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CHAPTER 1 Congratulations Congratulations on taking the first steps to get to a much healthier lifestyle. Green juices are a great source of vitamins, nutrition and craving cutting goodness! Once you start doing the method outlined in side this book you will find yourself with more energy, healthier skin, a large amount of confidence and the need to snack nearly removed from your lifestyle completely. That is just want drinking green juices is all about! Honestly, so few people understand the true power of greens and many people dislike drinking them because of their odd look. While they may look odd being juiced the flavor and benefits are much better than anyone can image. Instead of having to take that huge multivitamin each and every day, you can complete the 7 day detox method outlined in this book and get those same benefits for the whole month. It's really just that simple and it taste so much better! Greens juices provide you with a way to get all the needed vitamins you should be eating daily without the stress of having to cook them. Green vegetables contain calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamins A,C, K and a ton of B vitamins as well. You can get a lot more energy from a 6 oz glass of green juice then you can from a 16 oz mug of coffee. The best part is that green juices cut craving and give you a full feeling faster and longer than any other item. Instead of taking craving fitting pills you can drink some green juice and get all the nutrition you need as well as remove the need to snack.

Once you start ( The many benefits of green juice detoxing): Once you start drinking green juices offer you will learn that you don't really taste the greens in the juice when they are combined with a nice amount of sweet and healthy fruits. This is because most greens are tasteless. Of course Kale has a very page 1

strong taste, after time you won't notice it. Spinach may have a strong taste when cooked but when it's added to fruits like oranges , peaches and even apples you won't even taste the Spinach! Once you start drinking green juices you will feel a nice steady amount of energy that will last all day long this is because of the B vitamins within the greens, you will notice a bust in your energy that is long lasting. Many times people drink coffee or energy drinks to wake themselves up. The truth is that surge from a coffee or energy drink is very short lived. Instead of it lasting for only an hour or so, you will discover that green juices provide an all day energy level that you can't normally find in traditional drinks or even pills. Once you start drinking green juices you will learn a unique way to manage your health, start a diet and completely clean your body of gross toxins. This detoxing method can be used to start a diet because it removes the toxins that might be living in your body currently. You will notice you are no longer constipated and have no problem going to the bathroom each and every night during the time you are doing the seven day green juice diet. Once you start drinking green juices you will be able to know just when your body needs to be detox and how to do it with out headaches or issues. It can become a natural monthly thing for you to do keep your body healthy and your weight under control. page 2

CHAPTER 2 The Problems You Might Discover. Of course with everything good there are always some bad things that come with them. While green juices provide more positive things then negative ones it's important for you to know right away what the negatives might be and how to cope with those negatives before you even start your seven day detox method. The first problem is that it does cost to do a detox. The issue is that you must be willing to buy the ingredients in order to even begin. You also need to be able to buy a juicer that is long lasting and can provide you with the features you need. Of course the cost of ingredients depends on you and how you shop but it can get expensive. You should budget for an extra $20 to $45 for your seven day detox because of the things you will need. The solution to this problem is to budget before you even start your diet. You can easily set aside a few dollars from your check a few weeks before you plan on doing your seven day detox. There is no reason to feel like you have to do this method today when you can take your time and budget for the extra expensive. The same applies for getting a juicer. You can budget for one that is great or you can go for an affordable model and upgrade at a later time. Normally you can spend anywhere from $20 to $200 on a juicer. The investment is worth it because more expensive juicers last for years while cheaper ones might need to be replaced after a few months of steady juicing. It's not recommended to use a blender when it comes to the detox method. You want to juice the ingredients to get the most nutrients out of them instead of just blending them into mush. The second problem is you do need to find time to actually juice for your diet. This can be determined by your daily schedule or by other things. You need to keep the time you drink your green juice the same throughout the whole seven day detox. You're body needs to get use to the drinking of the juice so that you have no issues digesting it. page 3

The solution to this problem is to make a plan before you even start. Writing down your plan in your planner or having a reminder set up on your phone can remove the stress of forgetting to prepare and drink your juice. You can also get help from others by sharing the seven day detox method as a group. Things are easier to do while in a group and it makes juicing and detoxing even more fun as well. The third problem is that dieting of any kind is hard and so is detoxing. It takes times and patience to get started and to last for the whole seven days. You can become bored with the whole task or you can easily get busy and not find the time to actually do the diet. You could also start putting farther from your plans as you get busier. The solution to this problem is to take action right away instead of waiting for the right time to come. While money and cost may be a factor it shouldn't stop you from getting started slowly and finding the best green juice recipe and researching juicing machines before you even start your detox diet. Yes dieting is hard and yes detoxing is hard but the positives that come from detoxing outweigh the difficult parts of it. Instead of just siting there waiting for something to happen, you need to get started and not let negative thoughts take over the positive outcome.

