. will h old their annual retreat at the Redemptorist Retreat House North Perth 24-26 November 1995. If interested in attending phone Angela or Mike 444 0352




. 61

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Alan Ames will speak on his conversion experiences at the Holy Family Church, cnr Thelma St & Canning H wy, 16th November after the Benediction at 7pm. The evening will conclude with Healing. Enquires: Russel 274 6018, Ted & no 474 1415.


An invitation is extended to anyone interested in Christian Meditation to attend an introductory talk given by Vesta & Sam Gamalatage, coordinators of the Christian Mediation Community, to be held on Thursday November 16th at 10.30am in the Meeting Room of Our Lady's Assumption Parish Mandurah on Pinjarra Road. Further details phone Monica 535 5754.

MULTICULTURAL INITIATIVE Multiculturalism will be the theme of a series of parish activities to be launched at a special concelebrated 6 pm Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Mary Street, Highgate, on Saturday November 18. The Vicar General, Mons Michael Keating, Parish Priest Fr Maurice loop and Fr Francis Ca will lead the five celebrants in the Mass. It will be followed by supper in the Parish Hall at 7.30 pm featuring food from a range of countries and appropriate cultural musical items. The Parish Council has also invited f ormer parishioners to return to Highgate for this special occasion. Sunday Mass is already said in English, Italian and Vietnamese at Sacred Heart

Continued on Page 15

222 Collier Road, Bayswater • Phone 272 3566


The Gosnells Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group is presenting an evening of 'Prayer & Witness' on the theme - Jesus Lives Today. Guest speakers from Leederville and Fremantle will share aspects of their lives that show just how powerfully Jesus lives and works in the lives of those who will trust him. Venue: Catholic Church, 175 Corfield Street, Date/time: Sunday, Gosnells. November 12th, 7.30pm. Supper will be provided; prayer teams will be available.



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NAGLE CATHOLIC COLLEGE Geraldton Nagle Catholic College is a co-educational Catholic Secondary day and boarding school which was established in 1994 following the amalgamation of Stella Mans College and St Patrick's College. The current enrolment, from Year 8 to Year 12, is approximately 700 students. The Principal invites applications from enthusiastic and suitably qualified and experienced teachers for the following positions: Religious Education, Applied Computing and Word Processing Years 11 - 12 with Computing Years 8 - 10 This is a full-time position for Term 1 only. Religious Education and Japanese

This is a permanent position which may be either full-time or part-time Written applications, clearly indicating the qualifications, experience and other qualities which would make the applicant a suitable person for appointment, should include a comprehensive curriculum vitae and name two current professional referees. Applications close on Wednesday 15 November; they should be addressed to: The Principal Nagle Catholic College PO Box 97 GERALDTON 6531

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