How Instagram Is Changing The Business Of Interior Design With millions of posts on Instagram daily, Instagram for business has become a necessity for most brands. Most Interior designers are taking advantage of this and using this platform to promote their brand. This platform serves to centralize your archive and inspirations as well as showcase your work as a designer. Interior design is a visual brand, and so its selling point has to be an attractive visual aid. In most cases, you will find this showcased in one’s shop, which is limiting. Instagram has helped by providing a platform that showcases your work through photos and videos. Most designers who are using Instagram for their business can attest to connecting to several of their customers. Here are ways in which Instagram is changing the Interior design industry:
1) Providing an Archive/Exhibition for Your Work
Your Instagram is photo or video driven. You cannot post on Instagram without attaching any of these to your posts. This requirement makes the platform visual and a great partner to any designer. Once you make your posts, they are retained on your platform until such a time when you decide to delete. Anytime someone visits your profile; they can view your work, dated even to past several years. This record can be used to highlight your growth in the business and also act as evidence of the tasks you have undertaken. Therefore, always make sure you invest in professional shots and share your work on your page. You can also always refer your clients to your profile to check out your work as a way of encouraging business deals.
2) Enabling Analysis/Determining Your Metrics
Initially, Instagram was limited analytically, compared to Facebook. This shortcoming changed after the creation of a business profile, which came with insights tools that allow for different analysis. The Insights tool uses data from your profile to draw conclusions on performance. It enables you to see who your followers are and their specific details such as; their sex, location and even how your posts resonate with them. As a result, you can know what the interests of your followers are and capitalize on that. Interior design is dependent on taste. Sometimes your taste may differ with your followers; your business profile will help you point this out and steer you in a direction that is endeared by your followers. This awareness will also enable you to create posts that are more engaging and increase the possibility to attract new and relevant followers.
3) Allows Sponsored Ads
When you create marketing adverts and post them on your wall, only some of your followers see the posts. This randomness limits you from achieving your target goal and can even be disappointing for your business. Instagram has enabled sponsored ads, which allow your ads to touch a more significant number of people who are not your followers. Sponsored ads are dependent on the amount of cash you invest, and this means you can reach as many people as you wish. It is ideal for exposing your interior design business to millions of people who have a possibility of turning to clients as you grow your followers. If you find this difficult to do, you can seek help from platforms that offer marketing services such as ​Social 10x​ and watch your numbers grow.
4) Allowing Tagging And Report
For any business, customer reviews are vital and should always be encouraged. Instagram allows you to be tagged on people’s posts. For an interior designer, getting feedback from your customers can be very encouraging especially if it is positive. When your clients tag you and both your followers see this, you may land a new client. You can also share your client’s posts on your Instagram stories and encourage purchase.
5) Source Of Creativity And Inspiration
Instagram is the perfect platform for an Interior designer to seek inspiration and creativity. You can follower other brands in your line of business and use them as learning points. Everyone needs motivation ever so often. Therefore taking advantage of the visual aspect of Instagram, you can use it to grow your knowledge. However, do not steal people’s work and claim them as yours as that would be very wrong.
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