The Record Newspaper 22 February 1996

Page 1

What's Inside... Lent is needed to fully celebrate Jesus' Resurrection at Easter, says Archbishop Barry Hickey in his 1995 Lenten Pastoral - Page 2 PERTH, WA: February 22, 1996


Number 2985

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Four political parties answer why should Catholics should vote for them - Page 9 Installments from Vatican statement on sex education begin today - Page I1


Pope vote rules to lIt cardinals out By John Travis VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The next time a conclave is held to elect a new pope, cardinalelectors will no longer be housed in the ancient rooms surrounding the Sistine Chapel, sources told Catholic News Service. Instead. the cardinals will stay in a recently constructed modern guest house, the Domus Sanctae Martae, on the other side of City. They will be bused twice a day to the Sistine for voting. The change in the centuries-old tradition is contained in a 65page letter that fine-tunes many of the conclave rules. The document is expected to 13e made I Ilic in late February. In the past, cardinals participating in papal elections have stayed in quarters temporarily carved out of the Vatican Palace, adjacent to the Sistine Chapel. The very word "conclave" Latin for "with a key" - refers to the practice of sequestering the c.ardinals in one contained area for the duration of their meeting. Most conclaves last several days.

init some have gone on for months. The makeshift and cramped lodgings in the Vatican Palace meant cardinals had to put up with limited privacy, distant bathmoms and a stuffy and hot atmosphere in summer months. Up to 120 cardinals are voting members in a conclave. The Domus Sanctae Martae. which will offer 120 mini-apartments when it is opened this spring. would have to be cleared of regular guests during a conclave. The residence would be sealed off for the duration, and the cardinals would be prohibited from meeting or talking to anyone outside the Sacred College. The residence building is quite visible from outside the Vatican walls. Its construction. in fact. sparked protests from some Rome groups because it slightly limits the view of the basilica from the city streets. The papal letter says that rather than walking through St Peter's Basilica to the Sistine Chapel about a five-block hike - the cardinal electors will take a bus to a courtyard inside the Vatican Palace. The document even says which stairway the prelates will

come to the Sistine for the vote on a particular day. The document repeatedly warm; against any form of outside conununication by cardinal electors during the conclave. particularly through electronic devices. Sources said the pope appeared to be well aware that cellular phones were widely used by today's cardinals. For those breaking the secrecy rules, it threatens exconununication, the sources said. The papal letter reportedly maintains many of the previous rules outlined by Pope Paul VI in his 1975 document. Romano Pope John Paul pauses during his Pontifid Eligenda general audience address at the Specifically. it keeps Pope Paul Vatican last week. Photo '. VI's dii•ective that cardinals over the age of 80 are not eligible to take to reach the Sistine. Sources vote in the amclave. said the document was equally It makes it clear, however, that detailed in describing the electhose over 80 can participate in toral pmcedures. I • liminary meetings of cardiFor example, it requires a presi- nals to be held between the dent to keep track of votes with a death of a pope and the start of needle and thread. putting a nee- the conclave. dle through the name of the perThe new document also son voting and tying the ballots ensures that the newly elected with the thread. pope will present himself to the A procedure is also outlined for people waiting in St Peter's carwing ballots on a plate to car- Square - just as Pope John Paul dinals who may be too ill to II did in 1978.

Kimberley people take action for an education By Peter Rosengren At the end of approximately 170km of dusty bush road. about three hours travel by four-wheel -drive from Broome, the bush pioneering tradition of C.atholic education in the Kimberley continues. In the tiny Aboriginal coastal community of La Djadarr Bay population approximately 40 and formerly Icnown as Disaster Bay - classes commenced last week in the State's newest Catholic school. But this school is not like most others. At La Djadarr Bay Catholic School, for the short term at least, modem metropolitan education with all the comforts and 'mod cons' people are used to in Australian towns and cities stops La Ojadarr people show Bishop Jobst (carte, with white hat) and Broome Catholic Education Regional Officer, Sr and 'frontier' education begins. Veronica Ryan (beside Bishop Jobst) the plans for their school. Sr Nola Goodwin (glasses) looks on. As classes kicked off in this lated outpost of Catholic educa- school under the supervision of her accommodation is a humble initiative of the La Djadarr Bay ii t still being Sister Nola Goodwin. a Josephite caravan, located and moved to community. tion, the school was built by members of the commu- sister who has spent most of her the site for her by the communiThey are the ones who decided nity. Currently it consists of hvo life teaching in outback Queen- ty she works with. It will be her they wanted the school and then sland and the Eastern Kimberley home and her office until the lobbied the now retired bishop cIncrete walls and a roof. This did not deter the fifteen or trgion. school is finished and more suit- of Broome. John jobst, to assist in Underscoring the pioneering able accommodation for her can establishing it. sI initial students from kindergarten to Year 7 who happily nature of her work and that of be located or built. Continued on Page 8 turned up for their first day of the community is the fact that The entire school project is an

Tcoaprdliralican visits East TIT" S

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VAIILAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John Paul II has asked the international community, and especially Portugal, to work for a peaceful settlement of the tensions in East Timor as a top Vatican official left to visit the troubled territory. 1 appeal for (=rage on the part of the friends and serwmts If peace." the Pope said last Monday during a meeting with Portugal's new ambassador to the Vatican. East Timor. a former Portuguese colI ny. was annexed by Indonesia in 1976. An armed eration movement has been fighting for East Timorese independence. Cardinal Roger Etchegaray. president of the Pontifical Council for justice and Peace. left on lliesday with Rome Monsignor Diarmuid Martin. PCJP secretary. to travel to Indonesia and East Timor. The visit of the French cardinal. whI Pope John Paul often sends to world tmuble Si will have a "pastoral character." the Vatican said. adding that Cardinal Etchegaray was expected to meet Church and government officials in Indonesia and in East Timor. "Through its presence in the international community. the Holy See tries to encourage and strengthen this dialogue. especially in relation to spiritual and ethical values which are the essential basis for a just society and a true and lasting peace," the Pope told Arnbas.sador Antonio D'Oliveira Pinto da Franc.a. Pope John Paul thanked Portugal for its efforts on behalf of dialogue and peace in East Timor where the people "continue to hope for proposals which will allow them to realise their legitimate aspirations". East Timor is largely Catholic: Indonesia is overwhelmingly Muslim. "To those who I S in their hearts or in their hands the pmblem of Timor, I ask for a commitment to favouring and supporting the dialogue under way," the Pope said. The Portuguese ambassador tI I the Pope, "We Portuguese believe that as a country with a rich Christian tradition and a great multi-continental history, we have a particular responsibility to untiringly defend respect for human rights thmugh the international relations in which we actively parlicipate. "We are particularly afflicted. in body and heart, by the suffering S f the people of Timor, both in their daily lives and in their impalpable quest to preserve their identity," he said.

Lent helps Catholics resist drift to secularism


ear People of the Archdiocese. Lent is to be taken seriously by all Catholics. It is primarily a time of prayerful preparation for Easter when we celebrate the greatest of all Christian Feasts, the Resurrection of Jesus Our Saviour. We will not be able to enter fully into the mysteries of Jesus' death and resurrection unless we faithfully undertake the journey of forty days that precedes Holy Week and Easter. It has been said that the greatest challenge facing the Church today is secularisation. The affluence of the modern Western world produces a secular mentality that sidelines God. Surrounded by the "good things" of this life many people feel they don't need God and carry on their lives as if God did not exist. It we look at some of the traditional Catholic countries in Northern Europe and what has happened to Australia over the past thirty years, it is hard to


deny that the spirit of secularisa- tence on personal fulfilment and tion has seriously affected the choice. In the liberal atmosphere strength of religion. of secularism, pornography and Laws, social customs, educa- drugs flourish. tional policy, attitudes towards Lent helps us resist the drift to marriage and sex all reflect a sec- secularism. It calls us back to our ular rather than a religious spir- first priority which is to acknowlit. edge, worship and love God and The threat of secularisation to- to do God's Will above anything day is as dangerous as the threat else. of Communism earlier this cenLent calls us to renew our intetury. In those countries where rior life with God. Lent calls us to Communism became the State deny ourselves, not in any negaideology, its sustained attacks tive sense, but in order to restore tried to destroy religion com- our inner freedom, so that we pletely. They failed. can reject sin and turn to others On the contrary, they produced in a spirit of true charity. saints and martyrs who gloriousIf Lent leads us to make a sinly stood firm under persecution. cere self-appraisal, we will be Communism collapsed. Faith more aware of our faults. We will emerged still very much alive be drawn to ask God's forgiveand vigorous. ness, and be more open to true The threat of secularism is par- inner conversion. ticularly insidious because it Many among us may not need appears to be tolerant of religion. to look for additional penances. In fact, it has no time for it. We may find in the circumLaws are framed completely stances of our daily lives, enough Independent of any religious struggles and hardships that we Influence. The permanence of can offer to God in the penitenmarriage is undermined by insis- tial spirit of Lent. Remember that

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tite.11-dcoid:rFetthitlry 22 '1996 Pag‘ 2

0 find the time to pray quietly each day, attend another Mass in addi lion to Sunday Mass, 0 accept the penances that God already sends, and embrace something special for Lent, El be careful not to attend too many parties that would go against the Lenten spirit, l E give generously to those in need, 0 do all this in a spirit of joy. awaiting the rising of our Saviour from the dead.


Pastoral Letter for Lent 1996

Right to religious freedom reaffirmed

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we are not just individual Catholics. We are a family, a People of God. For that reason we should all sincerely try to observe the Lenten spirit. One sign of our solidarity is to abstain from meat every Friday during Lent. Although we are not strictly obliged to do so by Church law, I urge Catholics to be united in this sign that identifies us as a penitential people. During Lent, then, as we approach Easter,

VAIICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John Paul has again reaffirmed the true teaching of the Second Vatican Council on religious freedom. Concluding a series of Sunday Angelus talks about the documents of Vatican II. the Pope said last Sunday that when the Catholic Church calls for respect for religious freedom, it was saying every man and woman had an equal right to search for God. He said that people could fulfil their right and obligation to seek the truth only if they were truly free. "Dear brothers and sisters, we pray that in every nation this fundamental right will be guaranteed to everyone," he said. The Vatican Ii document Dignitatis Humanaa the Declar-ation on Religious Freedom. "in the name of reason and revelation, proclaimed a true right to religious freedom." condemning any pressure or coercion used to make people belong to a certain faith or to impede them

Perth gets help from India Archbishop Barry Hickey announced two priests' appointments for the Ocean Reef and Kalgoorlie parishes. Father Nathan Ulagathan, a priest from the diocese of Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, in India, has been appointed assistant priest of Ocean Reef parish in the northern suburbs of Perth. Fr Nathan is currently in Australia to help in the archdiocese and to gain experience of the Church in a different culture. Father Douglas Hoare has been appointed assistant priest of Kalgoorlie parish. A diocesan priest from Dunedin, New Zealand, Fr Hoare has volunteered to help in the remoter areas of the archdiocese.

from belonging, he said. Religious liberty, he said, must guarantee each person the right to follow his or her conscience, to act on it publicly and privately and to worship alone or in a community. -The attitudes of various human communities, states and sometimes even of various believers have not always been marked by respect and tolerance." the Pope said. While the Church had been persecuted, the council frankly recognised that Christians' behaviour had hardly been in keeping with the spirit of the Gospel and were even opposed to it." With the end of his Angelus talks on the Vatican II documents, the Pope prayed that the entire Catholic Church would come te appreciate the way the Holy Spirit guided the council and would come to see it as "a patrimony of Inestimable value and as a sure path for the journey toward th( third millennium." ADVERTISEMENT


Deputy Prime Minister Kim Beazley with candidate Jane Saunders and Ursula Frayne students Jane and Claire Bissett.

Beazley endorses successor Deputy Prime Minister Kim Beazley, a longterm supporter of Catholic education, has backed the endorsement of Jane Saunders as his successor in the seat of Swan. 'Jane will make a great local member,' Mr Beazley said. 'She is heavily involved in local issues.' Mrs Saunders described education as central to Australia's economic and social future, with Catholic education playing a vital role. She can be contacted on 470 6020.

