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Industry Organizations









Bro wse mo re o f WBDG's industry o rganizatio n info rmatio n by selecting the first letter in the o rganizatio n's name. A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W AABC Commissioning Group (ACG) 1518 K Street NW Suite 50 3 Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 5 Pho ne: 20 2-737-7775 Fax: 20 2-6 38 -48 33 Web site | Email


Adhesive and Sealant Council, Inc. (ASC) 710 1 Wisco nsin Avenue Suite 9 9 0 Bethesda, MD 20 8 14 Pho ne: 30 1-9 8 6 -9 70 0 Fax: 30 1-9 8 6 -9 79 5 Web site | Email Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) 110 0 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 8 0 3 Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 4 Pho ne: 20 2-6 0 6 -8 50 3 Web site | Email Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) One Gateway Center, 3rd Flo o r 420 Fo rt Duquesne Bo ulevard


Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1435 Pho ne: 412-232-3444 Fax: 412-232-3450 Web site | Email Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) 28 0 0 Shirlingto n Ro ad Suite 30 0 Arlingto n, VA 2220 6 Pho ne: 70 3-575-4477 Web site Air Diffusion Council (ADC) 19 0 1 N. Ro selle Ro ad Suite 8 0 0 Schaumburg, IL 6 0 19 5 Pho ne: 8 47-70 6 -6 750 Fax: 8 47-70 6 -6 751 Web site | Email Air Distribution Institute (ADI) 4415 West Harriso n Street Suite 426 Hillside, IL 6 0 16 2 Pho ne: 70 8 -449 -29 33 Fax: 70 8 -449 -0 8 37 Web site | Email Air Movement and Control Association International Inc. (AMCA) 30 West University Drive Arlingto n Heights, IL 6 0 0 0 4-18 9 3 Pho ne: 8 47-39 4-0 150 Fax: 8 47-253-0 0 8 8 Web site Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) 2111 Wilso n Bo ulevard Suite 50 0 Arlingto n, VA 2220 1 Pho ne: 70 3-524-8 8 0 0 Fax: 70 3-528 -38 16 Web site | Email

Airport Consultants Council (ACC) 9 0 8 King Street Suite 10 0 Alexandria, VA 22314 Pho ne: 70 3-6 8 3-59 0 0 Fax: 70 3-6 8 3-256 4 Web site | Email Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) 120 0 G Street, NW Suite 50 0 Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 5 Pho ne: 20 2-6 28 -6 38 0 Fax: 20 2-39 3-5453 Web site Aluminum Anodizers Council (AAC) 10 0 0 No rth Rand Ro ad Suite 214 Wauco nda, IL 6 0 0 8 4 Pho ne: 8 47-526 -20 10 Fax: 8 47-526 -39 9 3 Web site | Email Aluminum Association, Inc. (The) (AA) 1525 Wilso n Bo ulevard Suite 6 0 0 Arlingto n, VA 2220 9 Pho ne: 70 3-358 -29 6 0 Fax: 70 3-358 -29 6 1 Web site American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) 18 27 Walden Office Square Suite 550 Schaumburg, IL 6 0 173-426 8 Pho ne: 8 47-30 3-56 6 4 Fax: 8 47-30 3-5774 Web site

American Association of Automatic Door Manufacturers (AAADM) 130 0 Sumner Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115-28 51 Pho ne: 216 -241-7333 Fax: 216 -241-0 10 5 Web site | Email American Association of Housing Educators (AAHE) Mo ntana State University Extensio n Service P.O. Bo x 17358 0 Bo zeman, MT 59 717-358 0 Pho ne: 40 6 -9 9 4-3451 Fax: 40 6 -9 9 4-5417 Web site | Email American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 444 No rth Capito l Street, NW Suite 249 Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 1 Pho ne: 20 2-6 24-58 0 0 Fax: 20 2-6 24-58 0 6 Web site | Email American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) P.O. Bo x 12215 Research Triangle Park, NC 2770 9 Pho ne: 9 19 -549 -8 141 Fax: 9 19 -549 -8 9 33 Web site American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ABMA) 20 25 M Street, NW Suite 8 0 0 Washingto n, DC 20 0 36 Pho ne: 20 2-36 7-1155 Fax: 20 2-36 7-2155 Web site | Email American Boiler Manufacturers Association (ABMA) 8 221 Old Co urtho use Ro ad Suite 20 7

