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An integral and important part of the program is an introduction to living on the OSU campus. You will have the opportunity to experience “college life” in a variety of ways. Many aspects of residence hall and campus life involves common sense and respect for both the rules and regulations in effect. Some helpful information follows:
Arrival and Check-In: The Discover Architecture activities begin at 11am Tuesday, June 20th, with an optional tour of the DWR School of Architecture Building. If you have already taken such a tour, or if you are traveling from far away and cannot be here in the morning, do not feel pressured to arrive in time for this activity. Official workshop activities begin after lunch at 1:30pm. Check in is 10am-1pm Tuesday; simply go to the front desk of North Commons and ask for your room key and a parking pass (if you need one).
Room Security: Your room should be kept locked when you and your roommate are not there, even if you are only down the hall. Be sure to keep track of your key at all times; there is a cost for replacement if you are to misplace it.
Your Room: You are responsible for the condition of your room. Any physical damage to the room, or other areas of the residence hall, will be assessed and paid for by you and/or the individual causing the damage. The rooms will be inspected by residential life staff before you arrive and after you move out.
Meals: All meals will be catered in the Architecture Building, or at nearby restaurants. The only meals not included in the program fee are lunch on Tuesday and lunch on Saturday. There are vending machines at the Architecture Building and at the dorms in case you need a snack of sorts.
Personal Security: Be alert to your surroundings – OSU is a large campus. Keep some identification with you at all times. Most of the time you will be with other participants in this workshop during scheduled activities, but in our ‘down’ time if you decide to leave the group for any reason you must notify the faculty or program staff where you are going.
Personal Automobile: If you bring a car to campus, be aware that for reasons of liability, it will be parked for the duration of your time in Stillwater with Discover Architecture.