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They said it! arch. Martí FRANCH BATLLORI, Founder, Estudi Martí Franch, Special Guest LAUD 2014: “I hope this event will be successful. I was involved in the first European Biennial in Barcelona and that was back in 1999, a period when Barcelona came out of a non-democratic period. We were so eager to know about what other more advanced countries were doing, that this event was a very important moment. Every second year, some of the best people in the field started coming around and showing their experiences, there was also a prize organized. It became a place of networking and learning from other people. LAUD is a very good idea, it helps to grow culture between local practitioners because you can mirror with other people. I was positively surprised with all the projects presented from Eastern Europe I didn’t know about, also about the plans of the municipality in Bucharest – I don’t know who is to implement them but it looks positive to me. I don’t have knowledge of landscape architecture by country, I have knowledge about it by projects. I can tell you particular projects that interest me. I’ve seen for instance in Slovenia, Ana Kučan and other teams in there are doing interesting projects. These examples show that it’s a growing culture. [The project I presented drew the attention] because of the amazing mission. What was amazing was that politicians decided to spend money to undo things, not build more, but to go backwards. And this is new for the discipline. Normally, most of the projects are about building new things or rebuilding. Here, we could really erase things that had been done. What caused the attention of so many people was the mission and the way we did it – we were very respectful in adding very few things. If you have the chance to go there, I can promise you that you will be very impressed of the place, because of the powerfulness of the landscape.” arch. Markus JATSCH, Director, Martha Schwartz Partners: “I definitely think there is a change in attitude happening [in Eastern Europe]. The challenge is that one has a very rigid public administration that makes the process very slow. In London, first of all, there is more involvement of the stakeholders for public projects, different stakesholder groups have a bigger say, and I think there is also more awareness of the economic benefit of a welldesigned project. In Eastern Europe people still don’t see why investing in good design would pay off ultimately. Whereas if you invest in good building design, in good landscape design, you stimulate the economy, you attract other people and ultimately there is a strong economic benefit. It goes back to a very simple example when you plant a tree in front of your house the house value goes up, by 10.000-20.000 pounds already, by just one tree. So, the landscape is really a very important vehicle for communities to attract investors, attract economies and not just a purely design luxury and I think that’s still a challenge which I think people still need to understand. We talked a lot

about this topic. The city where we do most of our projects, we think, is the most sustainable place to live for human beings. It’s not sustainable to live in the suburbs, it’s not sustainable to live on the countryside. We need, in order to address the sustainable climate changes, to learn to live together in an urban environment, however, most of the times, they are not attractive to people. That’s why everyone tries to escape them. There are only a few examples which show how well it can be done when it’s done successfully, and then the city becomes an amazing place to live, if you have clean air, well-designed public spaces. Currently, I very much like working in China, because it’s an environment where people are very very curious to learn, and to change things, even though it’s very difficult for them to change these things, but they know the problem, they try to change it and they are also very very interested in contemporary design, in iconic design ideas and we, as designers, have much more freedom there than often in England or in North America where there is a very old-fashion, historic conception of where the landscape should be. Very often in these contries the landscape is considered something that is nature, and you plant flowers, and you plant trees, and that’s it. It’s not addressing the real issues and problems we have nowadays in cities. The Chinese are much more openminded and interested in incorporating contemporary design, they see the landscape, traditionally, as a form of cultural expression, such as painting, and art. We always study very closely the local culture to understand how to root these project in their culture. All these projects need to work locally, they need to attract and engage local people because they are the end users. I think it’s a very good idea, I was very pleased to see that it’s the first of such events in Romania, and hopefully it will continue and generate more interest. However, it’s important to bring in the decision-makers to these conferences, they need to see the potential and the importance. So, city administration, developers, because they are the ones to make the decisions and pay the money, it’s not the other landscape architects. They already know about the problems and they know how to solve them. Of course, it’s always interesting to see internationally what’s happening in other countries so there are interesting professional exchanges, but in order to really help to change things in a country it’s important to engage the decision-makers and the developers into these conferences.” arch. Chris CHURCHMAN, Director, Churchman Landscape Architects: “For our practice, this is the highest profile scheme that we’ve designed, and also a very rewarding project. Normally, in projects budgets are cut and landscape is always the first thing that is removed but on this project we managed to safeguard most of the components of the scheme that we’ve designed so most of our initial ideas have actually become reality so that was very rewarding for us. I think the landscape profession in the UK is now well-established. It really became quite strong in the 1950′s-1960′s, and so we have 50 years of heritage within the landscape profession. There were eight new towns which were created around London in that perior. It was part of that planning that landscape was quite significant. So a lot of the people who were previously architects and were working on town planning suddently found this new discipline which was landscape architecture. And that continued throught the ’70s and ’80s. At the moment, funding for landscape is pouring into London and so the