Vienna, VA 2218 2 Pho ne: 70 3-356 -7171 Fax: 70 3-356 -4543 Web site American Coal Ash Association (ACAA) 1520 0 East Girard Avenue Suite 30 50 Auro ra, CO 8 0 0 14-39 55 Pho ne: 720 -8 70 -78 9 7 Fax: 720 -8 70 -78 8 9 Web site | Email American Coatings Association (ACA) (fo rmerly the Natio nal Paint and Co atings Asso ciatio n) 150 0 Rho de Island Avenue, NW Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 5 Pho ne: 20 2-46 2-6 272 Fax: 20 2-46 2-8 549 Web site | Email American College of Construction Lawyers (ACCL) 1156 15th Street, N.W. Suite 120 1 Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 5 Pho ne: 20 2-6 38 -39 0 6 Web site | Email American Concrete Institute (ACI) 38 8 0 0 Co untry Club Drive Farmingto n Hills, MI 48 331 Pho ne: 248 -8 48 -370 0 Fax: 248 -8 48 -370 1 Web site | Email American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) 5420 Old Orchard Ro ad Suite A-10 0 Sko kie, IL 6 0 0 77-10 59 Pho ne: 8 47-9 6 6 -2272 Fax: 8 47-9 6 6 -9 9 70 Web site

Web site American Concrete Pipe Association (ACPA) 130 3 West Walnut Hill Lane Suite 30 5 Irving, TX 750 38 -30 0 8 Pho ne: 9 72-50 6 -7216 Fax: 9 72-50 6 -76 8 2 Web site | Email American Concrete Pressure Pipe Association (ACPPA) 39 0 0 University Drive Suite 110 Fairfax, VA 220 30 -2513 Pho ne: 70 3-273-PCCP (7227) Fax: 70 3-273-7230 Web site American Concrete Pumping Association (ACPA) 6 0 6 Enterprise Drive Lewis Center, OH 430 35 Pho ne: 6 14-431-56 18 Fax: 6 14-431-6 9 44 Web site | Email American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) 1330 Kemper Meado w Drive Cincinnati, OH 45240 Pho ne: 513-742-20 20 Fax: 513-742-3355 Web site | Email American Construction Inspectors Association (ACIA) 530 So uth Lake Avenue Suite 431 Pasadena, CA 9 110 1 Pho ne: 6 26 -79 7-ACIA (2242) Fax: 6 26 -79 7-2214 Web site American Council for Construction Education (ACCE)

1717 No rth Lo o p 16 0 4 East Suite 320 San Anto nio , TX 78 232-1570 Pho ne: 210 -49 5-6 16 1 Fax: 210 -49 5-6 16 8 Web site | Email American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) 10 15 15th Street, NW 8 th Flo o r Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 5-26 0 5 Pho ne: 20 2-347-7474 Fax: 20 2-8 9 8 -0 0 6 8 Web site | Email American Council of Independent Laboratories, Inc. (ACIL) 10 50 17th Street, NW Suite 10 0 0 Washingto n, DC 20 0 36 Pho ne: 20 2-8 8 7-58 72 Fax: 20 2-8 8 7-0 0 21 Web site | Email American Design Drafting Association International (ADDA) 10 5 East Main Street Newbern, TN 38 0 59 Pho ne: 731-6 27-0 8 0 2 Fax: 731-6 27-9 321 Web site American Fence Association (AFA) 8 0 0 Ro o sevelt Ro ad Building C-312 Glen Ellyn, IL 6 0 137 Pho ne: 8 0 0 -8 22-4342 Fax: 6 30 -79 0 -30 9 5 Web site American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) 12750 Merit Drive Suite 350 Dallas, TX 75251

Pho ne: 214-349 -59 6 5 Fax: 214-343-8 8 9 8 Web site American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA) 1111 Nineteeth Street, NW Suite 8 0 0 Washingto n, DC 20 0 36 Pho ne: 8 0 0 -8 78 -8 8 78 Web site | Email American Gas Association (AGA) 40 0 No rth Capital Street, NW Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 1 Pho ne: 20 2-8 24-70 0 0 Fax: 20 2-8 24-7115 Web site American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) 50 0 Mo ntgo mery Street Suite 350 Alexandria, VA 22314-158 1 Pho ne: 70 3-6 8 4-0 211 Fax: 70 3-6 8 4-0 242 Web site | Email American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) 120 1 New Yo rk Avenue, NW Suite 6 0 0 Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 5-39 31 Pho ne: 20 2-28 9 -310 0 Fax: 20 2-28 9 -319 9 Web site | Email American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) 270 0 Pro sperity Avenue Suite 250 Fairfax, VA 220 31 Pho ne: 70 3-8 49 -8 8 8 8 Fax: 70 3-20 7-356 1 Web site | Email

