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Issue 070 - Jan/FEB 2012

TRIGGER FINGER Backhand Barrel Strapless Front Spin S-Mobe With Grab

d n a h Backbarrel trigger finger

step 1:

Look for a section that is about to throw


step 2:

Edge hard against the pull of the kite to keep it at the edge of the wind window


18 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1

step 3:

Keep the toe edge in and your weight on the back foot

step 4:

Flatten off the edge but keep weight on your back foot to drift back into the pocket

step 5:

As the lip starts to throw, reach down and grab the rail next to front foot

RIDER: Mitu Monteiro PHOTOS: Gilles Calvet captionS: Will ‘Barrel-hound’ Bennet

step 6:

Keep your weight on the back foot to get deeper

step 7:

Start to put more weight over front foot

step 8:

Hang onto the rail hard and lean your head and shoulders forward

step 9:

TRIGGER FINGER in association with

Drop your back knee onto the board, getting all your weight forward

step 10:

Look for the exit. (Do not close your eyes!)


k i tes u r f - m a g a z i n e . c o. u k


s s e l p Stroant spin fr trigger finger

step 1:

step 4:

step 2:

step 5:

step 3:

step 6:

Try to time your take off with a kicker, then push down on the tail of the board to load up power for the take off.

As you leave the water point your back foot to angle the bottom of the board into the wind, while simultaneously starting your rotation. Push the bar out. By depowering your kite you match the velocity and momentum of the board which will keep you connected.

18 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1

Depending on the height of the jump adjust the amount that you bend each knee to keep the bottom of the board facing the wind. Look over your shoulder and spot your landing.

Begin to pull with your front hand (the one left on the bar) to send the kite forward again and keep your forward momentum.

TRIGGER FINGER in association with

R I D E R : R e o S te v e n s

P H OTO : J o n M o dic a

k i tes u r f - m a g a z i n e . c o. u k


e b o S-M rab) trigger finger

g h t i w (

step 1:

Unhook and pop into a front roll keeping your arms tucked in.

76 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 18 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1

step 2:

Look over your right shoulder to help with the rotation.

step 3:

Midway through the frontroll take your front hand off (in this case my left hand) to grab the board.

step 4:

Spot the water as you come round out of the front roll.

R I D E R : J a mes B o u l d i n g

step 5:

Pull the bar hard into your hip, rotating the opposite way to the front roll.

TRIGGER FINGER in association with

P H OTO S : B i g d ayz . c o m

step 6:

Keep pulling the bar down and complete the frontside 360 landing back on your heel-side edge (wrapped in this case).

step 7:

Pass the bar out and carry on riding.


k i tes u r f - m a g a z i n e . c o. u k


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