2 minute read

Where Do You Get Your Protein? 37

Let’s talk about your “animal-muscle protein ingestion.” Animal flesh protein usually comes with some vitamins and minerals but is devoid of fiber. Then there is plenty of unhealthy saturated fats and a diverse mixture of toxic and cancer-causing compounds in that flesh you consume. More bad news for flesh eaters, the animal flesh contains high amounts of phosphorus, and these can lead to kidney and bone mineral disorders; which can send the kidneys into overdrive for hours after ingestion. You can develop kidney disease. Animal flesh protein is harmful, not beneficial, for our health.

Animal flesh protein also results in us having higher circulating levels of trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO). TMAO is a substance that damages the lining of our vessels, creates inflammation, and accelerates the formation of cholesterol plaques in our blood vessels. Excess animal protein has been linked to some cancers, heart disease, osteoporosis and kidney damage.


A study of over 100,000 people has shown that eating unprocessed and processed red meat has been linked to a shorter lifespan. Eating one additional serving of unprocessed red meat each day increases your risk of death by 13%. Eating one additional serving of processed red meat increases your risk of death by 20%.

Where do I get my protein? From PLANTS!!! Plant protein comes together with fiber, antioxidants, complex carbs, beneficial phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals – a health-boosting package.

Plant protein is great for the heart. Substituting, plant protein for animal-flesh protein, decreases cholesterol and other fats in your blood, and helps to keep your blood vessels healthy.

Plant proteins, feed the good bacteria that have a positive effect on our health. Keeping your gut wall strong and healthy, leads to lower levels of body inflammation and a stronger immune system. Plant foods are the real “high quality” foods that we should be eating for optimal health… while animal flesh protein should be more appropriately labeled as………. “high risk. ” My plant-based protein diet includes:

• Protection against heart disease.

• Protection against cancer.

• Protection against stroke.

• Protection against type 2 diabetes.

So next time somebody asks you, vegan, “Where do you get your protein?”.......................................... you can answer, “From good and healthy sources. And, YOU…?”

For more information on nutrition visit:

Dr. Neal Barnard - https://www.pcrm.org/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI37vRpIGd-wIV_wutBh0nXAxyEAAYASAAEgLvB_D_BwE Dr. Joel Kahn - https://www.drjoelkahn.com/ Dr. Milton Mills - https://drmiltonmillsplantbasednation.com/ Dr. Michael Greger - https://nutritionfacts.org/

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