Project TitleHacking pedestrian navigation in smart cities
Ekaterina Tepliakova
Chair of Architectural Informatics Technical University of Munich
2 Hacking pedestrian navigation in smart cities Chair of Architectural Informatics Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Petzold Methodology of digital design - Computational Design Petzold,II Frank, Förster, Nick, Schubert, Gerhard Ekaterina 03740202Tepliakova
3 2624232216141064 ContactCollaborationOutlookDiscussionPrototypingConceptScenarioResearchIntroduction Table of Contents
Introduction (abstract)
The project aims to identify the types of pedestrian navigation in the city, the ways in which the pedestrian interacts with the environment and the design of new navigation systems within a smart city for different population groups.
The prototype of the application for smart children in smart cities and drift prototype were created based on research.
During this course different smart navigation systems were analysed, as well as Google maps Dijkstra’s algorithm mechanism. I referred to the international psychogeography practice to solve several aspects for this project.
Different groups of interest were analysed as a special actors in smart cities.
Research (workshop)
While analysing digital infrastructure of the smart city, while searching for the new tendencies and working on the given exercises in team, I found out how different city fabrics, actors and policies can interact. I found out what kind of smart lights and sensors are used for the safety and traffic regulation in smart cities, how the data about users can be collected and used for different aims.
Firstly, I liked the topic smart light in the cities. After monitoring and searching about smart lightning systems, I came to the decision that I am interested in “pedestrian navigation systems” as a whole topic that includes smart lightning as well.
During workshop we worked in groups on different topics, discussed various digital infrastructure solutions for smart cities as well as local policies and their involvement and attitude to the existing problems.
I was theoretically connected with my colleagues topics - smart parking systems and smart lightning in cities. During workshop we all figured out that we have common actors, data sources, policies and influence on the environment.
Future development for the city of the Olimpia park territory. During workshop the area around Olipmia park was analysed. The connections between different public spaces and facilities were established.
Summarised data about pedestrian navigation in smart cities was structured in one map-diagram. The map reflets the necessary infrastructure for the pedestrian navigation and safety in smart cities. Here are actors, processes, contradictions, consequences and relationsheep between them.
Mapping: digital infrastructure map. While creating cartography, made a research about different methods to enhance pedestrian safety. I found out that the pedestrian navigation is composed of the algorithms (embedded in maps), sensors and cloud-based servers. I also figured out with what actors pedestrian navigation works and what should be the input an output data . As input, car traffics, car accidents statistics may work to predict pedestrians and their trajectories. For predicting hazardous result, mapping with hypothetically dangerous data points for pedestrians should be organised. After gathering all the data on this map, I came to the idea that it would be interesting to consider special groups of interests to provied safe pedestrian infrastructure for them. My choice fell on the children‘s safety. During this activity I found out the strcucture for the creation of application for children, and the map becsme good basis for it.
After 3 days of workshop and work on the digital infrastructure mapping, I decided to work on the navigation for special group of interest - children.
I started my research about smart education in smart cities for children.
I was inspired by the idea to organise the application for children and combined it with game of traffic rules for children. In what political issues this application could be embedded?
There are different examples throughout the world when a special kind of maps for children is provided for individual city. For instance, in Salzburg city the government organised YouthMap 5020, the application with gathered data for the navigation for young people in the city.
This app could be created to foster smart cities, understanding citizens and children and having information about their preferences and needs. information on how children and the youth act, move, and live in today’s cities and which urban infrastructure, facilities, and services including ICT they deem important, there is a gap between knowledge required and knowledge existing.
Game provides a scope of both easy and more complicated real life situations, where kids will learn how to cross the road in a safe way.
Child’s interface: Child will get from parent the empty map where he sees his home and school as 2D and 3D. The task of the game is to remember the route and choose correct icons on the way to school.
Parent’s interface: Parent puts the icons in special order on the way to school. When he finished the route is done.
When all answers are correct, child gets to school. There are to options wrong and correct answer. In case child gives wrong answer, he can’t continue the way till he won’t give the correct answer. Child gives the correct answer and continues the game.
