Vol 65 Edition 7

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brookempurves@gmail.com Korbl Klimecki / korbl.klimecki@gmail.com

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Vol. 65, Ed. 7 • February 12, 2014

Haflich steps down as head football coach OSTERHOUT TAKES OVER DURING TEMPORARY LEAVE By Kameron Schmid kameronschmid@gmail.com The Current learned Jan. 28 that Jerry Haflich is taking temporary medical leave from his head coaching duties of the American River College football team. Jon Osterhout, the offensive coordinator last season, will be taking over as interim Jerry Haflich head coach. Dean of Athletics Greg Warzecka spoke with the Current on Jan. 29 to clarify the situation. “Haflich is taking a release of head coaching duties during this semester only. He is resting and recuperating from concussions symptoms … the plan is to have him come back as our fall football coach, but that is yet to be determined,” said Warzecka. On Jan. 26 The Sacramento Bee’s Joe Davidson made a post on his public Facebook page announcing that Osterhaut had been named interim head coach of ARC’s football team. It was not clear from the post why Haflich was being replaced or how long Osterhout’s interim period was supposed to be. Warzecka declined to comment further on Haflich’s concussion issues due to privacy, but acknowledged that the program was ready to move forward if it had to. “If (Haflich) cannot return, I am fully comfortable with saying that Jon would be our head coach,” said Warzecka. Haflich will continue to teach a full class load in Kinesiology, but all of his football responsibilities over the next semester will be transferred onto Osterhout. “He will now take over our spring football class, which is heavy in strength and conditioning, and will culminate in spring drills, or proverbial spring football. Jon will also handle all the recruiting and helping students find scholarships,” said Warzecka. Osterhout looks forward to the opportunity




Brooke Purves / brookempurves@gmail.com

Suspect sketches for the three sexual assault incidents have been posted around campus. Officials are looking for any information on the case.

Rapist attacks near campus T hree increasingly violent incidents of rape along the I-80 corridor in the past five months have caused the American River College community to take pause and assess the safety of its members. According to Lisa Bowman, Sacramento Sheriff’s Department spokesperson, the latest attack occurred near the intersection of Kohler Rd. and Auburn Blvd., just over a mile northeast from ARC, on Jan. 8 around 4:30 a.m. The victim was kidnapped and driven to the Madison Ave. and I-80 area where she was raped.

Previous attacks on Sept. 19 at 4:20 a.m. and Dec. 10 at 9:15 p.m. occurred at the Watt Ave. and I-80, and Madison Ave. and I-80 intersections, respectively. Based on the locations of the assaults and descriptions of the perpetrator given by the victims, officials believe the attacks were committed by the same person, described as a black male, 20-40 years old, with a large build and short or shaved hair, and wearing rectangular glasses.


ARC receives six Warhol silkscreens

PRINTS DONATED FROM WARHOL FOUNDATION By Kevin Sheridan kevinsheridan56@gmail.com The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Inc. has donated six off-edition print silkscreens to the American River College Permanent Art Collection according to Mick Sheldon, director of the Kaneko Art Gallery at ARC. Off-edition prints are extra prints made by the printer and Warhol hung on to them afterwards. Off-edition prints can also be copies that are not perfect enough to be accepted as a part of the print release. The Foundation, which is based in Pittsburgh, Penn., also donated 150 Andy Warhol Polaroids to ARC in the fall of 2011. The value of these silkscreens however, is undefined. “The work is of no value because you cannot sell it. Ev-

Remembering Marc

Students, friends, and family show support for Marc Zhuchenko after his passing.


Courtesy of Kirsten Du Bray

Warhol became known for his experimentations in silkscreen printing, a mass media tool that he adapted to create some of his most well known pieces.

eryone knows who owns it” said Sheldon. Warhol was a famous pop artist dur-

Sexy Feminism

Author shows off her book about women’s rights in the modern day.


ing the early 1970s, using everyday items as subjects for his art, and also


Covered California Residents under the age of 30 show little knowledge about the new options for healthcare.

February 12, 2014

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ASB lobbies for cheaper textbooks

By Melissa Hurtado hurtadom73@gmail.com The Associated Student Body Student Senate spring semester agenda includes advocacy events and the elections for next year’s student leaders. One of the upcoming events is the March in March, which will take place on March 3. Students from community colleges will come together at Raley Field and march to the capitol. From there, ASB President Kenneth Hinton said students could either listen to speeches or go inside the building to lobby the State Legislature. “It’s one of the best feelings to march in there and lobby (the State Legislature) on behalf of the students,” said Hinton. The main thing that the board plans to advocate for is textbook affordability and accessibility. Jorge Riley, Director of Finance, said he hopes the board takes the initiative to lobby for tax-free textbooks. This is something that fell through in the upper education committees, but Riley feels it is worth pursuing because “that’s a reasonable way that students can save, not a lot of money, but a little bit of money.” Head of the textbook affordability committee is Vice President Tami Dunning who said when it

comes to textbooks, “there needs to be a culture and attitude shift.” Dunning is concerned that sometimes textbooks cost more than the actual class itself. She plans to talk to deans and request that all teachers try to get an extra book from the publishers so it is available to students in the library. Kate Plugovoy, a student helper in the library, said a lot of students come in to use the textbooks on reserve. “As a student myself I know the books are like crazy expensive to buy,” said Plugovoy. Dunning says the next step is to make changes in the administrative level, so students may receive their books prior to starting their classes. Those who get book loans are obligated to purchase books through the Beaver Bookstore. Dunning hopes to change that because students can get books online for a fraction of the price. After not attending the fall General Assembly due to a lack of time to prepare for it, Student Senate will attend the spring assembly in L.A. May 1-4. According to the tentative schedule, voting for the spring elections will be on April 8-9 and students interested in being a student leader can get the application packets starting March 2. The voting will most likely be

Editors-in-Chief Ed Gebing Emily K. Rabasto

Managing Editor Jonathan H. Ellyson

Alex Panasenko / aypanasenko@gmail.com

Jimmy Espinosa, a commercial music major, looks at the cost of his books on Jan. 31. Espinosa considered either purchasing or renting textbooks for his classes.

online using Votenet through eservices. This online format was used first during the Nov. 12 and 13 elections. Despite hopes that Votenet would increase the number of voters, only 310 students voted - a third the number of students who voted in spring’s election. The cost of Votenet is a big part of ASB’s expenses, as it cost Student Senate and CAEB $988.50 each, the most of all the colleges in the district.

Kenneth hopes that next year’s board will have a discussion about Votenet and negotiate costs. Increasing voter turnout and student involvement is something Student Senate Public Relations officer Daniela Vargas hopes to accomplish. “I would like to find a way to get more students involved in the happenings of the school and have them be an even more active part in the decision making that occurs in ASB,” he said.

