Arda Yaycı-Portfolio

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ARDA YAYCI p o r t fo l i o

ARDA YAYCI p o r t fo l i o

ARDA YAYCI architect from istanbul MAIL: TEL: +90(541)5352603 ADD: Kağnıcı Yolu Cad. Battalgazi Sok. Şua Ataşehir Konakları Blok: B Daire :7 Ataşehir/ISTANBUL


MEF University 2014-2018 %75 performence + %20 succsess scholarship graduated as honour student with 3.48 GPA. Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian Highschool


languages Turkish English German

Native Speaker Professional Starter

experiences Şua İnşaat Elite Concept as Field Architect ( 2 2 . 1 0 . 1 8 - . . . . . . . . ) Dilekci Architects as Intern ( 1 2 . 0 6 . 1 7 - 2 8 . 0 7 . 1 7 ) Adnan Kazmaoğlu MAM as Intern ( 1 5 . 0 8 . 1 6 - 0 9 . 0 9 . 1 6 ) Rönesans Holding Maltepe Hilltown Project as Intern ( 0 6 . 0 6 . 1 6 - 2 2 . 0 7 . 1 6 ) MEF FADA DB Studio Bridge to Dreams as School Intern ( 0 1 . 0 6 . 1 5 - 1 5 . 0 7 . 1 5 )

competitions About Was born in Istanbul in 28 March 1996. Started his architectural education in 2014 after finishing Besiktas Ataturk Anatolian Highschool. Graduated from Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture from MEF University as an honour student in June 2018 .

Mimed 2015 Jury Special Award - Bridge to Dreams XV. Ulusal Mimarlık Ödülleri Participant - Bridge to Dreams 16. İzocam Öğrenci Fikir Yarışması Participant - Dwelling in Berlin Mimed 2016 Participant/Finalist - Dwelling in Berlin

computer programs good at




photoshop autocad

avarege user of

started to learn



ms office grasshopper


content r’urla

spaces responding the needs of a new emerging life style, while introducing it to the people. rural and urban.


using the local elements and local visual memory as architectural elements. learning from the nature and place.


re-imagining a six hundered year olded production area.

two worms

shaping the spaces with the music, while combining some technological-structural elements.

point of view

turning a sidewalk into a public library where you can not find even a piece of paper.

housing in berlin

after a trip to berlin and set of seminars about the problems and gentrification in berlin, task wa propose a solution.


unmnned underwater vehicle, designed for multiple types of missions.

bridge to dreams

coupe of meetings and surveys, all met in one point, a bridge to their dreams.


bike route

r’urla Mediator, a complex for a life style. Diploma Project. Tutors: Burcu Serdar Köknar, Beril Sarısakal Urla is in a huge transformation process since the ‘counter urbanization’ movements in Turkey started. People from big cities like Istanbul and Ankara and even from Izmir started to move to Urla which was a place where people run away from the cities would be happy. Not only the people coming from big cities but also touristic attraction of Urla made people change the way of their lifes, city became a touristical area and economy also transformed because of that. Task was to create a mediator between old and new Urla and come with a sollution for the people who are living in Urla. Project aims to create a space where local or new comers and even tourists from Urla come together and have some interaction from eachother. Project sits on two different sites, one of the sites in rural area and the other one is in the urban part of the Urla. Rural part has health clinic, healthy product store, rooms for the worker tourists, a blackbox, and a bike parking-fixing area for the bikers using the bike routes that are already passing from the road next to site. Addition to all these there are olive yards where touristic workers work. Urban part includes, a self cooking restourant, a library, olive oil production area, kindergarten and stores to rent to support the comminty. In all these areas, local and people came Urla from outside would meet, interact, teach and learn from eachother. All places were designed to create a communty which feeds itself and learns from the Urla.

comparison between two public spaces around project site

land usage difference between rural and urban areas urban project site

urban some apartments with wood houses with haylofts, wood sheds outside somewhere in sheds at the ground floors of apartments the middle of fields rural

town center malgaca bazaar

aerial photograph of public spaces and project site in town center.

