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Big Bang

Art. 9084/S16 Col. 9084/S16 Cri. Ø 150 • H 155 Max 16x40 W G9

Sospensioni, lampade da soffitto, da parete e da terra con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato e particolari in cristallo nei colori rosa, ambra, rosso, azzurro, turchese, verde, nero e trasparente.

Pendant fixtures, sconces, ceiling and floor lamps for diffused lighting. Chrome plated finish metal fixture with crystal detailing in pink, amber, red, light blue, turquoise, green, black and transparent.

Art. 9084/S6 Cri. 9084/S6 Col. Ø 68 • H 72 Max 6x40 W G9

Art. 9084/S12 Col. 9084/S12 Cri. Ø 98 • H 108 Max 12x40 W G9



Big Bang

Art. 9084/PL6 Col. 9084/PL6 Cri. Ø 93 • H 46 Max 6x40 W G9

Art. 9084/PL3 Col. 9084/PL3 Cri. Ø 68 • H 32 Max 3x40 W G9



Art. 9084/PL8 Cri. 9084/PL8 Col. Ø 148 • H 75 Max 8x40 W G9

Art. 9084/T Col. 9084/T Cri. Ø 68 • H 195 Max 6x40 W G9 Dimerabile/Dimmable

Sofia Lampade da parete, da soffitto e da terra con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato con pendenti in cristallo nei colori rosa, ambra, rosso, azzurro, turchese, verde, nero e trasparente.

Art. 9010/S12 Ø 60 • H 70 Max 12x75 W G9

Sconces, ceiling and floor lamps for diffused lighting. Chrome plated finish metal fixture with crystal drops in pink, amber, red, light blue, turquoise, green, black and transparent.

Art. 9010/T Ø 60 • H 187 Max 9x40 W G9 Dimerabile/Dimmable



Art. 9010/S9 Ø 87 • H 65 Max 9x75 W G9

Art. 9010/AP H 41 • La 37 • Sp. 20 Max 3x75 W G9



Alina Sospensione con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato con particolari in cristallo nei colori trasparente, nero, rosso, azzurro, turchese, verde, ambra e rosa.

Pendant fixture for diffused lighting. Chrome plated finish metal fixture with crystal detailing in black, transparent, red, light blue, turquoise, green, amber and pink.

Art. 9031/S Prismi H 115 • La 7 • Lu 75 Max 2x75 W G9

Art. 9031/S Cuori H 115 • La 7 • Lu 75 Max 2x75 W G9



Art. 9028/SG Prismi H 120 • La 20 • Lu 98 Max 4x75 W G9

Margot Sospensioni con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato con particolari in cristallo nei calori trasparente, nero, rosso, azzurro, turchese, verde, ambra e rosa.

Pendant fixtures for diffused lighting. Chrome plated finish metal fixture with crystal detailing in black, transparent, red, light blue, turquoise, green, amber and pink.

Art. 9028/SG Losanghe H 120 • La 20 • Lu 98 Max 4x75 W G9

Art. 9028/SP Prismi 9028/SP Losanghe H 115 • La 20 • Lu 50 Max 2x75 W G9



Remake Sospensioni, lampade da parete, da terra e da comodino con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato con particolari in cristallo nei colori trasparente, ambra, rosso, azzurro, turchese, verde, nero e rosa.

Pendant fixtures, sconces, floor and bedside table lamps for diffused lighting. Chrome plated finish metal fixture with crystal detailing in amber, transparent, red, light blue, turquoise, green, black and pink.

Art. 9087/S6 Ø 50 • H 130 Max 6x75 W G9

Art. 9087/S4 Ø 40 • H 130 Max 4x75 W G9

Art. 9087/S1 Ø 12 • H 100 Max 1x75 W G9

Art. 9087/P Ø 12 • H 28 Max 1x60 W G9




Art. 9087/AP H 28 • La 33 • Sp. 9 Max 2x75 W G9

Art. 9087/S3 H 100 • La 12 • Lu 88 Max 3x75 W G9

Art. 9087/S2 H 100 • La 12 • Lu 68 Max 2x75 W G9

Art. 9087/T Ø 40 • H 175 Max 2x75 W G9 Dimerabile/Dimmable



Art. 9087/SG Ø 40 • H 130 Max 2x75 W G9


Sospensioni, lampade da parete, da soffitto, da terra e da comodino con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato con particolari in cristallo nei colori ambra, rosso,azzurro, turchese, verde, nero, rosa e trasparente.