Rape: Increasingly violent attacks a concern CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

ARC officials have posted flyers throughout the campus with sketches of the suspect. The Sacramento Sheriff’s Department is investigating the cases through public leads and DNA evidence, despite the little evidence left behind by the rapist. “To date, we have not been able to make an arrest, but we are hoping for test results in our crime lab that might lead us to a potential suspect,” said Bowman. Both the Los Rios Police Department and the Sacramento Sheriff’s Department have encouraged students to be especially vigilant in protecting themselves. “Please continue to encourage students to be aware of their surroundings, walk in pairs, carry their keys in a defensive nature if they must walk alone at night; but most of all, to report anything or anyone suspicious to the Sheriff’s Department as soon as possible,” said Bowman. “We are not naive to the threat this person is to the public.” “All criminals look for opportunities,” said Sgt. Mike Olson of the Los Rios Police Department. “Many thefts and attacks occur when victims are listening to loud music in both ears and are not aware that someone is near

jferr1995@gmail.com Student advocacy events were at the top of the agenda for the Associated Student Body Student Senate as began the spring semester. The board approved funding for a trip to the General Assembly in Los Angeles in May at a cost not to exceed $7,000. Seven students and the adviser will attend the event. Two Senators and their adviser, Tanika Byrd, went to the semester’s first advocacy event, Lobby Day, last Thursday at the Capitol. There, they advocated for student issues such as the rising cost of textbooks with staffers for members of the California State Assembly. “We told personal stories about ourselves and others,” Senator Laurie Jones said. “One

Sports Editor Kameron Schmid

Arts & Culture Editor Adnan Ramic

Scene Editor Barbara Har vey

Opinions Editor Brooke Pur ves

Photo Editor Zach Tierney

Design Editor Sarah Scott

Web Editor

Brandon Nelson

Copy Chief Jorden Hales

Advertising Manager Korbl Klimecki

Staff Writers Shedric Allen John Ferrannini Kelly McCoy Kyle Moore Kevin Sheridan Sri Sherrell


Thalia Avila Walter Jones

Staff Photographers Michael Pacheco Alex Panasenko Phillip Kingsley


Walter Hammer wold

Photo Adviser Brooke Purves / brookempurves@gmail.com

Jill Wagner

The suspect kidnapped the latest victim and brought her to a wooded area near Madison Ave. and I-80.

them.” Someone on the ARC campus in need of emergency assistance can dial 911 and identicate that he or she is on campus, or call (916) 558-2221 from a cellphone or X5521

from a campus phone. The LRPD holds free sexual assault workshops each semester, the details of which will be available on The Current website as soon as they are available.

had a friend who had to spend $600 on materials for a three unit class.” By far the most discussed advocacy event is the March in March and the first proposed budget for the event totaled over $3,800. This included $1,600 for two busses to take students from ARC to the capitol building and, $1,046 for T-Shirts commemorating the event. Some senators raised concerns about this price tag and suggested that those attending use the Sacramento Regional Transit, which is free to ARC students. “I think it would be very nice if we got off the train together. It would show that do-ityourself, that saving money, that we have the resources to do that,” said Senator Leslie Ann Dameron. Clubs and Events Board President Jeremy Diefenbacher argued that “regional transit

has issues of its complete own accord that (ASB) would be taking on if (ASB) chose to use that as our primary means of transportation.” Although the Student Senate has yet to vote on funding, the current consensus appears to be that they will vote to fund one bus and two Paratransit busses for transportation from ARC to downtown, for a cost of over $800. It was also discussed that they would use leftover T-Shirts from last year rather than purchase new ones. The board also gave $1,000 to the American River Review, a funding proposal that passed without opposition. “There are very few programs the college offers that garner national attention and the American River Review is one of those programs,” faculty adviser professor Michael Spurgeon said.


By John Ferrannini

News Editor

Melissa Hur tado



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February 12, 2014

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BOG fee waiver changes to come

New initiatives to increase graduation rates get approved By Brooke Purves

brookempurves@gmail.com Starting in the fall of 2016 students must meet minimum GPA requirements and credit-bearing status in order to retain eligibility for their BOG Fee Waivers. On Jan. 13, the California Community Colleges Board of Governors approved the changes, which, along with other studentprodding endeavors, are part of the Board of Governors Student Success Initiative (BOGSSI), designed to motivate students to graduate in a timely manner. Fewer than 20 percent of students complete a degree within three years at more than a third of California’s community colleges. That means most students who started in fall 2013 will still be working toward their degree when this policy goes into effect two years from now. Per regulation, grades will be tracked for the approximately 20,000 students on campus who receive a BOG Fee Waiver, according to Financial Aid Supervisor Chad Funk. While students currently receiving the BOG Fee Waiver have no academic accountability, once the policy goes into effect, students who are unable to retain an overall 2.0 GPA for two consecutive semesters, or who do not complete at least half of their units for credit during the same period are at risk for losing their funds. “We will do everything in our power to help students on financial aid succeed, but students need to know that they have a responsibility to keep up their end of the bargain,” said California Community Colleges Chancellor Brice W. Harris in a press release last month. Political science major and BOG Fee Waiver recipient Zach Scott, in his third semester at ARC, agrees. “I think it’s pretty justified. I mean, keep your grades up if you want to go to school,” he said. According to the press release, students who do not meet the requirements must be notified within 30 days of the end of the term and will be given information about services on campus available to them. “I think it’s wrong for them to do that,” said first semester early childhood development major and BOG Fee Waiver recipient Julie Lemos. “A lot of people can’t afford it.”


In Volume 65, Edition 6 of The Current, the following corrections are listed: On page three, Sgt. Mike Olson’s name is spelled incorrectly. On page nine, the cutline incorrectly identifies the musicians. It should read, “Dino DiMare and George Seruset perform ‘The Waltz Song.’”

Emily K. Rabasto / rabastoe@gmail.com

Current and former presidents of ARC’s LGBTA club Fierce, Lydian Countryman, left, and Kindra Pring, right, hold up homemade signs outside Granite Bay High School on Jan. 31 in support of “The Laramie Project”, the school’s newest drama production.

Anti-gay group flakes on protest By John Ferrannini jferr1995@gmail.com Members of American River College’s LGBTA student organization, Fierce, participated in a counter-protest to a planned protest by the anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church group Jan. 31 at Granite Bay High School. The Westboro Baptist Church, which is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, announced via Twitter that they would be protesting a student play, “The Laramie Project,” at Granite Bay High School. The play tells the story of Matthew Shepard, a gay student in Wyoming, who was killed because of his sexual orientation. On the day of the play, however, only one protester showed up, compared to the hundreds of counter protestors. “It was important for Fierce to be here because as older peer mentors to the high school students here – a lot of them go to college – we wanted them to understand that there are safe spaces for them there as well as here,” said Fierce President Lydian Countryman.

As for the Westboro Baptists, Countryman believes that the Westboro Baptist Church has helped the gay rights cause. “I don’t feel like the Westboro Baptist Church is as effective as they once thought they were ... people really do not want messages of hate no matter what the topic or the issue is. They don’t want that slammed in her face,” Countryman said. Brett Spencer, another ARC student and Fierce member also came out to show his support for gay students at Granite Bay High School. “I identify as a gay man and I have experienced oppression and discrimination my entire life,” Spencer said. “I’m out here to support the younger generation and let them know that it’s okay to be yourself whether you’re straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, however you identify, it’s okay and there are people who will stand with you and walk with you on the difficult path.” Granite Bay High School drama teacher Kyle Holmes, said the counter protest put the message of “The Laramie Project” into focus.

“Tonight is really great because we’re able to bring that into focus for the community and put that all over the news and show the community that it’s not just me and 22 17-yearolds who think that,” said Holmes. “There’s a hundred people here.” The student directors of “The Laramie Project” were Perry Vargas and Robert DeLeon. “We put on this show because we were moved by the message that it had and the story that it told,” Vargas said. “You can see with the effects of it already, blind hatred is not needed in this world.” As for Spencer, he hopes that what comes out of the event is reasonable discussion and tolerance. “It’s not easy growing up and being told that you’re wrong … I always hope that by a peaceful and respectful exchange of ideas we might be able to influence the way we think about each other, come to a better understanding of each other, and reduce prejudice which leads to discrimination. If I can make a difference I would like to help educate them on differences between individuals.”

Disabled student gets iPad snatched By Melissa Hurtado & Kyle Moore

hurtadom73@gmail.com | news.kylemoore@gmail.com A disabled American River College student had his iPad snatched from it’s holding case of his wheelchair on Jan. 27 while waiting outside a classroom on the lower floor of the library. The suspect asked the student for the time and when the student began using his iPad to articulate, the suspect took it, and rode his bike towards the technical education area. “The student actually uses the iPad to communicate ... this is an important piece of technology for the student,” said American River College’s Communications and Public Information Officer Scott Crow.” The school sent emails to all of its students the following evening, informing them of the theft and also asking for witness information. “We want to make sure people are informed about what’s going on,” said Crow. “Since the suspect got away, we were hoping that if someone else witnessed something they could go ahead and contact the police.”

