Fusebox Productions presents
The Queen of Spades A new adaptation of the short story by Alexander S. Pushkin Written by Raymond Blankenhorn Conceived and directed by Max Hoehn
12 October – 12 November 2011 8.00pm (mat 3.00pm) Fusebox Productions presents
The Queen of Spades A new adaptation of the short story by Alexander S. Pushkin Written by Raymond Blankenhorn Conceived and directed by Max Hoehn Costume and set design by Valentina Ricci Music and sound design by Daniel Saleeb What is our life? A game! Hermann will stop at nothing to discover the secret of the three card gambling trick that will make his instant fortune. In the first major theatrical adaptation of the story outside of the opera house in the UK, Pushkin’s classic novella is reinvented as a thrilling drama of the imagination, bringing the lyricism and satirical qualities of the original to life. His story is revealed to us in a series of dreams that take us from the bedroom of an old, dying Countess to the gambling tables of St Petersburg. Accompanied by original music and sound design by Daniel Saleeb (Yellow, Riverside Studios), Raymond Blankenhorn’s verse adaptation draws on material from across Pushkin’s work, in particular the playful spirit of his narrative poems. An unmissable opportunity to experience the work of Russia’s greatest poet in the UK. Praise for Fusebox:
“ “ “
Best of all was Fusebox’s Midnight Closes Rupert Christiansen on the Tête á Tête festival, 2011
Praise for Max Hoehn:
Directed with intelligence and economy by Max Hoehn
#### The Telegraph on The Emperor of Atlantis, 2011
A Must See The Stage on The Master and Margarita, 2010
Tickets £15 (£11 concessions) Matinees 22, 29 October; 5, 12 November 3.00pm Pay What You Can Tuesdays (tickets in person from 6.30pm - subject to availability) £10 Opening Performances: 12, 13, 14 & 15 October (not bookable online) Box Office www.arcolatheatre.com 020 7503 1646
Arcola Theatre 24 Ashwin Street Dalston, London E8 3DL