walking paths stores cafe & restaurants crowd

workers and bike route


A 68.50 +













67.00 +70.20















5m 10m






70.20 68.00




5m 10m



storm water drainage in urban project site

main cistern

water direction on roof water collecting areas flowing way

C +19.00






+19.20 +16.00







70.00 40m +




+16.00 +16.10



5m 10m











+16.00 +16.10



5m 10m



5m 10m



detail b

detail a

concrete wall xps (30 mm) scratch coat plaster stone ground stone pressed/controlled earth +68.07

+69.30 +69.07

epoxi cover screed concrete concrete floor water insulation vapor barrier xps pressed/controlled earth earth +67.07




laminated timber screed concrete concrete floor water insulation vapor barrier xps pressed/controlled earth earth +67.10

epoxy covering screed concrete concrete floor water insulation vapor barrier xps pressed/controlled earth earth






concrete wall xps (30 mm) scratch coat plaster


laminated timber screed concrete concrete floor water insulation vapor barrier xps pressed/controlled earth earth +67.10


laminated timber screed concrete concrete floor water insulation vapor barrier xps pressed/controlled earth earth +67.10

detail a

detail b 7


2 1


detail c 6

9 5 10 8


detail d

detail e



1.stone ground covering(1mm) 2.stone ground adhesive (1mm) 3.leveling concrete (100mm to 50mm) 4.hollow section structural steel (3mm) 5.bended steel sheet (3mm) 6.massive timber profile (5mm) 7.sitting unit connection detail 8.water insultaion with slope 9.skylight’s sitting unit connection detail 10.bump sorruounding skylight openings 11.heat insulation on suspended ceiling 12.steel column connection detail to concrete 13.valve to control passive ventilation system

restourant is actually a place where people learn how to cook the endemic species that are cooked around urla, espacially the herbs that local people are using to eat are worth to learn and this might be a good activity for the tourists.

kindergarten has two sections according to ages, it uses waldorf system as educational system and it has one kitchen, two bathrooms inside addition to that there is a garden to take sun inside and make an open air playing area for the childiren.

production area is the most important part in the project’s system, in production area there are all sort of machines to extract olive oil and make it ready to serve. olives collected from rural part are coming here to extract their oil indise. also local people with olive to extract oil can come and use the machines with a little price. while all these process goes on, tourists can observe all the process of olive oil extraction.

urla is a place where people’s life style changing faster than urla, this change brings some demands with itself such as a library where people can find books and learn and work.


public buildings design competition w/Şengül Has,Elif Erdoğdu Cappadocia as a region, has some special natural forms that are endemic to the area, these forms had always been the main focus of the local people long since. All the civizilations which had lived in Cappadocia had always used that endemic forms as houses, shelters, schools or religious spaces. Another thing that chimneys took from Cappadocia region was the building material, which is obtained from the local environment. This material is called tuff, which is already used by settlers long since. Also an academical research showed us tuff can be used as aggregate in a structural concrete. Finally, chimneys are taking their shape from Cappadocia’s endemic look and it is also learning from those shapes and local architecture, addition to that it is responding to the climatical conditions. Finally there is a complex that is not just a municipalty building but also a place for the people to use as a everyday building in their life.

plans and sections

Addition to the demands of the competitors, we also had to deal with the needs of the ĂœrgĂźp Municipality. In order to understand the needs of municipality building, some researches were made and from those researches, we found out, placing the bureaus according to the number of desks and officers was not enough. We had to understand the relations between those bureaus and place them according to those relations.

render from west entrance

render from municipality entrance

render from exhibiton hall

render from main (west) entrance inside.

render from multi purpose hall (telescobic tribune on.)

render from multi purpose hall (telescobic tribune off.)

