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Did you know…Animals

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Animals - Quokka


1. Like their kangaroo relatives, quokkas move around by hopping and bounding, or moving forward using their hands.

2. Quokkas live, mostly, on the ground; but, unlike their bigger 'roo cousins, quokkas can, also, climb trees.

3. Quokkas swallow food whole; afterward, they regurgitate, then chew completely.

Sound disgusting? It’s Nature’s way, for them to absorb the nutrients of their food.

4. Unlike their boxing kangaroo relatives, quokkas are not territorial and are very happy to share space, food and shelter.

5. Quokka mothers will have no more than two babies each year.

6. Baby quokkas live in their mother's pouch, for their first six months of life.

7. Baby quokkas are called “joeys.”

8. Quokkas are nocturnal and spend most of the day sleeping and resting; so, their daytime activity is minimal.

9. An average adult quokka weighs 5.5 to 11 pounds and stands 16 to 21 inches tall.

10. Quokkas are herbivores and snack on a variety of leaves, stems, grasses and treebarks.


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