The camera of smartphone is used to detect approaching vehicles posing danger to Somepedestrians.mobilesystems utilize communication between cars and pedestrians. For example, Wu et al. adopt the Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) to enable the vehicle to pedestrian communication, and Lin et al. utilize the cellular network to perform risk analysis and alert the pedestrian accordingly.
The whole idea can become of this app can aso become a game for will teach toddlers basic knowledge of traffic rules and behaviour in dangerous cases.
The most dangerous right shoulder. see the vehicle A high isbuildingsdangerisdifficult
The system can has two modes of operation: the driver mode and pedestrian mode. In the driver mode, the system keeps monitoring the speed and location of the vehicle, and sends the speed and location information to the pedestrians within the communication range of WiFi Direct. In the pedestrian mode, the system keeps track of the pedestrian location and activity to detect if the user is attempting to cross a crossing while viewing their phone. It communicates with approaching cars, i.e., driver phones of those cars, to obtain the speed and location information of the cars and estimates the probability of collision. Depending on the calculated probability of collision, the pedestrian is alerted. To minimize driver distraction, the driver is only alerted when the pedestrian ignores the alert message several times. Public transport At public transport situation where around an area
I am afraid to let the children go to school alone, the traffic on the road is very dangerous. But I have no time to meet them. What can I do? Let’s learn the rules of the road safety! Let’s play the game? You will wear the bracelet and keep your phone near your on your way home. If there will be a danger, the bracelet will give a signal. I will teach you what you should do in this case.
How it works for users: Parent are able to track their children location, send them messages and share the most convenient for them way. For instance, they cant explain their children there they could meet , but with app they will be able to share location and be able to access different facilities and be able to have more information about their preferences and needs. How it works for children: they use this app when they are outside of home for safety reasons and for their parents convenience, to be able to access different facilities, know where they can park their bike of by fresh snacks.
WHAT CASES THE PEDESTRIAN WILL BE WARNED? transporttransportstops.stops, you often see a where a pedestrian has to walk area crowded with vehicles. dangerous for a pedestrian is the shoulder. In this case, a person may not vehicle that is overtaking him. danger for residents of apartment is a car parked near the house. It to foresee when it starts moving. For smart phones for children With a myriad of embedded sensors such as accelerometers, cameras, microphones, and GPS, smartphones have opened the new opportunities for the application for monitoring both vechicles and pedestrians. In the future, car manufacturers, parents and their children can use it.
The camera of smartphone is used to detect approaching vehicles posing danger to pedestrians. Some mobile systems utilize communication between cars and pedestrians. For example, Wu et al. adopt the Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) to enable the vehicle to pedestrian communication , and Lin et al. utilize the cellular network to perform risk analysis and alert the pedestrian accordingly. (with interaction between driver and pedestrian smartphone and without). Bracelet transfers alerting signal to the pedestrian when the vehicle is in a dangerous distance.
How it works for detection of vehicles
Concept-All ages friendly city
How do Google Maps work?
On the base of the infsrastructural, mapping, story line map and research about Dikstra algorithm, I continued my work on the prototype for the full version of the application for pedestrian navigation in smart cities. For this I looked at different groups of people, which I divided into children, adults, the elderly, freaks, etc. I have defined following groups: children (3-15), youngsters (16-35), adults (3660), elderly people. For each group special pedestrian navigation is needed. The concept aim is to create the application with navigation system (routes) that suits for different group of population. Each group can choose and use the application for it‘s personal needs.
There are following cathegories of the routes: the safest route, the most shaded route (especially in the winter time), the most beautiful route, drift (unpredictable route for youngsters).
This question was the next step after making the prototype for the children‘s Googleapplication.Maps uses machine learning in combination with various data sources including aggregate location data, historical traffic patterns, local government data, and real-time feedback from users, to predict traffic and recommend the shortest route. Google Maps is based on an incredibly effective algorithm: the Dijkstra algorithm. The factors that come into play are many: the maximum speed, the size of the road, the presence of traffic lights, traffic and so on. Which variables in the algorithm can be replaced or which new ones need to be considered in order to compose routes for different groups of the population?
