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The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture was founded in 1997 —initially known as ESARQ-UIC—, and its DNA, identity and distinctive model have been evolving from that moment onwards. By DNA, we mean the subjects that make up the School’s unique model, subjects that define and reinforce its spirit and philosophy, which is based on three cornestones: taking care of individuals, innovation and contact with industry, and commitment to society. In other words, innovation at the service of people.

Amongst the subjects, workshops and courses we offer, some of the highlights include the compulsory subjects on Cooperation, Accessibility and Sustainability —the latter of which was instigated by the CEIM Chair—; the Vertical Workshop, which consists of a week-long workshop at the beginning of the course where all students work together on a project intended to benefit the community; and lastly, the Foros cycle, a series of conferences that offer students the chance to gain first-hand knowledge of the different methods and philosophies involved in every facet of the field of architecture.


Commitment to society through compulsory classes on Cooperation, Sustainability and Accessibility The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture aims to produce architects that know and care about the needs of society, the environment and people in general. It is the only architecture school in Spain that teaches compulsory modules on cooperation, sustainability and accessibility. It offers students a comprehensive approach to architectural education, improving competitiveness by encouraging multiple skill sets, teamwork, responsibility, and entrepreneurship.

Individual attention, guidance and coaching Individual attention for students and a comprehensive approach with a focus on social impact are key elements of this programme. The University has a unique teaching method, Integrated Project-based Teaching (DIP), in which each student is tasked with undertaking a project at every step of the process. The subjects are taught in a crossdisciplinary manner to ensure that projects are worked on at every level. This means students learn to work on a project from the ground up, all the way down to the construction details.

Cultural activities with international lecturers and renowned architects The academic format is enriched by numerous workshops and lectures. During the Foros series of lectures, students attend various lectures delivered by prestigious national and international architects. During the week-long and intense Vertical Workshop, students from all five years of the programme are divided into teams. These teams create sociallyoriented projects using models built on a real-life scale, under the supervision of renowned Spanish architects.

Cutting-edge technology The School has a modelling studio filled with all kinds of tools and digital machinery (lasers, numerical control machines and 3D rapid prototyping machines), run by an expert who guides the work process.

Architectural prizes Students from the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture won first prize in the latest editions of the Schindler Spain Architecture Award and Premis Llum BCN 2019, as well as a number prizes at the Cevisama Lab International architectural competitions. Our lecturers have also won various prizes, such as Premis FAD d’Arquitectura 2019.

Classes taught in English An international outlook and mobility and exchange programmes with universities abroad are some of the School of Architecture’s main priorities. Our degree programmes are eligible for recognition in any European Union country and many of our subjects are taught in English.

Work placements at internationally prestigious architectural firms, with an employability rate of 85% The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture has an active work placement programme that helps recent graduates find employment in the field of architecture. In recent years, 85% of our students have found a job after they graduated. The fact we have three Company-Sponsored University Chairs means there are more opportunities to work at companies in different fields of architecture.

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