projects that we are able to realize at the moment is significant, we never had opportunities like this before. Some of it is on the back of the Olympics, no doubt that the olympic project itself gave a lot of opportunities to architects and designers and landscape architects, the trend it continuing. I find it very useful, when you go to a conference, it takes you out of the work environment, you listed to what other people are doing and you go back feeling like you’ve learned something and are stimulated, going back with fresh ideas and a fresh approach.” arch. Phil ASKEW, landscape architect, London Legacy Development Corporation: “I think it’s very interesting and important, different countries around the world and different places in terms of their approach to planning and landscape architecture design, if you like, and those different places have to do with cultural differences, but also to do with perhaps their recent history so, certainly, I imagine that many former communist countries and Eastern European countries are looking to do new things with their public realm, to regenerate areas, to improve conditions for people, to bring businesses and money and employment into cities which perhaps in previous times had become a bit run down. Pretty much like the Olympic, the Olympic Park creates better places for people to live and work, make them attractive. I guess what these conferences and meetings can do is to bring people from different places together and to see how people might be doing it in London, for example, for the 2012 Olympics, or in other parts of the world. On the one hand I think it can give people hope, there are things that you can do, other people demonstrate how you can do them, but also it stimulates ideas. This city is very different from London, different architecturally, different culturally and it would be a great shame if it became like any other city, of course. It’s a melting pot, a good opportunity for professionals to talk and exchange ideas and certainly to feel more confident about the future. For the Olympics it was a massive enterprise to do. But actually, what we’ve done after the game, is almost of the same scale. One of the things which we did and have done all along is to think well in advance and prepare our plans in place such that we were not thinking what we’ve got to do, we were already there. It’s a fantastic project, people are genuinely enthusiastic about it and that makes it much easier to tell the story.” arch. Şerban ŢIGĂNAŞ, President of the Order of the Architects of Romania: “LAUD conference was announced as being highly attractive in the field of landscape architecture and, through the presence of some outstanding speakers, has confirmed this appeal through the interest shown by the public and a full day of lectures and presentations, to which questions and interactions with participants were added. In the opening I have tried to capture the phenomenon of public space architecture, urban design and

landscape in Romania, within an international context and explained as practices. The field of landscape architecture at the top was covered with examples of international practice excellence, through the presentation of Markus Jatsch from Martha Schwartz Partners, who has carried us on several continents with their projects, Phil Askew, who has revealed inside information from the development of Queen Elisabeth Park in London, former Olympic assembly designed to transform and to integrate after the games, through Chris Churchman’s project at the Maritime Museum in Greenwich and the surprising ecological landscape projects and even restoration of nature presented by Marti Franch. The presentation of the chief architect of Bucharest, Gheorghe Pătraşcu, was of great interest as well, presenting the integrated urban development plan of the center of the capital, evidently unknown to the public until now, although it has been under development for years, but without possibility of being implemented into the reality of the metropolis. The academic research and practice have been brought to the stand by Cerasella Crăciun, Mihaela Hărmănescu and Cristina Enache from Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest. The status of landscape organizations was presented by Alexander Ciobotă and Andrei Condorş, young leaders of associations in the field in Romania and internationally. The landscape was completed with the presentations of the specialized companies about the production of various systems for building green roofs, vertical gardens, pavements, the management of wastewater or the design of water games. If we consider the situation in Romania, where the need for a higher quality of the communities in which we live, of green spaces and public spaces in general, well-designed and accessible is growing, we can say that LAUD came at the right time, drawing attention to the performances reached by others in the field, amid an uninterested attitude from the part of the authorities at different levels for this area. The natural and anthropic landscape must be considered as the fundamental infrastructure of the fabric of life, the continuing support of architecture and heritage essential to communities – this is the message that we are sending through LAUD to all those responsible of the Romanian state. The conference, organized in partnership between ABplus Events and OAR, has opened a new chapter on which we will focus on in the future as well, due to the rationale outlined above. Architecture must be perceived by the general public, by those responsible in the service of society and the professionals in its contextual interdisciplinarity. The landscape and the public space are architecture and they should be treated as such, in order to achieve the quality that people need for all aspects of their lives.” arch. Gheorghe PĂTRAŞCU, Chief Architect of Bucharest Municipality: “I am an avid supporter of events of this kind that bring professional debate in the business area. The initiative behind this event is useful and commendable because the professionals often take risks in conceiving their projects in a utopian manner, a bit ‘in the clouds’, not connected enough to reality. I congratulate you for the organization, it does well to both forces, namely that it promotes an area that is less visible to the public. Moreover, through these expo conferences, the specialists are finally valued, even if many people raise their eyebrows when they find out about promotions that have a business-economic hue. I, however, believe that without this economically-nuanced promotion, we cannot develop

