Amdt ## 919 920
924 925
Purpose Sponsor Allows Indian tribes to participate in certain soil and water Cantwell conservation programs Clarifies access to broadband telecommunications Cantwell services on tribal trust land, trust allotted land, and non‐ Indian fee land within reservation boundaries Feinstein Establishes a pilot crop insurance program for specialty crops that allows coverage for food safety and quarantine issues Provides for the use of certain agreements authorized Barrasso/Udall/Heller Governors to provide certain watershed restoration and protection services on Federal Land Prohibits premium subsidies by the Federal government Feinstein/McCain for crop insurance for tobacco. CBO scores this as saving $333 million. Vitter/Inhofe/Coats Prohibits universal service support of commercial mobile service through the Lifeline program Reduces the loan rate for sugar to its 1985 level, repeals Shaheen/Toomey/Durbin and 14 others the requirment that 85% of sugar must come from the US and repeals the feedstock flexibility program
Establishes a pilot program for gigabit Internet projects in rural areas. Rural Americans will be left behind their fellow citizens if they are without affordable, high‐speed broadband service to tap into health care and educational services, government agencies and new business opportunities.
Gillibrand Authorizes USDA to recoup money from overpayments to be used to fund stricter enforcement of programs. Includes farmed shellfish as specialty crops so they are Gillibrand/Cowan/Blumenthal/Lautenber elibible for specialty crop block grants. They were eligible g until 2004 when the authority was stripped from the law.
932 933 934 935 936
938 939
Failed 44‐52
Failed 45‐54
Shaheen/Toomey/Durbin and 14 others Limits the level of premium subsidy provided by the government for crop insurance to $50,000 per person. Saves $3.4B and GAO says effects 22,245 producers. Prohibits amounts made available by the Patient Heller/Rubio/Inhofe/Vetter Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act from being transferred to the IRS for implementation of "Obamacare".
Vote ## Passed 87‐9
Reduces reimbursement for administrative expenses to companies that sell crop insruacne in order to eliminate the $4 billion cut in SNAP. Expresses the sense of the Senate on tax incentives for charitable contributions of wild game meat Establishes regional Seafood Marketing Boards to enhance ntaion seafood marketing efforts Prohibits the sale of genetically altered salmon in the U.S.
Gillibrand and 15 others
Provides a consistent definition of the term Indian tribe Requires annual release of the names, amounts of premium subsidies and amounts of indemnities paid to producers of crop insurance, livestock insurance or forestry insurance. In the past, EWG has received this information from RMA via FOIA, but RMA would not release the information in 2012. Provides housing for educators, public safety officers, and medical providers in rural areas with populations of 2500 to 10,000 Reauthorizes and modifies the membership of the Denali Commission Provide for the increased purchase of Kosher and Halal food for the TEFAP program
Begich Begich
Begich Begich Begich
Begich Gillibrand/Cowan
Failed 26‐70
Requires competitive research and grants on antimicrobial drug use in agriculture and antimicrobial resistance. This is duplicative of what AFBF is currently working on with FDA and USDA. If approved without mandatory funding as written, it would compete with NARMS for appropriations. We support the antimicrobial research but this language ties the hands of USDA in terms of what research they can conduct. Rather than seeking information, it is directed at a specific outcome.
941 942
Establishes an interim program to improve food safety Requires GAO to conduct an audit of the Public Health Human Resources System Requires GAO to submit a report to Congress on the effectiveness of the Federal Communications Commission's universal service reform Establishes a loss threshold for purpose of automatic reviews of crop insurance claims exceeding $50,000. The SRA now mandates a review when claims exceed $200,000. By establishing a threshold at a level significantly lower than RMA practice, this amendment slows delivery of indemnities to farmers and ranchers even after a claims adjuster has been on site to certify the loss. Clarifies eligibility criteria for agriculture irrigation assistance
Gillibrand Gillibrand
947 948
949 950
954 955
956 957
958 959 960 961 962 963
Terminates the Partnership for Nutrition Assistance Initiative between the United States and Mexico that promotes US nutrition assistance Requires the verification status to qualify for SNAP Changes SNAP to increase cuts from $ billion to $31 billion
Sessions Roberts/Thune
Eliminates the low‐income home energy assistance loophole from SNAP Eliminates duplicative employment and training programs from the supplemental nutrition assistance program
Amend the Controlled Substances Act to exclude industrial hemp from the definition of marijuana, and for other purposes Reduces crop insurance premium subsidy for any person with an average AGI n excess of $750,000 by 15% for all policies beyond CAT. CBO scores this amendment as saving $1.1 billion. While this reduces premium subsidies by 15%, it makes the cost of the premiums paid by farmers about 40% more expensive. The exact amendment passed last year 66‐33.