Pendant fixtures, sconces, ceiling, floor and bedside table lamps for diffused lighting. Chrome plated finish metal fixture with crystal detailing in amber, red, light blue, turquoise, green, black, pink and transparent.

Art. 9081/SG Cri. 9081/SG Col. H 120 • La 30 • Lu 63 Max 2x75 W G9

Art. 9081/PL Col. 9081/PL Cri. H 40 • La 30 • Lu 63 Max 3x75 W G9

Art. 9081/P Col. 9081/P Cri. H 28 • La 11 • Lu 21 Max 1x60 W G9

Art. 9081/AP Col. 9081/AP Cri. H 22 • La 33 • Sp. 9 Max 2x75 W G9



Yigi Sospensioni, lampade da parete, da terra e da comodino con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato con particolari in cristallo trasparente.

Pendant fixtures, sconces, floor and bedside table lamps for diffused lighting. Chrome plated metal fixture with transparent crystal detailing.

Art. 9079/AP H 22 • La 33 • Sp. 9 Max 2x75 W G9

Art. 9079/S3 H 100 • La 10 • Lu 100 Max 3x75 W G9

Art. 9079/S2 H 100 • La 10 • Lu 60 Max 2x75 W G9

Art. 9079/S1 H 100 • La 10 • Lu 20 Max 1x75 W G9



Art. 9079/P H 28 • La 11 • Lu 21 Max 1x60 W G9

Art. 9078/T H 176 • La 30 • Lu 63 Max 2x75 W G9 Dimerabile/Dimmable

Glamour Sospensione e plafoniera con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato con particolari in cristallo nei colori trasparente, nero, rosso, azzurro, turchese, verde, ambra, rosa e fumè.

Pendant fixture and ceiling lamp for diffused lighting. Chrome plated finish metal fixture with crystal detailing in black, transparent, red, light blue, turquoise, green, amber, pink and smoke grey.

Art. 9086/S H 130 • La 22 • Lu 69 Max 2x75 W G9

Art. 9086/PL H 36 • La 22 • Lu 69 Max 3x75 W G9

Bon ton Sospensione e plafoniera con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato con particolari in cristallo nei colori trasparente, nero, rosso, azzurro, turchese, verde, ambra e rosa.

Pendant fixture and ceiling lamp for diffused lighting. Chrome plated finish metal fixture with crystal detailing in black, transparent, red, light blue, turquoise, green, amber and pink.

Art. 9083/S Prismi 9083/S Ottagoni H 130 • La 20 • Lu 75 Max 2x75 W G9

Art. 9083/PL Ottagoni 9083/PL Prismi H 40 • La 20 • Lu 75 Max 2x75 W G9



Que serà, serà Sospensione e plafoniera con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato con particolari in cristallo nei colori trasparente, nero, rosso, azzurro, turchese, verde, ambra e rosa.

Pendant fixture and ceiling lamp for diffused lighting. Chrome plated finish metal fixture with crystal detailing in black, transparent, red, light blue, turquoise, green, amber and pink.

Art. 9082/PL H 40 • La 13 • Lu 65 Max 3x75 W G9

Art. 9082/S H 130 • La 13 • Lu 65 Max 2x75 W G9




Sospensione con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato con particolari in cristallo nei colori nero, rosso, azzurro, turchese, verde, ambra, rosa e trasparente.

Pendant fixture for diffused lighting. Chrome plated finish metal fixture with crystal detailing in black, red, light blue, turquoise, green, amber, pink and transparent.

Art. 10215/S6 Col. 10215/S6 Cri. Ă˜ 60 • H 105 Max 6x60 W E14



Vogue Sospensioni, lampade da soffitto , da parete e da comodino con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo color oro zecchino o cromo, con particolari e diffusore in cristallo nei colori trasparente/rosa, trasparente/ azzurro, trasparente/rosso, trasparente/ambra e trasparente.