our field. We should adapt to this Western style as regards the effectiveness of an activity. Landscape architecture is very closely linked to the business area and it should be treated as such, as well as an art. Architecture cannot be treated just as an art; architecture is a blend of science, technology and art. Through this event, ABplus Events has managed to establish a balance between the two opposing tendencies of architecture: art and business. I need your support to bring to life the project that I just presented in LAUD.” ing. Nicolas TRIBOI, Romanian Landscape Architects Association: “The first edition of LAUD International Expo Conference is a very good beginning which has been, at the same time, very long-awaited. It it great that so many experts from Romania and abroad have been invited: architects, landscape architects, planners, suppliers and designers. You have managed to bring them all together, especially as this kind of meeting is very difficult for so many specialists who should normally co-operate. With this public and this beginning, next year we will be able to think of some thematic directions, to be correlated with several case studies in order to draw the attention of local authorities. The idea of mixing specialists and presenting theories accompanied by practical examples are the strengths of the first edition of LAUD 2014.” Andrei CONDOROŞ, Vice-President Professional Practice, European Region of the International Federation of Landscape Architects: "My opinion is that this event comes at the best possible time, in that the profession in Romania has already shown that it has grown, maybe only theoretically, but it seems that things are starting to develop practically as well. It is a signal that we are sending, or profession in general is sending, to the main actors that decide the composition and quality of the public space and the fact that today we have had with us speakers of other nationalities who are carrying out projects at a European level, which is again a good thing in the sense that we are able to mirror a quality of the landscape architectural product that we certainly want to see in Romania as well at present. It is a good time to show that it is possible, that we are ready, but we are not yet allowed an exploitation at this level because the phenomenon of landscape architecture is not yet fully understood. These examples can show us the size of this profession and how to work most effectively in order to have a product of this size. No further than the first speakers, such as the guest from England, from Martha Schwartz’s office, they are speaking of an interdisciplinary team, of a collaboration since the very start of the projects, which naturally leads to the solution of all the requirements

that a site has and therefore the project becomes a win for the citizens, for the administration and for the profession in general, it is an example that he gives us, it is the goal toward which we should strive. Otherwise, I think we would have had the same discussions. These foreign guests somehow motivated us to go further and make the gap narrower.” Alexandru CIOBOTĂ, President, Romanian Landscape Architects Association: "I find it extraordinary that such a diversity of specialists have come together to treat issues of landscape architecture in Romania. It does not often happen for such a conference to be organized in Romania, that is why it is commendable that LAUD has made this meeting possible. LAUD is a pathfinder for a future series of conferences to come. At the European level, we are trying to create an identity of the field, which is, nevertheless, highly diverse, due to the fact that it is treated by several specialties, such as architects, landscape architects, urban planners. The European Federation should turn more towards Eastern Europe. For instance, the General Assembly this year will be held in Portugal, last year it was held in Germany, in Western countries; why not hold European Federation meetings in Eastern Europe, as it does not have a tradition in landscape architecture? And here I am referring to professional training, such as schools, from the level of operating in the field to what interdisciplinary work as presented by the guests from England really means.” prof. Cerasella CRĂCIUN, Vice-Dean, Urban Planning Faculty, “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism: "I think it is a wonderful initiative precisely because there was nothing like it before [in Romania], because the landscape is becoming increasingly important nowadays. The speakers have been very different, everyone spoke about something else, about a different component, there have been projects focusing on smaller areas and others focusing on larger areas, masterplans, research or education, implementation, the economic component of the landscape, the countryside, the agricultural landscape – all are important because they are all faces of this element that is called landscape. The inhabitants must understand that there is a culture of place and landscape and events like this are welcome in order to raise the level of culture, to understand why landscape is needed and how each and every one of us can contribute to help make this change.”

Mihaela HĂRMĂNESCU, Lecturer, "Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism: “This event was indeed necessary, in order for issues of landscape architecture to be raised in our country as well, given that in Romania we have joined the European Landscape Convention and we are faced with the need to protect and preserve the landscape, but at present we probably do not have the necessary context. Through the presence of planners and landscape architects from foreign countries, we can become

convinced ourselves that this profession is necessary. Even the projects that have been presented are totally different from what we are used to and see every day around us. Congratulations for your initiative!” Alin SEVASTRU, Administrator, Hiwaters: “Up until now, the event presents good aspects. By perpetuating the event, it will surely be very successful. I absolutely believe in the continuity of the event, with more experts in the audience.”

Răzvan TUDOR, National Sales Manager, Semmelrock Stein + Design: "I have been waiting for an event like this for almost six years. I needed, at least from our direction as providers, a partner that I have not found until today and I think the initiative is outstanding. I said that somewhere there is a thread of light in our area, that of landscaping. Now I’m very pleasantly surprised by the participation, as well as the setup, location, topics, not only the participation of the public but also the speakers were very appropriate. The fact that Mr. Ţigănaş and Mr. Pătraşcu were involved, resonant voices in the social environment, means that the landscape area will evolve.”

Grigore TĂTARU, Managing Director, ACO: “It is still early, but until now I like the event, it looks very promising for the rest of the day. The specialized public, very numerous, came and I am looking forward to see how they will react to our presentation of solutions offered by ACO.”

Ruxandra DRACEA, General Director, Aqua Design: "The idea and the concept are good, in the sense that in Romania people have not really focused on this side of architecture – landscaping. Architecture is done, but very little is spoken about urbanism, about a whole, meaning that each does only one part. We came to present our ideas of design, given that we are addressing architects, we have not come here to talk about execution, because this is the architects’ role, but about the design, specialized software for visualisation, specialized software for architectural lighting and fountains. We are coming to their aid with these simulations, these animations that help both the architect and the recipient actually visualize what will happen and therefore have the possibility to change, modify, bring solutions.” Silviu Florin CORPODEANU, Co-Founder, Grădini Verticale: "We have a high opinion of the conference, we were able to get into contact with many people with whom we were hoping to create networking and to develop it after the conference. We are glad that representatives of the University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest came as well. Related areas from paving, drainage systems, garden furniture and green roofs are complementary to what we do with vertical gardens. Through the importance of plants and of green in our lives, we want to move past the taboo that a vertical garden is complicated, and beyond the vertical garden a real vertical ecosystem is developed in these gardens because, in time, symbiotic relationships between different fungi, bacteria and roots are created. More and more special projects started to be developed, vertical gardens, green roofs, which are relatively new in Romania – in Montreal, for example, a law was passed last year according to which any

new building is required to have a green roof. Slowly, we begin to comply with the European and global standardization. We have a long way to go, but we are on the right track.” ing. Marina NEGURA, landscape architect, Simacek Gardening: “I am downright delighted that you took the initiative to organize an event of this kind in Romania. It is very important that people see the projects unfolding, see that this field is developing, see new concepts presented such as green gardens or roofs, this means an openness to concepts of this kind. Laudable, in one word.”

ing. ec. Arpad ABRAM, General Manager, Bauder Romania: “The event is very interesting, we like it. From my point of view, LAUD is most welcome, being, in recent years, the first event of its kind in Romania. We were reluctant to exhibit, however, this event seemed interesting through the program, the specialized audience, the concept, and this is why we have participated.”

ing. Dana TIPEI, Manager, Somhidros: “It is a very good initiative to organize this event, the first of its kind from what I saw. The people seem to be very interested, it is a field which, in Romania, requires education and must be developed. Therefore, this is a very good opportunity. I hope that, through what Somhidros does, through innovation, through creativity, to be able to raise the interest, to bring a part of Barcelona in Romania.”

Maria TUDOR, Ensola: “From my point of view, LAUD International Expo Conference is a well organized event, the public turned up as promised, many of whom came to our exhibition stand. Many people seem interested in public lighting with LED, which delights me. The participants are professionals with expertise that came to my stand to present them our solutions. Among the strengths of the event, I can mention the speakers invited, who are very important and thus, due to the very-well built program, you have managed to bring together so many specialists in the field of architecture and urban design. Given the experience this year, I plan to attend next year as well, if we have new products and solutions to show them to the specialised public. It is a very good choice to promote and present solutions through events with such a thematic.” Claudiu Dominic BOLONYI, Kronemag: “First, I must say that I find LAUD international expo conference an event with very high potential. For us, it is a very good exhibition because LAUD is addressed to architects, and through attending this event we are addressing architects as well. We are looking forward to repeating the experience next year as well.” Dana TIU, Sinaia City Hall: “LAUD International Expo Conference is a very successful event. I have met almost all notions with which we work in administration for urban development. Such events are organized quite rarely in Romania, unfortunately. I particularly enjoyed the presentation of projects in cities around the world, belonging to architect Markus JATSCH. It was a presentation that has brought a plus of innovation, which could serve as a model for projects in our own country. I also liked the presentation of musical fountains, of the sponsor of the event, Mr. Alin Sevastru. Moreover, Mr. Phil Askew’s presentation about the Olympic Park also caught my attention and I am looking forward to take part in the following editions of LAUD because it is of interest to City Hall of Sinaia.” Adina MATROZ, "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism ”The experience of participating in LAUD is unforgettable because, as future specialists in

