374 4 – On Farm m Equipmeent Efficciency Imp provementt Resource Con nservationiist Plan nning Unitt: Each Rep porting Unit: No.
JJanuary,, 2011
PRACTIC CE DEFINIT TION g, replacing, or o retrofitting agricultural equipment e sy stems and/or related compponents or devvices Installing which results in an on--farm and/or off-site o reducttion in actual or potential eemissions of greenhouse ggases. PRACTIC CE PURPOS SE ns (on farm and/or off site)) from agricuultural system ms or componeents Reduce neet greenhousee gas emission by implem menting the reecommendations from on-ssite energy auudit.
PRACTIC CE INFORM MATION u exclusiveely for implem menting recom mmendations from on-farm m energy audiits. This practtice is to be used The practiice applies to any agricultu ural equipmen nt system, nonn-residential structure or thheir componeents that consu ume energy. Size the new, n replacem ment, or retroffit system and d related compponents or deevices approprriately to accomplissh its intended d task. Where req quired, certify y that the new w, replacemen nt, or retrofit ssystem and reelated componnents or devicces meet or ex xceed currenttly applicable Federal, Statte, and local sstandards andd guidelines. When insttalling a new system that is not a replaccement system m, the new syystem shall ressult in lower nnet greenhousse gas emissio ons than the most m common nly-installed cconventional system. This documen nt is not all inclusive and should nott be considered as the final rule for iimplementation. TThe Conservation Practice Standard, Practice Speccification and AR A Amendment 19 are e the official guidaance documents foor implementationn of this practice.
USDA iss an equal oppo ortunity providder and emplo oyer
JJanuary, 2011
Each Bulb
Bulb Rep placement
Replacem ment of conventional "Incan ndescent Ligh ht Bulbs" with "Dimmable L Light-Emitting g Diode (LED)) Bulbs". re etrofitting of lig ght fixtures is not necessarry. A typical sscenario is th he replacemen nt of one poultry house with 48 lights pe er house. LED D Bulb requirrements: Mini mum 10 Wattt, 6,000 Kelvin, Dimmable, Grow-out Bulb. Practic ce certification will be throu ugh receipts a and pictures ffrom the applicant. CAP $22,113.60
Heater Replacement R t
Each Heate er
Replacem ment of conventional "pancake" brood he eaters with "R Radiant Tube Heaters". A typical scena ario is the replac cement of one e poultry hous se from 28 "pa ancake" broo od heaters per house to 6 rradiant tube ed may need to be verified heaters pe er house. Th he number of radiant tube heaters h neede d by the field representative of the in ntegrator. Replacement will require the materials and labor for removal of old heaters and replumbing of gas lines s, cables and winch system m to retrofit ne ew radiant tub be heaters. Practice certification c will be through receipts and pictures from m the applican nt. CAP $10,800.00
Sealing House H witho out Drop Dow wn Ceiling
Eac h House
This scenario includes the interior sealing of the exterior wallss at the footerr plate, eaves, ridge cap, a and gable end ds. Sealing will w be perform med by sprayin ng the areas w with an appro oved sealant ffor poultry production n facilities. Sealant is not spray foam frrom a can. S ealant can on nly be perform med by a profession nal contractorr. Practice ap pproval will be e based on re eceipts and piictures provid ded by applica ant. CAP $3,200.00
Sealing House H with Drop D Down Ceiling C
Eac h House
This scenario includes the interior sealing of the exterior wallss at the footerr plate, eaves, and gable e ends. Sealing will w be perform med by sprayin ng the areas with w an appro oved sealant ffor poultry pro oduction facilities. Sealant is s not spray foa am from a ca an. Sealant ca an only be pe erformed by a professionall contractor. Practice approval a will be b based on receipts r and pictures p provi ded by appliccant. CAP $1,9 900.00
This documen nt is not all inclusive and should nott be considered as the final rule for iimplementation. TThe Conservation Practice Standard, Practice Speccification and AR A Amendment 19 are e the official guidaance documents foor implementationn of this practice.