The light of Faith dawns it's time to join the Church

TRINITY COLLEGE Trinit Avenue East Perth 6004 Telephone 325 3655

Applications are imited for

By Peter Rosengren On a warm summer evening in a Perth suburban home in Woodlands last week, a small group of people came together for a special meeting with Archbishop Barry Hickey and Sister Kerry Willison of the archdiocesan liturgy office. Of the fifteen people present, ten were individuals who have taken a decision that will alter their lives forever - they have decided to become Catholics. Their meeting with Archbishop Hickey was a chance to get to know the man who will be their spiritual leader after 25 February - the date they will be presented to the Church in St Mary's Cathedral - and to tell him why they had decided to become part of the living reality of the Church. As the evening insects batted themselves silly against the front-porch light and the sprinklers sprang into life on the manicured lawn in front of the home of Bob Poole, right, with his wife Claire: ensnared by his love for his grandchildren Jeff and Joan Thew, RCIA leaders and One of the 'ftew's guests described and Claire Poole, married for 18 years parishioners of Holy Rosary Church in how, although a child of non-practising after their first spouses died. Woodlands, a relaxed meeting of arch- Catholic parents. he had married a Claire is already a Catholic but everybishop and converts took place. Catholic and discovered the support of one present laughed when Bob, (I The evening was actually a combined faith in his life and their marriage, par- retired mining engineer and baptised an meeting of the Woodlands and Como ticularly at a time of severe work-related Anglican. told how he had attended Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults stress.Istarted going to Mass with my RCIA evenings purely so that he could groups - RCIA for short - the process wife, and finally decided 'its time to learn about the Church and answer whereby non-Catholic adults make a become a Catholic,'" he said. questions from his grandchildren in decision to become part of the Catholic -Finally." The same word kept crop- relation to their faith. Church. "(I wanted) to understand the Catholit ping up. indicating the point of decision This Sunday in the Cathedral 40 cate- where the manifestation of God's love in faith because the majority of the grandchumens and 50 candidates will begin each person's life became too strong to children are - and Claire's family their reception into the Catholic Church ignore. Catholics. And I wanted to know somethrough the Rite of Election ceremony, thing about it because the time will present, the decision most of those For bringing to an end their Journey of discome when we will have to front up to as somebecome Catholic was seen to covery. the children because they will ask quesYet, at the same time, their initiation thing of a natural progression and. inter- tions, and I won't be able to give them married menestingly, those who are will open a new Journey in faith. the answer," he said. Catechumens is the term for those tioned more than once the support their Ihad no intentions at the time of that faith found, saying marriage had who have not been baptised while canbecoming a Catholic," Bob said. didates are those who have been bap- had brought their marriages closer But the information that Bob sought together. tised in other denominations but have to turn into something else. began Archbishop Hickey told the gathering decided to become Catholic enjoyed what I heard and I enjoyed I The ninety catechumens and candi- about his own background as a Catholic the people's company and I enjoyed prayer stay close to urged them to and dates at the Cathedral will represent all going to Mass with Claire. and it Just those who have attended RCIA courses and the sacraments, particularly the grew," he said. conducted in parishes around Perth sacrament of reconciliation. But perhaps the final word goes to throughout the last year who have made Ithink the gift of faith is something Claire, who will be her husband's spona choice for the Church. very simple." he said. It's God's work - sor this Sunday. And at the new household the reasons it's very simple and it's uncomplicated. Asked how she felt about him entering given for deciding to enter the Church It's God's call and we receive and we the Church she just smiled and said It's were as various as were the personali- respond to it." lovely, I feel proud of him." Also attending the meeting were Bob ties gathered there. Bob didn't appear to mind either.

GIBNEY SCHOLARSHIPS available for boys of good scholastic ability entering Year 8 in 1997. Scholarships are tenable for the student's time at the College. An examination will be held at the CoBeg,: on Saturday 30 March 1996. MUSIC SCHOLARSHIPS a‘ailable to boss entering College in Years 812 in 1997 who are talented instrumentalists and/or vocalists. Auditions will be held at the College from 4.(X) pm on Tuesday 2 April 19%.

TRINITY OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION BURSARIES A vailable to boys entering Years 9- 12 in 1997 The Bursaries are intended for boys whose family circumstances would otherwise make it difficult for them to attend the College. The Bursaries cover tuition fees for the student's time at the College.

PIPE ORGAN SCHOLARSHIP This Scholarship CONers tuition on the College pipe organ and is available to boys who are w orking at or have attained a 4th grade AN1EB • tatithrti on piano and are entering Year 10. 1 1 or 12 in 1997.

Auditions will be held at the College by appointment.

All applications close on Friday 15 March 1996 Application forms for all Scholarships and

Bursaries are available from the College office


The advertisement on the back page of The Record last week contained a typesetting error. The Liberal candidate for the federal seat of Perth. Dee Kelly, supplied copy for the ad which said the youth unemployment rate was 30 per cent, and not the 40 per cent as set.


Leanne ODea Funeral Directors are quite different Many people, male or female, may prefer the idea in their approach. You'll find we offer a much softer of a woman helping with the arrangements during a lternative to traditional funerals. what is surely the most emotional time any person Like our parent company, we take great pride will have to endure in their life. in our professionalism and reputation for genuine care. It seems that a lot of us feel more at ease expressing We are also active members of the Australian our feelings with a woman, and being able to Funeral Directors Association. release these emotions is a vital part of If you would like know more about this progressing through the grieving process. wekome alternative, please call in to For this reason, Bowra & O'Dea our office at 231 Grand Promenade, Directors, O'Dea Funeral Leanne opened eanne Dianella or phone Leanne on 371 1155. a division staffed entirely by women. F UNERAL D IRECTORS


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The Rtkcf;ofcil Fqictmry 22 1996 Page 3


TOMORROW TODAY Date: Friday 1st March. Time: 8pm - 11.30pm (please


note the change to return time as no supervision will be provided on the jetty after this time) Venue: Barrack St jetty Tickets available from the Y.C.S. office: 459 Hay St, Perth. Cost: $10. Tickets purchased and collected at the jetty will be $15 so buy now. Phone: 325 7208, after 6pm: 249 6963 Carla Lynx No alcohol or drugs allowed and we reserve the right to scrutinise people and bags. The cruise will be strictly supervised to ensure the enjoyment and safety of all.


Antiochers meeting to prepare Outreach

A Team of Anffochers have been meeting each Wednesday night in preparation for a Weekend 1-3rd March known as "Outreach". Five Parishes have been approached to send along a small bunch of their Youth and available adult support to experience the Weekend and discover what Antioch is all about. The follow up to this experience is to discern whether Antioch should be part of their particular Parish Life. Anyone interested to partake in this weekend should contact the Antioch Co-ordinator Margaret Fennessy at the Youth Office 328 9622.

A WORLD WITHOUT HEALTHCARE Being daffy with a hat, towel,

Did you know that one person in every five in the world is living (s . in poverty? about that. Try to imagine how you would react if in one five of your family and friends was starving, homeless, sick or illiterate. What would you do? In Third World countries, many people lack the simple basics of healthcare that we take for granted. With poor nutrition, minimal hygiene and no reliable supply of safe water, there's little hope of avoiding deadly disease. Project Compassion is bringing hope to people in countries around the world, with programs that provide shelter, food, water, education, health and hygiene. By aiming its programs at the causes of poverty, Project Compassion gives people the start they need to get back on their feet and become self-sufficient. Project Compassion has made enormous progress in poor communities around the world. With your help this Lent, we can make a difference in the fight against poverty. Imagine what you and Project Compassion can do.


Project Compassion giving hope

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The Record, February 22 1996 Page 4


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pussy cat and a half-banana

Marcus Passeur and Luisa Pizzolante, MC's for the 1996 Convention, having fun with "lost property" at the convention Reunion on Friday night. The Cathedral parish Centre vibrated to the sound of the Performing Arts Ministry Team Band and Choir. Around 150 young people attended.

Come for weekend chance to find the fire in your life "Iwas flat.Ialways knew God was there, butIstruggled to find Him in a way that was real to me. I " sought a deeper. more committed relationship but I didn't know how to go about it, or even if it was possible. "In March 1994Iexperienced my first weekend of fire. I didn't fully realise it at the time, but it was the turning point. "The past two years have been the best in my life. "Iwas frightened about making a commitment, but God turned this amund and transformed my biggest fears into my biggest joys." So said Mario Borg, a 27 year old school teacher from Beechboro. And Mario was not alone in singing the praises of his first experience of a 'Fire Weekend'. The disciples of Jesus are once again running another 'Fire Weekend'. This time at the Hillston

Youth Centre in Stoneville, between the 8th and 10th of March. So if you are between 18 to 35 years old and would like to know more, you are invited to contact: Annabelle or Jane on 341 3157 or Matt or Romano on 367 9638.

Nollamara digs deep Fre() truly a university town to aid its community By Peter Rosengren The finishing touches were being put to the new Nollamara parish centre this week, bringing to an end the combined efforts of Our Lady of Lourdes' parishioners and the generous donations of building and furnishing materials by many businesses. When the centre is finished it will become the hub for parish activities from meetings of the parish finance committee, liturgy groups and St Vincent de Paul to the Ministers' fraternal breakfast a regular meeting of Christian pastors from a number of denominations. The new centre, which looks like any other suburban brick home in the same street, is designed to be a 'homey' place that can be used by parish groups as a meeting and resource centre. It consists of a reception area, boardroom, parish priest's office, a larger conference mom, kitchen and showers. "Stand By Me," a community-based foundation, also maintains on office in the centre. Parish priest Father Joseph Walshe said that all the building materials and furnishings had been donated, thus cutti ig the cost of construction significantly. 1 lust went along to companies and asked and they gave - even these people doing the paving outside, that's all donated." Fr Walshe said. He said one of the advantages of the design and structure of the building was that up to four separate activities or meetings could be taking place at the same time without each disturbing the other. The result is the culmination of a concentrated effort by all who donated generously of their time and skills to complete the centre, including electricians.


Notre Dame chaplain Fr John Archbold, left, and the university's Provost, Sr Helen Linlibefil, lead the procession

The stained glass window at the centre

bricklayers, carpenters. tilers and many others. While working on the centre on weekends and after hours they were supported by partners and children who helped with cleaning, food, drink and lots of encouragement. All construction materials, from the stove and ceramic tiles to the bricks and plumbing supplies were generously donated by a variety of suppliers. Designed around the theme of 'compassion.' the centre features a special beautiful stained glass panel in its front door of Mother and Child watched over by the gently descending Holy Spirit.

The tieddemic staff of the University of Notre Dame Australia took to the streets of Fremantle in full academic regalia last Tuesday week in the evening in a colourful procession from Fremantle Town Hall to St Patrick's Basilica for a special service to mark the beginning of the academic year. Notre Dame is Australia's first Catholic university and the special Liturgy of Convocation at St Patrick's included a presentation to the University's academic high flyers by Vice Chancellor Peter Tannock. Clare Kent of Karrinyup. who is now a second-year student in the College of Arts and Sciences, was the undergraduate winner of the Vice Chancellor's medal for academic excellence for 1995. The postgraduate winner of the Vice Chancellor's medal was Sarah Booth of Cottesloe who is the university's first Master of Service Administration graduate.

Clam Kent. a 33-year-old mother-of-four. said her decision to take up study came three years ago after a near-death experience. She suffered a severe allergic reaction from eating abalone in Esperance, where she used to live. and was rushed to hospital. "I nearly died and it made me re-evaluate my life and what I wanted to do." she said. She also paid tribute to the university's academic staff whose dedication and support had helped her achieve outstanding results. Other Notre Dame students on the Vice Chancellor's list for academic excellence for 1995 were Olivia Rodwell of Riverton. Elizabeth Savage of Bunbury. Cordelia Nicholas of Balga. Simone Carroll of Willetton. Keith Gilbert of Mundilong. Janet Hughes of Heathridge. Louse Firth of Yokine. Melissa Rayment of Mosman Park and Joanne Johnston of Kingsley.



THINK BEFORE YOU VOTE! On tarch 2nd. you will he required to exercise your conscience when voting in the Federal Election. You are morally obliged properly to inform your conscience. That obligation is a most serious one when it comes to issues of life and death. It is an infallible teaching of the Catholic Church (cf. Pope John Paul II's Encyclical letter in 1995, Evangelium Vitae) that the unspeakable crime of direct abortion -always constitutes a grave moral disorder. since it is the deliberate killing of an innocent human being. "(EV. 62) Therefore, those who participate in such conduct are, objectively, guilty of serious sin. 1AI person who actually procures an abortion incurs automatic (latae sententiae) excommunication (from the Churchr. The excommunication affects all those who commit this crime with knowledge of the penalty attached, and thus includes those accomplices without whose help the crime would not have been committed " (EVA. 62)

While some candidates for the ALP are strongly opposed to abortion, the AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY is the ONLY major party that has, as part of its platform, an official policy to kill innocent people - ABORTION ON DEMAND. 1'he other major parties, i. e, the LIBERAL PARTY and the NATIONAL PARTY may have some candidates that privately support this killing of the innocent and, on the other hand, have other candidates who oppose such a great evil - BUT their parties do not actually advocate this abomination as Government policy. Every ALP candidate without exception pledges to support the whole platform of the party and it is not to the point that a small minority or them (popularly known as the "Catholic Right") are technically permitted in limited circumstances to exercise a conscience vote. The real point is that in Australian politics we have a strict party system so that when we vote for a candidate representing a major party it is first and foremost a vote for the party and its platform. The successful candidate's guaranteed support for his party is what gains that party a majority in Parliament and, therefore. Government and the power to implement its declared platform of policies. If we vote ALP at the coming election we vote for abortion on demand as it is one

of the declared policies or that party. That policy supports laws being passed to overturn existing anti-abortion legislation. To vote ALP is inevitably to defy the teaching of


V a


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the Catholic Church and Pope John Paul 11 who has said. In the case of an intrinsically unjust law. such as a law permitting abortion.., it is... never licit to obey it. or to 'take part in a propaganda campaign in favour of such a law, or vote for it.'"(Ev. 73) Human Life International Australia considers that to vote for the ALP. while its present policy to kill young children in the womb exists, is to co-operate in intrinsic evil. All people of good will should examine their consciences and vote accordingly. This situation is hardly different from that in Italy in past decades when the Popes warned Catholics (and others of good will) not to vote for the Italian Communist Party because a number of its declared policies were absolutely inconsistent with the Church's teachings and God's laws - even if that party may have had some practical policies that were capable of support. To vote for that party, the Popes said, would be seriously sinful. Human Life International Australia urges traditional Labor voters to vote against the ALP this time. Afterwards, phone, fax or write to them and tell them why. This is the only way to force them to drop their killing policy. Show them they will lose your support at the ballot box until their 'Culture of Death' policy is reversed.

No party deserves to be in Government that advocates the killing of innocent children!