American Institute of Architects (The) (AIA) 1735 New Yo rk Avenue, NW Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 6 -529 2 Pho ne: 20 2-6 26 -730 0 Fax: 20 2-6 26 -7547 Web site | Email American Institute of Building Design (AIBD) 70 59 Blair Ro ad, NW Suite 20 1 Washingto n, DC 20 0 12 Pho ne: 8 0 0 -36 6 -2423 Fax: 8 6 6 -20 4-0 29 3 Web site | Email American Institute of Constructors (AIC) P.O. Bo x 26 334 Alexandria, VA 22314 Pho ne: 70 3-6 8 3-49 9 9 Fax: 571-527-310 5 Web site | Email American Institute of Inspectors (A.I.I.) P.O. Bo x 248 Lo wer Lake, CA 9 5457 Pho ne: 8 0 0 -8 77-4770 Fax: 70 7-277-78 52 Web site | Email American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) One East Wacker Drive Suite 70 0 Chicago , IL 6 0 6 0 1-18 0 2 Pho ne: 312-6 70 -240 0 Fax: 312-6 70 -540 3 Web site American Institute of Timber Construction (AITC) 70 12 So uth Revere Parkway Suite 140 Centennial, CO 8 0 112

Pho ne: 30 3-79 2-9 559 Fax: 30 3-79 2-0 6 6 9 Web site | Email American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 1140 Co nnecticut Avenue, NW Suite 70 5 Washingto n, DC 20 0 36 Pho ne: 20 2-452-710 0 Web site | Email American Ladder Institute (ALI) 40 1 No rth Michigan Avenue Chicago , IL 6 0 6 11 Pho ne: 312-6 44-6 6 10 Fax: 312-6 73-6 9 29 Web site | Email American Lighting Association (ALA) P.O. Bo x 420 28 8 20 50 Stemmo ns Freeway, Suite 10 0 46 Dallas, TX 75342-0 28 8 Pho ne: 8 0 0 -274-448 4 Web site American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 18 19 L Street, NW 6 th Flo o r Washingto n, DC 20 0 36 Pho ne: 20 2-29 3-8 0 20 Fax: 20 2-29 3-9 28 7 Web site | Email American Nursery and Landscape Association (ANLA) 10 0 0 Vermo nt Avenue, NW Suite 30 0 Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 5 Pho ne: 20 2-78 9 -29 0 0 Fax: 20 2-78 9 -18 9 3 Web site | Email

American Petroleum Institute (API) 1220 L Street, NW Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 5-40 70 Pho ne: 20 2-6 8 2-8 0 0 0 Fax: 20 2-6 8 2-8 222 Web site American Pipe Fittings Association, Inc. (APFA) 20 1 Park Washingto n Co urt Falls Church, VA 220 46 Pho ne: 70 3-538 -178 6 Fax: 70 3-241-56 0 3 American Planning Association (APA) 122 So uth Michigan Avenue Suite 16 0 0 Chicago , IL 6 0 6 0 3 Pho ne: 312-431-9 10 0 Fax: 312-431-9 9 8 5 Web site | Email American Plastics Council (APC) c/o American Chemistry Co uncil 130 0 Wilso n Bo ulevard Arlingto n, VA 2220 9 Pho ne: 70 3-741-50 0 0 Fax: 70 3-741-6 0 50 Web site American Public Power Association (APPA) 18 75 Co nnecticut Avenue, NW Suite 120 0 Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 9 -5715 Pho ne: 20 2-46 7-29 0 0 Fax: 20 2-46 7-29 10 Web site | Email American Public Works Association (APWA) 2345 Grand Bo ulevard Suite 70 0 Kansas City, MO 6 410 8 -26 25 Pho ne: 8 16 -472-6 10 0

