IGNACIO CARDONA - Selected Works

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Al c al dí a Porbuenc a mi no

Gui del i nesf ort heUr banDevel opmentPl an Sucr e Par t i ci pat i ngCi t y

2013 Empl oyer:Muni ci pal i t yofSucr e Locat i on:Sucr eMuni ci pal i t y,Car acas Headmen:I gnaci oCar dona Team: Fr anci sco Paúl / Rodr i go Guer r a/ Al exandr a Pat y /ManuelLl or ens /Nor aedén Mor a/Adr i anaVi cent i ni/Yl siVásquez/Jesús Zambr ano /Ar l et hAr got e /Si món Modest o/ Mar co Tr ej o / Mar i ana Gi ménez / Jesús Bel mont e/Sant i agoRi zo/OscarRodr í guez Consul t ant s: I NVI H/ /I MAT / /I MAPSAS / / I ngeni er í a Muni ci pal/ /Cat ast r o/ /I AMDER / / Desar r ol l o Económi co / /FundaSucr e/ /I nTech Sol ut i ons.

mi x ed s ec ur e c r eat i v e

Devel opmentPl ander i vedf r om t hei deaofpar t i ci pat i onasameanofconst r uct i ngt heci t y.Al l t he par t i ci pant si nvol ved suggest ed t he t hr ee concept st hatdef i net hegui del i nest hatwi l lcompr i seSucr e’ sUr banDevel opment :Mi xt ur e,Secur i t yandCr eat i vi t y.Theai m oft hi spl ani st o cr eat e,notonl yt heshor tandl ongt er m goal s,but t hegover nment ali nst i t ut i onsandt hesoci alscenar i oi nwhi chci t i zenscanpar t i ci pat ei nt heconst r uct i onoft hei rpr ogr ess. Thi sur ban devel opmentpl an wasappr oached f r om t hr eest r at egi est hatcanbeexecut edi ndi f f er entmoment s:t hecr eat i onofPubl i cSpacesf or Par t i ci pat i on ( epp) ;t hei r connect i on t hr ough Ur banRewalAxes( er u) ;andt hei mpr ovementof sever alZonesf orSpeci alUr banPl ans( pue) . I naddi t i on,wedef i nedt hecr i t er i af ornewpubl i c spacesi nt hemuni ci pal i t y.Fi vecondi t i onswer e dr af t ed:accessi bi l i t ymechani sms,shadowcondi t i ons,ur banani mat i onequi pmentl evel , si dewal ks t r eat mentand t he l egalcondi t i ons t hat al l owapubl i cowner shi poft hel and.


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mechani smsf orpar t i ci pat i on

publ i ct r anspor tanal ysi s

publ i ct r anspor tproposal

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