DON'T VOTE FOR ABORTION - DON'T VOTE FOR THE ALP Don't vote for any candidate of any party who is pro-abortion HUMAN LIFE INTERN1A11ONAL

AUSTRALIA INC Written and authorised by Bode McDougall. 5 Ahem-Amble Street. Chippendale. \SW P0 Box zos. Broadway. NSW 2007

The Record, February 22 1996 Page 5 c r,c",

College students take Occult link alleged lit *Trinity a bite of a frozen Big Apple Sydney church fire SYDNEY, Australia (CNS) - A lived in New South Wales, left copper spire of the bell tower. man involved in the occult home to escape involvement Bishop Bede Heather of and voodoo has been accused in "black magic practices with Parramatta called the blaze "a of setting fire to St Patrick's his future mother-in-law." national disaster," saying a Cathedral in the Diocese of "He alleges his reason for Catholic church had stood on Parramatta in Sydney. lighting the fires was to see his the site since 1822. The cathedral was the site of mother-in-law burn in hell 'The cathedral represented the first Catholic parish in because she was both a the beginning of Catholicism Australia. Christian and an exponent of in Australia with the first Mass Jason Paul Humphries, 21, the occult," the testimony said. having been celebrated in the faces two charges of maliVatican Radio reported on adjacent garden in 1803," ciously damaging the historic tuesday that the fire complete- Bishop Heather said cathedral. Police prosecutor ly destroyed the interior of the Although the damaged John Weir told Parramatta church and its wood and slate cathedral was built in 1935, it Local Court Humphries admit- roof, causing an estimated was constructed using the ted to lighting several fires at a $3.5 million in damage. stones of its neo-Gothic predeCatholic college before crossChurch officials hope to be cessor and incorporating the ing the street to the cathedral. able to salvage some of the 1854 building's copper bell Weir said Humphries, who wood and stone walls and the tower.

Prisons' privatisation 'not the first issue' A seminar on the privatisation of prisons and the death penalty last weekend heard that debate on prisons that focussed first on cutting costs was drawing attention away from discussion on imprisonment itself. "The question about the effectiveness and humanity of building prisons in the first place needs to be explored before going on to issues about how quickly and cheaply we can build prisons,* Paul Moyle, an internationally acknowl-edged expert on the privatisation of prisons, said. The Catholic Social justice Commission and the Christian Centre for Social Action sponsored the semi-

nar held at Subiaco.The moted a restorative justice Reverend Neville Watson, process as an alternative. This and Sr Bernadine Daly, also would see crime victims betspeaking at the seminar, reit- ter assisted, and offenders erated Mr Moyle's statement. offered full rehabilitation. Mr Watson said capital punMr Moyle said his research ishment must be seen as part showed the private sector of a larger picture. "Don't was not necessary for the think that because we are prison reform. In Queensopposed to capital punish- land, Lotus Glen Correctionment that we do not feel the al Centre was more cost effisame way about the victims cient. provided a better range who have suffered as anyone and quality of services and else does," he said. "We do. was more open and accountWe just don't see the validity able than the privately operof committing premeditated ated Borallon prison, during ritualised murder as a way of the first two years of their demonstrating our abhor- operations. rence to violent crime." Audio Tapes and further Both speakers called for a information from the seminar reconsideration of the effec- are available from the tiveness of punishment with- Catholic Social justice in the justice system and pro- Commission. ph: 325 1212.

The Trinity students with a friend on the streets of New York

Ten students from 'ninny College City, US foreign policy, and the culgave up their summer holiday this tural diversity of America's largest year to embark on a unique educa- city. tional adventure in New York. The students and teachers stayed While their classmates were with host families to gain an insight enjoying the sun and surf, the stu- about US domestic life. dents and three teachers travelled They also had the opportunity to to Brooklyn, New York. in the do some sightseeing in "the city that United States to attend Xaverian never sleeps" with tours of City High School as part of a Global Halt the Metropolitan Museum of Education Exchange Program. Art, and visits to Rockefeller Centre, All the students were well pre- the Empire State Building. Trump pared for what to expect from a lbwer. Wall Street, the Museum of New York City winter. But not even Natural History, a ride on the Staten ex-New Yorker. now Thrifty College Island Ferry, and attendance at an maths teacher and tour organiser. NBA game. Patrick Whalen, could have anticiAfter spending three weeks in The pated what was to come. Big Apple, the 11-inity group headed After experiencing five days with for warmer confines of Orlando. temperatures ranging from -3 to 3 Florida. One of the most poignant degrees Celsius the students, on moments in the trip was the excursummer vacation, found themselves sion some of the students made to in the middle of the "Blizzard of 96", the Kennedy Space Centre at Cape New York's third worst blizzard in Canaveral on the tenth anniversary history Up to 70cm of snow, strong of the Challenger Disaster. winds, and temperatures plummetThe students and staff at Thrifty ing to minus twenty degrees. College now have the task to preOn better days, the students pare an equally educational and attended normal classes with their entertaining program for the "hosts" and also seminars organ- Xaverian students and teachers ised by the Xaverian staff. Topics who will be returning the visit to Included the history of New York 'Tlinity College at the end of July.



The National Party, bringing sense, stability, strength and family values to Australian politics A dedicated team, who, when elected 1) Will be the voice for small business in Canberra to remove crippling taxes and regulations affecting both city and rural based businesses. 2) Will promote and support tax relief for private health cover and greater access to health care and pharmaceuticals for all Australians. 3) Will promote restoration of family values in an attempt to reduce the growing crime rate, overcrowding of gaols and youth suicides. 4) Will endeavour to restore honesty and integrity in Parliament and real government for Australia.



The opportunity for you to elect candidates endorsed by a political party that demonstrates strong leadership, stability and a sensible approach to politics is nearing.


N ATIONALS The Record, February 22 1996 Page 6

VOTE NATIONAL 1 Authorised by P Bradhrook. 47 Havelock Street West Perth 6005


&oilers 10 &e Cofilor Draft RE program praised, and a question asked. . . . T he role desired by Pope John Paul II balanced and positive treatment of the for the Catechism of the Catholic priestly and religious vocations as well as Church as "a sure and authentic ref- the lay vocation. erence text for teaching catholic doctrine" Extensive citations from the Catechism, is admirably exemplified by the five new but also from Pope John Paul H's letters on religious education modules released by Human Work, Social Concerns, the the Director of Religious Education, Fr Gospel of Life, the Christian Family and Gerard Holohan, recently. the Laity, expose students directly to the Catholics who have been concerned authentic teaching of the Pope and the about the content of religious education in Church. They are successfully integrated Catholic secondary schools will be into the narrative of the students workdelighted with the richness of these mod- books. ules. Teachers may not, as Fr Holohan points They reliably cover such vital points of out (The Record, 1 February), "be equally Catholic teaching as the direct creation of familiar with all the material they are the soul by God, original sin resulting asked to teach". It is hoped that the influfrom the Fall and the four cardinal virtues. ence of the Catechism on the future forThe Ten Commandments - one of the mation of religious education teachers be four traditional sources of catechesis - are as profound as it is in these new modules. used as the framework for teaching on One segment which will need to be corchastity, justice, respect for the reputation rected when the draft is revised for the of others, work and rest, the right to life final copy is that dealing with Christ's (including excellent treatments of abortion knowledge. and euthanasia), property, the universal The present text states that "Jesus . . . . destination of goods and more. gave up the use of his divine powers. The Year 12 module on vocation gives a from the moment he was conceived in

Mary's womb . . . . He could not have known about areas of the world that had not yet been discovered by the Romans. Nor would he have understood electricity, nuclear energy or any other marvels discovered since his life on earth . . . . Jesus did not know more than what he was to reveal." This attribution of ignorance to the Son of God in no doubt inadvertent. Presumably the text is supposed to say that Jesus had no knowledge of such things derived from his experimental human knowledge. The module cites the Catechism. paragraph 473, which in turn cites the letter of St Gregory the Great to Eulogius (circa 600AD) where he discusses the saying of Christ that "as for that clay or hour [of the end of the world', nobody knows it, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son: no one but the Father". St Gregory writes: The Only-begotten having been incarnate, and made perfect man for us, in His human nature indeed did know the day and the hour of judge-

ment, but nevertheless He did not kncm this from his human nature . . . . [buil through the power of his Godhead. Therefore as God and man He knows the day and the hour of judgement; but on this account, because God is man". Mary is only mentioned prominently (as unique exemplar of responding to the Spirit completely) in the Year 9 module. This may disappoint those parents who would expect a more thoroughly Marian dimension to catechesis. No doubt there will be further references to Our Lady in the other modules which will be released progressively throughout the year. Overall, these first modules promise it secondary religious education program that is in touch with students' life experience and concerns while providing a rich. stimulating and authentic explanation (If the Catholic Faith. Richard Egan Ferndale

. . . . and the director of religious education replies A

11 who have been working so hard on the new RE program will be affirmed by the comment of Mr Egan. The units have been a secondary school system effort. Their development has included the Catholic Secondary Principal's Association, nearly half of our RE teachers, the work party, and our RE coordinators. The Catholic Education Office secondary RE guidelines team has also put in an enormous effort. All of this reinforces the commitment of our secondary school system to religious education. I turn now to the question raised by Mr Egan in relation to the human knowledge of Jesus. The student content introduces the content of paragraphs 472 and 474 of the Catechism on this matter. The content of Catechism paragraph 473 is also presented In the RE program. For readers, I will quote in full the two relevant Catechism paragraphs and the student text itself. Before doing so I make the following points. First, God's knowledge is both infinite and simultaneous. The Father. the Son and the Holy Spirit know everything at every instant. There is nothing that God does not know every second. God uses neither human reason nor memory, and there is nothing that God is yet to discover. Human knowledge, on the other hand, is not infinite. Though its potential is yet to be understood, it remains dependent upon the various human intellectual functions. Also, unlike God, we can think

Women clarify


ome secular media publicity associated with the recent World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations congress held in Canberra has incorrectly confused WUCVVO with the Catholic Women's League Australia. WUCWO is an international organisation of which CWLA is a member. In relation to the Canberra Congress, CWLA was the host organisation. CWLA has voting rights through its official delegates,

only one thing at a time. roles as Mother of Christ 1484What he admitted to not knowSecond. at his conception. Jesus ing in this area, he elsewhere 5071 and Mother of the Church became fully human as well as declared himself not sent to [983-9751. The Year 9 unit predivine. He 'emptied himself, reveal." sents her as a model disciple. becoming as human beings are' using events from the Gospels. The full quotation Mr Egan is [Philippians 1:71. He was not referring to in his letter from the Marian prayers, such as the Hail merely the Son of God in a draft Year 8 unit is as follows: Mary, the Angelus and the human body or form, but fully Rosary are treated in the prayer "Jesus is fully human human as well as fully divine. units. and Marian feasts are pmEven though the Son of God. Having 'emptied himself (or sented in the Liturgical Year. 'gave up the use or in Year Eight Jesus became fully human at his In reality, more than the systematic presentation of Catholic. language) between his conc:ep- conception. He gave up the use lion and his resurrection. Jesus, of his divine powers and became beliefs and practices about Mar. than can he given in an RE proused human knowledge during one like us from the moment he gramme is needed for a good his ministry in Israel. If he had was conceived in Mary's womb. Marian catechesis. not have done so. he would not As the earliest Christians used to Before concluding. I assure all have become 'as human beings sing in a hymn. Jesus 'emptied himself. taking the form of a who may be concerned that no are'. The Catechism paragraphs the slave' [Philippians 2:71. unit content has or will be preFr Gerard Holoissa Instead of knowing everything. sented. even in draft form, before Year 8 unit is presenting in language understandable to stu- Jesus had to question. to learn Resurrection. These he uses for checking by the appropriate thedents of that age group are as fol- and to mature. He had to discov- the good of all who follow him." ological experts. er from his own experience and Finally, anyone who ‘vishes to lows [472 and 4741: I am not sure that the phrases "This human soul that the Son from others. For example. he Mr Egan has selected reflect make comments on the new of God assumed is endowed with could not have known about completely what St Gregory is units is welcome to forward them to me for consideration. a true human knowledge. As areas of the world that had not saying. I am sure that, given the enorsuch, this knowledge could not in yet been discovered by the I can see no discrepCertainly would he have Romans. Nor mity of the current task. peop19 itself be unlimited: it was exerancy between St Gregory and the cised in the historical conditions understood electricity, nuclear last sentence of paragraph 474. will understand the impossibilities of my attempting to reply to of his existence in space and energy or any other marvels dis- quoted above - or vice versa. covered since his life on earth. them personally. However, their time. whether At the end of the day. examgive many The Gospels views will be passed on the This is why the Son of God the language of Year 8 students that experiencing all ples of Jesus censor. appropriate could, when he became man. resource booklet reflects accu`increase in wisdom and in we experience: the Church's teaching will Fr Gerard Holohan rately • temptation [Matthew 4:1-111 stature, and in favour with God be decided by the official censor. Director of Religious Education • grief and tears [John 11:33and man'. and would even have Our Where to inquire for himself about what 341 Lady is conc_f • disappointment [Matthew cerned, all of the one in the human condition can 23:37-39j learn only from experience. This Catechism out• thirst [John 14:91 corresponded to the reality of his line of Catholic Personal. History. Recording and • loneliness [Matthew 26:3811 voluntary emptying of himself beliefs is presentTranscription Service terror [Mark • taking 'the form of a slave'. 14:32-421 ed in different Delight your family with the most By its union to the divine wis• tiredness [Matthew 8:241 ways ac-ross the precious and lasting gift of all dom in the person of the Word Eventually, Jesus experienced units through the incarnate. Christ enjoyed in his death as we will [e.g. Matthew thirteen years. human knowledge the fullness of 27:50]. The use of his divine pow- She is presented understanding of the eternal ers as the Son of God was principally within Immortalised on tape. plans he had come to reveal. restored to Jesus again at his contexts of her because not everyone has time to write an autobiography. Don't let your story be lost or left to as did the other member influence to have a resolution I acknowledge that Pope second hand recollection - it's too organisations from around dealing with access of John Paul H has made a important! the world. The business of women to the ordained min- 'definitive statement' on the Just ask your family! Your story is part the congress was the respon- istry removed from the agen- matter of women priests, but of their heritage - an heirloom, a golden sibility of the WUCWO da of the conference of the does this deny the right of gift to be cherished by board. World Union of Catholic anyone to speak about it? generations to come. Remember At its first post-WUCWO Women's Organisations The subject is being talked libraries are full of people searching for meeting, the CWLA national meeting in Canberra." (The about and not only in snippets of information about their executive reaffirmed its alle- Record. 15 February). Canberra! forebears. giance to Pope John Paul II Surely freedom of speech is Your story will be recorded using proArchbishop does the How and the teachings of the a basic human right of every fessional audio-equipment in the Catholic Church. man„ woman and child, a Brambilla intend to police us relaxed, casual atmosphere of your own all? human right that I would home, at your own pace, by an Mrs Mary Campbell have thought the Church Elizabeth Brennan experienced and caring interviewer CWLA President would steadfastly uphold. with confidentiality guaranteed. Beechbom Hobart • Optional transcription of tapes available. Do it now!! Therry Catholic Drama Society Call Lorraine Williams "The People vs Christ" was amazed - to say the BA (History), Friday 8 March 7.30pm. St Mary's Leederville least - to read that the on 364 2617 for a free pm-interview Friday 15 March 7.30pm St Joseph's. Queens Park Apostolic Pro Nundo in meeting. Australia. Archbishop Franco Bookings for "The people vs Christ- and "The Way of the Brambilla. has "used his Cross" phone 362 4399.