Fax: 8 16 -472-16 10 Web site American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (The) (AREMA) 10 0 0 3 Derekwo o d Lane Suite 210 Lanham, MD 20 70 6 Pho ne: 30 1-459 -320 0 Fax: 30 1-459 -8 0 77 Web site | Email American Road and Transportation Builders Association (The) (ARTBA) 1219 28 th Street, NW Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 7-338 9 Pho ne: 20 2-28 9 -4434 Fax: 20 2-28 9 -4435 Web site | Email American Seniors Housing Association (ASHA) 510 0 Wisco nsin Avenue, NW Suite 30 7 Washingto n, DC 20 0 16 Pho ne: 20 2-237-0 9 0 0 Fax: 20 2-237-16 16 Web site American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE) c/o American Ho spital Asso ciatio n One No rth Franklin, 28 th Flo o r Chicago , IL 6 0 6 0 6 -3420 Pho ne: 312-422-38 0 0 Fax: 312-422-4571 Web site | Email American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) P.O. Bo x 28 518 1711 Arlingate Lane Co lumbus, OH 43228 -0 518 Pho ne: 8 0 0 -222-276 8 Fax: 6 14-274-6 8 9 9 Web site

Web site American Society for Quality (ASQ) 6 0 0 No rth Plankinto n Avenue Milwaukee, WI 5320 3 Pho ne: 8 0 0 -248 -19 46 Fax: 414-272-1734 Web site | Email American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) 29 50 Niles Ro ad St. Jo seph, MI 49 0 8 5 Pho ne: 26 9 -429 -0 30 0 Fax: 26 9 -429 -38 52 Web site | Email American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 18 0 1 Alexander Bell Drive Resto n, VA 20 19 1-440 0 Pho ne: 8 0 0 -548 -2723 Fax: 70 3-29 5-6 222 Web site | Email American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC) 20 25 So uth Brentwo o d Bo ulevard Suite 10 5 St. Lo uis, MO 6 3144 Pho ne: 8 6 6 -78 8 -2722 Fax: 314-9 6 8 -436 7 Web site | Email American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 179 1 Tullie Circle, NE Atlanta, GA 30 329 Pho ne: 8 0 0 -527-4723 Fax: 40 4-321-5478 Web site | Email American Society of Home Inspectors, Inc. (ASHI) 9 32 Lee Street Suite 10 1

Des Plaines, IL 6 0 0 16 Pho ne: 8 0 0 -743-ASHI (2744) Fax: 8 47-759 -16 20 Web site American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) 6 0 8 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 2-6 0 0 6 Pho ne: 20 2-546 -348 0 Fax: 20 2-546 -3240 Web site | Email American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) 6 36 Eye Street, NW Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 1-3736 Pho ne: 8 8 8 -9 9 9 -ASLA (2752) Fax: 20 2-8 9 8 -118 5 Web site | Email American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) 29 8 0 So uth River Ro ad Des Plaines, IL 6 0 0 18 Pho ne: 8 47-29 6 -0 0 0 2 Web site | Email American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE) 2525 Perimeter Place Drive Suite 10 3 Nashville, TN 37214 Pho ne: 6 15-316 -9 20 0 Fax: 6 15-316 -9 8 0 0 Web site | Email American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) 18 0 0 East Oakto n Street Des Plaines, IL 6 0 0 18 Pho ne: 8 47-6 9 9 -29 29 Fax: 8 47-76 8 -3434 Web site | Email American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE)

9 0 1 Canterbury Ro ad Suite A Westlake, OH 44145 Pho ne: 440 -8 35-30 40 Fax: 440 -8 35-348 8 Web site | Email American Solar Energy Society (ASES) 240 0 Central Avenue Suite A Bo ulder, CO 8 0 30 1 Pho ne: 30 3-443-3130 Fax: 30 3-443-3212 Web site | Email American Sports Builders Association (ASBA) 8 48 0 Baltimo re Natio nal Pike Suite 30 7 Ellico tt City, MD 210 43 Pho ne: 8 6 6 -50 1-ASBA (2722) Fax: 410 -730 -9 59 5 Web site | Email American Subcontractors Association, Inc. (ASA) 10 0 4 Duke Street Alexandria, VA 22314-358 8 Pho ne: 70 3-6 8 4-3450 Fax: 70 3-8 36 -348 2 Web site | Email American Water Works Association (AWWA) 6 6 6 6 West Quincy Avenue Denver, CO 8 0 235 Pho ne: 30 3-79 4-7711 Fax: 30 3-347-0 8 0 4 Web site American Welding Society (AWS) 550 N.W. LeJeune Ro ad Miami, FL 33126 Pho ne: 8 0 0 -443-9 353 Web site

