Legislative Priorities for the 89 General Assembly
Oppose any reduction in agricultural sales tax exemptions.
Support funding for the University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture.
Support a sales tax exemption on energy for poultry and other animal facilities.
Support a coalition effort for a sales tax exemption on parts and repairs if farm equipment is included. (Current proposal does not include agricultural producers)
Support stiffer penalties and expanded enforcement for transporting live feral hogs.
Cooperate with other interested groups to amend the term limits law to lengthen the terms that legislators can serve.
Support additional restrictions on sale of non-ferrous metals.
Support increasing the timber tax by $.05 per acre and changing the name to "Timber Fire Suppression Fee".
Support amending Arkansas' brucellosis law to create the "Bovine Animal Health Program" and to set a maximum fee of $2 per head.
Support a statutory priority for agricultural water use, second only to human consumption.
Support additional funding for the Arkansas Veterinary Student Tuition Assistance Program.
Support a sales tax exemption for wrapping and binding materials used with agricultural equipment.
Support current structure of commodity checkoff programs.