ramps and towers Living together, coexistence. Seventh Term Project. Tutors: Tomris AkÄąn, Beril SarÄąsakal halic shipyard halic shipyard is the second oldest shipyard that is now being used in the world. it was built in 1455 and for 500 years, it has been serving to sea vehicles like ships and fairies. this old shipyard starts from the end of karakoy persembe bazaar and it covers the all coast line through he halic on the kasimpasa side of the golden horn. as it covers the all coastline, there is only one pedesterian connection to sea from kasimpasa and this connection which is a little park just near the project site is blocked by a pier and a restourant, also there is a car park separating park from sea. blocked coastline


after ramps placed

transportation line on sea

blocked coastline


existing routes

transportation line on sea main roads golden horn

historical peninsula

golden horn

additional routes for citizens

blocked coastline


historical peninsula

blocked coastline

main roads

blocked coastline


park cezayirli hasanpasa park entrance kasimpasa pier

site plan

kasimpasa entrance

mosque entrance


atelier 1


car parks


technichal school

car parks

atelier 2

pier entrance




pedestrian entrance

car entrance

ataturk bridge entrance

project’s effects on site

high speed new world system

project’s first aim is to make this area a place which is open to everyday activites and making people reach to the sea from the area.

second thing that project provides is to create shortcuts via entrances on the different places of the area, since area is a huge place, this shortcuts would had been used. another benefit of the project to the site is actually something in its nature, access from water, this would also improve the use of the area.

lastly, technical school just near area would be a good connection for students and artisans.

apprentice problem in craftsmanship apprentice problem is the most dangerous things about the future of artisansas we check the numbers of unemployment and number of apprentice there is a inconsistensy because there are huge gaps is that artisan works but also there is an army of unemployed people and this gap is still increasing. another potential in apprenticeship is in universities, as we check the numbers, there is an anormal rise of number of universities in last ten years, this uncontrolled agglomerate is also something dangerous for the future of country this also creates a huge number of potential unemployed people for society.

huge companies that are doing the most of the artisans jobs and they are producting these works faster , another advantage of these companies is to including lots of machines for different diciplines, this also gives companies that speed of production. halic shipyard is an important area for the city and there are problems about this area, also there are problems about craftmanship and this project is aiming to solve those two problems by creating an area that is used for everyday first of all using halic which is on a key position for the city would gain reputation for the craftmanship that is now sacked out of the city, this would be a good way to attract people to become a apprentice and help these professions to stay alive. secondly by uniting different kind of disciplines, these artisans would get closer to the speed of huge companies by another adventage of system is to being on place that is used in everyday activites, beside this, also this area aims to be a touristic place with lots of activites in it, also those craftmanship works are a part of those touristic attractions. in that system, artisans comes here to teach people his art, after educating them enough, artisan takes him as an apprentice to his atelier, product that had been produced in area being exhibited and sold in ramp center and a part of the money has to be donated to the system.


external ramps

internal ramps





10m 20m 30m























forklift storage


































































writing broadcast area writers can write live here while they are able to see comments and discussions about their articles.

sound broadcast area live radio programs and interviews can be made in that room, sound screens are denser around here


point of view

wood is the structure’s main element and those wooden parts are connected by traditional japanese joints, to symbolize japanese culture that has both technology and traditional merged to each.

Sharing, for real. Tokyo Anti-Library Design Competition. w/Şengül Has

21st century we are able to reach all the knowledge from our phones or laptops, social media became a place where knowledge is learned just in few seconds and beyond that, we can see what people are thinking about that knowledge, even if it is a report from a newspaper or a paper published by a scholar. addition to that, it is also visible that we are using comments to hold our positions about that knowledge and develop those comments according to our perspective. idea of point of view emerged from this perspective and our proposal was to create a library which is on the street and online as long as people are into it. this library had no books inside and there were screens every where to read another person’s comment about the broadcast that is going on right there.

stairs screens are every where but if you want to get into a discussion you can take the stairs that separeting you from street and walk around screens

video broadcast area

taking it to the underground was necessary since videos has to be taken in conrtolled environment.

all the discussions and broadcasts are shown on those screens, you can comment from your phone and see your comment on screens !


screens are coming out from broadcast rooms and they are getting loose as they get away from their broadcast rooms, all broadcast rooms have their own screens and if discussion takes the users attention, user gets closer to the room to see more comment and watch or listen to broadcast by focusing to it.