the field, we are happy to meet people with expertise. We were impressed by the presentation of ing. peis. Nicolas Triboi, whose experience we know very well. Many of the projects about which Mr. Triboi has spoken about belong in the green beltway of Bucharest.” arch. Emil Victor GRIGORIU, Order of the Architects of Romania, member of the Bucharest subsidiary: “I appreciate the event as being very interesting and very instructive for us. Through this event, we have the opportunity to present our solutions, to see what others have done and to get to know each other in this business world. I hope that LAUD will continue and we’ll see eveyone again at the next edition. I’m looking forward to see and listen to the guest speakers in the event.” Irina Maria IVAN, Order of the Architects of Romania, member of the Bucharest subsidiary: “As an architect, O.A.R. Bucharest member, I am glad to come to all the events organized by ABplus Events, which we have known for many years and are of great interest to me. LAUD opens an interesting door; I’ve never seen another event focused on this same area, so you have no competition. You have been inspired in choosing this topic. Congratulations! Rebecca BEDELEAN, landscape engineer, Arad “I salute the LAUD initiative, which I think is very good for the practice of landscape architecture. The speakers invited are very talented and great professionals in the field of architecture, urban design and planning of urban spaces.” Roxana TRIBOI, urban planner and landscape architect, Bucharest “LAUD International Expo Conference is a very welcome event, because in this field of urban architecture there are no manifestations of this kind, on this subject. I am very pleased that we have seen such world famous projects being presented here. Foreign guests and atypical subjects of the event are the elements that add value to this event. You are professionals, because you promised to bring experts in the field and this is what has happened.”

Alexandra ŢUŢUIAN, architect, Botoşani “I think the first edition of LAUD is a very good start for what will follow. The fact is that you managed to bring companies with real solutions, that you have succeeded in bringing together highly-awarded and very well-known foreign architects with special projects in which all architects, planners and landscape architects are working together. We see that abroad people can work together and become models for Romania. By promoting the field through events such as LAUD maybe we can encourage more competition in our country.” Nicolae RADU, Corexim Trade “The event itself and the topics chosen are very interesting. LAUD brings consistency because it develops links and discussion in a certain rhythm. It is very well that ABplus Events brings to the fore this architectural category as well.” Laurenţiu PĂNESCU, Berg Banat “The event is very interesting. From the program, the presentations of the President of the Order of the Architects, Mr. Serban Tiganas and Mr Phil Askew’s caught my attention in particular. I am staying until the end of the event, because I’m interested in what is being presented. We will come to the next edition as well, especially since I see that you have quite a few participants, our interest in this event is great and we would like to even enter the program, to present Berg Banat’s solutions.” Alexandra-Lucia MIREA, Architect, Bucharest “I know all the events you are organizing as I attend them regularly. I particularly liked this time the presentation held by Mr. Phil Askew. Congratulations on another successful event in the series of successful events that you are organizing.” Gabor PUNKOSTI, Parkdekor "I’m attending as a representative of a foreign company which, since 2005, strives to beautify the public spaces of cities, through the urban furniture that we offer. The event is good, unfortunately I cannot attend the conference from my position as exhibitor, and the speeches of the guest speakers in the plenary sessions, who are specialists in a field, really interests me.”

arch. Martí FRANCH BATLLORI, Special Guest LAUD 2014 Winner of the Rosa Barba European Landscape Prize of the 7 European Biennial of Landscape Architecture ESTUDI MARTÍ FRANCH, GIRONA, SPAIN Martí Franch Batllori has taken and now gives classes for Superior Graduate of Landscape Gardening and for the Landscape Architecture Masters in the Superior School of Architecture in Barcelona and the teaching of Landscape Supervision and Management at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. ‘Estudi EMF’ was established in 1999 after a period of formation and professional training in Barcelona, Amsterdam, London and Berlin, in which the opportunity was taken to compare different approaches to landscaping, the culture of public spaces and the organization of cities and territories. Among the outstanding projects undertaken by EMF there is the organisation of the banks of River Têt in Perpignan; the environmental restoration project of Club Med at Cap de Creus and the Program of the organisation of the Punta de Cap de Creus, the Public Gardens of Can Framis in district 22 @ of Barcelona, the Nautical Pole at Canet de Rosselló, preliminary sketches of the organisation of the landscape of l’Espai Fluvial of Llobregat in Molins de Rei, Sant Vicenç dels Horts, the Papiol and Sant Feliu de Llobregat, the water purification plant at Perpngna. In LAUD 2014, Martí Franch has presented the restoration of the Tudela-Culip Site (CLUB Med), Cap De Creus Natural Park, Girona – Winner of the Rosa Barba European Landscape Prize of the 7 European Biennial of Landscape Architecture. This is possibly the biggest restoration project in the whole of the Mediterranean basin. ..peculiar ecosystems..

arch. Markus JATSCH Winner of International Landscape Design Industry Association Design Innovation Award MARTHA SCHWARTZ PARTNERS, ENGLAND Dr Markus Jatsch, Design Director at Martha Schwartz Partners, is an architect and urban planner with a background in art and philosophy. He received a Diploma in Architecture and Urban Design from the University of Stuttgart and a Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University in New York. In 2003, he completed his Doctoral Studies in Architecture and Philosophy at the Technical University of Munich with magna cum laude. Markus Jatsch worked as senior project architect for David Chipperfield Architects in London before he joined Martha Schwartz Partners as director in 2011. He is also the principal of Markus Jatsch Partners and visiting professor for Landscape Art at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. He is registered as architect and urban planner in Germany and the United Kingdom and is a Chartered Member of the Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufacturers and Commerce FRSA and has received several awards, including the Cultural Award by the City of Munich. Martha Schwartz Partners is in Top 10 of the most influential landscape architects of the last 5 centuries, alongside renowned landscape architects such as Antoni Gaudí, André Le Nôtre or Lancelot Brown.The firm has received award recognition from the ASLA Landmark Award 2012 for the Village of Yorkville Park, the British Association of Landscape Industries Award in the Regeneration Category in 2008; the Chicago Athenaeum Award for Best New Global Design 2007 for Leamouth Peninsula; the ASLA Honour Award 2007 for Mesa Arts Centre; the Urban Land Institute Award for Excellence in 2006; and the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award in 2006. ..landscape, art and urbanism for sustainable cities..