American Wire Producers Association (AWPA) 8 0 1 No rth Fairfax Street Suite 211 Alexandria, VA 22314-1757 Pho ne: 70 3-29 9 -4434 Fax: 70 3-29 9 -9 233 Web site | Email American Wood Council (AWC) 1111 Nineteenth Street, NW Suite 8 0 0 Washingto n, DC 20 0 36 Pho ne: 20 2-46 3-276 6 Fax: 20 2-46 3-279 1 Web site | Email American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) (fo rmerly American Wo o d-Preservers' Asso ciatio n) P.O. Bo x 36 178 4 Birmingham, AL 35236 -178 4 Pho ne: 20 5-733-40 77 Fax: 20 5-733-40 75 Web site APA - The Engineered Wood Association (APA) 70 11 So uth 19 th Street Taco ma, WA 9 8 46 6 -5333 Pho ne: 253-56 5-6 6 0 0 Fax: 253-56 5-726 5 Web site APPA: Leadership in Educational Facilities (APPA) 16 43 Prince Street Alexandria, VA 22314-28 18 Pho ne: 70 3-6 8 4-1446 Fax: 70 3-549 -2772 Web site | Email ARCAT 10 77 Bridgepo rt Avenue

Suite 20 0 Shelto n, CT 0 6 48 4-46 22 Pho ne: 20 3-9 29 -9 444 Fax: 20 3-9 29 -2444 Web site Architectural Precast Association (APA) 6 710 Winkler Ro ad Suite 8 Fo rt Myers, FL 339 19 Pho ne: 239 -454-6 9 8 9 Fax: 239 -454-6 78 7 Web site | Email Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) 46 179 Westlake Drive Suite 120 Po to mac Falls, VA 20 16 5 Pho ne: 571-323-36 36 Fax: 571-323-36 30 Web site | Email ASFE, Inc. (ASFE) 8 8 11 Co lesville Ro ad Suite G10 6 Silver Spring, MD 20 9 10 Pho ne: 30 1-56 5-2733 Fax: 30 1-58 9 -20 17 Web site | Email ASIS International (ASIS) (fo rmerly American So ciety fo r Industrial Security) 16 25 Prince Street Alexandria, VA 22314-28 18 Pho ne: 70 3-519 -6 20 0 Fax: 70 3-519 -6 29 9 Web site | Email ASM International (ASM) 9 6 39 Kinsman Ro ad Materials Park, OH 440 73 Pho ne: 440 -338 -5151

Web site | Email ASME International (ASME) Three Park Avenue New Yo rk, NY 10 0 16 -59 9 0 Pho ne: 8 0 0 -8 43-276 3 Web site | Email Asphalt Institute (AI) 26 9 6 Research Park Drive Lexingto n, KY 40 511-8 48 0 Pho ne: 8 59 -28 8 -49 6 0 Fax: 8 59 -28 8 -49 9 9 Web site | Email Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association (ARMA) 1156 15th Street, NW Suite 9 0 0 Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 5 Pho ne: 20 2-20 7-0 9 17 Fax: 20 2-223-9 741 Web site Associated Air Balance Council (AABC) 1518 K Street, NW Suite 50 3 Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 5 Pho ne: 20 2-737-0 20 2 Fax: 20 2-6 38 -48 33 Web site | Email Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) 4250 No rth Fairfax Drive 9 th Flo o r Arlingto n, VA 2220 3-16 0 7 Pho ne: 70 3-8 12-20 0 0 Web site | Email Associated Construction Distributors International (ACDI) 16 0 5 SE Delaware Avenue Suite B

Ankeny, IA 50 0 21 Pho ne: 515-9 6 4-1335 Fax: 515-9 6 4-76 6 8 Web site | Email Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) 6 15 West 22nd Street Oak Bro o k, IL 6 0 523 Pho ne: 6 30 -574-0 6 50 Fax: 6 30 -574-0 132 Web site | Email Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) 230 0 Wilso n Bo ulevard Suite 40 0 Arlingto n, VA 2220 1 Pho ne: 70 3-548 -3118 Fax: 70 3-548 -3119 Web site | Email Associated Owners and Developers (AOD) P.O. Bo x 416 3 McLean, VA 2210 3-416 3 Pho ne: 70 3-734-239 7 Fax: 70 3-734-29 0 8 Web site | Email Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) P.O. Bo x 1312 Fo rt Co llins, CO 8 0 522 Pho ne: 9 70 -222-4459 Fax: 9 70 -223-38 59 Web site | Email Associated Specialty Contractors (ASC) 3 Bethesda Metro Center Suite 110 0 Bethesda, MD 20 8 14 Pho ne: Web site | Email

Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD) Pittsburgh Chapter P.O. Bo x 2326 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15222-6 26 4 Pho ne: Web site | Email Association for Facilities Engineering (AFE) 128 0 1 Wo rldgate Drive Suite 50 0 Herndo n, VA 20 170 Pho ne: 571-20 3-7171 Fax: 571-76 6 -2142 Web site | Email Association for Iron and Steel Technology (AIST) 18 6 Tho rn Hill Ro ad Warrendale, PA 150 8 6 -7528 Pho ne: 724-8 14-30 0 0 Fax: 724-8 14-30 0 1 Web site | Email Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering International (AACE) 20 9 Prairie Avenue Suite 10 0 Mo rganto wn, WV 26 50 1-59 34 Pho ne: 30 4-29 6 -8 444 Fax: 30 4-29 1-5728 Web site | Email Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (AAPT) 6 776 Lake Drive Suite 215 Lino Lakes, MN 550 14 Pho ne: 6 51-29 3-9 18 8 Fax: 6 51-29 3-9 19 3 Web site | Email Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) 1735 New Yo rk Avenue, NW 3rd Flo o r Washingto n, DC 20 0 0 6

Pho ne: 20 2-78 5-2324 Fax: 20 2-6 28 -0 448 Web site | Email Association of Construction Inspectors (ACI) P.O. Bo x 8 79 Palm Springs, CA 9 226 3 Pho ne: 76 0 -327-528 4 x252 Fax: 76 0 -327-56 31 Web site | Email Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AEIC) 6 0 0 No rth 18 th Street P.O. Bo x 26 41 Birmingham, AL 3529 1-0 9 9 2 Pho ne: 20 5-257-2530 Fax: 20 5-257-2540 Web site | Email Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) 40 25 Pleasantdale Ro ad Suite 420 Atlanta, GA 30 340 -426 4 Pho ne: 770 -447-50 8 3 Fax: 770 -446 -39 6 9 Web site | Email Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) 6 737 W. Washingto n Street Suite 240 0 Milwaukee, WI 53214-56 47 Pho ne: 414-272-0 9 43 Fax: 414-272-1170 Web site Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) 1111 19 th Street, NW Suite 40 2 Washingto n, DC 20 0 36 Pho ne: 20 2-8 72-59 55 Fax: 20 2-8 72-9 354 Web site | Email

Web site | Email Association of Lighting and Mercury Recyclers (ALMR) 4139 Rhine Co urt Napa, CA 9 4558 Pho ne: 70 7-9 27-38 44 Fax: 70 7-9 27-39 36 Web site | Email Association of Major City / County Building Officials (AMCBO) 50 5 Huntmar Park Drive Suite 210 Herndo n, VA 20 170 Pho ne: 70 3-48 1-20 38 Fax: 70 3-48 1-359 6 Web site Association of Millwork Distributors (AMD) 10 0 47 Ro bert Trent Jo nes Parkway New Po rt Richey, FL 346 55-46 49 Pho ne: 8 0 0 -78 6 -7274 Fax: 727-372-28 79 Web site | Email Association of Pool and Spa Professionals (APSP) 2111 Eisenho wer Avenue Suite 50 0 Alexandria, VA 22314-46 9 5 Pho ne: 70 3-8 38 -0 0 8 3 Fax: 70 3-549 -0 49 3 Web site | Email Association of Professional Model Makers (APMM) P.O. Bo x 16 5 Hamilto n, NY 13346 Pho ne: 8 77-6 6 3-276 6 Fax: 8 77-76 5-6 9 50 Web site | Email Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry (AWCI) 513 West Bro ad Street Suite 210

Falls Church, VA 220 46 Pho ne: 70 3-538 -16 0 0 Fax: 70 3-534-8 30 7 Web site | Email ASTM International (ASTM) 10 0 Barr Harbo r Drive P.O. Bo x C70 0 West Co nsho ho cken, PA 19 428 -29 59 Pho ne: 6 10 -8 32-9 50 0 Fax: 6 10 -8 32-9 555 Web site

National Institute of Building Sciences | An Authoritative Source of Innovative Solutions for the Built Environment 1090 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 700 | Washington, DC 20005- 4950 | (202) 289- 7800 | Fax (202) 289- 1092 Š 2011 National Institute of Building Sciences. All rights reserved. D isclaime r

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