Khaled Almashhrawi resume

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As an experienced architect with a passion, I bring a unique perspec�ve to projects from commercial to residen�al. I am a dedicated and crea�ve professional who is commi�ed to delivering innova�ve and func�onal spaces that meet the needs of my clients. With a proven track record of success in the industry, I am confident in my ability to bring value to any project.



English (Excellent) - Arabic (Native)

Saudi Citizen Privileges



Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Mobile +966-553770414



LinkedIn Khalid M Elmashhrawi


Architecture and Building Sciences Bachelor Dgree (2019)

King Saud University

Graduated with second honor


Microsoft Office

Autodesk AutoCAD


Autodesk Revit

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe InDesign

Lumion 3D Rendering



Architect Jun 2022 - Present.

Alghanim Industries - Food and Beverage Riyadh, Saudi Arabia & Kuwait.

Establish architectural interior designs for Costa Coffee: Develop interior designs for Costa Coffee loca�ons, overseeing the en�re process from the ini�al concept to the final comple�on of the project.

Collaborate with clients: Work closely with clients to gain a comprehensive understanding of their vision, brand iden�ty, target audience, and menu offerings. This collabora�on ensures that the design aligns with the client's goals and preferences.

Develop a design concept: Create a design concept that reflects the client's vision, transla�ng their ideas into a unique and memorable space that dis�nguishes Costa Coffee from other establishments.

Determine layout and flow: Op�mize the layout and flow of the F&B establishment, considering factors such as efficient opera�ons and providing a comfortable dining experience for customers.

Select materials, finishes, colors, and ligh�ng: Choose materials, finishes, colors, and ligh�ng that are in line with the Costa Coffee brand and enhance the overall atmosphere of the space.

Ensure compliance with regula�ons: Ensure that the design complies with building codes, safety regula�ons, and health department guidelines to create a safe and secure environment for customers and employees.

Coordinate with other professionals: Collaborate with other professionals involved in the construc�on process, such as architects, contractors, and suppliers, to effec�vely communicate design requirements and ensure a smooth implementa�on.

Integrate branding elements: Incorporate branding elements, signage, and graphics that create a cohesive visual iden�ty for Costa Coffee, reinforcing the brand and a�rac�ng customers.

Develop design proposals and manage the project budget: Create design proposals and effec�vely manage the project budget, ensuring that the design meets the client's requirements while staying within the allocated financial resources.

Stay updated with industry trends: Keep abreast of industry trends, technologies, and innova�ons to incorporate fresh ideas into the design, ensuring that the Costa Coffee loca�ons remain current and appealing to customers.

Oversee the design process: Take charge of the design process from concept development to project comple�on, ensuring that the design is implemented as planned and any necessary adjustments are made along the way.

Create invi�ng, func�onal, and brand-aligned spaces: Design spaces that are invi�ng, func�onal, and aligned with the Costa Coffee brand, enhancing the overall dining experience for customers and contribu�ng to the success of the establishment.

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Arch. Ahmad Aldisi

+966 530534836

Dr. Arslan Abed

+966 553388441

Arch. Ahmad Frehat

+966 581142362

Prof. Jason Pomeroy

+65 9756 6874


Inspire Your World

Final Shortlisted Projects - 2022

Ithra in collaboration with SAUDIA

MOC Saudi Cup Design Competition

Second Place Prize - 2021

Won and honored by MOC in the hourses race of 2022

Mujassam Watan by : Alfouzan Group

Semi-final Nominated - 2020

Designed a landmark in Khobar City

Acting Interior Design Manager

Jul 2021 - Jan 2022


Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Create an ac�on plan for area of responsibility and communicate it to the second interior designers & collegues

Maintain con�nuous mee�ngs with team and weekly folloy-ups on pending issues, updates and future plans

Mee�ng with different HFBs group leaders on a periodic basis and walk together through areas and review all medias and commercial message treatment, display techniques including sales steering and price and quality ladder and product communica�on, hot spots, price ladder, commercial ligh�ng, and customer flow analysis.

Discussing poten�al improvementsa with the concerned managers and group leaders.

Develop ac�ons needed to be taken in order to improve the areas and follow up on the results.

Insure that all displays and Medias are organized, floors are clear from tool and quipment, and all safety ac�ons are taken on daily basis.

Design relevant, func�onal, aethe�c and commercial home furnishing solu�ons that contribute to posi�oining of IKEA Brand in the local market as the leader in life at home and the first choice for home furninshing. Applying home furnishing knowledge to ensure up-to-date room see�ng and other store media that exceed IKEA visitors expecta�ons and turn visitors to customers.

Reflect IKEA brand iden�ty by crea�ng visual impact in all commercial, sales support, and co-worker areas in the store.

IKEA Sewden Concept Review

31 Oct 2021


Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Lead the interior design team and successfully IKEA Riyadh store passed the IKEA Concept Review with a great score 42 out of 44 which is top 3 globally.

Interior Designer

Sep 2019 - May 2022


Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Crea�ng relevant, func�onal, aesthe�c and commercial home furnishing solu�ons that con�bute to posi�oning IKEA brand in the local market as the leader in life at home and the first choice for home furnishing Applying home furnishing knowledge to ensure up-to-date room se�ngs and other store media will exceed IKEA visitors expecta�ons and turn visitors to customers S�mula�ng and increasing the interest for home furnishing through constantly showing new and inspiring solu�ons that mo�vate people to visit IKEA store frequently

Using the richness of the IKEA product range to show dis�nct and different styles that appeal to many individual tastes and needs

Reflec�ng the IKEA brand iden�ty by crea�nf visual impact in all commercial, sales support and co-worker areas in the store.


Intern Architect Summer 2018

Intern Architect Summer 2018

Intern Architect Summer 2017

Pomeroy Studio


Alyousef Constructions

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

TYPSA Spanish Consultant

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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