eScouts — Intergenerational Learning Circle for Community Service
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Newsletter N. 1 eScouts is sponsored by
This Month in eScouts Newsletter:
Project aim
Growing attention toward eInclusion policies (i2010, Riga Declaration, Digital Agenda of Europe 2020): ICT/Internet as vehicle for personal development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employability, and now skilling and empowerment.
Final Users: Youth and Elderly
A large number of Non Governmental Organisations (ONGs) have activated networks of Public Internet Centres (PICs) throughout Europe in an attempt to reduce the Digital Divide by promoting eSkills.
Consortium Quality
Staff/volunteer eInclusion Facilitators (social/cultural animators, ICT trainers, guidance experts, on-demand assistants) are the promoters of disadvantaged users’ engagement and their link to local context.
Different articles highlight the benefits of the intergenerational interaction in terms of community development, education in values and social activism. Since youth and elderly don’t usually share daily routines, the prejudices they have of each other increase making the communication barriers larger. Different experts agree on conceiving ICT as a relevant tool/channel to face the situation
Project aim:
eScouts is aimed to develop an innovative intergenerational learning exchange between elderly and youth volunteers, centred on the development of the digital competences of the eldest and on the guidance to the youngest to better face their upcoming adult life challenges.
Project actions: ICT Learning, Internet and Community Service 1.
Train youth people (16-25) to become ICT teachers of the digital excluded elderly, while developing autonomy and active citizenship.
Train the elderly (retired people over 55) to become mentors for the youth (their previous teachers) to better face work and life challenges with an ethic dimension and valuing youngest "digital capital".
Train Facilitators of intergenerational learning of each country of the consortium to be the key actors and mediators of those two groups.
eScouts — Intergenerational Learning Circle for Community Service
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Facilitators are considered the key actor of the project due to the dynamic role he/she needs to develop along the different phases:
participating in his/herself training preparation;
The workshop will be held Spain within Esplai, 24 to 26 October 2010
the identification of the groups
preparation of the training processes for the youth / elderly
arrangements of the youth to elderly training sessions and monitor them: Content and logistics • selection of elderly – feedback to youth • assessment regarding ICT usability along the processes
The e-Facilitators have a crucial task, not only as teachers of ICT, but also as socio-cultural mediators. They promote disadvantaged users inclusion and eInclusion. Today their profile and their status varies considerably from country to country as well as access to formal or informal training. The project partnership "eScouts" will conduct a comparison study of these profiles and about the available educational opportunities in their respective countries. The goal will be to create a common professional profile in Europe. In the long term, “facilitators” will include trainers, tutors and other learning supporting profile working in the field of the third sector (involved in youth, volunteers, citizenship, …). High school could also be included, users of telecentres as well as senior entities and retired residences.
Identification and selection of final users YOUTH profiles and needs identification
ELDERLY profiles and needs identification
Life transition: professional interests/aspirations
Socio-economic and educational background; participation in training
Pedagogical and ICT skills/experience
Life transition and expectations with ICT
Social engagement (volunteering, community participation…)
Pedagogical and Professional Development skills/experience
Previous contact/experience with the Elderly
Social engagement (volunteering, community participation…)
Socio-economic and educational background
Previous contact/experience with the Youth
eScouts — Intergenerational Learning Circle for Community Service
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Consortium Quality The consortium consists of eight partners who have different but complementary expertise, work experiences and in different areas of influence nationally and internationally. The Consortium is an excellent blend of experience and skills related to education and learning with the two principle target groups, research and development, work with marginalized groups, communication and dissemination of culture. The skill-set of the participating organizations allows them to successfully carry out their work, not only individually, but also because of their prior experience of working together in other partnership projects. The work plan is appropriately balanced with regard to tasks and division of labor, according to the profiles of the organizations. Thanks to the hard work of the partnership network, the dissemination and transfer project results to other groups is ensured.
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