arch. Phil ASKEW Landscape architect, Urban Designer and Horticulturalist of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park LONDON LEGACY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, ENGLAND Dr Philip Askew is a Landscape Architect, Urban Designer and Horticulturalist. He currently leads the transformation of the 2012 London Olympic Park into the largest new urban park built in the UK for over a century – The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park arguably the star of the London 2012 Olympic Games. Since 2008 he has led the process of designing and delivering the London Olympic Park firstly at the Olympic Delivery Authority for the London 2012 Olympics and currently at the London Legacy Development Corporation leading the post games transformation of the Olympic Park – the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park into the largest new urban park built in the UK for over a century. During this time he has led teams of landscape architects, engineers and other specialists including Hargreaves Associates, LDA Design, Arup, Atkins, James Corner Field Operations. The park delivers green infrastructure including urban ecology, flood mitigation, storm water management, innovative approaches to biodiversity, significant opportunities for play and learning, and regeneration of this deprived part of London. In doing so the park sets out to respond to contemporary concerns such a climate change, increased rainfall, urban heat island effect, and the pressures of increasing city populations. His honours and awards include a Honorary Degree of Doctor of the University of Essex, 2012, Peter Youngman Award for an Outstanding Contribution to Landscape, Landscape Institute, 2009, Peter Youngman Award for an Outstanding Contribution to Landscape, Landscape Institute, 2012, Presidents Award for the Best Landscape Architecture Scheme of the Year, Landscape Institute, 2012, Mayor’s Award for Planning Excellence, London Planning Awards 2011/12, Civic Trust Awards Winner 2013 and European Garden Heritage Network EGHN – Winner 2013. ..the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, a new park for London..

arch. Chris CHURCHMAN Winner of the Landscape Institute Awards 2013 CHURCHMAN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, ENGLAND Chris Churchman is the Founder and Director of Churchman Landscape Architects, England. More than 15 years’ experience has honed Churchman’s into a landscape consultancy that can respond to customer briefs with accuracy and integrity, qualities that are married with a uniqueness of vision that sets our designs apart from the competition. Our high-quality approach to design resounds throughout the entire creative process – from concept, through to final, on-theground detail. Just as important as our approach to design, our intuitive environmental responsibility permeates through our design philosophy, as well as our business practices. Churchman’s design-heritage spans public space, private domains, rural expanse and urban confines. We believe that this diverse track record enables us to appreciate the symbiosis between nature and the manmade environment – where some might see conflict, we strive to achieve a balance between the two. Our design output is underpinned by rigorous research conducted amongst an array of groups, such as professionals, artists and local communities. This allows Churchman’s to meet contemporary needs in the context of the physical, historical, cultural and emotional characteristics that create a “place”. We also conduct research into sustainable technologies, including our own testing and trials of innovative “green” solutions. In LAUD 2014, Chris Churchman has presented the winning project of the Landscape Institute Awards 2013 at the ”Design for a Small Scale Public Development” category: Sammy Ofer Wing, National Maritime Museum. ..National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London..

Institutional Partners

“ION MINCU” UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM IN BUCHAREST „Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism is the main university institution dedicated to training specialists in the field of architecture and urbanism. It is also the oldest institution of its kind in Romania, the successor of successive forms of architectural education initiated in 1892 by the School of Architecture founded by the Romanian Society of Architects.”

LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS ASSOCIATION OF ROMANIA – ASOP „The Landscape Architects Association of Romania – AsoP is an apolitical, non-governmental, non-profit organization, founded in Timişoara in February 2005, in order to support the profession and landscape architecture as an act to improve the quality of life and act of artistic creation, as well as to promote the principles enunciated by the European Landscape Convention ratified by Romania in 2002.”

ROMANIAN LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION - AAPR „The Romanian Landscape Contractors Association is a nonprofit, non-governmental, non-political organization whose role is to represent its members in Romania and abroad. The main objectives of the Association are to promote the exchange of information and experience in landscape at a national and international level, to support and promote new techniques in the field, to support the interests of the landscape industry before state bodies, to establish work procedures and quality standards available in the field and to stimulate originality and continuing education of employees.”