Reauthorizes the Denali Commission Prohibits the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) from being used for ethanol blender pumps or ethanol storage facilities Repeals the USDA catfish inspection program Provides for the California to be a separate Federal Milk Marketing Order upon the petition and approval of California dairy producers. Delays a decision on listing Lesser Prairie Chickens until March 2015. Relates to approval of retail food stores for SNAP. Repeals SNAP and establishes a state block grant program Allows states to opt out of participating in the RFS. Clarifies the chain of command in relation to appeals Rquires CFTC to investigate if any US participant in the energy futures or swaps markets has engaged in price‐ fixing or provided inaccurate information to a price reporting agency Require CFTC to ensure that price discovery for oil and gas accurately reflect supply and demand
Agreed to with modifications by Unanimous Consent
Failed 40‐58
Passed 59‐33
Begich McCain/Flake
McCain/Shaheen and 10 others Feinstein
Inhofe Inhofe Inhofe Inhofe Wicker Sanders
Failed 36‐60
966 967 968 969
970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978
979 980 981 982
983 984 985
986 987 988
989 990 991 992
Permits states to require that any food, beverage, or other edible product offered for sale have a label on indicating that the food, beverage, or other edible product contains a genetically engineered ingredient Restores funding for some energy programs Requires a downward adjustment of the volume of cellulosic and advanced biofuels under the RFS Removes the separate payment limitation for peanuts Establishes an Office of Competition and Fair Practices at USDA headed by a Special Counsel for Competition who is charged with analyzing mergers within the food and agricultural sectors in consultation with DOJ and FTC. In addition the Special Counsel would investigate and prosecute violations of the Packers and Stockyards Act.
Failed 27‐71.
Franken Corker/Manchin Grassley/Johnson (SD)/Brown/Enzi Grassley/Brown
Protects producers from having EPA release private Grassley/Donnelly information Requires a report on agricultural consolidation Tester Improves the Competitive, Special, and Facilities Research Tester Grant Act Tester Mandates at least 20% of the land in the CRP be enrolled in CREP, wetlands or buffer acreage. Allows traditional foods to be served at public facilities Begich that primarily serve Indians Establishes a coffee plant health initiative Hirono/Schatz Amends the Student Loan Affordability Act Reed/Harkin Requires USDA to conduct a soil amendment study Cowan Overturns the Farmer Assurance Provision that clarifies Merkley/Tester/Boxer/Blumenthal/Heinr ich USDA's authority to partially deregulate a biotechnology trait by introducing temporary stewardship requirements that allow farmers to continue to grow and harvest a crop that has previously been deemed safe and deregulated but is being challenged in court. Provides for a study on the economic impacts of extreme Sanders weather events and climate change Cowan Increases funding for the Senior Farmers Market Program Requires the reporting of alternative marketing arrangements in cattle markets Prohibits the use of formula pricing contracts between livestock producers and buyers and requires a firm base price to be established in the contract. Farm Bureau policy supports the rights of producers and packers to enter into formula pricing, grid pricing and other marketing arrangements and contract relationships. We have concerns about the equity of this amendment in applying only to larger packers while exempting certain processors and other buyers. Requires weekly price reports by USDA for calculating payment rates in the Livestock Indemnity Program Clarifies that seed shall not be considered to be a pesticide Amends AMP (target prices) to apply only to rice and peanuts. (Now other commodities are set at 55% of the 5 year moving average price) Improves microloan programs Requires FCIC to research and develop a crop insurance program for alfalfa Amend the Controlled Substances Act to allow a veterinarian to transport and dispense controlled substances in the usual course of veterinary practice outside of the registered location Modifes a workfare requirement waiver for SNAP Relates to quality control standards for the SNAP. Relaties to nutrition education and obesity prevention Provides access to grocery delivery for homebound seniors and individuals with disabilities eligible for SNAP
Enzi Enzi/Johnson (SD)/Tester
Enzi Fischer/Carper Thune/Grassley/Roberts/Johanns
Casey/Harkin Moran Moran/King
Thune/Roberts/Johanns Thune/Roberts/Johanns Thune/Roberts/Johanns Franken
Vote on Monday @ 5:30 pm
Prohibits packers, swine contractors, or live poultry dealers from taking retaliatory action in response to any lawful spoken or written expression, association, or action of a livestock producer, swine production contract grower, or poultry grower. This includes communication with officials of a Federal agency or Members of Congress. Retaliatory action means coercion, intimidation, or any other action carried out to achieve the disadvantage of any livestock producer, swine production contract grower, or poultry grower in the execution, termination, extension, or renewal of a contract involving livestock or poultry.
