How to Treat Heartburn Naturally at Home Heartburn can be a problem and an excruciating one especially when you have not found a good relief for it. There are natural remedies for treating heartburn that you may find interesting and the good thing is that they bring fast relief. Heartburn if not treated could lead to gastroesophageal reflux disease which in turn may give birth to other worse problems like esophagitis. So, you need to learn how to treat heartburn naturally at home fast so you do not cause yourself more problems. 6 fast natural remedies for heartburn 1. The best way to treat any health problem is to deal with the cause. Heartburn is triggered by certain foods. So, the first natural way to get rid of heartburn at home is to avoid foods like chocolate, coffee, cola, citrus and alcohol which have been known to trigger heartburn. 2. Second way to treat heartburn naturally at home fast is to make your meals smaller and more frequent. What this does is that it helps reduce the chances of your stomach expanding and you realize that as your stomach expands, it also increases pressure on the esophageal sphincter which would result in heartburn. 3. The third reliable way on how to treat heartburn naturally at home fast is to eat at least 3 hours before your time to go to bed. The food you eat need some time to flow from your stomach to your intestines and you need to be in an upright position for this to happen. The same is the case with digestive juices which also need to move down before you go to bed. So, plan your meal times wisely. 4. Give up smoking to remedy your heartburn problem. Smoking exposes you to nicotine which is known to be a stimulant in the production of acid in your stomach. Smoking also relaxes your esophegeal sphincter and these are not good for heartburn. 5. Try to relax as much as you can. When you are stressed, you are likely to indulge in some unhealthy behaviour that would trigger heartburn such as drinking alcohol or smoking. So, work on relaxation to treat heartburn naturally. 6. Last way on how to treat heartburn naturally at home fast is to at least elevate your head while you sleep. Avoid lying down flat. By raising your head level while sleeping you will have gravity and this eliminates pressure on your stomach. If you want to get more information about Treating Heartburn Naturally, please visit this guide