Your Life Story

Speech freedom



The Record, February 22 1996 Page •



Soaring to the heights of love, peace, happiness Perth writer Stephen O'BrienMcCaffery concludes his imaginative meditations this week reflecting on love and peace


‘ heart soared with the breeze at these words, and, truly, it seemed that my very being, my soul, my life even, was uplifted and ecstatic, and reached higher than ever before, and I wanted to rest at that high point, that paradise that seemed then to be mine. But my eyes turned downward, and in my mind I saw the hunger, and the suffering, and the misery of the human in many lands, and I was troubled. I turned towards the forest and spoke thus: I asked Jesus of my world. He spoke thus: .... Do you remember when I spoke from the Mount? Let those words ring true and with the authority of the Father and his Son. for I tell you that those who have the least of the earth on the earth will know the greatest happiness with me, that the greatest suffering on earth is nothing but the path to the greatest joy, if only there is faith in me and my Father, that this will be so, that this can be so. Seek not the sweetest food nor the largest house, for these truly count for nothing even on earth, and with Me they demand not my smallest attention. No, search with all your heart for the Love that I have for you, and pray that you receive it. and I tell you that you will want for nothing because you will have everything. Nothing belongs to the earth, for the earth offers only dust, and the shadows of dust, and will return to it when my Father wishes so. Life unfolds only with the as.sent of the Father, and there is no life apart from the Father, wherever, and whenever it takes place. Know that humans and their world, your world, are just one of the works of the Father, but know with even more assurance, that you are of the greatest importance, for He has blessed you with His love, and He has given you time to come to know this. Know this well, my child, and truly, you shall live in peace and in love, for both I will give to you always. as I will give to all who seek my love, and my peace. This shall be, for I have spoken. At this point I felt myself drift, gently. Into a state of peace, near sleep, but not . entirely, and my mind knew a contentment that I thought hardly possible. Before true sleep overcame my eyes, ' with my last glance I saw the shadows of the forest burn brighter than the sun, and for a moment I thought I looked upon the face of Jesus, but I cannot be sure of my senses, for they no longer belonged to me.

le Record, February 22 1996 Page 8

Small temptations of daily life guard against pride of unbalanced penance by Peter Dwan BA


wing Lent, the Devil works overtime, trying to make us break the good resolutions we have made. Well aware of this fact, in her liturgy on the First Sunday of Lent every year, the Church reads an account of the temptations of Christ from one of the synoptic gospels, to remind us how Our Lord resisted all the Devil's temptations and to encourage us to do likewise. Today's readings show us that remembering God's words is an invaluable means of helping us to resist temptation, and that, conversely, failure to listen closely to God's words makes it easier for the Devil to lead us into sin. People sometimes mistakenly think that temptation is sinful in itself. We know that Our Lord was sinless, yet today's gospel passage, (Matthew 4:1:12) shows that Jesus was tempted by the Devil. Although temptation isn't sinful in itself, yielding to it is. In today's second reading, (Romans 5:12-19) St Paul says that through one man's sin, death entered the world. This should remind us that our sins have an effect on the lives of others. We aren't isolated individuals, but members of God's family. St Paul also made the point that the gift which Christ gave us when He redeemed us far outweighed the harm caused by Adam's sin. St Peter Julian Eymard who founded the Blessed Sacrament Fathers, once commented that he would prefer to be on earth with the Blessed Sacrament than to be in the Garden of Eden without It. Today's first reading, (Genesis 2:7-9, 3:1-Z) tells of how the Devil tempted our first parents. Adam and Eve, and how they yielded to temptation. The Devil made his first move by cunningly asking Eve: "Did God really say that you were not to eat the fruit of the trees in the garden?" He was thereby implying that God was a petty "spoil sport." The Devil will try the same trick with us, trying to make us believe that the Church is a "spoil sport" by expecting us to practise self-denial during Lent. It was here that Eve made her first mistake, listening to what the Devil had to say. The first step to yielding to a temptation is listening to what the Devil has to say. Rather we should immediately say to the Devil what St Matthew tells us Our Lord said to Him: "Be off, Satan." We shouldn't enter into a conversation with the Devil like Eve did. We are no match for the Devil's intelligence, and our answers may reveal our ignorance as Eve's did. Her reply is worth quoting. She said: "We may eat the fruit of the trees in the

Jesus in the desert: accosted by the storm of temptation. gardell. But of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, God said: 'You must not eat it. nor touch it, under pain of death."' Eve's reply clearly showed that she hadn't listened dearly to God's words. God had indeed forbidden our first parents to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but he had not forbidden them to touch the tree. I am not quibbling over words, the point is significant, because those who don't listen to God's words carefully consider Him strider than he really is. When people believe that God is extremely strict, the Devil finds it easy to lead them away from his service. Thus the scrupulous, who distort God's words to some extent, are likely to give up striving for virtue. The Devil strives to blind us to the fact that God has given us his law to enable us to enjoy the maximum happiness both here and hereafter. The Devil slyly suggested to Eve that God had given them His commandment to stop them attaining the knowledge of good and evil which would make them like God. In fact, He had given them the commandment as a precondition for them to be like God. The temptations we face come from the flesh, the world and the Devil. Today's gospel passage shows us that Our Lord endured similar temptations.

The Devil initially tempted Our Lord to satisfy his bodily hunger after he had been fasting for 40 days. Jesus replied: "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." Our Lord wasn't denying that our bodies make demands on us, he was merely pointing out that our bodily appetites need to be subordinated to the needs of our souls. It was through yielding to the temptation to eat the forbidden fruit that Adam fell. Where the first Adam fell, Jesus, the New Adam. conquered. The Devil then tempted Our Lord to throw himself down from the parapet of the Temple, and rely on the angels to protect Him. In reply, Our Lord quoted the words of Scripture: "You must not put the Lord. your God, to the test." Our Lord wished to show that we need to distinguish sharply between trusting God and tempting God. We are not to live lives characterised by seeking worldly acclaim, we are to live lives in which we take up our cross daily and accept whatever sufferings it may please God to send us. It is by performing well the duties of our state in life rather than by any self-chosen modifications that we keep the Lenten spirit of penance well. St Francis de Sales assures us that it is those mortific.ations that are served up without the sauce of our own desire that are the most sanctifying. Just as the Devil tempted Our Lord to achieve his ends by the spectacular. he will tempt us to look to the spectacular. The Little Flower, St Therese of Lisieux. realised that it isn't always the most penitential natures who are the holiest, because sometimes severe penances can lead to pride. In his parable of the pharisee and the publican. Our Lord painted a picture of a pharisee who starved his body to feed his pride. Wit and wisdom are combined in the advice: "Swallow your pride, it's non fattening." In his last temptation. the Devil showed Our Lord all the kingdoms of the world and promised them all to Christ if he would fall down and worship him. Jesus replied: "Be off, Satan! For Scripture says: You must worship the Lord, your God, and serve Him alone."' These words remind us that we must serve God and not be moved by any inducements the Devil might offer to make us swerve from His service. It is in order that we might be better able to combat the temptations presented by the world, the flesh and Devil that the Church wants us to make Lent a time of prayer, fasting and alms-giving.

Kimberley people take action for an education Continued from Page 1 The chief movers behind the project were Pennie, Laurie and Matthew Cox who, Sr Nola said, had been pushing for a school for years. "They really do think education is important because they've been well-educated themselves. They value education and value that their kids get it too." she said. She said Bishop jobst had visited the community and had agreed a school would be a good idea. The community already had plans for their vision of the future drawn up to show him. Prior to establishing the school, the children of La Djadarr Bay were travelling enormous distances, 150km, daily just to attend the next closest school. "Then last year Therese Temby (the Director of the CEO) came up and had a look and her own words were "no

child should travel that distance on this type of road,"" she said. The fact that classes commenced last week was a testament to the vision of this small Aboriginal community as much as to the commitment of those who have helped them begin it. According to Sr Nola the new school will be the first in the area. The closest school is Beagle Bay or, if you go by shortcut, Lombadina which is 75icm away. But already other Catholic schools in this region of the Kimberley have lent a helping hand to get their youngest partner up and running, with principals from surrounding Catholic schools late last year generously donating money and equipment including some desks, chairs and books. And she particularly enjoys being part of the growth and establishment not only of the

school but of the La Djadarr shop that the temporary school Bay community itself. is being built. Power and tele"Very much. Its so good to phone connections were see that they want to do some- installed last November and thing themselves and to start the community are waiting for their own community and to a community phone to be conbe involved with what they're nected. doing," she said. Community members have "Along the way they'll have already planted mangoes and the usual problems of getting established a trickle irrigation money - but that's normal and system to propagate the exotic to me they've got the right atti- tropical fruit. tude that will get them through They are also beginning the all their challenges," she said. establishment of a QueensAs it currently exists, the com- land-based aquaculture promunity consists of two large gram called Redclaw that will houses on stilts recently grow crabs and similar seafood brought in from Coolum for sale. The money earned Island, two family houses and through marketing their proda fifth house for the younger uct will be used to sustain and unmarried men. develop the community. In addition there is an office And does she mind the isolaand a shop which the commu- tion? Hardly. nity have also built themselves "Ilove it out there in the hush. through the assistance of the I love walking and I've got a Federal Government's Comm- fishing line. They've got plenty unity Development and Educ- of barramundi out there and ation Program. I'm determined to get one," she It is around the office and laughed.

The 1996 Federal Election

Why should a Catholic • ? The Australian Catholic SocialJustice Council recently urged citizens to take their political responsibilities seriously. To help Record readers in this task as the March 2 election approaches, we asked the four main parties contesting the poll in WA to answer the question: Why should a Catholic vote Labor, Liberal, National or Greens WA? Here are their answers. NATIONAL PARTY OF AUSTRALIA By Kevin McAnuff, Senate candidate


he motto of the National Party of Australia is: Honour to God, Loyalty to the Crown, Justice to All NAt! believe Australians can best fulfil their aspirations through encouraging a vigorous, broadly-based private enterprise economy, with minimum interference from Government. The values upon which Australia has been built are those of the National Party which, as it has since its foundation, seeks to: Cl promote freedom of speech, communication. worship and assembly of all Australians: maximise individual choice and opportunity for all citizens: provide an economic framework that rewards individual effort: strengthen the family as the foundation of society: encourage the pursuit of excellence by all Australians; Cl support and strengthen the Constitution and, by example. inspire loyalty to the nation and respect for our national institutions and the Flag. Cl promote pride in our nation, its history and traditions and its unique identity: Cl foster our democracy through free elections for governments at Federal. State and local levels: and C protect the disadvantaged and l enhance the quality of life for all Australians. It is true, the National Party prides itself on being committed to traditional family values. We do not accept that single-sexed couples constitute the status of a family, nor do we believe children should be raised under this imitation of a family structure. The Nationals believe it is the responsibility of government to ensure equality of opportunity for married couples with children within the national economic and social environment. To this end government must act as a safety net for people who are in genuine need through the availability of welfare and community assistance programs The National Party does not limit its vision only to those who make the loudest noise - the pressure groups and minority lobbies. Our vision encompasses the broad community of all Australians, and the broad range of Australia's interests and values, and concerns. The National Party can deliver the vision of a government that works with Australians. not against them, and works to bring Australians together so that each can make their individual contribution to the nation's collective good. AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY By Kareen Carberry, candidate for Stirling


he Australian Labor party was formed over one hundred years ago for the protection and advancement of Australian workers and their families. While Australian politics and society have changed markedly over that time, that commitment to ordinary families has remained central to the platform and policies of the Australian Labor Party. At this election that commitment is evident in the Keating Government's clearly established policies on health, industrial relations and job creation. While making the hard decisions necessary for Australia to take its place in the modern world. the Keating government has promoted social cohesion based on the principles of tolerance and diversity. The Keating government believes in an inclusive society built on social justice and a sense of equality. Prime Minister, Paul Keating, has kept his promise that this government would stretch out a hand to help up the disadvantaged. Social Justice: The "Working Nation"

The policies of the Coalition contain program has been a huge commitment to tackling the nation's unacceptable level of much which is in accord with Catholic valunemployment and to avoid the establish- ues and aspirations. The Coalition is neiment of a permanent class of unemployed, ther narrowly sectarian nor ideologically which now besets many other developed driven. It seeks to hold within its embrace, as Western nations. Paul Keating promised 500,000 new jobs does the Church, the rich diversity of peoand delivered 714,000, 500,000 of them in ples, interests and concerns which form small business. Labor now seeks re-elec- our Australian society. Unlike Labor, the tion with a target of 5 per cent unemploy- Coalition affords its members a conment by the turn of the century and anoth- science vote on all moral matters. The family- the Coalition and the er 600,000 new jobs over the life of the Church both strongly believe that the famcurrent Accord. The Mabo decision has been fully sup- ily remains central to the on-going stability of Australian society. ported. A Liberal Government will seriously The ALP has always been and remains the champion of those who are without address the problems facing Australian wealth, power or influence - the vast families. The Coalition is fully committed to develmajority of ordinary Australians. The Catholic Church in Australia with its oping a national framework for marriage, strong Irish influence has identified with relationship and parenting support. Marriage and family breakdowns are at the people, not with the privileged, making it natural that Catholics should have an unacceptable level in Australia. The played such a significant role in the histo- current meagre funding for marriage education and counselling is insufficient; ry of the Australian Labor Party. Equity: Labor governments have a long resources for this will be substantially

Who will be Prime Minister after March 2?

