portfolio archo pischou

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index | curriculum vitae | academic projects |

professional projects | competition | workshop |

_winery in northern Chios | Diploma thesis _in between | waiting instants | special research topic _press pause | architectural design studio _wall pause | elective design studio _Volos city pavilion | elective design studio _airport in Volos | architectural design studio _residence in Volos | architectural design studio _clothe-shelter | elective design studio

_Marlboro experience outlets _residence in Palaia Volos _c-85 cube chair _amphitheatre Virginia

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curriculum vitae | archo personal information



date of birth | 18.03.1985 nationality | Greek current address | 4 Karaiskaki Str., Holargos 15561 Athens, Greece telephone | +302106532900 mobile | +306947591371 e-mail | archopischou@gmail.com 10/2009 | member of the Technical Chamber of Greece



07/2009 | Department of Architecture | University of Thessaly [Volos] 07/2009 | degree thesis ‘Winery in Chios’ 02/2008 | special research topic ‘In between/ waiting instances’ 07/2002 | Pierce College | American College of Greece [Athens]



28 - 30/03/2008 | conference ‘The Reclamation of the Countryside: Conceptualization and Dwelling of Nature in Contemporary Greece’ | Department of Architecture | University of Thessaly [Volos, GR] 01/2008 | conference ‘Home/ sick: a conference about public practice of art and architecture’ | Department of Architecture | University of Thessaly [Volos, GR] 09/ 2006 – 07/2007 | certificate of attendance in the 2-semester seminars ‘Introduction to Enterprising Action’ and ‘Development of enterprising plans’ | Interdepartmental Program in Enterprising Action and Innovation | Epeaek II | University of Thessaly, [Volos, GR] 04/ 2006 | conference ‘Vers L. C. Contre’ | Department of Architecture | University of Thessaly [Volos, GR] 21 - 23/10/2005 | congress ‘The representation as a vehicle for architectural thinking’| Department of Architecture | University of Thessaly [Volos, GR]



10/2008 | Project ‘garment - shelter’ presented at the exhibition ‘Un/Dress Code’ | curators Y. Tzirtzilakis, I. Lykourioti, E. Gavrilou | 8η Athens Fashion Week | Technopolis [Athens] 07/2007 | ‘Amphitheatre Virginia’ | curator Alexandros Psychoulis | member of the group K7 | under the coordination of Eva Manidaki [architect, stage designer] | Tobacco Warehouse [Volos, GR] 05/2005 | Project ‘ΙΝ4Β/ interrelations for beasts’ | coordinator Alexandros Psychoulis | presented at the exhibition ‘Going Public 2005 - Communities and Territories’ | curator Claudia Zanfi / aMAZE lab [Larissa, GR]


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06/2008 | ‘Sweet City: the way a city would be, if children had designed it’ | curator Alexandros Psychoulis [Athens] 07/2007 | ‘Amphitheatre Virginia/ workshop & consecutive acts’ | curator Alexandros Psychoulis | member of the group K7 under the coordination of Eva Manidaki [architect, stage designer] | Tobacco Warehouse [Volos, GR]

professional experience


07/2009 – present | Spiros Papadopoulos architecture studio [Athens] 10/2009 – 02/2010 | e-magazine ‘grass mag’ | art editor [http:// www.grassmag.gr] 04/2008 – 06/2008 | internship at Spiros Papadopoulos architecture studio [Athens] 07/2007 | Alexandros Psychoulis [artist] | ‘TAGS’ retrospective exhibition | Porphyrogeneio institution [Agria/ Volos Greece) 05/ 2007 | Alexandros Psychoulis [artist] | ‘art athina 2007’ International Contemporary Art Fair of Athens [Athens]