The aim of the application is to increase the level of comfotrable life for car free smart cities, provide new ways of observing and living in cities, open the dialog between citizens and government. As well as this app would make understandable which places, facilities and spaces prefer different levels of society, what is in demand, what is not. infrastructural mapping to the all ages friendly application appgamechildren‘sand parameteralgorithmDikstraChanging app for all ages interestgroupsandof
15 A B C D
Based on this concept, you can make an application that would suggest you touristic drifts and would also dynamically compute the route of the optimal urban drift and guide you through the drift. The main thing is to create several drifts for youngsters that will have different level of difficulty, time and place.
The prototype for young group of the population (16-35) Walking without looking into the map. Traffic lights navigation.
For the prototyping I reffered to the worldwide practice and found out different methods. The one I liked the most - is the psychogeography playfyl method.
Prototyping - drift for youngsters
I just went out on the streets on the historical centre of my hometown and started observing its‘ streets.
The orthogonal structure of the historic center with a large number of road junctions became the basis for the spontaneous structure of my route. I started to interact with the city through randomness of choice. I was helped in this by traffic controllers - traffic lights. I decided to just move around the block from intersection to intersection, each time crossing the road in the direction where the green light was on. In case if there is no traffic lights on the junction, I just passed it through straight. I continued my way till I get back to the starting point. The Dykstra algorithm takes the length of an edge as data, it searches for the minimum, fastest path for a pedestrian. At the same time, the Dykstra algorithm does not take into account the switching time of the traffic light. The idea is to take into account the switching time of the traffic light when calculating the route drift in order not to wait at a traffic light. Weight of the edge will be the sum of the time to traverse the edge plus time to wait for the traffic lights.
Going on the green light The drift map - from start to finish. Grossing non-regulated junction straightly VIDEO LINK view?usp=sharing
The application‘s interface is simple and colorful. The interface of the application would contain following: -the place of interst according to the group -the window for uploading new interesting places and sharing them with -theothersbar with routes for special groups -online portal for the communication of the government and citizens
The user sees the table of different groups and chooses the suitable one. Besides routes for different cathegories, there are interesting places (the user may leave the information about), recommended routes and shared routes.
For people who want to avoid crowded streets there are less crowded marked the icon „stop covid“.
18 Final Implementation
There are a lot of options of the algorithm that works with special data and can be implemented in each part of the city for what this app is created. For youngsters there are a lot of drifts, for elderly people - most shaded routes.
The most shaded route. For the calculation of this route the position of sun and 3d models of buildings (heights, lengths) are needed. The most beautiful route for tourists. The index of the popularity of the landmark is calculated for the route.
Less crowded route that avoides streets there the number of people is high (relevant during a pandemic). Drift route for youngsters. The route that navigates people from traffic light to traffic light and alwasys finishes at the starting point.
As strong points I see the following: -classified and well oredered infrastructure and facilities in one map -people will have an individual approch to the walking process in their city -people won‘t be lost in the city -the app will be also attractive for tourists -the government and groups of interest will be connected by means of this application and may have a dialog -the data gathered by this app will be used for the fututre developmnet and improvement in smart city
The prototyping process revealed to me as difficult but interestng process. During this process I noticed weak and strong parts of this application. From one side, this idea might work in frames of the smart city, on the other side there might be the following conflicts: -conflict between pedestrians and cars -the problem of the data privacy -sometimes it will be difficult to obtain the data -the app would need to be changed/updated constantly -drifts may work not for everybody
22 Discussion
Probably, the spectrum of facilities in this app should be narrowed (it would be more relevant to work on details for less attributes).
I would ddepen into crowdmapping approach like OpenStreetMap (OSM) to be able to program some routes and test them in the real life.
Further, I would focus more on the several groups of age only (2-3) and worked on the Dikstra algorihtm for them.I would access Open Government data to establish indexes necessary for routes.
For the future work on this project the specific city should be chosen, as the app should be created for the particular smart city (for instance, Munich).
It would be great to see in front of you a list of equipment that the department can provide for the project. Sometimes I felt that more concultations per month are needed. Perhaps it would be a good idea to reduce the workshop hours and give them to a separate consultation.
For the future collaboration and participation in this course, it would be interesting to have the overview with different possibilities for the prototypes from the start.
Anyway, it was very interesting to take this course. The format was completely new to me, because I hadn‘t encountered such couses in Russia. Sometimes it was difficult because I changed the topic several times. All in all, I liked it a lot and would like to continue this course again!
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