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Summer 2023
Controlled Electives
A variety of course prefixes are acceptable as Controlled Electives for ARCH majors. Remember it is up to you to check on prerequisites. Thinking about another area of study not listed here? Email Lori with your request. These and other courses might be accepted as part of fulfilling the requirements for a minor. For a complete list of available minors go to https://registrar.okstate.edu/ and click ‘degree requirements’, then ‘minors and certificates.’
Students often ask “What electives should I take?” Well, take something that interests you! That’s what electives are there for, to help you grow as a wellrounded person! Choose from: 3000+ level classes with Gen.Ed. “A”, “D”, “H”, “N”, “S” or “I” - there are many areas of study that could be interesting to you!
Exceptions to the level 3000+ rule are:
- Any Foreign Language courses – 1000+ levels.
- Any follow-on Math or Physics course – 2000+ levels
- Any Music performance, voice, theory course – 2000+ levels.
- Any Studio Art courses – 2000+ levels. *Art controls their studio enrollment