1 minute read
Editor’s Note
I can’t believe that half the year is passing us by. I find that times moves ever so swiftly more and more often. That is why I am saddened by the fact that people are still not making the connection as to our worldly state of affairs as it pertains to our health, destruction of our planet and the animal violence.
Every time someone chooses a vegan lifestyle/diet, that person is choosing a better future for us all. They are being the hero the world needs. The change the world needs.
The more I think about it, every institution that is not promoting a vegan plant-based diet, they are choosing violence. They are choosing to add to the destruction of the world. They are choosing to continue to make people ill. On the other hand, anyone supporting these entities is choosing to do the same. This is a very sad state of affairs.
On the other hand, we do have vegan individuals trying to educate and inspire others to understand why we choose veganism, and why they should too! I am one of those vegan voices.
I encourage everyone to do their part by advocating for veganism. Family, friends, co-workers, etc., should know why you are passionate about spreading the vegan message. Tell them you do it for the planet, Human-produced pollution is causing climate change that is dangerous now and will become much more dangerous in the future if we do not act. Tell them you do it for the animals, Let’s eliminate the suffering and killing of trillions of animals each year. Tell them you do it for human health, eating whole food plant-based vegan diet brings you amazing health benefits that include supporting cardiovascular health, controlling diabetes, reducing the risk of cancer, treating Parkinson’s disease, supporting bone health, slowing down aging process, and lowering hypertension. One of these (3) reasons can help others join us as well in this vegan journey.
We are making strides, but we need to go further and not lose our current momentum in order to succeed.
If you want to contact me, I’m here to help: (( heartnsole3@yahoo.com )).
Cook With Compassion & Eat Without Violence!!!
Livegan, Nancy