Requires the Interior Dept. to consult with USDA to identify private lands and Forest Service lands affected by any listing under the ESA. They must also prepare a report describing economic impacts of such listing on such lands and provide actual notice to affected landowners prior to designation of critical habitat. Also prohibits use as ‘best available science’ information stemming from trespass on private lands or aerial surveillance of private land without consent of the landowner.
Prevents discriminatory misconduct against taxpayers by Federal officers and employees, and for other purposes
Allows USDA to extend the term of a marketing assistance loan for up to 90 days if there is a major weather disaster.
Establishes a pilot crop insurance program for specialty crops that allows coverage for food safety and quarantine issues Establishes a pilot program for gigabit Internet projects in rural areas Limit the amount of premium subsidy provided by the government to a person with an average AGI in excess of $750,000, with a delayed application of the limitation until completion of a study on the effects of the limitation
998 999
1000 1001 1002 1003
1005 1006
1009 1010 1011
Allows states to carry out demonstration projects to limit purchases of junk food under SNAP Repeals the renaming of the Food Stamp Act of 1977 and the food stamp program Relates to the misuse of SNAP funds. Prohibits individuals and entities with seriously delinquent tax debt from receiving Federal farm subsidies Reduces crop insurance premium subsidy for any conservation program for a person with an average AGI in excess of $750,000 by 15% . Consolidates duplicative nutrition programs and directs the savings to food assistance Requires a certain percentage of funding for school lunches and food banks be specific commodities. Reduces block grant funding from $70 million to $55 million annually. Reduces funding for the market access program (MAP) to $160 million annually rather than the current $200 million. Requires the Rural Utilities Service at USDA to ensure that grants and loans to provide access to broadband telecommunications services in rural areas are made to rural areas that do not already have access to broadband. This prevents funding broadband projects for rural communities that are underserved areas. Prohibits the use of an EBT card issued under SNAP to obtain cash benefits Prohibits HHS from replacing the International Classification of Diseases in accordance with HIPAA Protects producers from having EPA release private information.
Leahy Coburn/Durbin/McCain
Coburn Coburn Coburn Coburn
Coburn/McCain Coburn
Coburn Coburn Grassley/Donnelly
1013 1014 1015
1016 1017 1018 1019
1023 1024 1025 1026
1028 1029 1030 1031
Strike a provision that requires funding reductions via the crop insurance Standard Reinsurance Agreement renegotiation be plowed back into the crop insurance program Prohibit Federal premium subsidies on "harvest price option" Federal crop insurance policies Reduce the share of crop insurance premiums paid by the Federal government Prohibits IRS from applying disproportionate scrutiny to applicants for tax‐exempt status based on ideology, and for other purposes Repeals the biomass crop assistance program Repeals the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) and the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Repeals the Forest Legacy Program Defines an ‘intrastate species’ as any plant, fish or wildlife found entirely within the borders of a single state and stipulates that such intrastate species shall (a) not be considered to be in interstate commerce; (b) not be subject to regulation under the ESA; or (c) subject to Federal regulatory authority based on the Commerce clause of the constitution. Provides that major rules of the executive branch shall have no force or effect unless a joint resolution of approval is enacted into law Repeals estate taxes on date of enactment and contains a $5 million gift tax exemption.