Travel Partner

Automobile Bavaria Group is the largest network of BMW dealers in Romania and has five other centers in Germany. Locally, the group commercializes BMW and MINI cars, new and used, BMW and Husqvarna motorcycles, new and used, own the only Rolls-Royce service at a range of 1,000 kilometers. Through the MHS Truck & Bus network, it is the importer and distributor of MAN trucks and Neoplan buses in Romania.


SC HIWATERS SRL was set up in 2008 having as main line of business the design of artesian fountains, based on personnel with experience in this field since 1998. Due to market demands, the company's activity was diversified, currently comprising two distinct areas: I. designing and building artesian fountains and commercializing a full range of products and related accessories; II. designing, developing and regenerating exterior spaces (parks, green areas, public squares, promenade areas).

ACO Drainage solutions for the future ACO Group is the world leader in manufacturing and supply of corrosion resistant polymer concrete, stainless steel and plastic, internal and external surface drainage systems. ACO Group offers intelligent solutions for civil and industrial construction, environmental technology, landscaping and sport grounds. ACO systems bring an important contribution to protecting the environment, creating and maintaining infrastructure and ensures the safety of industrial, commercial and transport activities.

SEMMELROCK Founded in 1958, Semmelrock became a part of Wienerberger in 1996. From 1998 onwards, the company started its expansion into the CEE region with the first plant opening in Hungary. Today Semmelrock operates in eleven countries in Central and Eastern Europe, thereof in eight countries with local production sites. Since 2010, Semmelrock is a 100% Wienerberger company. Innovative talent combined with technical knowhow define the philosophy of the Semmelrock group more than 50 years. As one of the leading providers of quality solutions for landscaping and creator of market trends in Europe, Semmelrock produces and commercializes concrete pavements that are true standards in design and quality, managing to shape the diversity and naturalness of the concrete.

AQUA DESIGN Aqua Design, based in Cluj-Napoca, was founded in 2004 and has as main activity designing, selling and installing water fountains, architectural lighting and ornamental festive lighting for public spaces, selling and installation of swimming pools. Water fountains bring charm to the landscape in which they are placed. They believe that the design of the fountain must seamlessly integrate and enrich the visual landscape where they are placed and at the same time to bring an opportunity for relaxation.

GRÄ‚DINI VERTICALE The special techniques through which the micro eco-system is recreated, the continuous research and passion are the mission of the Gradini Verticale team. The company offers solutions that immitate the natural environment of plants and make the vertical gardens a unique visual tableau, both through the multitude of species as well as the design and mode of selection.

BAUDER ROMANIA Paul Bauder GmbH & Co. KG in Stuttgart is Europe's leading manufacturer of roof systems, and has been an owner-managed company for over 150 years. Bauder is your one-stop provider of wide-ranging consultancy service plus all materials for waterproofing, insulating and planting a roof. This gives planners, developers and roofing contractors confidence that they are making the best decision. Bauder now supplies the waterproofing materials for one in every five flat roofs and above-rafter thermal insulation systems. A total workforce of around 700 is employed at our main production plant in Stuttgart and our five other sites in Bochum, Landsberg (near Halle), Achim (near Bremen), Bernsdorf and Schwepnitz (near Dresden). With six sales teams in Germany and sales companies in 13 other countries, we are always close to our customers.

ENSOLA ENSOLA Pro, preoccupied with the latest technology in electric lighting, implements the innovative LED lighting system based on LED TECHNOLOGY in the Romanian economy. LED lluminatul successfully replaces conventional lighting. It has many advantages and meets the desideratum of mankind to stop global warming of the planet by reducing energy consumption, green energy production, conservation of fossil fuels and reduction of the amount of toxic gases in the atmosphere.

KRONEMAG KroneMag branded products carry the guarantee of quality, sustainability, care for the environment and integration into the architectural space. KroneMag Millenium SRL has extensive experience in the production of urban and street furniture, garden, terrace and park furniture.

PARKDEKOR Urban furniture for a European look Parkdekor offers urban furniture products with a classic or modern design, aligned with the European standards of street architecture in accordance with its values: quality, functionality and style.


Total number of participants who have attended LAUD 2014: 207 - 128 Architects - 38 Company Representatives - 23 Speakers - 12 Mass-Media - 6 City Hall Representatives

Structure of participants in LAUD 2014

12% 6% 14% 65%


Architects City Hall Representatives Company Representatives Mass-Media Speakers

Total number of architects who have attended LAUD 2014 - 120

Geographical distribution of architects in LAUD 2014 16%

Other cities Arad Botosani


Brasov Bucuresti Constanta Craiova Galati Iasi Piatra Neamt


Suceava Timisoara

Distribution of guests in LAUD according to specialization 5,0%

7,8% 12,1% Architects Landscape Architects


Urban planners Landscaper planners

Guest profiles The organizer has sent to all participating companies a selection of profiles of the guest architects / landscape architects / urban planners, with the name, type, dimensions, value and status of their projects.