Pendant fixtures, sconces, ceiling and bedside table lamps for diffused lighting. Metal fixture with a fine gold or chrome coloured finish, crystal detailing and diffuser in transparent/ pink, transparent/light blue, transparent/red, transparent/amber and transparent.

Art. 10070/S8 Col. 10070/S8 Cri. Ø 73 • H 110 Max 8x60 W G9

Art. 10070/S12 Cri. 10070/S12 Col. Ø 85 • H 110 Max 12x60 W G9

Art. 10070/S6 Col. 10070/S6 Cri. Ø 54 • H 110 Max 6x60 W G9




Art. 10070/PL6 Col. 10070/PL6 Cri. Ø 69 • H 21 Max 6x60 W G9

Art. 10070/PL4 Col. 10070/PL4 Cri. Ø 55 • H 20 Max 4x60 W G9

Art. 10070/PL8 Col. 10070/PL8 Cri. H 23 • La 48 • Lu 86 Max 8x60 W G9




Art. 10070/AP1 Col. 10070/AP1 Cri. H 35 • La 9 • Sp. 18 Max 1x60 W G9

Art. 10070/P Col. 10070/P Cri. H 48 • La 13 • Lu 14 Max 1x60 W G9

Art. 10070/AP2 Cri. 10070/AP2 Col. H 35 • La 25 • Sp. 18 Max 2x60 W G9




Sospensioni, lampade da parete, da soffitto, da terra e da comodino con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato con particolari in cristallo nei colori trasparente, nero, rosso, azzurro, turchese, verde, ambra e rosa.

Pendant fixtures, sconces, ceiling, floor and bedside table lamps for diffused lighting. Chrome plated finish metal fixture with crystal detailing in black, transparent, red, light blue, turquoise, green, amber and pink.

Art. 9015/S12 Ă˜ 65 • H 150 Max 12x20 W G4

Art. 9015/AP H 22 • La 34 • Sp. 21 Max 5x20 W G4 Dimerabile/Dimmable

Art. 9015/P H 30 • La 23 • Lu 13 Max 2x20 W G4

Art. 9015/S6 Ø 45 • H 130 Max 6x20 W G4




Art. 9015/PL12 Ø 90 • H 22 Max 12x20 W G4



Art. 9015/PL6 Ø 50 • H 20 Max 6x20 W G4

Art. 9015/T Ø 45 • H 190 Max 6x20 W G4

Cloche Sospensione con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato e particolari in cristallo nei colori blu/ rosso/ambra/trasparente, diffusore in vetro soffiato bianco.

Art. 10150/S Ă˜ 30 • H 110 Max 1x100 W E27



Pendant fixture for diffused lighting. Metal fixture with chrome plated finish and crystal detailing in blue/red/amber/ transparent, white blown glass diffuser.





Time out Sospensione con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo grigio o marrone e oro, diffusore in vetro soffiato nei colori foglia argento, foglia oro e rosso/foglia oro.

Art. 10170/S Ă˜ 40 • H 110 Max 1x100 W E27

Pendant fixture for diffused lighting. Metal fixture with a grey or brown and gold coloured finish, blown glass diffuser available in a silver leaf, gold leaf and red/gold leaf finish.

Happy hour Sospensioni con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo grigio o marrone e oro, diffusore in vetro soffiato nei colori foglia argento, foglia oro, rosso/ foglia oro e cognac/foglia oro.

Pendant fixture for diffused lighting. Metal fixture with a grey or brown and gold coloured finish, blown glass diffuser available in a silver leaf, gold leaf, red/ gold leaf and cognac / gold leaf finish.

Art. 10180/S3 Ă˜ 200 • H 110 Max 3x100 W E27



Happy hour

Art. 10180/SP Ø 23 • H 110 Max 1x100 W E27

Art. 10180/SG Ø 30 • H 120 Max 1x100 W E27

Art. 10180/S2 H 110 • La 30 • Lu 200 Max 2x100 W E27



Charme Sospensioni, lampade da soffitto, da parete e da comodino con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato, diffusore in vetro extrachiaro trasparente.

Art. 10100/PL8 H 13 • La 50 • Lu 50 Max 8x60 W G9

Pendant fixtures, sconces, ceiling and bedside table lamps for diffused lighting. Chrome plated metal fixture, extraclear and transparent glass diffuser.

Art. 10100/PL5 H 13 • La 40 • Lu 40 Max 5x60 W G9 Art. 10100/PL6 H 13 • La 30 • Lu 50 Max 6x60 W G9 Art. 10100/PL4 H 13 • La 30 • Lu 30 Max 4x60 W G9

Art. 10100/AP2 H 14 • La 25 • Sp. 14 Max 2x60 W G9

Art. 10100/AP1 H 17 • La 10 • Sp. 14 Max 1x60 W G9




Art. 10100/S3 H 105 • La 8 • Lu 62 Max 3x60 W G9

Art. 10100/PL1 H 12 • La 10 • Lu 10 Max 1x60 W G9



Charme Art. 10100/PL3 H 13 • La 20 • Lu 40 Max 3x60 W G9

Art. 10100/P H 11 • La 9 • Lu 9 Max 1x60 W G9

Art. 10100/S1 H 105 • La 9 • Lu 9 Max 1x60 W G9



Art. 10100/S5 H 105 • La 8 • Lu 98 Max 5x60 W G9

Art. 9007/PLV9 H 50 • La 80 • Lu 90 Max 9x60 W G9

Art. 9007/PLV6 H 40 • La 65 • Lu 66 Max 6x60 W G9

Corallo Lampade da parete, da soffitto e da comodino con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato e diffusore in vetro lavorato a mano satinato.

Sconces, ceiling, floor and bedside table lamps for diffused lighting. Chrome plated metal fixture and handcrafted satin finish glass diffuser.

Art. 9007/AP2 H 40 • La 35 • Sp. 20 Max 2x60 W G9

Art. 9007/P Ø 13 • H 40 Max 1x60 W G9




Art. 9007/AP1 H 38 • La 9 • Sp. 11 Max 1x60 W G9

Art. 9007/S9 Ø 100 • H 52 Max 9x60 W G9 Art. 9007/S6 Ø 86 • H 50 Max 6x60 W G9

Art. 9007/PL8 Ø 86 • H 18 Max 8x60 W G9

Art. 9007/PL6 Ø 86 • H 18 Max 6x60 W G9



Iris Lampade da parete, da soffitto, da terra e da comodino con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato e diffusore in vetro lavorato a mano satinato.

Sconces, ceiling, floor and bedside table lamps for diffused lighting. Chrome plated metal fixture and handcrafted satin finish glass diffuser.

Art. 9011/S10 Ø 75 • H 80 Max 10x60 W G9

Art. 9011/S6 Ø 65 • H 55 Max 6x60 W G9

Art. 9011/P H 33 • La 14 • Lu 13 Max 1x60 W G9

Art. 9011/T Ø 35 • H 185 Max 4x60 W G9 Dimerabile/Dimmable




Art. 9011/PL10 Ø 92 • H 35 Max 10x60 W G9

Art. 9011/PL6 Ø 55 • H 30 Max 6x60 W G9

Art. 9011/AP2 H 32 • La 30 • Sp. 15 Max 2x60 W G9

Art. 9011/AP1 H 24 • La 14 • Sp. 17 Max 1x60 W G9




Sospensione, lampada da soffitto, da parete e da terra con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato o nichel e diffusore in vetro extrachiaro satinato.

Pendant fixtures, sconces, ceiling and floor lamps for diffused lighting. Chrome plated or nickel finish metal fixture, extra-clear satin finish glass diffuser.

Art. 10030/S CR. 10030/S NI. H 65 • La 32 • Lu 62 Max 1x150 W R7s 78mm

Art. 10030/AP CR. 10030/AP NI. H 32 • La 25 • Sp. 15 Max 1x100 W R7s 78mm

Art. 10030/T CR. 10030/T NI. H 180 • La 33 • Lu 33 Max 1x100 W R7s 78mm Dimerabile/Dimmable

Art. 10030/PL CR. 10030/PL NI. H 15 • La 32 • Lu 62 Max 1x150 W R7s 78mm




Lampade da parete e da soffitto con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo grigio con particolari nichel. Diffusore in vetro extrachiaro, temperato, satinato con bordo trasparente.

Sconces and ceiling lamps for diffused lighting. Metal fixture with a grey coloured finish and nickel detailing. Extra-clear toughened glass diffuser with satin finish and transparent edging.

Art. 8060/30x30 R7s H 6 • La 30 • Lu 30 Max 1x150 W R7s 78mm Art. 8060/30x30 G23 H 6 • La 30 • Lu 30 Max 1x9 W G23 lampadine incluse - Bulbs included

Art. 8060/50x50 R7s H 6 • La 50 • Lu 50 Max 2x150 W R7s 78mm Art. 8060/50x50 G23 H 6 • La 50 • Lu 50 Max 4x11 W G23 lampadine incluse - Bulbs included Art. 8060/40x40 R7s H 6 • La 40 • Lu 40 Max 2x150 W R7s 78mm Art. 8060/40x40 G23 H 6 • La 40 • Lu 40 Max 3x11 W G23 lampadine incluse - Bulbs included

Bonn Lampade da parete e da soffitto con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo grigio con particolari nichel. Diffusore in vetro extrachiaro, temperato, satinato con bordo trasparente.

Sconces and ceiling lamps for diffused lighting. Metal fixture with a grey coloured finish and nickel detailing. Extra-clear toughened glass diffuser with satin finish and transparent edging.

Art. 8050/50x30 R7s H 6 • La 30 • Lu 50 Max 2x150 W R7s 78mm Art. 8050/50x30 G23 H 6 • La 30 • Lu 50 Max 2x11 W G23 lampadine incluse - Bulbs included

Art. 8050/40x20 R7s H 6 • La 20 • Lu 40 Max 1x150 W R7s 78mm Art. 8050/40x20 G23 H 6 • La 20 • Lu 40 Max 1x11 W G23 lampadine incluse - Bulbs included



Sara Sospensioni, lampade da parete, da soffitto e da comodino con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo cromato e diffusore in vetro extrachiaro satinato.

Pendant fixtures, sconces, ceiling and bedside table lamps for diffused lighting. Chrome plated metal finish and satin finish extra-clear glass diffuser.

Art. 9040/PL61 H 11 • La 45 • Lu 61 Max 4x60 W E27 Art. 9040/PL70 H 12 • La 45 • Lu 70 Max 4x60 W E27 Art. 9040/PL46 H 9 • La 35 • Lu 46 Max 2x60 W E27

Art. 9040/AP H 26 • La 20 • Sp. 10 Max 1x60 W E14

Art. 9045/S70 H 110 • La 45 • Lu 70 Max 1x200 W R7s 117mm Art. 9045/S61 H 110 • La 45 • Lu 61 Max 1x200 W R7s 117mm

Art. 9040/S70 H 110 • La 45 • Lu 70 Max 1x150 W R7s 78mm Art. 9040/S61 H 110 • La 45 • Lu 61 Max 1x150 W R7s 78mm

Art. 9040/P H 34 • La 16 • Lu 20 Max 1x60 W E14




Lampade da soffitto e da parete con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo con finiture in ciliegio e diffusore in vetro extrachiaro satinato.

Sconces and ceiling lamps for diffused lighting. Metal fixture with a cherrywood finish and extra-clear satin finish glass diffuser

Art. 7020/AP La 20 • Lu 24 • Sp. 9 Max 1x100 W R7s 78mm

Art. 7020/PL50 H 13 • La 42 • Lu 50 Max 2x60 W E27 Art. 7020/PL42 H 12 • La 35 • Lu 42 Max 2x60 W E27 Art. 7020/PL32 H 12 • La 35 • Lu 32 Max 1x60 W E27

Yap Sospensione con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo grigio e vetro centrifugato nei colori rosso, ambra, bianco e fumè.


Pendant fixture for diffused lighting. Metal fixture with a grey coloured finish and centrifugal glass available in red, amber, white and smoke grey.


Art. 10120/S Ø 40 • H 110 Max 1x100 W E27



Sospensione con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo colorato, rosso/ grigio/arancione/blu/giallo e diffusore in vetro soffiato con murrine colorate.

Pendant fixture for diffused lighting. Coloured finish metal fixture in red/ grey/orange/blue/yellow and blown glass diffuser with coloured “Murrina” inserts.

