Fast CPA Profits

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Fast CPA Profits

“Fast CPA Profits”

Legal Notice The contents of this report reflect the author’s views acquired through his experiences of the topics under discussion. The author disclaims any personal loss or liability caused by the utilization of any information presented herein. The author is not engaged in rendering any legal or professional advice. The services of a professional person are recommended if legal advice or assistance is needed. While the sources mentioned herein are assumed to be reliable at the time of writing, the author and publisher, or their affiliates are not responsible for their activities. From time to time, sources may terminate or move and prices may change without notice. Sources can only be confirmed reliable at the time of original publication of this report. This report is only a guide and, as such, should be considered solely for basic information on the topic. All earnings described within this product and on our website are accurate to the best of our knowledge, and should not be considered "typical". Earnings or profits derived from participating in the following program are entirely generated by the ambitions, motivation, desires, and abilities of the individual reader and nothing is guaranteed. No part of this manual may be altered, copied, or distributed, without prior written permission of the author. All product names, logos, and trademarks are property of their respective owners who have not necessarily endorsed, sponsored, or approved this publication. Text and images available over the internet and used in this manual may be subject to intellectual rights and may not be copied from this manual.

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“Fast CPA Profits�

Table of Contents Introduction..................................................................................................4 Getting Started..............................................................................................5 Types of Advertising Opportunity...................................................................6 Are Your Campaigns Laser Targeted?...........................................................10 More Media Buying Opportunities................................................................16 Buying Targeted Tweets..............................................................................22 Celebrity Fan Sites.......................................................................................23 Final Thoughts.............................................................................................25

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“Fast CPA Profits�

Introduction Welcome to Fast CPA Profits! My name is David Walker and you can find out more about me at my blog I have been involved in a number of different online ventures during my time online, ranging from the successful to the spectacular failure. You may have heard a lot about CPA marketing online and how easy it is to earn a lot of money in a very short space of time? In my experience, this has not been the case but what I do know is you can make a decent income online through CPA marketing. CPA marketing, like any other form of marketing, takes a little time and effort and your success will depend largely on whether you have a solid action plan to follow. I put this short report together to show you a couple of methods of how you can make money with CPA marketing but for comprehensive training in this area, I recommend The Traffic Bandit and Media Mentors, two products by industry leader Scott Rewick. All you need to do is TAKE ACTION...

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“Fast CPA Profits”

Getting Started The first thing you need to do is apply to several different CPA networks. You can choose from a number of networks at Offer Vault and learn more about the different types of offers available. Once you have been approved you are ready to start your media buying campaign. With all media buying campaigns you will need to have a set budget. You do not necessarily need $300 budget to get started. You can start with media buying for as little as $20. The first thing I am going to show you is a really cool way to see which websites offer “advertising”. Head over to Google and type in “Advertise here”.

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“Fast CPA Profits”

Types of Advertising Opportunity We can see lots of websites come up that offer advertising space or an opportunity for you to “media buy”. For example, take a look at this website:.

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It talks about different Iphone Apps and their uses and is probably getting thousands and thousands of visitors on a daily basis. Their advertising section tells us about their different advertising rates, with the most expensive price for an ad is $600 a month. This guarantees your ad will get a lot of impressions and for this price this is a bargain if you want to take the risk. So your ad is most likely to be placed in a sidebar such as this:

Again, this is a website with heavy traffic. There are a ton of Clickbank offers that relate to Iphones and how you can create your own Iphone app. For example, take a look at this Clickbank offer below.

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This pays you $41 per sale:

Here is a marketing website with an Alexa ranking of 12,000 – this is extremely high and the page rank is high too. This website is aimed mainly at small to medium sized businesses seeking to market their business online. Now this website is pretty ugly if you ask me but it still gets a lot of traffic. Let’s take a look at their advertising section and see what they are offering:

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You can clearly see here their newsletter has 95,000 subscribers – a great size! You can also see their Leaderboard ad offers $49 per thousand impressions – this means for every thousand impression you pay $49.00. They also offer a Newsletter Ad space where you can be expected to pay $40 per thousand subscribers. So for example, lets say you want to promote a squeeze page or a CPA home based business offer then you will be paying $40 for every 1000 subscribers. Again I think this is pretty cheap. I know tons of home business offers that pay up to $50 for a trial.