front view of the library

people reading

a sunny day inside

people reading

from the tunnel next to area

two elders discussing

two worms a place which music shaped. Fifth Term Project. Tutor: Kürşad Özdemir two worms take place of the kasımpaşa pier, main focus is music in this pier. it is possible to see the whole process of music from recording studios to concerts. during site visit first object was to trying to understand kasımpaşa with a theme that would help us to understand it and shooting a documentary about it. as a group we choose to take cables as our main focus and made a short film about it, this film was starting from trt building and finishing at pier, to refer those cables of kasımpaşa, main structure was the end of the cable system that is passing through kasımpaşa, this unique look would make the building an attractive place to visit for the people.

music is the main function, addition to all these, there were also daily functions for the people living around or visiting area.

cables or worms took their shapes according to the programs, like sun light, sound etc.

structure had taken its form from a mathematical diagram which is named voronoi, this diagram is partitioning system.

housing project in berlin

Fourt term project, w/Şengül Has Tutor; Sevince Bayrak During site visit in Berlin we had a meeting about the population in Berlin and this population’s characteristic, according to the numbers and studies about this numbers and people, Berlin had a population that stays at the same level but people were not same, so Berlin had a population that circulates. Project’s main idea was coming from this circulation, a housing area that renews itself like a living object. Since this circulating population was one of the biggest problem of Berlin, our suggestion was a set of structures in different sizes, temporal Berliners would rent those spaces for a while and settle in their temporal houses for a while. While renting those spaces from structure, there were also some rules for the people like square metres per person and some limits. Addition to that, those temporary living cells were going to be placed on permenant housing areas to avoid becoming ghetto areas. Finally, design became a suggestion that could had been applied to all areas of Berlin, and even cities that are having the same problems.

Hof system in Berlin was founded after the industrial revolution against the hygienic problems for the people, this system lets the sun inside, in project that system was also developed and became a passive heating system for the building.

temporary unit proposals

Berlin streets were also very characteristic and particular to city, buildings had public spaces at the side that is towards the street. This would also support the idea of creating a public courtyard and public circulation inside of the project. circulation that is providing the passive heating system both in temporary and permenant housing units.

plans some materials to use


presidency of defence industries autonomous underwater vehicle design competition with Kürşad Özdemir, Elif Erdoğdu, Şengül Has G.U.L.L.E is a remote controlled and autonomous vehicle that is designed for the presidency of defence industries’ underwater vehicle design competition. It has three different sizes and all sizes can be used in many different missions like search and rescue, gaining intelligence or searching and marking mines. It is main structure is made out of carbon fiber flament which is printed from a three dimentional printer and the membranes that are providing the movement of G.U.L.L.E. are thermoplastic polyurethane. Those membranes are using the electric to take the shape that were memorised to them, being memory shape alloy is the most important future of those membranes.

process begins with the printing of the both structural parts of the G.U.L.L.E. with a 3D printer (1). secondly, as it is shown in the pictogram 2, movement parts are placed on to the places that are connected to structural part. after the placement of those parts, electrical and data cables are connected to the both structural and movement parts by hand(3). later on, cpu and battery are connected to those cables (4). finally, g.u.l.l.e. which was printed as two parts was finally pasted in to one piece (5). some mission types

mine detecting

search and rescue

structural part carbonfiber flament


thermoplastic polyurethane

cable system data and power

group work visual against threats information

group patrol


sonar, gps..


battery and cpu

inner structure

to hold core and shape of g.u.l.l.e.

bridge to dreams

desing build studio as a team MEF University FADA faculty of design arts and architecture every year organizes a design build studio (dbs) for the students that have completed the first year. bridge to dreams was the first dbs that was organised by MEF FADA, project’s aim was to solve a public school’s problem that was located in Ayazağa Istanbul. schoolyard was divided by ayazağa stream and students were not able to use the 2/3 of the schoolyard. after surveys and meetings with the potential users, we designed a bridge and made it by our hands. all woods were cutten and all bolts were installed by hand.

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