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Arkansas Farm Bureau is hosting a T-shirt design contest with the theme "Breaking New Ground." Not only will the winning design be featured on a T-shirt, but the artist's name will also be highlighted at the 89th Annual Arkansas Farm Bureau Convention.

Young artists from freshman in high school to a senior in college are encouraged to participate.
Design Guidelines
• Must include agriculture theme.
• The ArFB logo will be placed on the front and the back of the Tee shirt, and can be added by the state office at a later date.
• Design must be one color.
• Digital Designs: Must be in high resolution and be submitted as a .jpg, png, .pdf, .ai or .psd file.
There is no entry fee to submit a design. Multiple designs per contestant are eligible for submission but must be entered separately. A parent, grandparent or guardian must submit designs for those under the age of 18. Those submitting designs must be an Arkansas Farm Bureau member.
To enter the contest, simply submit designs online by Oct. 1. Entries will be reviewed and a winner will be announced Oct. 10.
By submitting a design, entrants are agreeing to all contest rules and guidelines. For questions, please email autumn.wood@arfb.com.

Watermelon Day | The Farm Bureau Center celebrated watermelon day with watermelons courtesy of Hempstead Co. Farm Bureau. Agency Manager Reed Camp and his staff cut and served fresh melon to Federation and Insurance employees on the front lawn of the building.