The suspect is a thin black male adult, 5 foot 8 inches tall, with facial hair. Flyers of the crime bulletin were posted around campus as well as the schools Facebook page. Many students were saddened by the incident and asked how they could help donate money . The Los Rios College Federation of Teachers stepped up and bought the student a new iPad the day after the incident. The LRCFT, “came forward Emily K. Rabasto / rabastoe@gmail.com right away and said ‘we’re just goA student who is confined to a wheelchair had their iPad, which they use ing to buy it’,” said Crow. Just earlier this year, another to communicate, stolen by a man near the basement floor of the American disabled ARC student, Devin John- River College library on Jan. 27. son, had his iPhone stolen on ColLRPD is working with the Sheriff’s dents targeted in our crimes numlege Oak Dr. That student was able to recov- Department to see if there is any bers” said Sgt. Olson The Sgt. said students can preer his cell phone using the applica- connection between the two cases, “it’s unknown if they’re related, vent incidents like this from haption Find my iPhone. It was reported to the Sacra- but its something were looking pening by not flaunting around valuable items such as cell phones mento Sheriff’s Department as it into.” The two incidents involving dis- and tablets. did not occur on campus, but upon “We encourage people to be hearing about the incident that abled students share many things happened here, Johnson informed in common, but for now, the sus- aware of their surroundings and pect is not one of them. put personal equipment away,” the Los Rios Police Department. “Were not seeing disabled stu- said Sgt. Olson. Sergeant Michael Olson said the

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February 12, 2014


Adnan Ramic / adiramic@gmail.com

Many professional drivers started their careers in go-karts as children. Collegiate racing would spur economic and academic interest in students and spectators.

Opinion: Collegiate racing a fresh idea By Adnan Ramic adiramic@gmail.com The website for the NCAA boasts a variety of sports featured as a part of the organization. One sport not found is motorsport. Ironically, the NCAA headquarters is based in Indianapolis, a city well known for its motorsport events. Many people will immediately argue that racing is not a sport. Allow me to retort. Consider the most basic definition of a sport, according to Merriam and Webster: a contest or game in which people do certain physical activities according to a specific set of rules and compete against each other. The human body endures significant physical wear from sitting in a vehicle for several hours at a time. Now instead of going 60-80 miles per hour on the freeway for that long like a common driver, try going an average of 150 miles per hour whilst making turns that can generate

up to 3.5 g of lateral force. To compare, an astronaut of a space shuttle will face around 3 g of lateral force during launch and reentry. Now try doing all of that over a period of two hours with other people trying to finish ahead of you. It is quite the physical feat, and there is certainly a specific set of rules. An introduction of motorsport competition at a college level would bring in a lot of interest, not just from the average NASCAR fan, but from an educational standpoint as well. Think of engineers, mechanics, and drivers working together to create a car that will compete with those from other colleges. Obviously, there will have to be guidelines and budgets to make sure all colleges who are part of the sport have a fair shot of winning. It wouldn’t be much fun to see Stanford or Massachusetts Institute of Technology winning every race. Plus, NCAA students cannot be paid in any way, from the colleges or sponsors for that matter. Races would take place over the course of a year, with

routine practice sessions before the actual races that weekend. Picture the different venues and tracks where the races would be held, and the amount of interest that can be brought from them. The main concern I can see for people being against this is for the safety of the drivers. To become a driver for the “NCAA Motorsport” you will have to obtain a racing license, which will involve written and driving tests. Regulations and guidelines for the cars and races alike (the specific set of rules), including crash tests of the cars, will promote safe vehicles and fair competition. This would take several years to implement and create, but is something that would be worth creating. Racing is a sport that can put fans in the seats and create potential careers for the athletes involved. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to create things and NCAA motorsport is something that should be green-lit.

Haflich: Dizziness symptoms cause coach to take break CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Emily K. Rabasto / rabastoe@gmail.com

American River College football head coach Jerry Haflich is taking a break from his position due to symptoms related to a concussion he received four years ago. Offensive coordinator Jon Ousterhout was named interim head coach last month.

and will be more than willing to step aside if and when Haflich is able to return. “Coach Haflich is a dear friend of mine, I’ve known him for a long time. He’s done a tremendous job building this program to where it is today and we’d be able to work side by side in an incredible atmosphere,” said Osterhout. This will be Osterhout’s first chance to operate as head coach at any level, after serving as offensive coordinator last season and offensive line coach the prior two seasons. He was also an assistant coach of multiple positions at Sacramento State for nine seasons over two stints, and coached defensive line for two years at the University of Nebraska. Osterhout only learned he would be interim head coach on Jan. 27, and described the process as “a total whirlwind”. “Like drinking out of a fire hose,” he said with a smile. Osterhout has continued to communicate and work with Haflich in the first few weeks of the semester. “He’s somebody that I can rely on, he’s a phone call away, I can walk right down the hall to his office, but for right now, we’re trying to relieve him of having to deal with the football side of things,” said Osterhout. Haflich declined to comment after multiple attempts at an interview.


February 12, 2014

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Campus opinions about Sochi Olympics By John Ferrannini & Kameron Schmid jferr1995@gmail.com kameronschmid@gmail.com

When Russian president Vladimir Putin signed a law in June prohibiting nontraditional sexual relationships, the first question for many non-Russians was how it would affect the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. It’s been seven months since enacting the law and Russian leaders have held firm on their stance. No openly homosexual behavior or demonstration will be tolerated, and many Olympic athletes have spoken openly that they fear discrimination or violence. The Current asked gay rights activists on campus and Russian students how they felt about Russia’s anti-gay stance. Kristina Casper-Denman, adviser for Fierce, said, “On one hand of course, the whole purpose of the games is to celebrate diversity, respect, and talented competition. My opinion is that all of the gay athletes should go, prove they are amazing no matter what their gender or orientation, and fight the good fight, much like Jesse Owens competing when racism was rampant both here and in Germany. “I will watch, I will cheer for all our ath-

letes, and quite honestly, I really don’t care with whom they sleep. I am watching to see the best skier possible, and I also hope to learn about other cultures as I always do.” Susan Howe, adviser for Fierce, said, “I am disappointed in the International Olympic Committee for choosing a country that does not value or support all of its citizens and those of other countries. That is not in the spirit of the Olympics as I understand them. I will, however, be watching the Olympics because there are many gay athletes and their families who have been working most of their lives for this moment of competition, and I want to support them and the other athletes in their efforts. “The Olympics is a celebration of what is good in the world – personal and collective endeavor, sportsmanship, diligence and dreams. I want to support that. On the other hand, I hope that nobody will mistake my support of the 2014 Winter Olympics as a condoning of the IOC’s decisions, Putin’s policies, or the general attitude that ‘Russia does not have gay people.’” Natalie Martynenko, a member of the Russian Orthodox Church, said, “Being gay is not like how it is here. They’re not open about it. It’s a no-no. It’s not considered okay to be

Illustration by Korbl Klimecki

gay and it wasn’t during the communist era … Super religious Russians aren’t really okay with it. Converts, former Catholics or Protestants or atheists are more okay with … For the most part, the Russians I know are not okay with it.” Lilly Krib was born in Russia in 1985


Zach Tierney / ztierney.zt@gmail.com

Freshman forward Jazzlynne Macklin takes on her opposing defender in the Jan. 24 game against the Sierra Wolverines.

when it was still part of the Soviet Union and immigrated to the U.S. in 1992. “(Homosexuality) wasn’t something normal and it’s still frowned upon. Reactions are strong and forceful. I’ve never met a Russian who is really okay with it. They’re pretty strictly against it.”



The men’s team is 0-3 to start the season, and have had two games against Shasta postponed. As a whole they are only hitting .204 and have given up 15 runs while only scoring four. Check our website for coverage of yesterday’s game against Feather River.

The softball team started off the season 2-2, first losing a doubleheader on Jan. 31 against San Jose and West Valley, before winning a doubleheader the next day against West Valley and Chabot. The victory against Chabot was a 20-0 shutout, and the team has 46 runs over the four games.



The Beavers have lost 11 games in a row, dating back to Dec. 21, and are currently 3-19 with four games left in the season. Freshman point guard Damion Trujillo leads the team in scoring with 13 points per game off the bench.

The swim schedule kicks off for the men and women Feb. 21 in Livermore at the Hawke Invite. The following day they return to ARC to host the AR Trials & Finals.



A team with playoff hopes to begin January has lost six straight games and is now 9-13 with only four games to go. Leading scorer Caresse Williams is averaging 18 points a game on 50 percent shooting from the field and 40 percent from the 3-point line.

The women are 2-1 to begin the season after defeating Reedley on neutral ground 8-1 and beating Sequoia on its home turf 6-3. Their loss came against Fresno the same day they beat Reedley. Their next home matchup is Friday against San Francisco.


Emily K. Rabasto / rabastoe@gmail.com

Lovedeep Singh swings backhand in a doubles match at the ARC Men’s Tennis team opener on Feb. 1. He and his doubles partner Adam Duong lost the match against Holy Names University.

The track & field season officially begins for both the men’s and women’s teams on Feb. 22 at the Sacramento City College Opener. They will host their own meet over a two-day span on Feb. 28 and March 1.

February 12, 2014

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Emily K. Rabasto / rabastoe@gmail.com

Lana and Dan Zhuckenko, the mother and brother of ARC student Marc Zhuckenko, stand in front of a simple tribute to Marc, who was killed during an attempted robbery in January.

Remembering MARC M By Ed Gebing & Melissa Hurtado edgebingjr@gmail.com hurtadom73@gmail.com

any students came back to campus from the winter break carrying full backpacks and heavy hearts. Over the break, it was reported that American River College student and staff member Marc Zhuchenko, had been killed in what was an attempted robbery of the O’Reilly Auto Parts store he worked at on Jan. 9. Zhuchenko fought with the attacker, 26-year-old Michael Eugene Addson during the altercation. Addson was later apprehended when he went to a local hospital seeking treatment for the stab wound he suffered. “When I heard that he had been killed, I just cried like a baby, I cried so hard,” said Frankie Johnson, student personnel assistant. Johnson was the one who initially hired Zhuchenko at the Dusty Baker Student Athlete Resource Center three years ago. “I would definitely say he has that hero syndrome” said Johnson. Johnson said that Zhuchenko “was a very genuine person who always had that great smile on his face.” “He always had that go get it, go do it, get it done, no fear kind of attitude,” Johnson said, he lived with the mentality that, “if it can get done, it should be done, if it’s the right thing to do.” His mom, Lana Zhuchenko describes her youngest son as having an “exceptionally beautiful soul.” The 22-year-old was pursuing a paramedics degree and always told his mother “I really love American River College, it’s my second family, it’s my life and I love the students and the environment and I’m never tired there.” The athletic department as a whole wanted to do something to help the Zhuchenko family and came up with the idea to donate the proceeds of both ticket and

concession stand sales from the men’s and women’s doubleheader game against Sierra College on Friday, Jan. 24. According to Scott Crow, the Communications and Public Relations Officer for ARC, the event raised more than $1,000. Zhuchenko was well known and is remembered fondly by several coaches and administrators for his willingness to help and his kind spirit. Mark Giorgi, ARC men’s basketball coach remembers Zhuchenko as, “a humble down-to-earth kid who was working hard doing all the right things.” “You just got this comfortable feeling and he always did as much as he could to help anybody that came in there,” said Tami Wooden, a kinesiology professor who also went to the same gym as Zhuchenko. Zhuchenko was well known by student athletes and regularly attended sporting events. “There is a handful of us basketball players who wouldn’t have classes if it wasn’t for Marc,” said freshmen basketball player Dondre Butler. “Every day I was in there in the Dusty Baker (Center) when I was studying and stuff he was always in there, always helpful, always shared a laugh, always positive, always had a positive vibe, always willing to share life experiences, he was just all around a great guy,” Butler added. “Marc was a steady presence in that facility and did an unbelievable job working with the current athletes here at American River College,” said interim head football coach Jon Osterhout. “He’s a young man that did a lot for American River Athletics, (he) truly had a deep passion and care and understanding for the student athlete.” Zuchenko went above and beyond his job responsibilities, and truly cared for the people he dealt with.

Ed Gebing / edgebingjr@gmail.com

A memorial was constructed outside of the Dusty Baker Center for slain student Marc Zhuchenko.

“He’ll be sorely missed and he’s somebody again that truly had what was in the best interest for the student athletes,” Osterhout said. “I worked with Marc along with a lot of other people at the Dusty Baker Center. (His death) was very tragic, he was an outstanding young man who would go out of his way to help anyone with anything, and you rarely find that today,” said Greg Warzecka, Dean of Athletics. He worked hard in every aspect of his life. “There was never a day when he didn’t smile when sweat was dripping down his face, he was an absolute perfect role model,” said softball head coach Lisa Delgado. “He was the hardest worker I’ve ever had in class.” “It’s hard to believe he’s gone. He certainly made an impact in my life and in the lives of those he helped.”

Courtesy of the Zhuchenko Family

Zach Tierney / ztierney.zt@gmail.com

The proceeds from both the men’s and women’s basketball games against the Sierra College Wolverines on Jan. 24 went to the Marc Zhuchenko memorial fund. Athletes taped a poster with the letter “M” and a halo to the main gym’s wall in memory of the fallen student.


February 12, 2014

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Photos by Emily K. Rabasto / rabastoe@gmail.com

Above: Armenian native Andronik “Andy” Muradyan removes chunks of fire-roasted chicken breast, the restaurant’s bestseller. Muradyan and his family have owned Royal Kebab for more than two years. Left: Royal Kebab located in Citrus Heights serves lamb marinated and spiced with cumin, paprika, bell pepper, Greek yogurt and lemon juice, and cooked under an open-flame oven and served with rice, and a tomato and cucumber salad.

Kebabs are king at Royal Kebab


By Emily K. Rabasto rabastoe@gmail.com Uncommon cultural food frightens many American palates. It can be difficult to eat out of the box, but Royal Kebab in Citrus Heights provides a gateway for timid tasters to explore the food of Armenia. A kebab is traditionally cubed or ground meat skewered on metal or wooden sticks and roasted over a fire, usually served with pita bread and a salad of vegetables marinated in lemon juice. Royal Kebab offers a clean, comfortable place to enjoy the cuisine and the employ-

ees are as warm as the fire that cooks their delicious kebabs. Armenian-born Andronik Muradyan and his family run and own the eatery and enjoy exposing Citrus Heights to the food of their home country. Lamb is often a common menu item for Middle Eastern restaurants and Royal Kebab does it well. Muradyan recommends the lamb chops, but adds that all their food is better fresh from the flame and is best enjoyed immediately after they cook it. They marinate their lamb chops in a lemon and lime juice mixture with Greek yogurt, bell pepper and spices, including paprika and cumin. The result is a juicy, savory, ten-

der cut of meat that isn’t available just anywhere in the city. They also serve chicken breast, accompanied with rice and a cucumber and tomato salad, or in a flatbread wrap. The chicken is spiced and roasted perfectly. All items are served with unlimited baskets of pita bread and a yogurt sauce made with citrus juices, parsley and olive oil to dip or pour over your choice of entree. The price of the lamb chops, more expensive than the rest of the menu, is set at around $17, which is expected for this cut of meat. The chicken and beef kebabs are more affordably priced and you can get a quick, hearty lunch for less than $10.




Warhol: Silkscreens are second Warhol donation CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

many paintings inspired by graphic novels. “He was a genius at taking everyday objects and turning them into art” said Sheldon. Warhol owned and operated the second floor of a building that served as a factory where his assistants would create silkscreens from the ideas he came up with. ARC was the only community college to receive art from the foundation out of a list of donors that includes universities and museums. The foundation sent the silkscreens with the hope that ARC would do research on how they were created. The silkscreens were sent to ARC after Ken Magri, an art history professor here at ARC, asked the foundation for them back in 2009, and received them in the summer of 2013. Art directors are looking for an area to frame the silkscreens. They hope to display them in a high-traffic but secure area in grids of nine, according to Magri. “We were hoping for obviously secure places visible to students,” said Ramsey Harris, an intern at the Kaneko Art Gallery who is scouting potential locations for the silkscreens. The potential places she mentioned as possibilities were the president’s office, Davies Hall, the be-

Warhol’s “Annie Oakley” is an off-edition print. In 2010, a standard print of this silkscreen was auctioned off for $19,520.

havioral sciences and English departments, but no definite area has been decided on. These six silkscreens come in addition to the 150 photographs donated on a separate occasion in the fall of 2011. Sheldon does not know if ARC will be receiving more donations and said, “We hope so. Maybe, maybe not.” Images of the silkscreens can be found at www. arthistoryarc.com.

Courtesy of Kirsten Du Bray

ARC Interim President Pam Walker and art history professor Ken Magri open the Warhol silkscreen entitled “Sitting Bull.” The silkscreen has an estimated value between $20,000-$30,000.

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February 12, 2014

Mandela portrayed onstage


THEATER DEPARTMENT CAPTIVATES DURING BLACK HISTORY MONTH WITH ‘FREEDOM’ By Thalia Avila odettethalia@gmail.com Singing at the top of her lungs, the freedom of expression from a young girl named Larriah Jackson stole the hearts of the crowd and by the time she finished singing, the crowd applauded like there was no tomorrow. The American River College theater department produced a dramatic musical with a continental taste kicking off with the freedom of expression and liberty in honor of Black History Month last weekend. In honor of Black History Month, “Freedom” was introduced on campus as a reminder of the quest for freedom. “It was different. It was great,” cast member Chris Bogard’s father said. “It’s amazing. It’s a great experience,” cast member Angelina Steshenko said. Sam Williams, the director from last semester’s production of “Hairspray,” made a conquest in producing a dramatic musical fundraiser for the ARC theater students to travel to the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival. Not only was the musical a

fundraiser, but a dedication for ARC students Andy Hoover and Jenna Faeth who passed away with a passion for theater in 2008. “This production, ‘Freedom’, is a collage of musical, oral, and literary expression of the human quest for freedom,” director Williams said on the program pamphlet. The actors lost themselves on the stage, bringing out the full purpose of the show, which was a burning passion for different cultures and genders to come together as one. “This is the best show I’ve ever done here,” Tara Mills another cast member of the musical said. Cast members Mills and Pamela Faljean have 12 and 14 respective years of experience in dance. Their performance on the cultural Scottish dance could best be described as breathtaking. Friday was by far the best performance since the seats filled up and participation was at its highest, according to Mills. The art of poetry, narrative, cultural dance and quotations from famous figures like Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. made the musical unique and

Walty's cypher I Used to Love H.E.R. By Walter Jones waltorlando@gmail.com

Phillip Kingsley / mr.phillipk@gmail.com

After “Freedom,” a play presented by American River College Theater, actors Omba Kipuke and Larriah Jackson pose for a photo.

refreshing. “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in

a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others,” Nelson Mandela said.

Web Preview Traditionally, the most effective way to add movies to your personal library has been to purchase physical copies on tape or disc. The advent of the Internet brought new methods to the table, the most notorious being piracy. With the proliferation of computers and internet access into everyone’s homes, consumers have been looking to get movie content onto their hard drives. Unfortunately, the most viable method was person to person (P2P) filesharing, colloquially known as piracy. “Why would I rent a digital movie?” –Jonathan H. Ellyson The film industry is about to have its biggest season of the year with dozens of films hitting theaters this spring. Get set for a host of blockbusters. The Disney movie “Maleficent,” a live-action film based on the 1959 animated classic Sleeping Beauty, has received a lot of hype lately. It will focus on the title character and villain, played by Angelina Jolie. For those who enjoyed “Snow White and the Huntsman,” another take on a classic Disney animated film, this looks to either match or surpass it. “Maleficent” hits theaters on May 30 and is not yet rated. “Epic blockbusters that are heading to a theater near you.” –Brandon Nelson

Brandon Nelson / brandon.nelson916@gmail.com

Among the items for sale at flashback comics are old VHS and cassette tapes.

Flashback Comics offers retro items at reasonable prices By Korbl Klimecki korbl.klimecki@gmail.com One of the first things visible entering the door, like an avatar of retro nostalgia, is a box of Pogs. These small cardboard circles haven’t been popular for more than 15 years— yet Flashbacks Comics & Collectibles includes them, as well as carrying tubes, in its stock. Alex Dollesin is a former American River College student who has recently opened a “retro collectibles” store on Watt Avenue, just about six miles from campus. Inside is an eclectic mix of what might as well be ancient artifacts of collecting and geekery. The store contains old comics, stacks of trading cards in their original packs from the ‘70s and ‘80s, pin-up posters

lining the top four feet of the walls, movies, video games, action figures—even baseball caps and old issues of magazines like Maxim and Rolling Stone. Dollesin says that he worked at the Beaver Bookstore, but that Flashbacks is the first store of his own. “The Pogs are actually pretty popular with local kids,” Dollesin says. Parents are giving their children old Pogs, and they come to the store after school to buy more in the form of randomized packs for $0.50. “They’re all walking around with pink tubes,” he said gesturing to a rack in front of the register with tubes of various sizes and designs that hold stacks of the small cardboard circles, “because they’re the biggest ones I have.” Flashbacks Comics & Collect-

ibles is tucked inside the Watt and Antelope shopping center. So far, it doesn’t have an actual sign, but it does have paper signs taped up in the windows, including a large sign saying “Retro Collectibles.” Dollesin says he’s working on getting a proper sign. The store has a small selection of comics, all for a dollar each. The most current merchandise is “Magic: The Gathering” cards and sleeves, deck boxes and playing mats for the game. Dollesin owns the store, and is helped in running it by his brother Donovan Dollesin, who currently attends ARC. He doesn’t worry about what collectibles are worth, preferring to charge a flat rate for specific kinds of items, letting the collectors worry about value.

She used to say, “Yes, yes y’all and you don’t stop.” Hearing these words always ensured me that she was going to take me to a place of beautiful bliss. This girl was hip-hop. Growing up in the 1990s and the early 2000s, hip-hop seemed so passionate and full of life. It had culture and meaning behind each song. The demographics of hip-hop have since changed over the years. They’re more artists coming from so many different areas than before. In the ‘90s hip-hop was all about East Coast versus west coast. The East Coast had artists like The Notorious B.I.G., Wu Tang Clan, Jay-Z and Nas. The West Coast was represented by Tupac, Snoop Dogg, Mac Dre, and E-40. In the early 2000s, hip-hop seemed to surface as more of a mainstream sound. As time went on it lost its true meaning. Everything from the way people rhymed to the culture of hip-hop. There are some things as a fan of this we have to ask ourselves. What happened to the competition? Most importantly, what happened to the lyrics? It seems like this new era of artists all want to dance or brag about what kind of drugs they take or how much money they have. “Ask me about swag, I’ma change the topic to lyrics and then brag” said Joe Budden in the song “Move On”. Artists and Labels today are more about themselves what sells and not what the people need. At some point people need to wake up because the girl I love is dying. We have very few new artists (Kendrick Lamar, Big KRIT, J. Cole and Hopsin) who try to reach out to the youth and encourage them to exceed society’s expectations of a professional athletic career or a life of crime. In the late ‘90s and early 2000s we had a variety of labels: RocA-Fella Records, Cash Money Records, Ruff Ryders Entertainment, No Limit Records, Murder Inc Records, Bad Boy Records and Death Row Records. Now we have so little diversity in labels. This girl is so lovely and gentle to me to this day I reminisce on the good times we shared. She always took care of me no matter if I was mad, sad, or glad there was never a time I felt like she couldn’t reach my mind body and soul, but now I just don’t know. All I can say is that I used to love H.E.R. (Hearing Every Rhyme).

February 12, 2014


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ARC adjunct professor presents college hour

SEXY FEMINISM: FROM STEINEM AND FRIEDAN TO LADY GAGA By Brooke Purves brookempurves@gmail.com

Courtesy of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

When feminist philosopher Marilyn Frye published her essay “Oppression,” in her collection, “The Politics of Reality” in the early ‘80s during the second wave of feminism, she eloquently equated the oppression of women by society to that of a bird in a cage. If one were to look at just a single wire of that cage up close, one could not see any reason why the bird could not escape at her own will. Why, there is just one wire holding her in! But if one steps back, the cage can be seen in its entirety. The bird is “surrounded by a network of systematically related barriers...which, by their relations to each other, are as confining as the solid walls of a dungeon.” Fortunately, the status of women has improved greatly in this country in the past three decades (we’re not all the way there, yet, sisters) and the public imagination of even the most ardent of feminists has transitioned from the stereotypical olive, drab-dressed political lesbian, to “riot grrrl” and onto, with the help of author and American River College adjunct professor Heather Wood Rudulph and literary partner Jennifer Keishin Armstrong, sexy feminism: a fourth wave, which embraces women’s rights to be sexy, sexual and in control. Sexy feminism is sex-positive feminism–a brand of feminism where promoting women’s sexuality is central to the feminist cause–with a focus on charging that women should have the right to be as ag-

gressive, experimental and casual about sex as men are. This is not your old school feminism. “We really wanted to set ourselves apart from many of the academic feminist texts we so admire, while still drawing on their influences,” said Rudulph in an email interview with The Current. So while some of the better know feminists (Gloria Steinem, for example) are referenced in the book, the authors also make mention of Christina Aguilera and Lady Gaga as modern feminist icons. By promoting this “pop culture” version of feminism, Rudulph and Armstrong are really writing for young women, who are what they call “feminist curious.” “The goal is to reach those who have distanced themselves from the word ‘feminist,’ or perhaps don’t understand the depth of definition of ‘feminism’ as a movement, a lifestyle, and an identity,” said Rudulph. While the arguments against certain trends are simplistic (you can blame most of your beauty woes on the fact that your boyfriend watches too much porn) and some of the feminist concerns might seem a bit superficial (a 20-page discussion about whether or not to wax your undercarriage), at the heart of it all, most of sexy feminism can be boiled down to the basic feminist principles of taking charge of one’s own sexuality, respecting one’s body and giving grace to other women to do the same. Rudulph will be presenting Sexy Feminism, the book she co-wrote and conceptually developed with Armstrong, at College Hour on Feb. 13, 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. in the Student Center Community Rooms.

Advance directives important tool for students By Brooke Purves

brookempurves@gmail.com The recent cases concerning the treatment of a brain-dead pregnant Texas woman and a braindead California teen have again brought to light the need for everyone to have a clear expression of end-of-life treatment choices. In the first of the aforementioned cases, Marlise Munoz of Forth Worth, Texas, was declared brain-dead while 14 weeks pregnant. Life-sustaining treatment was continued for eight weeks while her husband, Erick Munoz, fought the hospital in court, arguing that Marlise had expressed her wishes to not receive such care should she become permanently incapacitated. Life support was terminated Jan. 26. In the other recent instance, Jahi McMath, 13, was left brain-dead after routine tonsillectomy surgery. Her family is currently fighting to continue life-support. All students have a right to make informed decisions concerning their health care, but few have taken the steps necessary to ensure their wishes are taken into consideration should they become incapacitated or otherwise unable to make medical decisions for themselves. According to the State of Califor-

nia Office of the Attorney General, under state law, everyone over the age of 18 has the legal right to have his or her wishes considered concerning medical treatment, even if he or she is unable to express those wishes at the time of treatment. The overwhelming majority of students at American River College are over 18 and as legal adults, have a right to medical privacy, that normally cannot be breached to the families or others without explicit permission from the student. Many young, healthy students may not consider the need for an advance directive or any other legal documentation stating their treatment wishes or designating a durable power of attorney for health care. Brandon Wendland, a general education student at ARC, is 19 and doesn’t know what would happen if something were to render him unable to make his own medical decisions. “I haven’t really thought about it yet,” said Wendland. “I know if I’m in too much pain, just end it.” According to information from Loma Linda University, if a patient is too sick to make their own medical decisions, the patient’s doctors will ask their parents, or other close family members to make those decisions for the patient.




While this works well in some cases, it helps to keep those family members educated in regards to your wishes. Because Wendland hasn’t talked about his wishes with his family, he is at risk of having his health care determined by doctors rather than himself, or people he knows and trusts. When asked if she had a written advance directive, 18-year-old Ali-

sa Maeder, a criminal justice major, said, “Nope. Not yet.” She would like to donate her organs and knows that she wants her father to be her medical proxy, if needed. “I’ve told (my family) what I’m going to do. If I have to be kept on life-support, it’s not worth it.” Although Maeder has spoken with her family about possible end-of-life treatment, she still

hasn’t “set it in stone.” Students who would like more information about advance directives are encouraged to stop by the ARC Health Center. According to Barbara Johnson, a nurse at the health center, although nothing is kept on file in regards to advance directives, health center staff will guide interested students to the appropriate information.

What’s your worst dating experience?

“For senior ball, my senior year in High School, she was on her phone the entire night... We went to dinner, she was just texting, all that stuff. It was ridiculous.”


Brooke Purves / brookempurves@gmail.com

Students who don’t have advance directives may not have a say in their medical care should they become incapable of communicating.

“It was extremely straight-laced, we just went to dinner – it was nothing exciting. So that’s probably bad.”

“I walked in on my ex-girlfriend with another man.”


Mechanical Engineering


“She smelled.”


Criminal Justice

February 12, 2014

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Covered California comes to ARC to educate students By Barbara Harvey barbaraapharvey@gmail.com According to a 2013 Gallup poll, Americans under age 30 are the least informed demographic in regards to the Affordable Care Act, colloquially known as Obamacare. In order to combat this issue and encourage participation, Covered California, the California insurance marketplace, is offering educational workshops on the law and what it means for students at American River College this February. Representatives from the UC Davis Center for Reducing Health Disparity, along with Covered California community outreach volunteers, will be running the workshops with a representative from the ARC Health Center on hand to answer questions, according to ARC Public Information Officer Scott Crow. ARC students and faculty, as well as area residents unaffiliated with the school, were in attendance at the first of the sessions on Feb. 5, during which UC Davis representative Ruben Vazquez and volunteer Gloria Powell presented information on the changes that have been made to the healthcare landscape. Julius Hawkins, a veteran and business management student at ARC, came to the presentation in search of answers. “I just did active duty, and I’m in the reserves right now, but I don’t like the reserves, and I’m just trying to get more knowledge about the Obamacare thing,” Hawkins said. “I hear a lot of negativity about it, but the people who say negative things about it, they don’t really know about it at all, so I kinda want to compare Obamacare to my Tricare military coverage.”