Prime Mitister Paul Keating

Opposition Leader John Howard

increased. The Coalition will also ensure that quality child care is accessible. Families will have genuine freedom to choose whether one parent cares full-time for children at home or whether both are in the paid workforce. Sole parent pension arrangements, the real value of pensions and other social security benefits will be protected. Young people: The Australian Episcopal Conference has recently commissioned a survey of the attitudes, aspirations and problems confronting young people in Australia. Unemployment affects 30 per cent of our youth. Full employment, and especially youth employment. remain Liberal Leader John Howard's goals. In order to address the disturbing levels of youth homelessness. a Howard Government will set up a two-year Homeless Youth Pilot Programme. This will be run in conjunction with Church and other voluntary welfare agencies and will aim to reconcile young people with their families. Catholic Education: The Catholic Church in Australia has always placed great emphasis on the importance of education. A Coalition Government was the first to initiate Commonwealth financial assistance to non-government schools. The Coalition remains firmly committed to supporting such a system and to giving parents the right to choose such an education. Health: Various religious congregations and Catholic organisations within Western Australia maintain an extensive and highly appreciated system of private LIBERAL PARTY OF AUSTRALIA hospitals. The Coalition, while absolutely By Chris Ellison, Liberal Senator for committed to keeping Medicare, bulk Western Australia billing and the principle of community rating, will offer singles, couples and families atholics in Western Australia have a tax rebate of up to $450 as an incentive an important choice to make on for private health insurance. Migrants: Much of the vitality and diverMarch 2. 1996.

history of expanding and maintaining a social safety net to give all Australians a share of our national wealth. These programs to provide equity are regularly attacked by the conservative parties. Labor seeks to maintain and expand Australia's universal health care system. It is totally opposed the the creation of a two -tiered health system where the wealthy would get a gold plated health service and others are left with an inferior service. Funding non-government schools is supported by both major parties, but it was Labor that gave greater levels of funding to those schools that most needed it. A move of great benefit to Catholic parish schools. Labor with its computers for schools program will provide computers on the basis of need, especially for those who are economically disadvantaged or in remote areas. Collective responsibility: Labor believes that the right of working men and women to bargain collectively and openly in the workplace is a basic requirement of a fair society. Human dignity demands that workers not be treated simply as units of production, without power, to be bought or sold In the marketplace. Individual worker contracts ignore any sense of responsibility for one's neighbour. Ills hypocrisy for modern conservatism to preach the values of families and communities, while conducting a direct assault on them through reduced wages, conditions and job security.


sity of contemporary Australian society and Catholicism is the direct result of post war migration. The Coalition will work to ensure that all Australians are free to preserve and celebrate their cultural and religious traditions within the framework of a socially cohesive and tolerant nation. It will address the appalling level of unemployment which many migrant jobseekers from non-English speaking backgrounds experience. Increased funding for English-language training, communitybased settlement services and anti-racism education will be made available. These policies, so in keeping with the social and ethical beliefs of the Catholic Church. should recommend to Catholic voters John Howard's vision for a revitalised Australia. THE GREENS (WA) By Senator Christabel Chamarette, Senate candidate for WA ince being appointed to the Senate in 1992.1 have continued the work of former Senator Jo Valentine making peace and disarmament, social justice. the environment and participatory democracy key items in the national debate. These are the four principles or 'pillars' of The Greens (WA). The election of Senator Dee Margetts in 1993 gave us the so-called 'balance of power'. In reality. this has only been significant on a few occasions during the past two-and-a-half years, but it has demonstrated the enormous value of having more than just the two major parties in the Senate. With neither the Government nor the Opposition having a majority in the Senate chamber. issues are discussed on their merits and legislation receives proper scrutiny. Since 1980, every federal election has resulted in minor parties holding the balance of power in the Senate. Clearly the Australian people are happy to have one party or other form a government, but they do not want the Senate to be simply a rubber stamp. The Greens (WA) in the Senate have been instrumental in ensuring that the views of the community are brought to bear on legislation. Any society which claims to demonstrate qualities of openness. fairness and social justice. must ensure that the needs and aspirations of all people, especially forgotten minorities, are taken into account. Thus our commitment to social justice is crucial to the well-being of the community. The environment is the issue which most people associate with The Greens (WA) and we will continue to put a vision of a sustainable society into public debate. There is no doubt that neither Australia nor any other country can continue to simply consume the resources of the Earth at present rates. We need a fundamental shift in thinking about the nature of our society. While the major parties will continue to have 'environmental policies' and may find solutions for various pressing problems, their commitment to date has been based on the notion that if sufficient economic growth can be generated then the money will be available to solve the problems. The Greens (WA) will continue to make it clear that economic growth is the problem, not the means to a solution. The world needs new directions to ensure that Planet Earth survives. On a personal note, I try to work for the things I really believe in: truth, justice, compassion and love. Love and compassion have to be connected with truth and justice. You can't have justice if there is a lack of love in it. Justice cannot come from fear or a desire to control. I want to live my life in such a way that I walk gently on the earth and be of service where I can. The Record. February 22 1996 Page 9

Movie reviews

Our Babe shows US how it's done Oscar nominee Babe gives Hollywood mediocrity a lesson in pure class


he nomination of a familyoriented film from Australia as best picture of 1995 -ought to be a wake-up call to Hollywood." according to the US bishops' movie expert. Henry Herx. Herz, who has been reviewing movies for the bishops since 1984, made the comment on February 13 after the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

A Van Damme surprise By Tony Hicks


udden Death is an intriguing action film starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. Action flicks are categorised by their star so don't expect to see Bruce Willis, Pierce Brosnan or Sylvester Stallone You won't he di.ssappointed if you are looking for an action film. What you do get is Van Damme knocking off the bad guys with plenty of martial art kicks and punches. He plays Darren McCord an ex-fireman, who in the world's eyes has failed. McCord is an attendant at the Stanley Cup in Pittsburg USA. The Cup is the Canadian/USA ice hockey equivalent of the AFL grand final and McCord, in between bulbs at the ice-rink finds tickets to the big game, and McCord takes along his children, after the grudging approval of his 'ex'. The Vice-president is kidnapped and held at the game. The stadium is rigged with numerous bombs and car-park booby traps. A virtuous film? We see McCord's sense of responsibility for his children grow with the film. The children love him back too, with sincere respect, obedience and trust. Self-control is plastered all over McCord from his physiacal appearance to his constant courage. Il ls basically a film about men - men as fathers, workers, heroes; men as fathers treated as hems by their daughters and respected by sons; as divorced fathers suffering and coping with another man in their children's lives; and as professionals embracing success and failure. Well, you cannot get too philosophical about this terribly exciting film. But it's worth the look

announced that "Babe," an Australian movie about a pig, was among the five films nominated for best picture of 1995. -Babe' was one of the few quality movies that theatres offered for the entire family, and it had to come from Australia." he said. Herx. director of the US Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadcasting, was especially critical of the Disney

Company, saying that its late Herx said. The fifth nominee for founder Walt Disney built up the best picture, "Braveheart," was company by "consistently pro- classified A-IV - suitable for ducing quality family entertain- adults, with reservations ment." because of its scenes of violence. 'The current leadership is dilutwinners will be Oscar ing the Disney name by playing announced March 25. around with the animation form Another movie with Catholic and incorporating adult themes themes, "Dead Man Walking," and references," he said. received Oscar nominations for Herx commended the academy, best actor, best actress and best however, for nominating three director but was not nominated other quality movies as best pic- for best picture. ture despite his belief that It is based on a Catholic nun's "Hollywood has turned movies book about her experiences with Into an overwhelmingly adult inmates facing the death penalty. medium." It was classified A-III - suitable "The Postman." "Sense and for adults. Sensibility" and "Apollo 13" each Concern for movie fare promptreceived a classification of A-II - ed the Catholic Communication suitable for adults and adoles- Campaign. the US bishops' cents - from the USCC film media-funding effort, to launch a office. nationwide movie toll-free "Babe" was classified A-I - suit- review line to assist parents in able for all. choosing movies and videos for "The academy seems to be the family. hearing the cry for movies to 'The movie review line puts which you can take the family," important information about

Pity its a nice rosy remake, but just nowhere near the original


udrey Hepburn's 1954 hit, 'Sabrina" has been remade - but not improved - using British actress Julia Ormond in the title role. The camera certainly loves her, an absolute necessity since Ms Hepburn is a hard act to follow. Yet, set in the mid-1990s, this Sabrina seems much out of her time, a creature whose destiny is to be decided by the romantic whims of two couldn't-be-moreopposite brothers. As the chauffeur's (John Wood) (laughter. Sabrina has grown up on a huge Long Island estate, worshipping frivolous David (Greg Kinnear) from afar and avoiding his work-consumed Industrialist brother, Linus (Harrison Ford). After a stint in Paris learning photography, an all-grown-up and newly coiffed Sabrina returns to the Larrabee mansion and nearly knocks dopey David dead. In the interim, however, David's been roped into an impending marriage, which Linus desperately wants to go forward since it

and discovers there is more to life than healthy balance sheets. Director Sydney Pollack's lush re-make is picture-postcard pretty, especially when shot in Paris, and audiences might enjoy being Immersed in the elegant world of the rich and famous. But. try as they might. the cast can't credibly put across the Assorted romantic contrivances that pop up. Reminiscent of producer Ross Hunter's gauzy romantic fantasies of decades ago, this overlong remake is at best enjoyed or maybe only enjoyed - through rose-coloured glasses since its bogus emotions won't stand up to anything remotely resembling reality. It is so clearly a fairy tale it is doubtful even adolescents would Sabrina stars Ormond and Ford get the wrong impression that also means another kind of mar- this story typifies the adult world riage - a business merger with of love and romance. David's billionaire in-laws Due to fleeting violence and (Richard Crenna and Angie very mild sexual references, the Dickinson). US Catholic Conference classifiTo keep David and Sabrina cation is Al! - adults and adolesapart, Linus runs interference - cents.

moviegoing choices right at the fingertips of Catholic parents," said Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Costello of Syracuse, New York, chairman of the bishops' Committee. Communications "When there are quality movies, the movie line broadcasts that fact." He called the movie line "one of the best services the Church offers families." The movie line drew 100,000 calls in its first four months, prompting the bishops to vote in January to continue the service at least through until February 1997 In 1995, the USCC film and broadcasting office reviewed 240 Only 14 of them were classified Al or suitable for the entire family, while 45 were classified 0 morally offensive for all. Of the rest, 38 were classified All, 109 were AIII and 34 were AN. primarily because of violent or sexually explicit scenes.

Heat a waste of a ticket


s the movie's writer. coproducer and director. Michael Mann should be taking some heat of his own for the very violent "Heat" (Warner Bros.). Ample time, unfortunately. is found for prolonged scenes of shootouts and bloodshed as McCauley (De Niro) and his gang of thugs (notably Val Kilmer) mow down anyone who might come between them and the money they rob. The script gratuitously veers Into the repugnant sex-related murder of a teen-age prostitute complete with ugly views of her bludgeoned head. By the time the drawn-out conclusion arrives, one has spent hours with horrible lowlifes and likely will remember the deafening bullets and bloodshed more than the psychological character portraits. Because of excessive, gory violence, discreet bedroom scenes and much rough language. the US Catholic Conference classification is 0 morally offensive.

Movie classifications The following is a list of recent films the US. Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadcasting has rated on the basis of moral suitability. The first symbol after each title is the USCC classification: Al - general patronage; All - adults and adolescents; All - adults; AN adults, with reservations (this indicates films that, while not morally offensive in themselves, are not for casual viewing because they require some analysis and explanation in order to avoid false impressions and interpretations); 0 - morally offensive. Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, AIII The American President, All! Antonia's Line, AIV Assassins, 0

The Record, February 22 1996 Page 10

Babe, AI Balto, Al Bed of Roses, AIII Big Bully, AM Bio-Dome, Black Sheep, AIII Bottle Rocket, Al!! Carrington, AIV Casino, 0 The City of Lost Children, AM Copycat, 0 Cry, the Beloved Country, AII Cutthroat Island, Al!! Dangerous Minds, AIII Dead Man Walking, AM Delta of Venus, 0 Don't Be a Menance to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood, 0 Dunston Checks In, All Eye for an Eye, AIV Father of the Bride Part II, Al!

Four Rooms, 0 From Dusk to Dawn, 0 Georgia, All! Get Shorty, Al!! GoldenEye, AIV Grumpier Old Men, AM Heat, 0 It Takes Two, All jumanli, All The Juror, AN Kicking and Screaming, AN Lamerica, Al! Last Summer in the Hamptons, Al!! Leaving Las Vegas, 0 Mighty Aphrodite, All! Mr. Holland's Opus, Al! Nixon, AIII Now and Then, Al!! Once upon a Time ... When We Were Colored, All Othello. AIII

Persuasion, Al! The Postman (ll Postino), Al! Powder, AIII Restoration, AIII Richard III, Aill Sabrina, Al! Screamers, AIII Sense and Sensibility, Al! Seven, 0 Shanghai Thad, Al!! Sudden Death, 0 Tom and Huck, All Toy Story AI 12 Monkeys, AIV Two if by Sea, Al!! The Usual Suspects, Al!! Vampire in Brooklyn, AIV Vukovar, AIII Waiting to Exhale, AN When Night Is Falling, 0 The White Balloon, Al! Wild Reeds, AIII

The Vatican on sex education

Parents, the most important teachers most of the parents, as is the case with formation for the other virtues such as temperance, fortitude and prudence. Chastity cannot exist as a virtue without the capacity to renounce self, to make sacrifices and to wait. In giving life, parents cooperate with the creative power of God and receive the gift of a new responsibility - not only to feed their children and satisfy their material and cultural needs, but above all to pass on to them the lived truth of the faith and to educate them in love of God and neighbour. The Situation and the Problem This is the parents' first duty in the heart Asoci mong the many difficulties parents of the "domestic Church."(Lumen encounter today despite different Gentium, 11) • al contexts, one certainly stands The Church has always affirmed that out: giving children an adequate preparaparents have the duty and the right to be tion for adult life, particularly with regard the first and the principal educators of to education in the true meaning of sexutheir children. ality. There are many reasons for this diffiTaking up the teaching of the Second culty and not all of them are new. Vatican Council. the Catechism of the In the past, even when the family did not Catholic Church says: it is imperative to provide specific sexual education, the gengive suitable and timely instruction to eral culture was permeated by respect for young people, above all in the heart of fundamental values and hence served to their own families, about the dignity of protect and maintain them. married love. its role and its exerIn the greater part of society, both in dse."(1632) developed and developing countries, the he challenges raised today by the decline of traditional models has left chilmentality and social environment dren deprived of consistent and positive should not discourage parents. guidance, while parents find themselves In fact, it is worth recalling that unprepared to provide adequate answers. Christians have had to face up to similar This new context is made worse by what challenges of materialistic hedonism from we observe: an eclipse of the truth about the time of the first evangelization. man which, among other things, exerts Moreover. "this kind of critical reflection pressure to reduce sex to something comshould lead our society, which certainly monplace. contains many positive aspects on the In this area society and the mass media material and cultural level to realise that most of the time provide depersonalised, from various points of view it is a society recreational and often pessimistic inforwhich is sick and is creating profound dismation. tortions in man. Moreover, this information does not take 'Why is this happening? into account the different stages of forma'The reason is that our society has brotion and development of children and ken away from the full truth about man, young people, and it is influenced by a from the truth about what man and distorted individualistic concept of freewoman really are as persons. dom in an ambience lacking the basic val- Parents: placing their trust in the help of God the Creator and Christ the Redeenier. 'Thus it cannot adequately comprehend ues of life, human love and the family. real meaning of the gift of persons in the The use of sexuality as physical giving Then the school, making itself available humanity" of the community of believers, responsible love at the service marriage, reaches its full its own truth and pastoral has to put forward to carry out programs of sex education, our council wishes and motherhood, and the fatherhood of has often done this by taking the place of guidelines, drawing on the wisdom which meaning when it expresses the personal true grandeur of procreation and educaunto and woman even the family and, most of the time, with the comes from the word of the Lord and the giving of man tion."(John Paul II, 1994 Letter to Families. values which illuminate the teaching of death. aim of only providing information. 20) life, As with the whole of the person's Sometimes this really leads to the defor- the Church. herefore the educative work of parabout brought frailty exposed to the is love Therefore, above all, we wish to tie this mation of consciences. is indispensable for. "if it is ents In many cases, parents have given up help for parents to fundamental content by original sin, a frailty experienced today true that by giving life parents their duty in this field or agreed to deleshare in God's creative work, it is also true gate it to others because of the difficulty that by raising their children they become and their own lack of preparation. sharers in his paternal and, at the same In such a situation. many Catholic partime, maternal way of teaching . . . . ents turn to the Church to take up the task Through Christ all education, within the of providing guidance and suggestions for family and outside of it. becomes part of educating their children, especially in the own saving pedagogy. which is marked by God's contexts socio-cultural of sex, within many truth and meaning about the phase of childhood and adolescence. times at addressed to individuals and families and influences, negative and rich strong framework of a genuine in the At times parents themselves have deviant and traumatic. culminates in the paschal mystery of the brought up their difficulties when they are anthropology. Nevertheless, the Lord's redemption has Lord's death and resurrection."(Letter to confronted by teaching given at school . In offering this truth, we are aware that 18:37) made the truth" On the positive practice of chastity into Families, 16) "everyone who is of their and thus brought into the home by that is really possible and a hears the word of the One who is the truth something In their at times delicate and arduous children. have the who those motive for both for joy, i n person (cf. In 14:8). parents must not let themselves task The Pontifical Council for the Family has This guide is meant to be neither a trea- vocation to marriage (before in the time of become discouraged: rather they should received repeated and pressing requests to provide guidelines in support of parents tise of moral theology nor a compendium preparation and afterward in the course of place their trust in the help of God the married life) as well as for those who have Creator and Christ the Redeemer. of psychology. in this delicate area of education. the gift of a special calling to the consegains of scimuch to the it does owe But They should remember that the Church ware of this family dimension of life. crated conditions of ence, to the socio-cultural prays for them with the words that Pope love and for living education for n the light of the redemption and how St. Clement Iraised to the Lord for all who one's own sexuality properly and the family and to the proclamation of which are always new and adolescents and young people are bear authority in his name: Gospel values conscious of the unique "experience of formed, the virtue of chastity is found can be incarnated in a concrete way in "Grant to them, Lord, health, peace, conwithin temperance - a cardinal virtue ele- cord and stability, so that they may exerevery age. n this field the Church is strengthened vated and enriched by grace in baptism. cise without offense the sovereignty that by some unqueltionable certainties So chastity is not to be understood as a you have given them. that have also guided the preparation repressive attitude. "Master, heavenly king of the ages. you cif this document. On the contrary, chastity should be glory, honour and power over the give temLove is a gift of God, nourished by and understood rather as the purity and things of the earth to the sons of men. expressed in the encounter of man and porary stewardship of a precious and rich Lord, their counsel, following "Direct, woman. gift of love, in view of the self-giving acceptable in your Love is thus a positive force directed realised in each person's specific vocation. what is pleasing and with devotion exercising so that by sight. Chastity is thus that "spiritual energy toward their growth in maturity as pergentleness the power and in peace and the perils defending love from capable of sons. In the plan of life which represents each of selfishness and aggressiveness, and that you have given to them, they may find person's vocation, love is also a precious able to advance it toward its full realisa- favour with you."(St Clement, Letter to the Corinthians) source for the self-giving which all men tion."(Familiarts Consortia p33). The Catechism of the Catholic Church On the other hand, having given and and women are called to make for their describes and, in a sense, defines chastity welcomed life in an atmosphere of love. own self-realisation and happiness. In fact, man is called to love as an incar- in this way: "Chastity means the successful parents are rich in an educative potential nate spirit, that is, soul and body in the integration of sexuality within the person which no one else possesses. and thus the inner unity of man in his unity of the person. In a unique way they know their own Human love hence embraces the body, bodily and spiritual being."(Catechism. children: they know them in their unreand the body also expresses spiritual love. 2337) peatable identity and by experience they (Pope John Paul II, Familiar's Consortia n the framework of educating the possess the secrets and the resources of p105) Therefore, sexuality is not someyoung person for self-realisation and true love. thing purely biological, rather it concerns self-giving, formation for chastity Next Week Called to True Love implies the collaboration first and forethe intimate nucleus of the person. As a service to parents concerned to giw their children a sound start in their knowledge of sex, The Record this week begins wt-ekly installments from the Pontifical Council for the FamiWs recently published statement entitled "The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality: Guideline, for Education Within the Family" It was released in English on January 19.



'Sexuality is not something purely biological, it concerns the intimate nucleus of the person'





The Record, February 22 1996 .Page 11


To Jesus through Mary. . . . The following story was told by August 1945; the truth is that I Professor Hikoka Vanamuri, a was in Hiroshima to do some hisformer Professor of Philosophy, torical research. I did not know of the University of Tokyo, Japan. that war is a mere brutality, a He relates his own experiences topsy-turviness in souls. at Hiroshima, during the atomic When the atomic bomb explosion, 6th August 1945, and exploded,I happened to be in the the effect on his own life. library with a Portuguese book in "After a study of many years, my hand. after long days of meditation, I As I was paging through the have been forced to give up book, an image (picture) of Our Buddhism, a religion which pre- Lady of Fatima met my eyes. It vails in Japan, and to embrace seemed as if She moved and said the Catholic religion. This deci- something to me. sion was made after the destruc"Suddenly, there came a very tion of Hiroshima by an atomic bright light, and the pupils of my bomb. eyes suffered. I became petrified. it was neither fear nor fright A cataclysm had occurred. The which caused me to turn from sky was darkened, and a cloud of Buddhism to Catholicism. I hap- brown powder covered the city. pened to be in a little corner of "The library was burning. Japan where I had a preview of Everything around me and in the the apocalyptic occurrence of 6th city was burning: men, women,

Lib theology no longer a problem' eration

By John Week

ROME (CNS) - Liberation theology which survived sharp clashes with the Vatican 10 years ago, is facing a new and different kind of challenge: being written off as irrelevant. Pope John Paul II, on his way to Latin America in early February. remarked that liberation theology had retreated after the collapse of communism and was no longer seen as a problem. The papal dismissal drew strong protests from some theologians, who said the theology of liberation was alive and flourishing. Liberation theology developed in Latin America in the 1960s and '70s as a response to widespread social injustice, often kept in place by totalitarian regimes. The Vatican, in two documents issued in the 1980s, praised some aspects of the movement but warned against an overly politicised approach and the use of concepts such as class struggle. The Pope, speaking to journalists aboard his chartered jet on February 5, made fewer distinctions, saying "liberation theology was gy... somewhat a Marxist ideolo-Today, following the fall of

• • • a colurnn of Marian devotion

children and animals were burn- single injury. "The barriers began Fatima, I have understood the ing; even the very air became a to break, revealing to me the true meaning of man's existence ball of fire. mystery. in the world. "Yet, I was not injured. To me, I began to believe in the beauty "All of us have to carry a secret this was a miracle; however, I of love;I began to study a book of to the grave. The majority of men could not manage to give any fur- religion, known the awake at the door of death, when as ther explanations. To me, only Catechism. The picture of Our it is perhaps too late. Prepare the image, the picture of Our Lady of Fatima followed me, and your self now for that hour. Lady of Fatima was shining all I desired to be a convert to Her "I shall not see Japan again. I over the place, showing me the cause. I felt Her presence in me acquired a piece of land have gruesome destructions and the and around me. dead bodies which had been *I was opposed to the violence about 3 kilometre from Fatima human beings a few moments and the rebellion which my fel- (Portugal), near an old windbefore. low country-men were showing mill." The following question was put Most likely, I was preserved in towards the enemy. I was conthis fearful catastrophe so that, in vinced that, without forgiveness, to him: "Will you be a priest?" all corners of the world, I might the world would remain in an To this, Professor Hikika give testimony of the Virgin. endless conflict. Vanamuri answered, smilingly: "Two weeks later, I consulted a "I brought others to Christ. I "No, I am not worthy: my aspirafriend of mine living in Tokyo, Dr prayed to Him in Church and at tion is to preach as one of the Keia Mulnuri, who examined me home. In short, I was living with least faithful." most thoroughly and declared God. This was indeed a true mirAdapted from 'Our Lady of Fatima. that my body had suffered not a acle of Fatima. As a result of Queen of the 11(34 Rosart


seminarY sets up shop

communism, liberation theology has fallen a little, too. The bishops confirm that ideologies are no longer a force or a problem." he said. "There are other problems that Official opening ceremony of the new Catholic seminary for Russia, transferred to St Petersburg this year. remain to be resolved, first returned is the Church and one Fourteen students come from By Fr Florian Kapusciak, CM among them justice, real social floor of the seminary building. Karaganda alone. There are 27 justice," he added. Russia's Catholic seminary has For the time being Mass is cele- professors, among them two But in the Church's view, he reopened in St Petersburg after brated in a small chapel in the priests from the Orthodox acadesaid, pressing for equal rights in seminary. my and one or two lay people transferring from Moscow. society is different than promotAnother building on the site who teach languages. The seminary was housed in ing a program of "social strugMoscow from 1993 until its trans- has also been returned to the The professors are from various gle." seminary and is now a protected countries and continents and fer Petersburg to St this year. It Pope john Paul appeared to be building - for the last few years it include French, Germans and basing his remarks on what Latin was formally re-opened on was used as a garage. December 10 last year. Latvians. American bishops have told him A kitchen and refectory are to Conditions in Moscow were in The rector is an Italian, the preduring their "ad limina" visits to be installed here. many respects insupportable. fect a Slovak. the bursar a Pole the Vatican. Currently the seminarians and Students were forced to travel the spiritual director an and Meeting with Brazil's episcothe staff live in very cramped Argentinian. adding to the semipate last year. for example. liber- long distances daily, since their conditions. ation theology as such was not an accommodation, refectory and Ills hoped they will have more nary's international flavour. Issue in talks by the Pope or the lecture rooms were all in differ- space within a few months, as The opening ceremony took bishops - a telling development. ent parts of the city. the seminary has now been place in the church of "Notre In addition, relations with the given back a further 4,000 A few days before the Pope square Dame de Lourdes", one of St. arrived in two El Catholic Salvador, Orthodox Church were strained. feet in a side-wing of the build- Petersburg's The new nuncio for Russia, ing. Archbishop Fernando Saenz churches. Lacalle of San Salvador replaced Monsignor John Bukowsky, Taking part were the nuncio, The daily routine of the semithe rector of the diocesan semi- thereupon decided to transfer the nary is strictly ruled. the three bishops from the three seminary back to St Petersburg, nary, Father Luis Coto. Normally in Russia the day apostolic administratures of the Fr Coto is known within Church where the Catholic academy and begins between eight and nine Russian Federation, a Slovakian circles as a supporter of libera- seminary had always been prior o'clock, but the seminarians rise bishop from the USA. plus 40 to the revolution. tion theology. priests and many ordinary faithat 5.45am. Before the revolution the Archbishop Saenz Lacalle, a The 37 students come from the ful. member of Opus Del, was picked Catholic Church in St Petersburg three apostolic administratures Aid to the Church in Need has by the Pope last year to head the had an extensive site. of Moscow, Novosibirsk and undertaken to bear a part of the archdiocese. So far all that has been Karaganda. running costs of this seminary.