2009 | Project ‘C85 Cube Chair’ | in collaboration with Yasemi Perou | Green Furniture Award Competition [Stockholm]

published work


2010 | ‘Winery in Northern Chios’ | Archo Pischou, Virginia Sotiraki | Architecture in Greece / Degree Thesis | e-magazine greek architects [http://www.greekarchitects.gr/index.php?maincat=27&newid=2796] 2006 | Project ‘clothe - shelter’ presented in the article ‘Emergency Design’ | Yorgos Tzirtzilakis | Athens Voice HOME mag | issue 1 [Athens] 2005 | Project ‘clothe - shelter’ presented in ‘Emergency Design. Mobility’ | Iordanis Stilidis, Yorgos Tzirtzilakis | Okeanos publications [Thessaloniki]



english | Cerificate of Proficiency in English | University of Cambridge

computer skills


autodesk autocad | 3d studio max adobe creative suite quarkΧpress microsoft office relux | dialux | solar tool


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winery in northern Chios |

Diploma thesis



in collaboration with Virginia Sotiraki

tags: crypt, cave, burrow, shaft, dive, penetration, subterranean, gravity, inclination, waiting, shelter, remoteness, fragment, descent, bunker

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The project was about designing a winery on the island of Chios, and specifically in the northwestern part of it. A critical factor that led to the selection of this project and the location was the history of the island on the wine making and the ancient wine of the area called ‘Ariousios enos’[wine of Ariousia]. The site is located in the mountainous part of the island, in the municipality of Amani, near to the small village of Kourounia. The exact location of the winery is beyond the village, but in a spot from where it is visible. Round about there are vineyards, which are exploited by villagers for domestic purposes.

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circulation diagram product


bottlecase | proposal for the storage of the bottles with inclination in order to maintain the quality of the wine bottle | proposal for the bottle which engraves the identity through a notch that facilitates the storage with inclination

The aim was to design a contemporary winery, which will produce high quality wine, appropriate for exportation. It was intended that the winery would be unified with the landscape, and at the same time it would benefit from the advantages of the site, such as its orientation, the view, the inclination and the propitious climate of the area. The interrelation of architecture and wine making, has no other purpose but to create the best conditions for the winemaking process, such as the functionality of materials and space, thermal conditions and the incorporation to the landscape.


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Nowadays, people came across unexpected decelerations-pauses of their movement, when they have to wait, something that they rarely choose to do voluntarily. Waiting is an unintended interruption, a disturbance of the programme of everyday life. Its start can be unmarked and unnoticed and its end is frequently uncertain. It is the ‘meantime’, the interval in between present and an anticipated event. It is often named ‘wasted time’, however it is the only case in which time passing is strongly understood, compared to movement and the environmental development. At the beginning of this research, an attempt was made to record the ‘waitings’ that a man experiences and to create a list of as many points and situations as possible, where someone has to wait. Hence, a list emerged which organizes and distinguishes ‘waitings’ by theme, by duration, by the human body posture during its experience and, last, by the space in which it is experienced. Those lists where enriched during the development of the research and they were further analyzed with references to time theories, art, typical behaviours that are developed by people while waiting. The results of the in situ observation of waiting rooms were also used in order to create an archive which could constantly be enhanced. The purpose of this thesis was not the complete record of every existing waiting, but an attempt to collect waiting instants, through which the variant aspects of waiting experience and, as a result, its role and meaning during modern life could be understood.

in between | waiting instants |

special research topic



in collaboration with Virginia Sotiraki

tags: waiting room, transportation station, literature, cinema, visual arts, time perception, human behaviour, in situ observation, personal space

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press pause |

sound management in an existing hotel

tags: function distinction, encasement, maze, connecting wall, folding



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An alternative view on the perception of a “vacation package” in Kineta, a small seaside town near Athens. The idea of vacation [which in Greek literally means “stop”] in addition to the contemporary remoteness of the once cosmopolitan touristic resort led to notions such as pause, silence, waiting. Combined with the 3 distinctive acoustic zones of the area [new highway, railway tracks, old highway] the proposal handles the acoustic experience of space. Based on an existing hotel on the beach, several sound installation are created inside it through the use of techniques, methods and materials that distort the human perception of sound [plants, water, void, acoustic isolation].

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wall pause | residence in adjacency with Villa Dall’ava by Rem Koolhas | 07/2007 tags: function distinction, encasement, maze, connecting wall, folding

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Residence located in an imaginary site opposite to Villa Dall’ava by Rem Koolhas. Following a thorough study of Dall’ava, the proposed concept maintains the linear connecting wall as a unifying element and the distinguishable organization of the living functions. However, in the proposal the wall becomes zigzag and thick in order to enclose the circulation zone among the living functions which intersect, creating a closed circuit.

