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Inuit Forum
As an employer, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami is committed to priority hiring of Inuit, as well as to advancing Inuit into senior roles and supporting staff to succeed in work © Jessica Deeks that in turn creates a better future for our people. We endeavour every day to be a workplace that is representative of and responsive to the populations we serve. Through our political advocacy we support Inuit in pursuing their passions and finding their place in the world. Of all the directions that life may lead, it remains my sincere hope that talented Inuit will continue to choose a career with ITK to help advance Inuit self‐determination. I have worked for Inuit my entire professional career. I chose this path because I want to help Inuit in the greatest way I can, with purpose and respect. I believe our organizations do important work in helping realize
Inuit self‐determination. At ITK, we advance Inuit‐driven solutions to complex challenges through research, policy guidance, political advocacy, and public education. We are looking for people who are driven to break down the systemic barriers to social equity in Canada and inspired by the possibilities of Crown‐Inuit reconciliation.
Like any organization, we face specific challenges in recruiting. We have taken substantial steps over the past several years to ensure that our compensation packages are competitive, that our staff are able to pursue personal and professional growth through employer‐funded training allowances, that our leave policies are compassionate and responsive to the needs of families, and that our workplace is diverse and centred on Inuit values.
I also appreciate that the type of work that we do can seem abstract to many people just entering the workforce. The day‐to‐day goals of supporting long‐term transformational change are sometimes difficult to appreciate. We also work on some of the most challenging issues facing Inuit today, and that can be overwhelming at times. We have taken a team approach to our corporate structure to ensure that the loads we carry do not exceed our capacity, and that our capacity grows over time.
Within ITK’s department of policy advancement, staff work with regional and federal counterparts to identify and implement the coordinated actions needed to improve health, environmental and socio‐economic outcomes for Inuit. This work is supported by departments with expertise in research, communications, finance and administration, and human resources, which facilitate Inuit‐led research, disseminate
Inuit‐specific data and information, and unify Inuit across Canada through public outreach and education.
We are seeking leaders and those on the cusp of leadership who recognize the potential of participating in the incremental steps of self‐determination. Leadership is not a job title. It is a series of qualities and
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami is the national representative organization for Inuit in Canada. We advance Inuit-driven solutions to complex challenges through research, policy guidance, political advocacy and public education.
We are looking for people who are driven
to break down the systemic barriers to social equity in Canada and inspired by the possibilities of Inuit-Crown reconciliation.
Visit us online and learn how you can contribute to achieving our vision of a Canada in which Inuit prosper through unity and self-determination.
Dennis Nakoolak, Francine Doucet, Caitlyn Baikie © Blair Gable
behaviours associated with responsibility and accountability. A leader is someone who can identify needs and pair them with action. You may demonstrate leadership within your family or community, at school or on a sports team. If you are reading this today, I want to encourage you to hone those skills as a member of our team.
We are seeking those who want to make a difference, to learn and to grow, and who know that whatever they have accomplished, there is still someone they can learn from and someone they can teach. What we offer is a structured, supportive environment influenced by Inuit world‐view and vision. There is enormous work to do to ensure that our people achieve prosperity and exercise our right to self‐determination, express our culture and language and enjoy a standard of living comparable to that enjoyed by most other Canadians. Please consider joining us.
Visit www.itk.ca/category/workforitk Natan Obed President, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami