4 minute read
The End Of A Year, The Start Of A New Vegan Year
The title to this article was intended as an “attention getter” …not prophecy. I am not making a prediction, yet (that 2022 will be Earth’s first year of a Vegan-world, lived out, by a human majority); but I feel it coming.
December 31 will bring us to the end of this year, 2021. All the joy and grief of the past year, are over. So, I am in-contemplation, reminiscing, and getting set for 2022. What are you-all doing…?... I wonder.
Me… I live by the motto: “Be better than yesterday” (and with each new day, better than the day before, …right?). When joyous occasions come into my life, I appreciate them, savor them and then move-on-from them, just as I moved-to them… in the moment… not expecting to drag everything with me, from fear of “losing something” …I advocate ‘letting go of the past. ’ When strife strikes, I feel the emotions of the moment: fear, anger, stress, …and then I do my best to move beyond those moments and situations. Life is always in flux. It is constantly changing, just like our: tastes, likes and dislikes. It is just …a part of life. In my personal & mental Buddhist Box Of Philosopher Stones, there is one that reads, “Suffer what there is to suffer, enjoy what there is to enjoy. Regard both suffering and joy as facts of life. ” I live by this one, too. It is a constant reminder that, while eternity is permanent, objects have a ‘fleeting’ aspect, to their nature. Life experience, ebbs and flows.
When the year comes to an end, I set my intentions on letting go of those things that do not serve me, such as the attitude that there is anything of value to hold on to, except of course, the most sterling of human virtues. By dedicating-the-time to review my life, I have assisted myself, to navigate the rough terrains, my destiny has put in my path. I learned to do better. People and situations that I would have avoided (after first labeling them toxic) I now meet, gladly… bringing with me… something good for them… if it’s just a smile, on a non-judgmental glance. I am getting myself ready for a …revamped new year. In this revamped New Year, I am aligning myself with the first “Vegan-World Centennial” …whenever it comes. Positive, positive, positive.
If you are already vegan, …congratulations and appreciations …to you! If you are contemplating veganism …likewise, to you, and best wishes. If you are looking for suggested advocacy-opportunities, here are some ideas. View a movie that promotes veganism; share vegan information on social media\in person\with your family, co-workers, and friends; you might talk about the sentience of animals and how animals deserve to be happy, same as people; boycott non-vegan products (ceasing to buy products, that hurt animals, reduces the demand for the product, until the product goes out of commercial circulation); fight Climate Change (Climate change leads to food insecurity, poverty, and displacement. The UN states that- “Rearing animals for food production is one of the most significant contributors, to the most serious environmental problems: at every scale; from local to global.”). Be aware: there are systems that use, abuse, torture, and kill billions of innocent lives each year. Consumption and use of animals, involves unnecessary tortures, and will prevent Earth’s purity; thereby, Earth will be too dirty to sustain life. Eating animal flesh and ingesting all the animals’ sorrow, fear, and anguish into your body is toxic. Their stress hormones, will give you stress. Instead, …let Peace be on your plate.
If you value your health, and I hope you do, begin your vegan diet (…vegan, already?). Many diseases can be either controlled or eliminated, just by eating the food we are meant to eat …whole plant-based vegan food. There is plenty of evidence that shows: a vegan diet supports healthy living. As a vegan, you will avoid saturated fat (from meat, milk and eggs), and you'll be avoiding processed meat, which the World Health Organization has classified as a ‘cause of cancer.’ When you “go vegan” and feed your family the same, you are loving and caring for them, in the biggest way of all, …health. Health is essential to a happy, energetic, long, and productive life.
As we come to the end of this year, and begin anew, I see vegans… doing and being …awesome …making this a Vegan Living Year …and all years to come.
If you need assistance in staying the vegan course or becoming vegan, I am here to help and can be reach through my email, heartnsole3@yahoo.com
Other resources: www.sproutingcompassion.org https://heartnsolerevna.wordpress.com/ www.youtube.com/channel/UCvpCdG8W7_fm_JzwU_MBlSA www.linkedin.com/in/nancy-arenasⓥ-20467115/