Art. 0367/S Ø 30 • H 110 Max 1x75 W E27








Sospensioni, lampade da parete e da comodino con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo colore oro zecchino o marrone oro decorato a mano, con particolari in cristallo nei colori azzurro, ambra, rosa, trasparente e rosso.

Pendant fixtures, sconces and bedside table lamps for diffused lighting. Metal fixture with a fine gold or brown coloured finish, hand decorated with crystal detailing in light blue, amber, pink, transparent or red.

Art. 10210/AP Ma 10210/AP Oro H 36 • La 30 • Sp. 18 Max 2x60 W E14

Art. 10210/S20 Ma 10210/S20 Oro Ø 113 • H 138 Max 20x60 W E14



Art. 10210/S6 Oro 10210/S6 Ma Ø 60 • H 105 Max 6x60 W E14

Art. 10210/P Oro 10210/P Ma H 46 • La 20 • Lu 24 Max 2x60 W E14



Revival Art. 10210/S12 Oro 10210/S12 Ma Ø 69 • H 105 Max 12x60 W E14

Art. 10210/S15 Oro 10210/S15 Ma. Ø 90 • H 130 Max 15x60 W E14

Art. 10210/S8 Oro 10210/S8 Ma. Ø 65 • H 105 Max 8x60 W E14

Luxus Sospensioni, lampade da parete, da soffitto, da terra, da tavolo e da comodino con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo colore sabbia e oro opaco, decorata a mano con particolari in cristallo nei colori rosa, rosso, trasparente, ambra e azzurro. Diffusore in vetro ambra, lavorato a mano.

Pendant fixtures, sconces, ceiling, floor, table and bedside table lamps for diffused lighting. Metal fixture with a sand and matt gold coloured finish, hand decorated with crystal detailing in pink, red, transparent, amber and light blue. Handcrafted amber glass diffuser.

Art. 10080/AP1 H 55 • La 17• Sp. 25 Max 1x40 W G9

Art. 10080/PP H 38 • La 20 • Lu 24 Max 1x40 W G9

Art. 10080/T H 180 • La 30 • Lu 38 Max 3x40 W G9 Dimerabile/Dimmable



Art. 10080/AP2 H 51 • La 56 • Sp. 14 Max 2x40 W G9

Art. 10080/PG H 60 • La 16 • Lu 32 Max 2x40 W G9




Art. 10080/PL4 H 26 • La 52 • Lu 123 Max 4x40 W G9

Art. 10080/AP3 H 75 • La 62 • Sp. 20 Max 3x40 W G9

Art. 10080/S10 Ø 120 • H 110 Max 10x40 W G9 Art. 10080/S6 Ø 110 • H 110 Max 6x40 W G9


Art. 10080/PL10 Ø 120 • H 32 Max 10x40 W G9

Art. 10080/PL6 Ø 110 • H 32 Max 6x40 W G9

Art. 10080/S4 H 95 • La 52 • Lu 123 Max 4x40 W G9



Status Sospensioni, lampade da parete, da terra e da comodino con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo colore oro zecchino o oro spatolato con particolari in cristallo nei colori trasparente, rosso, fumè, azzurro, rosa e ambra.

Pendant fixtures, sconces, floor and bedside table lamps for diffused lighting. Metal fixture with a fine gold or brushed gold coloured finish, with crystal detailing in red, transparent, smoke grey, light blue, pink and amber.

Art. 10220/T Oro Sp. 10220/T Oro Ø 55 • H 176 Max 5x60 W E14

Art. 10220/S6 Oro 10220/S6 Oro Sp. Ø 62 • H 105 Max 6x60 W E14 Art. 10220/S5 Oro 10220/S5 Oro Sp. Ø 60 • H 115 Max 5x60 W E14 Art. 10220/S3 Oro 10220/S3 Oro Sp. Ø 35 • H 110 Max 3x60 W E14




Art. 10220/AP2 Oro Sp. 10220/AP2 Oro H 37 • La 34 • Sp. 20 Max 2x60 W E14

Art. 10220/AP1 Oro Sp. 10220/AP1 Oro H 39 • La 14 • Sp. 20 Max 1x60 W E14

Art. 10220/P Oro Sp. 10220/P Oro H 40 • La 13 • Lu 19 Max 1x60 W E14

Art. 10220/S8 Oro Sp. 10220/S8 Oro Ø 70 • H 105 Max 8x60 W E14







Week-end Sospensioni, lampade da soffitto, da parete, da terra, da tavolo e da comodino con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo colore sabbia e oro decorata a mano, diffusore in vetro ambra, lavorato a mano.