Authorizes states to allow qualified organizations to acquire, hold, and manage conservation easements for purposes of the Forest Legacy Program in the State Expresses the sense of Congress on fishery disaster assistance Clarifies that State‐recognized Indian tribes may participate in certain forestry programs Expresses the sense of the Senate concerning the labeling of genetically engineered foods Requires a report on the methods of labeling genetically engineered food in nations that require such labeling and the probable impacts of having differing State labeling laws in the absence of a Federal labeling standard with respect to genetically engineered food Directs USDA, in cooperation with Interior (DOI) and EPA, to carry out such activities determined appropriate to protect honey bees and other pollinators, including (but not limited to) formal guidance on proposed agency actions that threaten pollinator health, use of best available peer‐reviewed science regarding environmental and chemical stressors on pollinators, and regulator monitoring and reporting on the health of managed and native pollinators. Also directs feasibility studies to establish a new bee research lab and modernizing existing labs in consultation with commercial beekeepers and other stakeholders. .
Flake Flake Flake
Lee Lee Lee Lee
Cowan/14 cosponsors Boxer Boxer Boxer
Allows certain rural communities to maintain eligibility for Boxer Federal rural housing assistance Expresses the sense of the Senate that climate change Whitehouse adds risk to agriculture and related industries Requires a pilot program relating to operating loans to Whitehouse/Murkowski/Begich/Cowan commercial fisherman and shellfish farmers Authorizes the use of up to $5 million annually from the Hagan insurance fund to maintain program integrity and improve compliance opeartions in the crop insurance program. Provides for State memoranda of understanding regarding interstate shipment of State‐inspected poultry and meat items
Passed 94‐0
Requires a scientific and economic analysis of the implications of implementing the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act regulations– AFBF is currently reviewing these proposed rules and anticipates our comments will reflect that the data FDA has presented is incomplete in some areas and wrong in others.
Allows an owner of a poultry processing facility with a capacity of less than 20,000 birds, and which is operating at less than capacity, to enter into a lease or other arrangement with another person or entity. While providing economic benefit to the plant owner, this also appears to provide opportunity for cooperative or other producer‐driven ventures to control direct processing of their birds without the financial challenges of acquiring and maintaining the plant.
Provides authority for the creation of one‐stop Farm Business Centers to address impacts on producers and communities caused by USDA actions that closing county FSA offices with two or fewer full‐time employees. Requires USDA to consider the co‐location of FSA offices USDA agencies (such as NRCS). AFBF policy supports use of multiple criteria by USDA in office consolidation/closure decisions and supports “one‐ stop shopping” for USDA agencies.
Requires USDA to collect date on incidences in which SNAP beneficiaries are dropped from the rolls and must the reapply Reauthorizes and expands a pilot program for high‐ poverty schools Allows states to apply for an option under SNAP to allow applicant households consisting only of seniors to waive the interview requirement Prohibits the use of Federal funds to finalize the FDA proposed fresh produce rule that as written could negatively impact farmers throughout the country. On January 4, 2013, the FDA announced a proposed rule for growing, harvesting, packing and holding fresh produce on domestic and foreign farms. The proposed rule was issued pursuant to the Food Safety Modernization Act, which Congress passed in December 2010.
Requires USDA to eliminate the tariff‐rate quota for maple syrup and specialty syrups. This TRQ allows for importation at the in‐quota rate. Eliminates grants to states for maple syrup promotion and encourages tree planting. Clarifies that when FDA is considering a farm’s qualification for the exemption from requirements for produce safety and preventive controls, sales of food for animal consumption should not be considered. Appears to allow exemptions for agricultural operations selling commodities or byproducts directly for animal/livestock feed, which would be contrary to ensuring feed safety and work against efforts to protect animal agriculture against inadvertent introduction of biohazards into the feed supply and, by extension, the food supply.
1037 1038
1041 1042
Requires a study to determine the feasability of insuring commercial poultry production against business disruptions caused by integrator bankruptcies or other significant market disruptions. Requires USDA to use rural development program funds to provide grants to community land grant‐universities to carry out economic development initiatives (Land Grant‐ Mercedes)
Sanders Sanders
Enzi King
Udall (NM)/Heinrich
1046 1047 1048 1049 1050
1051 1052 1053
1056 1057
1059 1060 1061 1062
1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068
Strikes a requirement that agricultural producers and Udall (NM)/Heinrich landowners request a receipt for service or denial of service from certain USDA agencies Allows for alternative funding arrangements with certain Udall (NM)/Heinrich community irrigation associations Promotes the economic development of frontier Udall (NM)/Heinrich communities Udall (NM)/Heinrich Allows for alternative funding arrangements with certain community irrigation associations Revises a provision relating to water conservation or Udall (NM)/Heinrich irrigation efficiency practice Require GAO to submit a report to Congress on the Begich effectiveness of the Federal Communications Commission's universal service reform Improves a study on local food production and program Sessions evaluation Boozman Provides for issuance of rights‐of‐ways for rural water projects Require USDA to develop a system to track and report to Boozman Congress attorney fee payment information for all cases to which the Secretary or Department of Agriculture is a party Prohibits any state or subdivision of a state from Boozman exercising eminent domain over farm, ranch or forest land for the purpose of economic development within 7 years of exercising such power. Provides that a violation of this provision makes the state or subdivision ineligible for Federal economic development funds for a period of 2 fiscal years after the violation. Provides the Attorney General shall notify states of this provision and pertinent Federal programs and the Secretary of USDA to notify landowners of their rights. Provides a private right of action for landowners and payment of attorneys’ fees to successful plaintiffs. Increases mandatory funding for the socially Udall (NM)/Heinrich disadvantaged farmers and ranchers and veteran farmers and ranchers program Eliminates food stamp eligibility for convicted violent Vitter rapists, pedophiles, and murders Provides for a uniform national standard for the housing Feinstein/Collins/Blumenthal/Cantwell/ and treatment of egg‐laying hens, and for other purposes Merkley/Boxer/Cardin Expands the eligibility of Regional Conservation Partnership Program projects to include soil enhancement, reduce greenhouse gases, and resilience to catastrophic weather events. Appears to not have any binding requirements or precedent setting language in regards to other programs. Bans recruitment of individuals to the SNAP program. Repeals RFS Limits crop insurance premium subsidy to any person with an annual AGI exceeding $750,000. No study. Requires the Dept of the Treasury to pay each eligible county as defined in the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self‐Determination Act of 2000. AFBF policy supports this under our general provisions regarding management of federal lands. Establishes a pilot program to support work enhancing skills for SNAP. Repeals Federal gift and estate taxes after December 2013. Clarifies the definition of navigable waters. (AFBF challenges with ambiguity in the language) Permanently suspends price support authorities. (Terminates the 1938 and 1949 Acts) Prevents USDA and other government agencies from releasing producer information. Requires USDA to issue annual reports on the impact and interaction of ARC with other farm programs, including AMP, crop insurance policies, and SCO. By June 1, 2018, USDA must submit a summary report on these programs over crop years 2014 through 2017.
Vitter Barrasso/Toomey Coburn/Durbin/McCain Merkley/Wyden
Murray Paul Paul Paul Paul Johanns
Prohibits USDA from making payments to avoid compliance with an adverse WTO ruling. (would also end authority for USDA to make payments to the Brazil Cotton Institute as part of its deal to avoid retaliation for the US's noncompliance with the Brazil Cotton Case.)
1070 1071
Limits Categorical Eligibility for SNAP. Strikes the Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) program.
Thune/Johanns/Roberts Flake
Requires Secretary to recommend offsets for payments to Flake the Brazil Cotton Institute to settle the Brazil Cotton Case from payments to cotton producers. Strikes the Stacked Income Protection Plan (STAX) for Flake cotton. Vitter/Inhofe/Wicker Limits the maximum amount of ethanol to be belnded at 10 percent of the volume amount. Allow the fresh fruit and vegetable program to include Johnson (WI) dried, canned and frozen as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. Prohibits performance awards in the Senior Executive McCaskill/Coburn/Johnson (WI) Service of the Federal government during sequestration. Heinrich/Heller/Bennet/Udall (NM) Reathorizes the Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act which generates funding through the sale of BLM lands and then uses those funds to acquire priority lands from willing sellers within desginated BLM areas. Authorizes FEMA to award mitigation financial assistance Udall (CO)/Bennet in certain areas affected by wildfires. Coons/Johanns Vote on Monday Subject to appropriations, funding for local and regional @ 5:30 pm food aid procurement projects is increased from $40 million to $60 million. No mandatory money, just subject to appropriations. Provides for a research initiative for conventionally grown Tester crops to maintain non‐GMO seed varieties. Vitter Requires certification that funds used to build a wind turbine will not injure certain species. Certification of such already required so amendment may be an attempt to prevent wind energy. Clarifies the fire liability provisions for partners who are Flake/McCain/Udall participating in Stewardship Contracts with the Forest (CO)/Crapo/Risch/Baucu Service. Prohibits checkoff funds from being mandatory or Cruz compulsory Repeals the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Cruz Cruz Prohibits targeting of individuals or groups on the basis of idealogy or politcal affiliation. Allows states to deputize nonprofit organizations to Sanders conduct interviews for SNAP. Brown Adds a limiting factor in the Secretary’s authority to make broadband loans in underserved areas based on a determination that at least 25 percent of the households that could receive service, but are not purchasing the minimum level of service. Increases mandatory funding for value‐added producer Brown/Tester/Heinrich/Schatz/Gillibrand grants, B+I Loan Program, Community Food Programs and /Reed/Cowan/Wyden Farmers Market programs. Costs about $175 million but no offsets offered so we cannot support. Increases funding for emergency food assistance Brown/Cowan Brown Increases funding for a food program but repeals the mandatory funding authorization. Repeals permanent authority (the 1938 and 1949 Acts) McCain Eliminates AMP (target prices) and includes rice and Thune/Roberts/Johanns peanuts in ARC Leahy/Collins/Cowan Strikes the lower payment limits for organic producers within EQIP. This would ensure that producers who elect to apply for funding within the organic section of EQIP are subject to the same payment limitations as the rest of the EQIP program. Reduces AGI limitation for commodity programs from Brown/Johanns $750,000 to $500,000 Adds eligibility for SURE for producers that are prohibited Cardin/Boozman/Mikulski/Coons from replacing livestock due to Federal or state quarantine orders.
1073 1074 1075
1076 1077
1078 1079
1080 1081
1083 1084 1085 1086 1087
1089 1090 1091 1092 1093
1094 1095
1096 1097 1098 1099 1100
1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109
1110 1111
1113 1114
1116 1117 1118
Directs EPA to change the Spill Prevention, Control and Inhofe/Pryer/Fischer Countermeasure rule Protects producers from having EPA release private Grassley/Donnelly/Johanns information. Requires Congressional review of agency rulemaking in Boozman cases of negative effect on access to affordable food. Allows traditional food to be served at public facilities that Begich primarily serve Indians. Amends FIFRA and the Clean Water Act (CWA) to clarify Hagan/Crapo/Carper/Landrieu/Pryor/Do that CWA permits are not needed when a pesticide is nnelly/Vitter/Heitkamp/Coons/risch/Mc applied in accordance with the FIFRA‐approved label. Caskill/Fischer (Same language as HR 872 in last Congress.) Thune/Leahy Relates to special grants regarding highspeed broadband, but it is not clear how this benefits or limits the Rural Development authorities under the broadband program.
Requires AMP payment formula for all crops to be set at 55% of rolling 5 year average rather than a set price for rice and peanuts. Clarifies that pesticides regulated under FIFRA will not be required to obtain a duplicative permit under the Clean Water Act Establishes a special marketing loan quota for cotton.
Requires labeling of imported olive oil. Chambliss, Feinstein, Isakson Creates a pilot program for Forest Service large airtanker Chambliss, Bennet, Udall (CO), Crapo, and aerial asset firefighting Heinrich Relates to work requirements for SNAP. Lee Wicker Creates a pilot program on agricultural technology innovation partnerships. Authorizes the Rural Utilities Service to provide funding to Wicker/Vitter/Risch nonprofit organizations that provide small public water systems onsite technical assistance. Repeals the sugar program McCain Warner Requires that in order to receive a grant or loan for broadband, the grantee must provide USDA address‐level broadband buidout data that indicates the location of the new service. In addition, dairy already has a Title 1 program. Establishes a pilot dairy block grant program to be Schumer operated in a similar fashion to the specialty crop block grant program. Cost is $5 million but no offset is provided so we cannot support. Landrieu/Menendez/Gillibrand Delays implementation of the Flood Insurance Reform Act Establishes a pilot crop insurance program for specialty crops that allows coverage for food safety and quarantine issues Requires GAO to submit a report to Congress on FCC's Universal Service Reform and the impacts on consumers with regard to service and affordability. We support continuation of the Fund to maintain affordable communication services in rural America and this study would help provide Congress with information of the effectiveness of the Fund.
