3 minute read
A Call To Action
What motivates some people… to serve animals: -by protecting them from slaughterhouses; -by keeping babies with their mothers; -by helping them to live free-ly in their natural habitat?
What motivates some people… to keep Earth clean, pre-serving all its precious gifts: -of trees; -and succulent fruits; -the mighty proteins, found in beans; -and fresh gentle breezes?
Need I go on? You know where I am going with this line of questions… if …you are a vegan advocate.
But, let us be clear, not all vegans are advocates.
Now, regarding all of you, who are carnivores… naturally, I would not expect you to become a vegan advocate… until you, first, became vegan… in lifestyle. So, here is my main point today: I am speaking to those who are vegan. But who have… not yet become… vegan advocates.
Therefore, if…. you…. are a Vegan, who does not advocate for Veganism, then…… you…… are the person, I wish to inspire.
Perhaps the surprise, here… regarding Vegan Advocacy, is this… that it’s not a boring… duty. Truly, it is something you want… just as you want: air to breath, food to eat, and happiness.
But, if you are not a Vegan Advocate, then you might be asking, “How? How is advocacy, something I want? For, if I wanted it, then I would be doing it.”
OOOO.Here is my chance to inspire.
And how would I do that? Well… not with hypnosis, voodoo or black-magic. I will not be trying to force anyone, to do my will… no. I must find something… truly inspiring… even though I know, neither, you… nor your personal persuasions.
Well, let’s start at the beginning. When you were born, someone… advocated for you… otherwise, you would be… let’s face it… you would be dead. Someone…fed you… handled your diapers… kept you warm & dry… saw you through high school.
On the other hand, maybe that happy story …got broken. Is that what you want to offer the world… disappointment, anger, and tears? If you feel this way, then you share something profound, with animals …a broken heart.
Humans are breaking animals’ hearts.
Now, before you go-thinking… that I’m tricking you… into a guilt-trip. And all the highways on that trip, will drive your guilty-feelings into advocacy… no. I have already said, “Vegan advocacy is not a boring… duty… of paybacks. It is joy. ” Something so grand as veganism, is not based upon… guilt or debt …certainly not.
If you want to know if something possesses the nature, that we might call divine …feed it. Serve it, in the same way… as you would begin a hike to Alaska… with the first small step.
Many people, coming to vegan-advocacy, for the first time… feel they should save the whole world, before the sun sets tonight. That is a daunting task. And may drain your battery, of life energy. Don’t break your back, or your bank account.
Do something small; yet, sincere. Then notice how your… personal satisfaction… glows a little brighter. And grows a bit higher… and higher… with each little deed… until a clear path opens to your intelligent-feelings. Then you may discover what I discovered. And, what is that?
As we have already said, newborn babies… get carried. And I am here to testify that… vegan advocates… get carried… into a miraculous purpose.
-- -- -- -Hopefully, it is your turn to act, now… even if that act, is to remember and consider, that inspiring words……… alone………… are not going to… pick you up… carry you to the bouncy-castle of happiness… and throw you in.
That dive is yours to make.