Art. 10090/PL10 Ø 96 • H 30 Max 10x60 W G9

Art. 10090/PL6 Ø 102 • H 30 Max 6x60 W G9

Pendant fixtures, sconces, ceiling, floor, table and bedside table lamps for diffused lighting. Metal fixture hand decorated with a sand and gold coloured finish, handcrafted amber glass diffuser.

Art. 10090/S10 Ø 96 • H 110 Max 10x60 W G9



Art. 10090/S6 Ø 102 • H 105 Max 6x60 W G9


Art. 10090/PL4 H 25 • La 52 • Lu 105 Max 4x60 W G9

Art. 10090/PG H 55 • La 26 • Lu 26 Max 2x60 W G9

Art. 10090/S4 H 100 • La 52 • Lu 105 Max 4x60 W G9




Art. 10090/AP1 H 42 • La 20 • Sp. 24 Max 1x60 W G9

Art. 10090/AP2 H 50 • La 43 • Sp. 15 Max 2x60 W G9

Art. 10090/PP H 38 • La 18 • Lu 23 Max 1x60 W G9



Art. 10090/AP3 H 66 • La 44 • Sp. 20 Max 3x60 W G9

Art. 10090/T H 180 • La 30 • Lu 40 Max 3x60 W G9 Dimerabile/Dimmable

Monet Sospensioni, lampade da parete, da soffitto, da terra, da tavolo e da comodino con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo con finiture ruggine o rame e verde, diffusore in vetro lavorato a mano bianco o tabacco.

Pendant fixtures, sconces, ceiling, floor, table and bedside table lamps for diffused lighting. Metal frame with a rust red or copper and green coloured finish, handcrafted glass diffuser with a white or tobacco coloured finish.

Art. 7090/PL12 Ø 110 • H 40 Max 12x60 W E14

Art. 7090/PL9 Ø 110 • H 40 Max 9x60 W E14

Art. 7090/S5 Ø 60 • H 90 Max 5x60 W E14

Art. 7090/S3 Ø 60 • H 90 Max 3x60 W E14

Art. 7092/PL6 H 25 • La 50 • Lu 100 Max 6x60 W E14 Art. 7092/PL4 H 25 • La 50 • Lu 90 Max 4x60 W E14




Art. 7091/PL5 Ø 60 • H 32 Max 5x60 W E14 Art. 7091/PL3 Ø 60 • H 32 Max 3x60 W E14

Art. 7090/T H 185 • La 36 • Lu 46 Max 3x60 W E14

Art. 7090/PP H 30 • La 23 • Lu 15 Max 1x60 W E14

Art. 7093/AP2 La 40 • Lu 55 • Sp. 20 Max 2x60 W E14

Art. 7093/AP4 La 40 • Lu 90 • Sp. 22 Max 4x60 W E14




Art. 7094/S8 Ø 106 • H 110 Max 8x60 W E14 Art. 7094/S5 Ø 78 • H 110 Max 5x60 W E14 Art. 7094/S3 Ø 64 • H 110 Max 3x60 W E14



Art. 7095/S5+1 Ø 78 • H 110 Max 5x60 W E14 Max 1x100 W E27

Art. 7095/S3+1 Ø 65 • H 110 Max 3x60 W E14 Max 1x100 W E27

Art. 7090/PG Ø 42 • H 47 Max 3x60 W E14

Art. 7095/S45 Ø 45 • H 110 Max 1x100 W E27 Art. 7095/S35 Ø 35 • H 110 Max 1x100 W E27

Art. 7090/AP2 H 45 • La 50 • Sp. 27 Max 2x60 W E14

Art. 7090/AP1 H 25 • La 25 • Sp. 22 Max 1x60 W E14





Mughetto Sospensioni, lampade da parete, da soffitto, da terra, da tavolo e da comodino con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo rame e oro, diffusore in vetro ambra, lavorato a mano.