Increases funding for the senior farmers' market nutrition Cowan program Adopts a Sense of Congress regarding the National Flood Johnson(SD)/Crapo Insurance Act of 1968 Increases funding for the senior farmers' market nutrition Brown/Casey/Cowan/Gillibrand/Harkin/ program Heinrich/Reed/Schatz/Tester/Udall (NM)/Whitehouse/Wyden Expresses the sense of Congress that they should not Thune/Durbin/Roberts/Brown/Johanns/J establish any farm assistance program that includes high ohnson (SD)/Grassley/Donnelly fixed target prices or planting requirements, especially in combination. Johanns Requires the Chief Economist at USDA to study the impacts of the agriculture risk coverage program and other farm risk management programs
1125 1126 1127
1131 1132 1133 1134
1135 1136
1137 1138
1139 1140
Includes the procurement of certain mobile technologies as a priority in the farmers market and local food promotion program Requires EPA to exclude naturally occurring fluoride in drinking water and fluoride in dental health products from an aggregate exposure assessment of sulfuryl fluoride (SF). SF is a pest fumigant that EPA proposed to ban in 2011. Prohibits the use of the rural utilities service program for Broadband projects to those that only serve areas currently without broadband service. Maximizes USDA dollars through public/private loan partnerships. Beginning farmers can use joint financing ‐ USDA lends up to 50% of a loan and a private lender lends 50% or more. The interest rate is currently 4%, unlike the downpayment program which is 1.5%. This program it hasn’t been used because rates are too high. Raises the authorization level for guaranteed farm ownership loans $1.5 billion. Increases funding for the Livestock Gross Margin insurance program Prohibits universal service support of commercial mobile service through the Lifeline program and caps the aggregate level of support for the Lifeline program Requires USDA to consider wetlands delineated on maps between 1990‐96 and the average precipitation from 1971‐2000 in writing regulations Limits penalties for violations of converting wetlands and producing an agricultural commodity on converted wetland to the product of the number of acres times the average land rent. The penalty cannot be applied for more than three years. Prohibits EPA from requiring an operation that is not a CAFO to get an NPDES permit for "routine" agricultural discharges Provides for a study on the economic impacts of extreme weather events and climate change Establishes a National Drought Council Alters the definition of renewable biomass Requires that any corn sold to an ethanol production facility will not be eligible for any other payment or benefit Repeals the renewable fuel standard Requires any benefits resulting from the RFS and similar biofuel programs are calculated and attributed to producers for purposes of applying the adjusted gross income limitation Makes corn ethanol ineligible to qualify as a renewable fuel under the RFS beginning in 2016. Reduces the total targets as established in the RFS and beginning in Jan, 2022, it requires all applicable volumes under the RFS come from advanced biofuels. Makes corn ethanol ineligible to qualify as a renewable fuel under the RFS beginning in 2014. Makes corn ethanol ineligible to qualify as a renewable fuel under the RFS beginning in 2014. All remaining fuel category targets must be based on actual production when setting requirements for the following year. Prohibits gasoline with blends greater than 10% ethanol. Prohibits implementation or consideration of waivers for gasoline containing greater than 10% ethanol. Prohibits implementation of EPA’s ethanol misfueling rule. Requires USDA to conduct adequate regulatory flexibility analysis in order to protect small businesses during rulemaking process Weakens the wetland conservation compliance mandate on producers who purchase crop insurance including changing the compliance date from May 1, 2013 to date of enactment. Recognizes Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month.
Pryor Baldwin Vitter/Coats/Inhofe
Sanders/Whitehouse Harkin Murkowski Chambliss
Chambliss Chambliss
Chambliss Chambliss
Chambliss Chambliss