“I think even educated people are uniformed about it,” added Hawkins. “They just have negative things to say about it, but then when I ask them ‘Oh, can you help me out with it, because I don’t know about Obamacare,’ they don’t know anything about it.” This lack of understanding is precisely what the workshops hope to resolve. The presentation covered the basics: Which providers are available through the marketplace (Kaiser, Anthem, Blue Shield, and Western Health Advantage), who is eligible (all legal California residents), and coverage improvements, including emergency services, ambulatory services, hospital care, maternity and newborn coverage, substance abuse and behavioral health coverage, rehabilitative services, prescription drugs and preventative care. Gloria Powell, one of the two volunteers facilitating the meeting, stated that “College students, young people… when they say that ‘I don’t need health insurance because I don’t get sick,’ I’d say think about what you insure and why. You insure your car incase you get in an accident and want to have someone help you pay for it, but you don’t insure it after, once you get in an accident.” While curiosity about the program was a common theme amongst the attendees’ reasons for coming, some in attendance were there out of necessity. “I had been just planning to wait until I reached age 66 and then I could draw Social Security and get Medi-Cal that way…and take good care of my health and pray that I don’t get sick in the meantime…but now I’m required to get insurance, so I’m checking this out,” said retired Sacramentan Doris Brown. However, Brown still has doubts. “I’m suspicious of government programs. I don’t think they’re efficient,” she said.

Barbara Harvey / barbaraapharvey@gmail.com

Volunteer Gloria Powell explains the insurance marketplace.

Powell stated that outreach volunteers and certified enrollment counselors would be in the Student Center every Wednesday and Thursday from 10:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. to guide students through the application process. The next Affordable Care Act workshops will be Feb. 19 and 26, from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Open enrollment ends Mar. 31, 2014.

American River College mobile app not being utilized by students By Jorden Hales halespersonal@gmail.com According to a 2013 study by mobile app company Locket, users of mobile technology swipe to unlock their devices over 100 times per day on average. While students at American River College use services such as Desire2Learn and eServices out of pure necessity, few have downloaded the Apptology’s unofficial “American River College app,” available in the Apple app store. Of nearly 20 students asked in the student center and campus library, none had downloaded the app and only two knew it was available. “I think I had heard of it on the Los Rios eServices page, but I don’t really use all the apps on my phone anyways,“ said freshman business major Solon Skarlatos. Interim ARC president Pam Walker, who is looking to place special emphasis on improvements in technology available to students, believes use of this app and similar


By Michael Pacheco mfpach@gmail.com History is much more than just looking at the exploits of our past people. It is an analysis as to why it happened, and American River College Professor William Wrightson makes students think beyond what any textbook shows. History of Western Civilization (HIST 300) covers pre-civilization through the fifteenth century. This includes the beginning of the early nomadic hunters and gatherers, the formation of the first civilizations up through the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. Wrightson’s main goal for his classes is to not make students just regurgitate information from a book, but rather have his students truly understand the material by asking meaningful questions. “Instead of who, what, and when,” explains Wrightson, “it is about answering why and so what, which are really the questions historians confront.” The class covers not only the chronological order of events

technologies is critical in improving the students’ experiences and making Los Rios campuses more environmentally friendly. “Any time you are looking at technology, if we can do our work through this kind of mechanism (pointing to iPad), as opposed to printing a copy and sending something to somebody, it changes the green focus,” said Walker. “I think that people are doing more work (from an iPhone or iPad) potentially is greening up this campus.” Freshman general studies major Nathaniel McCutcheon uses his iPhones’ “Add to Home Screen” function to make his Desire2Learn login page more easily accessible, and thinks Apptology should look to combine such services with the ARC app. “I think having the teacher mention that ‘hey, there’s an ARC app, why don’t you guys go download it,’ and make it a little bit part of the class, that’d be nice.” McCutcheon said. McCutcheon is clearly not alone in his assessment.

According to Apptology 30 percent of those who download the app use it primarily to access their ARC email accounts, for academic and administrative activities. Because ARC is a state-funded institution, the district would have to get permission from the appropriate parties before officially endorsing the app and allowing its makers to include administrative functions. “We met with members of the administration and even higher at the Los Rios district level and they cannot officially support the app at this time,” said Monica Vinberg, Vice President of Business Development for Apptology. “We have to have disclaimers in (saying) this is not a product of ARC or Los Rios. I could imagine that they’re worried about having to create some kind of a budget to support it.” Apptology will begin marketing the ARC app in February and would like students to send feedback via the app, which is available on both Apple and Android devices.

HIST300: History of Western Civilization

in time, but also explains the philosophies that were dominant in each time period with the purpose of making students understand why certain actions were taken and why they resulted in the way they did. “My whole teaching philosophy is explaining things in a way that makes sense,” says Wrightson, “to help make students understand as to why things happened and how it pertains to them.” Wrightson is a polarizing figure among students. His upfront, no-nonsense style of teaching leaves mixed reactions with the students. Many think he is a valuable instructor, including ARC Sophomore Nicholas Smith. “Bill Wrightson is a very great teacher, but he only teaches in two ways. The courses are very in-depth in what to discuss, and when he explains things to you, he knows what he is doing.” HIST 300 is a class that fulfills a transfer or degree requirement, but is also a course that promotes critical thinking rather than Michael Pacheco / mfpach@gmail.com copying and pasting information from a book. Professor Bill Wrightson explaining the causes and effects of the forming of a nation to his class.

Bill Wrightson is a very great teacher, but he only teaches in two ways. The courses are very in-depth in what to discuss, and when he explains things to you, he knows what he is doing.” NICHOLASSMITH

My whole teaching philosophy is explaining things in a way that makes sense to help make students understand as to why things happened and how it BILLWRIGHTSON pertains to them.” PROFESSOR

February 12, 2014


CURRENTEDITORIAL current@arc.losrios.edu With the passage and implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare, many students at American River College are now allowed to stay on their parent’s health care plans until they reach the age of 26, and others are able to buy insurance through the marketplaces in their states. But “nearly 80 percent of those under 30 had heard little to nothing about the marketplace,” according to a Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll. For the health care program to work, according to a report by MSNBC, “the president needs 40 percent of enrollees to be under 35 years old.” Otherwise, there won’t be enough young and, presumably, healthy premium-paying participants in the program to provide the funds necessary to pay for the older and again, presumably, sicker participants.

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The Washington Post reported, “If enough young people decide not to buy insurance through state or federal marketplaces, it could throw off the market’s equilibrium and cause insurance rates to rise dramatically the following year.” President Obama said during a Wall Street Journal CEO Council meeting in November that the administration was going to have to “re-market and rebrand” the ACA after the debacle with the exchanges website. And rebrand they did. Some individual states’ ads are heavily geared toward the young and active, and often show college-aged young adults participating in typical college-aged activities. Like the credit card companies that used to blanket college campuses and hand out water bottles as incentives to students to open an account, the government needs your monthly minimum payment.

And like a credit card, health insurance through the exchanges could either be just the thing a student needs to finally get the health care he or she needs or something he or she felt duped into signing up for. The point is: Obamacare may be one of many options available to a college student or it may be his or her only option. Don’t be bullied one way or the other. Educate yourselves and choose wisely. ARC is hosting Q&A workshops presented by Covered California, the state’s health insurance exchange, where students can get clarification on any questions that they may have regarding the national health care coverage plans. Students can also visit the health center and the health center website to get additional information about the ACA and other insurance plans, including those offered by United Healthcare through ARC.

