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concept Our job is to offer quality, clean, and fresh drinking water to people all around the world. No matter how much money they earn, no matter who they are. Aquair simply produces drinking water from air. Aquair is a device that is constructed on top of the buildings that wish to have free drinking water. Aquair has several components. The reverse pyramid is the part that extracts water from air. The outer surface is made from special waterproof clothing. The inside uses simple patterns and smart materials to extract water. The 4-Way Water Extraction System draws its inspiration from spider webs and dew on the leaves, in other words, the nature itself. The water collected is instantaneously filtered through Aquair Water Filtration System, which makes up the bottom part of the pyramid. Research shows that the quality of the water generated is better than most of the bottled spring waters on the market.

kitchen and be transferred into every apartment’s personal water container. Excess water is reserved within a tank in the basement, which is the water pipes final destination. Aquair is cheap and easy to set-up and install. The device uses cheap and lightweight materials that make the device affordable to all people around the world. The whole devices with its components are sold in a package. The package also includes a handbook and the required tools. Moreover, the outer surface is suitable and specifically for advertising. Logos or advertisements can be printed on canvas sheets that can be put on Aquair. This would reduce the price of the device and maybe even make it free.

The filtered water is then distributed through pipes outside the building. With the help of a small installment on the windows, the water channels can make their way through each arda erdogan aquair: concept brief 11/18/08



logo should have at least 0.5 inches of space around it. logo can only be applied on a flat white background. logo can only be used with the colors provided. please refer to the following color palette page. logo can not be applied placed on top a picture or another background. logo can not be placed inside a rectangular or a circular object.

arda erdogan aquair: concept brief 11/18/08



typography frutiger 55 roman ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

frutiger 56 italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

frutiger 65 bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

arda erdogan aquair: concept brief 11/18/08




People who need clean, fresh drinking water

Water Extraction from Air 4-Way Water Extraction (Dew, water vapor, humidity and rain)

People who do not want to pay or who can not pay for clean, reliable drinking water

Water Filtration System Green Technology

People living in humid environments

Basic water pumping / Water distribution

People who support alternative resources / green water People who are environmentally aware, environmentalists People who live in places that don’t have access to clean drinking water.

arda erdogan aquair: concept brief 11/18/08


environmental issues addressed Water Pollution Lack of clean, drinking water / Access to drinking water Global Warming Humidity

elevator pitch Our job is to offer quality, clean, and fresh drinking water to people all around the world. No matter how much money they earn, no matter who they are. Aquair simply produces drinking water from air. Aquair is a device that is constructed on top of the buildings. The outer surface is made from special waterproof clothing. The inside uses simple patterns and smart materials to extract water. The 4-Way Water Extraction System draws its inspiration from spider webs and dew on the leaves, in other words, the nature itself. The water collected is instantaneously filtered through Aquair Water Filtration System. Aquair is cheap and easy to set-up and manage! Logos or advertisements can be printed on canvas sheets that can be put on Aquair. This would reduce the price of the device and maybe even make it free.

arda erdogan aquair: concept brief 11/18/08


research WatAir

WaterAid and Arup’s drawing water challenge to find new ways to deal with water and sanitation issues has come up with some potentially winning ideas. The winning entry is ‘WatAir’ - a 96m, inverted pyramid array of panels that collects dew from the air and turns it into 48 litres of fresh water per day. Designed by a pair of architects, the implication of their scheme is that it could provide a constant supply of fresh water in polluted and remote areas in just about any climate.

arda erdogan aquair: concept brief 11/18/08


research Watermill Technically speaking, the WaterMill is an atmospheric water collection device that condenses water vapor and purifies it. In English: It’s a home appliance that makes drinking water for your whole family - using only air. The system draws in moist, outside air through an air filter. The moist air passes over a cooling element, condensing the moist air into water droplets. This water is then collected, passed through a specialized carbon filter and is then exposed to an ultraviolet sterilizer, eliminating bacteria. Once drinking water is created, it goes to the point of use devices in your home: your refrigerator, spigot, water cooler or backsplash dispenser.