Bioethics crucial to keep scientific research sane Pope intends to keep on VATICAN CITY (CNS) - As they tional symposium on "The Roots and trustworthy teachers is truckin' - no matter what explore the frontiers of new med- of Bioethics." emerging with growing insisical technologies, scientists and physicians need trustworthy guides to help them with the ethical questions their research raises, Pope John Paul II said. "Every day scientific and technological progress bring surprising discoveries which, while giving rise to admiration, also raise sometimes frightening questions about future uncertainties," the Pope said on February 17 He was addressing an interna-

New medical technologies dealing with everything from genetic engineering to the prolonging of human life - have led people to realise that ethical guidelines for biomedical research are indispensable to the very survival of human life and human dignity, the Pope said. "In contemporary culture, faced with vast and multiple questions arising from the biomedical sciences, the need for sure guides

The Record, February 22 1996 Page 12

tence," he said. Those who study and teach bioethics, he said, do not try to limit scientific progress, but "to guarantee the survival and development of humanity in the face of the excessive forces" of scientific and medical change. Change for the sake of change can mean losing sight of the dignity of the human person created in the image and likeness of God, the Pope said.

ROME (CNS) - "Have backpack, will travel" might be Pope John Paul II's new motto after young Rome parishioners gave him a knapsack and told him to keep roaming the world. A week after returning from his 69th foreign visit, the Pope said he planned to do Just that. "When I was a boy I was a great hiker. ThenIbecame a great traveller. And I hope to continue on this path," he told youngsters at

the St Vincent Pallotti parish in a working-class suburb of the city on February 18. The Pope was nursing a cold that aides say he caught after a weeklong trip to Latin America in early February. He visited four countries and made nine airplane trips during his latest tour. He plans to make more foreign trips this year to Slovenia, Germany, Hungary and France.

International News

Vietnam Church still pressured to conform HANOI, Vietnam (CNS) Vietnamese government officials, responding to queries from the nation's bishops, have maintained their strict scrutiny of the Catholic Church. The protocol issued by the Bureau for Religious Affairs on February 2 was addressed to Cardinal Paul Joseph Pham Dinh 'Ring of Hanoi. Cardinal 'Ring is president of the bishops' conference, and made the petition on September 29. The protocol replied to five of the 11 queries on the bishops' petition, reported UCA News, an Asian church news agency based in Thailand. The government's letter was published in government newspapers on February 8. Regarding an inquiry about bishops' conference publications. the government said it presently allows the conference to publish its quarterly document on c.atechetical and moral matters. However, it noted that "the quarterly publication should comply with government regulations on publishing and circulation of printed materials." Concerning religious activities that gather people from different places. the government specified

that it reserves the right to determine what are "extraordinary religious activities." Regarding the controversy over appointment of bishops by the Holy See, the letter noted as a positive outcome of negotiations between Vietnam and the Holy See that some bishops have been ordained and transferred. Vietnamese bishops should encourage the Holy See to accept government proposals for vacant dioceses, the government also advised, naming the 'problem' candidate. -The prime minister has made it very clear that there are persons deserving to be selected to take charge of Ho Chi Minh City Archdiocese, and Bishop Huynh Van Nghi must not be assigned in whatsoever position there." the letter said. "It would he better. therefore, to select another candidate that the two sides could agree upon." it added. Certain situations such as Phu Khuong and Hung Hoa dioceses call for special consideration, the letter advised. saying "the Holy See should select new candidates as soon as possible." According to unofficial sources. the Holy See suggested to the government episcopal candidates for the sees of Bui Chu, Da Nang. Qui Nhon and Nha Thing.

IRA bombings are wrong: US bishops

The government letter also said that from now on seminarians will be screened only once by local authorities, but during training, if need be, seminarians might be screened again by local authorities as well as by the seminary's board of directors." The six issues in the bishops' petition still unanswered by the letter concern: - The bishops' authority to transfer priests and religious. - Church administration of its own institutions. - Priests and religious being allowed to return to their dioceses in northern Vietnam. - More favourable conditions for religious congregations to develop activities and vocations. - Resumption of pastoral duties by priests detained in re-education camps. - The return of Pius X Pontifical College to the church. - Opening two more seminaries and quasi-minor seminaries for each diocese. Meanwhile. Vietnam's bishops are studying the implications of the government's decision to allow them to produce a quarterly publication on catechetical and moral matters. The Bureau gave permission in the February 2 letter which was published 6 days later.

A woman with a paper dove at a Belfast peace rally on February 12

WASHINGTON (CNS) revival of terrorism by the Irish Republican Army is "morally wrong and without justification." said the chairman of the US bishPolicy International ops' Committee. Bishop Daniel Reilly of Worcester, called on the IRA to "cease any campaign of violence and unequivocally to commit to the pursuit of peace and justice democratic nonviolent, by means." In a February 13 statement released in Washington. he also urged Americans to contribute to the peace process by making it clear that no group that employs violence will have our support." The IRA announced the end of a 17-month cease-fire on February 9. followed within an hour by a massive bomb attack in London. which killed two people and injured more than 100. On February 15. police disarmed another bomb planted in central London after receiving a coded warning. Bishop Reilly said the attack should not he met with "new recriminations or conditions" but

instead should spur an urgent search for ways to replace violence with dialogue, political posturing with negotiation. The impasse in the peace process can never justify violence, nor can it be permitted to frustrate the hopes for peace in so many hearts." He called on the leaders of the two governments and the two communities involved to repudiate violence and find ways of easing political talks that can lead to a just and lasting peace in Northern Ireland. Bishop Reilly also asked that Ireland's join Americans Cardinal Cahal Daly in praying that -the will and the means" be found to save the peace process. A few days earlier, Cardinal Daly of Armagh. Northern Ireland, called on Britain and Ireland to keep hopes alive for all-party talks on the political future of Northern Ireland. "I most earnestly appeal to the IRA to think again and to think long and hard before plunging this community again into the deep, dark pit of violence." he said, adding that "peace can still be saved. I most earnestly Implore them to save it - for God's sake, for their own sake and for all our sakes." New York Cardinal John O'Connor said on February 11 that despite his questions about the wisdom of calls for unilateral disarmament of only one side in the dispute, terrorism anywhere for any reason is evil. "I have been a lifetime sympathiser with the Irish cause and particularly with oppressed Catholics in the North of Ireland.- Cardinal O'Connor said. "Yet we can have no sympathy with terrorism."


Dee Kelly for Perth Liberal Candidate for the Federal Seat of Perth

Putting You and Your Family First

Dee Kelly is strong on families. She is the youngest of 14 children. was born in Dublin and emigrated to Australia in 1972. Dee has worked hard all her life (from the age of 10) and received commendations for bravery during her service with the Victorian Police Force. Dee believes Australian families deserve a fair go. They deserve jobs, a safe environment and a health care system that includes Medicare as we now know it, but also offers families, seniors and singles some help with private insurance if they want it. Dee Kelly wants real jobs for youth. Almost 30 percent of young Australians cannot get a job and Dee believes in John Howard's plan to create real jobs. Dee wants to see our economy turned around (and out of debt) so we can create a positive future for us and our children. Dee Kelly can be contacted at her campaign office, at 116 Roe Street, Northbridge. Ph: 227 7500, Fax 227 7400 Authorized by D. Sign. 116 Roe Street. Nortbbrtoge

The Record, February 22 1996 Page 13

International News

In Brief Troops block Bhutan refugees' path home Dominican head dies ROME (CNS) - Irish Father Damian Byrne, head of the Dominicans from 1983 to 1992. died of a heart attack in Dublin. Ireland, on February 18 at age 67, said a statement issued by the order's Rome headquarters. During his term as mastergeneral, Father Byrne had to handle touchy situations regarding two Dominican theologians at odds with the Vatican: Belgian-born Father Edward Schillebeeckx and US Father Matthew Fox. Father Byrne was the 84th successor of St Dominic, who founded the Dominicans in 1218. There are 7,000 male Dominicans and 34,000 female Dominicans.

Salesian chapter VAI1CAN CITY (CNS) - In their work of education. Salesian priests and brothers must help lay Catholics make their faith an intrinsic part of their private and public lives. Pope John Paul ll said. "Help lay men and women discover their vocation, give them useful means for maturing in it and introduce them to the ways of the spirit of the Lord." the Pope said in a letter released on February 19. The Salesians' general chapter was to meet from February 19-April 20 to elect a new superior for the 17.000-member order and to discuss the between relationship Salesians and lay Catholics.

Sex abuse award MINNEAPOLIS (CNS) - A Hennepin County jury has PaulSt the ordered Minneapolis Archdiocese to pay a Prior Lake man more than $1 million for sexual abuse by a priest nearly 15 years ago. Dale Schleffier. 28. was awarded $550,000 in compensatory damages on February 7 and $800.000 in punitive damages six days later. The damages were awarded for abuse Schleffler said he suffered in 1981 from Father Robert Kapoun. 57. who recently resigned as pastor of St Scholastica Parish. Another civil suit against Father Kapoun was settled out of court in 1990. A third is pending.

Embryo deaths LONDON (CNS) - A British pro-life group and the Vatican newspaper said the legalisation of embryo experimentation has led to thousands of frozen embryos in British clinics facing destruction. The situation is indicative of the moral quagmire created by laws governing in vitro fertilisation, said the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children. L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper, reiterated the Church's moral opposition to !VF and said the thousands of embryos facing destruction are human life equalling "the population of a small town." Britain legalised the use of embryos in experimentation and fertility treatment in 1991.

JHAPA, Nepal (CNS) - Some 300 refugees whose attempt to return to Bhutan from camps in Nepal was blocked by Indian troops on January 23 began a protest at the bridge where they were stopped. According to Jesuit Refugee Service Asia Pacific in Bangkok, Thailand, the Bhutanese were still on the bridge on February 12, the 20th day of their sit-in protest. The story was reported by UCA News, an Asian church news agency based in Thailand. Coming from eight refugee camps in eastern Nepal, the refugees had intended to demand the release of 150 compatriots jailed in the Indian towns of Siliguri and Jalpaiguri. Following that they intended to

march together to Bhutan to appeal for repatriation. But they were blocked at the border before entering Panitanki, India, about 30 miles west of Siliguri. According to Caritas Nepal, the Nepal Catholic social welfare agency, the refugees have vowed to continue the protest. Bhutan says the Nepali-speaking refugees are not Bhutanese but Nepalese economic migrants who left Bhutan voluntarily. Marimar Birami, president of the Nepal Journalists Association, told UCA News on February 2 after visiting the imprisoned refugees that some of the 150 detainees "are weak." The imprisonment of the refugees has drawn strong criticism from the Geneva-based

World Organisation Against Amnesty and Torture International, which called on India's government to "allow the Bhutanese to go back home." A "Plea for Justice" asking the international community to pressure the Bhutan and Nepal governments to resolve the refugee situation justly was also issued by nongovernmental organisations. It was signed by officials of Caritas Nepal, Oxfam, Save the Children Fund. Lutheran World Service/Nepal and the Centre for the Victims of Torture, Nepal. Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee told reporters in Kathmandu on January 28 that the refugees had to be stopped because their attempt to return home "would have caused direct

negative impact on the next round of (Nepal-Bhutan) talks." Six rounds of UN-supported negotiations between the two countries on the return of refugees to their homeland have failed. The refugees said they were forced to leave their country after the government, dominated by ethnic Drukpas, passed laws requiring all Bhutanese to adopt Drukpa culture and lifestyle. Ensuing political and religious oppression, they say. culminated in police and military crackpro-democracy on downs activists in October 1990 which drove them to flee the country. More than 100,000 Bhutanese refugees. about a sixth of Bhutan's total population, now live in exile.