How And Why This Method Works The seven day detoxing method has actually been around for years. It's a common thing that movie stars in Hollywood do before an event or to keep their weight in check. However, the method within this book is an upgrade and is being used to expand on an old fashion method and make it easier for people of all ages, men and woman and even children to take a part in detoxing with green juices. This method works because it's easy to get started. Once you have your juicer and the ingredients you can get started. It takes determination to finish the detox completely and it can be a challenge for the first few days but after that it's easy to start and it's easy to finish. page 4

This method works because naturally people don't normally eat a lot of green vegetables. Mostly because they look gross, they don't take on flavors easily and do take along time to cook. Children don't like the taste of green vegetables as well. When you remove the bad flavor of something but still have the great benefits of it, children and adults are more likely to want to drink more of it and thus get the benefits the greens give them. This method is made for short term dieting. This means you don't have to be in a strict diet for the next three or four months. Instead you can do this method once a month and get the benefits of a full diet without the large amount of stress and the high cost of dieting. This method is much cheaper than traditional dieting. Consider a normal diet can cost $200 to $500 a month because of pills , diet specific food and gym memberships. A juicing diet like this one requires one week of change and nothing more. Once you've gotten your juicer your cost is limited only to the ingredients that you will be using. While you can take diets pills, eat diet specific food and join a gym when you are using this method it's really isn't needed. Simply adding some walking or a form of exercise and removing or limiting the amount of carbs you eat will be enough. This method promotes a healthy lifestyle. Once you get use to drinking green juices and you see the amount of energy you get from them, you can easily add them to your diet as you need them. Remember, you should not drink a green juice each and every day of the month. This is because your body simply can't take too much fiber and it can cause issues in your natural system. This method allows you to bring anyone into the detox with you. It's not something that requires a lot of planning other than deciding the recipes and the day you will start. You don't have to stress of it if your family doesn't want to be apart of your detox as well. Children can benefit from this method and so can men and woman with high metabolisms. This method works because it's easy, simple and requires short term work that can benefit the dieter weeks after. page 5

The History of Green Juices and Green Juice Detoxing There is a lot of history out there about juicing and it's important to know everything you can about the art of juicing and the history that comes form using juices to detox. So below you will find a nice time line of juicing and how it come to be in the first place. This information was found on: Using something akin to an apothecary grinder and crude linen, the first juicer had been invented. Since then, herbal remedies have been ground up and applied both externally and internally for health benefits. The Koreans have also used green juice in ceremonial practice for more than two thousand years. However it was not until early this century that the importance of juicing and the technology to provide a way to readily extract a worthy juice become a reality. 1930's ‐ The Norwalk Juicer, the worlds' first living juicer was invented by Dr Norman Walker. For more than seventy years Dr Walker studied living foods and developed a philosophy whereby the best way to nutritional health was with a diet of predominately raw food and juices, which he termed Living Food. The Norwalk, which is still sold today, firstly grates and cuts the produce with the resulting mass then put into a linen bag and placed under a hydraulic press. Dr Walker lived to 118 years of age. 1954 ‐ Champion Juicer, the worlds' first masticating juicer, was invented. The Champion juices almost every type of vegetable, even leafy ones. The juice from the Champion can be stored for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. The juicer is designed and operates as a masticating juicer but it works at 4,000 rpm. Siegfried Gursche, author of "Healing with Herbal Juices," describes as a 'tragedy' the extremely high speed of the juicer, which causes lots of friction which heats and sometimes even steams, the juice. Some nutrients, especially all live enzymes, are destroyed by heat. 1993 ‐ The Greenpower juicer was invented, the worlds' first twin gear juice extractor. The inventor was Korean Mr Kim whose goal was to provide a living juicer to the world. The twin gear extraction process was based on the mortar and pestle idea of pressing out the maximum goodness from fruit and vegetables without page 6

losing nutrients or enzymes due to high speed blades or centrifugal action. With the Greenpower machine, Mr Kim was the Grand Prize winner of the 9th International Invention/ New Products Exposition in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in May 1993 and numerous other international invention awards. 1995 ‐ Original Green power gold released 1997 ‐ Greenlife now called Greenstar model released 1998 ‐ Green Power Kempo released for the Korean market, now being sold internationally as the Samson Ultra. 2002 ‐ Hippocrates by Green Power is released and available internationally. This is the first living food processor specifically designed to facilitate a raw food lifestyle. Received full endorsement from the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida.