Pendant fixtures, sconces, ceiling, floor, table and bedside table lamps for diffused lighting. Copper and gold coloured finish metal fixture, handcrafted amber glass diffuser.

Art. 9005/S9 Ø 85 • H 105 Max 9x40 W G9

Art. 9005/S6 Ø 80 • H 105 Max 6x40 W G9

Art. 9005/PL9 Ø 85 • H 24 Max 9x40 W G9

Art. 9005/PL3+3 H 16 • La 46 • Lu 85 Max 6x40 W G9

Art. 9005/PL6 Ø 80 • H 24 Max 6x40 W G9

Art. 9005/PL2+2 H 14 • La 30 • Lu 70 Max 4x40 W G9




Art. 9005/AP1 H 35 • La 13 • Sp. 25 Max 1x40 W G9

Art. 9005/AP2 H 47 • La 28 • Sp. 21 Max 2x40 W G9

Art. 9005/AP3 H 47 • La 31 • Sp. 23 Max 3x40 W G9

Art. 9005/T Ø 40 • H 180 Max 4x40 W G9 Dimerabile/Dimmable

Art. 9005/PP H 34 • La 20 • Lu 16 Max 1x40 W G9

Art. 9005/PG Ø 33 • H 51 Max 3x40 W G9



Corallo Rame Sospensioni, lampade da parete, da soffitto e da comodino con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo colore ramato con particolari in oro, diffusore in vetro ambra lavorato a mano e satinato.

Pendant fixtures, sconces, ceiling and bedside table lamps for diffused lighting. Copper coloured finish metal fixture with gold detailing, handcrafted amber glass diffuser with satin finish.

Art. 9008/S9 Ø 100 • H 52 Max 9x60 W G9

Art. 9008/S6 Ø 86 • H 50 Max 6x60 W G9

Art. 9008/PL8 Ø 86 • H 18 Max 8x60 W G9 Art. 9008/PL6 Ø 86 • H 18 Max 6x60 W G9

Art. 9008/P Ø 13 • H 40 Max 1x60 W G9



Corallo Rame

Art. 9008/PLV9 H 50 • La 80 • Lu 90 Max 9x60 W G9

Art. 9008/PLV6 H 40 • La 65 • Lu 66 Max 6x60 W G9

Art. 9008/AP2 H 40 • La 35 • Sp. 20 Max 2x60 W G9

Art. 9008/AP1 H 38 • La 9 • Sp. 11 Max 1x60 W G9



Suami Sospensioni, lampade da soffitto, da parete, da terra e da comodino con luce diffusa. Montatura in metallo colore oro zecchino o rame e oro, diffusore in vetro tagliato a mano bianco o tabacco, satinato.

Pendant fixtures, sconces, ceiling, floor and bedside table lamps for diffused lighting. Metal fixture with a fine gold or copper and gold coloured finish, handcrafted cut glass diffuser with a white or tobacco satin coloured finish.

Art. 9060/PL9 Oro 9060/PL9 Rame Ø 78 • H 15 Max 9x60 W E14

Art. 9060/P Oro 9060/P Rame Ø 15 • H 34 Max 1x60 W E14



Art. 9060/T Oro 9060/T Rame H 180 • La 30 • Lu 50 Max 3x60 W E14 Dimerabile/Dimmable

Art. 9060/PL2+2 Oro 9060/PL2+2 Rame H 18 • La 28 • Lu 68 Max 4x60 W E14

Art. 9060/PL3+3 Rame 9060/PL3+3 Oro H 18 • La 28 • Lu 93 Max 6x60 W E14


Art. 9060/AP1 Oro 9060/AP1 Rame H 26 • La 16 • Sp. 16 Max 1x60 W E14

Art. 9060/PL6 Oro 9060/PL6 Rame Ø 68 • H 15 Max 6x60 W E14

Art. 9060/AP2 Rame 9060/AP2 Oro H 40 • La 25 • Sp. 16 Max 2x60 W E14

Art. 9060/AP3 Oro 9060/AP3 Rame H 54 • La 28 • Sp. 18 Max 3x60 W E14

Art. 9060/S6 Oro 9060/S6 Rame Ø 70 • H 115 Max 6x60 W E14

Art. 9060/S9 Rame 9060/S9 Oro Ø 75 • H 115 Max 9x60 W E14



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