'Gay' ministry under Vatican scrutiny DETROIT (CNS) - The Vatican has asked Father Robert Nugent and Sister Jeannine Gramick, longtime leaders in Catholic gay ministry in the United States, for more information about their views on homosexual orientation and activity. The request was relayed to the two by Cardinal Adam Maida of Detroit. chairman of the Vatican commission that investigated their writings and teachings in 1994-95. It sent its final report to Rome a year ago. Sister Gramick is a School Sister of Notre Dame from Baltimore. Father Nugent is a member of the Salvatorian Fathers and Brothers. The two have been engaged in Catholic ministry to homosexuals for 24 years and frequently travel around the country giving workshops to others interested in that ministry. News that the Vatican wanted

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Father Robert Nugent

more information was made public on February 7 in a statement released by the Detroit archdiocesan communications office on behalf of Cardinal Maida and the religious superiors of Father Nugent and Sister Gramick. It said the request came from the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of

Apostolic Life, the Vatican agency which oversees religious orders around the world and which initiated the investigation. "Father Nugent and Sister Gramick indicated they would supply the additional information requested." the statement said. "The provincials of the two religious said they hoped 'that this

development signals movement toward a resolution by the congregation of its review of the ministry of Sister Jeannine and Father Robert." The statement did not spell out what additional information the Vatican was seeking. but in a telephone interview Sister Gralnick said it concerned their views on two questions concerning homosexual behavior and one question concerning homosexual orientation. Cardinal Maida's commission met with the two religious and their superiors three times in 1994 and announced in February 1995 that it had submitted its final report to Rome. The statement said the congregation had initiated an examination of the writings of the two "because of some concerns that their ministry, along with selected teachings and writings, may have created an ambiguity which has caused confusion in the minds of some people."

good without contradicting its entire teaching on the family and sexual relations. What the French bishops were saying, he said, was that condom use could be tolerated by the Church in certain circumstances, but it could not be morally licit. The Vatican had no official comment on the document in the week following its publication on February 12. The French bishops, meanwhile, stressed that the report did not contradict Church teaching. They noted that it encouraged greater emphasis on abstinence from sexual relations, fidelity in marriage and sex education programs. Titled, "AIDS: Society in Question," it was drafted by the Social Commission of the French bishops' conference after two years of consultation with theologians, doctors and AIDS associations. The report said that in the case of adults who cannot abstain from sexual activity and who are in danger of contracting AIDS, a condom could be used to avoid infection. It noted that public health officials and "many competent doc-

tors affirm that a good-quality condom is currently the only method of prevention. In this respect, it is necessary." The document, however, said the condom is insufficient in removing all risk of AIDS infection and fails to address the root causes of the disease's spread. The report opposed advocating condoms for adolescents, saying that makes it harder for youths to understand their sexual identity and makes it easier for them to give in to their impulses. Pope John Paul Ws in-house theologian, French Dominican Father Georges Cattier, said the use of condoms to prevent AIDS was a legitimate topic for theological debate. But he warned against making a myth of the condom's effectiveness in preventing disease, which is less than 100 percent. He also said some pro-condom campaigns are in effect campaigns for sexual permissiveness, straying from what they "ought to be - campaigns of pure information and, at most, distribution to stricken sectors that have no defense" against AIDS. Adrianus Dutch Cardinal

Simonis, commenting on the French report, said he opposed the indiscriminate promotion of condoms in anti-AIDS campaigns "But in in a particular situation within marriage. for example that of a husband with AIDS and a wife uninfected with the disease. using a condom may he seen as a legitimate form ofself-defence," he said. In Spain. officials of the bishops' conference criticised antiAIDS campaigns based on condoms and said their use by married Catholics goes against Church teaching on procreation. At the same time, they said condoms may be an acceptable" esser evil" for sexually promiscuous single people. "For those who live promiscuously and outside of Catholic norms, use of condoms can be considered tolerable, although this is not the ethical ideal," said Archbishop Fernando Sebastian of Pamplona, vice president of the bishops' conference. "Those who do not comply with moral law should at least take the precaution to avoid infecting others," he said.

French bishops' condom statement sets off debate ROME (CNS) - In a major report on AIDS. French bishops said condom use may be a necessary but insufficient means of preventing the disease - a statement that set off a week of reaction and reflection among Church and medical experts, including an attack on the report by the head of an Italian Catholic medical association. Dr Domenico di Virgilio, president of the Italian Catholic Medical Association, said use of condoms was morally wrong and, because of their failure rate, unsafe. Theologians and bishops gave differing assessments of the French report. In Rome, one theologian called it morally ambiguous while another said it was part of a legitimate debate on a complex issue. Father Gino Concetti said the French bishops' position was ambiguous. He said there was a difference in meaning between what is necessary and what is "morally legitimate." He said the Vatican could not accept the proposition that the use of condoms was a moral

The Record. February 22 1996 Page 14


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THANKS THANK you Sacred Heart of Jesus, Holy Spirit, Our Lady, St Anthony. A.J.P. ASK for three favours. Say nine Hail Mary's for nine days with a lighted candle. Pray, whether you believe it or not. Publish on the ninth day. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, adored, glorified, loved today and every day for ever and ever. Amen. S.M. MAY the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, adored and glorified throughout the whole world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus hear our prayer. St Jude worker of miracles pray for us. St Jude helper of the helpless pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. S.M

FAMILIES required to host people from Japan. Short/long term stays. Call the Nichigo Center, 325 4441.

IS THERE anyone who would kindly lend $35,000 at about 8-9°.pa for a maximum of five years to a married couple who need to buy a new transportable home? The security would be a Caveat on a Catholic family's metropolitan property whereon the transportable will be situated. If you can help please write to Mr D Higginson, PO Box 18, Gosnells 6110.

ASK for three favours. Say nine Hail Mary's for nine days with a lighted candle. Pray, whether you believe it or not. Publish on the ninth day. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, adored, glorified, loved today and every day for ever and ever. Amen. A.J.P. OH MOST beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruit of the vine, splendour of heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity. Oh star of the sea, help me and show me herein you are my mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. Oh show me here you are my Mother. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (three times). Holy Mary I place this cause within your hands (three times). Thank you for your mercy toward me and mine. Amen. J.0

Your advertisement is very effective in our Classified Section.

CHRISTIAN LIFE GROUPS A nnual Mass and meal to be held on Sunday 10 March 1996 at Bedford Parish Church and hall. Wood St. Mass at 6.15pm. All welcome.

FEBRUARY 25 Farewell Luncheon for Br G Faulkner CFC - Archbishop Hickey. Bishop Healy R ite of Election Mass (RCIA) A rchbishop Hickey Mass for Chinese New Year. Belmont Bishop Healy 27 Heads of Churches Meeting A rchbishop Hickey 28 Installation of Vice-Chancellor of Murdoch University R ev Fr M McMahon SAC

SPECIALLY FILTERED Gromeedatpot ppepee node maimionty wit sidemoulcondsons lot duch Produced by




THANKS ASK for three favours. Say nine Hail Mary's for nine days with a lighted candle. Pray. whether you believe it or not. Publish on the ninth day. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised. adored, glorified, loved today and every day for Amen. ever and ever. Thanks and praise to St Antony, Holy Spirit and Blessed Virgin. C.G.I.

RETREAT God Calls Us To Life, a retreat for lay people. directed by Fr Leon Pollard C.Ss.R.. will be held at the Redemptorist Retreat House 4-7 March. It is a non-residential retreat held f rom 9am-6pm each day. The retreat will be anchored around two talks per day. and Mass each afternoon. Cost is S80 which includes morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea. Max. number of participants is 30. Inquiries and bookings. call Redemptorist receptionist on 328 6600.

Official Engagements


Make use of it.


FATHER Lawrence Attard Memorial Fund The relatives of the late Fr Lawrence Attard wish to thank everyone for the sympathy and condolences they received after their sad loss. A Holy Mass will be celebrated in thanksgiving for everyone concerned. A memorial fund has been set up for anyone wishing to contribute towards a tombstone. Donations should be sent to: Rev. Father Attard Memorial Fund. PO Box No. 286, Enquiries Guildford. please contact John (09) 457 7771 or mobile 015 385 209.

CATECHISM STUDY GROUP The Catechism study group will resume on Monday the 4th March at 7.30pm at the Bioethics centre, 39 Jugan St. Glendalough. Refreshments will be provided. Newcomers welcome. Inquiries Jenny 447 4631.

M ARCH 150th Opening Mass Mercedes College. St Mary' s Cathedral A rchbishop Hickey. Bishop Healy Association of Maria SS Annunziata, 3 Procession in Honour of Our Lady. Osborne Park - Archbishop Hickey Clergy Day - Ascot Inn 5


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The ReGord. February 22 1994 :Page,15



Federal Member for Moore

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER St Joseph's Church, Hamilton Street, Bassendean. Friday 1 March at 10am. Guest speaker Fr Pat Cunningham. The World Day of Prayer also to be held at Our Lady of Victories Church, Cambridge St, Wembley, Friday 1 March at 10am. All welcome.

DIVINE MERCY St Mary's Cathedral/Victoria Square on Sunday 3 March 1.30pm. Programme: Rosary, Divine Mercy prayers, Benediction. Sermon by Fr Francis Ughanze. Information Adam 448 0002, John 457 7771.

MASS IN THE WILDERNESS Saturday 2 March 1996. Fr Francis Ughanze celebrant. Transport leaves St Joachim's 9am Sat 2 March for Infant Jesus - 9.30am to St Brigid's Midland at 10.30am, arrives 11 am at Quarry. Bookings 362 4399 Espirito Santo.

CATECHISM STUDY GROUP The Catechism study group will resume on Monday the 4th March at 7.30pm at the Bioethics centre, 39 Jugen St, Glendalough. Refreshments will be provided. Newcomers welcome. Inquiries Jenny 447 4631.

STREET APPEAL As part of its 18th year of service to WA Bethel Services Ltd if holding a Street Appeal on Friday 8 March. If anyone is able to help as a collector, even for an hour or so, please ring 388 1333 during office hours. Bethel is a registered charity and a public benevolent institution and our main concern is working with families.

LENTEN PERPETUAL ADORATION WEEKEND A weekend of joy in God and perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held from 1-4 March at Gracewood - God's Farm, Cowaramup. For more details and bookings please call Gracewood-God's Farm phone/ f ax (097) 556 212 or write PO Box 24, Cowaramup, WA 6284.

CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD WORKSHOP For both new and experienced parish ministers of Children's Liturgy of the Word. Wednesday 6 March 7.30-9.30pm, Nedlands parish centre, Tyre!! St, Nedlands. Cost $5 donation. For further information and registration please contact the Archdiocesan liturgy office ph: (09) 221 1548. BOSNIA REFUGEES AND ME The Catholic Social Justice Commission is pleased to present guest international speaker Ms Sally Trench at a public meeting/lecture on the Bosnian situation. Tuesday 27 February, 7.30pm, Subiaco Parish Hall, 1 Salvado Rd, Wembley. Cost S5. For more information and registration contact Social Justice Commission, ph: (09) 325 1212.

SOCIAL GROUP FOR THE WIDOWED New social group for widowed people 30's-50's age group. Main aims are to offer social life, new friendships and the possibility of forming new relationships within the Christian community. Interested persons both male and female please contact Rosemary on 399 5690.

Member of the Parliamentary Pro-Life Group, Parliamentary Aboriginal Awareness Group, Parliamentarians For A Nuclear Weapons Free World.

300-2244 No drugs, no gimmicks, healthy and effective.

NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING 221 3866 Country clients welcome. Phone or write. Phone (008) 11 4010 (local charge) Natural Family Planning Centre 29 Victoria Square Member of the Australian Council. of Natural Family Planning Inc.

The Following candidates have given positive assurances that they will oppose abortion and euthanasia and will support legislation in the Federal parliament against it. ELECTORATE

John Panizza

Authorised by Peter O'Meara, President and official spokesman of the Right to Life Association Western Australia

Penny Hearne...

Environmental Energy


JOHN PANIZZA Liberal Senator for Western Australia Opposition Whip in the Senate

The facts about the Government's attitude towards environmental groups is born out by Gareth Evans. When asked to comment on why he is leaving the SENATE for a safe Lower House seat he said, "Moving to the Lower House had more to do with being sick of the Senate AND THE GREENS" (West Australia 15.2.96). Pretty photographs in environmentally friendly locations are not going to solve the problem. Action and a genuine concern is.

"Promises made for personal glory are IBM not my style."


For more information on Penny Hearne 's campaign telephone: 527 5840 or 527 5842, Fax 527 5861or write to, 4/16 Kent Street Rockingham 6168. Written by P. Hearne. Authorised by A. Hector, Ftandell Rd. Mundijong 6202.

Penny Hearne... HAS TIME FOR THE ENVIRONMENT The Record, February 22 1996 Page 16


Support Pro Life candidates in your electorate and give human life a chance....


UP/PH 033


Paul Filling Paul Stevenage Eion Cameron Richard Evans Geoff Prosser Ricky Johnston Ken Court


Continued on page 15

Environmental issues are complex and affect many people. No two are the same. Regardless of which decisions are made they will never be universally accepted. Like the environment, a true balance can be achieved - must be achieved."

A director is sought for the Catholic Communications Centre (Catholic News Centre). The Centre is responsible for communication within the diocese and between the Church and general community. Leadership of the Catholic Communications Centre provides an opportunity for the development of a vision of communication for the Church and strategies for implementing the vision., The Director will work closely with the media, the Archbishop and Diocesan Pastoral Team, Church spokespersons and other Church agencies. The Director will possess: • an understanding of Catholic Church teaching and practice; • high level analytical and interpersonal skills; • proven leadership ability within an organisation and within a team; • knowledge of communication technology; • sound oral and written presentation skills. Salary and conditions are negotiable. Written applications should be sent not later than March 15, 1996 to: Human Resources Manager Catholic Finance and Property Office GPO Box 1364, Adelaide SA 5001 Enquiries to Mr P. McMillan - (08) 210 8210. The panel reserves the right to contact referees of its own choosing.

98,000 Abortions in Australia in 1994/95 make Abortion the biggest moral issue in the 1996 election

YOU ARE INVITED TO THE WHITE HOUSE A prayer group is in need of your spontaneous intercessory prayers. Each Tuesday evening at 7.30pm-9pm. Venue: The White House, corner Harper and Teague Streets, Victoria Park. If you are unable to attend the group and would like some prayers said please do not hesitate and give me a call.. Pat Fernandes 474 2470.

The environment is our vital lifeline to the future. For too long we have listened to the rhetoric of Labor Governments offering the world as a vote buying exercise, and in the end delivering nothing. Recently you may have seen an advertisement claiming the saving of the Green' Wetlands. No agreements have being signed, and no offer has been made to the developers. What has been settled, Mr. Beazley?



A VOICE IN THE SENATE FOR ALL WESTERN AUSTRALIANS All Inquiries Welcome Canberra (06) 27773625 Perth (09) 3258449, Free Call 1800 800334

VOTE LIBERAL *FOR ALL OF US* Authorised by P. Wells, 386 Murray Street, Perth.

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