Distribution of the projects carried out by the architects in 2013-2014 Lake Restoration


Tourist Landmarks Rehabilitation




Sports Hall


Playground Planning


Mall Design




Car Dealership


Restaurant / Club




Other Projects

4 5

Tourist Area Rehabilitation Company Headquarter


Clinic / Hospital


Warehouse / Storage


Cultural Center


Residential Construction

7 8

Public Institution


Office Design


Landscape Design


Individual Residence 0






Status of projects carried out by architects 2013-2014


Project to be authorised


Project under development


Completed project










During the period February-June 2014, over 20 national specialized magazines and newspapers have published 129 press materials about the first event in Romania dedicated to urban public spaces and green areas – LAUD 2014 International Architecture Expo Conference.

Distribution of articles per month 5,2%4,3% 13,8%


20,7% February March April May June

The considerable increase in the number of materials in May-June is largely due to the news dedicated to the special guests and companies, as well as the press release. The materials also made reference to best practice examples of urban spatial planning in the UK, France, the United Arab Emirates, China, Spain, and Romania. From a numerical perspective, most materials were published in specialized magazines such as: Igloo, Zeppelin, Arhitectura, Arhitext, Roarhitect, Arhimania, Spa Magazin, Pardoseli Magazin, AcoperiČ™ Magazin, etc. Moreover, the national press has been present at the event and has written about the guests and the projects presented in LAUD 2014.

GENERAL MEDIA: Digi 24, Radio România, Daily Business, Buissnes24, Ultima Oră, etc. have published / broadcast news about LAUD. Digi 24 aired a material about the project presented by chief architect of Bucharest Municipality, Gheorghe Pătraşcu, in LAUD. The Digi 24 website is viewed each month by about 16 million unique visitors. published news about the projects that were presented within the event. is an online business newspaper in Romania and has over 100,000 unique visitors per month. Moreover,, published an article about the first event in Romania dedicated to urban public spaces and green areas – LAUD 2014. The publication has over 50,000 visitors per week. • • • •

The most complex urban project în Europe will be presented in LAUD – Article 1 The new project of the central area of Bucharest, in value of 200 million euro, will be presented in LAUD 2014 – Article 2 Two of the most valuable European landscape architects are coming to Bucharest – Article 3 The first event on Landscape Architecture in Romania - LAUD 2014 – Article 4

Articles taken over by the national media

Article 4


Artcile 3



Article 2


Article 1 0










The 126 materials written for the event have been taken over by 13 specialized magazines, of course, specialized in the field of architecture, design and landscaping.

Distribution of specialised press LAUD







9,1% 5,7% 12,5%


5,7% 2,3% 4,5%


The 12 articles have appeared online on the website of specialized magazines, but also on the websites of national newspapers. The total number of articles published online is 129. • • • • • • • • • • • •

Article 1 - The most complex urban project în Europe will be presented in LAUD Article 2 - The most complex urban project în Europe will be presented in LAUD Article 3 – Two of the most valuable European landscape architects are coming to Bucharest Article 4 – The first event on Landscape Architecture in Romania - LAUD 2014 Article 5 – Free registration for architects at the first event of landscape architecture of Romania, by Friday, May 23 Article 6 – Win one of the three invitations to the first event on landscape architecture in Romania Article 7 - The winner of the Royal Institute of British Architects Award will be present in LAUD 2014 Article 8 – The most highly-awarded styles of landscape architecture in Europe and Asia Article 9 - Cristina Iuliana Enache, on landscape architecture in Romania Article 10 – Outstanding tourist landmarks at the first event on landscape architecture in Romania Article 11 – The first event on landscape architecture in Romania | Special Guest: Martí Franch Batllori Article 12 - Landscape architect Martí Franch Batllori presents the project Cap de Creus in June, in Bucharest

Distribution of articles online Article 6


Article 12


Article 11


Article 4


Article 9


Article 3


Article 8


Article 7


Article 5


Article 2


Article 10


Article 1

19 0











The event was also promoted internationally. Articles specially created for promoting the event have appeared in magazines such as Inspirationist, Archilovers, World Architecture, The Business Preview and Business-Review.

International media appearances

12% 29%


24% 24%


MEDIA APPEARANCES – PRINT The poster of the event has been published in all the specialized magazines mentioned above. Moreover, our articles have appeared together with the poster in print format both in the specialized media, as well as in the international media. As regards the media appearances in print, over 25 posters have been published in the specialized media For example, this printscreen is from The Business Preview magazine

In conclusion, the first event in Romania dedicated to urban public spaces and green areas, organized by ABplus Events and the Order of the Architects of Romania, has been promoted both in the national and specialized media, as well as in the international media. Every article was dedicated to the event itself, to the speakers, but also to the invited companies. The event was judged as successful, of great interest to our public, and this has been seen in the media appearances, online, print, radio and the TV broadcasts.

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