USDA iss an equal oppo ortunity providder and emplo oyer
Insulation n Side Walls s
JJanuary, 2011
Each House e
A typical scenario s is the spraying off foam insulation on the inte of a poultry ho ouse erior of the exxterior walls o (minimum m 1/2") and the e spraying of Curtain area for the transi tion from side e Curtain ven ntilation to so olid side walls s (minimum 1""). A permanent exterior wall w must be in nstalled prior to adding inssulation. Exte erior wall can be b sheet meta al or other ma aterial that is equivalent e to the existing ssiding. Certificcation of pracctice will be thrrough receipts s and pictures s provided by the applicantt. This practi ce can only b be completed in conjunctio on with vent door d ventilatio on system eitther pre-existiing or new insstallation. CAP $5,8 800.00
Insulation n Attic
Each House H
A typical scenario s is the installation of a minimum m of 4" cellousse insulation in a finished a attic of one po oultry house . Certification C off this practice will be throug gh receipts an nd pictures prrovided by the e applicant. CAP $3,200.00
Ventilatio on Doors
Each Door D
A typical installation of 7" x 46" ventt doors along the side wallss below the e eve. A typical poultry house e will contain 50 0 vent doors per p house. Prractice certific cation will be through receipts and pictu ures provided by the applic cant. This com mponent will be b used in con njunction with h Vent Fans. CAP $3,6 600.00
Ventilatio on Fan
Each Fan F
A typical installation of Vent Fans. A typical poulttry house will have 8 fans installed per h house. Practice on will be thro ough receipts and pictures provided by tthe applicant.. This compon nent will be used certificatio in conjunc ction with Ven nt Doors. CAP $9,000.00
This documen nt is not all inclusive and should nott be considered as the final rule for iimplementation. TThe Conservation Practice Standard, Practice Speccification and AR A Amendment 19 are e the official guidaance documents foor implementationn of this practice.
USDA iss an equal oppo ortunity providder and emplo oyer
October, 20100
On‐Farrm Equipment Efficiency Im mprovem ments Practice C Components listed below aare available under Practicce Code 374. Before thesee components can be cost sh hared they must be include ed in an Energy Audit. Practice ccertification w will be approvved based on receipts and photos provided by the ap pplicant. NRC CS employee es are not to e enter and exaamine poultryy facilities beccause of health and securiity reasons. Available Componentss for Practice Code 374: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Bulb Replacem ment Heater replace ement Se ealing House without Drop p Down Ceilin ng Se ealing House with Drop Do own Ceiling In nsulating Side e Walls In nsulating Atticc Ventilation Do oors ns Ventilation Fan
BULB REP PLACEMENT Bulb replaacement is re emoval of low w efficient “Inccandescent” bulbs and rep placing with H High Energy Efficient LLight Emittingg‐Diode (LED) bulb. If any other type off bulb other than incandesscent is beingg used, thiss component cannot be used. The replaacement is a 1:1 ratio for eeach existing bulb. Retroffitting of the ligh ht socket or fiixture is not n necessary for this compon ent to be insttalled. The co ost of this component includes th he purchase o of the bulbs aand labor for tthe removal o of the old bullb and installaation of the new w bulb. A LED D bulb must p provide a min nimum of 10 w watts and be dimmable. “LLED Grow‐Ou ut Bulbs” are e available for this purpose e through varrious dealers.. The practicee payment cap (CAP) is calculated d for replacem ment of all bu ulbs in one typ pical poultry house. HEATER R REPLACEMEN NT Heater replacement is for the remo oval of low en nergy efficientt “pancake” b brood heaterss and the on of high‐ene ergy efficient “Radiant Tub be Heaters”. Heater replacement is no ot at a 1:1 ratiio. A installatio typical insstallation is fo or the removaal of 28 pancaake heaters aand installing 6 radiant tub be heaters. Th his component includes th he cost of the e purchase of the new hea ters and the labor to remo ove the old em and all plu umbing fixturres necessary. Consultatio on with the heaters and retrofit the winch syste This documen nt is not all inclusive and should nott be considered as the final rule for iimplementation. TThe Conservation Practice Standard, Practice Speccification and AR A Amendment 19 are e the official guidaance documents foor implementationn of this practice.