Common Green Juicing Myths Like problems, myths seem to always sneak up on us when we are about to try something new and are getting exciting about trying that new thing. While some myths may just sound silly, they can cause fear into someone brand new to green juicing. So before we get to the method we are going to talk about the many myths you've heard about green juicing. The main myth is the green juicing doesn't work to lose weight or to detox a body. The truth is greens are the earth’s most nutritious plant and that eating greens is the best way to lose weight but drinking them is normally ten times better. Still, people still claim green juice detoxing doesn't work. This might be for personal reasons that the person thinks this. Many times people expect some kind of miracle to happen the moment they take their first sip of a green juice. This isn't going to happen. While this isn't a traditional diet, it still takes time to see the benefits. Normally you will notice a change in your digestion in one day but for some it can take two to three days to see a change. page 7

The second myth is that the juice will taste gross. This isn't true because normally once you've juiced the green they are nothing but vitamins. They may have a very light flavor but nothing more. Many green juice recipes contain fruits that make the green juice taste sweet or even spicy. There are a wide number of green juices that have amazing flavors and still provide you with a great nutritious drink. Still, if you think that your juice will taste gross before drinking it, place it into a colored bottle and let it chill in the fridge for up to 5 minutes. This means that when you drink it, you will only taste the fruits you added and you won't see the green color. Many times it's the green color that makes people assume it will taste gross when the color is nothing but the vitamins. The third myth is that green juices smell bad. This is a very funny myth and people have used it to make up a reason to not drink a great tasting green juice. The truth is, there are few green juice recipes that have a scent to them at all. If they do have a scent it's most likely the ginger, lemon or orange they smell. Some people say that kale has a strong scent to match its strong flavor. Still, if you think that your green juice smells this could be because it's gone bad or because you are just over thinking it. You can remove the odd scent by adding lemon to the juice or by drinking it in a bottle that has a cover over it with a straw. This will remove the scent and still allow you to drink the juice. page 8


The Method Introduction Are you ready to change you health? Are you ready to finally have the energy level you want and need without the need to drink cup after cup of coffee with the hope of it working? Well your wait is over! But before we get to the step by step method here are some tips that can help you get the most out of this seven day detox method. Tip 1 – Keep a positive mind set every time you make your juice, drink your juice and write in your journal about your juicing. It's very important to think of the end result while in the process of the method. Tip 2 – Lower the amount of carbs you eat. Some detoxing diets advise you to remove carbs from your diet completely but you don't have to with this detox diet. Instead cut your carbs in half and eat everything like normally. Tip 3 – Don't eat sweets or salty items. This can ruin this detoxing completely. Instead of eating a piece of cake from the office party, eat some yogurt instead. This will give you a sweet flavor without the high amount of sugar. The same goes for chips and other salty things. Keep your options open while detoxing. Tip 4 – Drink lots of water and limit the soda. Soda contains a lot of sugar even diet sodas are not good during this detox. You are working to remove the toxins from things like soda so adding more to your diet would not be smart. Tip 5 – Get active. You don't have to change your whole life in order to get active while detoxing your body. By taking the stairs to work instead of the elevator while on this detoxing diet will promote the healthy lifestyle even more. You will have the energy to do it as well! Tip 6 – Plan a way to celebrate after you've completed the detoxing diet. This reward should not be food it should be something fun and something that you are looking forward to getting. It could be a new dress in a smaller size or it could be going to the movies and spending the day there. Anything but food. page 9

Step by Step 1. Grab a journal to keep track of everything you are doing for your diet.‐ This is one of the most important steps within this method. It's not all about doing a method but making sure to keep track of every thing you do while doing that method. Instead of just having to remember everything it's much better to write those things down. Make sure you journal is pocket sized. You can also take a modern approach and write your journal online instead and either keep it private or publish it for everyone to see. 2. Pick a reward for your hard work that comes from the method after the end. Do not pick a food as your reward. Instead pick something active or something worth wild. Some woman like to reward themselves with a new dress or a pair of new shoes while a man might prefer to go to a sport game or to take a road trip to celebrate. Pick a great reward that you can look forward to. 3. In your journal write down your reward at the end of completion of this seven day plan.‐ The first page of your journal needs to say what your reward for the completion of this seven day detoxing method. This should be big and the center of attention once you open your journal. Some people prefer to place this on every page as an everlasting reminder and some like to place it big on the cover. Make sure to make it the center of attention. 4. Pick your recipes 2 to 3 is more than enough and affordable.‐ The great thing about green juicing is that it's easy to blend the flavors with greens without even noticing them. Your body will notice but your taste buds will just taste the main things. Make sure to note your recipes in your journal. This will help keep track of them and make it easy to go back to them at a later time. Be sure to make notes of what you do and don't like about the recipe as well. 5. Buy a great juicer if you don't have one and buy your ingredients‐ It's important to have a long lasting juicer when it comes to planning for a green detoxing. Honestly, some juicers can't even juice greens so reading reviews and product information is very important. Make sure to also buy all the ingredients you need to make your goodies before you ever start juicing. It's perfectly okay to freeze more veggies and fruits but remember they MUST be thawed before juicing 6. Plan your juice drinking time breakfast or lunch, not dinner. There are many page 10