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“Fast CPA Profits�

Are Your Campaigns Laser Targeted? One of the coolest media buying options I recently discovered was from Fox News. They offer their own Adsonar network.

As you can see you can start from a budget as low as $100. Take a look at all the different options that are available to advertise on Fox News.

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The beauty of using this network is you can also target your CPA ad by different categories.

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As you can see they also have a Health and Beauty/Fitness category. Now how many health related CPA offers are there out there? is a CPA Health related Affiliate network. It is full of them! Health related trial paying CPA offers pay anywhere from $40-$50.00 for a trial offer. Here are some health-related CPA offers.

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This CPA offer pays just over $30 for a simple trial offer.

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This CPA offer pays $40 for a free bottle offer.

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Just take a look at all the different health categories you can hit your CPA offer with.

Talk about targeted Media buying traffic ;)

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“Fast CPA Profits”

More Media Buying Opportunities If you want to increase your Media buying power then you should look no further then This site has changed over the years and I am going to show you some killer tips on how you can leverage the power of this website. Buy Sell Ads allows you to purchase banner ads from targeted niche websites. So for example, if you are thinking of promoting women’s health related CPA offer you would head over to this website and click the appropriate category.

As you can see here (above) all the different women’s website appear that focus on health related issues.

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I always make sure I do my research beforehand on the website. For example, I check the Page Rank and the Alexa ranking of the site and see how many links there are on Google. Another useful site you can use is Quantcast. This site shows you all the stats and demographics of any website. It is a goldmine if you want to find the audience of your site so you can match the right CPA offer. The beauty of using is that you can find several goldmine websites for cheap. All you need to do is look out for the ones that offer you cheap media buying option. For example, there are some sites that offer you advertising space for as little as $10-$20.

However, you need to make sure you do your research well in advance if you want to get your “money’s worth”.

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One way to test this is to type different keyword phrases on Google to see if the site shows up on the first page. For example, here is a forum that gets quite a lot of traffic. This forum has over 71,000 members and this forum is very active. Imagine if you saw your ad at the top?

It costs $100 for 30 days to have your ad at the top. Now if you ask me, considering the amount of money people spend on PPC, this is a bargain. If you have the right CPA offer there you can make lots of money.

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These types of CPA offers are perfect to target a much younger audience. This offer pays just over $2.50 for a simple “download of the toolbar”.

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Here is an active forum on Photoshop.

There are just over 16,000 members for this forum and at any one time 100 people browse this forum daily. If you wanted your banner ad at the top then you can expect to pay $350 for 30 days. However, I suggest you target a high paying CPA offer if you are going to be paying that much.

To get a good idea of the top performing websites and their performance then head over to

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This gives you a breakdown of the top performing ad zones. The great thing about this is that if you have a low budget you can also see the top performing ads of all ads under $50.00.

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Buying Targeted Tweets Another excellent feature of Buy Sell Ads is the “Social Media” feature. It allows you to “purchase Tweets” from targeted websites:

For example, you can see that the above website has just over 235, 365 followers. It costs $200 to have the website tweet about your site. Again if you have a small budget it is best to go for the cheaper and scale up when you are making some money.

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Celebrity Fan Sites Another great strategy is to target celebrity fan sites and contact the owner of the site to see if they would put up a CPA link. For example, here is a fan site for the actor Robert Pattinson:.

As you can see if you want to advertise on this website you simply send them an email.

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You can rinse and repeat this for other websites that show up on the first page of Google. If you are going to target fan sites and want to advertise then you need to make sure you negotiate with the other party. The following type of CPA offers tend to convert well at fan sites.

Quiz type offers

Email Submit offers – e.g. Iphone/Ipad 2

Mobile Ringtones (these are huge)

$1k Walmart Gift card offers

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Final Thoughts The ideas in this report should be enough to get you started marketing CPA offers in niches and on platforms you may not have considered or heard of before. CPA marketing can be very lucrative when you get it right but when you are first starting out, please exercise caution! Start off with a small budget and test and tweak your campaign as you go along. Discard the campaigns that don't work and when you find a campaign that proves profitable, scale it up to earn a much larger income! This is only the beginning in terms of marketing CPA offers through media buys. For a more indepth look at making money online this way, I recommend The Traffic Bandit and Media Mentors, two products by industry leader Scott Rewick. To Your Success!

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