Head to Head: Concealed guns on campus

By Kelly McCoy kellyjmccoy@gmail.com Let’s set the record straight; first and foremost, not everyone who wants to carry a concealed weapon in California can legally do so. Applicants must first go through a rigorous six-step process, including a detailed background investigation, according to the Sacramento Sheriff’s department. According to the Huffington Post, there were 27 separate school shootings in the U. S. last year, resulting in 18 deaths and several injuries. As of this writing, there have already been four school shootings, two of them on college campuses, in 2014 alone, leaving three dead. Every school shooting took place in a gun-free zone. This

begs the question: Would a suspect think twice about using a handgun for violence on a campus if others were armed as well? The answer to that question is probably “yes.” There are always people who will believe that the only way to stay safe is to outlaw weapons, but in reality, people who are going to break the law and cause harm to people really won’t stop and buy a legal hand gun or rifle. The bad guy can get any weapon from another marketplace. According to the Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office, people who were disallowed from owning weapons perpetrate the majority of crimes in Sacramento County involving weapons, or using illegally obtained weapons. I think it’s about time to allow the law-abiding students of American River College to protect themselves by allowing them to carry weapons on campus for defense.

By Kameron Schmid kameronschmid@gmail.com Every state in the United States has some form of concealed weapons permit, but according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, 21 of them, including California, ban concealed weapons on college campuses. But recently the American River College campus and the surrounding area has become a cesspool of crime, including robbery, sexual attacks and the murder of student Marc Zhuchenko during an armed robbery of the auto parts store he worked at in Sacramento. These are all highly concerning events and some students are bound to conclude that campus the police force is inadequate to protect them. Bud-

gets for any particular program at ARC are never very high and security is likely no different. While many students with concealed weapons permits would feel safer if they were allowed to bring their own weapons on campus, many people on campus would feel better if there were no guns at all. “There have been a lot of incidents recently with shootings on campuses. I think if people felt comfortable at school with guns, it would increase the odds of gun violence,” said Anastasia Hackett, an accounting major. It may not be in the budget, but as long as students are on campus, the school needs adequate security to protect them from danger. The last thing we need is people with concealed weapons permits opening fire on campus, thinking they’re heroes. If you’re at ARC, you’re here to learn, teach, work, or use the Wi-Fi. You shouldn’t have to worry about your own safety. Leave your guns at home.

Securing the nation’s future through female empowerment By Barbara Harvey barbaraapharvey@gmail.com In 2009, President Obama unveiled his “Educate to Innovate” campaign, which centered on a desire to reassert American dominance in the fields of math and science. Part of Obama’s plan for achieving this ambitious goal, was to diversify these areas by combating the long-standing under-representation of women in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). According to a study by the Department of Education, “In 2009-2010, females made up less than 25 percent of participants in science, technology, engineering and math programs nationally,” despite improving numbers in other “non-traditional” fields. American River College student Tashly Covington said the disparity of interest in STEM fields is evident in her electronics technology class. “There are three total (women), and there’s like 20 people in the class,” Covington said. “It can be intimidating because you feel like you’re not smart enough.” While unemployment remains a concern in California, there is no lack of jobs in STEM fields, where employment opportunities are expected to continue to grow at nearly double the rate of non-STEM jobs. Furthermore, women in STEM jobs earn 33 percent more than those in non-STEM fields, and while women, on average, make only 78 cents to every dollar men make, this income inequality tends to be smaller in STEM jobs.

Brooke Purves / brookempurves@gmail.com

Women account for fewer than 25% of all STEM program participants nationwide.

According to the 2012 Program of International Student Assessment (PISA) study, American students rank 26th in mathematics, 21st in science and 17th in reading. In order to strengthen America’s standing in these fields, diversification is first required. Stereotypes of young girls being bad at math must be replaced with inspiring examples of female innovators. GoldieBlox, a California toy company founded in 2012 following a successful Kickstarter campaign, aims to increase female participation in the engineering field by producing construction toys specifically targeted at developing and retaining girls’ interest in engineering. GoldieBlox sets come with a storybook featuring girl inventor Goldie, who directs young readers into assisting her with

the dilemmas she encounters in the story, through the building of various simple machines. These storybooks are apparently what sets GoldieBlox apart from other construction toys. According to the website, by “tapping into girls’ strong verbal skills, our story and construction set bolsters confidence in spatial skills while giving young inventors the tools they need to build and create amazing things.” While the feminist credibility of Goldieblox has been questioned by those who believe the product’s pink coloring and story-telling aspect relies on gender stereotypes, the approach of cultivating intellectual curiosity early in life is without a doubt a step in the right direction for enticing female interest in STEM fields. The susceptibility of women to negative stereotyping must be combated in order to retain their interest in STEM fields. Cultivating the interest, while important, will not solve the problem if we allow their interest to fade due to societal expectations. “It would be great to have women there … A lot of women seem to be kind of scared of it, but I feel like there’s a lot of great women in science,” said Josue Sanchez, a physics major at ARC. As prominent astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is fond of reminding us, the homegrown STEM innovations of today ensure the stability of the nation’s economy and geopolitical strength tomorrow. If we wish to truly lead the world into the future, we must make use of all of our resources.

Allow Sac residents to vote on new Kings arena By Sarah Scott scott.sarah8@gmail.com The proposed new downtown Kings arena will cost an estimated $448 million, with the city of Sacramento being responsible for $258 million of that, according to The Sacramento Bee. The Kings franchise, in turn, will contribute $189 million. As part of the agreement, the city will give up the 3,700 parking spaces, and the public funds for those spaces beneath the downtown plaza, and the rights to the billboards in the vicinity of the new arena. The decision to take that risk should be put to a vote on the June ballot. Sacramento Taxpayers Opposed to Pork (STOP) collected nearly 23,000 signatures to put the arena plans to a vote, yet the proposed ballot measure was disqualified, according to The Sacramento Bee, because City Clerk Shirley Concolino found the petitions to be “noncompliant with the California elections code and the Sacramento City Charter.” STOP sued the city of Sacramento on Jan. 29 in an attempt to overturn the ruling. STOP also released information Thursday from a deposition of Sacramento City Council member Kevin McCarty, who told STOP lawyers he believes the city is giving millions of dollars to Kings owners, stating there were “a number of elements in the term sheet that have value, in my view, that are worth, you know, tens of millions of dollars that were not properly accounted for in the overall package put forth to the public.” Attorneys for STOP will use this information to argue in court that the arena term sheet is unlawful. There are too many variables to accurately predict the economic outcome of the arena. City Treasurer Russell Fehr estimates the total cost of the arena to be closer to $770 million, factoring in high interest rates over a 35-year period. “It seems like a lot of guessing games to me,” said Jessica Daniels, an undecided major at American River College. “(The arena) could have a huge impact, and whether it’s positive or negative voters should get a say.” Reece Jensen, a biology major and enthusiastic Kings fan has no doubt of the arena’s supposed success. “I think if it went to a vote it would pass, because we all want to see the Kings and the city do well. The arena will do that,” said Jensen. Whether the arena succeeds and helps the city grow culturally and economically, or fails and becomes an empty, dark, leering debt over downtown, the decision should be made by the people who will reap the consequences, good or bad: the people of Sacramento.


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Folsom Pond photos by Zach Tierney ztierney.zt@gmail.com


1. A rusted metal cable protrudes from the ground at Folsom Lake, which during a normal season of rain would have been covered by water.

2. The remnants of a dead bird found at Folsom Lake provide an excellent image to display the reality of the uncharacteristically dry and arid environment in which it was found.

3. Folsom lake and its surrounding area have begun to seem like a near wasteland environment, an image further evoked by the cinderblocks strewn about what once was the lake floor. 4. The lake is now at 19% of its usual water level, making the now cracked earth seem more like a desert than a lakebed. 5. The bone-dry skeletal remains of a small mammal were some of the many traces of death found on the dry lakebed.

In Sacramento, where the lack of precipitation has extended to record-breaking streak of more than 50 days, the City Council has made water conservation mandatory, setting a 20 to 30 percent reduction requirement for all residents and businesses, and will also be enlisting a task force to enforce this new policy. - For more on this winter’s drought and Sacramento’s water conservation, go to arcurrent.com



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