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2.1. T H E S I S | T H E S I S S T A T E M E N T

Swarm intelligence, generated through pheromone-based stigmergy within unit-to-unit communication to detect and analyse the on-site material, enables decision-making and selfassembly to form the structure that constantly reacts to the dynamic environment and terraforming the landscape. Then, with the restoring ability of mycelium, the system possesses the capability for land restoration and material sustainability. Following the methodology of energy conservation, those attributes, which are embedded in both the unit and swarm behaviour, formulate a new kind of urban infrastructure that could evolve over time, ultimately constructing a self-circulating ecosystem that could be symbiotic with the Earth.

The project Sym[BIO]scape creates a machine landscape that is no longer human-centric, questioning the definition of architecture for hundreds of years: architecture is no longer a living space, but becomes an extension of human life as a data center and a new kind of ecological infrastructure.



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