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Volunteers Sought By EverHeart Hospice

EverHeart Hospice is recruiting volunteers to help with patients in West Central Ohio There are many ways people can volunteer with Hospice, but they are especially in need of hairdressers and barbers, notaries, and Veterans to honor our Veteran patients

Other volunteer opportunities may be available depending on your area EverHeart Hospice cares for patients in Darke Mercer Van Wert Allen, Auglaize, Paulding, and Shelby counties

To learn more about how you can help EverHeart Hospice patients and their families, please call 800-417-7535 – Option 5 and ask for Volunteer Coordinator Beverly Baltes

EverHeart Hospice has a full-time staff that works tirelessly throughout the year, but EverHeart volunteers provide our organization with extra hands, love, and commitment in order to make sure that needs are met That’s how volunteers make a difference,” shared Baltes

EverHeart Hospice formerly State of the Heart Care is a nonprofit organization offering Hospice and Palliative Care provided wherever a patient calls home EverHeart Hospice has served patients and their families since 1981 They strive to honor each patient with trusted care, and volunteers are an important part of exceeding that goal

To learn more visit everhearthospice org and follow them on social media

WANTED: Someone to clean my home once a month 937-295-3122

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