5 minute read
Rowan St. Clair
Some winemakers and farmers around the world use animal products throughout their processes. Adding animal additives to the soil, clarification process, and packaging materials in efforts to produce quicker, cheaper, and more commercially attractive bottles of wine.
In these cases, antibiotics and chemicals leach their way from the soil into the grapes and eventually the wine. This adds the risk of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms making an appearance in your wine. World health leaders have described these antibiotic-resistant microorganisms as "nightmare bacteria" that "pose a catastrophic threat" to people in every country in the world.
Our winemaking partners, registered with our trademark are absolutely not following these standard practices. Vegan Wines trademarks seek and find grape-growers who practice veganic farming, and refrain from the above-mentioned practices. Our Vegan Wines team of experts have developed a system for investigating wineries practices from the soil to the glass, looking for animal products, by-products and involvement in any and all aspects of the production.
In today's world, protecting our environment, health, and supporting independent small business winemakers is key. When you are shopping for wine, you can be assured of the quality and taste of your Vegan Wine when you spot our trademark on the back of the bottle. Our wine club has exclusive partnerships with wines from all over the world and we bring them right to your door. Each season our sommeliers craft assortments of delicious vegan-friendly wines, ensuring high-quality wines made with conscientious winemaking processes. We source from lesser-known producers - many of these bottles you can't purchase in stores! Even better, we pair each of the wines in your delivery with a unique plant-based recipe, including sommelier tasting notes and information from the winery you are supporting.
Vegan Wines is excited to announce that we are now certifying other vegan wines on the market with our trademark. Our TradeMark is a vital tool for wine lovers who want to be sure of what they are drinking.
And if you are a wine-maker, and are curious about how to access our trademark for your bottles you can begin the application process at our website: veganwinestrademark.com
You can contact me: Rowan St. Clair Vegan Wine Expert Created A Wine Club For Like Minded Drinkers P (939) 545 0407 - E rowan@veganwines.com https://veganwines.com/ https://www.instagram.com/ myveganwines/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/ veganwines/ Our wholesale wine portfolio
“Being vegan is not a trend. It’s an awakening.”

Homo Ahimsa? What kind of animal is that? If we look in the mirror, we will see. It is our true nature. It has whispered to us for centuries, but today it is singing out loud. Ahimsa is the Sanskrit word for non-harm, universal love and compassion for all life. Ahimsa is the golden rule in action. Veganism is ahimsa in action. It is not just about eating plant-based food. It is doing the least harm and the most good in our actions, thoughts, and words.
I believe many of us are feeling some kind of awakening—an almost undefinable transformation happening within us. Bears and alligators did not devastate the earth. It was Homo Sapiens alone that caused this chaos. But the old paradigm of domination is dying, and we are here at this revolutionary moment to create a world of kindness, compassion and love.
Human beings have dreamed of such a world for centuries. But many people have not understood that as long as we wage endless war against trillions of animals, we ourselves cannot have peace. Will Tuttle, in his World Peace Diet explains how we have brought upon ourselves diseases, loss of freedom, wars, and toxins, because we have inflicted all these things on other species.
We are at a crossroads like no other in our history. If we do not act now to leave behind the violent ways of Homo Sapiens, more animals will perish, more forests will burn, more oceans will succumb to our toxic waste, and we ourselves will have great difficulty surviving in such a world.
How do we do this sacred work? Here are nine steps for this miraculous journey ahead:
1. Eat only plant-based food. Animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of nearly every environmental crisis, most human diseases, the sixth extinction, and the poisoning of our spiritual energy field which is now filled with the torture and death of trillions of animals.
2. Eat organically grown plants to eliminate the market for GMO’s, pesticides and herbicides. Look for fair-trade food that has not involved slave labor by monkeys or people.
3. Enjoy entertainment that is ethical, loving, respectful and lifts us up spiritually. Zoos, aquariums, circuses, rodeos, races and others are rooted in terrible suffering and domination.
4. Buy cruelty-free products that do no harm--no leather, silk, wool, animal parts or feathers. Buy fairtrade items to make sure we are not supporting human slavery.
5. Connect with people who care about the environment, world peace, poverty, homelessness, racism, domestic violence, human trafficking, etc. and help them see how releasing their own inner Homo (vegan) Ahimsa will immediately assist them in their noble quests.
6. We all need to do our inner spiritual work in whatever way works best. We have all been programmed with false ideas--that we are the dominator species, have the right to violate others, are innately violent and warlike predators, and that those above us have the right to dominate us. It takes loving patience with ourselves and spiritual discovery to shed these old ideas and discover our radiant, eternal selves.
7. Our prayers, intentions, visualizations and faith have immeasurable power to literally and finally shift the entire energy field of earth toward peace and nonviolence for all.
8. Listen to the animals and nature in whatever way draws us and makes our hearts sing.
9. Live in gratitude, awe and amazement, and feel the joy of knowing that we are--right now--creating a world of love, peace and freedom for all beings.

© Judy McCoy Carman, M.A., 2020 Author of Homo Ahimsa: Who we Really are and how we’re going to save the world
“World Peace begins in the kitchen.”