3 minute read
Victorian Chapter State Manager Daniel Moore
Designing for all, and planning, have implications across all scales. On a micro scale, we all want buildings that benefit us physically and mentally, and on the macro, a built environment in harmony with our surroundings.
Victorian State Manager Daniel Moore RAIA Architects consider all manner of animalia in the habitats they create. Whether it's the reduction of glass to prevent bird strikes, external planting to support insects and amphibians, or edible landscaping at street and roof level, these features can also increase a building's energy efficiency, improve indoor environment quality, and foster community engagement. In addition, planning regulations aim to enhance the interface between our buildings and raise the minimum standards within our densifying urban environment. Architects and allied professionals are constantly working to produce better built outcomes beyond what has come before, which is proven yearly in the Australian Institute of Architects awards program. Many practices innovate well beyond regulatory requirements or their client's brief, and the profession sets the highest standard for building design in the construction industry through the continued delivery of excellently performing buildings. It's also fascinating to read in this edition of AV how built environment professionals critically assess the value of various design initiatives. Such as the democratisation of the design process, extending architecture processes beyond the barriers of tradition, and the importance of satire, where some editorial mediums allow criticism of architectural style without being professionally callous. Whatever the medium or scale, this edition’s themes reflect the appreciation of our neighbours. Institute members understand and value respect, which is why our code of conduct is so important. It not only shows Institute members want to support the community, but they want to support their fellow members as well.
Managing editor Emma Adams
Guest editors Stanislav Roudavski Loren Adams RAIA Grad.
Editorial committee James Staughton FRAIA (Chair) Elizabeth Campbell RAIA Laura Held FRAIA Thomas Huntingford Yvonne Meng RAIA John Mercuri RAIA Justin Noxon RAIA
Associate contributors Nikita Bhopti RAIA Elizabeth Campbell RAIA Phillip Pender RAIA Grad. On the cover Arthur by Oscar Sainsbury Architects Photographer: Rory Gardiner Creative direction Annie Luo
Publisher Australian Institute of Architects Victorian Chapter 41 Exhibition Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Printing Printgraphics Advertise with us Contact Joel Roberts joel.roberts@architecture.com.au +61 2 9246 4055 This publication is copyright No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, mechanical, microcopying, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the permission of the Australian Institiute of Architects Victorian Chapter. Disclaimer Readers are advised that opinions expressed in articles and in editorial content are those of their authors, not of the Australian Institute of Architects represented by its Victorian Chapter. Similarly, the Australian Institute of Architects makes no representation about the accuracy of statements or about the suitability or quality of goods and services advertised. Warranty Persons and/or organisations and their servants and agents or assigns upon lodging with the publisher for publication or authorising or approving the publication of any advertising material indemnify the publisher, the editor, its servants and agents against all liability for, and costs of, any claims or proceedings whatsoever arising from such publication. Persons and/or organisations and their servants and agents and assigns warrant that the advertising material lodged, authorised or approved for publication complies with all relevant laws and regulations and that its publication will not give rise to any rights or liabilities against the publisher, the editor, or its servants and agents under common and/ or statute law and without limiting the generality of the foregoing further warrant that nothing in the material is misleading or deceptive or otherwise in breach of the Trade Practices Act 1974.