arda erdogan aquair: concept brief 11/18/08


research Air2Water Air2Water products are best described as atmospheric water generators. Air2Water water generating machines use technology (developed and patented by Worldwide Water, Inc.) that extracts pure drinking water from the air. The machine first pulls air through an electrostatic filter removing 93% of all air borne particles. As the machine collects the water it drops into a collection tray and immediately passes into Ultraviolet (UV) light, where the water stays in contact with UV rays for approximately 30 minutes. This kills 99.9% of all germs and bacteria in the water. The water is then pumped through a sediment screen into a 24 volt water pump, and back through two (2) solid carbon block 1 micron water filters, NSF 53 approved, which removes 99.9% of any volatile organic chemicals(VOC’s) that may be in the water. It it also filtered through our proprietary Ultrafiltration (UF) with membrane pore size of 0.015 micron to remove virtually all bacterian and common viruses. The water then goes through a half calcite, half GAC mineral additive where it is then pumped into a reservoir tank. The water is then recycled every hour through the UV and back into the reservoir tank. The water is then chilled or heated and dispensed to the consumers.

arda erdogan aquair: concept brief 11/18/08



arda erdogan aquair: concept brief 11/18/08



arda erdogan aquair: concept brief 11/18/08


visual mock-ups São Paulo, Brazil According the Köppen climate classification São Paulo has a humid subtropical climate. Temperatures seldom reach 30°C (86°F) during summer, while frost is rare during winter due to urban heat island. Rainfall is abundant, especially in the warmer months, but rare between June and August. Neither São Paulo nor the nearby coast has ever been hit by a tropical cyclone, and tornadic activity is uncommon. Because of the proximity of the ocean, the wind is constant at the local climate, being responsible in cooling the air down during high temperature summers or intense winters. They also make the city more humid, although acceptable during the whole year. The annual precipitation is about 1,317 millimetres (51.9 in), mostly during summer time. taken from

arda erdogan aquair: concept brief 11/18/08


persona / use case Persona #1 Luiza, 21, Sao Paolo, Brazil Luiza is obsessed with water. She doesn’t drink soda or caffeinated drinks. She thinks that water is the best nutrition that the body and mind can have. Therefore, it was to be pure, fresh, tasteless and just perfect. Luiza have met aquair when she moved to the city. However, she did not get interested in them. She was busy with her internship. Soon, she was living in an apartment building that also drew its source for pure,

She kept buying bottled water. She did not trust a device that extracted water from air and filtered it. She also heard that the aquair was free because of the advertisements. All these, kept her away from trying aquair. After running out of water one night, she desperately drank the water that she easily filled into her glass from the kitchen aquair device. No surprise, it was the purest water she drank. Not to notice aquair was impossible, First, there were those huge advertisements. Second, the most obvious way that aquair made into Luiza’s life was the kitchen. Then, she noticed how aquair changed her life and made her feel better about contributing to resolve some environmental issues.

arda erdogan aquair: concept brief 11/18/08


persona / use case Persona #2 Paul, 8, Seattle, WA, USA Paul loves nature. He has been reading about global warming, how we are running out of water and how it is getting harder and harder to find clean, pure drinkable water. Paul and his dad talk a lot about this issue. His parents are very proud of their son and amazed by Paul’s great interest. Everyone living in the apartment building loves Paul, too. He is always around planting trees.

arda erdogan aquair: concept brief 11/18/08

So one day, Paul reads about aquair online. The next minute, he is begging to his father for getting the device set-up on the roof of their building. Their neighbours also find it pretty clever. There is a lot of rain and humidity. And the residents of the building decide to get it. It was almost a blink of an eye. The device was set-up in a day. A seafood restaurant nearby wanted to put up their advertisement on aquair. It was free and very fast. And best of all, now everyone in the apartment building has the easiest access to fresh, pure, drinkable water.


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