detoxing plans that say to drink your juice in the morning and at night. This depends on the recipes but generally this isn't a good idea. The main reason, no one wants to wake up and have to go to the bathroom at the middle of the night or early in the morning. Normally it can take as little as 30 minutes for the green juice to work and as much as 6 hours. If you feel you can handle night time detoxing then try it once but only once. 7. Prep your ingredients by chopping and placing them into serving sized bags the day before juicing – This will save you the most time and many people forget that chopping and prepping it thus is the most dull task in the world of cooking. Even restaurants prep before they open. It's important to determine the serving size of your juice and make the prep for them. Freeze the goodies in an air tight bag and take them out 2 to 3 hours before you plan on juicing them. 8. Drink your juice 30 minutes before eating a meal‐ This will provide you with a nice filling feeling and promote smaller serving sizes as well. 9. Cut your meal in half and eat little to no carbs within each meal. ‐ High amounts of carbs are not recommended within this method because they promote a full feeling but aren't as healthy, limit your carbs to one serving a day or opt for whole grain cards instead. Avoid, sweets and also coffee while you are on this seven day detox. You want your body to start fresh and these two things don't help so avoid them or take small portions of them ever so often. 10. Get fit and stay active. Normally after drinking your juice and eating a meal you will notice a bust in your energy level. It's important to take advantage of this nice bust and get active. If you are a stay at home mom, after drinking and eating, clean and dance or if you are an executive take a quick walk around your office. You can use that work to talk to your employees. This is a very important step to this detoxing. It's important to have your body move around after drinking a green juice. 11. After drinking your juice write in your journal, your progress, and your eating habits, what exercise you did and how you feel. This is another important step to make. It's important to chart and keep track of everything because it's a great motivator and can be used each and every time to do a green juice detoxing. It's important to note your mood as well. Your mood can have an effect on this method so keep positive and try to remain stress free. 12. Write the results as they happen. You will notice you will either go the bathroom more often of it will be easier for you to go. Make sure to note this when it happens in your journal. Note the time of day. page 11

13. Do this for seven days. ‐ Normally after two days it becomes a normal thing and doesn't seem so difficult any longer. Soon you'll become excited to drink your juice. 14. After seven days go back to eating normally but still cut back on your carbs for two more days and continue exercising. Don't be surprised if you notice your energy lower once you stop drinking green juices. This is a normal thing and normally goes away after you go back to your normal routine. Keep away from coffee for 2 days after the seven days. Many times coffee can reverse the detoxing so take a coffee break and drink tea instead. Congratulations you just completed a seven day detox and now you can relax and move on with your life! page 12


The benefits of this method again & taking action right now & not later . Now, let's be honest does this method of detoxing with green juices seem to be that difficult? Honestly, it's one of the easiest ways to slim your waist line in seven days and keep it slim. It's also not a method made for only woman in mind. Anyone including children can enjoy the power of green juice detoxing and learn an ultra healthy way to start off a weight loss plan. So remember right now that it's all about taking action and not letting this amazing, easy and more importantly result based method get away from you right now. Instead of complaining about your waist and the dress that doesn't fit or the fact that you can't go daily like you should be , take the chance to try something now and do it for seven days and see the results that come from this amazing life changing positive habit forming healthy lifestyle plan. So many times, people buy a diet book similar to this one and let it gather dust because of a number of excuses. This method is made with busy people in mind so there is reason no reason not to try.

Remember the benefits started above? No? Well, here they are again: Once you start drinking green juices offer you will learn that you don't really taste the greens in the juice when they are combined with a nice amount of sweet and healthy fruits. This is because most greens are tasteless. Of course Kale has a very strong taste, after time you won't notice it. Spinach may have a strong taste when cooked but when it's added to fruits like oranges , peaches and even apples you won't even taste the Spinach! Once you start drinking green juices you will feel a nice steady amount of energy that will last all day long this is because of the B vitamins within the greens, you will notice a bust in your energy that is long lasting. Many times people drink coffee or energy drinks to wake themselves up. The truth is that surge from a coffee or page 13

energy drink is very short lived. Instead of it lasting for only an hour or so, you will discover that green juices provide an all day energy level that you can't normally find in traditional drinks or even pills. Once you start drinking green juices you will learn a unique way to manage your health, start a diet and completely clean your body of gross toxins. This detoxing method can be used to start a diet because it removes the toxins that might be living in your body currently. You will notice you are no longer constipated and have no problem going to the bathroom each and every night during the time you are doing the seven day green juice diet. Once you start drinking green juices you will be able to know just when your body needs to be detox and how to do it with out headaches or issues. It can become a natural monthly thing for you to do keep your body healthy and your weight under control. So now it's time to take action and get your green juice detox starting. You will be glad you did it. For more information please visit: page 14

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