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Volos city pavilion |


tags: animate, inanimate, reversal viewer-exhibit, esplanade, prism, targeted view, ramp

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A city pavilion for Volos located in the park on the coastal front. The exhibit is the animate and the inanimate material of the city. On the ground level the viewer’s attention focuses on the coastal zone of high circulation of pedestrians, where the exhibit is the busy esplanade passing right in front of the pavilion[animate/citizen]. On the upper level the viewer is forced to see specific buildings/landmarks [inanimate/built] of the city through prismatic openings on the wall that surrounds him, leaving open only the aspect towards the sea. The visitors’ circulation in the pavilion through outside ramps reverses the role between the viewer and the exhibit, transforming the visitors of the pavilion to exhibits for the passing citizens.

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air por t in Volos w ith rail con nec tion | tags: dipoles, flux, leak, view, farewell, shell slide, visual escapes


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Design of airport facilities located outside the city of Volos in order to connect the region of Thessaly with the Greek air transport network, but at the same time connect locally the cities of Thessaly by train. Handling of conceptual dipoles which relate to the airport as a building and the functions that are essentially enclosed nowadays inside it and concern the beginning and the end of a journey.

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re s i den ce i n Volos |living


+ working space


tags: subtraction, relocation, levels, staircase Design of a residence, located in Volos, for two persons which encloses working and hosting space . The main idea is managing a 2-level rectangular solid through subtracting a part in order to create the entrance and relocating it on top in order to create an isolated bedroom.

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clothe – shelter |

co a t – s le e p i n g b a g – c a r r y b a g



tags: mobility, homeless, immigrant, survival, protection, temporary habitation, multiple use, layers, cocoon, shell, sleeping-bag, storage, easy transfer

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internal pockets in different sizes for storage

detachable hood coated with fiber wool

buttons to facilitate walking

inversed double zipper for the sleeping bag use

Design and manufacture of a garment that is addressed to members of social groups who are characterized by intense mobility [immigrants, homeless]. The garment has the ability to transform from a coat to a sleeping bag or a carry bag depending on the needs of the user and the weather circumstances. It provides clothing, temporary habitation, storage and easy transfer.

belt / handle for easy transfer when used as a bag

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Marlboro experience outlets |


as a collaborating architect in Spiros Papadopoulos architecture studio

tags: identity, route, red line, promotion, industrial design, commercial space

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In the framework of the promotional campaign of Marlboro, interiors of commercial spaces are remodeled in order to host the distribution of the company’s products. The main objective of the design is the visual dominance of the promoted product which will permit, nevertheless, the presence of competitive ones. The spaces are organized on a route during which the product is indicated directly or indirectly at all times.

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residence in Palaia Volos |


as a collaborating architect in Spiros Papadopoulos architecture studio tags: filter, wall, castle, vertical organization The residence is located in the district of Palaia in Volos, in a site where a stone building with a brick addition already existed. The project attempts to interpret the environment of the old castle of Volos and to comment on the local architecture.The residence is considered as a vertical dynamic filter which creates living areas with different levels of privacy.

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c-85 | cube chair |


participation in Green Furniture Award Competition Stockholm | in collaboration with Yasemi Perou

tags: cube, encase, scar, curve, posture, wood, fabric

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The concept of the C-85 chair is the encasement of the human activity of “sitting”. It is consisted by two solid, parallel, vertical surfaces which are connected and supported by two horizontal cylinders. The cylinders are covered by a soft flexible surface which is the seat and holds the human body. The vertical surfaces have two curviform scars which imprint the posture of the seated body.

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a m p i t h e a t re V i rgi n i a| workshop

+ consecutive acts


as a member of the group K7 tags: installation, performance, woman, worker, chair, tobacco, industrial building, womb, jewellery box, velvet, gift, garment During the “Virginia” workshop, several groups of architects, artists and students designed and constructed a temporary amphitheatre inside an old tobacco warehouse in Volos.

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