USDA iss an equal oppo ortunity providder and emplo oyer
integrator may be necessary by the applicant to make sure the proper BTU’s are provided. The Energy Audits should have a recommendation of the size and number of heaters to be installed. Heaters come in various sizes ranging from 30 foot to 50 foot. The practice payment cap (CAP) is calculated for retrofitting of one typical poultry house. SEALING HOUSE without DROP DOWN CEILING Sealing a house without a drop down ceiling is the process of applying a sealant on the interior of the house around each exterior joint, including the footer plate, eaves, ridge cap, and gable ends, to remove any voids that may be present. This component is to be applied to a poultry house that does not have a “finished” or “drop down ceiling”. Because of health issues of birds consuming the sealant, a professional contractor must apply the sealant that is approved for poultry house application. Two different types of sealant may be permitted, one at bird access level and one above bird access level. This component is not approved for “can foam application”. The practice payment cap (CAP) is calculated for the sealing of one typical poultry house that does not have a drop down ceiling. SEALING HOUSE WITH DROP DOWN CEILING Sealing a house with a drop down ceiling is the process of applying a sealant on the interior of the house around each exterior joint, including the footer plate, eaves, and gable ends, to remove any voids that may be present. This component is to be applied to a poultry house that has a “finished” or “drop down ceiling”. Because of health issues of birds consuming the sealant a professional contractor must apply the sealant that is approved for poultry house application. Two different types of sealant may be permitted, one at bird access level and one above bird access level. This component is not approved for “can foam application”. The practice payment cap (CAP) is calculated for the sealing of one typical poultry house with a drop down ceiling. INSULATING SIDE WALLS This component is the process of converting a poultry house with side curtain ventilation system to a poultry house with no side curtain ventilation. This component is to insulate existing side (hard) walls with a minimum of ½” spray foam insulation and applying a minimum of 1” spray foam insulation over the curtain areas to create solid side walls. This component must be installed by a professional. A special insulation must be applied to the lower wall that is approved for poultry house applications because of bird health issues from consuming the insulation material. Because of the removal of the side curtains, a new vent system must be in place that contains “vent doors” and adequate vent fans. The practice payment cap (CAP) is calculated for insulating one typical poultry house. INSULATING ATTIC This component is for adding insulation to the attic of a poultry house with a drop down (finished) ceiling. A minimum of 4” blown in insulation will be blown into the attic space of one poultry house. The practice payment cap (CAP) is calculated for insulating one typical poultry house attic. This document is not all inclusive and should not be considered as the final rule for implementation. The Conservation Practice Standard, Practice Specification and AR Amendment 19 are the official guidance documents for implementation of this practice.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer
VENTILATION DOORS This component is to be used in conjunction with “Insulating Side Wall” where the curtain ventilation system has been removed. A vent door measures 7” x 46”. Vent Doors are to be installed on the side walls up next to the eave. Also adequate vent fans must be installed to provide adequate air flow. The number and specifications of vent doors can be referenced from the Energy Audit. The practice payment cap (CAP) is calculated for installing 50 vent doors for one typical poultry house. VENTILATION FANS This component is to be used in conjunction with “Ventilation Doors” and “Insulating Side Walls”. A typical poultry house will have 8 vent fans installed to meet the required air flow for this type of vent system. The energy audit shall be referred to for the specific requirements for the proper sizing of fans. The practice payment cap (CAP) is calculated for retrofitting one typical poultry house with vent fans.
This document is not all inclusive and should not be considered as the final rule for implementation. The Conservation Practice Standard, Practice Specification and AR Amendment 19 are the official guidance documents for implementation of this practice.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer